function dbem_event_form($event, $title, $element)
    global $localised_date_formats;
    // change prefix according to event/recurrence
    $_GET['action'] == "edit_recurrence" ? $pref = "recurrence_" : ($pref = "event_");
    $_GET['action'] == "edit_recurrence" ? $form_destination = "edit.php?page=events-manager/events-manager.php&action=update_recurrence&recurrence_id=" . $element : ($form_destination = "edit.php?page=events-manager/events-manager.php&action=update_event&event_id=" . $element);
    $locale_code = substr(get_locale(), 0, 2);
    $localised_date_format = $localised_date_formats[$locale_code];
    $hours_locale = "24";
    // Setting 12 hours format for those countries using it
    if (preg_match("/en|sk|zh|us|uk/", $locale_code)) {
        $hours_locale = "12";
    $localised_example = str_replace("yy", "2008", str_replace("mm", "11", str_replace("dd", "28", $localised_date_format)));
    $localised_end_example = str_replace("yy", "2008", str_replace("mm", "11", str_replace("dd", "28", $localised_date_format)));
    if ($event[$pref . 'start_date'] != "") {
        preg_match("/(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})/", $event[$pref . 'start_date'], $matches);
        $year = $matches[1];
        $month = $matches[2];
        $day = $matches[3];
        $localised_date = str_replace("yy", $year, str_replace("mm", $month, str_replace("dd", $day, $localised_date_format)));
    } else {
        $localised_date = "";
    if ($event[$pref . 'end_date'] != "") {
        preg_match("/(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})/", $event[$pref . 'end_date'], $matches);
        $end_year = $matches[1];
        $end_month = $matches[2];
        $end_day = $matches[3];
        $localised_end_date = str_replace("yy", $end_year, str_replace("mm", $end_month, str_replace("dd", $end_day, $localised_date_format)));
    } else {
        $localised_end_date = "";
    // if($event[$pref.'rsvp'])
    // 	echo (dbem_bookings_table($event[$pref.'id']));
    $freq_options = array("daily" => __('Daily', 'dbem'), "weekly" => __('Weekly', 'dbem'), "monthly" => __('Monthly', 'dbem'));
    $days_names = array(1 => __('Mon'), 2 => __('Tue'), 3 => __('Wed'), 4 => __('Thu'), 5 => __('Fri'), 6 => __('Sat'), 7 => __('Sun'));
    $saved_bydays = explode(",", $event['recurrence_byday']);
    $weekno_options = array("1" => __('first', 'dbem'), '2' => __('second', 'dbem'), '3' => __('third', 'dbem'), '4' => __('fourth', 'dbem'), '-1' => __('last', 'dbem'));
    $event[$pref . 'rsvp'] ? $event_RSVP_checked = "checked='checked'" : ($event_RSVP_checked = '');
	<form id="eventForm" method="post" 	action="<?php 
    echo $form_destination;
		<div class="wrap">
			<div id="icon-events" class="icon32"><br /></div>
    echo $title;
    if ($event['recurrence_id']) {
			<p id='recurrence_warning'>
        if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'edit_recurrence') {
            _e('WARNING: This is a recurrence.', 'dbem');
				<br />
            _e('Modifying these data all the events linked to this recurrence will be rescheduled', 'dbem');
        } else {
            _e('WARNING: This is a recurring event.', 'dbem');
            _e('If you change these data and save, this will become an independent event.', 'dbem');
    /* Marcus Begin Edit */
    //This is an edit for WP 2.8 for styling fix
			<div id="poststuff" class="metabox-holder has-right-sidebar">
				<!-- SIDEBAR -->
				<div id="side-info-column" class='inner-sidebar'>
					<div id='side-sortables'>
						<!-- recurrence postbox -->
						<div class="postbox ">
							<div class="handlediv" title="Fare clic per cambiare."><br />
							<h3 class='hndle'><span>
    _e("Recurrence", 'dbem');
							<div class="inside">
    if (!$event['event_id']) {
        if ($event['recurrence_id'] != "") {
            $recurrence_YES = "checked='checked'";
									<input id="event-recurrence" type="checkbox"
		name="repeated_event" value="1" <?php 
        echo $recurrence_YES;
        _e('Repeated event', 'dbem');
								<div id="event_recurrence_pattern">
										<select id="recurrence-frequency" name="recurrence_freq">
        dbem_option_items($freq_options, $event[$pref . 'freq']);
        _e('Every', 'dbem');
										<input id="recurrence-interval" name='recurrence_interval'
		size='2' value='<?php 
