public function run() { if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) { //ooh we can process for sooo long set_time_limit(280); } //get the required classes $config =& singleton::get(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\config'); $plugins =& singleton::get(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\plugins'); //don't want to stop processing when the http client disconnects ignore_user_abort(TRUE); //stop from running over and over again define('RUNNING_CRON', TRUE); //get the cron intervals $cron_intervals = $config->get('cron_intervals'); if (!is_array($cron_intervals)) { exit; } //update intervals first so that slow processing tasks don't hold up the update of the intervals. $update_intervals = $cron_intervals; $datetime = datetime(); foreach ($update_intervals as &$update_interval) { if ($update_interval['next_run'] < $datetime) { $update_interval['next_run'] = datetime($update_interval['frequency']); } } //update cron intervals $config->set('cron_intervals', $update_intervals); //now to the processing foreach ($cron_intervals as $cron_interval) { if ($cron_interval['next_run'] < $datetime) { $plugins->run('cron_' . $cron_interval['name']); } } }
/** * 更新用户的最后一次登录ip和时间 * @access public * @param integer $user_id 用户id */ public function updateLoginData($user_id) { $map['user_id'] = $user_id; $map['last_login_ip'] = get_client_ip(); $map['last_login_time'] = datetime(); $this->save($map); }
function add($array) { global $db; if (!isset($array['start_date'])) { $array['start_date'] = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; } $tables =& singleton::get(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\tables'); $error =& singleton::get(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\error'); //we require an array if (!is_array($array['data'])) { return false; } reset($array['data']); $queue_data = \base64_encode(\serialize($array['data'])); $queue_date = datetime(); $site_id = SITE_ID; $query = "INSERT INTO {$tables->queue} (data, type, start_date, date, site_id) VALUES (:data, :type, :start_date, :date, :site_id)"; try { $stmt = $db->prepare($query); } catch (\Exception $e) { $error->create(array('type' => 'sql_prepare_error', 'message' => $e->getMessage())); } $stmt->bindParam(':data', $queue_data, database::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(':type', $array['type'], database::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(':start_date', $array['start_date'], database::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(':date', $queue_date, database::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(':site_id', $site_id, database::PARAM_STR); try { $stmt->execute(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $error->create(array('type' => 'sql_execute_error', 'message' => $e->getMessage())); } return true; }
public function getDeadline($deadline) { if ('now' == I('request.create_time_choose')) { return datetime('now'); } else { return datetime($deadline); } }
/** * Function: like * Adds a like to the database. */ public function like() { if ($this->action == "like" and $this->post_id > 0) { SQL::current()->insert("likes", array("post_id" => $this->post_id, "user_id" => $this->user_id, "timestamp" => datetime(), "session_hash" => $this->session_hash)); } else { throw new Exception("invalid params- action = {$this->action} and post_id = {$this->post_id}"); } }
public function main_index($main) { $config = Config::current(); if ($config->disable_aggregation or time() - $config->last_aggregation < $config->aggregate_every * 60) { return; } $aggregates = (array) $config->aggregates; if (empty($aggregates)) { return; } foreach ($aggregates as $name => $feed) { $xml_contents = preg_replace(array("/<(\\/?)dc:date>/", "/xmlns=/"), array("<\\1date>", "a="), get_remote($feed["url"])); $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_contents, "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA); if ($xml === false) { continue; } # Flatten namespaces recursively $this->flatten($xml); $items = array(); if (isset($xml->entry)) { foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) { array_unshift($items, $entry); } } elseif (isset($xml->item)) { foreach ($xml->item as $item) { array_unshift($items, $item); } } else { foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) { array_unshift($items, $item); } } foreach ($items as $item) { $date = oneof(@$item->pubDate, @$item->date, @$item->updated, 0); $updated = strtotime($date); if ($updated > $feed["last_updated"]) { # Get creation date ('created' in Atom) $created = @$item->created ? strtotime($item->created) : 0; if ($created <= 0) { $created = $updated; } # Construct the post data from the user-defined XPath mapping: $data = array("aggregate" => $name); foreach ($feed["data"] as $attr => $field) { $field = !empty($field) ? $this->parse_field($field, $item) : ""; $data[$attr] = is_string($field) ? $field : YAML::dump($field); } if (isset($data["title"]) or isset($data["name"])) { $clean = sanitize(oneof(@$data["title"], @$data["name"])); } Post::add($data, $clean, null, $feed["feather"], $feed["author"], false, "public", datetime($created), datetime($updated)); $aggregates[$name]["last_updated"] = $updated; } } } $config->set("aggregates", $aggregates); $config->set("last_aggregation", time()); }
