	 * Internal function to convert CB-formatted date from field into SQL date.
	 * @access private
	 * @param  string  $value
	 * @return string
	protected function _displayDateToSql( $value ) {
		global $ueConfig;

		if ( $value !== null ) {
			$sqlFormat					=	'Y-m-d';
			$fieldForm					=	str_replace( 'y', 'Y', $ueConfig['date_format'] );
			$value						=	dateConverter( stripslashes( $value ), $fieldForm, $sqlFormat );
			if ( ! preg_match( '/[0-9]{4}-[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]/', $value ) ) {
				$value					=	'';
		return $value;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	$socMeddra = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['socMeddra']);
	$seriousness = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['seriousness']);
	if($seriousness == "" || $seriousness == NULL || empty($seriousness))
		$seriousness = "NULL";

	$seriousnessCrit = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['seriousnessCrit']);
	if($seriousnessCrit == "" || $seriousnessCrit == NULL || empty($seriousnessCrit))
		$seriousnessCrit = "NULL";

	$dateOfDeath = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['dateOfDeath']);
	$dateOfDeath = dateConverter($dateOfDeath);

	$causeOfDeath = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['causeOfDeath']);
	$autopsyYesNo = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['autopsyYesNo']);
	if($autopsyYesNo == "" || $autopsyYesNo == NULL || empty($autopsyYesNo))
		$autopsyYesNo = "NULL";
	$autopsyText = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['autopsyText']);

	if($seriousnessCrit != 1)
		$dateOfDeath = "0000-00-00";
		$causeOfDeath = "";
		$autopsyYesNo = "NULL";
		$autopsyText = "";
Ejemplo n.º 3

include 'secure.php';
include 'connection.php';
include 'date.php';
if (isset($_GET['from']) && isset($_GET['to'])) {
    $from = dateConverter($_GET['from']);
    $to = dateConverter($_GET['to']);
    $str = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(DATE(datetime), '%d %b %y') as date, TIME_FORMAT(TIME(datetime), '%h:%i %s %p') as time, user, page, search, ip FROM `userdata` WHERE date(datetime) BETWEEN '" . $from . "' AND '" . $to . "'";
    $dataObject = $db->query($str);
    $table = "<table class='table table-bordered table-hover table-condensed table-striped mytable'>";
    $table .= "<tr><td>Date</td>";
    $table .= "<td nowrap>Time</td>";
    $table .= "<td nowrap>User</td>";
    $table .= "<td nowrap>Loaded Page</td>";
    $table .= "<td nowrap>Searching Dates</td>";
    $table .= "<td nowrap>IP Address of user</td></tr>";
    while ($row = $dataObject->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $table .= "<tr>";
        $table .= "<td nowrap>" . $row['date'] . "</td>";
        $table .= "<td nowrap>" . $row['time'] . "</td>";
        $table .= "<td nowrap>" . $row['user'] . "</td>";
        $table .= "<td nowrap>" . $row['page'] . "</td>";
        $table .= "<td nowrap>" . $row['search'] . "</td>";
        $table .= "<td nowrap>" . $row['ip'] . "</td>";
        $table .= "</tr>";
    $table .= "</table>";
Ejemplo n.º 4
 $doseIntervalUnit = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['doseIntervalUnit']);
 if ($doseIntervalUnit == "" || $doseIntervalUnit == NULL || empty($doseIntervalUnit)) {
     $doseIntervalUnit = "NULL";
 $cumDoseDay = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['cumDoseDay']);
 if ($cumDoseDay == "" || $cumDoseDay == NULL || empty($cumDoseDay)) {
     $cumDoseDay = "NULL";
 $cumDoseDayUnit = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['cumDoseDayUnit']);
 if ($cumDoseDayUnit == "" || $cumDoseDayUnit == NULL || empty($cumDoseDayUnit)) {
     $cumDoseDayUnit = "NULL";
 $theraphyStartDate = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['theraphyStartDate']);
 $theraphyStartDate = dateConverter($theraphyStartDate);
 $theraphyStopDate = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['theraphyStopDate']);
 $theraphyStopDate = dateConverter($theraphyStopDate);
 $indication = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['indication']);
 $ICDCode = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['ICDCode']);
 $drugAction = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['drugAction']);
 if ($drugAction == "" || $drugAction == NULL || empty($drugAction)) {
     $drugAction = "NULL";
 $reacSubsided = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['reacSubsided']);
 if ($reacSubsided == "" || $reacSubsided == NULL || empty($reacSubsided)) {
     $reacSubsided = "NULL";
 $reacReapp = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['reacReapp']);
 if ($reacReapp == "" || $reacReapp == NULL || empty($reacReapp)) {
     $reacReapp = "NULL";
 if (isset($_POST['reactRel'])) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
$result = mysqli_query($mysqli, "select * from db_notizie_source a, db_notizie_scelte b where a.id in (b.idNews)");
$i = 0;
while ($r = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
    $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
    $x = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('item');
    for ($i = 0; $i < $r['numero']; $i++) {
        $title = $x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $link = $x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $desc = $x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $date = $x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('pubDate')->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $img = 'a';
        if (substr($desc, 0, 1) == '<' && substr($desc, -1, 1) == '>') {
            $dom = new DOMDocument();
            $img = $dom->getElementsByTagName('p')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('img')->item(0)->getAttribute('src');
            $desc = $dom->getElementsByTagName('p')->item(1)->nodeValue;
            if ($desc == '') {
                $desc = $dom->getElementsByTagName('p')->item(0)->nodeValue;
            $desc = utf8_decode($desc);
        mysqli_query($mysqli, "INSERT INTO `db_notizie_aggiornate`(`id`, `idSource`, `ordine`, `date`, `title`, `desc`, `link`, `img`) \n          \t\t\tVALUES (null,'" . $r['idNews'] . "'," . $r['ordine'] . ",'" . dateConverter($date) . "','" . addslashes($title) . "','" . addslashes($desc) . "','{$link}','{$img}')");
        //  echo "INSERT INTO `db_notizie_aggiornate`(`id`, `idSource`, `ordine`, `date`, `title`, `desc`, `link`, `img`)
        //			VALUES (null,'".$r['idNews']."',".$r['ordine'].",'".dateConverter($date)."','$title','$desc','$link','$img')";
function dateConverter($str)
    return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($str));
                <div class="row row-centered">
                    <div class="col-sm-10 col-centered">

if (isset($_GET['from']) && isset($_GET['to'])) {
    function dateConverter($ddmmyyyy)
        /*To Do: validate date format. if not valid, run the below function.
         * die("invalid date error.");
        $exploded = explode("-", $ddmmyyyy);
        return $exploded[2] . '-' . $exploded[1] . '-' . $exploded[0];
    $fromDate = dateConverter($_GET['from']);
    $toDate = dateConverter($_GET['to']);
    $selectedParty = $_GET['selectedParty'];
    $product = $_GET['product'];
    $commonStr = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(date,'%d %b %y') as delDate, product, qty, party, lorry FROM sales ";
    //1st part/common part of all query
    if ($selectedParty == 'all' && $product == 'all') {
        $query = $commonStr . "WHERE date>=:from AND date<=:to ORDER BY date, party, product";
        $dataObject = $db->prepare($query);
        // only date to be binded
    } elseif ($selectedParty !== 'all' && $product == 'all') {
        $query = $commonStr . "WHERE date>=:from AND date<=:to AND party=:userInput ORDER BY date, product";
        $dataObject = $db->prepare($query);
        $dataObject->bindValue(':userInput', $selectedParty);
        // "date" & "party Name" needed. Party name binded.
    } elseif ($selectedParty == 'all' && $product !== 'all') {
        $query = $commonStr . "WHERE date>=:from AND date<=:to AND product=:product ORDER BY date, party";
	 * store() function override, instead of storing it imports.
	 * @param  boolean  $updateNulls
	 * @return boolean
	public function store( $updateNulls = false ) {
		global $_CB_framework, $ueConfig;
		$return = '';
		// Check if file uploads are enabled
		if (!(bool)ini_get('file_uploads')) {
			$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("The importer can't continue before file uploads are enabled in PHP settings.");
			return false;

		if ( ! $this->import_type ) {
			$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No import type selected");
			return false;

