Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Output custom css based on header and link colors.
function cover_customize_options()
    $header_color = get_theme_mod('cover_header_color', '#026ed2');
    $link_color = get_theme_mod('cover_link_color', '#026ed2');
    // Set accent color.
a,a:visited,.entry-title a:hover,.entry-subtitle a:hover { color: <?php 
    echo $link_color;
; }
a:hover { color: <?php 
    echo darken($link_color, 15);
; }
.header .backdrop, .cover { background-color: <?php 
    echo $header_color;
; }
.paging-navigation a, ul.categories a, body #infinite-handle span, .button.default { background-color: <?php 
    echo $link_color;
; }
.paging-navigation a:hover, body #infinite-handle span:hover, .button.default:hover { background-color: <?php 
    echo darken($link_color, 15);
; }
body .infinite-loader .spinner { border-top-color: <?php 
    echo $link_color;
; }
.fotorama__thumb-border { border-color: <?php 
    echo $link_color;
; }

    // Restore default colors.
.header a, .overlay a, .cover-header a { color: #fff; }
.cover-subtitle a { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); }
.entry-title a { color: #222; }
.entry-subtitle a { color: #999; }

<meta name="theme-color" content="<?php 
    echo $header_color;

Ejemplo n.º 2
function progress_barYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    $atts = ytshortcode_atts(array('type_change' => '', 'style_linear' => 'default', 'percent' => 75, 'show_percent' => 'yes', 'text' => '', 'bar_color' => '', 'fill_color' => '', 'text_color' => '', 'animation' => 'easeInOutExpo', 'duration' => 1.5, 'delay' => 0.3, 'class' => '', 'data_type' => '', 'style_circle' => 'circle1', 'icon_circle' => ''), $atts, 'progress_bar');
    $id = uniqid('ytp') . rand() . time();
    $css = '';
    $return = '';
    $classes = array('yt-progress-bar', 'yt-progress-bar-style-' . $atts['style_linear']);
    if ($atts['bar_color']) {
        $css .= '#' . $id . '.yt-progress-bar { background-color:' . $atts['bar_color'] . '; border-color:' . darken($atts['bar_color'], '10%') . ';' . '}';
    if ($atts['fill_color'] or $atts['text_color']) {
        $fill_color = $atts['fill_color'] ? 'background-color:' . $atts['fill_color'] . ';' : '';
        $text_color = $atts['text_color'] ? 'color:' . $atts['text_color'] . ';' : '';
        $css .= '#' . $id . '.yt-progress-bar > span {' . $fill_color . $text_color . '}';
    $text = $atts['text'] ? '<span class="yt-pb-text">' . $atts['text'] . '</span>' : '';
    $show_percent = $atts['show_percent'] !== 'no' ? '<span class="yt-pb-percent">' . $atts['percent'] . '%</span>' : '';
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/progress_bar/css/progress-bar.css", 'text/css', "screen");
    if ($atts['type_change'] == "circle") {
        if ($atts['style_circle'] == "circle4") {
            $return .= '<div class="circle4"><div class="' . $atts['style_circle'] . ' progress-radial progress-' . $atts['percent'] . '"></div>
								<div class="overlay">
										<li><i class="fa fa-' . $atts['icon_circle'] . '"></i><b>' . $atts['percent'] . '</b>%</li>
										<li>' . $atts['text'] . '</li>
        } else {
            $return .= '<div class="' . $atts['style_circle'] . ' progress-radial progress-' . $atts['percent'] . '">
							<div class="overlay">
									<li><i class="fa fa-' . $atts['icon_circle'] . '"></i><b>' . $atts['percent'] . '</b>%</li>
									<li>' . $atts['text'] . '</li>
    } else {
        // Add CSS and JS in head
        JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/assets/js/jquery.easing.js");
        JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/assets/js/jquery.appear.js");
        JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/progress_bar/js/progress-bar.js");
        $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
        $return = '<div id="' . $id . '" class="' . yt_acssc($classes) . '"><span class="yt-pb-fill" data-percent="' . $atts['percent'] . '" data-animation="' . $atts['animation'] . '" data-duration="' . $atts['duration'] . '" data-delay="' . $atts['delay'] . '">' . $text . $show_percent . '</span></div>';
    return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 3

$brand_danger = dh_format_color(dh_get_theme_option('brand-danger', '#bb5857'));
$brand_danger = apply_filters('dh_brand_danger', $brand_danger);
if ($brand_danger === '#bb5857') {
    return '';
$darken_10_brand_danger = darken(dh_format_color(dh_get_theme_option('brand-danger', '#bb5857')), '10%');
$darken_12_brand_danger = darken(dh_format_color(dh_get_theme_option('brand-danger', '#bb5857')), '12%');
.text-danger {
  color: <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_danger);
.blockquote-danger {
  border-color: <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_danger);
.btn-danger {
  background-color: <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_danger);
  border-color: <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_danger);
Ejemplo n.º 4
function get_redux_custom_style($color = '')
    if (empty($color) && '' !== $color) {
        return '';
    $mainColor = $color;
    @(list($r, $g, $b) = sscanf($mainColor, "#%02x%02x%02x"));
    $rgbcolor = $r . ',' . $g . ',' . $b;
 .cn_item:hover {
  background-color: #1abc9c; /* done */
  color: #ffffff;
  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 4px 0 #17a689;
  box-shadow: 0 4px 0 #17a689;
/* main color */

