Ejemplo n.º 1
 function index()
     $pid = $_POST["compareid"];
     $mattessTid_t = fetch_array("select id from " . dbtable("product_type") . " where id='2' or upid='2'");
     $mattessType = array();
     foreach ($mattessTid_t as $row) {
         $mattessTid[] = $row["id"];
         $mattessType[$row["tid"]] = $row["tname"];
     $comtype = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("product_compare") . " where 1 and status=1 order by  displayorder desc, id asc");
     $data["comtype"] = $comtype;
     foreach ($pid as $row) {
         $res_one = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("product") . " where id='" . $row . "' ");
         if (in_array($res_one["tid"], $mattessTid)) {
             $resimage = fetch_one_array("select imgurl from " . dbtable("product_img") . " where pid='" . $row . "' and status='1' order by  displayorder limit 1");
             $res_one["compare"] = unserialize($res_one["compare"]);
             $res_one['com_imgurl'] = $resimage['imgurl'];
             $res[] = $res_one;
     $data["mattessType"] = $mattessType;
     $data["reslist"] = $res;
     $this->load->view('compare', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function index()
     //        $data['headpagemenu']=array(
     //            0=>array('name'=>'后台','link'=>"admin.php"),
     //            1=>array('name'=>'网站概况','link'=>""),
     //        );
     //        $data['headpagetitle']="网站概况";
     //        $data['menumod']="index";
     $product_tech = $this->config->item("product_tech");
     $res = array();
     foreach ($product_tech[4] as $key => $row) {
         $list = fetch_array("select p.* from " . dbtable("product_tech") . " t," . dbtable("product") . " p where t.pid=p.id and t.type='{$key}'");
         $res[$key] = $list;
     $data["list"] = $res;
     if (checkmobile()) {
         $this->load->view('mobile/safety', $data);
     } else {
         $data['tech_type'] = "4";
         $data['type_id'] = "4_1";
         $this->load->view('safety', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function index()
     $per_page = getgpc("per_page");
     $per_page = $per_page ? $per_page : 0;
     $pnum = 8;
     $list = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("englandstyle") . " where 1  and status=1 order by displayorder desc, id desc limit {$per_page},{$pnum}");
     foreach ($list as $key => $row) {
         $res[intval($key / 4)][] = $row;
     $count = fetch_one_array("select count(*) as num from " . dbtable("englandstyle") . " where 1  and status=1");
     $data['total_num'] = $count['num'];
     $data['per_page'] = $per_page + $pnum;
     $data['pnum'] = $pnum;
     $data["reslist"] = $res;
     $this->load->view('englandstyle', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function getclass()
     $gradeid = getgpc("gradeid");
     $classid = getgpc("classid");
     $res = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("class") . " where upid='" . $gradeid . "'");
     $str = '<option value="0">全部班级</option>';
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         if ($classid == $row['id']) {
             $add = " selected";
         } else {
             $add = "";
         $str .= '<option value="' . $row["id"] . '" ' . $add . '>' . $row["name"] . '</option>';
     echo $str;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function prize_no($no, $table, $no_sign)
    $tmp_year = date("Y");
    // $tmp_year=substr($tmp_year,4);
    // $tmp_month=date("m");
    // $tmp_date=date("d");
    // $rechar2 =$no_sign . $tmp_year . $tmp_month .$tmp_date;
    $rechar2 = $no_sign . $tmp_year;
    $count = fetch_one_array("select count(*) as num from " . dbtable($table) . " where left({$no},6)='{$rechar2}' order by substring({$no},7,5)+0 desc limit 1");
    if ($count['num'] > 0) {
        $sql = "select substring({$no},7,5) as no from " . dbtable($table) . " where left({$no},6)='{$rechar2}' order by substring({$no},7,5)+0 desc limit 1";
        $res = fetch_one_array($sql);
        $no1 = vsprintf("%04s", $res['no'] + 1);
    } else {
        $no1 = "0001";
    $rechar = $rechar2 . $no1;