		$fromFile			=	cbStartOfStringMatch( $this->import_type, 'file_' );

		if( $fromFile ) {
			$userfile			= $_FILES['userfile'];
			if ( !$userfile || ( $userfile == null ) ) {
				$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No file selected");
				return false;
			if ( isset( $userfile['error'] ) && ( $userfile['error'] ) ) {
				$errors_array	=	array(	1 => CBPTXT::T("The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.") ,
											2 => CBPTXT::T("The uploaded file exceeds the maximum size allowed by this form.") ,
											3 => CBPTXT::T("The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.") ,
											4 => CBPTXT::T("No file was selected and uploaded.") ,
											6 => CBPTXT::T("Missing a temporary folder in php.ini.") ,
											7 => CBPTXT::T("Failed to write file to disk.") ,
											8 => CBPTXT::T("File upload stopped by extension.") );
				if ( in_array( $userfile['error'], $errors_array ) ) {
					$fileErrorTxt	=	$errors_array[$userfile['error']];
				} else {
					$fileErrorTxt	=	CBPTXT::T("File upload error number ") . htmlspecialchars( $userfile['error'] );
				$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . $fileErrorTxt;
				return false;
			if ( ( ! $userfile['tmp_name'] ) || ( ! is_uploaded_file( $userfile['tmp_name'] ) ) ) {
				$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No temporary file name");
				return false;
			if ( $userfile['size'] == 0 ) {
				$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("Empty file");
				return false;
		} else {
			$userfile			=	null;

		if ( $this->import_type == 'cms_acl' ) {
			if ( !$this->usergroup ) {
				$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No usergroup selected");
				return false;
		if ( $this->import_type == 'subscription' ) {
			if ( !$this->from_plan ) {
				$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No subscription plan selected");
				return false;
			if ( !$this->from_sub_status ) {
				$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No subscription status selected");
				return false;
		if ( $this->import_type != 'file_uid_plan_exp' ) {
			if ( !$this->plan ) {
				$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No plan selected");
				return false;
			if ( !$this->state ) {
				$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No subscription state selected");
				return false;
			if ( !$this->date ) {
				$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No subscription date selected");
				return false;

		if ( $fromFile ) {
		    $tmpName			=	$userfile['tmp_name'];
			$fileSize			=	(int) $userfile['size'];
			// $fileType = $userfile['type']; 
		} else {
			$tmpName			=	null;
			$fileSize			=	null;

		$planStateDate			=	array();

		switch ($this->import_type ) {
			case 'file_uid':
				$fp				=	fopen( $tmpName, 'r' ); 
				$content		=	fread( $fp, $fileSize );
				fclose( $fp );
				unlink( $tmpName );
				$userIdList		=	explode( ',', trim( $content ) );
			case 'file_uid_plan_exp':
				$userIdList		=	array();

				$fp				=	fopen( $tmpName, 'r' );
				if ( $fp ) {
					$n			=	0;
					while (!feof( $fp ) ) {
						$line	=	trim( str_replace( '"', '', fgets( $fp, 256 ) ) );
						$n		+=	1;
						if ( strlen( $line ) > 0 ) {
							$matches			=	null;
							if ( preg_match( '/([1-9][0-9]*),([1-9][0-9]*),([AXC]),([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9])/', $line, $matches ) ) {
								if ( ! in_array( (int) $matches[1], $userIdList ) ) {
									$userIdList[]	=	(int) $matches[1];
								$planStateDate[(int) $matches[1]][]	=	array( 'plan' => (int) $matches[2], 'status' => $matches[3], 'date' => $matches[4], );
							} else {
								$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . sprintf(CBPTXT::T("Line %s does not match the format userid,planid,status,date, e.g. 63,1,A,2009-01-01 00:00:00, and is instead: %s ."), $n, htmlspecialchars( $line ) );
								fclose( $fp );
								unlink( $tmpName );
								return false;
				fclose( $fp );
				unlink( $tmpName );

			case 'cms_acl':
				if ( checkJversion() >= 2 ) {
					$sql		=	'SELECT id FROM #__users u'
								.	' JOIN #__user_usergroup_map m ON ( u.id = m.user_id )'
								.	' WHERE m.group_id = ' . (int) $this->usergroup
				} else {
					$sql		=	'SELECT id FROM #__users'
								.	' WHERE gid = ' . (int) $this->usergroup
				$this->_db->setQuery( $sql );
				$userIdList		=	$this->_db->loadResultArray();

			case 'subscription':
				$statuses		=	$this->from_sub_status;
				foreach (array_keys( $statuses ) as $k ) {
					$statuses[$k]	=	$this->_db->Quote( $statuses[$k][0] );
				$sql			=	'SELECT s.user_id FROM #__cbsubs_subscriptions s'
								.	' JOIN #__users u ON ( u.id = s.user_id AND u.block = 0 )'
								.	' JOIN #__comprofiler c ON ( c.id = s.user_id AND c.confirmed = 1 AND c.approved = 1 )'
								.	' WHERE s.plan_id = ' . (int) $this->from_plan
								.	' AND s.status IN (' . implode( ',', $statuses ) . ')'
				$this->_db->setQuery( $sql );
				$userIdList		=	$this->_db->loadResultArray();

				$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("Import type not implemented!");
				return false;

		if ( count( $userIdList ) == 0 ) {
			$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("No user to import");
			return false;
		$plansMgr					=&	cbpaidPlansMgr::getInstance();

		$offset			=	$_CB_framework->getCfg( 'offset' ) * 3600;

		if ( $this->import_type != 'file_uid_plan_exp' ) {
			$plan					=&	$plansMgr->loadPlan( (int) $this->plan );
			$this->date				=	dateConverter( $this->date, $ueConfig['date_format'], 'Y-m-d' );
			$subscriptionTime		=	(int) ( $plan->strToTime( $this->date ) - $offset );
			foreach( $userIdList as $key => $value ) {
				if ( ! is_numeric( $value ) ) {
					$this->_error	=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("non-numeric userid value: ") . str_replace( "\n", ' ', htmlspecialchars( $value ) );
					return false;
				$userIdList[$key]	=	(int) $value;
		} else {
			$plan					=	null;
			$subscriptionTime		=	null;

		$this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT u.id, u.username FROM #__comprofiler c, #__users u WHERE c.id=u.id AND u.block = 0 AND c.approved = 1 AND c.confirmed = 1 AND c.id IN (" . implode( ',', $userIdList ) . ")" );
		$users						=	$this->_db->loadObjectList('id');
		if ( count( $userIdList ) != count( $users ) ) {
			if ( is_array( $users ) ) {
				foreach ( $users as $u ) {
					$keys			=	array_keys( $userIdList, $u->id );
					unset( $userIdList[$keys[0]] );
					unset( $planStateDate[(int) $u->id] );
			$idList					=	implode( ', ', $userIdList );
			$this->_error			=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("Not all userId exist, are active (confirmed, approved and enabled) ! innexistant or inactive ids: ") . $idList;
			return false;

		$this->_db->setQuery( "SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM #__cbsubs_subscriptions WHERE user_id IN (" . implode( ',', $userIdList ) . ")"			//FIXME: API needed to load the right type of subscriptions
							. " ORDER BY user_id" );
		$usersSubscribed			=	$this->_db->loadResultArray();

		$incompatibleUsersSubs		=	array();

		if ( $this->import_type != 'file_uid_plan_exp' ) {
			foreach ( $users as $user ) {
				@set_time_limit( 60 );

				$incompatible						=	false;
				if ( in_array( $user->id, $usersSubscribed ) ) {
					if ( $plan->get( 'exclusive' ) && ( $plan->get( 'item_type' ) == 'usersubscription' ) ) {
						$paidUserExtension			=&	cbpaidUserExtension::getInstance( $user->id );
						$subscriptions				=	$paidUserExtension->getUserSubscriptions( null, false );
		 				foreach ( $subscriptions as $s ) {
		 					if ( ( $s->parent_plan == $plan->get( 'parent' ) ) && $s->checkIfValid() ) {
		 						$sPlan				=	$s->getPlan();
		 						if ( $sPlan->get( 'exclusive' ) && ( $sPlan->get( 'item_type' ) == 'usersubscription' ) ) {
			 						// check if any other exclusive subscription with same parent plan is active:
			 						$incompatible	=	true;
				if ( ! $incompatible ) {
					if ( $plan->get( 'parent' ) ) {
						$plansMgr		=&	cbpaidPlansMgr::getInstance();
						$parentPlan		=	$plansMgr->loadPlan( $plan->get( 'parent' ) );
						$parentSub		=	$parentPlan->loadLatestSomethingOfUser( $user->id, null );
						if ( ! $parentSub ) {
							$incompatible	=	true;
 				if ( $incompatible ) {
 					if ( ! in_array( $user->id, $incompatibleUsersSubs ) ) {
 						$incompatibleUsersSubs[]	=	$user->id;
				if ( ! $this->dryrun ) {
					$userFull			=	CBuser::getUserDataInstance( $user->id );
					$this->createSomething( $plan, $userFull, $this->state, $subscriptionTime );
					CBuser::unsetUsersNotNeeded( array( (int) $user->id ) );
		} else {
			foreach ( $users as $user ) {
				@set_time_limit( 60 );
				foreach ( $planStateDate[(int) $user->id] as $psd ) {
					$plan				=&	$plansMgr->loadPlan( (int) $psd['plan'] );
					$status				=	$psd['status'];
					$subscriptionTime	=	$plan->strToTime( $psd['date'] ) - $offset;

