function NewsProject() { global $msql, $fsql; $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"]; $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"]; $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"]; $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"]; //模版解释 $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname); $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp); //循环开始 $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle); $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var); $msql->query("select * from {P}_news_proj order by id desc"); while ($msql->next_record()) { $id = $msql->f("id"); $project = $msql->f("project"); $folder = $msql->f("folder"); if ($cutword != "0") { $project = csubstr($project, 0, $cutword); } $link = ROOTPATH . "news/project/" . $folder . "/"; $var = array('link' => $link, 'project' => $project, 'target' => $target); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var); } $str .= $TempArr["end"]; return $str; }
function datagrid() { $array = array('b.status' => 1); $name = I('name'); $page = I('page'); $rows = I('rows'); $islend = I('islend'); if (!is_numeric($rows)) { $rows = 20; } if (!is_numeric($page)) { $page = 1; } if (!empty($name)) { $array[''] = array('like', "%{$name}%"); } if ($islend != '') { $array['b.sorttype'] = $islend; } $count = $this->alias('b')->where($array)->count(); $list = $this->alias('b')->field('count(DISTINCT,if(b.sorttype=1,"已放款","未放款") sorttype,count( fpnum,,b.memo,,sum(d.zcmoney)totalmoney,sum(leavemoney)leavemoney')->join('rule_record zc on zc.ruletype_id and zc.status=1', 'left')->join('rule_lend_record c on and c.status=1', 'left')->join('lend_record d on', 'left')->limit(($page - 1) * $rows, $rows)->order('b.updatetime desc')->group('')->where($array)->select(); foreach ($list as &$value) { $value['memo'] = csubstr($value['memo'], 0, 10); } return array('rows' => $list, 'total' => $count, 'footer' => array()); }
function PageTitleList() { global $fsql, $msql; //插件设置 $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"]; $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"]; $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"]; $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"]; $groupid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["groupid"]; $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"]; if ($groupid != 0 && $groupid != "") { $fsql->query("select folder from {P}_page_group where id='{$groupid}'"); if ($fsql->next_record()) { $folder = $fsql->f('folder'); } } else { $str = "NO GROUPID"; return $str; } //模版解释 $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname); $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp); $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle); $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var); $fsql->query("select * from {P}_page where groupid='{$groupid}' order by xuhao limit 0,{$shownums}"); while ($fsql->next_record()) { $id = $fsql->f('id'); $title = $fsql->f('title'); $url = $fsql->f('url'); $pagefolder = $fsql->f('pagefolder'); //链接,如果有跳转网址则优先跳转 20090503 if (strlen($url) > 1) { if (substr($url, 0, 7) == "http://") { $link = $url; } else { $link = ROOTPATH . $url; } } else { //如果有独立页,优先独立页 if ($pagefolder != "" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "page/" . $folder . "/" . $pagefolder . ".php")) { $link = ROOTPATH . "page/" . $folder . "/" . $pagefolder . ".php"; } else { if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "page/" . $folder . "/" . $id . ".html")) { $link = ROOTPATH . "page/" . $folder . "/" . $id . ".html"; } else { $link = ROOTPATH . "page/" . $folder . "/?" . $id . ".html"; } } } if ($cutword != "0") { $title = csubstr($title, 0, $cutword); } //模版标签解释 $var = array('title' => $title, 'link' => $link, 'target' => $target); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var); } $str .= $TempArr["end"]; return $str; }
protected function csubstr($string, $start, $length = FALSE, $safe_quotes = FALSE) { if (defined('STRICT_TYPES') && CAMEL_CASE == '1') { return (string) self::parameters(['string' => DT::TEXT, 'start' => DT::UINT8, 'length' => [DT::UINT8, DT::BOOL], 'safe_quotes' => DT::BOOL])->call(__FUNCTION__)->with($string, $start, $length, $safe_quotes)->returning(DT::TEXT); } else { return (string) csubstr($string, $start, $length, $safe_quotes); } }
function MemberComment() { global $fsql, $tsql; $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"]; $memberid = $_COOKIE["MEMBERID"]; $scl = " pid='0' and memberid='{$memberid}' "; //模板解释 $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname); $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp); $str = $TempArr["start"]; include ROOTPATH . "includes/"; $pages = new pages(); $totalnums = TblCount("_comment", "id", $scl); $pages->setvar(array("key" => $key)); $pages->set(20, $totalnums); $pagelimit = $pages->limit(); $fsql->query("select * from {P}_comment where {$scl} order by uptime desc limit {$pagelimit}"); while ($fsql->next_record()) { $id = $fsql->f('id'); $title = $fsql->f('title'); $iffb = $fsql->f('iffb'); $rid = $fsql->f('rid'); $catid = $fsql->f('catid'); $dtime = $fsql->f('dtime'); $uptime = $fsql->f('uptime'); $cl = $fsql->f('cl'); $lastname = $fsql->f('lastname'); $lastmemberid = $fsql->f('lastmemberid'); $backcount = $fsql->f('backcount'); $title = csubstr($title, 0, 23); //是否今日新贴 if ($uptime > time() - 86400) { $querycss = "binew"; } else { $querycss = "bi"; } $dtime = date("Y-m-d", $dtime); $uptime = date("Y-m-d", $uptime); if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "comment/html/" . $id . ".html")) { $link = ROOTPATH . "comment/html/" . $id . ".html"; } else { $link = ROOTPATH . "comment/html/?" . $id . ".html"; } //回复者网址 if ($lastmemberid == "-1") { $lastmemberurl = "#"; } else { $lastmemberurl = ROOTPATH . "member/home.php?mid=" . $lastmemberid; } $var = array('id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'dtime' => $dtime, 'uptime' => $uptime, 'backcount' => $backcount, 'querycss' => $querycss, 'cl' => $cl, 'link' => $link, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'lastmemberurl' => $lastmemberurl, 'face' => $face); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var); } $pagesinfo = $pages->ShowNow(); $var = array('showpages' => $pages->output(1), 'pagestotal' => $pagesinfo["total"], 'pagesnow' => $pagesinfo["now"], 'pagesshownum' => $pagesinfo["shownum"], 'pagesfrom' => $pagesinfo["from"], 'pagesto' => $pagesinfo["to"], 'totalnums' => $totalnums); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["end"], $var); return $str; }
