function cs_manage($mod, $action, $def_mod, $def_action, $merge = array(), $head = array()) { global $account, $cs_lang; $merge = is_array($merge) ? $merge : array(); $show = $mod . '/' . $action; if (empty($head['message'])) { $head['message'] = ''; } $data = array('head' => $head); $data['content'] = array(); $options = array('info' => 0, 'size' => 48, 'theme' => ''); $options['theme'] = empty($account['users_view']) ? 'manage' : 'manage_' . $account['users_view']; if ($account['users_view'] == 'list') { $options['size'] = 16; if ($show == 'clansphere/admin') { $options['theme'] = 'manage_admin'; $options['info'] = 1; } } $mod_array = cs_checkdirs('mods', $show); $content = array_merge($merge, $mod_array); ksort($content); $loop = 0; foreach ($content as $mod) { if (!array_key_exists('dir', $mod)) { $mod['dir'] = $def_mod; } if (!array_key_exists('file', $mod)) { $mod['file'] = $def_action; } $acc_dir = 'access_' . $mod['dir']; if (array_key_exists($acc_dir, $account) and $account[$acc_dir] >= $mod['show'][$show]) { $cs_lap = cs_icon($mod['icon'], $options['size'], 0, 0); $data['content'][$loop]['img_1'] = $cs_lap; $data['content'][$loop]['txt_1'] = $mod['name']; $data['content'][$loop]['link_1'] = cs_url($mod['dir'], $mod['file']); if (!empty($options['info'])) { if (file_exists('mods/' . $mod['dir'] . '/create.php')) { $data['content'][$loop]['create_1'] = cs_link(cs_icon('editpaste', 16, $cs_lang['create']), $mod['dir'], 'create'); } else { $data['content'][$loop]['create_1'] = ''; } if (file_exists('mods/' . $mod['dir'] . '/manage.php')) { $data['content'][$loop]['manage_1'] = cs_link(cs_icon('kfm', 16, $cs_lang['manage']), $mod['dir'], 'manage'); } else { $data['content'][$loop]['manage_1'] = ''; } if (file_exists('mods/' . $mod['dir'] . '/options.php')) { $data['content'][$loop]['options_1'] = cs_link(cs_icon('package_settings', 16, $cs_lang['options']), $mod['dir'], 'options'); } else { $data['content'][$loop]['options_1'] = ''; } } $loop++; } } $data['head']['total'] = $loop; return cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'clansphere', $options['theme']); }
function cs_html_form($func, $form_id = 0, $mod = 0, $action = 0, $enctype = 0, $more = 0) { cs_warning(__FUNCTION__ . ' - Function is removed, please use themes instead!'); if (!empty($func)) { $form = "<form method=\"post\" id=\"" . $form_id . "\" "; $form .= "action=\"" . cs_url($mod, $action, $more) . "\""; if (!empty($enctype)) { $form .= " enctype=\"multipart/form-data\""; } return $form . ">\n" . cs_xsrf_protection_field(array('')); } else { return "</form>\n"; } }
function cs_update_rss($mod, $action, $name, $desc, $array, $abcode = 0) { global $cs_main; $cs_main['rss'] = 1; $abcode = is_array($abcode) ? $abcode : array(0 => 1, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0); $target = 'uploads/rss/'; $name_sec = htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_NOQUOTES, $cs_main['charset']); $desc_sec = htmlspecialchars($desc, ENT_NOQUOTES, $cs_main['charset']); if (is_writeable($target)) { include_once 'system/output/rss_20.php'; $content = cs_rss_mode(1); $content .= cs_rss_channel(1, $mod, $name_sec, $cs_main['php_self']['website'], $desc_sec); if (!empty($array)) { foreach ($array as $item) { if (!empty($item['id']) and !empty($item['title']) and !empty($item['text'])) { $title = htmlspecialchars($item['title'], ENT_NOQUOTES, $cs_main['charset']); $link = $cs_main['php_self']['website'] . cs_url($mod, $action, 'id=' . $item['id'], 'index'); $text = empty($item['readmore']) ? $item['text'] : $item['readmore']; $text = cs_secure($text, $abcode[0], $abcode[1], $abcode[2], $abcode[3], $abcode[4]); $text = '<![CDATA[ ' . $text . ' ]]>'; if (!empty($abcode[3])) { # use full uri if needed in html content $url_pre = $cs_main['php_self']['website'] . $cs_main['php_self']['dirname']; $pattern = "=(background|href|src)\\=\"(?!http|\\/)(.*?)\"=i"; $text = preg_replace($pattern, "\\1=\"" . $url_pre . "\\2\"", $text); } $date = empty($item['time']) ? 0 : date('D, d M Y H:i:s', $item['time']) . ' +0000'; # author is presented as 'email (nick)' $author = (empty($item['nick']) or empty($item['author'])) ? '' : $item['author'] . ' (' . cs_secure($item['nick']) . ')'; $category = empty($item['cat']) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($item['cat'], ENT_NOQUOTES, $cs_main['charset']); $content .= cs_rss_item($title, $link, $text, $date, $author, $category); } } } $content .= cs_rss_channel(0); $content .= cs_rss_mode(0); $save_file = fopen($target . $mod . '.xml', 'w'); # set stream encoding if possible to avoid converting issues if (function_exists('stream_encoding')) { stream_encoding($save_file, $cs_main['charset']); } fwrite($save_file, $content); fclose($save_file); @chmod($target . $mod . '.xml', 0755); } else { cs_error($target, 'cs_update_rss - Unable to write into directory'); } $cs_main['rss'] = 0; }