					$incompatible						=	false;
					if ( in_array( $user->id, $usersSubscribed ) ) {
						if ( $plan->get( 'exclusive' ) && ( $plan->get( 'item_type' ) == 'usersubscription' ) ) {
							$paidUserExtension			=&	cbpaidUserExtension::getInstance( $user->id );
							$subscriptions				=	$paidUserExtension->getUserSubscriptions( null, false );
			 				foreach ( $subscriptions as $s ) {
			 					if ( ( $s->parent_plan == $plan->get( 'parent' ) ) && $s->checkIfValid() ) {
			 						$sPlan				=	$s->getPlan();
			 						if ( $sPlan->get( 'exclusive' ) && ( $sPlan->get( 'item_type' ) == 'usersubscription' ) ) {
				 						// check if any other exclusive subscription with same parent plan is active:
				 						$incompatible	=	true;
					if ( ! $incompatible ) {
						if ( $plan->get( 'parent' ) ) {
							$plansMgr		=&	cbpaidPlansMgr::getInstance();
							$parentPlan		=	$plansMgr->loadPlan( $plan->get( 'parent' ) );
							$parentSub		=	$parentPlan->loadLatestSomethingOfUser( $user->id, null );
							if ( ! $parentSub ) {
								$incompatible	=	true;
					if ( $incompatible ) {
	 					if ( ! in_array( $user->id, $incompatibleUsersSubs ) ) {
	 						$incompatibleUsersSubs[]	=	$user->id;
					if ( ! $this->dryrun ) {
						$userFull			=	CBuser::getUserDataInstance( $user->id );
						$this->createSomething( $plan, $userFull, $status, $subscriptionTime );
						CBuser::unsetUsersNotNeeded( array( (int) $user->id ) );
		if ( ( count( $userIdList ) > 0 ) && ( count( $incompatibleUsersSubs ) == 0 ) ) {
			$resultText				=	CBPTXT::T("Success");
		} elseif ( ( count( $userIdList ) > count( $incompatibleUsersSubs ) ) ) {
			$resultText				=	CBPTXT::T("Partial Success");
		} elseif ( ( count( $userIdList ) == count( $incompatibleUsersSubs ) ) ) {
			$resultText				=	CBPTXT::T("Import failed");
		} else {
			$resultText				=	CBPTXT::T("Unknow Result");
		$return						.=	'<h1>' . $resultText . ( $this->dryrun ? ' [' . CBPTXT::T("DRY-RUN - NO REAL SUBSCRIPTION") . ']' : '' ) .  ':</h1>';

		if ( count( $incompatibleUsersSubs ) > 0 ) {
			$idList					=	implode( ', ', $incompatibleUsersSubs );
			$return					.=	'<p>' . CBPTXT::T("Some users have already subscriptions: user ids: ") . $idList. '</p>';
			// $this->_error		=	CBPTXT::T("Importer") . ' - ' . CBPTXT::T("error:") . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("Some users have already subscriptions: user ids: ") . $idList;
			// return false;

		if ( $this->import_type != 'file_uid_plan_exp' ) {
			$return .= '<p>' . sprintf( CBPTXT::T("%d users subscribed to plan: %s , with state: %s"), ( count( $userIdList ) - count( $incompatibleUsersSubs ) ), $plan->get( 'name' ), CBPTXT::T( $this->_states[$this->state] ) ) . '</p>';
			if ( ( count( $userIdList ) - count( $incompatibleUsersSubs ) ) > 0 ) {
				$return .= '<p>' . CBPTXT::T("Users subscribed (usernames):") . '</p>';
				$return .= '<p>';
				foreach ( $users as $user ) {
					if ( ! in_array( $user->id, $incompatibleUsersSubs ) ) {
						$return .= $user->username . ' ';
				$return .= '</p>';
		} else {
			$return .= '<p>' . sprintf( CBPTXT::T("%d users subscribed"), ( count( $userIdList ) - count( $incompatibleUsersSubs ) ) ) . '</p>';
			if ( ( count( $userIdList ) - count( $incompatibleUsersSubs ) ) > 0 ) {
				$return .= '<p>' . CBPTXT::T("Users subscribed (usernames):") . '</p>';
				foreach ( $users as $user ) {
					if ( ! in_array( $user->id, $incompatibleUsersSubs ) ) {
						$return .= '<p>' . $user->username . ' ' . CBPTXT::T("to") . ' ';
						foreach ( $planStateDate[(int) $user->id] as $psd ) {
							$plan				=&	$plansMgr->loadPlan( (int) $psd['plan'] );
							$status				=	$psd['status'];
							$return				.=	sprintf(CBPTXT::T("plan: %s , with state: %s") . ' ', $plan->get( 'name' ), CBPTXT::T( $this->_states[$status] ) );
				$return .= '</p>';
		if ( count( $incompatibleUsersSubs ) > 0 ) {
			$return .= '<p>' . CBPTXT::T("Following Users could not be subscribed (usernames) because either: (A) an exclusive active subscription exists that would conflict with the imported user subscription, or: (B) it is a children plan but the parent plan subscription does not exist:") . '</p>';
			$return .= '<p>';
			foreach ( $incompatibleUsersSubs as $uid ) {
				if ( isset( $users[$uid] ) ) {
					$return .= $users[$uid]->username . ' ';
			$return .= '</p>';
		$this->_resultOfStore	=	$return;
		return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
     $query = "";
 // Insert Concomitant
 $otrMedName = $_POST['otrMedName'];
 $otrDose = $_POST['otrDose'];
 $otrStartDate = $_POST['otrStartDate'];
 $otrEndDate = $_POST['otrEndDate'];
 $otrReason = $_POST['otrReason'];
 for ($i = 0; $i < count($otrMedName); $i++) {
     $medN = $otrMedName[$i];
     $medN = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $medN);
     $dos = $otrDose[$i];
     $stDate = $otrStartDate[$i];
     $stDate = dateConverter($stDate);
     $edDate = $otrEndDate[$i];
     $edDate = dateConverter($edDate);
     $rea = $otrReason[$i];
     $query = "INSERT INTO adr_druglist\n\t\t\t\t\tSET\n\t\t\t\t\t\tadrDrugListID=NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tadrFormID={$formID},\n\t\t\t\t\t\tproduct_name='{$medN}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdosage='{$dos}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttherapy_start='{$stDate}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttherapy_stop='{$edDate}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsuspected='3',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tindication='{$rea}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsubsided={$sbsided},\n\t\t\t\t\t\treappear={$reApp},\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconserf_medType='OTR'";
     $medRes = mysqli_query($con, $query) or die(mysqli_error($con));
     $query = "";
 // $lol = json_encode($_POST);
 // echo "<br/><br/><br/> $lol";
 $adrDetailQuery = "INSERT INTO adrdetail\n\t  SET\n\t\t adrDetailID=NULL,\n\t\t adrFormID={$formID},\n\t\t Adr_onsetDate='{$reactStDate}',\n\t\t Adr_endDate='{$reactEdDate}',\n\t\t Adr_treat='{$treatText}',\n\t\t Adr_rctFirstTime={$rt1stTime},\n\t\t Adr_rctFirstTimeUnit={$rt1stTimeUnit}";
 $detailRes = mysqli_query($con, $adrDetailQuery);
 $adrDataQuery = "INSERT INTO adrdata\n\t\tSET\n\t\t\tadrDataIDAI=NULL,\n\t\t\tadrFormID={$formID},\n\t\t\tage='{$ptAge}',\n\t\t\tsex='{$ptSex}',\n\t\t\tethnic='{$ethnic}',\n\t\t\trace='{$nation}',\n\t\t\toutcome='{$currentOutcome}',\n\t\t\treaction_treatment='{$treatText}',\n\t\t\thistory='{$ptHealthProb}',\n\t\t\t`status`='{$status}',\n\t\t\treport_date='{$reportDate}',\n\t\t\treporter_telno='{$cntctNo}',\n\t\t\treporter_email='{$ptEmail}',\n\t\t\tadr_desc='{$otrSideEff}',\n\t\t\tinitial='{$ptName}',\n\t\t\trt1stTime={$rt1stTime},\n\t\t\trt1stTimeUnit={$rt1stTimeUnit},\n\t\t\tdateRcv=NOW(),\n\t\t\tonset_date='{$reactStDate}',\n\t\t\tdate_end_reaction='{$reactEdDate}',\n\t\t\treaction_subsided='{$sbsided}',\n\t\t\treaction_reappeared='{$reApp}',\n\t\t\tseriousness={$sSD}";
 $res = mysqli_query($con, $adrDataQuery);
 if ($res) {
     $log = "ConSERF Form Submitted " . PHP_EOL . $query;
     file_put_contents('log.txt', $log, FILE_APPEND);
     header("Location: submit_conserf_form_res.php");
Ejemplo n.º 9