static function mail_digest($to, $subject, $message, $headers) { $output = "\r\n" . $headers . "\r\n" . "To: " . $to . "\r\n" . "Date: " . datetime() . "\r\n" . "Subject: " . $subject . "\r\n\r\n" . $message . "\r\n\r\n" . "---correspondence---\r\n"; if (@file_put_contents(MAIN_DIR . DIR . "digest.txt.php", $output, FILE_APPEND)) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public function add($array) { global $db; $tables =& singleton::get(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\tables'); $error =& singleton::get(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\error'); $notifications =& singleton::get(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\notifications'); $messages =& singleton::get(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\messages'); $site_id = SITE_ID; $date_added = datetime(); $query = "INSERT INTO {$tables->message_notes} (user_id, site_id, date_added"; if (isset($array['message_id'])) { $query .= ", message_id"; } if (isset($array['message'])) { $query .= ", message"; } $query .= ") VALUES (:user_id, :site_id, :date_added"; if (isset($array['message_id'])) { $query .= ", :message_id"; } if (isset($array['message'])) { $query .= ", :message"; } $query .= ")"; try { $stmt = $db->prepare($query); } catch (\Exception $e) { $error->create(array('type' => 'sql_prepare_error', 'message' => $e->getMessage())); } $stmt->bindParam(':user_id', $array['user_id'], database::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':site_id', $site_id, database::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':date_added', $date_added, database::PARAM_STR); if (isset($array['message_id'])) { $stmt->bindParam(':message_id', $array['message_id'], database::PARAM_INT); } if (isset($array['message'])) { $stmt->bindParam(':message', $array['message'], database::PARAM_STR); } try { $stmt->execute(); $id = $db->lastInsertId(); if (isset($array['message_id'])) { $messages->edit(array('id' => $array['message_id'])); } $notifications->new_message_note(array('user_id' => $array['user_id'])); return $id; } catch (\PDOException $e) { $error->create(array('type' => 'sql_execute_error', 'message' => $e->getMessage())); } }
public function __construct($user = null) { $this->_db = DB::getInstance(); $this->_sessionName = Config::get('session/session_name'); $this->_cookieName = Config::get('remember/cookie_name'); if (!$user) { if (Session::exists($this->_sessionName)) { $user = Session::get($this->_sessionName); if ($this->find($user)) { $this->_isLoggedIn = true; $this->update(array('LastLogin' => datetime())); } } } else { $this->find($user); } }
public function update($filename = null, $path = null, $entity_type = null, $entity_id = null) { if ($this->no_results) { return false; } $sql = SQL::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $old = clone $this; foreach (array("filename", "path", "entity_type", "entity_id") as $attr) { if ($attr == "updated_at" and $updated_at === null) { $this->updated_at = $updated_at = datetime(); } else { $this->{$attr} = ${$attr} = ${$attr} === null ? $this->{$attr} : ${$attr}; } } $sql->update("attachments", array("id" => $this->id), array("filename" => $filename, "path" => $path, "entity_type" => $entity_type, "entity_id" => $entity_id)); $trigger->call("update_attachment", $this, $old); }
public function edit($array) { global $db; $tables =& singleton::get(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\tables'); $error =& singleton::get(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\error'); $site_id = SITE_ID; $last_modified = datetime(); $query = "UPDATE {$tables->messages} SET site_id = :site_id"; if (isset($array['from_user_id'])) { $query .= ", from_user_id = :from_user_id"; } if (isset($array['subject'])) { $query .= ", subject = :subject"; } if (isset($array['message'])) { $query .= ", message = :message"; } $query .= ", last_modified = :last_modified"; $query .= " WHERE id = :id AND site_id = :site_id"; try { $stmt = $db->prepare($query); } catch (\PDOException $e) { $error->create(array('type' => 'sql_prepare_error', 'message' => $e->getMessage())); } $stmt->bindParam(':id', $array['id'], database::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':site_id', $site_id, database::PARAM_INT); if (isset($array['from_user_id'])) { $stmt->bindParam(':from_user_id', $array['from_user_id'], database::PARAM_INT); } if (isset($array['subject'])) { $stmt->bindParam(':subject', $array['subject'], database::PARAM_STR); } if (isset($array['message'])) { $stmt->bindParam(':message', $array['message'], database::PARAM_STR); } $stmt->bindParam(':last_modified', $last_modified, database::PARAM_STR); try { $stmt->execute(); } catch (\PDOException $e) { $error->create(array('type' => 'sql_execute_error', 'message' => $e->getMessage())); } }
<div class='empty'> </div> <div id='content'> <h1 id='header'>Καλώς Ήρθατε στο <strong>|= Ω 2 \_/ ^^</strong> μας!</h1> <?php if (isset($_COOKIE['userid'])) { ?> <p>Welcome, <?php echo $_COOKIE['username']; ?> <a href="" id="exit">Αποσύνδεση</a></p><?php include '/../models/users.php'; include '/../models/database.php'; include '/../models/datetime.php'; $now = datetime(); LastActive($_COOKIE['userid'], $now); } else { ?> <p> Welcome, Guest. Please <a href=""> Login</a> or <a href="" />Register</p><?php } ?> </div> <div class='empty'> </div> <div id='navbar'> <a href="recenttopics.php">View Recent Topics</a> <a href="index.php" >Index Board</a> </div>