foreach ($cs_country as $short => $full) { $data['country'][$run]['short'] = $short; $data['country'][$run]['selection'] = $short == $cs_user['users_country'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $data['country'][$run]['full'] = $full; $run++; } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'users', 'profile'); } else { settype($cs_user['users_height'], 'integer'); settype($cs_user['users_icq'], 'integer'); $cs_user['users_hidden'] = implode(',', $hidden); if ($cs_user['users_nick'] != $account['users_nick']) { change_nick($account['users_id'], $account['users_nick']); } $users_cells = array_keys($cs_user); $users_save = array_values($cs_user); cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'users', $users_cells, $users_save, $account['users_id']); cs_cache_delete('navbirth'); cs_cache_delete('nextbirth'); $data['link']['continue'] = cs_url('users', 'home'); $data['lang']['head'] = $cs_lang['profile']; echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'users', 'done'); if ($account['access_wizard'] == 5) { $wizard = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'options', "options_name = 'done_prfl' AND options_value = '1'"); if (empty($wizard)) { $data['wizard']['show'] = cs_link($cs_lang['show'], 'wizard', 'roots'); $data['wizard']['task_done'] = cs_link($cs_lang['task_done'], 'wizard', 'roots', 'handler=prfl&done=1'); echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'users', 'wizard'); } } }
$users_id = empty($cs_get['id']) ? 0 : $cs_get['id']; $nick_temp = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'users', 'users_nick', 'users_id = ' . $users_id); if (isset($_GET['agree'])) { $nick = $nick_temp['users_nick']; $chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; $chars_count = strlen($chars) - 1; $mail = ''; $given = 1; while (!empty($given)) { for ($i = 0; $i < 40; $i++) { $rand = rand(0, $chars_count); $mail .= $chars[$rand]; } $given = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'users', "users_email = '" . $mail . "'"); } $array_data = array('access_id' => 0, 'users_nick' => $nick, 'users_pwd' => '', 'users_name' => '', 'users_surname' => '', 'users_sex' => '', 'users_age' => '', 'users_height' => 0, 'users_lang' => '', 'users_country' => "fam", 'users_postalcode' => '', 'users_place' => '', 'users_adress' => '', 'users_icq' => 0, 'users_jabber' => '', 'users_skype' => '', 'users_email' => $mail, 'users_url' => '', 'users_phone' => '', 'users_mobile' => '', 'users_laston' => 0, 'users_picture' => '', 'users_avatar' => '', 'users_signature' => '', 'users_info' => '', 'users_regkey' => '', 'users_register' => 0, 'users_delete' => 1); $array_keys = array_keys($array_data); $array_values = array_values($array_data); cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'users', $array_keys, $array_values, $users_id); cs_sql_delete(__FILE__, 'members', $users_id, 'users_id'); cs_cache_clear(); cs_redirect($cs_lang['del_true'], 'users'); } if (isset($_GET['cancel'])) { cs_redirect($cs_lang['del_false'], 'users'); } else { $data['head']['body'] = sprintf($cs_lang['rly_rmv_user'], $nick_temp['users_nick']); $data['url']['agree'] = cs_url('users', 'remove', 'id=' . $users_id . '&agree'); $data['url']['cancel'] = cs_url('users', 'remove', 'id=' . $users_id . '&cancel'); echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'users', 'remove'); }
// ClanSphere 2010 - // $Id$ $cs_lang = cs_translate('users'); $five_min = cs_time() - 300; $select = 'users_id, users_nick, users_country, users_active, users_invisible, users_picture'; $invisible = $account['access_users'] > 4 ? '' : " AND users_invisible = '0'"; $upcome = "users_laston > " . $five_min . " AND users_active = '1'" . $invisible; $order = 'users_laston DESC'; $cs_users = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'users', $select, $upcome, $order, 0, 8); $data = array(); if (empty($cs_users)) { $data['lang']['no_users'] = $cs_lang['no_data']; echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'users', 'no_users'); } else { $count_users = count($cs_users); for ($run = 0; $run < $count_users; $run++) { if (!empty($cs_users[$run]['users_picture'])) { $data['users'][$run]['picture'] = 'uploads/users/' . $cs_users[$run]['users_picture']; } else { $data['users'][$run]['picture'] = 'symbols/users/no_pic.png'; } if (empty($invisible) and !empty($cs_users[$run]['users_invisible'])) { $data['users'][$run]['nick'] = cs_html_italic(1) . $cs_users[$run]['users_nick'] . cs_html_italic(0); } else { $data['users'][$run]['nick'] = $cs_users[$run]['users_nick']; } $data['users'][$run]['url'] = cs_url('users', 'view', 'id=' . $cs_users[$run]['users_id']); } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'users', 'navonline_pic'); }