	.dt-iconboxes-2:hover .dt-section-icon i.hi-icon,
	.dt-iconboxes-4:hover .dt-section-icon,
	.section-head hr:after,
	.pricing-table .price-4-col .btn-active,.pricing-table .price-3-col .btn-active,
	.pricing-table .featured li.plan-head,
	.blog-single-post .section-comment #dt-comment-form .btn-active,
	.custom-accordion .panel-heading:hover .btn-accordion,
	.custom-accordion .panel-heading .btn-accordion:hover,
	.bottom_section .dt_widget_featured_posts .featured-row .featured-blog-meta,
	.bottom_section .dt_widget_tabs .nav-tabs a,
	.bottom_section .dt_widget_tabs .nav-tabs,
	.bottom_section .widget_search input[type='submit'] ,
	.bottom_section .widget_product_search input[type='submit'] ,
	.sidebar .widget_search input[type='submit'],
	#commentform #submit,
	.dt-iconboxes-2:hover i,
	.pricing-table .price-4-col ul li.plan-head, .pricing-table .price-3-col ul li.plan-head,
	#featured-filter li.active, #featured-filter li:hover,
	.dt_widget_carousel_recent_posts .owl-controls .owl-page.active span,
	.dt_widget_carousel_recent_posts .owl-controls .owl-page span:hover,
	.md-modal .md-content,.sequence-sub-slider a.button-more:hover,
	.select.select-theme-default .select-options .select-option:hover,
	.select.select-theme-default .select-options .select-option.select-option-highlight,
	.spinner-css .side > .fill,
	.woocommerce nav.woocommerce-pagination ul li span.current, 
	.woocommerce nav.woocommerce-pagination ul li a:hover,
	.dt-category-view .add-to-cart.btn-active, 
	.single-product .detail-product-price,
	.woocommerce .social-share .btn-group a i:hover:before, 
	.woocommerce .woocommerce-message:before, 
	.woocommerce-page .woocommerce-message:before,
	.woocommerce .woocommerce-error:before, 
	.woocommerce-page .woocommerce-error:before,
	.woocommerce .woocommerce-info:before, 
	.woocommerce-page .woocommerce-info:before, 
	.sidebar .widget_product_search input[type='submit'], 
	.woocommerce .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-range, 
	.woocommerce-page .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-range, 
	.chosen-container .chosen-results li.highlighted 
	{ background-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.woocommerce .widget_layered_nav ul li.chosen a, 
.woocommerce-page .widget_layered_nav ul li.chosen a, 
.woocommerce .widget_layered_nav_filters ul li.chosen a, 
.woocommerce-page .widget_layered_nav_filters ul li.chosen a 
  background-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;
  border: 1px solid <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.dt-iconboxes.layout-3 span,
#featured-filter li.active, #featured-filter li:hover,
.woocommerce .order-review,
.woocommerce form input.input-text:focus, 
.woocommerce-page form input.input-text:focus
{  border-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.chosen-container-active .chosen-single,
.woocommerce-checkout .form-row .chosen-container .chosen-drop, 
.chosen-container-active.chosen-with-drop .chosen-single, 
.chosen-container .chosen-results li.active-result {
  border-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;
  color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.form-control:focus {
	box-shadow: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.dt-iconboxes.layout-3 span:before,
.dt-iconboxes-4:hover .dt-section-icon:after,.dt-iconboxes-4:hover .dt-section-icon:before,
.dt-iconboxes span:hover:after, 
.dt-iconboxes span:hover:before 
{border-top-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.dt-iconboxes span:hover,
.module_dt_promotion .thumbnail-description-text:hover p:first-child:after
{  background-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;
;  border-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;
.dt-iconboxes.layout-3 span:hover {  background-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;
;  border-color:<?php 
    print $mainColor;
.dt-iconboxes.layout-3 span:hover:after,.dt-iconboxes.layout-3 span:hover:before {  border-top-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.no-touch .dt-iconboxes-5:hover .hi-icon-effect-5 .hi-icon {
  background-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;
  border-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.paging-nav .btn-arrow:hover {  background-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;
  -webkit-box-shadow-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;
  box-shadow-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;
	a {color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;
	a:hover, a:focus {color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;
	.sidebar a:hover,
	.sidebar .widget.widget_categories .cat-item a:hover,
	.blog-single-post .share-button .btn:hover i,.blog-single-post .share-button .btn-default:hover i,
	.custom-accordion .panel-heading:hover h4,
	.contact-form-section .form-control:focus,
	.dt-iconboxes-4:hover .dt-section-icon i:hover,
	.paging-nav a.btn-arrow,
	.sidebar .widget_recent_entries ul li span,
	.sidebar .widget_recent_comments ul li a,
	.blog-post-teaser-text a,
	.meta-info a,
	.breadcrumbs a,
	.footer-section .description a,
	.footer-section .nav-pills a:hover,
	.bottom_section .dt_widget_tabs .tab-content .meta-info,
	.widget_recent_comments ul li a,
	.tagcloud a,
	.paging-text a,
	.comment_item small a,
	.sidebar .widget_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover a,
	body .sidebar .widget_categories ul li.cat-item:hover a,
	.sidebar .widget_archive ul li:hover, .sidebar .widget_archive ul li:hover:before, .sidebar .widget_archive ul li:hover a,
	.sidebar .widget_categories ul li.cat-item:hover, .sidebar .widget_categories ul li.cat-item:hover:before,
	.sidebar .widget_recent_entries ul li:hover, .sidebar .widget_recent_entries ul li:hover:before, .sidebar .widget_recent_entries ul li:hover a,
	.dt-iconboxes.layout-3 span,#mynavbar .current-menu-item > a,#mynavbar .menu-item:hover > a,#mynavbar .current-menu-item > ul > a,#mynavbar .navbar-nav > li.current-menu-parent > a,#mynavbar .navbar-nav li ul.dropdown-menu li.current-menu-item a,
	.navbar-nav li ul.dropdown-menu li a:hover,
	.dt-testimonial .client-profile h4,
	.profile_team .profile .profile-subheading,
	.dt_widget_tabs .tab-content p.comment,
	.paging-inline a,
	body .sidebar .widget_recent_comments ul li:hover:before, 
	body .sidebar .widget_recent_comments ul li:hover a.url,
	body .sidebar .widget_categories ul li.cat-item:hover, 
	body .sidebar .widget_categories ul li.cat-item:hover:before, 
	body .sidebar .widget_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover, 
	body .sidebar .widget_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover a,
	body .sidebar .widget_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover a,
	body .sidebar .widget_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover,
	.widget_archive a:hover,
	.map-info .icon-container,
	.bottom_section .widget_recent_entries ul li span,