    return $rechar;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function update_password()
     $username = getgpc("username");
     $old_password = getgpc("old_password");
     $new_password = getgpc("new_password");
     $new_password1 = getgpc("new_password1");
     $data = array();
     $md5salt = $this->config->item("md5salt");
     if ($username) {
         $res = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("admin_user") . " where username='******'");
         if (!$res) {
         } elseif ($res["password"] != md5($md5salt . $old_password)) {
     if (empty($old_password)) {
     if (empty($new_password)) {
     if (empty($new_password1)) {
     if ($old_password == $new_password) {
     if ($new_password != $new_password1) {
     } else {
         $updata['password'] = md5($md5salt . $new_password);
         dbupdate("admin_user", $updata, array('username' => $username));
         // echo" <script language='javascript'>this.close();alert('修改密码成功,请记住新密码哟!');</script>";
         alert("修改密码成功,请记住新密码哟!", "admin.php?mod=login");
     // $this->db->update('admin_user', $updata);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function chlogin()
     $adminname = getgpc("adminname");
     $adminpwd = getgpc("adminpwd");
     $chres = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("admin_user") . " where username='******'");
     if ($chres) {
         $md5salt = $this->config->item("md5salt");
         if ($chres["password"] == md5($md5salt . $adminpwd)) {
             $_SESSION['chadmin'] = 1;
             $_SESSION['admin_id'] = $chres['id'];
             $_SESSION['admin_utype'] = $chres['utype'];
             $_SESSION['admin_username'] = $chres['username'];
             $ip = convertip();
             $updata = array('uid' => $chres['id'], 'username' => $chres['username'], 'time' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'ip' => $ip['ip'], 'ipaddr' => $ip['addr']);
             $this->db->insert('admin_user_loginlog', $updata);
             alert("登录成功", "admin.php");
     alert("账号或者密码错误", "admin.php?mod=login");
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function index_url()
     $menuadd = array("name" => "英伦风尚", 'link' => "?mod=englandstyle&act=index_url");
     $data['headpagemenu'] = $this->createmenu($menuadd);
     $data['headpagetitle'] = "英伦风尚";
     $data['menumod'] = "product";
     $addsql = "";
     $keyword = getgpc("keyword");
     if ($keyword) {
         $addsql = " and title like '%" . $keyword . "%'";
     $count = fetch_one_array("select count(*) as num from " . dbtable("englandstyle_url") . " where 1 {$addsql} and status>=1 ");
     $per_page = getgpc("per_page");
     $per_page = $per_page ? $per_page : 0;
     $pnum = 20;
     $config['base_url'] = 'admin.php?mod=englandstyle&act=index_url&keyword=' . $keyword;
     $config['total_rows'] = $count["num"];
     $config['per_page'] = $pnum;
     $data["page"] = $this->pagination->create_links();
     $list = fetch_array("select *,date_format(gtime,'%Y-%m-%d') as import_date from " . dbtable("englandstyle_url") . " where 1 {$addsql} and status>=1 order by displayorder desc, id desc limit {$per_page},{$pnum} ");
     $data["reslist"] = $list;
     $this->load->view('englandstyle_index_url', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function shop_map()
     $id = intval($_GET["id"]);
     $sql = $this->db->query("select * from " . dbtable("shop") . " where id = '" . $id . "'");
     $res = $sql->row_array();
     $data["res"] = $res;
     $this->load->view('store_map', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 10
					<div class="prev_p"></div>
					<div class="next_p"></div>
				<img src="images/support/pic_support_2.jpg">
				<img src="images/support/pic_support_2_cover.jpg" class="movein_cover">
				<div class="re_banner">
					<div class="box">
						<ul class="relative_product">
foreach ($list["1_6"] as $row) {
    $resptrait = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("product_img") . " where pid='" . $row['id'] . "' and status='1'  order by  istop,displayorder,id limit 1");
								<li><a href="index.php?c=product&m=prolist&id=<?php 