$display_name_fix = $result['Name']; // Insert Name $output = str_replace('nameString2', $display_name_fix, $html); // Insert Function $output = str_replace('functionString', $display_function, $output); $output = str_replace('userName', $display_name_str, $output); // Insert URL $output = str_replace('urlString', $display_url, $output); // All $output = str_replace('lvlvlv', $lvlvlv, $output); $output = str_replace('nextlevel', $nextlevel, $output); $output = str_replace('nexttimelv', $nexttimelv, $output); if ($result['pDataReg'] != null) { $output = str_replace('datareg', datetime($result['pDataReg']), $output); } else { $output = str_replace('datareg', datetime('1/1/2000'), $output); } $output = str_replace('ponline', $ponline, $output); // Output //$tpl->set( '{search_name}', implode( "\n", $while ) ); $tpl_output[] = $output; } } } else { $output = str_replace('urlString', 'javascript:void(0);', $html2); $output = str_replace('nameString', 'На сервере нет такого пользователя.', $output); $output = str_replace('functionString', '0', $output); // Format No Results Output /* $output = str_replace('urlString', 'javascript:void(0);', $html); $output = str_replace('nameString', '<b>No Results Found.</b>', $output);
/** * Function: update * Updates a post with the given attributes. * * Most of the function arguments will fall back to various POST values. * * Parameters: * $values - An array of data to set for the post. * $user - <User> to set as the post's author. * $pinned - Pin the post? * $status - Post status * $clean - A new clean URL for the post. * $url - A new URL for the post. * $created_at - New @created_at@ timestamp for the post. * $updated_at - New @updated_at@ timestamp for the post, or @false@ to not updated it. * $options - Options for the post. * * See Also: * <add> */ public function update($values = null, $user = null, $pinned = null, $status = null, $clean = null, $url = null, $created_at = null, $updated_at = null, $options = null) { if ($this->no_results) { return false; } $trigger = Trigger::current(); $user_id = $user instanceof User ? $user->id : $user; fallback($values, array_combine($this->attribute_names, $this->attribute_values)); fallback($user_id, oneof(@$_POST['user_id'], $this->user_id)); fallback($pinned, (int) (!empty($_POST['pinned']))); fallback($status, isset($_POST['draft']) ? "draft" : oneof(@$_POST['status'], $this->status)); fallback($clean, $this->clean); fallback($url, oneof(@$_POST['slug'], $this->feather . "." . $this->id)); fallback($created_at, !empty($_POST['created_at']) ? datetime($_POST['created_at']) : $this->created_at); fallback($updated_at, $updated_at === false ? $this->updated_at : oneof($updated_at, @$_POST['updated_at'], datetime())); fallback($options, oneof(@$_POST['option'], array())); if ($url != $this->url) { # If they edited the slug, the clean URL should change too. $clean = $url; } $old = clone $this; # Update all values of this post. foreach (array("user_id", "pinned", "status", "url", "created_at", "updated_at") as $attr) { $this->{$attr} = ${$attr}; } $new_values = array("pinned" => $pinned, "status" => $status, "clean" => $clean, "url" => $url, "created_at" => $created_at, "updated_at" => $updated_at); $trigger->filter($new_values, "before_update_post"); $sql = SQL::current(); $sql->update("posts", array("id" => $this->id), $new_values); # Insert the post attributes. foreach (array_merge($values, $options) as $name => $value) { if ($sql->count("post_attributes", array("post_id" => $this->id, "name" => $name))) { $sql->update("post_attributes", array("post_id" => $this->id, "name" => $name), array("value" => $this->{$name} = $value)); } else { $sql->insert("post_attributes", array("post_id" => $this->id, "name" => $name, "value" => $this->{$name} = $value)); } } $trigger->call("update_post", $this, $old, $options); }
$sql->replace("permissions", array("id", "group_id"), array("id" => $id, "name" => $name, "group_id" => 0)); } $groups = array("admin" => array_keys($names), "member" => array("view_site"), "friend" => array("view_site", "view_private", "view_scheduled"), "banned" => array(), "guest" => array("view_site")); # Insert the default groups (see above) $group_id = array(); foreach ($groups as $name => $permissions) { $sql->replace("groups", "name", array("name" => ucfirst($name))); $group_id[$name] = $sql->latest("groups"); foreach ($permissions as $permission) { $sql->replace("permissions", array("id", "group_id"), array("id" => $permission, "name" => $names[$permission], "group_id" => $group_id[$name])); } } $config->set("default_group", $group_id["member"]); $config->set("guest_group", $group_id["guest"]); if (!$sql->select("users", "id", array("login" => $_POST['login']))->fetchColumn()) { $sql->insert("users", array("login" => $_POST['login'], "password" => User::hashPassword($_POST['password_1']), "email" => $_POST['email'], "website" => $config->url, "group_id" => $group_id["admin"], "approved" => true, "joined_at" => datetime())); } $installed = true; } } function value_fallback($index, $fallback = "") { echo isset($_POST[$index]) ? fix($_POST[$index]) : $fallback; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Chyrp Installer</title>
</thead> <tbody id="tbody_content"> <?php if ($lc_list) { ?> <?php foreach ($lc_list as $item) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $item->loginname; ?> </td> <td><?php echo datetime($item->logintime); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $item->loginip; ?> </td> <td><?php if ($item->status == 1) { ?> 成功<?php } else { ?> 密码错误<?php } ?>