	.bottom_section .widget_recent_entries ul li:hover, 
	.bottom_section .widget_recent_entries ul li:hover:before, 
	.bottom_section .widget_recent_entries ul li:hover a,
	.profile_team .profile ul.profile-scocial li a:hover,
	.bottom_section .widget_archive ul li:hover, 
	.bottom_section .widget_archive ul li:hover:before, 
	.bottom_section .widget_archive ul li:hover a,
	.no-touch .dt-iconboxes-4:hover .hi-icon-effect-5 .hi-icon,
	.footer-section .nav-pills a.active, .footer-section .nav-pills .current-menu-item a, 
	.bottom_section .widget_categories ul li.cat-item:hover,
	.bottom_section .widget_categories ul li.cat-item:hover:before, 
	.bottom_section .widget_categories ul li.cat-item:hover a,
	.bottom_section .widget_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover,
	.bottom_section .widget_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover a,
	.bottom_section .widget_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover,
	.bottom_section .widget_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover a,
	.social [class*='icon']:hover,.woocommerce div.product .stock, 
	.woocommerce #content div.product .stock,.woocommerce-page div.product .stock, 
	.woocommerce-page #content div.product .stock, 
	.woocommerce-page .woocommerce-breadcrumb a, 
	.woocommerce .woocommerce-breadcrumb a,  
	.woocommerce-breadcrumb a,.woocommerce .woocommerce-message, 
	.woocommerce-page .woocommerce-message,.woocommerce .woocommerce-error, 
	.woocommerce-page .woocommerce-error,.woocommerce .woocommerce-info, 
	.woocommerce-page .woocommerce-info, .woocommerce .cart-collaterals .cart_totals table td, 
	.woocommerce-page .cart-collaterals .cart_totals table td,
	.woocommerce input[name="coupon_code"]:focus,
	.woocommerce table.shop_table td a:hover, 
	.woocommerce-page table.shop_table td a:hover, 
	.woocommerce input[name="calc_shipping_postcode"]:focus,
	.woocommerce table.shop_table td.product-subtotal, 
	.woocommerce-page table.shop_table td.product-subtotal,
	.woocommerce form input.input-text:focus, 
	.woocommerce-page form input.input-text:focus,.cart-click .icon-shop,
	.cart_list .popup-quality,.cart_list .mini-cart-price,.cart_list .subtotal-price, 
	div.woocommerce table.order_details a, 
	div.woocommerce table.order_details a,.bottom_section .dt_widget_carousel_recent_posts a.post-title:hover,
	.shop-bottom .list-item:hover a,
	.sidebar .widget .product-price,
	.bottom_section .woocommerce.widget_products .product-title a:hover,
	.bottom_section .woocommerce.widget_top_rated_products .product-title a:hover,
	.shop-bottom .product-price ins,
	.bottom_section .woocommerce.widget_products .product-price,
	.bottom_section .woocommerce.widget_top_rated_products .product-price, 
	.bottom_section .widget.widget_product_tag_cloud .tagcloud .tag a:hover,  
	.shop-bottom .widget_product_tag_cloud .tagcloud .tag a:hover, 
	.sidebar .widget.widget_product_tag_cloud .tag a:hover, 
	.bottom_section .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item:hover,
	.bottom_section .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item:hover:before, 
	.bottom_section .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item:hover a, 
	.bottom_section .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover,
	.bottom_section .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover a, 
	.bottom_section .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover,
	.bottom_section .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover a, 
	.sidebar .widget_product_categories .cat-item a:hover, 
	.sidebar .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item:hover,
	.sidebar .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item:hover:before, 
	.sidebar .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item:hover a, 
	.sidebar .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover,
	.sidebar .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover a, 
	.sidebar .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover,
	.sidebar .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover a, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_product_categories .cat-item a:hover, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item:hover,
	.shop-bottom .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item:hover:before, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item:hover a, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover,
	.shop-bottom .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover a, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover,
	.shop-bottom .widget_product_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover a, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_recent_reviews ul.product_list_widget li a:hover, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_archive ul li:hover,
	.shop-bottom .widget_archive ul li:hover:before, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_archive ul li:hover a, 
	.shop-bottom .widget.widget_categories .cat-item a:hover,
	.shop-bottom .widget_categories ul li.cat-item:hover,
	.shop-bottom .widget_categories ul li.cat-item:hover:before, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_categories ul li.cat-item:hover a, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover,
	.shop-bottom .widget_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover a, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover,
	.shop-bottom .widget_categories ul li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item ul.children li.cat-item:hover a, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_recent_comments ul li a, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_recent_comments ul li:hover:before, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_recent_comments ul li:hover a.url,
	.shop-bottom .widget_recent_entries ul li span, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_recent_entries ul li:hover,
	.shop-bottom .widget_recent_entries ul li:hover:before, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_recent_entries ul li:hover a, 
	.shop-bottom .widget_tag_cloud .tagcloud .tag a:hover,
	.shop-bottom .dt_widget_tabs .nav-tabs a:hover,
	.shop-bottom .dt_widget_tabs .tab-content .widget-post-title:hover,
	.module_dt_contact_form .form-control:focus, 
	.woocommerce .woocommerce-breadcrumb a
	{color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;
	.blog-single-post .section-comment #dt-comment-form .form-control:focus,
	.woocommerce input[name="coupon_code"]:focus, 
	.woocommerce input[name="calc_shipping_postcode"]:focus
	{  border-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.dot {  background: <?php 
    print $mainColor;
/* ---- */
.dt-iconboxes.layout-3 span:hover {color:#fff!important;}
.bottom_section .dt_widget_tabs .nav-tabs li.active a, .bottom_section .dt_widget_tabs .nav-tabs li:hover a {
	background-color: #0f161e!important

