Ejemplo n.º 1
 * return array of the courses associated to a netid
 * @param string $netid
 * @return array key: course code; value: course description
function courses_list($netid)
    // prepared requests
    $statements = array('course_all_get' => 'SELECT DISTINCT ' . db_gettable('courses') . '.course_code AS mnemonic, ' . db_gettable('courses') . '.course_name AS label ' . 'FROM ' . db_gettable('courses') . ' ' . 'ORDER BY mnemonic ASC', 'user_courses_get' => 'SELECT DISTINCT ' . db_gettable('users_courses') . '.ID, ' . db_gettable('courses') . '.course_code, ' . db_gettable('courses') . '.shortname, ' . db_gettable('courses') . '.course_name, ' . db_gettable('courses') . '.in_recorders, ' . db_gettable('users_courses') . '.origin ' . 'FROM ' . db_gettable('courses') . ' ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . db_gettable('users_courses') . ' ON ' . db_gettable('courses') . '.course_code = ' . db_gettable('users_courses') . '.course_code ' . 'WHERE user_ID = :user_ID');
    $db = db_prepare($statements);
    if (!$db) {
        debuglog("could not connect to sgbd:" . mysql_error());
    $result = array();
    if ($netid == "") {
        // retrieves all courses in the database
        $course_list = db_courses_all_get();
        $result = array();
        foreach ($course_list as $value) {
            $result[$value['mnemonic']] = $value['mnemonic'] . '|' . $value['label'];
    } else {
        // retrieves all courses for a given netid
        $course_list = db_user_courses_get($netid);
        $result = array();
        foreach ($course_list as $value) {
            $result[$value['course_code']] = $value['course_code'] . '|' . $value['course_name'];
    return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function add_first_user()
    global $input;
    // Add the first user in database
    $first_user = file_get_contents("../first_user");
    $first_user = explode(" , ", $first_user);
    $user_ID = $first_user[0];
    $surname = $first_user[3];
    $forename = $first_user[2];
    $passwd = $first_user[1];
    $permissions = 1;
    //   try {
    if (!db_ready()) {
    db_user_create($user_ID, $surname, $forename, $passwd, $permissions);
    db_log(db_gettable('users'), 'Created user ' . $user_ID, $_SESSION['user_login']);
    //  } catch (PDOException $e) {
    //      $errors['db_error'] = $e->getMessage();
    //      require template_getpath('install.php');
    //      die;
    //  }
    require template_getpath('install_success.php');
Ejemplo n.º 3
function stat_statements_get()
    return array('thread_get' => 'SELECT * FROM ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' ' . 'WHERE id = :thread_id ' . 'LIMIT 1', 'thread_oldest_get' => 'SELECT min(creationDate) as minDate FROM ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' ' . 'LIMIT 1', 'thread_newest_get' => 'SELECT max(creationDate) as maxDate FROM ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' ' . 'LIMIT 1', 'threads_all_get' => 'SELECT * FROM ' . db_gettable("threads"), 'threads_by_asset_get' => 'SELECT * FROM ' . db_gettable("threads") . ' ' . 'WHERE albumName like :album_name ' . 'AND assetName like :asset_name ' . 'ORDER BY timecode', 'threads_count' => 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . db_gettable('threads'), 'threads_by_month_count' => 'SELECT count(*) as nbTrd FROM ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' ' . 'WHERE creationDate like :creation_date', 'threads_by_interval_count' => 'SELECT count(*) as nbTrd FROM ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' ' . 'WHERE creationDate between :earlier and :later', 'threads_by_album_count' => 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' ' . 'WHERE albumName like :album_name', 'threads_by_album_by_month_count' => 'SELECT count(*) as nbTrd FROM ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' ' . 'WHERE albumName like :album_name ' . 'AND creationDate like :creation_date', 'threads_by_album_by_interval_count' => 'SELECT count(*) as nbTrd FROM ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' ' . 'WHERE albumName like :album_name ' . 'AND creationDate between :earlier AND :later', 'threads_by_asset_count' => 'SELECT creationDate, albumName, assetName, count(*) FROM ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' ' . 