include 'connection_pure.php';
include 'function.php';
if (isset($_POST['labIDEd'])) {
    if (isset($_SESSION)) {
        $staff_id = $_SESSION['staff_id'];
    } else {
        $staff_id = "0";
    $labIDEd = $_POST['labIDEd'];
    $labTestTypeEd = $_POST['labTestTypeEd'];
    $labResDateEd = $_POST['labResDateEd'];
    $labResDateEd = dateConverter($labResDateEd);
    $labResEd = $_POST['labResEd'];
    $sql = "UPDATE labdatares\n\t\t\t\tSET\n\t\t\t\t\tLDS_TESTTYPE='{$labTestTypeEd}',\n\t\t\t\t\tLDS_RESDATE='{$labResDateEd}',\n\t\t\t\t\tLDS_RES='{$labResEd}',\n\t\t\t\t\tlog_id='{$staff_id}'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE LDS_ID = {$labIDEd}";
    $res = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
    if ($res) {
        echo "1";
    } else {
        echo "0";
    static function manageConnections($connections, $actions, $total, &$connMgmtTabs, &$pagingParams, $perpage, $connecteds = null)
        global $_CB_framework, $ueConfig, $_REQUEST;
        $Itemid = $_CB_framework->itemid();
        $ui = 1;
var tabPanemyCon;
function showCBTabPaneMy( sName ) {
	if (typeof tabPanemyCon != "undefined" ) {
		switch ( sName.toLowerCase() ) {
			case "<?php 
        echo strtolower(_UE_MANAGEACTIONS);
			case "manageactions":
			case "0":
				tabPanemyCon.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
			case "<?php 
        echo strtolower(_UE_MANAGECONNECTIONS);
			case "manageconnections":
			case "1":
				tabPanemyCon.setSelectedIndex( 1 );
			case "<?php 
        echo strtolower(_UE_CONNECTEDWITH);
			case "connectedfrom":
			case "2":
				tabPanemyCon.setSelectedIndex( 2 );
        $cbjavascript = ob_get_contents();
function confirmSubmit() {
	if (confirm("<?php 
		return true ;
		return false ;
        $cbjavascript = ob_get_contents();
        $tabs = new cbTabs(0, $ui);
        $cTypes = explode("\n", $ueConfig['connection_categories']);
        $connectionTypes = array();
        foreach ($cTypes as $cType) {
            if (trim($cType) != null && trim($cType) != "") {
                $connectionTypes[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption(trim($cType), getLangDefinition(trim($cType)));
<div class="contentheading"><?php 
</div><br />
<br />
        echo $tabs->startPane("myCon");
        // Tab 0: Manange Actions:
        echo $tabs->startTab("myCon", _UE_MANAGEACTIONS . " (" . count($actions) . ")", "action");
        if (!count($actions) > 0) {
            echo "\t\t<div class=\"tab_Description\">" . _UE_NOACTIONREQUIRED . "</div>\n";
        } else {
            echo '<form method="post" action="' . cbSef('index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;task=processConnectionActions' . ($Itemid ? "&amp;Itemid=" . (int) $Itemid : "")) . '">';
            echo "\t\t<div class=\"tab_Description\">" . _UE_CONNECT_ACTIONREQUIRED . "</div>\n";
            // echo "<div style=\"width:100%;text-align:right;\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"inputbox\"  value=\""._UE_UPDATE."\" /></div>";
            echo "<table cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"95%\">";
            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td>";
            foreach ($actions as $action) {
                $conAvatar = null;
                $conAvatar = getFieldValue('image', $action->avatar, $action);
                $onlineIMG = $ueConfig['allow_onlinestatus'] == 1 ? getFieldValue('status', $action->isOnline, $action, null, 1) : "";
                $tipField = "<b>" . _UE_CONNECTIONREQUIREDON . "</b> : " . dateConverter($action->membersince, 'Y-m-d', $ueConfig['date_format']);
                if ($action->reason != null) {
                    $tipField .= "<br /><b>" . _UE_CONNECTIONMESSAGE . "</b> :<br />" . htmlspecialchars($action->reason, ENT_QUOTES);
                $tipTitle = _UE_CONNECTIONREQUESTDETAIL;
                $htmltext = $conAvatar;
                $style = "style=\"padding:5px;\"";
                $tooltip = cbFieldTip($ui, $tipField, $tipTitle, '250', '', $htmltext, '', $style, '', false);
                echo "<div class=\"connectionBox\">";
                echo $onlineIMG . ' ' . getNameFormat($action->name, $action->username, $ueConfig['name_format']) . "<br />" . $tooltip . "<br /><img src=\"components/com_comprofiler/images/tick.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _UE_ACCEPTCONNECTION . "\" title=\"" . _UE_ACCEPTCONNECTION . "\" /><input type=\"radio\"  value=\"a\" checked=\"checked\" name=\"" . $action->id . "action\"/> <img src=\"components/com_comprofiler/images/publish_x.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _UE_DECLINECONNECTION . "\" title=\"" . _UE_DECLINECONNECTION . "\" /><input type=\"radio\" value=\"d\" name=\"" . $action->id . "action\"/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"uid[]\" value=\"" . $action->id . "\" />";
                echo " </div>\n";
            echo "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
            echo "</table>";
            echo "<div style=\"width:100%;text-align:right;\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\"  value=\"" . _UE_UPDATE . "\" /></div>";
            echo cbGetSpoofInputTag('manageConnections');
            echo "</form>";
        echo $tabs->endTab();
        // Tab 1: Manange Connections:
        echo $tabs->startTab("myCon", _UE_MANAGECONNECTIONS, "connections");
        if (!count($connections) > 0) {
            echo "\t\t<div class=\"tab_Description\">" . _UE_NOCONNECTIONS . "</div>\n";
        } else {
	<form action='<?php 
            echo cbSef('index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;task=saveConnections' . ($Itemid ? "&amp;Itemid=" . (int) $Itemid : ""));
' method='post' name='userAdmin'>
	<div class="tab_Description"><?php 
	<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="95%">
		<th style='text-align:center;'><?php 
            echo _UE_CONNECTION;
		<th style='text-align:center;'><?php 
            echo _UE_CONNECTIONTYPE;
		<th style='text-align:center;'><?php 
            echo _UE_CONNECTIONCOMMENT;
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($connections as $connection) {
                $k = explode('|*|', trim($connection->type));
                $list = array();
                $list['connectionType'] = moscomprofilerHTML::selectList($connectionTypes, $connection->id . 'connectiontype[]', 'class="inputbox" multiple="multiple" size="5"', 'value', 'text', $k, 0);
                $conAvatar = null;
                $conAvatar = getFieldValue('image', $connection->avatar, $connection);
                $emailIMG = getFieldValue('primaryemailaddress', $connection->email, $connection, null, 1);
                $pmIMG = getFieldValue('pm', $connection->username, $connection, null, 1);
                $onlineIMG = $ueConfig['allow_onlinestatus'] == 1 ? getFieldValue('status', $connection->isOnline, $connection, null, 1) : "";
                if ($connection->accepted == 1 && $connection->pending == 1) {
                    $actionIMG = "<img src=\"components/com_comprofiler/images/pending.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _UE_CONNECTIONPENDING . "\" title=\"" . _UE_CONNECTIONPENDING . "\" /> <a href=\"" . cbSef("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;act=connections&amp;task=removeConnection&amp;connectionid=" . $connection->memberid . ($Itemid ? "&amp;Itemid=" . (int) $Itemid : "")) . "\" onclick=\"return confirmSubmit();\" ><img src=\"components/com_comprofiler/images/publish_x.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . "\" title=\"" . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . "\" /></a>";
                } elseif ($connection->accepted == 1 && $connection->pending == 0) {
                    $actionIMG = "<a href=\"" . cbSef("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;act=connections&amp;task=removeConnection&amp;connectionid=" . $connection->memberid . ($Itemid ? "&amp;Itemid=" . (int) $Itemid : "")) . "\" onclick=\"return confirmSubmit();\" ><img src=\"components/com_comprofiler/images/publish_x.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . "\" title=\"" . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . "\" /></a>";
                } elseif ($connection->accepted == 0) {