	.sidebar .widget_recent_entries ul li:hover span {color: #2a2929 !important;}
	.bottom_section .widget_recent_entries ul li:hover span {color: #fff !important;}
/* ---- */

#commentform #submit:hover {
  background-color: <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 10);
.owl-carousel-navigation .btn-owl:hover,.cn_item.selected,.btn-primary,
.paging-nav .btn-arrow:hover,.sequence-sub-slider a.button-more:hover,
.md-modal .md-close:hover,.module_dt_contact_form .btn-send,
.nav-slide a.btn:hover,
.ls-slide .btn-active a,
.cart_list .popup-bottom-info .popup-view-cart:hover
	-webkit-box-shadow:0 4px 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 25);
	box-shadow:0 4px 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 25);
	background-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.woocommerce a.button, 
.woocommerce button.button, 
.woocommerce input.button, 
.woocommerce #respond input#submit, 
.woocommerce #content input.button, 
.woocommerce-page a.button, 
.woocommerce-page button.button, 
.woocommerce-page input.button, 
.woocommerce-page #respond input#submit, 
.woocommerce-page #content input.button,
.woocommerce a.button.alt, 
.woocommerce button.button.alt, 
.woocommerce input.button.alt, 
.woocommerce #respond input#submit.alt, 
.woocommerce #content input.button.alt, 
.woocommerce-page a.button.alt, 
.woocommerce-page button.button.alt, 
.woocommerce-page input.button.alt, 
.woocommerce-page #respond input#submit.alt, 
.woocommerce-page #content input.button.alt,
.dt-category-view .add-to-cart.btn-active,
.woocommerce .quantity .plus:hover, 
.woocommerce #content .quantity .plus:hover, 
.woocommerce-page .quantity .plus:hover, 
.woocommerce-page #content .quantity .plus:hover,
.woocommerce .quantity .minus:hover, 
.woocommerce #content .quantity .minus:hover, 
.woocommerce-page .quantity .minus:hover, 
.woocommerce-page #content .quantity .minus:hover,
.cart_list .popup-button-proceed,.cart_list .popup-view-cart:hover
.woocommerce-page #content .quantity .minus:hover, 
div.woocommerce .product .btn-active,
.cart_list .popup-bottom-info .popup-button-proceed, 
.shop-bottom .widget_product_search input[type='submit'], 
.shop-bottom .widget_search input[type='submit'],
.portfolio .btn-more:hover, 
.md-modal .md-content.form button.btn-submit
	background: none;
	-webkit-box-shadow:0 4px 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 25);
	box-shadow:0 4px 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 25);
	background-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

div.woocommerce .product add-to-cart.btn-active:active,
div.woocommerce .product .btn-active:active 
	background: none;
	-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 25);
	box-shadow:0 0 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 25);
	background-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.woocommerce a.button:hover, 
.woocommerce button.button:hover, 
.woocommerce input.button:hover, 
.woocommerce #respond input#submit:hover, 
.woocommerce #content input.button:hover, 
.woocommerce-page a.button:hover, 
.woocommerce-page button.button:hover, 
.woocommerce-page input.button:hover, 
.woocommerce-page #respond input#submit:hover, 
.woocommerce-page #content input.button:hover,
.woocommerce a.button.alt:hover, 
.woocommerce button.button.alt:hover, 
.woocommerce input.button.alt:hover, 
.woocommerce #respond input#submit.alt:hover, 
.woocommerce #content input.button.alt:hover, 
.woocommerce-page a.button.alt:hover, 
.woocommerce-page button.button.alt:hover, 
.woocommerce-page input.button.alt:hover, 
.woocommerce-page #respond input#submit.alt:hover, 
.woocommerce-page #content input.button.alt:hover,
.dt-category-view .add-to-cart.btn-active:hover,
.woocommerce .cart-collaterals input.button[name="update_cart"]:hover, 
.cart_list .popup-button-proceed:hover
.woocommerce-page .cart-collaterals input.button[name="update_cart"]:hover, 
div.woocommerce .product .add-to-cart.btn-active:hover,
.cart_list .popup-bottom-info .popup-button-proceed:hover, 
.shop-bottom .widget_product_search input[type='submit']:hover, 
.shop-bottom .widget_search input[type='submit']:hover,
.md-modal .md-content.form button.btn-submit:hover
	background: none;
	-webkit-box-shadow:0 4px 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 35);
	box-shadow:0 4px 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 35);
	background-color: <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 15);

.woocommerce a.button:active, 
.woocommerce button.button:active, 
.woocommerce input.button:active, 
.woocommerce #respond input#submit:active, 
.woocommerce #content input.button:active, 
.woocommerce-page a.button:active, 
.woocommerce-page button.button:active, 
.woocommerce-page input.button:active, 
.woocommerce-page #respond input#submit:active, 
.woocommerce-page #content input.button:active,
.woocommerce a.button.alt:active, 
.woocommerce button.button.alt:active, 
.woocommerce input.button.alt:active, 
.woocommerce #respond input#submit.alt:active, 
.woocommerce #content input.button.alt:active, 
.woocommerce-page a.button.alt:active, 
.woocommerce-page button.button.alt:active, 
.woocommerce-page input.button.alt:active, 
.woocommerce-page #respond input#submit.alt:active, 
.woocommerce-page #content input.button.alt:active,
.dt-category-view .add-to-cart.btn-active:active,
.woocommerce .cart-collaterals input.button[name="update_cart"]:active, 
.cart_list .popup-button-proceed:active
.woocommerce-page .cart-collaterals input.button[name="update_cart"]:active, 
div.woocommerce .product .add-to-cart.btn-active:active, 
.shop-bottom .widget_product_search input[type='submit']:active,
.md-modal .md-content.form button.btn-submit:active,
.cart_list .popup-bottom-info .popup-button-proceed:active{
	background: none;
	-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 35);
	box-shadow:0 0 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 35);
	background-color: <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 15);
.cart_list .popup-bottom-info .popup-view-cart:active{
	background: none;
	-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 25);
	box-shadow:0 0 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 25);
	background-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;
.woocommerce .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle, 
.woocommerce-page .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle {
	background: none;
	background-color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.sidebar .widget_search input[type='submit'], 
.bottom_section .widget_search input[type='submit'],
.bottom_section .widget_product_search input[type='submit'],
.custom-accordion .panel-heading .btn-accordion:hover,
.custom-accordion .panel-heading:hover .btn-accordion,
.pricing-table .price-4-col .btn-active,
.pricing-table .price-3-col .btn-active,
#commentform #submit,
.dt-category-view .add-to-cart.btn-active, 
.sidebar .widget_product_search input[type='submit'] 
	-webkit-box-shadow:0 4px 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 25);
	box-shadow:0 4px 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 25);
.sidebar .widget_search input[type='submit']:hover, 
.bottom_section .widget_search input[type='submit']:hover,
.bottom_section .widget_product_search input[type='submit']:hover,
.dt-iconboxes-4:hover,.module_dt_contact_form .btn-send:hover,.cn_item:hover,.btn-primary:hover,
.pricing-table .price-4-col .btn-active:hover,
.pricing-table .price-3-col .btn-active:hover,
.ls-slide .btn-active a:hover, 
.sidebar .widget_product_search input[type='submit']:hover
	-webkit-box-shadow:0 4px 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 35);
	box-shadow:0 4px 0 <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 35);
	background-color: <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 15);