make_dir($dir . '/meta'); $res = query("SELECT id, post_date, post_content, post_title, post_name, " . "post_modified FROM " . $table_prefix . "posts WHERE post_type='post';"); chdir($dir) or die("Could not change into directory '{$dir}'.\n"); echo "Exporting to '{$dir}' with suffix {$suf} and meta-suffix {$muf}...\n"; while (($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) !== false) { echo $r['id'] . ': "' . $r['post_title'] . '"... '; $content = $r['post_content']; $content = str_replace("\r\n\r\n", "</p>\n<p>", $content); $content = str_replace("\r\n", "<br />\n", $content); $content = "<p>{$content}</p>\n"; // The above inserts extra <br /> inside of some tags, fix that $content = preg_replace_callback('|<pre>.*</pre>|Uims', 'remove_br', $content); $content = preg_replace_callback('|<ul>.*</ul>|Uims', 'remove_br', $content); $content = preg_replace_callback('|<ol>.*</ol>|Uims', 'remove_br', $content); $text = '<:' . htmlspecialchars($r['post_title']) . '>'; if (isset($tags[$r['id']])) { array_unique($tags[$r['id']]); $text .= '<tags:' . implode(' ', $tags[$r['id']]) . '>'; } $text .= "\n"; $text .= $content; $src_name = 'src/' . $r['post_name'] . $suf; $meta_name = 'meta/' . $r['post_name'] . $muf; file_put_contents($src_name, $text) or die("Could not write to '{$src_name}'\n"); file_put_contents($meta_name, (int) $r['post_date']) or die("Could not write to '{$meta_name}'\n"); touch($src_name, datetime($r['post_modified'])) or die("Could not change mod time of '{$src_name}'\n"); touch($meta_name, datetime($r['post_date'])) or die("Could not change mod time of '{$src_name}'\n"); echo "done.\n"; } echo "Export finished\n"; echo "\nPlease note: Links for downloads, you own blog entries and images\n" . "still point at your old blog!\n";
function create() { $this->data = array('id' => '', 'active' => '0', 'start' => datetime(), 'end' => datetime(strtotime('+1 week')), 'author' => $_SESSION['userid'], 'author_first_name' => $_SESSION['first_name'], 'author_last_name' => $_SESSION['last_name'], 'topic' => '', 'text' => ''); }
/** * Function: import_movabletype * MovableType importing. */ public function import_movabletype() { if (empty($_POST)) { redirect("/admin/?action=import"); } if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("add_post")) { show_403(__("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to import content.")); } $config = Config::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $dbcon = $dbsel = false; if ($link = @mysql_connect($_POST['host'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) { $dbcon = true; $dbsel = @mysql_select_db($_POST['database'], $link); } if (!$dbcon or !$dbsel) { Flash::warning(__("Could not connect to the specified MovableType database."), "/admin/?action=import"); } mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); $get_authors = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mt_author ORDER BY author_id ASC", $link) or error(__("Database Error"), mysql_error()); $users = array(); while ($author = mysql_fetch_array($get_authors)) { # Try to figure out if this author is the same as the person doing the import. if ($author["author_name"] == Visitor::current()->login or $author["author_nickname"] == Visitor::current()->login or $author["author_nickname"] == Visitor::current()->full_name or $author["author_url"] == Visitor::current()->website or $author["author_email"] == Visitor::current()->email) { $users[$author["author_id"]] = Visitor::current(); } else { $users[$author["author_id"]] = User::add($author["author_name"], $author["author_password"], $author["author_email"], $author["author_nickname"] != $author["author_name"] ? $author["author_nickname"] : "", $author["author_url"], $author["author_can_create_blog"] == "1" ? Visitor::current()->group : null, $author["author_created_on"], false); } } $get_posts = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mt_entry ORDER BY entry_id ASC", $link) or error(__("Database Error"), mysql_error()); $posts = array(); while ($post = mysql_fetch_array($get_posts)) { $posts[$post["entry_id"]] = $post; } foreach ($posts as $post) { $body = $post["entry_text"]; if (!empty($post["entry_text_more"])) { $body .= "\n\n<!--more-->\n\n" . $post["entry_text_more"]; } $regexp_url = preg_quote($_POST['media_url'], "/"); if (!empty($_POST['media_url']) and preg_match_all("/{$regexp_url}([^\\.\\!,\\?;\"\\'<>\\(\\)\\[\\]\\{\\}\\s\t ]+)\\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/", $body, $media)) { foreach ($media[0] as $matched_url) { $filename = upload_from_url($matched_url); $body = str_replace($matched_url, $config->url . $config->uploads_path . $filename, $body); } } $status_translate = array(1 => "draft", 2 => "public", 3 => "draft", 4 => "draft"); $clean = oneof($post["entry_basename"], sanitize($post["entry_title"])); if (empty($post["entry_class"]) or $post["entry_class"] == "entry") { $new_post = Post::add(array("title" => $post["entry_title"], "body" => $body, "imported_from" => "movabletype"), $clean, Post::check_url($clean), "text", @$users[$post["entry_author_id"]], false, $status_translate[$post["entry_status"]], oneof(@$post["entry_authored_on"], @$post["entry_created_on"], datetime()), $post["entry_modified_on"], "", false); $trigger->call("import_movabletype_post", $post, $new_post, $link); } elseif (@$post["entry_class"] == "page") { $new_page = Page::add($post["entry_title"], $body, null, 0, true, 0, $clean, Page::check_url($clean)); $trigger->call("import_movabletype_page", $post, $new_page, $link); } } mysql_close($link); Flash::notice(__("MovableType content successfully imported!"), "/admin/?action=import"); }
public function admin_update_milestone($admin) { if (!isset($_POST['milestone_id'])) { error(__("Error"), __("No milestone ID specified.", "progress")); } if (!isset($_POST['hash']) or $_POST['hash'] != Config::current()->secure_hashkey) { show_403(__("Access Denied"), __("Invalid security key.")); } $milestone = new Milestone($_POST['milestone_id']); if ($milestone->no_results) { error(__("Error"), __("Invalid milestone ID specified.", "progress")); } if (!$milestone->editable()) { show_403(__("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to edit this milestone.", "progress")); } $due = empty($_POST['due']) ? "0000-00-00 00:00:00" : datetime($_POST['due']); $milestone->update($_POST['name'], $_POST['description'], $due); Flash::notice(__("Milestone updated.", "progress"), "/admin/?action=manage_milestones"); }