'GROUP BY EXTRACT(DAY from creationDate), albumName', 'comments_by_thread_get' => 'SELECT * FROM ' . db_gettable("comments") . ' ' . 'WHERE thread = :thread_id', 'comments_count' => 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . db_gettable('comments'), 'comments_by_album_count' => 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . db_gettable('comments') . ' ' . 'JOIN ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' as t ' . 'ON t.id = thread ' . 'AND albumName like :album_name', 'comments_by_month_count' => 'SELECT count(*) as nbCmt FROM ' . db_gettable('comments') . ' ' . 'WHERE creationDate like :creation_date', 'comments_by_interval_count' => 'SELECT count(*) as nbCmt FROM ' . db_gettable('comments') . ' ' . 'WHERE creationDate between :earlier and :later', 'comments_by_album_by_month_count' => 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . db_gettable('comments') . ' ' . 'JOIN ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' as t ' . 'ON t.id = thread ' . 'AND albumName like :album_name ' . 'WHERE t.creationDate like :creation_date', 'comments_by_album_by_interval_count' => 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . db_gettable('comments') . ' c ' . 'JOIN ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' as t ' . 'ON t.id = thread ' . 'AND albumName like :album_name ' . 'WHERE c.creationDate between :earlier and :later', 'albums_all_get' => 'SELECT DISTINCT albumName FROM ' . db_gettable('threads'), 'albums_count' => 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' ' . 'WHERE albumName like :album_name');
Ejemplo n.º 4
function remove_classroom()
    global $input;
    if (!db_classroom_delete(trim($input['id']))) {
        echo json_encode(array('error' => '1'));
    } else {
        echo json_encode(array('success' => '1'));
        db_log(db_gettable('classrooms'), 'Deleted classroom ' . $input['id'], $_SESSION['user_login']);
Ejemplo n.º 5
function thread_search_old($words, $fields, $albums, $asset = '')
    global $db_object;
    if (count($fields) <= 0) {
        return null;
    if (count($albums) <= 0) {
        return null;
    // db columns where we can do a search
    $accepted_fields = array('title' => array('title', 't.title'), 'message' => array('message', 'c.message'));
    // prepares the fields to add in the query
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        foreach ($accepted_fields as $accepted_field => $val) {
            if (strpos($field, $accepted_field) !== false) {
                $fields_in_query_thread[] = $val[0];
                $fields_in_query_comment[] = $val[1];
    // for each album in the array, adds a parameter in the prepared statement
    $albums_in_query = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($albums), '?'));
    switch (count($words)) {
        case 0:
            $where = '';
            // stmt will be:
            // SELECT ... FROM threads
        case 1:
            $where = '';
            foreach ($fields_in_query_thread as $field => $column) {
                $where .= $where == '' ? 'WHERE ' : ' OR ';
                $where .= $column . ' LIKE ' . $db_object->quote("%" . $words[0] . "%");
            // stmt will be:
            // SELECT ... FROM threads
            // WHERE title LIKE "%$word%"
            // OR message LIKE "%$word%"
            $where = '';
            foreach ($words as $index => $word) {
                if ($index == 0) {
                    $where .= 'WHERE ( ';
                } else {
                    $where .= ' AND id IN (SELECT id FROM ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' WHERE ';
                $or = '';
                foreach ($fields_in_query_thread as $field => $column) {
                    $where .= $or . $column . ' LIKE ' . $db_object->quote("%" . $word . "%");
                    $or = ' OR ';
                $where .= ') ';
            // stmt will be:
            // SELECT ... FROM threads
            // WHERE (title LIKE '%$words[i]%' OR message LIKE '%$words[i]%')
            // AND id IN (SELECT id FROM threads WHERE title LIKE '%$words[i+1]%' OR message LIKE '%$words[i+1]%')
            // AND id IN (SELECT id FROM threads WHERE title LIKE '%$words[i+2]%' OR message LIKE '%$words[i+2]%')
            // AND ...