function JobList() { global $fsql, $msql; $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"]; $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"]; $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"]; $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"]; //模版解释 $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname); $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp); $str = $TempArr["start"]; $fsql->query("select * from {P}_job where iffb='1' and jobstat='1' order by uptime desc limit 0,{$shownums}"); while ($fsql->next_record()) { $id = $fsql->f('id'); $jobname = $fsql->f('jobname'); $jobtype = $fsql->f('jobtype'); $experience = $fsql->f('experience'); $education = $fsql->f('education'); $langneed = $fsql->f('langneed'); $langlevel = $fsql->f('langlevel'); $pnums = $fsql->f('pnums'); $jobaddr = $fsql->f('jobaddr'); $jobintro = $fsql->f('jobintro'); $jobrequest = $fsql->f('jobrequest'); $jobstat = $fsql->f('jobstat'); $contact = $fsql->f('contact'); $tel = $fsql->f('tel'); $email = $fsql->f('email'); $dtime = $fsql->f('dtime'); $uptime = $fsql->f('uptime'); $dtime = date("Y-m-d", $dtime); $uptime = date("Y-m-d", $uptime); if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "job/html/" . $id . ".html")) { $link = ROOTPATH . "job/html/" . $id . ".html"; } else { $link = ROOTPATH . "job/html/?" . $id . ".html"; } if ($cutword != "0") { $jobname = csubstr($jobname, 0, $cutword); } //模版标签解释 $var = array('jobid' => $id, 'jobname' => $jobname, 'dtime' => $dtime, 'uptime' => $uptime, 'jobtype' => $jobtype, 'experience' => $experience, 'education' => $education, 'langneed' => $langneed, 'langlevel' => $langlevel, 'pnums' => $pnums, 'jobaddr' => $jobaddr, 'jobintro' => $jobintro, 'jobrequest' => $jobrequest, 'link' => $link, 'target' => $target, 'contact' => $contact, 'tel' => $tel, 'email' => $email); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var); } $str .= $TempArr["end"]; return $str; }
function MemberNotice() { global $fsql; $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"]; $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"]; $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"]; $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"]; $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"]; $membertypeid = $_COOKIE["MEMBERTYPEID"]; if ($membertypeid == "") { return ""; } $scl = " membertypeid='{$membertypeid}' or membertypeid='0' "; //模版解释 $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname); $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp); $str = $TempArr["start"]; $fsql->query("select * from {P}_member_notice where {$scl} order by dtime desc limit 0,{$shownums}"); while ($fsql->next_record()) { $id = $fsql->f('id'); $title = $fsql->f('title'); $dtime = $fsql->f('dtime'); $ifnew = $fsql->f('ifnew'); $ifred = $fsql->f('ifred'); $cl = $fsql->f('cl'); $link = ROOTPATH . "member/member_notice.php?id=" . $id; $dtime = date("Y-m-d", $dtime); if ($ifnew == "1") { $bold = " style='font-weight:bold' "; } else { $bold = ""; } if ($ifred == "1") { $red = " style='color:#ff0000' "; } else { $red = ""; } if ($cutword != "0") { $title = csubstr($title, 0, $cutword); } $var = array('title' => $title, 'dtime' => $dtime, 'red' => $red, 'cl' => $cl, 'link' => $link, 'target' => $target, 'bold' => $bold); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var); } $str .= $TempArr["end"]; return $str; }
public function sms($params) { $module = $params['module']; $url = ""; if ($params['params']) { $url = $this->OAuth2Url($this->buildUrl($params), $this->_base_config['APP']['sms']['agentid']); } $postData = array(); switch ($params['module']) { case "email": $content = $url != "" ? $params['content'] . ("\n<a href='" . $url . "'>") . _("ÔĶÁÓʼþ") . "</a>" : $params['content']; $postData = array("touser" => $this->cUser($params['user']), "toparty" => $this->cDept($params['dept']), "msgtype" => "text", "agentid" => $this->_base_config['APP']['sms']['agentid'], "text" => array("content" => $content), "safe" => "0"); break; case "news": $picurl = ""; include_once ""; //( ); $News = new News(); $row = $News->getById("SUBJECT,CONTENT,ATTACHMENT_ID,ATTACHMENT_NAME,TO_ID,USER_ID,SUMMARY", $params['params']); $picurl = $News->getFirstImage("news", $row['ATTACHMENT_ID'], $row['ATTACHMENT_NAME']); $description = $row['SUMMARY'] == "" ? csubstr(strip_tags($this->cContent($row['CONTENT'])), 0, 30, TRUE, 1) . "..." : strip_tags($this->cContent($row['SUMMARY'])); if ($picurl != "") { $picurl = $this->buildAttachUrl("http://" . BASE_URL . $picurl, $this->_base_config['APP']['sms']['agentid']); } $postData = array("touser" => $this->cUser($row['USER_ID'], $row['TO_ID']), "toparty" => $row['TO_ID'] == "ALL_DEPT" ? "" : $this->cDept($row['TO_ID']), "msgtype" => "news", "agentid" => $this->_base_config['APP']['sms']['agentid'], "news" => array("articles" => array(array("title" => strip_tags($row['SUBJECT']), "description" => $description, "url" => $url, "picurl" => $picurl)))); //parent::logs("test",$url); break; case "notify": $picurl = ""; include_once "oa.notify.php"; //( ); $Notify = new Notify(); $row = $Notify->getById("SUBJECT,CONTENT,ATTACHMENT_ID,ATTACHMENT_NAME,TO_ID,USER_ID,SUMMARY", $params['params']); $picurl = $Notify->getFirstImage("notify", $row['ATTACHMENT_ID'], $row['ATTACHMENT_NAME']); $description = $row['SUMMARY'] == "" ? csubstr(strip_tags($this->cContent($row['CONTENT'])), 0, 30, TRUE, 1) . "..." : strip_tags($this->cContent($row['SUMMARY'])); if ($picurl != "") { $picurl = $this->buildAttachUrl("http://" . BASE_URL . $picurl, $this->_base_config['APP']['sms']['agentid']); } $postData = array("touser" => $this->cUser($row['USER_ID'], $row['TO_ID']), "toparty" => $row['TO_ID'] == "ALL_DEPT" ? "" : $this->cDept($row['TO_ID']), "msgtype" => "news", "agentid" => $this->_base_config['APP']['sms']['agentid'], "news" => array("articles" => array(array("title" => strip_tags($row['SUBJECT']), "description" => $description, "url" => $url, "picurl" => $picurl)))); //parent::logs("test",$url); break; default: $postData = array("touser" => $this->cUser($params['user']), "toparty" => $this->cDept($params['dept']), "msgtype" => "text", "agentid" => $this->_base_config['APP']['sms']['agentid'], "text" => array("content" => $params['content']), "safe" => "0"); } $rs = $this->postData($this->url['send'], $postData); }
function get_recent_comments_thumb($args) { global $wpdb, $comments, $comment, $wp_version; extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); $themePath = get_bloginfo('template_url'); $imageLink = '<h2>Recent Comments</h2>'; $options = get_option('widget_recent_comments'); $title = empty($options['title']) ? __($imageLink) : apply_filters('widget_title', $options['title']); if ($number < 1) { $number = 1; } else { if ($number > 15) { $number = 15; } } if (!$format) { $format = '%2$s'; } if (!($comments = wp_cache_get('recent_comments', 'widget'))) { $comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE comment_approved = '1' ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT {$number}"); wp_cache_add('recent_comments', $comments, 'widget'); } echo $before_widget; echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; if ($comments) { foreach ((array) $comments as $comment) { if ($thumb_img == 1) { if (has_post_thumbnail($comment->comment_post_ID)) { setup_postdata($comment); if (version_compare($wp_version, '2.9', '>=')) { $gallery_img = get_the_post_thumbnail($comment->comment_post_ID, 'homepage-thumb', array('class' => 'thumbnail')); $gallery_thumb_img = get_the_post_thumbnail($comment->comment_post_ID, array(70, 40)); } else { $gallery_img_src = get_post_meta($comment->comment_post_ID, 'featured', true); $gallery_img = '<img src="' . $gallery_img_src . '" class="thumbnail" />'; } } else { $gallery_img = '<img src="' . get_bloginfo('template_url') . '/images/no_image.gif" class="thumbnail" />'; } } else { $gallery_img = ''; } echo '<div class="sidebar_post"><div class="entry"><a href="' . get_comment_link($comment->comment_ID) . '">' . $gallery_img . '</a><dl id="recentcomments">'; echo '<dt>' . sprintf(__('%1$s'), get_comment_author_link(), '</dt>'); echo '<dd class="recentcomments">' . sprintf(__('%2$s'), get_comment_author_link(), '<a href="' . get_comment_link($comment->comment_ID) . '">' . csubstr(get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID), 40) . '</a>') . '</dd>'; echo '</dl></div></div>'; } } echo $after_widget; }