    echo $row['id'];
"><img src="<?php 
    echo substr($resptrait['imgurl'], 0, 1) == "/" ? "." : "";
    echo $resptrait['imgurl'];
    echo $row['entitle'];
    echo $row['stitle'];
Ejemplo n.º 11
                echo "<TABLE CLASS=\"mail\" BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"1\">\n";
                echo " <TR><TH COLSPAN=3>User Filters for " . $id . "</TH></TR>\n";
                echo " <TR><TH>Filter</TH><TH>Active</TH><TH>Actions</TH></TR>\n";
                if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
                        echo " <TR><TD>" . $row->filter . "</TD><TD>" . $row->active . "</TD><TD>" . $row->actions . "</TD></TR>\n";
                echo " <TR><TD><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"filter\"></TD><TD><SELECT NAME=\"active\"><OPTION VALUE=\"Y\">Yes<OPTION VALUE=\"N\">No</SELECT></TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"new\" VALUE=\"true\"><INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Add\"></TD></TR>\n";
                echo "</TABLE><BR>\n";
                echo "</FORM>\n";
    $sql = "\nSELECT\n username AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(__('username12')) . "',\n fullname AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(__('fullname12')) . "',\n CASE\n  WHEN type = 'A' THEN 'Administrator'\n  WHEN type = 'D' THEN 'Domain Administrator'\n  WHEN type = 'U' THEN 'User'\n  WHEN type = 'R' THEN 'User (Regexp)'\n ELSE\n  'Unknown Type'\n END AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(__('type12')) . "',\n CASE\n  WHEN noscan = 1 THEN 'N'\n  WHEN noscan = 0 THEN 'Y'\n ELSE\n  'Y'\n END AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(__('spamcheck12')) . "',\n  spamscore AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(__('spamscore12')) . "',\n  highspamscore AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(__('spamhscore12')) . "',\n CONCAT('<a href=\"?action=edit&amp;id=',username,'\">" . mysql_real_escape_string(__('edit12')) . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"javascript:delete_user(\\'',username,'\\')\">" . mysql_real_escape_string(__('delete12')) . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"?action=filters&amp;id=',username,'\">" . mysql_real_escape_string(__('filters12')) . "</a>') AS '" . mysql_real_escape_string(__('action12')) . "'\nFROM\n users\nORDER BY\n username\n";
    dbtable($sql, __('usermgnt12'));
    echo "<br>\n";
    echo "<a href=\"?action=new\">" . __('newuser12') . "</a>\n";
} else {
    if (!isset($_GET['submit'])) {
        $sql = "SELECT username, fullname, type, quarantine_report, spamscore, highspamscore, noscan, quarantine_rcpt FROM users WHERE username='******'myusername']) . "'";
        $result = dbquery($sql);
        $row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
        $quarantine_report = '';
        if ($row->quarantine_report == 1) {
            $quarantine_report = "CHECKED";
        if ($row->noscan == 0) {
            $noscan = "CHECKED";
        $s[$row->type] = "SELECTED";
Ejemplo n.º 12
 function get_englandstyle()
     $per_page = getgpc("per_page");
     $pnum = getgpc("pnum");
     $count = fetch_one_array("select count(*) as num from " . dbtable("englandstyle") . " where 1  and status=1");
     $list = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("englandstyle") . " where 1  and status=1 order by displayorder desc, id desc limit {$per_page},{$pnum}");
     foreach ($list as $key => $row) {
         $res[intval($key / 4)][] = $row;
     $str = '';
     $span_id = "#like_num_";
     if ($res) {
         foreach ($res as $key => $row) {
             foreach ($row as $trow) {
                 $str .= '<ul>';
                 $str .= '<li>';
                 $str .= '<a onclick="btnlike(' . $trow['id'] . ')"><img src="' . $trow['simgurl'] . '"></a>';
                 $str .= '<a class="title" onclick="btnlike(' . $trow['id'] . ')">' . $trow['title'] . '</a>';
                 $str .= '<p>' . nl2br($trow['intr']) . '</p>';
                 $str .= '<div>';
