if (!is_numeric($remaining)) { $remaining = $session_limit; } if ($remaining > $session_limit) { $remaining = $session_limit; } } $search = @da_sql_query($link, $config, "SELECT " . da_sql_limit(1, 0, $config) . " * FROM {$config['sql_accounting_table']}\n\tWHERE username = '******' AND acctstoptime IS NULL " . da_sql_limit(1, 1, $config) . "\n\t ORDER BY acctstarttime DESC " . da_sql_limit(1, 2, $config) . " ;"); if ($search) { if (@da_sql_num_rows($search, $config)) { $logged_now = 1; $row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search, $config); $lastlog_time = $row['acctstarttime']; $lastlog_server_ip = $row['nasipaddress']; $lastlog_server_port = $row['nasportid']; $lastlog_session_time = date2timediv($lastlog_time, 0); if ($daily_limit != 'none') { $remaining = $remaining - $lastlog_session_time; if ($remaining < 0) { $remaining = 0; } $log_color = $remaining ? 'green' : 'red'; } $lastlog_session_time_jvs = 1000 * $lastlog_session_time; $lastlog_session_time = time2strclock($lastlog_session_time); $lastlog_client_ip = $row['framedipaddress']; $lastlog_server_name = @gethostbyaddr($lastlog_server_ip); $lastlog_client_name = @gethostbyaddr($lastlog_client_ip); $lastlog_callerid = $row['callingstationid']; if ($lastlog_callerid == '') { $lastlog_callerid = 'not available';
$num = $row[onlineusers]; } } $search = @da_sql_query($link, $config, "SELECT DISTINCT username,acctstarttime,framedipaddress,callingstationid\n\t\tFROM {$config['sql_accounting_table']} WHERE\n\t\tacctstoptime IS NULL AND nasipaddress = '{$name_data}' {$extra} {$sql_extra_query}\n\t\tGROUP BY username,acctstarttime,framedipaddress,callingstationid\n\t\tORDER BY acctstarttime;"); if ($search) { $now = time(); while ($row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search, $config)) { $j++; $h += 21; $user = $row['username']; $finger_info[$servers_num][$j]['ip'] = $row['framedipaddress']; if ($finger_info[$servers_num][$j]['ip'] == '') { $finger_info[$servers_num][$j]['ip'] = '-'; } $session_time = $row['acctstarttime']; $session_time = date2timediv($session_time, $now); $finger_info[$servers_num][$j]['session_time'] = time2strclock($session_time); $finger_info[$servers_num][$j]['user'] = $user; $finger_info[$servers_num][$j]['callerid'] = $row['callingstationid']; if ($finger_info[$servers_num][$j]['callerid'] == '') { $finger_info[$servers_num][$j]['callerid'] = '-'; } if ($user_info["{$user}"] == '') { $user_info["{$user}"] = get_user_info($link2, $user, $config, $decode_normal, $k); if ($user_info["{$user}"] == '' || $user_info["{$user}"] == ' ') { $user_info["{$user}"] = 'Unknown User'; } } } $height[$servers_num] = $h; }