/** * 根据获取到的关键字搜索路由表进行匹配 * @return xml $content 处理后的数据 * @param string $keyword 关键字 */ private function getContent($keyword) { $routeObj = D('WechatRoute'); $arrMap = array('user_id' => $this->user_id, 'keyword' => $keyword); $routeInfo = $routeObj->where($arrMap)->find(); if (empty($routeInfo)) { $arrMap['keyword'] = array('eq', csubstr($keyword, 0, 2)); $routeInfo = $routeObj->where($arrMap)->find(); } //如果无匹配,则直接退出 if (empty($routeInfo)) { $noneMap = array('keyword' => '默认', 'user_id' => $this->user_id); $routeInfo = $routeObj->where($noneMap)->find(); } if (empty($routeInfo)) { exit; } return $this->getPush($routeInfo['obj_type'], $routeInfo['obj_id'], $keyword); }
function get_short($str, $len, $ending = "...") { $tempstr = csubstr($str, 0, $len); if ($str != $tempstr) { $tempstr .= $ending; } return $tempstr; }
function PhotoCarousel() { global $fsql, $msql; $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"]; $showtj = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["showtj"]; $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"]; $cutbody = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutbody"]; $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"]; $catid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["catid"]; $projid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["projid"]; $tags = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tags"]; $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"]; $tempcolor = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempcolor"]; //本插件固定3张图片 $shownums = 6; //默认条件 $scl = " iffb='1' and catid!='0' "; if ($showtj != "" && $showtj != "0") { $scl .= " and tj='1' "; } //显示分类规则:如果后台不指定分类,则显示当前所在分类,否则不限分类 if ($catid != 0 && $catid != "") { $catid = fmpath($catid); $scl .= " and catpath regexp '{$catid}' "; } //匹配专题 if ($projid != 0 && $projid != "") { $projid = fmpath($projid); $scl .= " and proj regexp '{$projid}' "; } //判断匹配标签 if ($tags != "") { $tags = $tags . ","; $scl .= " and tags regexp '{$tags}' "; } //模版解释 $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname); $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp); $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle, 'tempcolor' => $tempcolor); $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var); $fsql->query("select * from {P}_photo_con where {$scl} order by uptime desc limit 0,{$shownums}"); while ($fsql->next_record()) { $id = $fsql->f('id'); $title = $fsql->f('title'); $catpath = $fsql->f('catpath'); $dtime = $fsql->f('dtime'); $nowcatid = $fsql->f('catid'); $ifnew = $fsql->f('ifnew'); $ifred = $fsql->f('ifred'); $ifbold = $fsql->f('ifbold'); $author = $fsql->f('author'); $source = $fsql->f('source'); $cl = $fsql->f('cl'); $src[] = $fsql->f('src'); $memo = $fsql->f('memo'); if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "photo/html/" . $id . ".html")) { $link[] = ROOTPATH . "photo/html/" . $id . ".html"; } else { $link[] = ROOTPATH . "photo/html/?" . $id . ".html"; } if ($cutword != "0") { $title = csubstr($title, 0, $cutword); } if ($cutbody != "0") { $memo = csubstr($memo, 0, $cutbody); } //if($src==""){$src="photo/pics/nopic.gif";} } //模版标签解释 $var = array('src1' => ROOTPATH . $src[0], 'src2' => ROOTPATH . $src[1], 'src3' => ROOTPATH . $src[2], 'src4' => ROOTPATH . $src[3], 'src5' => ROOTPATH . $src[4], 'src6' => ROOTPATH . $src[5], 'link1' => ROOTPATH . $link[0], 'link2' => ROOTPATH . $link[1], 'link3' => ROOTPATH . $link[2], 'link4' => ROOTPATH . $link[3], 'link5' => ROOTPATH . $link[4], 'link6' => ROOTPATH . $link[5]); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var); $str .= $TempArr["end"]; return $str; }
echo $l['title']; ?> </a></div> </div> </td> <td style="vertical-align: top;" class="pdl"> <h2><a href="<?php echo $this->getUrl('image', "view", array(id => $l['article_id'])); ?> " ><?php echo csubstr(strip_tags($l['title']), 0, 25, 'utf-8', true); ?> </a></h2> <p class="info"> <?php echo csubstr(strip_tags($l['description']), 0, 220, 'utf-8', true); ?> <?php //能销售 if ($l['cansale'] == 1) { ?> <div class="buyitem"><span class="fl">价格:<?php echo $l['price']; ?> </span> <span class="fr"><input type="button" class="ui-state-default ui" onclick="addToShopingcart(<?php echo $l['article_id']; ?> )" value="加入购物车"/> </span> </div>
if ($SMS2_REMIND1 == "on") { $SMS_CONTENT = sprintf(_("OA公告,来自%s标题:%s"), $USER_NAME, $SUBJECT); if ($SUMMARY) { $SMS_CONTENT .= _("内容简介:") . $SUMMARY; } if ($USER_ID_STR != "") { send_mobile_sms_user($SEND_TIME, $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID'], $USER_ID_STR, $SMS_CONTENT, 1); } } include_once "inc/itask/itask.php"; mobile_push_notification(userid2uid($USER_ID_STR), $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_NAME'] . _(":") . _("请查看公告通知") . _("标题:") . csubstr($SUBJECT, 0, 20), "notify"); $WX_OPTIONS = array("module" => "notify", "module_action" => "", "user" => $USER_ID_STR, "content" => $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_NAME'] . _(":") . _("请查看公告通知") . _("标题:") . csubstr($SUBJECT, 0, 20), "params" => array("NOTIFY_ID" => $NOTIFY_ID)); wxqy_sms($WX_OPTIONS); } if ($PUBLISH == "2") { $SMS_CONTENT = _("请审批公告通知!") . "\n" . _("标题:") . csubstr($SUBJECT, 0, 100); if (compare_date($BEGIN_DATE1, $CUR_DATE) == 1) { $SEND_TIME = $BEGIN_DATE1; } $REMIND_URL = "1:notify/auditing/unaudited.php"; if ($SMS_REMIND == "on" && $AUDITER != "" && $AUDITER != $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID']) { send_sms($SEND_TIME, $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID'], $AUDITER, 1, $SMS_CONTENT, $REMIND_URL); } if ($SMS2_REMIND == "on") { $SMS_CONTENT = sprintf(_("请审批OA公告,来自%s"), $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_NAME'] . ":" . $SUBJECT); if ($SUMMARY) { $SMS_CONTENT .= _("内容简介:") . $SUMMARY; } if ($AUDITER != "" && $AUDITER != $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID']) { send_mobile_sms_user($SEND_TIME, $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID'], $AUDITER, $SMS_CONTENT, 1); }