/*Active Button*/
.sidebar .widget_search input[type='submit']:active, 
.bottom_section .widget_search input[type='submit']:active,
.bottom_section .widget_product_search input[type='submit']:active,
.owl-carousel-navigation .btn-owl:active,
.custom-accordion .panel-heading .btn-accordion:active,
.paging-nav .btn-arrow:active,
.md-modal .md-close:active,
.nav-slide a.btn:active,
#commentform #submit:active,
.module_dt_contact_form .btn-send:active,
.pricing-table .price-4-col .btn-active:active,
.pricing-table .price-3-col .btn-active:active,
.ls-slide .btn-active a:active,
.sidebar .widget_product_search input[type='submit']:active
	box-shadow : none!important;
	-webkit-box-shadow : none!important;

.cart_list a.popup-view-cart:hover,.cart_list a.popup-button-proceed{color:#ffffff!important;}

.pricing-table .price-4-col ul li:nth-child(2n),
.pricing-table .price-3-col ul li:nth-child(2n) { background-color: <?php 
    print lighten($mainColor, 15);

.pricing-table .price-4-col ul,
.pricing-table .price-3-col ul { background-color: <?php 
    print lighten($mainColor, 25);

.portfolio-module .portfolio-item .description,
.dt-featured-posts .description,
.map-image-area .map .circle-address section,
.map-image-area .map .map-info,
.portfolio .portfolio-item .description,
.dt-google-map-section .map .map-info, 
.dt-category-view .product-thumbnail .plus-detail a, 
.woocommerce .product-category .product-thumbnail .plus-detail a, 
div.woocommerce .product .product-thumbnail .plus-detail a
    print $rgbcolor;
, 0.6)!important;}

.paging-nav .paging-disabled .btn-arrow,.paging-nav .paging-disabled a.btn-arrow {
  background-color: #f4f4f4 !important;
  color: #dfdfdf !important;
  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 4px 0 #dfdfdf !important;
  box-shadow: 0 4px 0 #dfdfdf !important;


.paging-nav .paging-disabled a {
  color: #e1e1e1 !important; 

.paging-nav .paging-disabled .btn-arrow:hover {
  background-color: #f4f4f4 !important;
  color: #dfdfdf !important;
  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 4px 0 #dfdfdf !important;
  box-shadow: 0 4px 0 #dfdfdf !important;

.paging-nav .paging-disabled .btn-arrow:hover p,
.paging-nav .paging-disabled .btn-arrow:hover h1,
.paging-nav .paging-disabled .btn-arrow:hover h2,
.paging-nav .paging-disabled .btn-arrow:hover span,
.paging-nav .paging-disabled .btn-arrow:hover i {
  color: #dfdfdf !important;

.sidebar .widget_rss ul li a.rsswidget {
	color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.sidebar .widget_rss ul li a.rsswidget:hover {
	color: <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 25);

.bottom_section .widget_rss ul li a.rsswidget {
	color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.bottom_section .widget_rss ul li a.rsswidget:hover {
	color: <?php 
    print lighten($mainColor, 35);

.sidebar .widget_pages a {
	color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.sidebar .widget_pages a:hover {
	color: <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 25);

.bottom_section .widget_pages a {
	color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.bottom_section .widget_pages a:hover {
	color: <?php 
    print lighten($mainColor, 35);

.sidebar .widget_meta a {
	color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.sidebar .widget_meta a:hover {
	color: <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 25);

.bottom_section .widget_meta a {
	color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.sidebar .widget_nav_menu a:hover,
.sidebar .widget_calendar a:hover {
	color: <?php 
    print darken($mainColor, 25);

.bottom_section .widget_meta a:hover, 
.bottom_section .widget_nav_menu a,
.bottom_section .widget_nav_menu a:hover,
.bottom_section .widget_calendar a:hover 
	color: <?php 
    print lighten($mainColor, 35);

.sidebar .widget_nav_menu a,
.sidebar .widget_calendar a,
.bottom_section .widget_calendar a,
.module_dt_promotion .thumbnail-description-text:hover
	color: <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.shop-bottom .list-item:hover img, 
.shop-bottom .widget_recent_reviews ul.product_list_widget li a:hover img {
  outline: 3px solid <?php 
    print $mainColor;

.dt-shop-category .thumbnail-container:hover .text-description {
  background-color: rgba(<?php 
    print $rgbcolor;
, 0.7);
    $cssline = ob_get_contents();
    return $cssline;
Ejemplo n.º 5
if (!empty($custom_colors['footer-bg'])) {
.footer {
  background-color: <?php 
    echo dhecho($custom_colors['footer-bg']);
 background-color: <?php 
    echo dhecho(darken($custom_colors['footer-bg'], '10%'));

