Ejemplo n.º 1
function session_rapide()
    global $page;
    global $session;
    global $url;
    global $message;
    $page['gabarit'] = "administration";
    if (isset($_SESSION['role_user']) && droit_acces($session['creer_session'], $_SESSION['role_user'])) {
        $page['vue'] = "sessions/session_rapide.vue.php";
        $page['colonne'] = "sessions/sidebar_session.vue.php";
        $page['sessions'] = liste_session();
        $page['genre'] = liste_genre();
        $page['diplome'] = liste_diplome();
        $page['lieux'] = liste_lieux();
        $page['cirfa'] = liste_cirfa();
        $motif_json = liste_motif_json(0);
        $page['motif_json'] = json_encode($motif_json);
        if (isset($_POST['cre_session'])) {
            if (!isset($_POST['motif']) || $_POST['date_session'] == '' || $_POST['duree_session'] == "" | !is_numeric($_POST['duree_session']) || !is_numeric($_POST['nb_candidats_max']) || $_POST['nid_candidat'] == '' && $_POST['nid_temp_candidat'] == '' || $_POST['date_naissance_candidat'] == "" || $_POST['nom_candidat'] == "" || $_POST['prenom_candidat'] == "") {
                $page['message'] = $message['champs_obligatoire'];
            } elseif ($_POST['nid_candidat'] != '' && strlen($_POST['nid_candidat']) != 10) {
                $page['message'] = $message['NID_incorrect'];
            } elseif (!valide_date($_POST['date_session']) || !valide_date($_POST['date_naissance_candidat'])) {
                $page['message'] = $message['date_incorrect'];
            } else {
                if (isset($_POST['fictif_candidat'])) {
                    $fictif = "on";
                } else {
                    $fictif = "off";
                $destination = '';
                if ($_POST['nid_candidat'] == '') {
                    $nid_temp = get_nid_temp($_POST['nid_temp_candidat']);
                    $valeur = $nid_temp[0]['valeur'];
                    $num = (int) $valeur;
                    $taille = strlen($num);
                    $concat = "";
                    for ($taille; $taille < 7; $taille++) {
                        $concat = $concat . "0";
                    $nid_tempo = $nid_temp[0]['code_organisme'] . $concat . ($num + 1);
                    $destination = "./photo_candidat/" . $nid_tempo;
                } else {
                    $nid_tempo = '';
                    $destination = "./photo_candidat/" . $_POST['nid_candidat'];
                if (isset($_FILES['photo_candidat']['name']) && ($_FILES['photo_candidat']['name'] != null || $_FILES['photo_candidat']['name'] != "")) {
                    $ext = pathinfo($_FILES['photo_candidat']['name']);
                    $ext = "." . $ext['extension'];
                    /*upload de l'image*/
                    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo_candidat']['tmp_name'], $destination . $ext);
                } else {
                    $destination = "";
                    $ext = "";
                $id_candidat = creation_candidat2($_POST['nid_candidat'], $nid_tempo, date_fr_to_en($_POST['date_naissance_candidat']), $_POST['nom_candidat'], $_POST['nom_2_candidat'], $_POST['prenom_candidat'], $_POST['prenom_2_candidat'], $_POST['lieu_naissance_candidat'], $_POST['secu_candidat'], $_POST['genre_candidat'], $_POST['dernier_diplome_candidat'], $fictif, $destination . $ext, $_POST['cp_lieu_naissance_candidat'], $_POST['adresse_candidat'], $_POST['complement_adresse_candidat'], $_POST['ville_candidat'], $_POST['cp_candidat'], $_POST['mail_candidat'], $_POST['cirfa'], $_POST['francophone']);
                $id_session = creation_session(date_fr_to_en($_POST['date_session']), $_POST['id_lieu'], $_POST['duree_session'], $_POST['nb_candidats_max']);
                if ($id_candidat == 'a') {
                    $page['message'] = $message['candidat_existe2'];
                } elseif ($id_candidat == 'b') {