                 $str .= '<p class="date">' . $trow['showtime'] . '<a  class="btn_like" onclick=like(' . $trow['id'] . ',"' . $span_id . '")" ><span id="like_num_' . $trow["id"] . '">' . $trow['lovenum'] . '</span></a></p>';
                 $str .= '</div>';
                 $str .= '</li>';
                 $str .= '</ul>';
         $next_page = $per_page + $pnum;
         $str .= '<script>';
         $str .= '$("#per_page").val(' . $next_page . ')';
         // $str .='findbranch('.$list[0]["log"].','.$list[0]['lat'].',"'.$list[0]['tname'].'","'.$addr0.'")';
         $str .= '</script>';
     echo $str;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function contentdel()
     $id = intval(getgpc("id"));
     $ch = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("employment_content") . " where id='" . $id . "'");
     if ($ch) {
         $this->db->where('id', $id);
         $this->db->update('employment_content', array('status' => 0));
         alert("删除成功", "");
     alert("删除失败", "");
Ejemplo n.º 14
 function update()
     //	 	$res1=fetch_one_array("select * from ".dbtable("prize")." where prize_value='5' and tel!='' order by gtime desc limit 1");
     //		$now_date=time();
     //	 	$prize_date=strtotime($res1['gtime']);
     //		$sign1=false;
     //		if($now_date-$prize_date>86400*3)
     //		{
     //			$sign1=true;
     //	 	}
     //	$this_date=date("Y-m-d");
     // 	$prizenum5=fetch_one_array("select count(*) as num from ".dbtable("prize")." where prize_value='4' and tel!='' and prize_date='$this_date'");
     //	$sign5=false;
     // 	if($prizenum5['num']<=20)
     // 	{
     //		$sign5=true;
     // 	}
     $list = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("prize") . " where status='0' and prize_no='SL201410000'");
     foreach ($list as $row) {
         $id = $row['id'];
         $prize_no = prize_no("prize_no", "prize", "SL");
         dbupdate("prize", array("prize_no" => $prize_no), "id ='" . $id . "'");
         echo "ID:", $id, "中奖代码:", $prize_no, "<br>";
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function areadel()
     $id = intval(getgpc("id"));
     $ch = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("joininfo_area") . " where id='" . $id . "'");
     if ($ch) {
         $this->db->where('id', $id);
         $this->db->update('joininfo_area', array('status' => 0));
         alert("删除成功", "");
     alert("删除失败", "");
Ejemplo n.º 16
function sel_product($section_value)
    $restype = fetch_array("select id from " . dbtable("product_type") . " where upid='2'");
    $type_id = "";
    $where = "";
    foreach ($restype as $key => $row) {
        if ($key != 0) {
            $type_id .= ",";
        $type_id .= "'" . $row['id'] . "'";
    $where .= " tid in ({$type_id}) ";
    $respro = fetch_array("select stitle from " . dbtable("product") . " where " . $where . " and status=1 ");
    $all_pro = array();
    foreach ($respro as $row) {
        $all_pro[] = $row['stitle'];
    $result[0] = array("1" => $all_pro, "2" => array("经典A-B保背健", "经典超级保背健", "经典豪华保背健", "经典呵背", "温度智慧 I 1200", "温度智慧 I 1600", "温度智慧 II 1200", "温度智慧 II 1600", "皇家蓝宝石", "皇家红宝石", "皇家绿宝石", "皇家金钻石", "皇家皇冠", "传家宝", "帝冠"), "3" => array("满天星", "彩虹桥"), "4" => array("经典薄款保背健", "经典保背健", "经典A-B保背健", "经典超级保背健", "经典豪华保背健", "温度智慧 I 1200"));
    $result[1] = array("1" => array("满天星", "彩虹桥"), "2" => array("满天星", "彩虹桥"), "3" => array("经典超级保背健", "经典豪华保背健", "经典呵背", "温度智慧 I 1600", "温度智慧 II 1600", "皇家红宝石", "皇家金钻石"), "4" => array("经典超级保背健", "经典豪华保背健", "经典呵背", "温度智慧 I 1600", "温度智慧 II 1600", "皇家金钻石", "皇家皇冠", "传家宝", "帝冠"), "5" => array("经典A-B保背健", "经典超级保背健", "经典豪华保背健", "温度智慧 I 1200", "温度智慧 II 1200", "皇家蓝宝石", "皇家红宝石", "皇家绿宝石", "皇家皇冠", "帝冠"), "6" => array("经典薄款保背健", "经典保背健", "经典A-B保背健", "温度智慧 I 1200", "温度智慧 II 1200", "皇家蓝宝石", "皇家红宝石", "皇家绿宝石"), "7" => array("经典薄款保背健", "经典保背健", "经典A-B保背健", "温度智慧 I 1200", "温度智慧 II 1200", "皇家蓝宝石", "皇家红宝石", "皇家绿宝石"), "8" => array("经典薄款保背健", "经典保背健", "经典A-B保背健", "温度智慧 I 1200", "温度智慧 II 1200", "皇家蓝宝石", "皇家红宝石", "皇家绿宝石"));
    $result[2] = array("1" => array("经典超级保背健", "经典呵背", "温度智慧 I 1600", "温度智慧 II 1600", "皇家金钻石", "皇家皇冠", "传家宝"), "2" => $all_pro, "3" => $all_pro, "4" => array("经典A-B保背健", "经典豪华保背健", "温度智慧 I 1200", "温度智慧 II 1200", "皇家蓝宝石", "皇家红宝石", "皇家绿宝石", "帝冠"));