        echo $event['recurrence_interval'];
										<span class='interval-desc' id="interval-daily-singular">
        _e('day', 'dbem');
										</span> <span class='interval-desc' id="interval-daily-plural">
        _e('days', 'dbem');
										</span> <span class='interval-desc' id="interval-weekly-singular">
        _e('week', 'dbem');
										</span> <span class='interval-desc' id="interval-weekly-plural">
        _e('weeks', 'dbem');
										</span> <span class='interval-desc' id="interval-monthly-singular">
        _e('month', 'dbem');
										</span> <span class='interval-desc' id="interval-monthly-plural">
        _e('months', 'dbem');
										</span> </p>
									<p class="alternate-selector" id="weekly-selector">
        dbem_checkbox_items('recurrence_bydays[]', $days_names, $saved_bydays);
									<p class="alternate-selector" id="monthly-selector">
        _e('Every', 'dbem');
										<select id="monthly-modifier" name="recurrence_byweekno">
        dbem_option_items($weekno_options, $event['recurrence_byweekno']);
										<select id="recurrence-weekday"
        dbem_option_items($days_names, $event['recurrence_byday']);
								<p id="recurrence-tip">
        _e('Check if your event happens more than once according to a regular pattern', 'dbem');
    } else {
        if (!$event['recurrence_id']) {
            echo "<p>" . __('This is\'t a recurrent event', 'dbem') . ".</p>";
        } else {
            $recurrence = dbem_get_recurrence($event['recurrence_id']);
            echo $recurrence['recurrence_description'];
									<br />
            echo $recurrence['recurrence_id'];
            _e('Reschedule', 'dbem');
						<div class="postbox ">
							<div class="handlediv" title="Fare clic per cambiare."><br />
							<h3 class='hndle'><span>
    _e('Contact Person', 'dbem');
							<div class="inside">
    wp_dropdown_users(array('name' => 'event_contactperson_id', 'show_option_none' => __("Select...", 'dbem'), 'selected' => $event['event_contactperson_id']));
						<div class="postbox ">
							<div class="handlediv" title="Fare clic per cambiare."><br />
							<h3 class='hndle'><span>RSVP</span></h3>
							<div class="inside">
									<input id="rsvp-checkbox" name='event_rsvp' value='1' type='checkbox'
    echo $event_RSVP_checked;
    _e('Enable registration for this event', 'dbem');
								<div id='rsvp-data'>
    if ($event['event_contactperson_id'] != NULL) {
        $selected = $event['event_contactperson_id'];
    } else {
        $selected = '0';
										<input id="seats-input" type="text"
		name="event_seats" size='5' value="<?php 
    echo $event[$pref . 'seats'];
" />
    if ($event['event_rsvp']) {
        dbem_bookings_compact_table($event[$pref . 'id']);
    /* Marcus Begin Edit */
    //adding the category selection box
						<div class="postbox ">
							<div class="handlediv" title="Fare clic per cambiare."><br />
							<h3 class='hndle'><span>
    _e('Category', 'dbem');
							<div class="inside">
									<select name="event_category_id">
    $categories = dbem_get_categories();
										<option value="">Select...</option>
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        $event_category = dbem_get_event_category($event['event_id']);
        $selected = $category['category_id'] == $event_category['category_id'] ? "selected='selected'" : '';
										<option value="<?php 
        echo $category['category_id'];
" <?php 
        echo $selected;
        echo $category['category_name'];
    /* Marcus End Edit */
				<!-- END OF SIDEBAR -->
				<div id="post-body">
					<div id="post-body-content">
    /* Marcus End Edit */
						<div id="event_name" class="stuffbox">
    _e('Name', 'dbem');
							<div class="inside">
								<input type="text" name="event_name"
    echo $event[$pref . 'name'];
" />
								<br />
    _e('The event name. Example: Birthday party', 'dbem');
						<div id="event_start_date" class="stuffbox">
							<h3 id='event-date-title'>
    _e('Event date', 'dbem');
							<h3 id='recurrence-dates-title'>
    _e('Recurrence dates', 'dbem');
							<div class="inside">
								<input id="localised-date" type="text"
			name="localised_event_date" value="<?php 
    echo $localised_date;
			style="display: none;" />
								<input id="date-to-submit" type="text"
			name="event_date" value="<?php 
    echo $event[$pref . 'start_date'];