function NewsComment() { global $fsql, $tsql, $strGuest; $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"]; $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"]; $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"]; $cutbody = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutbody"]; $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"]; $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"]; //获取地址栏参数 if (strstr($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], ".html")) { $idArr = explode(".html", $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]); $newsid = $idArr[0]; } elseif (isset($_GET["id"]) && $_GET["id"] != "") { $newsid = $_GET["id"]; } $newsid = htmlspecialchars($newsid); $scl = " iffb='1' and catid='1' and pid='0' and rid='{$newsid}' "; $moreurl = ROOTPATH . "comment/class/index.php?catid=1&rid=" . $newsid; //模版解释 $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname); $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp); $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle, 'moreurl' => $moreurl); $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var); $fsql->query("select * from {P}_comment where {$scl} order by dtime desc limit 0,{$shownums}"); while ($fsql->next_record()) { $id = $fsql->f('id'); $rid = $fsql->f('rid'); $memberid = $fsql->f('memberid'); $title = $fsql->f('title'); $body = $fsql->f('body'); $pj1 = $fsql->f('pj1'); $dtime = $fsql->f('dtime'); $uptime = $fsql->f('uptime'); $cl = $fsql->f('cl'); $lastname = $fsql->f('lastname'); $body = strip_tags($body); $tsql->query("select count(id) from {P}_comment where pid='{$id}' and iffb='1'"); if ($tsql->next_record()) { $count = $tsql->f('count(id)'); } //是否匿名 if ($memberid == "-1") { $pname = $strGuest; $nowface = "1"; $memberurl = "#"; } else { $tsql->query("select * from {P}_member where memberid='{$memberid}'"); if ($tsql->next_record()) { $pname = $tsql->f("pname"); $nowface = $tsql->f("nowface"); } $memberurl = ROOTPATH . "member/home.php?mid=" . $memberid; } $dtime = date("Y-m-d", $dtime); if ($cutword != "0") { $title = csubstr($title, 0, $cutword); } if ($cutbody != "0") { $body = csubstr($body, 0, $cutbody) . " ..."; } $link = ROOTPATH . "comment/html/?" . $id . ".html"; $face = ROOTPATH . "member/face/" . $nowface . ".gif"; $pjstr = pstarnums($pj1, ROOTPATH); $var = array('commentid' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'dtime' => $dtime, 'pname' => $pname, 'body' => $body, 'count' => $count, 'cl' => $cl, 'link' => $link, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'face' => $face, 'pjstr' => $pjstr, 'memberurl' => $memberurl, 'target' => $target); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var); } //获取标题 $tsql->query("select title from {P}_news_con where id='{$newsid}'"); if ($tsql->next_record()) { $title = $tsql->f("title"); } $var = array('title' => $title, 'commentcatid' => "1", 'rid' => $newsid, 'pid' => ''); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["end"], $var); return $str; }
/** * * @param string $staffid * @return boolean */ function _get_orders($staffid = null) { if ($staffid == null) { $sql = "SELECT lo.staffId AS `工号`,lo.orderId AS `订单号`,lo.orderName AS `订单名称` FROM letsgo_order AS lo"; } else { $sql = "SELECT lo.staffId AS `工号`,lo.orderId AS `订单号`,lo.orderName AS `订单名称` FROM letsgo_order AS lo WHERE lo.staffId = '" . $staffid . "'"; } $result = _query_assoc($sql); if (empty($result)) { return false; exit; } foreach ($result as $row) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>' . $row["工号"] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $row["订单号"] . '</td>'; if (_get_stringlen($row["订单名称"]) > 15) { echo '<td>' . csubstr($row["订单名称"], 0, 15) . '</td>'; } else { echo '<td>' . $row["订单名称"] . '</td>'; } echo '<td><a target="_blank" href="/book/orderinfo.php?orderid=' . $row["订单号"] . '">详情</a></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } return true; }
public function actionView() { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $article = Yii::app()->cache->get("job_" . $id); if ($article == false) { $article = $this->connection->createCommand("select * from xm_article where article_id = " . $id)->queryRow(); Yii::app()->cache->set("job_" . $id, $article); } $this->data['article'] = $article; $module = Yii::app()->cache->get("module_" . $article['module_id']); if ($module == false) { $module = $this->connection->createCommand("select * from xm_module where module_id = " . $article['module_id'])->queryRow(); Yii::app()->cache->set("module_" . $article['module_id'], $module); } $this->data['module'] = $module; $topid = $this->getTopIdFromIDEN($module['iden']); $modulequeue = Yii::app()->cache->get("modulequeue_" . $topid); if ($modulequeue == false) { $modulequeue = $this->getQueueModulesById($topid); Yii::app()->cache->set("modulequeue_" . $topid, $modulequeue); } $this->data['modulequeue'] = $modulequeue; $this->data['cur_moduleid'] = $article['module_id']; $lastarticles = Yii::app()->cache->get("lastarticles_" . $article['module_id']); if ($lastarticles == false) { $lastarticles = $this->getTopArticleByModule($article['module_id'], 5); Yii::app()->cache->set("lastarticles_" . $topid, $lastarticles); } $this->data['lastarticles'] = $lastarticles; //上一个JOB $prevarticle = Yii::app()->cache->get("prevarticle_" . $article['job_id']); if ($prevarticle == false) { $prevarticle = $this->getPrevArticle($article['article_id'], $article['module_id']); Yii::app()->cache->set("prevarticle_" . $article['article_id'], $prevarticle); } $this->data['prevarticle'] = $prevarticle; //下一个JOB $nextarticle = Yii::app()->cache->get("nextarticle_" . $article['job_id']); if ($nextarticle == false) { $nextarticle = $this->getNextArticle($article['article_id'], $article['module_id']); Yii::app()->cache->set("nextarticle_" . $article['article_id'], $nextarticle); } $this->data['nextarticle'] = $nextarticle; Yii::app()->params['TITLE'] = $article['title']; Yii::app()->params['APPKEYWORDS'] = $article['tags'] . ',' . $article['title']; Yii::app()->params['APPDESCRIPTION'] = csubstr(strip_tags($article['description']), 0, 200); $this->render('view', $this->data); }
$USER_ID_STR = str_replace($USER_ID_STR_ARRAY[$I], "", $USER_ID_STR); } } } if ($PUBLISH == "1" && $SMS_REMIND == "on") { $REMIND_URL = "1:news/show/read_news.php?NEWS_ID=" . $NEWS_ID; $SMS_CONTENT = _("请查看新闻!") . "\n" . _("标题:") . csubstr($SUBJECT, 0, 80); if ($SUMMARY) { $SMS_CONTENT .= "\n" . _("内容简介:") . $SUMMARY; } if ($USER_ID_STR != "") { send_sms($SEND_TIME, $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID'], $USER_ID_STR, 14, $SMS_CONTENT, $REMIND_URL); } include_once "inc/itask/itask.php"; mobile_push_notification(userid2uid($USER_ID_STR), $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_NAME'] . _(":") . _("请查看新闻!") . _("标题:") . csubstr($SUBJECT, 0, 20), "news"); $WX_OPTIONS = array("module" => "news", "module_action" => "", "user" => $USER_ID_STR, "content" => $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_NAME'] . _(":") . _("请查看新闻!") . _("标题:") . csubstr($SUBJECT, 0, 20), "params" => array("NEWS_ID" => $NEWS_ID)); wxqy_sms($WX_OPTIONS); } if ($PUBLISH == "1" && $SMS2_REMIND == "on") { $SMS_CONTENT = sprintf(_("OA新闻,来自%s"), $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_NAME'] . ":" . $SUBJECT); if ($USER_ID_STR != "") { send_mobile_sms_user($SEND_TIME, $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID'], $USER_ID_STR, $SMS_CONTENT, 14); } } if ($OP == 0) { header("location:modify.php?NEWS_ID=" . $NEWS_ID . "&IS_MAIN=1"); } else { if ($PUBLISH == 1) { message("", _("新闻发布成功!")); echo "\t\r\n <br><center><input type=\"button\" value=\""; echo _("返回");