if (!empty($custom_colors['footer-color'])) {
.footer .footer-info
  color: <?php 
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function render($atts, $content = null, $base = "")
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('title' => '', 'sub_title' => '', 'value' => '', 'footer_text' => '', 'layout' => '', 'button' => 'button1', 'button_text' => __('Submit', 'detheme_builder'), 'button_text_color' => '', 'button_color' => '', 'font_size' => '', 'vertical_padding' => '', 'horizontal_padding' => '', 'button_radius' => '', 'email_label' => __('Email Label', 'detheme_builder'), 'name_label' => __('Your name', 'detheme_builder'), 'button_font' => '', 'expanded' => 0, 'button_align' => 'left', 'label_align' => 'left', 'input_radius' => '', 'input_vertical_padding' => '', 'input_horizontal_padding' => '', 'element_margin' => '', 'gradient' => false, 'gradient_color_to' => '', 'el_id' => '', 'el_class' => ''), $atts, 'dt_optin_form'));
     wp_register_script('optin', get_dt_plugin_dir_url() . 'js/optin_form.js', array('jquery'), '', false);
     global $DEstyle;
     $code = "";
     $compile = "";
     $excss = getCssID("optin_form_");
     $buttoncss = $buttonHovercss = $inputcss = array();
     if (!empty($button_text_color)) {
         $buttoncss[] = "color:" . $button_text_color;
     if (!empty($button_color)) {
         if ($gradient && !empty($gradient_color_to)) {
             $buttoncss[] = "background:-webkit-linear-gradient(" . $button_color . "," . $gradient_color_to . ")";
             $buttoncss[] = "background:-moz-linear-gradient(" . $button_color . "," . $gradient_color_to . ")";
             $buttoncss[] = "background:-ms-linear-gradient(" . $button_color . "," . $gradient_color_to . ")";
             $buttoncss[] = "background:-o-linear-gradient(" . $button_color . "," . $gradient_color_to . ")";
             $buttoncss[] = "background:linear-gradient(" . $button_color . "," . $gradient_color_to . ")";
         } else {
             $buttoncss[] = "background-color:" . $button_color;
         $buttonHovercss[] = "background-color:" . darken($button_color, 5);
     if (!empty($font_size)) {
         $buttoncss[] = "font-size:" . $font_size . "px";
     if (!empty($horizontal_padding)) {
         $buttoncss[] = "padding-left:" . $horizontal_padding . "px";
         $buttoncss[] = "padding-right:" . $horizontal_padding . "px";
     if (!empty($vertical_padding)) {
         $buttoncss[] = "height:" . $vertical_padding . "px";
         $inputcss[] = "height:" . $vertical_padding . "px";
     if ($expanded) {
         $buttoncss[] = "width:100%";
     if (!empty($button_radius)) {
         $buttoncss[] = "border-radius:" . $button_radius . "px";
     if (!empty($button_font)) {
         $font = 'http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Droid+Sans%7COpen+Sans%7CTangerine%7CJosefin+Slab%7CArvo%7CLato%7CVollkorn%7CAbril+Fatface%7CUbuntu%7CPT+Sans%7CPT+Serif%7COld+Standard+TT';
         wp_enqueue_style('google-font', $font);
         $buttoncss[] = "font-family:" . $button_font;
     if (!empty($element_margin)) {
         $element_margin = preg_match('/horizontal/', $layout) ? "padding-right:" . $element_margin . "px !important" : "margin-bottom:" . $element_margin . "px !important";
     if (!empty($input_horizontal_padding)) {
         $inputcss[] = "padding-left:" . $input_horizontal_padding . "px";
         $inputcss[] = "padding-right:" . $input_horizontal_padding . "px";
     if (!empty($label_align)) {
         $inputcss[] = "text-align:" . $label_align;
     if (!empty($input_radius)) {
         $inputcss[] = "border-radius:" . $input_radius . "px";
     $formcode = '<form role="form" class="' . $layout . (preg_match('/horizontal/', $layout) ? " form-inline" : "") . '" id="dt_optin_form_' . $excss . '">';
     $formcode .= $layout == 'vertical_email' || $layout == 'horizontal_email' ? "" : "<div class=\"form-group field-wrap\">";
     $formcode .= '<input type="' . ($layout == 'vertical_email' || $layout == 'horizontal_email' ? "hidden" : "text") . '" class="dt_name form-control" name="dt_name" placeholder="' . $name_label . '" />';
     $formcode .= $layout == 'vertical_email' || $layout == 'horizontal_email' ? "" : "</div>";
     $formcode .= '<div class="form-group field-wrap"><input type="text" class="dt_email form-control" name="dt_email"  placeholder="' . $email_label . '" /></div>';
     $formcode .= '<div class="form-group button-wrap" style="text-align:' . $button_align . '"><button class="form_connector_submit" type="submit" value="' . $button_text . '" >' . $button_text . '</button></div>';
     $formcode .= '</form>';
     if (count($inputcss)) {
         $DEstyle[] = "." . $excss . " input,." . $excss . " input.dt_name,." . $excss . " input.dt_email{" . @implode(";", $inputcss) . "}";
     if (count($buttonHovercss)) {
         $DEstyle[] = "." . $excss . " .form_connector_submit:hover{" . @implode(";", $buttonHovercss) . "}";
     if (!empty($element_margin)) {
         $DEstyle[] = "." . $excss . " .field-wrap{" . $element_margin . "}";
     $DEstyle[] = "." . $excss . " .form_connector_submit{" . @implode(";", $buttoncss) . "}";
     $css_class = array('optin-form', $excss, $button);
     $css_style = getCssMargin($atts);
     if ('' != $el_class) {
         array_push($css_class, $el_class);
     if ('' == $el_id && "" != $css_style) {
         $el_id = "optin_wrapper" . getCssID() . time() . rand(11, 99);
     $compile = "<div ";
     if ('' != $el_id) {
         $compile .= "id=\"{$el_id}\" ";
     if ('' != $css_style) {
         $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} {" . $css_style . "}";
     $compile .= "class=\"" . @implode(" ", $css_class) . "\">";
     if (!empty($title)) {
         $compile .= '<h2 class="optin-heading">' . $title . '</h2>';
     if (!empty($sub_title)) {
         $compile .= '<div class="optin-subheading">' . $sub_title . '</div>';
     $compile .= '<div class="optin-content">' . $formcode . '</div>';
     if (!empty($footer_text)) {
         $compile .= '<div class="optin-footer">' . $footer_text . '</div>';
     $compile .= '<div class="optin_code" >' . html_entity_decode($content) . '</div>';
     $compile .= "</div>";
     $compile .= '<script type="text/javascript">var ajaxurl = \'' . admin_url('admin-ajax.php') . '\';</script>';
     return $compile;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function render($atts, $content = null, $base = "")
     global $DEstyle;
     wp_register_script('jquery.appear', get_dt_plugin_dir_url() . "js/jquery.appear.js", array());
     wp_register_script('jquery.counto', get_dt_plugin_dir_url() . "js/jquery.counto.js", array());
     wp_register_script('dt-iconbox', get_dt_plugin_dir_url() . "js/dt_iconbox.js", array('jquery.appear', 'jquery.counto'));
     if (!isset($compile)) {
         $compile = '';
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('el_class' => '', 'el_id' => '', 'iconbox_heading' => '', 'color_heading' => '', 'button_link' => '', 'button_text' => '', 'icon_type' => '', 'layout_type' => '1', 'target' => '_blank', 'iconbox_text' => '', 'link' => '', 'iconbox_number' => 100, 'spy' => 'none', 'icon_size' => '', 'icon_color' => '', 'iconbg' => '', 'scroll_delay' => 300), $atts, 'dt_iconbox'));
     $content = empty($content) && !empty($iconbox_text) ? $iconbox_text : $content;
     $iconbox_number = (int) $iconbox_number;
     $color_heading = !empty($color_heading) ? " style=\"color:" . $color_heading . "\"" : "";
     $scollspy = "";
     if ('' == $el_id) {
         $el_id = "module_dt_iconboxes_" . getCssID();
     $css_class = array('module_dt_iconboxes');