                    $actionIMG = "<a href=\"" . cbSef("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;act=connections&amp;task=acceptConnection&amp;connectionid=" . $connection->memberid . ($Itemid ? "&amp;Itemid=" . (int) $Itemid : "")) . "\"><img src=\"components/com_comprofiler/images/tick.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _UE_ACCEPTCONNECTION . "\" title=\"" . _UE_ACCEPTCONNECTION . "\" /></a> <a href=\"" . cbSef("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;act=connections&amp;task=removeConnection&amp;connectionid=" . $connection->memberid . ($Itemid ? "&amp;Itemid=" . (int) $Itemid : "")) . "\"><img src=\"components/com_comprofiler/images/publish_x.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . "\" title=\"" . _UE_DECLINECONNECTION . "\" /></a>";
                $tipField = "<b>" . _UE_CONNECTEDSINCE . "</b> : " . dateConverter($connection->membersince, 'Y-m-d', $ueConfig['date_format']);
                if ($connection->type != null) {
                    $tipField .= "<br /><b>" . _UE_CONNECTIONTYPE . "</b> : " . getConnectionTypes($connection->type);
                if ($connection->description != null) {
                    $tipField .= "<br /><b>" . _UE_CONNECTEDCOMMENT . "</b> : " . htmlspecialchars($connection->description);
                $tipTitle = _UE_CONNECTEDDETAIL;
                $htmltext = $conAvatar;
                $style = "style=\"padding:5px;\"";
                $tooltip = cbFieldTip($ui, $tipField, $tipTitle, '200', '', $htmltext, '', $style, '', false);
                echo "\n<tr style='vertical-align:top;' class='sectiontableentry" . $i . "'>";
                echo "\n\t<td style='text-align:center;'>" . $onlineIMG . ' ' . getNameFormat($connection->name, $connection->username, $ueConfig['name_format']) . "<br />" . $tooltip . "<br />" . $actionIMG . " <a href=\"" . cbSef("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;task=userProfile&amp;user="******"&amp;Itemid=" . (int) $Itemid : "")) . "\"><img src=\"components/com_comprofiler/images/profiles.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _UE_VIEWPROFILE . "\" title=\"" . _UE_VIEWPROFILE . "\" /></a> " . $emailIMG . " " . $pmIMG . "</td>";
                echo "\n\t<td style='text-align:center;'>" . $list['connectionType'] . "</td>";
                echo "\n\t<td style='text-align:center;'><textarea cols=\"25\" class=\"inputbox\"  rows=\"5\" name=\"" . $connection->id . "description\">" . htmlspecialchars($connection->description) . "</textarea><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"uid[]\" value=\"" . $connection->id . "\" /></td>";
                echo "\n</tr>";
                $i = $i == 1 ? 2 : 1;
            echo "</tbody>";
            echo "</table><br />";
            if ($perpage < $total) {
                echo "<div style='width:95%;text-align:center;'>" . $connMgmtTabs->_writePaging($pagingParams, 'connections_', $perpage, $total, 'manageConnections') . "</div>";
            echo "<div style=\"width:100%;text-align:right;\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\"  value=\"" . _UE_UPDATE . "\" /></div>";
            echo cbGetSpoofInputTag('manageConnections');
            echo "</form>";
        echo $tabs->endTab();
        // Tab 2: Users connected with me:
        if ($ueConfig['autoAddConnections'] == 0) {
            echo $tabs->startTab('myCon', _UE_CONNECTEDWITH, 'connected');
            if (!count($connecteds) > 0) {
                echo _UE_NOCONNECTEDWITH;
            } else {
                // tooltip params:
                $width = '200';
                $icon = '';
                $href = '';
                echo '<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="95%">';
                echo '<tr>';
                echo '<td>';
                foreach ($connecteds as $connected) {
                    $conAvatar = null;
                    $conAvatar = getFieldValue('image', $connected->avatar, $connected);
                    $emailIMG = getFieldValue('primaryemailaddress', $connected->email, $connected, null, 1);
                    $pmIMG = getFieldValue('pm', $connected->username, $connected, null, 1);
                    $onlineIMG = $ueConfig['allow_onlinestatus'] == 1 ? getFieldValue('status', $connected->isOnline, $connected, null, 1) : '';
                    if ($connected->accepted == 1 && $connected->pending == 1) {
                        $actionIMG = '<img src="components/com_comprofiler/images/pending.png" border="0" alt="' . _UE_CONNECTIONPENDING . '" title="' . _UE_CONNECTIONPENDING . '" /> ' . '<a href="' . cbSef('index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;act=connections&amp;task=denyConnection&amp;connectionid=' . $connected->memberid . ($Itemid ? '&amp;Itemid=' . (int) $Itemid : '')) . '" onclick="return confirmSubmit();">' . '<img src="components/com_comprofiler/images/publish_x.png" border="0" alt="' . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . '" title="' . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . '" /></a>';
                    } elseif ($connected->accepted == 1 && $connected->pending == 0) {
                        $actionIMG = '<a href="' . cbSef('index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;act=connections&amp;task=denyConnection&amp;connectionid=' . $connected->referenceid . ($Itemid ? '&amp;Itemid=' . (int) $Itemid : '')) . '" onclick="return confirmSubmit();">' . '<img src="components/com_comprofiler/images/publish_x.png" border="0" alt="' . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . '" title="' . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . '" /></a>';
                    } elseif ($connected->accepted == 0) {
                        $actionIMG = '<a href="' . cbSef('index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;act=connections&amp;task=acceptConnection&amp;connectionid=' . $connected->referenceid . ($Itemid ? '&amp;Itemid=' . (int) $Itemid : '')) . '">' . '<img src="components/com_comprofiler/images/tick.png" border="0" alt="' . _UE_ACCEPTCONNECTION . '" title="' . _UE_ACCEPTCONNECTION . '" /></a> ' . '<a href="' . cbSef('index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;act=connections&amp;task=denyConnection&amp;connectionid=' . $connected->referenceid . ($Itemid ? '&amp;Itemid=' . (int) $Itemid : '')) . '" onclick="return confirmSubmit();">' . '<img src="components/com_comprofiler/images/publish_x.png" border="0" alt="' . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . '" title="' . _UE_DECLINECONNECTION . '" /></a>';
                    $tipField = '<b>' . _UE_CONNECTEDSINCE . '</b> : ' . dateConverter($connected->membersince, 'Y-m-d', $ueConfig['date_format']);
                    if (getLangDefinition($connected->type) != null) {
                        $tipField .= '<br /><b>' . _UE_CONNECTIONTYPE . '</b> : ' . getLangDefinition($connected->type);
                    if ($connected->description != null) {
                        $tipField .= '<br /><b>' . _UE_CONNECTEDCOMMENT . '</b> : ' . htmlspecialchars($connected->description);
                    $tipTitle = _UE_CONNECTEDDETAIL;
                    $htmltext = $conAvatar;
                    $style = 'style="padding:5px;"';
                    $tooltip = cbFieldTip($ui, $tipField, $tipTitle, $width, $icon, $htmltext, $href, $style, '', false);
                    echo '<div class="connectionBox">';
                    echo $actionIMG . '<br />';
                    echo $tooltip . '<br />';
                    echo $onlineIMG . ' ' . getNameFormat($connected->name, $connected->username, $ueConfig['name_format']);
                    echo '<br /><a href="' . cbSef('index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;task=userProfile&amp;user='******'&amp;Itemid=' . (int) $Itemid : '')) . '"><img src="components/com_comprofiler/images/profiles.gif" border="0" alt="' . _UE_VIEWPROFILE . '" title="' . _UE_VIEWPROFILE . '" /></a> ' . $emailIMG . ' ' . $pmIMG . "\n";
                    echo " </div>\n";
                echo '</td>';
                echo '</tr>';
                echo '</table>';
            echo $tabs->endTab();
        echo $tabs->endPane();
        if (isset($_REQUEST['tab'])) {
            $_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery("showCBTabPaneMy( '" . addslashes(urldecode(stripslashes(cbGetParam($_REQUEST, 'tab')))) . "' );");
        } elseif (!(count($actions) > 0)) {
            $_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery("tabPanemyCon.setSelectedIndex( 1 );");
        echo '<div style="clear:both;padding:5px"><a href="' . cbSef('index.php?option=com_comprofiler' . getCBprofileItemid(true)) . '">' . _UE_BACK_TO_YOUR_PROFILE . '</a></div>';
Ejemplo n.º 11
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">