foreach ($list as $article) { ?> <li><a href="index.php?r=wap/product/view&article_id=<?php echo $article['article_id']; ?> "> <img src="<?php echo $article['product']['image']; ?> " style="width: 100%;height: 100%;"> <h2><?php echo $article['title']; ?> </h2> <p><?php echo csubstr(strip_tags($article['description']), 0, 50, 'utf-8', true); ?> </p> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <?php $pagenow = $pages->currentPage + 1; if ($pagenow > 1) { ?> <a href="index.php?r=wap/article/index&module_id=<?php
$dellink = false; $autopic = false; $postype = "0"; $body = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), "", $_POST['content']); empty($title) && alert('标题不能为空!'); empty($cid) && alert('请选择所属栏目'); empty($body) && empty($url) && alert('文章内容不能为空!'); WordFilter($title) && alert('标题包含被系统屏蔽的字符,请返回重新填写。'); WordFilter($pic) && alert('缩略图包含被系统屏蔽的字符,请返回重新填写。'); WordFilter($source) && alert('出处包含被系统屏蔽的字符,请返回重新填写。'); WordFilter($author) && alert('作者包含被系统屏蔽的字符,请返回重新填写。'); WordFilter($description) && alert('摘要包含被系统屏蔽的字符,请返回重新填写。'); WordFilter($keywords) && alert('关键字包含被系统屏蔽的字符,请返回重新填写。'); WordFilter($body) && alert('文章内容包含被系统屏蔽的字符,请返回重新填写。'); if ($iCMS->config['autodesc'] == "1" && !empty($iCMS->config['descLen']) && empty($description) && empty($url)) { $description = csubstr(HtmToText($body), $iCMS->config['descLen']); } // $remote && remote($body); // (!$remote&&$autopic) && remote($body,true); empty($customlink) && ($customlink = pinyin($title, $iCMS->config['CLsplit'])); $catalog = new catalog(); $isexamine = $catalog->catalog[$cid]['isexamine']; $visible = $isexamine ? '0' : '1'; if (empty($aid)) { empty($userid) && ($userid = $member->uId); $hits = $digg = $comments = 0; $iCMS->db->getValue("SELECT `id` FROM `#iCMS@__article` where `title` = '{$title}'") && alert('该标题的文章已经存在!请检查是否重复'); $iCMS->db->insert('article', compact('cid', 'title', 'stitle', 'customlink', 'url', 'source', 'author', 'editor', 'userid', 'postype', 'keywords', 'tags', 'description', 'related', 'pic', 'pubdate', 'hits', 'digg', 'comments', 'type', 'vlink', 'top', 'visible')); $aid = $iCMS->db->insert_id; $iCMS->db->insert('articledata', compact('aid', 'subtitle', 'tpl', 'body')); //insert_db_remote($body,$aid);
</td> </tr> <?php $msql->query("select * from {P}_tools_statcount where {$scl} order by id desc limit {$pagelimit}"); while ($msql->next_record()) { $time = $msql->f('time'); $ip = $msql->f('ip'); $os = $msql->f('os'); $ie = $msql->f('browse'); $from = $msql->f('urlform'); $nowpage = $msql->f('nowpage'); $member = $msql->f('member'); $time = date("Y-n-j H:i:s", $time); $from1 = csubstr($from, 0, 35); $nowpage1 = str_replace($SiteUrl, "", $nowpage); $nowpage1 = csubstr($nowpage1, 0, 25); if (substr($member, 0, 2) == "10" || substr($member, 0, 2) == "11") { $member1 = $strGuest; } else { $member1 = $member; } if ($from1 == "") { $from1 = $strStatInput; } ?> <tr class="list"> <td width="160"><?php echo $time; ?> </td>
function NewsPicLb() { global $msql; $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"]; $ord = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["ord"]; $sc = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["sc"]; $showtj = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["showtj"]; $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"]; $catid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["catid"]; $projid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["projid"]; $tags = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tags"]; $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"]; $w = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["w"]; $h = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["h"]; //默认条件 $scl = " iffb='1' and catid!='0' and src!='' "; if ($showtj != "" && $showtj != "0") { $scl .= " and tj='1' "; } //显示分类规则:如果后台不指定分类,则显示当前所在分类,否则不限分类 if ($catid != 0 && $catid != "") { $catid = fmpath($catid); $scl .= " and catpath regexp '{$catid}' "; } //匹配专题 if ($projid != 0 && $projid != "") { $projid = fmpath($projid); $scl .= " and proj regexp '{$projid}' "; } //判断匹配标签 if ($tags != "") { $tags = $tags . ","; $scl .= " and tags regexp '{$tags}' "; } //模版解释 $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname); $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp); $str = $TempArr["start"]; $h1 = $h - 22; $p = 1; $msql->query("select * from {P}_news_con where {$scl} order by {$ord} {$sc} limit 0,{$shownums}"); while ($msql->next_record()) { $id = $msql->f('id'); $src = $msql->f('src'); $title = $msql->f('title'); if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "news/html/" . $id . ".html")) { $url = ROOTPATH . "news/html/" . $id . ".html"; } else { $url = ROOTPATH . "news/html/?" . $id . ".html"; } if ($cutword != "0") { $title = csubstr($title, 0, $cutword); } $src = ROOTPATH . $src; if ($p == 1) { $pic = $src; $purl = $url; $ptitle = $title; } else { $pic .= "|" . $src; $purl .= "|" . $url; $ptitle .= "|" . $title; } $p++; } $var = array('ptitle' => $ptitle, 'pic' => $pic, 'purl' => $purl, 'w' => $w, 'h' => $h, 'h1' => $h1); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["end"], $var); return $str; }
function htmlSubString($content, $maxlen = 300, $suffix = FALSE) { $content = preg_split("/(<[^>]+?>)/si", $content, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $wordrows = 0; $outstr = ""; $wordend = false; $beginTags = 0; $endTags = 0; foreach ($content as $value) { if (trim($value) == "") { continue; } if (strpos(";{$value}", "<") > 0) { if (!preg_match("/(<[^>]+?>)/si", $value) && cstrlen($value) <= $maxlen) { $wordend = true; $outstr .= $value; } if ($wordend == false) { $outstr .= $value; if (!preg_match("/<img([^>]+?)>/is", $value) && !preg_match("/<param([^>]+?)>/is", $value) && !preg_match("/<!([^>]+?)>/is", $value) && !preg_match("/<[br|BR]([^>]+?)>/is", $value) && !preg_match("/<hr([^>]+?)>/is", $value) && !preg_match("/<\\/([^>]+?)>/is", $value)) { $beginTags++; } else { if (preg_match("/<\\/([^>]+?)>/is", $value, $matches)) { $endTags++; } } } else { if (preg_match("/<\\/([^>]+?)>/is", $value, $matches)) { $endTags++; $outstr .= $value; if ($beginTags == $endTags && $wordend == true) { break; } } else { if (!preg_match("/<img([^>]+?)>/is", $value) && !preg_match("/<param([^>]+?)>/is", $value) && !preg_match("/<!([^>]+?)>/is", $value) && !preg_match("/<[br|BR]([^>]+?)>/is", $value) && !preg_match("/<hr([^>]+?)>/is", $value) && !preg_match("/<\\/([^>]+?)>/is", $value)) { $beginTags++; $outstr .= $value; } } } } else { if (is_numeric($maxlen)) { $curLength = cstrlen($value); $maxLength = $curLength + $wordrows; if ($wordend == false) { if ($maxLength > $maxlen) { $outstr .= csubstr($value, $maxlen - $wordrows, FALSE, 0); $wordend = true; } else { $wordrows = $maxLength; $outstr .= $value; } } } else { if ($wordend == false) { $outstr .= $value; } } } } while (preg_match("/<([^\\/][^>]*?)><\\/([^>]+?)>/is", $outstr)) { $outstr = preg_replace_callback("/<([^\\/][^>]*?)><\\/([^>]+?)>/is", "strip_empty_html", $outstr); } if (strpos(";" . $outstr, "[html_") > 0) { $outstr = str_replace("[html_<]", "<", $outstr); $outstr = str_replace("[html_>]", ">", $outstr); } if ($suffix && cstrlen($outstr) >= $maxlen) { $outstr .= "..."; } return $outstr; }