<table class="toolbar" align="right"> <tr> <td align="center"><a class="toolbar" href=""><img src="" border="0"/><br />New Invoice</a></td> <td align="center"><a class="toolbar" href=""><img src="" border="0"/><br />Invoice Batch</a></td> </tr></table> </td></tr></table> <?php if ($_GET['cmd'] == 'new') { if (!$niinvnum) { $niinvnum = rand(01, 9999); } else { $niinvnum = $_POST['invnum']; } $niclient = $_POST['client']; $nidate = datetime(); $nithetotal = $_POST['thetotal']; $nigrandtotal = $_POST['grandtotal']; $nitotalshipping = $_POST['shippingtotal']; $nitotaltax = $_POST['totaltax']; $ninotes = $_POST['notes']; $niterms = $_POST['terms']; $nisubtotal = $_POST['subtotal']; $niaddtax = $_POST['addtax']; $niaddship = $_POST['addship']; $print = $_POST['print']; $send = $_POST['send']; benfund_connect(); $newiq = "01 INTO invoice (inv, to_id, from_id, date, desc, total, shipping, tax, notes, terms) VALUES('{$niinvnum}', '{$niclient}', '{$mid}', '{$nidate}', '{$nithetotal}', '{$nigrandtotal}', '{$nitotalshipping}', '{$nitotaltax}', '{$ninotes}', '{$niterms}')"; echo $newiq; mysql_query($newiq) or die(mysql_error());
/** * Function: index * Grabs the posts for the main page. */ public function index() { $sql = SQL::current(); $posts = $sql->select("posts", "", array("posts.created_at <=" => datetime(), "posts.status" => "scheduled"))->fetchAll(); if (!empty($posts)) { foreach ($posts as $post) { $sql->update("posts", array("id" => $post), array("status" => "public")); } } $this->display("pages/index", array("posts" => new Paginator(Post::find(array("placeholders" => true)), $this->post_limit))); }
</table> <table class="tablesorter" id="invmanrec" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="95%"> <thead> <tr> <th valign="top" width="50" ><a href="#"><b>Inv#</b></a></th> <th valign="top" width="400" ><a href="#"><b>Client</b></a></th> <th valign="top" width="40" ><a href="#"><b>Amount</b></a></th> <th valign="top" width="50" ><a href="#"><b>Date</b></a></th> <th valign="top" width="30" ><a href="#"><b>Status</b></a></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php benfund_connect(); $back = future_past("-", 720); $front = datetime(); $query = "SELECT * FROM invoice WHERE from_id='{$mid}' ORDER BY id DESC"; //$query = "SELECT * FROM invoice WHERE date BETWEEN $back AND $front AND from_id='$mid' ORDER BY id DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query); $color1 = "row0"; $color2 = "row1"; $row_count = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($result) { $id = $row[0]; $inv = $row[1]; $to = $row[2]; $total = $row['total']; $status = $row['status']; if ($status == 0) { $condition = '<span class="true">Paid</span>';
$rank = $user->data()->GroupNo; if (!$user->isLoggedIn() && $rank == 3) { Redirect::to('login.php'); } Session::put('CPage', 'Database.php'); $options = getNavBar($rank); if (Input::exists()) { if (Token::check(Input::get('token'))) { $displayerror = ''; $validate = new Validate(); $validation = $validate->check($_POST, array('ID' => array('required' => true, 'numbered' => true, 'unique' => 'users', 'max' => 10, 'min' => 10), 'Course' => array(), 'school' => array(), 'Room_ID' => array(), 'Position' => array(), 'Name' => array(), 'Password' => array('required' => true, 'min' => 6), 'reenterPassword' => array('required' => true, 'matches' => 'Password'), 'house_no' => array('required' => true), 'area' => array('required' => true), 'postcode' => array('required' => true, 'max' => 5), 'State' => array('required' => true), 'IC' => array('required' => true, 'numbered' => true), 'gender' => array('required' => true), 'race' => array('required' => true), 'religion' => array('required' => true), 'EMail' => array('required' => true, 'email form' => true), 'telephone' => array('required' => true, 'numbered' => true))); if ($validation->passed()) { $user = new User(); $salt = Hash::salt(32); try { $user->create(array('Name' => Input::get('Name'), 'ID' => Input::get('ID'), 'Password' => Hash::make(Input::get('Password'), $salt), 'salt' => $salt, 'IC' => Input::get('IC'), 'TelephoneNo' => Input::get('telephone'), 'Email' => Input::get('EMail'), 'Gender' => Input::get('gender'), 'Race' => Input::get('race'), 'Religion' => Input::get('religion'), 'House_No' => Input::get('house_no'), 'Area' => Input::get('area'), 'Postcode' => Input::get('postcode'), 'State' => Input::get('State'), 'RegDateTime' => datetime(), 'RoomID' => Input::get('Room_ID'), 'GroupNo' => Input::get('Position'))); Session::flash('home', 'Registration successful, Please login'); Redirect::to('login.php'); } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } } else { foreach ($validation->errors() as $error) { $displayerror .= $error . '<br>'; } Session::flash('error', $displayerror); } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html>
private function increment_failed_login($user) { global $db; $users =& singleton::get(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\users'); $users->edit(array('id' => $user['id'], 'failed_logins' => $user['failed_logins'] + 1, 'fail_expires' => datetime(900))); return true; }
