Ejemplo n.º 1
// **************************Create Deal********************************
$opportunity_json = array("name" => "test deal", "description" => "this is a test deal", "expected_value" => 1000, "milestone" => "Open", "custom_data" => array(array("name" => "dataone", "value" => "xyz"), array("name" => "datatwo", "value" => "abc")), "probability" => 50, "close_date" => 1414317504, "contact_ids" => array("5732642569846784", "5756422495141888"));
$opportunity_json_input = json_encode($opportunity_json);
$deal3 = curl_wrap("opportunity", $opportunity_json_input, "POST", "application/json");
echo $deal3;
// **************************Update Deal********************************
// Note : To use this method, you have to send all data related to this deal id
// Note : Otherwise you can lose other data, which is not sent. Better use partial update
$opportunity_json = array("id" => "5756188201320448", "name" => "test deal", "description" => "this is a test deal", "expected_value" => 2000, "milestone" => "Open", "custom_data" => array(array("name" => "dataone", "value" => "xyz"), array("name" => "datatwo", "value" => "abc")), "probability" => 80, "close_date" => 1414317504, "contact_ids" => array("5732642569846784", "5756422495141888"));
$opportunity_json_input = json_encode($opportunity_json);
$deal4 = curl_wrap("opportunity", $opportunity_json_input, "PUT", "application/json");
echo $deal4;
// **************************Update Deal (Partial update)********************************
// Note : No need to send all the data of a deal only the properties want to update
// Pipeline id is the track id : more info - https://github.com/agilecrm/rest-api#devapimilestonepipelines
// Each track has milestones (New,Open,Prospect etc.)
// Each track has id called track id or pipeline id.
// If pipeline id is not given then default track will be updated with new milestone.
$opportunity_json = array("id" => "5756188201320448", "name" => "test deal", "description" => "this is a test deal", "expected_value" => 3000, "milestone" => "Open", "pipeline_id" => "5756422495141836", "custom_data" => array(array("name" => "dataone", "value" => "xyz")), "contact_ids" => array("5732642569846784", "5756422495141888"));
$opportunity_json_input = json_encode($opportunity_json);
$deal5 = curl_wrap("opportunity/partial-update", $opportunity_json_input, "PUT", "application/json");
echo $deal5;
// **************************delete a deal By deal id.********************
$deal6 = curl_wrap("opportunity/5193632629915648", null, "DELETE", "application/json");
echo 'deal delete successfully';
echo '<br/><br/><br/><br/>';
// **************************Get all the Tracks********************
// Note: Will return list. iterate to get specific track id / pipeline id and corresponding milestones.
$tracks = curl_wrap("milestone/pipelines", null, "GET", "application/json");
echo $tracks;
echo '<br/><br/><br/><br/>';
Ejemplo n.º 2
curl_wrap("score", $json, "GET");
# To add task
$task_json = array("type" => "MEETING", "priority_type" => "HIGH", "subject" => "test", "email" => "*****@*****.**");
$task_json = json_encode($task_json);
curl_wrap("task", $task_json, "POST");
# To get tasks related to a contact
$json = array("email" => "*****@*****.**");
$json = json_encode($json);
curl_wrap("task", $json, "GET");
# To add a deal to contact
$deal_json = array("name" => "Test Deal", "description" => "testing deal", "expected_value" => "100", "milestone" => "won", "probability" => "5", "close_date" => "1376047332", "email" => "*****@*****.**");
# close date in epoch time
$deal_json = json_encode($deal_json);
curl_wrap("deal", $deal_json, "POST");
# To get deals associated with contact
$json = array("email" => "*****@*****.**");
$json = json_encode($json);
curl_wrap("deal", $json, "GET");
# To add tags
$tag_json = array("email" => "*****@*****.**", "tags" => "tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5");
$tag_json = json_encode($tag_json);
curl_wrap("tags", $tag_json, "POST");
# To delete tags
$rm_tags_json = array("tags" => "tag3, tag4", "email" => "*****@*****.**");
$rm_tags_json = json_encode($rm_tags_json);
curl_wrap("tags", $rm_tags_json, "PUT");
# To get tags assigned to a contact
$json = array("email" => "*****@*****.**");
$json = json_encode($json);
curl_wrap("tags", $json, "GET");
Ejemplo n.º 3
<!DOCTYPE html>
Agile CRM \ index file for basic test

Test the connection's with agile crm api and return a contact. 