function DownAuthorList() { global $fsql, $msql; $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"]; $showtj = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["showtj"]; $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"]; $catid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["catid"]; $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"]; $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"]; //获取地址栏参数 if (strstr($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], ".html")) { $idArr = explode(".html", $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]); $id = $idArr[0]; } elseif (isset($_GET["id"]) && $_GET["id"] != "") { $id = $_GET["id"]; } $id = htmlspecialchars($id); //查找条件 $fsql->query("select memberid from {P}_down_con where id='{$id}'"); if ($fsql->next_record()) { $authormemberid = $fsql->f('memberid'); } $scl = " iffb='1' and catid!='0' and memberid='{$authormemberid}' "; if ($showtj != "" && $showtj != "0") { $scl .= " and tj='1' "; } //显示分类规则:如果后台不指定分类,则不限分类 if ($catid != 0 && $catid != "") { $catid = fmpath($catid); $scl .= " and catpath regexp '{$catid}' "; } //模版解释 $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname); $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp); $str = $TempArr["start"]; $picnum = 1; $fsql->query("select * from {P}_down_con where {$scl} order by uptime desc limit 0,{$shownums}"); while ($fsql->next_record()) { $id = $fsql->f('id'); $title = $fsql->f('title'); $catpath = $fsql->f('catpath'); $dtime = $fsql->f('dtime'); $nowcatid = $fsql->f('catid'); $ifnew = $fsql->f('ifnew'); $ifred = $fsql->f('ifred'); $ifbold = $fsql->f('ifbold'); $author = $fsql->f('author'); $source = $fsql->f('source'); $cl = $fsql->f('cl'); $src = $fsql->f('src'); $cl = $fsql->f('cl'); $fileurl = $fsql->f('fileurl'); $downcount = $fsql->f('downcount'); $prop1 = $fsql->f('prop1'); $prop2 = $fsql->f('prop2'); $prop3 = $fsql->f('prop3'); $prop4 = $fsql->f('prop4'); $prop5 = $fsql->f('prop5'); $prop6 = $fsql->f('prop6'); $prop7 = $fsql->f('prop7'); $prop8 = $fsql->f('prop8'); $prop9 = $fsql->f('prop9'); $prop10 = $fsql->f('prop10'); $prop11 = $fsql->f('prop11'); $prop12 = $fsql->f('prop12'); $prop13 = $fsql->f('prop13'); $prop14 = $fsql->f('prop14'); $prop15 = $fsql->f('prop15'); $prop16 = $fsql->f('prop16'); $prop17 = $fsql->f('prop17'); $prop18 = $fsql->f('prop18'); $prop19 = $fsql->f('prop19'); $prop20 = $fsql->f('prop20'); $memo = $fsql->f('memo'); if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "down/html/" . $id . ".html")) { $link = ROOTPATH . "down/html/" . $id . ".html"; } else { $link = ROOTPATH . "down/html/?" . $id . ".html"; } $dtime = date("Y-m-d", $dtime); if ($ifbold == "1") { $bold = " style='font-weight:bold' "; } else { $bold = ""; } if ($ifred != "0") { $red = " style='color:" . $ifred . "' "; } else { $red = ""; } if ($cutword != "0") { $title = csubstr($title, 0, $cutword); } //模版标签解释 $var = array('title' => $title, 'memo' => $memo, 'dtime' => $dtime, 'red' => $red, 'bold' => $bold, 'link' => $link, 'target' => $target, 'author' => $author, 'source' => $source, 'cat' => $cat, 'catstr' => $catstr, 'src' => $src, 'cl' => $cl, 'picnum' => $picnum, 'fileurl' => $fileurl, 'downcount' => $downcount, 'prop1' => $prop1, 'prop2' => $prop2, 'prop3' => $prop3, 'prop4' => $prop4, 'prop5' => $prop5, 'prop6' => $prop6, 'prop7' => $prop7, 'prop8' => $prop8, 'prop9' => $prop9, 'prop10' => $prop10, 'prop11' => $prop11, 'prop12' => $prop12, 'prop13' => $prop13, 'prop14' => $prop14, 'prop15' => $prop15, 'prop16' => $prop16, 'prop17' => $prop17, 'prop18' => $prop18, 'prop19' => $prop19, 'prop20' => $prop20, 'propname1' => $propname1, 'propname2' => $propname2, 'propname3' => $propname3, 'propname4' => $propname4, 'propname5' => $propname5, 'propname6' => $propname6, 'propname7' => $propname7, 'propname8' => $propname8, 'propname9' => $propname9, 'propname10' => $propname10, 'propname11' => $propname11, 'propname12' => $propname12, 'propname13' => $propname13, 'propname14' => $propname14, 'propname15' => $propname15, 'propname16' => $propname16, 'propname17' => $propname17, 'propname18' => $propname18, 'propname19' => $propname19, 'propname20' => $propname20); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var); $picnum++; } $str .= $TempArr["end"]; return $str; }
echo $this->getUrl('article', "index", array(id => 55)); ?> "><i class="icon-double-angle-right"></i></a></span> </div> <div class="itemlist plr"> <ul> <?php foreach ($zixun as $article) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $this->getUrl($article['infotype'], "view", array(id => $article['article_id'])); ?> "> <?php echo csubstr($article['title'], 0, 30, 'utf-8', true); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> .banner {
if ($BODY_ID == "" || $BODY_ID == 0) { message(_("错误"), _("邮件发送错误,请重新发送!")); exit; } if ($SEND_FLAG == 1) { $query = "insert into EMAIL(TO_ID,READ_FLAG,DELETE_FLAG,BODY_ID,RECEIPT) values ('" . $TOK . "','0','0','{$BODY_ID}','{$RECEIPT}')"; exequery(TD::conn(), $query); $ROW_ID = mysql_insert_id(); if ($SMS_REMIND == "1") { $REMIND_URL = "email/inbox/read_email/read_email.php?BOX_ID=0&BTN_CLOSE=1&FROM=1&EMAIL_ID=" . $ROW_ID; $SMS_CONTENT = _("请查收我的邮件!") . "\n" . _("主题:") . csubstr($SUBJECT1, 0, 100); send_sms("", $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID'], $TOK, 2, $SMS_CONTENT, $REMIND_URL); } $WX_NEED_USER_ID_ARR[] = $TOK; include_once "inc/itask/itask.php"; mobile_push_notification(userid2uid($TOK), $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_NAME'] . _(":") . _("请查收我的邮件!") . _("主题:") . csubstr($SUBJECT1, 0, 20), "email"); } $EMAIL_FW_WEBMAIL_BOX_ARRAY = email_fw_webmail_box($TOK); if ($EMAIL_FW_WEBMAIL_BOX_ARRAY[1] != "" && $EMAIL_FW_WEBMAIL_BOX_ARRAY[0] != "" && $SEND_FLAG == 1) { $WEBMAIL_CONTENT_FW = mysql_escape_string($CONTENT); $FROM_WEBMAIL1 = $EMAIL_FW_WEBMAIL_BOX_ARRAY[0]; $TO_EMAIL_FW_WEBMAIL_BOX = $EMAIL_FW_WEBMAIL_BOX_ARRAY[1]; if ($ATTACHMENT_ID != "" && $ATTACHMENT_NAME != "") { $ATTACHMENT_ID = copy_attach($ATTACHMENT_ID, $ATTACHMENT_NAME, "", "", TRUE); if ($ATTACHMENT_ID != "") { $ATTACHMENT_ID .= ","; } $ATTACHMENT_ID_ARRAY = explode(",", $ATTACHMENT_ID); $ATTACHMENT_NAME_ARRAY = explode("*", $ATTACHMENT_NAME); $I = 0; for (; $I < sizeof($ATTACHMENT_ID_ARRAY) - 1; ++$I) {