$names = array("change_settings" => "Change Settings", "toggle_extensions" => "Toggle Extensions", "view_site" => "View Site", "view_private" => "View Private Posts", "view_draft" => "View Drafts", "view_own_draft" => "View Own Drafts", "add_post" => "Add Posts", "add_draft" => "Add Drafts", "edit_post" => "Edit Posts", "edit_draft" => "Edit Drafts", "edit_own_post" => "Edit Own Posts", "edit_own_draft" => "Edit Own Drafts", "delete_post" => "Delete Posts", "delete_draft" => "Delete Drafts", "delete_own_post" => "Delete Own Posts", "delete_own_draft" => "Delete Own Drafts", "add_page" => "Add Pages", "edit_page" => "Edit Pages", "delete_page" => "Delete Pages", "add_user" => "Add Users", "edit_user" => "Edit Users", "delete_user" => "Delete Users", "add_group" => "Add Groups", "edit_group" => "Edit Groups", "delete_group" => "Delete Groups"); foreach ($names as $id => $name) { $sql->replace("permissions", array("id", "group_id"), array("id" => $id, "name" => $name, "group_id" => 0)); } $groups = array("admin" => array_keys($names), "member" => array("view_site"), "friend" => array("view_site", "view_private"), "banned" => array(), "guest" => array("view_site")); # Insert the default groups (see above) $group_id = array(); foreach ($groups as $name => $permissions) { $sql->replace("groups", "name", array("name" => ucfirst($name))); $group_id[$name] = $sql->latest("groups"); foreach ($permissions as $permission) { $sql->replace("permissions", array("id", "group_id"), array("id" => $permission, "name" => $names[$permission], "group_id" => $group_id[$name])); } } $config->set("default_group", $group_id["member"]); $config->set("guest_group", $group_id["guest"]); if (!$sql->select("users", "id", array("login" => $settings['login']))->fetchColumn()) { $sql->insert("users", array("login" => $settings['login'], "password" => User::hashPassword($settings['password_1']), "email" => $settings['email'], "website" => $config->url, "group_id" => $group_id["admin"], "joined_at" => datetime())); } $sql->insert("posts", array("feather" => "text", "clean" => "welcome", "url" => "welcome", "pinned" => 0, "status" => "public", "user_id" => 1, "created_at" => datetime(), "updated_at" => NULL)); $sql->insert("post_attributes", array("post_id" => 1, "name" => "title", "value" => "Welcome!")); $sql->insert("post_attributes", array("post_id" => 1, "name" => "body", "value" => "Welcome to your own personal, temporary Chyrp demo! This installation will be deleted after 30 minutes. To begin, log in with the username \"Admin\" and the password \"admin\".\n\nHave fun!\n\nP.S. Don't forget to enable some modules and feathers.")); $installed = true; } } if ($installed) { header("Location:" . $num); } else { echo "Sorry, for some reason the demo could not be created.\n"; var_dump($errors); }
public function lists($page = 1) { $map = array(); $list_row = I('r', 10); $postModel = D('Post'); //tag搜索 $tags = I('get.tag'); if ($tags) { $ids = $postModel->where("FIND_IN_SET('{$tags}',tags)")->getField('id', true); $this->assign('title', "标签 <i>{$tags}</i> 下的文章"); if (!empty($ids)) { $map['id'] = array('in', $ids); } } //关键词搜搜 if (I('')) { $kw = trim(I('')); $search = array(); $search['title'] = array('like', '%{$kw}%'); $like_id = $postModel->where("content LIKE '%{$kw}%' OR description LIKE '%{$kw}%'")->getField('id', true); if ($like_id) { $search['id'] = array('in', $like_id); } $search['_logic'] = 'or'; $map['_complex'] = $search; } //区分所有人和本人发布的文章 if (false !== strpos(__SELF__, 'mine') && is_login()) { $map['member_id'] = session('user.uid'); } //归档搜索 if (isset($_GET['year']) && isset($_GET['month'])) { $year = CONTROLLER_NAME; $month = ACTION_NAME; $map['_string'] = "`deadline` LIKE binary('{$year}-{$month}%')"; } $map['deadline'] = array('elt', datetime()); $this->assign('list', $postModel->where($map)->page($page, $list_row)->order('`deadline` DESC')->select()); /* 分页 */ $total = $postModel->where($map)->count(); $page = new \Think\Page($total, $list_row); $page->setConfig('prev', '上一页'); $page->setConfig('next', '下一页'); $page->setConfig('theme', '<div class="pager">%UP_PAGE% %DOWN_PAGE%</div>'); $p = $page->show(); $this->assign('_page', $p ? $p : ''); //tag列表 $this->assign('tags', M('Tags')->order('count DESC')->select()); //获取归档 $list = $postModel->where($map)->order('`deadline` DESC,`id` DESC')->select(); $date = $time = array(); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { if ($value['deadline']) { $time[] = date('F Y', strtotime($value['deadline'])); } } $time = array_unique($time); foreach ($time as $key => $value) { $date[] = array('text' => $value, 'link' => date('Y/m', strtotime($value))); } $this->assign('archive', $date); }
public function metaWeblog_newPost($args) { $this->auth($args[1], $args[2], 'add'); global $user; # Support for extended body $body = $args[3]['description']; if (!empty($args[3]['mt_text_more'])) { $body .= '<!--more-->' . $args[3]['mt_text_more']; } # Add excerpt to body so it isn't lost if (!empty($args[3]['mt_excerpt'])) { $body = $args[3]['mt_excerpt'] . "\n\n" . $body; } if (trim($body) === '') { return new IXR_Error(500, __("Body can't be blank.")); } $clean = sanitize(oneof(@$args[3]['mt_basename'], $args[3]['title'])); $url = Post::check_url($clean); $_POST['user_id'] = $user->id; $_POST['feather'] = XML_RPC_FEATHER; $_POST['created_at'] = oneof($this->convertFromDateCreated($args[3]), datetime()); if ($user->group->can('add_post')) { $_POST['status'] = $args[4] ? 'public' : 'draft'; } else { $_POST['status'] = 'draft'; } $trigger = Trigger::current(); $trigger->call('metaWeblog_newPost_preQuery', $args[3]); $post = Post::add(array('title' => $args[3]['title'], 'body' => $body), $clean, $url); if ($post->no_results) { return new IXR_Error(500, __("Post not found.")); } $trigger->call('metaWeblog_newPost', $args[3], $post); # Send any and all pingbacks to URLs in the body if (Config::current()->send_pingbacks) { send_pingbacks($args[3]['description'], $post); } return $post->id; }