     if ('' != $el_class) {
         array_push($css_class, $el_class);
     $css_style = getCssMargin($atts);
     if ('none' !== $spy && !empty($spy)) {
         $scollspy = 'data-uk-scrollspy="{cls:\'' . $spy . '\', delay:' . (int) $scroll_delay . '}"';
     switch ($layout_type) {
         case '2':
             $output = '<div class="dt-iconboxes-2 layout-' . $layout_type . '" ' . $scollspy . '>
                         <div class="dt-section-icon hi-icon-wrap hi-icon-effect-5 hi-icon-effect-5a">' . (strlen($link) > 0 ? "<a target='" . $target . "' href='" . $link . "'>" : "") . '<i class="hi-icon ' . $icon_type . '"></i>' . (strlen($link) > 0 ? "</a>" : "") . '</div>
                         <h4' . $color_heading . '>' . $iconbox_heading . '</h4>' . '<div class="dt-iconboxes-text">' . (!empty($content) ? do_shortcode($content) : "") . '</div>
             if ($icon_color != '') {
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes-2 i {color:" . $icon_color . ";}";
             if ($iconbg != '') {
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes-2:hover i {background-color:" . $iconbg . "!important;color: #ffffff;}";
         case '3':
             $output = '<div class="dt-iconboxes layout-' . $layout_type . '" ' . $scollspy . '>
                         <span class="boxes">' . (strlen($link) > 0 ? "<a target='" . $target . "' href='" . $link . "'>" : "") . '<i class="' . $icon_type . '"></i>' . (strlen($link) > 0 ? "</a>" : "") . '</span>
                         <h3 class="dt-counter">' . $iconbox_number . '</h3>
                         <h4' . $color_heading . '>' . $iconbox_heading . '</h4><div class="dt-iconboxes-text">
                         ' . (!empty($content) ? do_shortcode($content) : "") . '</div></div>';
             if ($icon_color != '') {
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes span.boxes,#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes h3 {color:" . $icon_color . "!important;}";
             if ($iconbg != '') {
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes.layout-3 span:hover {background-color:" . $iconbg . "!important;color:#fff!important;}";
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes.layout-3 span:hover:after,#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes.layout-3 span:hover:before{border-top-color:" . $iconbg . "!important;}";
         case '4':
             $output = '<div ' . $scollspy . '><div class="dt-iconboxes-4 layout-' . $layout_type . '">
                         <div class="dt-section-icon hi-icon-wrap hi-icon-effect-5 hi-icon-effect-5d">' . (strlen($link) > 0 ? "<a target='" . $target . "' href='" . $link . "'>" : "") . '<i class="hi-icon ' . $icon_type . '"></i>' . (strlen($link) > 0 ? "</a>" : "") . '</div>
                         <h4' . $color_heading . '>' . $iconbox_heading . '</h4>' . '<div class="dt-iconboxes-text">' . (!empty($content) ? do_shortcode($content) : "") . '</div>' . '
             if ($icon_color != '') {
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes-4 i {color:" . $icon_color . "!important;}";
             if ($iconbg != '') {
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes-4,#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes-4:hover .dt-section-icon {background-color:" . $iconbg . "!important;}";
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes-4:hover {background-color: " . darken($iconbg, 20) . "!important;}";
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes-4:hover .dt-section-icon:after,#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes-4:hover .dt-section-icon:before {border-top-color: " . $iconbg . "!important;}";
         case '5':
             $output = '<div class="dt-iconboxes-5 layout-' . $layout_type . '" ' . $scollspy . '>
                         <div class="dt-section-icon hi-icon-wrap hi-icon-effect-5 hi-icon-effect-5a">' . (strlen($link) > 0 ? "<a target='" . $target . "' href='" . $link . "'>" : "") . '<i class="hi-icon ' . $icon_type . '"></i>' . (strlen($link) > 0 ? "</a>" : "") . '</div>
                         <h4' . $color_heading . '>' . $iconbox_heading . '</h4>' . '<div class="dt-iconboxes-text">' . (!empty($content) ? do_shortcode($content) : "") . '</div>' . '
             if ($icon_color != '') {
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes-5 .dt-section-icon {color:" . $icon_color . "!important;}";
             if ($iconbg != '') {
                 $DEstyle[] = ".no-touch #{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes-5:hover .hi-icon-effect-5 .hi-icon {background-color:" . $iconbg . "!important;border-color:" . $iconbg . "!important;}";
         case '6':
             $output = '<div class="dt-iconboxes layout-' . $layout_type . '" ' . $scollspy . '>
                         ' . (strlen($link) > 0 ? "<a target='" . $target . "' href='" . $link . "'>" : "") . '<i class="' . $icon_type . '"></i>' . (strlen($link) > 0 ? "</a>" : "") . '
                         <h4' . $color_heading . '>' . $iconbox_heading . '</h4><div class="dt-iconboxes-text">
                         ' . (!empty($content) ? do_shortcode($content) : "") . '</div></div>';
             if ($icon_color != '') {
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes i {color:" . $icon_color . "!important;}";
             if ($iconbg != '') {
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes.layout-6:hover {background-color:" . $iconbg . "!important;}";
         case '7':
         case '8':
             $output = '<div class="dt-iconboxes layout-' . $layout_type . '" ' . $scollspy . '>
                         ' . (strlen($link) > 0 ? "<a target='" . $target . "' href='" . $link . "'>" : "") . '<i class="' . $icon_type . '"></i>' . (strlen($link) > 0 ? "</a>" : "") . '
                         <div class="text-box"><h4' . $color_heading . '>' . $iconbox_heading . '</h4>
                         ' . (!empty($content) ? do_shortcode($content) : "") . '</div></div>';
             if ($icon_color != '') {
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes i {color:" . $icon_color . "!important;}";
             $output = '<div class="dt-iconboxes layout-' . $layout_type . '" ' . $scollspy . '>
                         <span class="boxes">' . (strlen($link) > 0 ? "<a target='" . $target . "' href='" . $link . "'>" : "") . '<i class="' . $icon_type . '"></i>' . (strlen($link) > 0 ? "</a>" : "") . '</span>
                         <h4' . $color_heading . '>' . $iconbox_heading . '</h4><div class="dt-iconboxes-text">' . (!empty($content) ? do_shortcode($content) : "") . '</div>
             if ($icon_color != '') {
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes span.boxes {color:" . $icon_color . ";}";
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes span.boxes:hover {color:#ffffff;}";
             if ($iconbg != '') {
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes span.boxes:hover {background-color:" . $iconbg . "!important;border-color: " . $iconbg . ";}";
                 $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes span.boxes:hover:after,#{$el_id} .dt-iconboxes span.boxes:hover:before{border-top: 11px solid " . $iconbg . "!important;}";
     $compile = "<div ";
     if ('' != $el_id) {
         $compile .= "id=\"{$el_id}\" ";
     $compile .= "class=\"" . @implode(" ", $css_class) . "\">";
     $compile .= $output . "</div>";
     if ("" != $css_style) {
         $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} {" . $css_style . "}";
     if ($icon_size != '') {
         $DEstyle[] = "#{$el_id} i {font-size:" . $icon_size . "px;}";
     return $compile;
Ejemplo n.º 8