function comment($aid) { if ($aid) { $total = $this->db->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM `#DC@__comment` WHERE `isexamine`='1' AND aid='{$aid}'"); $rs = $this->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM `#DC@__article` WHERE id='{$aid}'", ARRAY_A); $rs['description'] = !empty($rs['description']) ? csubstr($rs['description'], '200') : csubstr(HtmToText($rs['body']), '200'); $rs['sort']['name'] = $catalog['name']; $rs['sort']['url'] = $this->_url('list', array('id' => $rs['cid'], 'link' => $_catalog[$rs['cid']]['dir'], 'url' => $rs['url'])); $rs['sort']['link'] = "<a href='{$rs['sort']['url']}'>{$catalog['name']}</a>"; $rs['url'] = $this->_url('show', array('id' => $rs['id'], 'link' => $rs['customlink'], 'url' => $rs['url'], 'dir' => $_catalog[$rs['cid']]['dir'], 'pubdate' => $rs['pubdate'])); $rs['link'] = "<a href='{$rs['url']}'>{$rs['title']}</a>"; $this->get['id'] = $rs['id']; $this->get['title'] = $rs['title']; $this->assign('nav', $this->shownav($rs['cid'])); $this->assign("total", $total); $this->assign("aid", $rs['id']); $this->assign("title", $rs['title']); $this->assign("description", $rs['description']); $this->assign("url", $rs['url']); $this->assign("link", $rs['link']); } $this->DCPrint("DCSYSTEM", "comment"); }
function NewsGlobalQuery() { global $fsql, $msql; $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"]; $ord = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["ord"]; $sc = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["sc"]; $showtj = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["showtj"]; $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"]; $cutbody = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutbody"]; $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"]; $catid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["catid"]; $projid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["projid"]; $tags = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tags"]; $pagename = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["pagename"]; $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"]; //默认条件 $scl = " iffb='1' and catid!='0' "; if ($showtj != "" && $showtj != "0") { $scl .= " and tj='1' "; } //匹配所选分类 if ($catid != 0 && $catid != "") { $catid = fmpath($catid); $scl .= " and catpath regexp '{$catid}' "; } //匹配专题 if ($projid != 0 && $projid != "") { $projid = fmpath($projid); $scl .= " and proj regexp '{$projid}' "; } //判断匹配标签 if ($tags != "") { $tags = $tags . ","; $scl .= " and tags regexp '{$tags}' "; } //模版解释 $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname); $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp); $str = $TempArr["start"]; //翻页 include ROOTPATH . "includes/"; $pages = new pages(); $totalnums = TblCount("_news_con", "id", $scl); $pages->setvar(array("key" => $key)); $pages->set($shownums, $totalnums); $pagelimit = $pages->limit(); $picnum = 1; $fsql->query("select * from {P}_news_con where {$scl} order by {$ord} {$sc} limit {$pagelimit}"); while ($fsql->next_record()) { $id = $fsql->f('id'); $title = $fsql->f('title'); $catpath = $fsql->f('catpath'); $dtime = $fsql->f('dtime'); $nowcatid = $fsql->f('catid'); $ifnew = $fsql->f('ifnew'); $ifred = $fsql->f('ifred'); $ifbold = $fsql->f('ifbold'); $author = $fsql->f('author'); $source = $fsql->f('source'); $cl = $fsql->f('cl'); $src = $fsql->f('src'); $cl = $fsql->f('cl'); $fileurl = $fsql->f('fileurl'); $downcount = $fsql->f('downcount'); $prop1 = $fsql->f('prop1'); $prop2 = $fsql->f('prop2'); $prop3 = $fsql->f('prop3'); $prop4 = $fsql->f('prop4'); $prop5 = $fsql->f('prop5'); $prop6 = $fsql->f('prop6'); $prop7 = $fsql->f('prop7'); $prop8 = $fsql->f('prop8'); $prop9 = $fsql->f('prop9'); $prop10 = $fsql->f('prop10'); $prop11 = $fsql->f('prop11'); $prop12 = $fsql->f('prop12'); $prop13 = $fsql->f('prop13'); $prop14 = $fsql->f('prop14'); $prop15 = $fsql->f('prop15'); $prop16 = $fsql->f('prop16'); $prop17 = $fsql->f('prop17'); $prop18 = $fsql->f('prop18'); $prop19 = $fsql->f('prop19'); $prop20 = $fsql->f('prop20'); $memo = $fsql->f('memo'); $mid = $fsql->f('memberid'); if ($mid > 0) { $memberurl = ROOTPATH . "member/home.php?mid=" . $mid; } else { $memberurl = "#"; } if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "news/html/" . $id . ".html")) { $link = ROOTPATH . "news/html/" . $id . ".html"; } else { $link = ROOTPATH . "news/html/?" . $id . ".html"; } $dtimey = date("Y-m-d", $dtime); $dtime = date("m/d", $dtime); if ($ifbold == "1") { $bold = " style='font-weight:bold' "; } else { $bold = ""; } if ($ifred != "0") { $red = " style='color:" . $ifred . "' "; } else { $red = ""; } if ($cutword != "0") { $title = csubstr($title, 0, $cutword); } if ($cutbody != "0") { $memo = csubstr($memo, 0, $cutbody); } if ($src == "") { $src = "news/pics/nopic.gif"; } $src = ROOTPATH . $src; $downurl = ROOTPATH . "news/download.php?id=" . $id; //显示所属分类 $msql->query("select cat from {P}_news_cat where catid='{$nowcatid}'"); if ($msql->next_record()) { $cat = $msql->f('cat'); } //参数列 $i = 1; $msql->query("select * from {P}_news_prop where catid='{$nowcatid}' order by xuhao"); while ($msql->next_record()) { $pn = "propname" . $i; ${$pn} = $msql->f('propname'); $i++; } //模版标签解释 $var = array('title' => $title, 'memo' => $memo, 'dtime' => $dtime, 'dtimey' => $dtimey, 'red' => $red, 'bold' => $bold, 'link' => $link, 'target' => $target, 'author' => $author, 'source' => $source, 'cat' => $cat, 'src' => $src, 'cl' => $cl, 'memberurl' => $memberurl, 'picnum' => $picnum, 'downurl' => $downurl, 'fileurl' => $fileurl, 'downcount' => $downcount, 'prop1' => $prop1, 'prop2' => $prop2, 'prop3' => $prop3, 'prop4' => $prop4, 'prop5' => $prop5, 'prop6' => $prop6, 'prop7' => $prop7, 'prop8' => $prop8, 'prop9' => $prop9, 'prop10' => $prop10, 'prop11' => $prop11, 'prop12' => $prop12, 'prop13' => $prop13, 'prop14' => $prop14, 'prop15' => $prop15, 'prop16' => $prop16, 'prop17' => $prop17, 'prop18' => $prop18, 'prop19' => $prop19, 'prop20' => $prop20, 'propname1' => $propname1, 'propname2' => $propname2, 'propname3' => $propname3, 'propname4' => $propname4, 'propname5' => $propname5, 'propname6' => $propname6, 'propname7' => $propname7, 'propname8' => $propname8, 'propname9' => $propname9, 'propname10' => $propname10, 'propname11' => $propname11, 'propname12' => $propname12, 'propname13' => $propname13, 'propname14' => $propname14, 'propname15' => $propname15, 'propname16' => $propname16, 'propname17' => $propname17, 'propname18' => $propname18, 'propname19' => $propname19, 'propname20' => $propname20); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var); $picnum++; } $str .= $TempArr["end"]; $pagesinfo = $pages->ShowNow(); $var = array('showpages' => $pages->output(1), 'pagestotal' => $pagesinfo["total"], 'pagesnow' => $pagesinfo["now"], 'pagesshownum' => $pagesinfo["shownum"], 'pagesfrom' => $pagesinfo["from"], 'pagesto' => $pagesinfo["to"], 'totalnums' => $totalnums); $str = ShowTplTemp($str, $var); return $str; }
