Ejemplo n.º 1
include "_db.php";
include "time/timediff.php";
$job_no = $_GET['job_no'];
//$q = "select l.res_id,to_char(l.create_date,'dd/mm/yy HH24:MI') as my_date,l.name,u.login as my_user from res_log l,res_users u where l.user_id = u.id and l.name like '%{$job_no}%' order by l.write_date";
$timezone = "set timezone TO 'GMT'";
$q = "select l.res_id,l.create_date::timestamp AT TIME ZONE '+0' as my_date,l.name,u.login as my_user from res_log l,res_users u where l.user_id = u.id and l.name like '%{$job_no}%' order by l.create_date,l.res_id";
$a = retrieve($q);
$last = strtotime("now");
echo "<table border='1'><tr><th>ชม.</th><th>เวลา</th><th>ชื่องาน</th><th>สถานะ</th><th>โดย</th></tr>";
$i = 1;
foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
    $p = strtotime($v["my_date"]) - $last;
    $str = explode("'", $v['name']);
    if ($str[3] != null) {
        print_r("<tr><td>" . d_time($p) . "</td><td>" . $v['my_date'] . "</td><td>" . $str[1] . "</td><td>" . $str[3] . "</td><td>" . $v['my_user'] . "</td></tr>");
    //print_r("<tr><td>" . d_time($p) . "</td><td>" . $v['my_date'] . "</td><td>" . $str[1] . "</td><td>" . $str[2] . "</td><td>" . $v['my_user'] . "</td></tr>");
    $last = strtotime($v["my_date"]);
echo "</table>";
//echo $_GET['callback'].'('.json_encode($a).')';
/*echo "<table border='1'><tr><th>index</th><th>เวลา</th><th>ชื่องาน</th><th>สถานะ</th><th>โดย</th></tr>";
	$i = 1;
	foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
		$str = explode("'", $v['name']);
		print_r("<tr><td>" . $i . "</td><td>" . $v['my_date'] . "</td><td>" . $str[1] . "</td><td>" . $str[3] . "</td><td>" . $v['my_user'] . "</td></tr>");
Ejemplo n.º 2
include '_timediff.php';
$jobs = json_decode($_GET['job_no']);
foreach ($jobs as $key => $val) {
    //$q = "select l.res_id,to_char(l.create_date,'dd/mm/yy HH24:MI') as my_date,l.name,u.login as my_user from res_log l,res_users u where l.user_id = u.id and l.name like '%{$job_no}%' order by l.write_date";
    $timezone = "set timezone TO 'GMT'";
    $q = "select l.res_id,l.create_date::timestamp AT TIME ZONE '+0' as my_date,l.name,u.login as my_user from res_log l,res_users u where l.user_id = u.id and l.name like '%{$val}%' order by l.create_date,l.res_id";
    $a = retrieve($q);
    $last = strtotime('now');
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
        $str = explode("'", $v['name']);
        if ($str[3] != null) {
            $p = strtotime($v['my_date']) - $last;
            $json[$i - 1]['interval'] = d_time($p);
            $json[$i]['start'] = $v['my_date'];
            $json[$i]['name'] = $str[1];
            $json[$i]['status'] = $str[3];
            $json[$i]['user'] = $v['my_user'];
            $last = strtotime($v['my_date']);
    $json[$i - 1]['interval'] = 0;
    $status = [];
    $values = [];
    $label = explode(' ', $json[1]['name']);
    foreach ($json as $k => $v) {
        $status[] = $v['status'];