		// print_r($_SESSION);
		// echo "<br/>";
		// $str = "adrtestenc";
		// echo "$str <br/>";
		// $str_enc = q3_encrypt($str);
		// echo "$str_enc <br/>";

		// $str_dec = q3_decrypt($str_enc);
		// echo "$str_dec <br/>";

	$date = "12/08/2016";

	echo "<br/>";

Ejemplo n.º 12
     $nation = "NULL";
 $ethnic = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['ethnic']);
 if ($ethnic == "" || $ethnic == NULL || empty($ethnic)) {
     $ethnic = "NULL";
 $reportDate = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['reportDate']);
 $reportDate = dateConverter($reportDate);
 $cntctNo = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['cntctNo']);
 $ptEmail = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['ptEmail']);
 $ptHealthProb = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['ptHealthProb']);
 // Part 3
 $reactStDate = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['reactStDate']);
 $reactStDate = dateConverter($reactStDate);
 $reactEdDate = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['reactEdDate']);
 $reactEdDate = dateConverter($reactEdDate);
 $otrSideEff = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['otrSideEff']);
 $rt1stTime = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rt1stTime']);
 if ($rt1stTime == "" || $rt1stTime == NULL || empty($rt1stTime)) {
     $rt1stTime = "NULL";
 $rt1stTimeUnit = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rt1stTimeUnit']);
 if ($rt1stTimeUnit == "" || $rt1stTimeUnit == NULL || empty($rt1stTimeUnit)) {
     $rt1stTimeUnit = "NULL";
 $sbsided = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['sbsided']);
 if ($sbsided == "" || $sbsided == NULL || empty($sbsided)) {
     $sbsided = "NULL";
 $reApp = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['reApp']);
 if ($reApp == "" || $reApp == NULL || empty($reApp)) {
Ejemplo n.º 13
    $formID = $_POST['formID'];
    $drugListID = $_POST['drugListID'];
    $prdctName = $_POST['prdctName'];
    $genericName = $_POST['genericName'];
    $MALnum = $_POST['MALnum'];
    $labQuantity = $_POST['labQuantity'];
    $labQuantityUnit = $_POST['labQuantityUnit'];
    $labPackSize = $_POST['labPackSize'];
    $labPackSizeUnit = $_POST['labPackSizeUnit'];
    $labManuDate = $_POST['labManuDate'];
    $labManuDate = dateConverter($labManuDate);
    $labExpDate = $_POST['labExpDate'];
    $labExpDate = dateConverter($labExpDate);
    $labBatchNo = $_POST['labBatchNo'];
    $labSendDate = $_POST['labSendDate'];
    $labSendDate = dateConverter($labSendDate);
    $labRemarks = $_POST['labRemarks'];
    $sql = "INSERT INTO adr_sample\n\tSET\n\tadrSampleID=NULL,\n\tadrFormID={$formID},\n\tresult='',\n\tquantity='{$labQuantity}',\n\tbatchno='{$labBatchNo}',\n\tlab_sent_date='{$labSendDate}',\n\tmanf_date='{$labManuDate}',\n\texpiry_date='{$labExpDate}',\n\tremarks='{$labRemarks}',\n\tunit='{$labQuantityUnit}',\n\tpacksize='{$labPackSize}',\n\tpackunit='{$labPackSizeUnit}',\n\tproduct_name='{$prdctName}'";
    $uSql = "UPDATE adr_druglist\n\tSET\n\tlab_status='SENTTOLAB'\n\tWHERE adrDrugListID = '{$drugListID}'";
    $res = mysqli_query($con, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($con));
    if ($res) {
        $uRes = mysqli_query($con, $uSql) or die(mysqli_error($con));
        if ($uRes) {
            header("Location: adr_list_samples_lab.php");
        } else {
            echo "Update status error";
    } else {
        echo "An Error Occured";
  * Generates the HTML to display the user profile tab
  * @param  moscomprofilerTab   $tab       the tab database entry
  * @param  moscomprofilerUser  $user      the user being displayed
  * @param  int                 $ui        1 for front-end, 2 for back-end
  * @return mixed                          either string HTML for tab content, or false if ErrorMSG generated
 function getDisplayTab($tab, $user, $ui)
     global $_CB_framework, $_CB_database, $ueConfig;
     $return = null;
     if (!$ueConfig['allowConnections'] || isset($ueConfig['connectionDisplay']) && $ueConfig['connectionDisplay'] == 1 && $_CB_framework->myId() != $user->id) {
         return null;
     $params = $this->params;
     $con_ShowTitle = $params->get('con_ShowTitle', '1');
     $con_ShowSummary = $params->get('con_ShowSummary', '0');
     $con_SummaryEntries = $params->get('con_SummaryEntries', '4');
     $con_pagingenabled = $params->get('con_PagingEnabled', '1');
     $con_entriesperpage = $params->get('con_EntriesPerPage', '10');
     $pagingParams = $this->_getPaging(array(), array("connshow_"));
     $showall = $this->_getReqParam("showall", false);
     if ($con_ShowSummary && !$showall && $pagingParams["connshow_limitstart"] === null) {
         $summaryMode = true;
         $showpaging = false;
         $con_entriesperpage = $con_SummaryEntries;
     } else {
         $summaryMode = false;
         $showpaging = $con_pagingenabled;
     $isVisitor = null;
     if ($_CB_framework->myId() != $user->id) {
         $isVisitor = "\n AND m.pending=0 AND m.accepted=1";
     if ($showpaging || $summaryMode) {
         //select a count of all applicable entries for pagination
         if ($isVisitor) {
             $contotal = $this->_getUserNumberOfConnections($user);
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT COUNT(*)" . "\n FROM #__comprofiler_members AS m" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__comprofiler AS c ON m.memberid=c.id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON m.memberid=u.id" . "\n WHERE m.referenceid=" . (int) $user->id . "\n AND c.approved=1 AND c.confirmed=1 AND c.banned=0 AND u.block=0" . $isVisitor . "\n ";
             $contotal = $_CB_database->loadResult();
             if (!is_numeric($contotal)) {
                 $contotal = 0;
     if (!$showpaging || $pagingParams["connshow_limitstart"] === null || $con_entriesperpage > $contotal) {
         $pagingParams["connshow_limitstart"] = "0";
     $query = "SELECT m.*,u.name,u.email,u.username,c.avatar,c.avatarapproved, u.id " . "\n FROM #__comprofiler_members AS m" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__comprofiler AS c ON m.memberid=c.id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON m.memberid=u.id" . "\n WHERE m.referenceid=" . (int) $user->id . "" . "\n AND c.approved=1 AND c.confirmed=1 AND c.banned=0 AND u.block=0" . $isVisitor . "\n ORDER BY m.membersince DESC, m.memberid ASC";
     $_CB_database->setQuery($query, (int) ($pagingParams["connshow_limitstart"] ? $pagingParams["connshow_limitstart"] : 0), (int) $con_entriesperpage);
     $connections = $_CB_database->loadObjectList();
     if (!count($connections) > 0) {
         $return .= _UE_NOCONNECTIONS;
         return $return;
     if ($con_ShowTitle) {
         if ($_CB_framework->myId() == $user->id) {
             $return .= "<h3 class=\"cbConTitle\">" . _UE_YOURCONNECTIONS . "</h3>";
         } else {
             $return .= "<h3 class=\"cbConTitle\">" . sprintf(_UE_USERSNCONNECTIONS, getNameFormat($user->name, $user->username, $ueConfig['name_format'])) . "</h3>";
     $return .= $this->_writeTabDescription($tab, $user);
     $live_site = $_CB_framework->getCfg('live_site');
     $boxHeight = $ueConfig['thumbHeight'] + 46;
     $boxWidth = $ueConfig['thumbWidth'] + 28;
     foreach ($connections as $connection) {
         $conAvatar = getFieldValue('image', $connection->avatar, $connection);
         $emailIMG = getFieldValue('primaryemailaddress', $connection->email, $connection, null, 1);
         $pmIMG = getFieldValue('pm', $connection->username, $connection, null, 1);
         $onlineIMG = $ueConfig['allow_onlinestatus'] == 1 ? getFieldValue('status', null, $connection, null, 1) : "";
         if ($connection->accepted == 1 && $connection->pending == 1) {
             $actionIMG = '<img src="' . $live_site . '/components/com_comprofiler/images/pending.png" border="0" alt="' . _UE_CONNECTIONPENDING . "\" title=\"" . _UE_CONNECTIONPENDING . "\" /> <a href=\"" . cbSef("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;act=connections&amp;task=removeConnection&amp;connectionid=" . $connection->memberid) . "\" onclick=\"return confirmSubmit();\" ><img src=\"" . $live_site . "/components/com_comprofiler/images/publish_x.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . "\" title=\"" . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . "\" /></a>";
         } elseif ($connection->accepted == 1 && $connection->pending == 0) {
             $actionIMG = "<a href=\"" . cbSef("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;act=connections&amp;task=removeConnection&amp;connectionid=" . $connection->memberid) . "\" onclick=\"return confirmSubmit();\" ><img src=\"" . $live_site . "/components/com_comprofiler/images/publish_x.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . "\" title=\"" . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . "\" /></a>";
         } elseif ($connection->accepted == 0) {
             $actionIMG = "<a href=\"" . cbSef("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;act=connections&amp;task=acceptConnection&amp;connectionid=" . $connection->memberid) . '"><img src="' . $live_site . "/components/com_comprofiler/images/tick.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _UE_ACCEPTCONNECTION . "\" title=\"" . _UE_ACCEPTCONNECTION . "\" /></a> <a href=\"" . cbSef("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;act=connections&amp;task=removeConnection&amp;connectionid=" . $connection->memberid) . '"><img src="' . $live_site . "/components/com_comprofiler/images/publish_x.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _UE_REMOVECONNECTION . "\" title=\"" . _UE_DECLINECONNECTION . "\" /></a>";
         $tipField = "<b>" . _UE_CONNECTEDSINCE . "</b> : " . dateConverter($connection->membersince, 'Y-m-d', $ueConfig['date_format']);
         if (getLangDefinition($connection->type) != null) {
             $tipField .= "<br /><b>" . _UE_CONNECTIONTYPE . "</b> : " . getConnectionTypes($connection->type);
         if ($connection->description != null) {
             $tipField .= "<br /><b>" . _UE_CONNECTEDCOMMENT . "</b> : " . htmlspecialchars($connection->description);
         $tipTitle = _UE_CONNECTEDDETAIL;
         $htmltext = $conAvatar;
         $style = "style=\"padding:5px;\"";
         $tooltipAvatar = cbFieldTip($ui, $tipField, $tipTitle, '250', '', $htmltext, '', $style, '', false);
         if ($_CB_framework->myId() == $user->id) {