$onlinedb_count = $db->query("SELECT count(*) FROM accounts WHERE pLogin='******'") or die(mysql_error()); $tpl->load_template('online.tpl'); if (!$inum) { $tpl->set('{numonline}', "0"); } else { $tpl->set('{numonline}', $inum); } $tpl->set('{THEME}', THEME); if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($onlinedb_count)) { $total_rows = $row[0]; $num_pages = ceil($total_rows / $per_page); for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_pages; $i++) { $idnumber = $i; } } //echo gets( isset($_GET['page']) ? (int)$_GET['page'] : 1 , 100, '/test/inc.php?page='); $menu = gets(isset($_GET['page']) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : $page, $idnumber, '/users/online/page/'); $tpl->set('{page}', $menu); while ($rowonline = mysql_fetch_array($onlinedb)) { $nextlevel = $rowonline['pLevel'] + 1; $expamount = $nextlevel * 4; $nexttimelv = $expamount - $rowonline['pExp']; $while[] = '<tr><td align="center" width="20" class="table_num"></td><td align="center" width="30"><a href="/skin/zoom/' . $rowonline['Name'] . '.png" class="zoom"><img src="/skin/' . $rowonline['Name'] . '.png" width="30" border="0" /></a></td><td><a href="javascript://" rel="nofollow" onclick="\'/profile/' . $rowonline['Name'] . '/\',\'up1\',\'scrollbars=1,top=0,left=0,resizable=1,width=780,height=310\');return false;">' . str_replace('_', ' ', $rowonline['Name']) . '</a> <font color="#5e5e5e" size="-2"> или ' . $rowonline['Name'] . '</font></td><td align="left" width="85"><font color="#5e5e5e" size="-1">Уровень: <font color="#006600"><b>' . $rowonline['pLevel'] . '</b></font></font></td> <td align="left" width="155" ><font color="#5e5e5e" size="-2">до <font color="#9D0000"><b>' . $nextlevel . '</b></font> уровня осталось: <font color="#9D0000"><b>' . $nexttimelv . '</b></font> ч</font></td><td align="center"><font color="#5e5e5e" size="-1">' . datetime($rowonline['pDataReg']) . '</font></td><td align="center" class="mps">' . str_replace(':', 'ч, ', $rowonline['pOnlineLid']) . 'мин.</td></tr>'; } if (!$while) { $tpl->set('{online}', '<tr><td colspan="7" align="center">' . $lang_error['err_01.no_user'] . '</td></tr>'); } else { $tpl->set('{online}', implode("\n", $while)); } $tpl->compile('usersonline'); eval(' ?' . '>' . $tpl->result['usersonline'] . '<' . '?php ');
public function cscms_skins($field, $str, $label, $row, $sorti = 1, $autoarr = array()) { preg_match_all('/\\[' . $field . ':\\s*([0-9a-zA-Z\\_\\-]+)([\\s]*[link|ulink|dir|level|zd|len|style]*)[=]??([\\d0-9a-zA-Z\\,\\{\\}\\/\\-\\\\:\\s]*)\\]/', $str, $field_arr); if (!empty($field_arr)) { //判断是否嵌套二级 preg_match('/{cscmstype:([\\S]+)\\s+(.*?)}([\\s\\S]+?){\\/cscmstype:\\1}/', $label, $type_arr); if (!empty($type_arr)) { $label = $this->cscms_sql_to($type_arr[1], $type_arr[2], $type_arr[0], $type_arr[3], $label, $row['id']); } unset($type_arr); for ($i = 0; $i < count($field_arr[0]); $i++) { $type = $field_arr[1][$i]; if (array_key_exists($type, $row) && trim($field_arr[2][$i]) != 'zd') { if ($type == 'addtime') { $label = str_replace('[' . $field . ':' . $type . ']', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row[$type]), $label); } else { $label = str_replace('[' . $field . ':' . $type . ']', $row[$type], $label); } //判断自定义标签 if (!empty($field_arr[2][$i]) && !empty($field_arr[3][$i])) { //格式化时间 if (trim($field_arr[2][$i]) == 'style' && trim($field_arr[3][$i]) == 'time') { $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], datetime($row[$type]), $label); //获取IP地区 } elseif (trim($field_arr[2][$i]) == 'style' && trim($field_arr[3][$i]) == 'city') { $ci =& get_instance(); $ci->load->library('ip'); $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], $ci->ip->address($row[$type]), $label); //自定义时间 } elseif (trim($field_arr[2][$i]) == 'style') { $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], date(str_replace('f', 'i', $field_arr[3][$i]), $row[$type]), $label); //图片地址 } elseif (trim($field_arr[2][$i]) == 'dir') { $lall = explode(",", $field_arr[3][$i]); $lass = count($lall) > 1 ? $lall[1] : ''; $pic = piclink($lall[0], $row[$type], $lass); $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], $pic, $label); } //字符截取 if (trim($field_arr[2][$i]) == 'len') { $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], sub_str(str_checkhtml($row[$type]), $field_arr[3][$i]), $label); } } } else { //外部字段 switch ($type) { //序 case 'i': $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], $sorti, $label); break; //序 //序 case 'addres': if (trim($field_arr[2][$i]) == 'zd' && !empty($field_arr[3][$i]) && array_key_exists($field_arr[3][$i], $row)) { $zd = $field_arr[3][$i]; $ci =& get_instance(); $ci->load->library('ip'); $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], $ci->ip->address($row[$zd]), $label); } break; //数据统计 //数据统计 case 'count': if (trim($field_arr[2][$i]) == 'zdy' && !empty($field_arr[3][$i])) { $count = 0; $arr = explode(',', $field_arr[3][$i]); $table = $arr[0]; $czd = empty($arr[1]) ? 'id' : $arr[1]; $szd = empty($arr[2]) ? 