    $result[3] = array("1" => array("经典超级保背健", "经典呵背", "温度智慧 I 1600", "温度智慧 II 1600", "皇家金钻石", "传家宝"), "2" => array("温度智慧 II 1600", "皇家金钻石", "传家宝"), "3" => array("经典薄款保背健", "经典保背健", "经典A-B保背健", "温度智慧 I 1200", "温度智慧 II 1200", "皇家蓝宝石", "皇家绿宝石"), "4" => array("经典超级保背健", "经典呵背", "温度智慧 I 1600", "温度智慧 II 1600", "皇家皇冠", "皇家红宝石"), "5" => array("经典A-B保背健", "经典豪华保背健", "温度智慧 I 1200", "温度智慧 II 1200", "皇家红宝石", "帝冠"));
    $result[4] = array("1" => $all_pro, "2" => array("经典豪华保背健", "经典呵背", "温度智慧 I 1600", "温度智慧 II 1600", "皇家金钻石", "皇家皇冠", "传家宝"), "3" => $all_pro, "4" => array("经典呵背", "温度智慧 II 1600", "皇家皇冠", "帝冠"));
    $result[5] = array("1" => array("经典豪华保背健", "经典呵背", "温度智慧 II 1600", "皇家红宝石", "皇家皇冠", "帝冠"), "2" => array("经典A-B保背健", "经典豪华保背健", "温度智慧 II 1200", "皇家蓝宝石", "皇家红宝石", "皇家皇冠"), "3" => array("温度智慧 I 1200", "温度智慧 I 1600", "温度智慧 II 1200", "温度智慧 II 1600"), "4" => array("经典豪华保背健", "经典呵背", "温度智慧 I 1200", "温度智慧 I 1600", "温度智慧 II 1200", "温度智慧 II 1600", "皇家蓝宝石", "皇家红宝石", "皇家绿宝石", "皇家金钻石", "皇家皇冠", "传家宝", "帝冠"), "5" => array("温度智慧 I 1200", "温度智慧 I 1600", "温度智慧 II 1200", "温度智慧 II 1600", "皇家蓝宝石", "皇家红宝石", "皇家绿宝石", "皇家皇冠", "传家宝", "帝冠"));
    $sel_value = explode(",", $section_value);
    // $re_result=$all_pro;
    $re_result = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($sel_value); $i++) {
        $sel_result = $sel_value[$i];
        if ($sel_value[0] == "3" or count($sel_value) > 1 and ($sel_value[1] == "1" or $sel_value[1] == "2")) {
            $re_value = array("status" => 2, "data" => '"满天星","彩虹桥"');
            return $re_value;
        } else {
            $re_result = array_merge($re_result, $result[$i][$sel_result]);
            // $re_result=arr_re($re_result,$result[$i][$sel_result]);
            //				if($result[$i][$sel_result]=="all")
            //				{
            //					$re_value=array(
            //						"status"=>1
            //					);
            //					return $re_value;
            //				}else{
            //				}
    $array1 = array_count_values($re_result);
    $re_sort = arr_sort($array1);
    $re_char = arr_char($re_sort);
    $re_value = array("status" => 2, "data" => $re_char);
    return $re_value;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 function result()
     $section_value = $_POST['section_value'];
     if (empty($section_value)) {
     $re_value = sel_product($section_value);
     $if_value = $re_value['data'];
     if (empty($if_value)) {
     $where = "";
     if ($re_value['status'] == "1") {
         $restype = fetch_array("select id from " . dbtable("product_type") . " where upid='2'");
         $type_id = "";
         foreach ($restype as $key => $row) {
             if ($key != 0) {
                 $type_id .= ",";
             $type_id .= "'" . $row['id'] . "'";
         $where .= " p.tid in ({$type_id}) ";
     } else {
         $if_value = $re_value['data'];
         $where .= " p.stitle in ({$if_value})";
     //		$sel_value=explode(",",$section_value);
     //		$pro_name[1]='"经典超级保背健","经典呵背","温度智慧 I 1600","温度智慧 II 1600","皇家皇冠","皇家红宝石"';
     //		$image[1]=array("jdcjbbj.jpg","jdkb.jpg","wdzh1600.jpg","wdzh2600.jpg","hjhg.jpg","hjhbs.jpg");
     //		$pro_name[2]='"经典A-B保背健","经典豪华保背健","温度智慧 I 1200","温度智慧 II 1200","皇家红宝石","帝冠"';
     //		$image[2]=array("jdab.jpg","jdahbbj.jpg","wdzh1200.jpg","wdzh2200.jpg","hjhbs.jpg","dg.jpg");
     //		$pro_name[3]='"经典超级保背健","经典呵背","温度智慧 I 1600","温度智慧 II 1600","皇家金钻石","传家宝"';
     //		$image[3]=array("jdcjbbj.jpg","jdhb.jpg","wdzh1600.jpg","wdzh2600.jpg","hjjzs.jpg","cjb.jpg");
     //		$pro_name[4]='"温度智慧 II 1600","皇家金钻石","传家宝"';
     //		$image[3]=array("wdzh2600.jpg","hjjzs.jpg","cjb.jpg");
     //		$pro_name[5]='"经典薄款保背健","经典保背健","经典A-B保背健","温度智慧 I 1200","温度智慧 II 1200","皇家蓝宝石","皇家绿宝石"';
     //		$image[3]=array("jdpkbbj.jpg","jdbb.jpg","jdab.jpg","wdzh1200.jpg","wdzh2200.jpg","hjlbs.jpg","hjlbs.jpg",);
     // * 搜索产品的结果只按第四题目的选择进行产品筛选
     // * 1表示羽毛,2表示棉花,3表示木头,4表示沙滩,5表示草地
     // */
     //		switch($sel_value['3'])
     //		{
     //			case "1":
     //			case "2":
     //			case "3":
     //			case "4":
     //			case "5":
     //				$key=$sel_value[3];