             $return .= "<div class=\"connectionBox\" style=\"position:relative;height:" . ($boxHeight + 24) . "px;width:" . $boxWidth . "px;\">" . "<div style=\"position:absolute; top:3px; width:auto;left:5px;right:5px;\">" . $actionIMG . '</div>' . "<div style=\"position:absolute; top:18px; width:auto;left:5px;right:5px;\">" . $tooltipAvatar . '</div>' . "<div style=\"position:absolute; bottom:0px; width:auto;left:5px;right:5px;\">" . $onlineIMG . " " . getNameFormat($connection->name, $connection->username, $ueConfig['name_format']) . "<br /><a href=\"" . cbSef("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;task=userProfile&amp;user="******"><img src="' . $live_site . "/components/com_comprofiler/images/profiles.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _UE_VIEWPROFILE . "\" title=\"" . _UE_VIEWPROFILE . "\" /></a> " . $emailIMG . " " . $pmIMG . "\n";
         } else {
             $return .= "<div class=\"connectionBox\" style=\"position:relative;height:" . $boxHeight . "px;width:" . $boxWidth . "px;\">" . "<div style=\"position:absolute; top:10px; width:auto;left:5px;right:5px;\">" . $tooltipAvatar . '</div>' . "<div style=\"position:absolute; bottom:0px; width:auto;left:5px;right:5px;\">" . $onlineIMG . " " . getNameFormat($connection->name, $connection->username, $ueConfig['name_format']) . "\n";
         $return .= "</div></div>\n";
     $return .= "<div style=\"clear:both;\">&nbsp;</div>";
     // Add paging control at end of list if paging enabled
     if ($showpaging && $con_entriesperpage < $contotal) {
         $return .= "<div style='width:95%;text-align:center;'>" . $this->_writePaging($pagingParams, "connshow_", $con_entriesperpage, $contotal) . "</div>";
     if ($con_ShowSummary && $_CB_framework->myId() == $user->id || $summaryMode && $con_entriesperpage < $contotal) {
         $return .= "<div class=\"connSummaryFooter\" style=\"width:100%;clear:both;\">";
         if ($_CB_framework->myId() == $user->id) {
             // Manage connections link:
             $return .= "<div id=\"connSummaryFooterManage\" style=\"float:left;\">" . "<a href=\"" . cbSef('index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;task=manageConnections') . "\" >[" . _UE_MANAGECONNECTIONS . "]</a>" . "</div>";
         if ($summaryMode && $con_entriesperpage < $contotal) {
             // See all of user's ## connections
             $return .= "<div id=\"connSummaryFooterSeeConnections\" style=\"float:right;\">" . "<a href=\"" . $this->_getAbsURLwithParam(array("showall" => "1")) . "\">";
             if ($_CB_framework->myId() == $user->id) {
                 $return .= sprintf(_UE_SEEALLNCONNECTIONS, $contotal);
             } else {
                 $return .= sprintf(_UE_SEEALLOFUSERSNCONNECTIONS, getNameFormat($user->name, $user->username, $ueConfig['name_format']), "<strong>" . $contotal . "</strong>");
             $return .= "</a>" . "</div>";
         $return .= "&nbsp;</div>" . "<div style=\"clear:both;\">&nbsp;</div>";
     return $return;
  * OBSOLETE METHOD: Left for backwards compatibility if plugins use even this...
  * DO NOT USE ANYMORE: will be removed in next CB version.
 function prepareFieldDataSave($fieldId, $fieldType, $fieldName, $value = null, $registration = 0, $field = null)
     global $ueConfig, $_POST, $_CB_database, $_PLUGINS;
     switch ($fieldType) {
         case 'date':
             $sqlFormat = "Y-m-d";
             $fieldForm = str_replace('y', 'Y', $ueConfig['date_format']);
             $value = dateConverter(cbGetUnEscaped($value), $fieldForm, $sqlFormat);
         case 'webaddress':
             if (isset($_POST[$fieldName . "Text"]) && $_POST[$fieldName . "Text"]) {
                 $oValuesArr = array();
                 $oValuesArr[0] = str_replace(array('mailto:', 'http://', 'https://'), '', cbGetUnEscaped($value));
                 $oValuesArr[1] = str_replace(array('mailto:', 'http://', 'https://'), '', cbGetUnEscaped(isset($_POST[$fieldName . "Text"]) ? stripslashes(cbGetParam($_POST, $fieldName . "Text", '')) : ""));
                 $value = implode("|*|", $oValuesArr);
             } else {
                 $value = str_replace(array('mailto:', 'http://', 'https://'), '', cbGetUnEscaped($value));
         case 'emailaddress':
             $value = str_replace(array('mailto:', 'http://', 'https://'), '', cbGetUnEscaped($value));
         case 'editorta':
             $value = cbGetUnEscaped($value);
             $badHtmlFilter =& $this->getInputFilter(array(), array(), 1, 1);
             if (isset($ueConfig['html_filter_allowed_tags']) && $ueConfig['html_filter_allowed_tags']) {
                 $badHtmlFilter->tagBlacklist = array_diff($badHtmlFilter->tagBlacklist, explode(" ", $ueConfig['html_filter_allowed_tags']));
             $value = $this->clean($badHtmlFilter, $value);
         case 'radio':
             $value = array($value);
             // intentionally no break: fall through:
         // intentionally no break: fall through:
         case 'multiselect':
         case 'multicheckbox':
         case 'select':
             if ($value === null) {
                 $value = array();
             $_CB_database->setQuery("SELECT fieldtitle AS id FROM #__comprofiler_field_values" . "\n WHERE fieldid = " . (int) $fieldId . "\n ORDER BY ordering");
             $Values = $_CB_database->loadResultArray();
             if (!is_array($Values)) {
                 $Values = array();
             foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
                 if (!in_array(cbGetUnEscaped($v), $Values)) {
             $value = cbGetUnEscaped(implode("|*|", $value));
         case 'checkbox':
             if ($value === null || !in_array($value, array("0", "1"))) {
                 $value = "";
             $value = cbGetUnEscaped($value);
         case 'delimiter':
         case 'textarea':
         case 'primaryemailaddress':
         case 'pm':
         case 'image':
         case 'status':
         case 'formatname':
         case 'predefined':
             $value = cbGetUnEscaped($value);
             if ($field != null) {
                 $args = array(&$field, null, &$_POST, 'edit');
                 $value = $_PLUGINS->callField($fieldType, 'prepareFieldDataSave', $args, $field);
     return $value;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 // 	$rptrOrgPub = $_POST['rptrOrgPub'];
 // 	// $rptrState = getStateNameByID($rptrStatePub);
 // 	$rptrOrg = getPremNameByID($rptrOrgPub);
 // }
 // else
 // {
 // 	$rptrOrg = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrOrgPri']);
 // }
 $rptrState = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrState']);
 $rptrOrg = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrOrg']);
 $rptrAddrs = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrAddrs']);
 $rptrDept = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrDept']);
 $rptrCntct = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrCntct']);
 $rptrEmail = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrEmail']);
 $rptrDateofRpt = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrDateofRpt']);
 $rptrDateofRpt = dateConverter($rptrDateofRpt);
 $rptVerName = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptVerName']);
 $rptrVerDesig = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrVerDesig']);
 $rptrCmt = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrCmt']);
 $delQuery = "DELETE FROM adrdata WHERE adrFormID = {$formID}";
 $query = "INSERT INTO adrdata\n\t(adrDataIDAI, adrFormID, Adrno, Madracno, CCIN, Source, \n\t\tState, Inst, report_type, age, age_unit, age_group, \n\t\twt, sex, ethnic, race, onset_date, date_end_reaction, \n\t\tonset_time, onset_time_unit, extent, notes, atccode, outcome, \n\t\treaction_subsided, reaction_reappeared, reaction_treatment, date_of_death, death_code, reaction_relation, \n\t\tlab_data, history, historyCont, `status`, \n\t\treporter_name, reporter_dept, report_date, reporter_faxno, reporter_comment, reporter_org, \n\t\treporter_telno, reporter_email, reporter_address, reporter_state, madrac_action, total_drugs, \n\t\tdechall, rechall, causality1, causality2, pred_code, add_info, \n\t\trep_who, adr_type, icdcode, adr_desc, initial, madrac, \n\t\tweb_hosp, desig, partbody, literature_ref, study_name, lastMenDate, \n\t\tgesPer, gesPerUnit, weight, height, seriousness, seriousnessCrit, \n\t\trt1stTime, rt1stTimeUnit, rtLastTime, rtLastTimeUnit, causeOfDeath, autopsyYesNo, \n\t\tautopsyText, report_comment, ADR_ORIGIN, ADR_CURRENTSTAT, senderIden, dateRcv, \n\t\tstudy_type, study_type_otr, reportInit, pregnancyStat, allergyStat, allergyText,\n\t\tcaseType, ptDOB, rptVerName, rptrVerDesig,\n\t\tchInitial, chAge, chAgeUnit, chAgeGrp, chSex,\n\t\tprimRptrQuali, primRptrName, primRptrDesig, primRptrState, primRptrOrg, primRptrDept, primRptrAddrs,\n\t\tinitRptNum, log_id)\nVALUES (NULL, {$formID}, '{$adrNo}', '{$madracno}', '', {$primSource}, \n\t\t'', '', {$typeOfReport}, {$ptAge}, {$ptageUnit}, {$ptAgeGrp}, \n\t\t'', '{$sex}', '{$ethnic}', '', '', '', \n\t\t0, 0, '', '{$refNo}', '', '', \n\t\t'', '', '', '', '', '', \n\t\t'{$relInves}', '{$history}', {$historyCont}, '{$status}', \n\t\t'{$rptrName}', '{$rptrDept}', '{$rptrDateofRpt}', '', '', '{$rptrOrg}', \n\t\t'{$rptrCntct}', '{$rptrEmail}', '{$rptrAddrs}', '{$rptrState}', '', 0, \n\t\t'', '', '', '', '', '', \n\t\t'', '', '', '{$adrDesc}', '{$ptInitial}', '', \n\t\t'', '{$rptrDesig}', '', '{$litrRef}', '{$stdName}', '{$lastMenDate}', \n\t\t{$gesPer}, {$gesPerUnit}, {$weight}, {$height}, NULL, '', \n\t\t0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, \n\t\t'', '{$rptrCmt}', '', '', '{$senderIden}', '{$dateRptRcv}', \n\t\t'{$studyType}', '{$studyTypeOtr}', {$reportInit}, {$pregnancyStat}, {$allergyStat}, '{$allergyText}',\n\t\t{$caseType}, '{$ptDOB}', '{$rptVerName}', '{$rptrVerDesig}',\n\t\t'{$chInitial}', {$chAge}, {$chAgeUnit}, {$chAgeGrp}, '{$chSex}',\n\t\t{$primRptrQuali}, '{$primRptrName}', '{$primRptrDesig}', '{$primRptrState}', '{$primRptrOrg}', '{$primRptrDept}', '{$primRptrAddrs}',\n\t\t'{$initRptNum}', '{$staff_id}')";
 // $log = " $query ".time().PHP_EOL;
 // file_put_contents('log.txt', $log, FILE_APPEND);
 $dupStat = checkDuplicate($formID);
 $delRes = mysqli_query($con, $delQuery);
 $res = mysqli_query($con, $query);
 if ($res) {
     $log = "Form: {$formID} submitted " . time() . PHP_EOL;
     file_put_contents('log.txt', $log, FILE_APPEND);
     header("Location: submit_adr_view_res.php?vtype={$retURLParam}");
 } else {
Ejemplo n.º 17
        //echo "<center><h2>Hello, " . $r['username'] . "</h2>";
        //echo "<a href='logout.php'>Log Out</a></center>";