'id' : $arr[2]; if (array_key_exists($szd, $row)) { $ci =& get_instance(); if (!isset($ci->db)) { $ci->load->database(); } $uid = !empty($row[$szd]) ? $row[$szd] : (!empty($row['uid']) ? $row['uid'] : 0); if (!empty($table) && $ci->db->table_exists(CS_SqlPrefix . $table) && $ci->db->field_exists($czd, CS_SqlPrefix . $table)) { if (!empty($arr[3]) && (!empty($arr[4]) || (int) $arr[4] == 0)) { if ($ci->db->field_exists($arr[3], CS_SqlPrefix . $table)) { $count = $ci->db->query("SELECT id FROM " . CS_SqlPrefix . $table . " where " . $czd . "='" . $uid . "' and " . $arr[3] . "='" . $arr[4] . "'")->num_rows(); } } else { $count = $ci->db->query("SELECT id FROM " . CS_SqlPrefix . $table . " where " . $czd . "='" . $uid . "'")->num_rows(); } } } $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], $count, $label); } break; //会员信息 //会员信息 case 'user': if (($field == 'user' or array_key_exists('uid', $row) or array_key_exists('uidb', $row)) && trim($field_arr[2][$i]) == 'zd' && !empty($field_arr[3][$i])) { $ci =& get_instance(); if (!isset($ci->db)) { $ci->load->database(); } $ziduan = $field_arr[3][$i]; $zdneir = ($field == 'gbook' or $field == 'pl') ? '游客' : 'null'; if ($field == 'user') { $uid = $row['id']; } else { $lall = explode(",", $ziduan); if (!empty($lall[1])) { $uid = !empty($lall[1]) ? $lall[1] : 0; $ziduan = $lall[1]; } else { if (!empty($row['uid'])) { $uid = $row['uid']; } else { $uid = !empty($row['uidb']) ? $row['uidb'] : 0; } } } $czd = $ziduan == 'nichen' ? $ziduan . ',name' : $ziduan; if ($ci->db->field_exists($ziduan, CS_SqlPrefix . 'user')) { $rowu = $ci->db->query("SELECT " . $czd . " FROM " . CS_SqlPrefix . "user where id='" . $uid . "'")->row(); if ($rowu) { $zdneir = $field_arr[3][$i] == 'nichen' && empty($rowu->{$ziduan}) ? $rowu->name : $rowu->{$ziduan}; } } if ($ziduan == 'logo') { if ($uid == 0) { $zdneir = ''; } $zdneir = piclink('logo', $zdneir); } if ($ziduan == 'zid') { if ($zdneir == 0) { $zdneir = 1; } $zdneir = getzd('userzu', 'name', $zdneir); } if ($ziduan == 'qianm') { if (empty($zdneir)) { $zdneir = '暂时没有签名...'; } } if ($ziduan == 'city') { if (empty($zdneir)) { $zdneir = '保密'; } } $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], $zdneir, $label); //会员等级 } elseif (($field == 'user' or array_key_exists('uid', $row) or array_key_exists('uidb', $row)) && trim($field_arr[2][$i]) == 'level' && !empty($field_arr[3][$i])) { $zdneir = ''; if ($field == 'user') { $uid = $row['id']; } else { $uid = !empty($row['uid']) ? $row['uid'] : (!empty($row['uidb']) ? $row['uidb'] : 0); } $jinyan = getzd('user', 'jinyan', $uid); if ($field_arr[3][$i] == '1') { //星星数 $zdneir = getlevel($jinyan, 1); } if ($field_arr[3][$i] == '2') { //下个级别需要经验 $zdneir = getlevel($jinyan, 2); } if ($field_arr[3][$i] == '3') { //下个级别剩余经验 $zdneir = getlevel($jinyan, 3); } if ($field_arr[3][$i] == '4') { //剩余百分比 $zdneir = getlevel($jinyan, 4); } if ($field_arr[3][$i] == '5') { //名称 $zdneir = getlevel($jinyan, 5); } $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], $zdneir, $label); } break; //歌手信息 //歌手信息 case 'singer': if (array_key_exists('singerid', $row) && trim($field_arr[2][$i]) == 'zd' && !empty($field_arr[3][$i])) { $ci =& get_instance(); if (!isset($ci->db)) { $ci->load->database(); } $zdneir = 'null'; if ($ci->db->table_exists(CS_SqlPrefix . 'singer')) { //歌手表存在 $ziduan = $field_arr[3][$i]; if ($ci->db->field_exists($ziduan, CS_SqlPrefix . 'singer')) { $rows = $ci->db->query("SELECT " . $ziduan . " FROM " . CS_SqlPrefix . "singer where id='" . $row['singerid'] . "'")->row(); if ($rows) { $zdneir = $rows->{$ziduan}; } } if ($ziduan == 'pic') { if ($row['singerid'] == 0) { $zdneir = ''; } $zdneir = piclink('singer', $zdneir); } } $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], $zdneir, $label); } break; //版块链接 //版块链接 case 'murl': if (array_key_exists('dir', $row)) { $link = cscmslink($row['dir']); $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], $link, $label); } break; //网站链接 //网站链接 case 'url': //全局 if (array_key_exists('id', $row) && trim($field_arr[2][$i]) == 'link' && !empty($field_arr[3][$i])) { $lall = explode(",", $field_arr[3][$i]); $lass = count($lall) > 1 ? $lall[1] : ''; $link = linkurl($lall[0], $lass, $row['id']); $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], $link, $label); } //会员 if ((array_key_exists('uid', $row) || array_key_exists('uidb', $row) || $field == 'user') && trim($field_arr[2][$i]) == 'ulink' && !empty($field_arr[3][$i])) { $ci =& get_instance(); if (!isset($ci->db)) { $ci->load->database(); } $link = ''; if ($field == 'user') { if (array_key_exists('id', $row) && array_key_exists('name', $row)) { $lall = explode(",", $field_arr[3][$i]); $lass = count($lall) > 1 ? $lall[1] : ''; $link = userlink($lall[0], $row['id'], $row['name'], $lass); } } else { $uid = !empty($row['uid']) ? $row['uid'] : (!empty($row['uidb']) ? $row['uidb'] : 0); $rowu = $ci->db->query("SELECT id,name FROM " . CS_SqlPrefix . "user where id='" . $uid . "'")->row(); if (!$rowu) { $link = 'http://' . Web_Url . Web_Path; } else { $lall = explode(",", $field_arr[3][$i]); $lass = count($lall) > 1 ? $lall[1] : ''; $link = userlink($lall[0], $rowu->id, $rowu->name, $lass); } } $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], $link, $label); } //会员中心... if (trim($field_arr[2][$i]) == 'userlink' && !empty($field_arr[3][$i])) { $link = spacelink($field_arr[3][$i]); $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], $link, $label); } //自定义URL,板块,字段,参数,参数... if (trim($field_arr[2][$i]) == 'zdy' && !empty($field_arr[3][$i])) { $lall = explode(",", $field_arr[3][$i]); if (!array_key_exists($lall[1], $row) || $row[$lall[1]] == 0) { $link = 'http://' . Web_Url . Web_Path; } else { $lass = count($lall) > 3 ? $lall[3] : ''; $link = linkurl($lall[2], $lass, $row[$lall[1]], 1, $lall[0]); } $label = str_replace($field_arr[0][$i], $link, $label); } break; } } } } unset($field_arr); return $label; }