     //			    $res=fetch_array("select p.*,t.tname from ".dbtable("product")." p ,".dbtable("product_type")." t where p.tid=t.id and p.stitle in (".$where.") and p.status=1 order by t.displayorder");
     //				foreach($res as $key=>$row)
     //				{
     //					$pid=$row['id'];
     //					$resimage=fetch_one_array("select imgurl from ".dbtable("product_img")." where pid='".$pid."' and status='1' order by  displayorder limit 1");
     //					$res[$key]['imgurl']=$resimage['imgurl'];
     //				}
     //				$data['res']=$res;
     //			break;
     //		}
     //		$pro_data=array();
     //		$key=0;
     //		for($i=0;$i<count($if_value);$i++)
     //		{
     //			$where ="p.stitle='".$if_value[$i]."'";
     //			$res=fetch_one_array("select p.*,t.tname from ".dbtable("product")." p ,".dbtable("product_type")." t where p.tid=t.id and ".$where." and p.status=1 order by t.displayorder");
     //			if(!empty($res['id']))
     //			{
     //				$pid=$res['id'];
     //				$pro_data[$key]=$res;
     //				$resimage=fetch_one_array("select imgurl from ".dbtable("product_img")." where pid='".$pid."' and status='1' order by  displayorder limit 1");
     //				$pro_data[$key]['imgurl']=$resimage['imgurl'];
     //				$key++;
     //			}
     //		}
     $res = fetch_array("select p.*,t.tname from " . dbtable("product") . " p ," . dbtable("product_type") . " t where p.tid=t.id and (" . $where . ") and p.status=1 order by t.displayorder");
     foreach ($res as $key => $row) {
         $pid = $row['id'];
         $resimage = fetch_one_array("select imgurl from " . dbtable("product_img") . " where pid='" . $pid . "' and status='1' order by  displayorder limit 1");
         $res[$key]['imgurl'] = $resimage['imgurl'];
     $data['res_list'] = $res;
     if (checkmobile()) {
         $this->load->view('mobile/selection_result', $data);
     } else {
         $this->load->view('selection_result', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function iskv()
     $id = intval(getgpc("id"));
     $istop_value = intval(getgpc("iskv_value"));
     $ch = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("news") . " where id='" . $id . "'");
     if ($ch) {
         $this->db->where('id', $id);
         $this->db->update('news', array('iskv' => $istop_value));
         // DB::update("news",array('status'=>0)," id='".$id."'");
         if ($istop_value == "1") {
             $upsql = "update " . dbtable("news") . " set iskv='0' where id!='" . $id . "'";
             alert("KV显示成功", "");
         } else {
             alert("取消KV显示成功", "");
     alert("操作失败", "");
Ejemplo n.º 19
 function faq()
     $list = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("faq") . " where status=1 and reply_sign='2' order by displayorder desc, id desc ");
     $data["reslist"] = $list;
     if (checkmobile()) {
         $this->load->view('mobile/faq', $data);
     } else {
         $this->load->view('faq', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 function updateuser()
     $mongo = getMyMongodb();
     $list = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("user") . " where 1");
     foreach ($list as $row) {
         $ch = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("user_info") . " where uid='" . $row['id'] . "'");
         if (!$ch) {
             $indata = array('uid' => $row['id']);
             $this->db->insert('user_info', $indata);
         $ch = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("user_set") . " where uid='" . $row['id'] . "'");
         if (!$ch) {
             $this->db->insert('user_set', array('uid' => $row['id']));
                                 s.id AS 'sid',
                                 s.`name` AS 'sname',
                                 g.id AS 'gid',
                                 g.`name` AS 'gname',
                                 c.id AS 'cid',
                                 c.`name` AS 'cname'
                                 isc_school s,
                                 isc_grade g,
                                 isc_class c
                                 s.id = g.upid
                             AND g.id = c.upid");