<div align="center" style="border:1px solid red;font-size: 20px;text-decoration: none">

include 'connection.php';
//DB connection file.
include 'date.php';
//DB connection file.
if (isset($_GET['date']) && isset($_GET['challanName']) && isset($_GET['challanProduct']) && isset($_GET['qty']) && isset($_GET['partyName']) && isset($_GET['actProduct']) && isset($_GET['lorry'])) {
    $date = dateConverter($_GET['date']);
    $product = strtoupper($_GET['actProduct']);
    $qty = $_GET['qty'];
    $party = strtoupper($_GET['partyName']);
    $lorry = strtoupper($_GET['lorry']);
    $cName = $_GET['challanName'];
    $cProduct = strtoupper($_GET['challanProduct']);
    if (!empty($date) && !empty($product) && !empty($qty) && !empty($party) && !empty($lorry)) {
        $str = "INSERT INTO sales(date, product, qty, party, lorry, cName, cProduct) VALUES(:date, :product, :qty, :party, :lorry, :cName, :cProduct);";
        $query = $db->prepare($str);
        $query->bindValue(':date', $date);
        $query->bindValue(':product', $product);
        $query->bindValue(':qty', $qty);
        $query->bindValue(':party', $party);
        $query->bindValue(':lorry', $lorry);
        $query->bindValue(':cName', $cName);
Ejemplo n.º 18
function isValidQuantity($quantity)
    return is_numeric($quantity);
function isValidChallanProduct($challanProduct)
    if ($challanProduct == '') {
        return true;
    $validChallanProduct = "MS SS1 LMS MTT MTT(P) KSO DIESEL";
    return strpos($validChallanProduct, $challanProduct) !== false ? true : false;
if (isset($_POST['csvDate']) && isset($_POST['csv'])) {
    //getting the date and csv of user into a variable and making all letters uppercase.
    $date = dateConverter($_POST['csvDate']);
    // get it from user input & validate
    $csvString = trim(strtoupper($_POST['csv']));
    // get it from user input & validate
    $queryStr = "INSERT INTO sales (date, party, product, qty, lorry, cName, cProduct) VALUES ";
    //-----end of user provided data
    $eachRowData = explode("\n", $csvString);
    //userinput turned into array
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($eachRowData as $key => $value) {
        //check if the line has exactly 5 comma
        substr_count($value, ",") == 5 ? 1 : die("wrong data format..! unusual amount of comma (,) found on line " . $i);
        $arrayOfColumns = explode(",", trim($value));
        //each row exploded into columns
        //each run of outer foreach will create a value set
        $queryStr .= "(";
Ejemplo n.º 19

include "connection_pure.php";
include 'function.php';
if (isset($_POST['formID'])) {
    if (isset($_SESSION)) {
        $staff_id = $_SESSION['staff_id'];
    } else {
        $staff_id = "0";
    $formID = $_POST['formID'];
    $labTestType = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['labTestType']);
    $labResDate = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['labResDate']);
    $labResDate = dateConverter($labResDate);
    $labRes = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['labRes']);
    $query = "INSERT INTO labdatares\n\t\t\t\t\t(LDS_ID, adrFormID, LDS_TESTTYPE, LDS_RESDATE, LDS_RES, log_id)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (NULL, {$formID}, '{$labTestType}', '{$labResDate}', '{$labRes}', '{$staff_id}')";
    $res = mysqli_query($con, $query);
    if ($res) {
        $log = "{$formID}, {$labTestType}, {$labResDate}, {$labRes} : SUCCESS " . time() . PHP_EOL;
        file_put_contents('log.txt', $log, FILE_APPEND);
        echo "Successfully added: \n Test Type: {$labTestType} \n Test Date: {$labResDate} \n Result: {$labRes}";
    } else {
        $log = "{$query}" . time() . PHP_EOL;
        file_put_contents('log.txt', $log, FILE_APPEND);
        echo "An Error Occured";