                    $page['message'] = $message['candidat_existe'];
                } else {
                    $candidature = creation_candidature($id_candidat, 0);
                    foreach ($_POST['motif'] as $m) {
                        creation_motif_candidature($candidature, $m);
                    creation_inscription($candidature, $id_session);
                    header("Location: index.php?controleur=session&tache=visualiser_session&id=" . $id_session);
    } else {
        $page['vue'] = "erreur_droit.vue.php";
Ejemplo n.º 2
function get_candidats_filtre_reponse($id_test, $crea1, $crea2, $id_motif, $id_organisme, $criteres)
    global $db;
    $sql = "select ";
    $size = sizeof($criteres);
    echo $size;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($criteres as $c) {
        if ($c != "" && $i < $size) {
            $sql .= $c . ", ";
        } elseif ($i == $size) {
            $sql .= $c;
    $where = "where id_test={$id_test} ";
    if ($crea1 != '') {
        $where .= " and date_passation >= '" . date_fr_to_en($crea1) . "' ";
    if ($crea2 != '') {
        $where .= " and date_passation <= '" . date_fr_to_en($crea2) . "'";
    if ($id_organisme != '%') {
        $where .= " and organisme_passation like '" . $id_organisme . "'";
    $sql = $sql . "  from ((candidat,genre, diplome, reponse_candidat) left join candidature on candidature.id_candidat=candidat.id_candidat) left join  motif_candidature on motif_candidature.id_candidature=candidature.id_candidature and motif_candidature.id_motif like '{$id_motif}'  {$where}";
    echo $sql;
    $req = $db->prepare($sql);
    if (!$req->execute()) {
        write_log('Erreur SQL:' . $sql . ' sur fonction : ' . __FUNCTION__ . ' ligne : ' . __LINE__);
    return $res = $req->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function rechercher_candidat()
    global $page;
    global $administration;
    global $url;
    $page['gabarit'] = "administration";
    if (isset($_SESSION['role_user']) && droit_acces($administration['rechercher_candidat'], $_SESSION['role_user'])) {
        $page['vue'] = "participants/recherche_candidat.vue.php";
        $page['colonne'] = "participants/sidebar_candidat.vue.php";
        $page['candidats'] = liste_candidat();
        $page['genre'] = liste_genre();
        $page['diplome'] = liste_diplome();
        if (isset($_POST['rech_candidat'])) {
            $page['candidats_recherche'] = json_encode(recherche_candidat($_POST['nid_candidat'], date_fr_to_en($_POST['date_naissance_candidat']), $_POST['nom_candidat'], $_POST['prenom_candidat'], $_POST['genre_candidat'], $_POST['mail_candidat']));
    } else {
        $page['vue'] = "erreur_droit.vue.php";
Ejemplo n.º 4
    $res = get_facteurs($_POST['id_sphere']);
    echo '<option value="%">Tous</option>';
    foreach ($res as $facteur) {
        echo '<option value="' . $facteur['id_facteur'] . '">
	        ' . utf8_encode($facteur['libelle_facteur']) . '</option> ';
} elseif (isset($_POST['recherche_participant'])) {
    $nid = $_POST['nid'];
    $res = nid_exist($nid);
    echo $res;
    	else echo false;*/
} else {
    $date_crea = date_fr_to_en($_POST['date_crea']);
    $libelle = $_POST['libelle'];
    $date_modif = date_fr_to_en($_POST['date_modif']);
    $etat = $_POST['etat'];
    $projet = $_POST['projet'];
    $sphere = $_POST['id_sphere'];
    $facteur = $_POST['id_facteur'];
    $id_lieu = $_POST['id_lieu'];
    $res = recherche_item($date_crea, $libelle, $date_modif, $etat, $projet, $sphere, $facteur, $id_lieu);
    if ($res != null) {
        foreach ($res as $item) {
            if ($item['consigne_item'] == 1) {
                $itemshow = '<div class="enableItem card init_elem  consigne etat_' . $item['id_etat'] . '" id="' . $item['id_item'] . '">';
            } else {
                $itemshow = '<div class="enableItem card init_elem etat_' . $item['id_etat'] . '" id="' . $item['id_item'] . '">';