function MemberProductPic() { global $fsql, $msql; $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"]; $shownums = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["shownums"]; $ord = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["ord"]; $sc = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["sc"]; $showtj = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["showtj"]; $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"]; $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"]; $pagename = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["pagename"]; $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"]; $picw = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["picw"]; $pich = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["pich"]; $fittype = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["fittype"]; //地址栏参数 if (isset($_GET["mid"]) && $_GET["mid"] != "" && $_GET["mid"] != "0") { $mid = $_GET["mid"]; } else { return ""; } $mid = htmlspecialchars($mid); //默认条件 $scl = " iffb='1' and memberid='{$mid}' "; if ($showtj != "" && $showtj != "0") { $scl .= " and tj='1' "; } //模版解释 $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname); $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp); $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle); $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var); $picnum = 1; $fsql->query("select * from {P}_product_con where {$scl} order by {$ord} {$sc} limit 0,{$shownums}"); while ($fsql->next_record()) { $id = $fsql->f('id'); $title = $fsql->f('title'); $catpath = $fsql->f('catpath'); $dtime = $fsql->f('dtime'); $nowcatid = $fsql->f('catid'); $ifnew = $fsql->f('ifnew'); $ifred = $fsql->f('ifred'); $ifbold = $fsql->f('ifbold'); $author = $fsql->f('author'); $source = $fsql->f('source'); $cl = $fsql->f('cl'); $src = $fsql->f('src'); $cl = $fsql->f('cl'); $prop1 = $fsql->f('prop1'); $prop2 = $fsql->f('prop2'); $prop3 = $fsql->f('prop3'); $prop4 = $fsql->f('prop4'); $prop5 = $fsql->f('prop5'); $prop6 = $fsql->f('prop6'); $prop7 = $fsql->f('prop7'); $prop8 = $fsql->f('prop8'); $prop9 = $fsql->f('prop9'); $prop10 = $fsql->f('prop10'); $prop11 = $fsql->f('prop11'); $prop12 = $fsql->f('prop12'); $prop13 = $fsql->f('prop13'); $prop14 = $fsql->f('prop14'); $prop15 = $fsql->f('prop15'); $prop16 = $fsql->f('prop16'); $prop17 = $fsql->f('prop17'); $prop18 = $fsql->f('prop18'); $prop19 = $fsql->f('prop19'); $prop20 = $fsql->f('prop20'); $memo = $fsql->f('memo'); if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "product/html/" . $id . ".html")) { $link = ROOTPATH . "product/html/" . $id . ".html"; } else { $link = ROOTPATH . "product/html/?" . $id . ".html"; } $dtime = date("Y-m-d", $dtime); if ($ifbold == "1") { $bold = " style='font-weight:bold' "; } else { $bold = ""; } if ($ifred != "0") { $red = " style='color:" . $ifred . "' "; } else { $red = ""; } if ($cutword != "0") { $title = csubstr($title, 0, $cutword); } if ($src == "") { $src = "product/pics/nopic.gif"; } $src = ROOTPATH . $src; //模版标签解释 $var = array('title' => $title, 'memo' => $memo, 'dtime' => $dtime, 'red' => $red, 'bold' => $bold, 'link' => $link, 'target' => $target, 'author' => $author, 'source' => $source, 'cat' => $cat, 'src' => $src, 'picw' => $picw, 'pich' => $pich, 'cl' => $cl, 'prop1' => $prop1, 'prop2' => $prop2, 'prop3' => $prop3, 'prop4' => $prop4, 'prop5' => $prop5, 'prop6' => $prop6, 'prop7' => $prop7, 'prop8' => $prop8, 'prop9' => $prop9, 'prop10' => $prop10, 'prop11' => $prop11, 'prop12' => $prop12, 'prop13' => $prop13, 'prop14' => $prop14, 'prop15' => $prop15, 'prop16' => $prop16, 'prop17' => $prop17, 'prop18' => $prop18, 'prop19' => $prop19, 'prop20' => $prop20, 'propname1' => $propname1, 'propname2' => $propname2, 'propname3' => $propname3, 'propname4' => $propname4, 'propname5' => $propname5, 'propname6' => $propname6, 'propname7' => $propname7, 'propname8' => $propname8, 'propname9' => $propname9, 'propname10' => $propname10, 'propname11' => $propname11, 'propname12' => $propname12, 'propname13' => $propname13, 'propname14' => $propname14, 'propname15' => $propname15, 'propname16' => $propname16, 'propname17' => $propname17, 'propname18' => $propname18, 'propname19' => $propname19, 'propname20' => $propname20); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var); $picnum++; } $var = array('fittype' => $fittype); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["end"], $var); return $str; }
function NewsPicRollx3() { global $fsql, $msql; $coltitle = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["coltitle"]; $showtj = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["showtj"]; $cutword = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutword"]; $cutbody = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["cutbody"]; $target = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["target"]; $catid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["catid"]; $projid = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["projid"]; $tags = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tags"]; $tempname = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempname"]; $tempcolor = $GLOBALS["PLUSVARS"]["tempcolor"]; //本插件固定3张图片 $shownums = 3; //默认条件 $scl = " iffb='1' and src!='' and catid!='0' "; if ($showtj != "" && $showtj != "0") { $scl .= " and tj='1' "; } //显示分类规则:如果后台不指定分类,则显示当前所在分类,否则不限分类 if ($catid != 0 && $catid != "") { $catid = fmpath($catid); $scl .= " and catpath regexp '{$catid}' "; } //匹配专题 if ($projid != 0 && $projid != "") { $projid = fmpath($projid); $scl .= " and proj regexp '{$projid}' "; } //判断匹配标签 if ($tags != "") { $tags = $tags . ","; $scl .= " and tags regexp '{$tags}' "; } //模版解释 $Temp = LoadTemp($tempname); $TempArr = SplitTblTemp($Temp); $var = array('coltitle' => $coltitle, 'tempcolor' => $tempcolor); $str = ShowTplTemp($TempArr["start"], $var); $picnum = 1; $fsql->query("select * from {P}_news_con where {$scl} order by uptime desc limit 0,{$shownums}"); while ($fsql->next_record()) { $id = $fsql->f('id'); $title = $fsql->f('title'); $catpath = $fsql->f('catpath'); $dtime = $fsql->f('dtime'); $nowcatid = $fsql->f('catid'); $ifnew = $fsql->f('ifnew'); $ifred = $fsql->f('ifred'); $ifbold = $fsql->f('ifbold'); $author = $fsql->f('author'); $source = $fsql->f('source'); $cl = $fsql->f('cl'); $src = $fsql->f('src'); $memo = $fsql->f('memo'); if ($GLOBALS["CONF"]["CatchOpen"] == "1" && file_exists(ROOTPATH . "news/html/" . $id . ".html")) { $link = ROOTPATH . "news/html/" . $id . ".html"; } else { $link = ROOTPATH . "news/html/?" . $id . ".html"; } if ($cutword != "0") { $title = csubstr($title, 0, $cutword); } if ($cutbody != "0") { $memo = csubstr($memo, 0, $cutbody); } if ($src == "") { $src = "news/pics/nopic.gif"; } $src = ROOTPATH . $src; //模版标签解释 $var = array('title' => $title, 'memo' => $memo, 'dtime' => $dtime, 'red' => $red, 'bold' => $bold, 'link' => $link, 'target' => $target, 'author' => $author, 'source' => $source, 'cat' => $cat, 'src' => $src, 'cl' => $cl, 'picnum' => $picnum); $str .= ShowTplTemp($TempArr["list"], $var); $picnum++; } $str .= $TempArr["end"]; return $str; }