			style="background: #FCFFAA" />
								<input id="localised-end-date"
			type="text" name="localised_event_end_date"
    echo $localised_end_date;
" style="display: none;" />
			id="end-date-to-submit" type="text" name="event_end_date"
    echo $event[$pref . 'end_date'];
			style="background: #FCFFAA" />
								<br />
								<span id='event-date-explanation'>
    _e('The event date.', 'dbem');
    /* Marcus Begin Edit */
    echo " ";
    _e('When not reoccurring, this event spans between the beginning and end date.', 'dbem');
    /* Marcus End Edit */
    _e('The recurrence beginning and end date.', 'dbem');
								</span> </div>
						<div id="event_end_day" class="stuffbox">
    _e('Event time', 'dbem');
							<div class="inside">
								<input id="start-time" type="text" size="8"
			maxlength="8" name="event_start_time"
    echo $event[$pref . 'start_' . $hours_locale . "h_time"];
" />
								<input id="end-time" type="text" size="8" maxlength="8"
    echo $event[$pref . 'end_' . $hours_locale . "h_time"];
" />
								<br />
    _e('The time of the event beginning and end', 'dbem');
								. </div>
						<div id="location_coordinates" class="stuffbox" style='display: none;'>
    _e('Coordinates', 'dbem');
							<div class="inside">
								<input id='location-latitude'
			name='location_latitude' type='text'
    echo $event['location_latitude'];
' size='15' />
			id='location-longitude' name='location_longitude' type='text'
    echo $event['location_longitude'];
' size='15' />
						<div id="location_name" class="stuffbox">
    _e('Location', 'dbem');
							<div class="inside">
								<table id="dbem-location-data">
										<td><input id="location-name" type="text" name="location_name"
    echo $event['location_name'];
" /></td>
    $gmap_is_active = get_option('dbem_gmap_is_active');
    if ($gmap_is_active) {
										<td rowspan='6'><div id='map-not-found'
					style='width: 400px; font-size: 140%; text-align: center; margin-top: 100px; display: hide'>
        _e('Map not found');
											<div id='event-map'
					style='width: 400px; height: 300px; background: green; display: hide; margin-right: 8px'></div></td>
    // end of IF_GMAP_ACTIVE
										<td colspan='2'><p>
    _e('The name of the location where the event takes place. You can use the name of a venue, a square, etc', 'dbem');
										<td><input id="location-address" type="text" name="location_address"
    echo $event['location_address'];
" /></td>
										<td colspan='2'><p>
    _e('The address of the location where the event takes place. Example: 21, Dominick Street', 'dbem');
										<td><input id="location-town" type="text" name="location_town"
    echo $event['location_town'];
" /></td>
										<td colspan='2'><p>
    _e('The town where the location is located. If you\'re using the Google Map integration and want to avoid geotagging ambiguities include the country in the town field. Example: Verona, Italy.', 'dbem');
						<div id="event_notes" class="postbox">
    _e('Details', 'dbem');
							<div class="inside">
    /* Marcus Begin Edit */
								<!-- Currently deactivated for editor test
								<textarea name="event_notes" rows="8" cols="60">
    echo $event[$pref . 'notes'];
								<div id="<?php 
    echo user_can_richedit() ? 'postdivrich' : 'postdiv';
" class="postarea">
    the_editor($event[$pref . 'notes']);
    /* Marcus End Edit */
								<br />
    _e('Details about the event', 'dbem');
					<p class="submit">
						<input type="submit" name="events_update"
    _e('Submit Event', 'dbem');
 &raquo;" />
Ejemplo n.º 2
									</span> <span class='intervals-desc' id="intervals-weekly-plural">
_e('weeks', 'dbem');
									</span> <span class='intervals-desc' id="intervals-monthly-singular">
_e('month', 'dbem');
									</span> <span class='intervals-desc' id="intervals-monthly-plural">
_e('months', 'dbem');
									</span> </p>
								<p class="alternate-selector" id="weekly-selector">
dbem_checkbox_items('recurrence_bydays[]', $days_names, $saved_bydays);
								<p class="alternate-selector" id="monthly-selector">
_e('Every', 'dbem');
									<select id="monthly-modifier" name="recurrence[byweekno]">
dbem_option_items($weekno_options, $event['byweekno']);
									<select id="recurrence-weekday" name="recurrence[byday]">
dbem_option_items($days_names, $event['byday']);