            $itemshow .= '
			<div class="ui-icon ui-icon-trash" title="Supprimer" onclick="javascript:remove_item($(this));"></div>
Ejemplo n.º 5
function retirer_partage_batterie()
    global $page;
    global $batterie;
    global $message;
    $page['gabarit'] = "administration";
    if (isset($_SESSION['role_user']) && droit_acces($batterie['partage_batterie'], $_SESSION['role_user'])) {
        $page['vue'] = "batteries/retrait_partage.vue.php";
        $page['colonne'] = "batteries/sidebar_batterie_test.vue.php";
        //*recuperation de la liste des  motifs, et des tests pour la sidebar batterie
        $page['motif'] = liste_motif();
        $page['etat'] = liste_etat();
        //	$page['tests']                 =  liste_des_tests();
        $page['lieu'] = liste_lieux_auteur();
        //organismes auteurs
        $page['lieu2'] = liste_lieux();
        $page['projet'] = liste_projet();
        //chargement de la liste des batteries
        $page['batteries'] = liste_batteries();
        if (isset($_POST['rech_bat'])) {
            $page['tests'] = liste_des_tests($_POST['projet_batterie']);
            $page['batteries_recherche'] = json_encode(rechercher_partage2_batterie_json(1, 0, $_POST['code_batterie'], $_POST['id_etat'], $_POST['id_motif'], $_POST['version'], date_fr_to_en($_POST['date_mise_en_prod']), date_fr_to_en($_POST['date_retrait']), $_POST['id_lieu'], $_POST['projet_batterie']));
            //$error =json_last_error();	var_dump($page['batteries_recherche'] ,$error ==JSON_ERROR_UTF8);
        } elseif (isset($_POST['retirer'])) {
            if (isset($_POST['droits'])) {
                foreach ($_POST['droits'] as $droit) {
                //redirection sur la page d'accueil du controleur
                header("Location: index.php?controleur=batterie_test&tache=base");
            } else {
                $page['message'] = $message['batterie_obligatoire'];
    } else {
        $page['vue'] = "erreur_droit.vue.php";
Ejemplo n.º 6
function retirer_partage_test()
    global $page;
    global $item;
    global $message;
    $page['gabarit'] = "administration";
    if (isset($_SESSION['role_user']) && droit_acces($item['reponse_item'], $_SESSION['role_user'])) {
        $page['vue'] = "tests/retirer_partage_test.vue.php";
        $page['colonne'] = "tests/sidebar_test.vue.php";
        $page['etat'] = liste_etat();
        $page['etat'] = liste_etat();
        $page['categorie'] = liste_categorie();
        $page['tests'] = liste_test();
        $page['lieu'] = liste_lieux_auteur();
        $page['sphere'] = liste_sphere();
        $page['facteur'] = liste_facteur();
        $page['projet'] = liste_projet();
        if (isset($_POST['rech_test'])) {
            if (!isset($_POST['aleatoire'])) {
                $_POST['aleatoire'] = 'off';
            if (!isset($_POST['retour_arriere'])) {
                $_POST['retour_arriere'] = 'off';
            $test_rech = rechercher_test_partage2_json(1, 0, $_POST['code_test'], $_POST['libelle_long_test'], $_POST['id_etat'], $_SESSION['id_lieu'], $_POST['duree_test'], $_POST['version_test'], date_fr_to_en($_POST['date_mise_en_prod']), date_fr_to_en($_POST['date_retrait']), $_POST['id_facteur'], $_POST['id_sphere'], $_POST['retour_arriere'], $_POST['aleatoire'], $_POST['id_lieu'], $_POST['projet_test']);
            if ($test_rech != null) {
                $page['tests_recherche'] = json_encode($test_rech);
            } else {
                $page['tests_recherche'] = '';
        } elseif (isset($_POST['retirer'])) {
            if (isset($_POST['droits'])) {
                foreach ($_POST['droits'] as $droit) {
                header("Location : index.php?controleur=test&tache=base");
            } else {
                $page['message'] = $message['test_obligatoire'];
    } else {
        $page['vue'] = "erreur_droit.vue.php";