        <meta charset="UTF-8">
include "CurlLib/curlwrap_v2.php";
echo "<h2>Reference taken from : https://github.com/agilecrm/php-api</h2>";
echo '<br/>';
$contact = curl_wrap("contacts/search/email/haka@gmail.com", null, "GET", NULL);
echo $contact;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// **************************Edit star value contact id ********************************
$contact_json_star = array("id" => "5722721933590528", "star_value" => "5");
$contact_json_star_input = json_encode($contact_json_star);
$contact7 = curl_wrap("contacts/edit/add-star", $contact_json_star_input, "PUT", "application/json");
echo $contact7;
// **************************Edit score by contact id ****************
$contact_json_lead_score = array("id" => 5722721933590528, "lead_score" => "5");
$contact_json_lead_score_input = json_encode($contact_json_lead_score);
$contact8 = curl_wrap("contacts/edit/lead-score", $contact_json_lead_score_input, "PUT", "application/json");
echo $contact8;
// **************************Add tags to a contact by email ********************************
$form_fields1 = array('email' => urlencode("*****@*****.**"), 'tags' => urlencode('["testing"]'));
$fields_string1 = '';
foreach ($form_fields1 as $key => $value) {
    $fields_string1 .= $key . '=' . $value . '&';
$tags1 = curl_wrap("contacts/email/tags/add", rtrim($fields_string1, '&'), "POST", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
echo $tags1;
// **************************Delete tags to a contact by email ********************************
$form_fields2 = array('email' => urlencode("*****@*****.**"), 'tags' => urlencode('["testing"]'));
$fields_string2 = '';
foreach ($form_fields2 as $key => $value) {
    $fields_string2 .= $key . '=' . $value . '&';
$tags2 = curl_wrap("contacts/email/tags/delete", rtrim($fields_string2, '&'), "POST", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
echo $tags2;
// **************************Update tags value by contact id ****************
$contact_json_tags = array("id" => "5643140853661696", "tags" => array("Player", "Winner"));
$contact_json_tags_input = json_encode($contact_json_tags);
$contac9 = curl_wrap("contacts/edit/tags", $contact_json_tags_input, "PUT", "application/json");
echo '$contac9';
Ejemplo n.º 5

 * Agile CRM \ note_sample_test
 * Test all basic methods with contact. 
 * @author    Agile CRM developers <Ghanshyam>
include "../CurlLib/curlwrap_v2.php";
echo "<h2>Reference taken from : https://github.com/agilecrm/php-api</h2>";
echo '<br/>';
$note_json = array("subject" => "test note", "description" => "this is a test note", "contact_ids" => array("5641841626054656", "5756422495141888"));
$note_json_input = json_encode($note_json);
$note = curl_wrap("notes", $note_json_input, "POST", "application/json");
echo $note;
Ejemplo n.º 6

 * Agile CRM \ task_sample_test
 * Test all basic methods with contact. 
 * @author    Agile CRM developers <Ghanshyam>
include "../CurlLib/curlwrap_v2.php";
echo "<h2>Reference taken from : https://github.com/agilecrm/php-api</h2>";
echo '<br/>';
$task_json = array("type" => "MILESTONE", "priority_type" => "HIGH", "contacts" => array("5641841626054656", "5756422495141888"), "subject" => "this is a test task", "status" => "YET_TO_START");
$task_json_input = json_encode($task_json);
$task = curl_wrap("tasks", $task_json_input, "POST", "application/json");
echo $task;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* ------------------------------------get contact by contact_id END----------------------------------------- */
/* ------------------------------------delete contact by contact_id ----------------------------------------- */
echo "<li>get contact with email id and find also conatct id</li><br>";
echo "<br>";
$result = curl_wrap("contacts/5632908932939776", null, "DELETE");
echo "<li>deleted  response received is ...</li><br>";
echo "<li>" . $result . "</li>";
echo "<br><hr><br>";
/* ------------------------------------delete contact by contact_id END----------------------------------------- */
/*=================================================== create deal=======================================*/
$opportunity_json = array("name" => "test deal1", "description" => "this is a test deal", "expected_value" => 1000, "milestone" => "New", "custom_data" => array(array("name" => "dataone", "value" => "xyz"), array("name" => "datatwo", "value" => "abc")), "probability" => 50, "close_date" => 1438948949, "contact_ids" => array("5706163895140352"));
$opportunity_json = json_encode($opportunity_json);
echo "<li>create deal with below data</li><br>";
echo "<li>" . $opportunity_json . "</li><br>";
$result = curl_wrap("opportunity", $opportunity_json, "POST");
echo "<li>created deal data is ...</li><br>";
echo "<li>" . $result . "</li>";
echo "<br><hr><br>";
/*===================================================== create deal end================================================*/
/*===================================================== update deal================================================*/
$opportunity_json = array("id" => "5675214360805376", "name" => "test deal1 updated", "description" => "this is a test deal", "expected_value" => 1000, "milestone" => "Won", "custom_data" => array(array("name" => "dataone", "value" => "xyz updated"), array("name" => "datatwo", "value" => "abc updated")), "probability" => 50, "close_date" => 1438949981, "contact_ids" => array("5706163895140352"));
$opportunity_json = json_encode($opportunity_json);
echo "<li>update deal with below data</li><br>";
echo "<li>" . $opportunity_json . "</li><br>";
$result = curl_wrap("opportunity", $opportunity_json, "POST");
echo "<li>updated deal data is ...</li><br>";
echo "<li>" . $result . "</li>";
echo "<br><hr><br>";
/*================================================= update deal end================================================*/
echo "</ul>";
echo "</body></html>";