                     foreach($chc as $row){
                         $ch=fetch_one_array("select * from ".dbtable("chat_group")." where classid='".$row["cid"]."'");
                                 'gtime'=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
                             $this->db->insert('chat_group', $indata) ;
                                                 isc_user u,
                                                 isc_user_info i,
                                                 isc_child_info c
                                             u.id =i.uid and
                                                 c.classid = '".$gid."'
                                             AND(i.uid = c.mid OR i.uid = c.pid)
                                             ORDER BY
                                                 i.uid ASC");
                         foreach($ulist as $u){
                             $ch=fetch_one_array("select * from ".dbtable("chat_group_member")." where gid='".$gid."' and uid='".$u['id']."'");
                                     'gtime'=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
                                 $this->db->insert('chat_group_member', $indata_m) ;
                                 $this->db->query("update ".dbtable("chat_group")." set pnum=pnum+1 where id='".$gid."'");
         // 更新消息表
         $mongo->insert("userMessages", array("userid" => $row['id'], "user_token" => $row['user_token']));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
// Include of necessary functions
require_once __DIR__ . '/functions.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/filter.inc';
// Authentication checking
require __DIR__ . '/login.function.php';
// If the user isn't an administrator to send them back to the main page
if ($_SESSION['user_type'] != 'A') {
    header("Location: index.php");
} else {
    // add the header information such as the logo, search, menu, ....
    $filter = html_start("Audit Log", 0, false, true);
    // SQL query for the audit log
    $sql = "\n SELECT\n  DATE_FORMAT(a.timestamp,'" . DATE_FORMAT . " " . TIME_FORMAT . "') AS 'Date/Time',\n  b.fullname AS 'User',\n  a.ip_address AS 'IP Address',\n  a.action AS 'Action'\n FROM\n  audit_log a,\n  users b\n WHERE\n  a.user=b.username\n AND\n  1=1\n" . $filter->CreateMtalogSQL() . "\n ORDER BY timestamp DESC";
    echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
 <tr><td align="center"><img src="' . IMAGES_DIR . MS_LOGO . '" alt="MailScanner Logo"></td></tr>
 <tr><td>' . "\n";
    // Function to to query and display the data
    dbtable($sql, "Audit Log", true);
    // close off the table
    echo '</td></tr>
      </table>' . "\n";
    // Add footer
    // Close any open db connections
Ejemplo n.º 22
 function prolist()
     $id = getGP('id');
     $res = fetch_one_array("select p.*,t.tname,t.upid from " . dbtable("product") . " p ," . dbtable("product_type") . " t where p.tid=t.id and p.id='{$id}' and p.status=1 ");
     $mattessTid_t = fetch_array("select id from " . dbtable("product_type") . " where id='2' or upid='2'");
     foreach ($mattessTid_t as $row) {
         $mattessTid[] = $row["id"];
     $hardness = $res['hardness'] * 20 - 10;
     $hardness = $hardness < 0 ? 10 : $hardness;
     $data['hardness'] = $hardness;
     $data['res'] = $res;
     $resimage = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("product_img") . " where pid='" . $id . "' and status=1 and status='1'");
     $data['resimage'] = $resimage;
     $resptrait = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("product_ptrait") . " where pid='" . $id . "'   and status=1 order by  displayorder");
     $data['resptrait'] = $resptrait;
     $ptraitlist = array();
     foreach ($resptrait as $row) {
         $title = $row['title'];
         $ptraitlist[$title] = $row;
     $data['ptraitlist'] = $ptraitlist;
     $tid = $res['tid'];
     $respro_query = $this->db->select('imgurl,title,id,entitle,stitle')->from('web_product')->where("`tid` = '{$tid}' and `id` != '{$id}'")->get();
     $respro = $respro_query->result_array();