    $stmt = 'SELECT DISTINCT id, title, message, timecode, albumName, assetName, assetTitle, studentOnly ' . 'FROM ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' ' . $where . ($where == '' ? ' WHERE ' : ' AND ') . 'albumName in(' . $albums_in_query . ') ' . (isset($asset) && $asset != '' ? ' AND assetName LIKE ' . $db_object->quote("%{$asset}%") . ' ' : ' ') . 'GROUP BY albumName, assetName, id';
    $prepared_stmt = $db_object->prepare($stmt);
    $result_threads = $prepared_stmt->fetchAll();
    $stmt = 'SELECT DISTINCT t.id, t.title, c.message, t.albumName, t.assetTitle, t.studentOnly ' . 'FROM ' . db_gettable('comments') . ' c ' . 'JOIN threads t on t.id = thread ' . 'WHERE MATCH(' . $fields_in_query_comment . ') ' . 'AGAINST(' . $quoted_search . ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ' . 'AND t.albumName in(' . $albums_in_query . ') ' . (isset($asset) && $asset != '' ? 'AND assetName LIKE ' . $db_object->quote("%{$asset}%") . ' ' : ' ') . 'GROUP BY t.albumName, t.assetName, t.id, c.id';
    return $result_threads;
     // --> Alternatively, we can use MATCH(...) AGAINST(...) but
     //     it doesn't give expected results.
    // converts fields array in string to inject in the prepared query
    // we can't use db->quote() or bind param because it adds quotes
    // and we can't have quotes in SQL 'MATCH' instruction
    $fields_in_query_thread = implode(',', $fields_in_query_thread);
    $fields_in_query_comment = implode(',', $fields_in_query_comment);
    // for each album in the array, adds a parameter in the prepared statement
    $albums_in_query = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($albums), '?'));
    // for each word to search, adds the word in a string
    // for SQL 'AGAINST' instruction
    foreach ($words as $word) {
        $search .= '+' . $word . '* ';
    // pdo quotes the string to search, to avoid SQL injections
    $quoted_search = $db_object->quote($search);
    // prepared stmt
    $stmt = 'SELECT DISTINCT id, title, message, timecode, albumName, assetName, assetTitle, studentOnly ' . 'FROM ' . db_gettable('threads') . ' WHERE MATCH(' . $fields_in_query_thread . ') ' . 'AGAINST(' . $quoted_search . ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ' . 'AND albumName in(' . $albums_in_query . ') ' . (isset($asset) && $asset != '' ? 'AND assetName LIKE ' . $db_object->quote("%{$asset}%") . ' ' : ' ') . 'GROUP BY albumName, assetName, id';
    $prepared_stmt = $db_object->prepare($stmt);
    $result_threads = $prepared_stmt->fetchAll();
    $stmt = 'SELECT DISTINCT t.id, t.title, c.message, t.albumName, t.assetTitle, t.studentOnly ' . 'FROM ' . db_gettable('comments') . ' c ' . 'JOIN threads t on t.id = thread ' . 'WHERE MATCH(' . $fields_in_query_comment . ') ' . 'AGAINST(' . $quoted_search . ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ' . 'AND t.albumName in(' . $albums_in_query . ') ' . (isset($asset) && $asset != '' ? 'AND assetName LIKE ' . $db_object->quote("%{$asset}%") . ' ' : ' ') . 'GROUP BY t.albumName, t.assetName, t.id, c.id';
    $prepared_stmt = $db_object->prepare($stmt);
    $result_comments = $prepared_stmt->fetchAll();
    return array_merge($result_threads, $result_comments);
Ejemplo n.º 6
function db_logs_get($date_start, $date_end, $table, $author, $limit)
    global $db_object;
    $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `time`, `table`, message, author FROM ' . db_gettable('logs');
    $where = '';
    if (!empty($date_start)) {
        $where .= 'time >= \'' . $date_start . ' 00:00:00\'';
    if (!empty($date_end)) {
        if (!empty($where)) {
            $where .= ' AND ';
        $where .= 'time <= \'' . $date_end . ' 00:00:00\'';
    if (!empty($table)) {
        if ($table != 'all') {
            if (!empty($where)) {
                $where .= ' AND ';
            $where .= '`table` LIKE \'' . db_gettable($table) . '\'';
    if (!empty($author)) {
        if (!empty($where)) {
            $where .= ' AND ';
        $where .= 'author LIKE %' . $author . '%';
    $fullQuery = $query;
    if (!empty($where)) {
        $fullQuery .= ' WHERE ' . $where;
    return $db_object->query($fullQuery . ' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT ' . $limit);