$brand_warning = dh_format_color(dh_get_theme_option('brand-warning', '#f0ad4e'));
$brand_warning = apply_filters('dh_brand_warning', $brand_warning);
if ($brand_warning === '#f0ad4e') {
    return '';
$darken_10_brand_warning = darken(dh_format_color($brand_warning), '10%');
$darken_12_brand_warning = darken(dh_format_color($brand_warning), '12%');
.text-warning {
  color: <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_warning);
.blockquote-warning {
  border-color: <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_warning);
.btn-warning {
  background-color: <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_warning);
  border-color: <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_warning);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Output custom css based on header and link colors.
function cover_customize_options()
    $header_color = esc_attr(get_theme_mod('cover_header_color', '#026ed2'));
    $link_color = esc_attr(get_theme_mod('cover_link_color', '#026ed2'));
    $overlay_color = esc_attr(get_theme_mod('cover_overlay_color', 'overlay-dark'));
    $list_style = esc_attr(get_theme_mod('cover_list_style', 'minimal'));

    // Set accent color.
a,a:visited,.entry-title a:hover,.entry-subtitle a:hover { color: <?php 
    echo $link_color;
; }
a:hover { color: <?php 
    echo darken($link_color, 15);
; }
.header .backdrop, .cover { background-color: <?php 
    echo $header_color;
; }
.paging-navigation a, ul.categories a, body #infinite-handle span, .button.default { background-color: <?php 
    echo $link_color;
; }
.paging-navigation a:hover, body #infinite-handle span:hover, .button.default:hover { background-color: <?php 
    echo darken($link_color, 15);
; }
body .infinite-loader .spinner { border-top-color: <?php 
    echo $link_color;
; }
.fotorama__thumb-border { border-color: <?php 
    echo $link_color;
; }
blockquote, q, .aesop-component.aesop-quote-component.aesop-quote-type-pull.aesop-component-align-left, .aesop-component.aesop-quote-component.aesop-quote-type-pull.aesop-component-align-right, .aesop-component.aesop-quote-component.aesop-quote-type-pull.aesop-component-align-center { border-color: <?php 
    echo $header_color;

    // Restore default colors.
.header a, <?php 
    if ('overlay-dark' == $overlay_color) {
.overlay a, <?php 
.cover-header a { color: #fff; }
.cover-subtitle a { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); }
.entry-title a { color: #222; }
.entry-subtitle a { color: #999; }

    if ('overlay-light' == $overlay_color) {
.noscroll .hamburger span:before,
.noscroll .hamburger span:after,
.hamburger.close span:before,
.hamburger.close span:after {
  background-color: #000 !important;

<meta name="theme-color" content="<?php 
    echo $header_color;

Ejemplo n.º 10

$brand_success = dh_format_color(dh_get_theme_option('brand-success', '#262626'));
$brand_success = apply_filters('dh_brand_success', dhecho($brand_success));
if ($brand_success === '#262626') {
    return '';
$darken_10_brand_success = darken(dh_format_color($brand_success), '10%');
$darken_12_brand_success = darken(dh_format_color($brand_success), '12%');
.text-success {
  color: <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_success);
.blockquote-success {
  border-color: <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_success);
.btn-success {
  background-color: <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_success);
  border-color: <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_success);
Ejemplo n.º 11
if (!empty($custom_colors['footer-bg'])) {
.footer-copyright {
  background-color: <?php 
    echo dh_print_string($custom_colors['footer-bg']);

 background-color: <?php 
    echo dh_print_string(darken($custom_colors['footer-bg'], '10%'));

if (!empty($custom_colors['footer-color'])) {
.footer .footer-info,
.footer-newsletter .footer-newsletter-heading,
.footer-featured h4,
Ejemplo n.º 12

$brand_primary = dh_format_color(dh_get_theme_option('brand-primary', '#262626'));
$brand_primary = apply_filters('dh_brand_primary', $brand_primary);
if ($brand_primary === '#262626') {
    return '';
$darken_10_brand_primary = darken(dh_format_color($brand_primary), '10%');
$darken_12_brand_primary = darken(dh_format_color($brand_primary), '12%');
.fade-loading i {
  background: none repeat scroll 0 0 <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_primary);

.text-primary {
  color: <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_primary);
.bg-primary {
  background-color: <?php 
echo dhecho($brand_primary);
.blockquote-primary {
  border-color: <?php