Ejemplo n.º 1
     // Define $thiscloud
 if ($thiscloud["cloudnum"] == 1) {
     // If Webdav
     $url = isset($_GET["url"]) ? $_GET["url"] : $thiscloud["url"];
     // rawurlencode();
     if (isset($_GET["file"])) {
         // If Webdav File
         $prop = davPROP($url, $thiscloud["username"], mcrypt_ecb(MCRYPT_3DES, MCRYPTKEY, $thiscloud["password"], MCRYPT_DECRYPT));
         $status = $prop["info"]["http_code"];
         if ($status < 400) {
             $xml = xmlstr_to_array(strstr($prop["result"], '<?xml'));
             $xml = $xml['d:response'];
             $fname = $xml["d:propstat"]["d:prop"]["d:displayname"];
             $type = $xml["d:propstat"]["d:prop"]["d:getcontenttype"];
             $get = davGET($url, $thiscloud["username"], mcrypt_ecb(MCRYPT_3DES, MCRYPTKEY, $thiscloud["password"], MCRYPT_DECRYPT));
             header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename={$fname}");
             header("Content-type: {$type}");
             echo $get;
         } else {
             apologize("Error {$status} - An unexpected error occurred.");
     } else {
         // If Webdav Folder
         $prop = davPROP($url, $thiscloud["username"], mcrypt_ecb(MCRYPT_3DES, MCRYPTKEY, $thiscloud["password"], MCRYPT_DECRYPT));
         $status = $prop["info"]["http_code"];
         if ($status < 400) {
             if (strpos($prop["result"], '<?xml') !== false) {
                 $xml = xmlstr_to_array(strstr($prop["result"], '<?xml'));
                 $xml = $xml['d:response'];
Ejemplo n.º 2
function sync($davlink, $drivelink, $service)
    $davarray = parsedavfolder($davlink);
    $drivearray = parsedrivefolder($drivelink, $service);
    function f1($a, $b)
        // Same in Dav
        return strcmp($a['name'], $b['name']);
    $same = array_values(array_uintersect($davarray, $drivearray, "f1"));
    function f2($a, $b)
        // Same in Drive
        return strcmp($a['name'], $b['name']);
    $sameindrive = array_values(array_uintersect($drivearray, $davarray, "f2"));
    function f3($a, $b)
        // Sort by name
        return strcmp($a['name'], $b['name']);
    usort($same, "f3");
    function f4($a, $b)
        // Sort by name
        return strcmp($a['name'], $b['name']);
    usort($sameindrive, "f4");
    // For Same Filename
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($same); $i++) {
        if ($same[$i]['folder'] == "t") {
            sync($same[$i]["href"], $sameindrive[$i]["id"], $service);
            echo $same[$i]["name"] . " is same folder\n";
        } elseif ($same[$i]["modified"] > $sameindrive[$i]["modified"]) {
            echo $same[$i]["name"] . " is same file\n";
            $file = davGET($same[$i]["url"], DAVUSERNAME, DAVPASS);
            if (md5($file) != $sameindrive[$i]["md5"]) {
                // todo: Update file in Drive
            } else {
                // todo: update modtime in Drive
    // For Dav file not in Drive
    function f5($a, $b)
        return strcmp($a['name'], $b['name']);
    $davfilesnotindrive = array_udiff($davarray, $drivearray, "f5");
    foreach ($davfilesnotindrive as $keydav) {
        if ($keydav["folder"] == "t") {
            echo $keydav["name"] . "is dav folder not in drive\n";
            // todo: check for moves, renames, both and then:
            // Insert folder into Drive,
            // write function to recursively insert contents(folders/files) into drive
        } else {
            echo $keydav["name"] . "is dav file not in drive\n";
            // todo: check for moves, renames, both and then Insert new file into Drive
    // For Drive file not in Dav
    function f6($a, $b)
        return strcmp($a['name'], $b['name']);
    $drivefilesnotindav = array_udiff($drivearray, $davarray, "f6");
    foreach ($drivefilesnotindav as $keydrive) {
        if ($keydrive["folder"] == "t") {
            echo $keydrive["name"] . "is drive folder not in dav\n";
            // todo: check for moves, renames, both and then delete from Drive
        } else {
            echo $keydrive["name"] . "is drive file not in dav\n";
            // todo: check for moves, renames, both and then delete from Drive