     $respro = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("product") . " where tid='" . $res['tid'] . "' and status='1' and id not in ({$id}) order by  id");
     foreach ($respro as $key => $row) {
         $pid = $row['id'];
         $resimage = fetch_one_array("select imgurl from " . dbtable("product_img") . " where pid='" . $pid . "' and status='1' order by  displayorder limit 1");
         $respro[$key]['imgurl'] = $resimage['imgurl'];
     $data['prodata'] = $respro;
     $data["mattessTid"] = $mattessTid;
     if (checkmobile()) {
         $indexpushres = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("indexpush_type") . "");
         $index_data = array();
         foreach ($indexpushres as $row) {
             $tid = $row['id'];
             $pushres = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("indexpush") . " where tid='" . $tid . "' and status='1' and type='2' order by istop desc ,displayorder ");
             $index_data[$tid] = $pushres;
         $data['index_data'] = $index_data;
         $this->load->view('mobile/product_detail', $data);
     } else {
         $indexpushres = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("indexpush_type") . "");
         $index_data = array();
         foreach ($indexpushres as $row) {
             $tid = $row['id'];
             $pushres = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("indexpush") . " where tid='" . $tid . "' and status='1' and type='1' order by istop desc ,displayorder ");
             $index_data[$tid] = $pushres;
         $data['index_data'] = $index_data;
         $query_prod_type = $this->db->select('tname,id,upid,displayorder')->from('web_product_type')->order_by('displayorder', 'asc')->get();
         $query_prod = $this->db->select('id,tid,stitle,entitle')->from('web_product')->get();
         $prod_types = $query_prod_type->result_array();
         $prods = $query_prod->result_array();
         foreach ($prod_types as $key => $value) {
             foreach ($prods as $k => $v) {
                 if ($v['tid'] == $value['id']) {
                     $prod_types[$key]['child_1'][] = $prods[$k];
         $prod_type_list = tree($prod_types, 'upid', 'id');
         $prod_type_list = get_menu($prod_type_list, 'upid', 'id');
         $data['prod_types'] = $prod_type_list;
         $this->load->view('product', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than those files in the
 PEAR library that are licensed under the PHP License. If you modify this program, you may extend this exception to
 your version of the program, but you are not obligated to do so.
 If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.

 As a special exception, you have permission to link this program with the JpGraph library and
 distribute executables, as long as you follow the requirements of the GNU GPL in regard to all of the software
 in the executable aside from JpGraph.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
require_once './functions.php';
include 'login.function.php';
html_start("MySQL Status", 0, false, true);
if ($_SESSION['user_type'] != 'A') {
    echo "Not Authorized";
} else {
    audit_log('Viewed MySQL Status');
    dbtable("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
    echo "<BR>\n";
    echo "<BR>\n";
    dbtable("SHOW VARIABLES");
    // Add footer
    // Close any open db connections
Ejemplo n.º 24
    $sql = "select * from " . dbtable("product_type") . " where upid ='" . $prow['id'] . "' and status=1 order by  displayorder, id asc";
    $query = $this->db->query($sql);
    $num = $query->num_rows();
    if ($num > 0) {
        $typelist = fetch_array($sql);
        foreach ($typelist as $row) {
								<div class="type">
            echo $row['tname'];
            $typeid = $row['id'];
            $res = fetch_array("select * from " . dbtable("product") . " where tid ='" . $typeid . "' and status=1 order by  displayorder");
									<ul class="list clearfix">
            foreach ($res as $trow) {
										<li><a href="index.php?c=product&m=prolist&id=<?php 
                echo $trow['id'];
                echo $trow['stitle'];
                echo $trow['entitle'];