<?php // ClanSphere 2010 - // $Id$ $cs_lang = cs_translate('events'); $cs_get = cs_get('catid'); $cs_option = cs_sql_option(__FILE__, 'events'); $from = 'events evs INNER JOIN {pre}_categories cat ON evs.categories_id = cat.categories_id'; $select = 'evs.events_id AS events_id, evs.events_name AS events_name, evs.events_time AS events_time'; $upcome = 'evs.events_time > ' . cs_time() . ' AND cat.categories_access <= ' . $account['access_events']; if (!empty($cs_get['catid'])) { $upcome .= ' AND cat.categories_id = ' . $cs_get['catid']; } $cs_events = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $from, $select, $upcome, 'evs.events_time', 0, $cs_option['max_navnext']); $events_loop = count($cs_events); $data = array(); if (empty($cs_events)) { echo $cs_lang['no_events']; } else { for ($run = 0; $run < $events_loop; $run++) { $data['events'][$run]['date'] = cs_date('unix', $cs_events[$run]['events_time'], 1); $data['events'][$run]['name'] = cs_secure($cs_events[$run]['events_name']); $data['events'][$run]['link'] = cs_url('events', 'view', 'id=' . $cs_events[$run]['events_id']); } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'events', 'navnext'); }
<?php // ClanSphere 2010 - // $Id$ $cs_lang = cs_translate('banners'); $start = empty($_REQUEST['start']) ? 0 : $_REQUEST['start']; $cs_sort[1] = 'banners_name DESC'; $cs_sort[2] = 'banners_name ASC'; $cs_sort[3] = 'banners_order DESC'; $cs_sort[4] = 'banners_order ASC'; $sort = empty($_REQUEST['sort']) ? 2 : $_REQUEST['sort']; $order = $cs_sort[$sort]; $banners_count = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'banners'); $data['count']['all'] = $banners_count; $data['pages']['list'] = cs_pages('banners', 'manage', $banners_count, $start, 0, $sort); $data['lang']['getmsg'] = cs_getmsg(); $select = 'banners_id, banners_name, banners_order'; $cs_banners = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'banners', $select, 0, $order, $start, $account['users_limit']); $banners_loop = count($cs_banners); $data['sort']['name'] = cs_sort('banners', 'manage', $start, 0, 1, $sort); $data['sort']['order'] = cs_sort('banners', 'manage', $start, 0, 3, $sort); if (empty($banners_loop)) { $data['banners'] = ''; } for ($run = 0; $run < $banners_loop; $run++) { $data['banners'][$run]['name'] = cs_secure($cs_banners[$run]['banners_name']); $data['banners'][$run]['order'] = cs_secure($cs_banners[$run]['banners_order']); $data['banners'][$run]['edit'] = cs_url('banners', 'edit', 'id=' . $cs_banners[$run]['banners_id']); $data['banners'][$run]['remove'] = cs_url('banners', 'remove', 'id=' . $cs_banners[$run]['banners_id']); } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'banners', 'manage');
$tables = 'wars w INNER JOIN {pre}_squads sq ON w.squads_id = sq.squads_id '; $tables .= 'INNER JOIN {pre}_clans c ON w.clans_id = c.clans_id '; $tables .= 'INNER JOIN {pre}_categories cat ON w.categories_id = cat.categories_id'; $cells = 'sq.squads_name AS squads_name, c.clans_name AS clans_name, '; $cells .= 'w.wars_score1 AS wars_score1, w.wars_score2 AS wars_score2, '; $cells .= 'cat.categories_name AS categories_name, w.squads_id AS squads_id, '; $cells .= 'w.wars_id AS wars_id, c.clans_id AS clans_id'; $war = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $tables, $cells, "wars_id = '" . $wars_id . "'"); $replace = array(); $replace['{SQUADNAME}'] = $war['squads_name']; $replace['{SQUADURL}'] = cs_url('squads', 'view', 'id=' . $war['squads_id']); $replace['{OPPONENTNAME}'] = $war['clans_name']; $replace['{OPPONENTURL}'] = cs_url('clans', 'view', 'id=' . $war['clans_id']); $replace['{SCORE_1}'] = $war['wars_score1']; $replace['{SCORE_2}'] = $war['wars_score2']; $replace['{MATCH_URL}'] = cs_url('wars', 'view', 'id=' . $war['wars_id']); $replace['{CAT_NAME}'] = $war['categories_name']; $search = array_keys($replace); $replace = array_values($replace); $text = str_replace($search, $replace, $text); $cs_news['news_text'] = $text; } $abcode = explode(",", $op_news['abcode']); $data['op']['features'] = empty($abcode[0]) ? $cs_lang['no'] : $cs_lang['yes']; $data['op']['smileys'] = empty($abcode[1]) ? $cs_lang['no'] : $cs_lang['yes']; $data['op']['clip'] = empty($abcode[2]) ? $cs_lang['no'] : $cs_lang['yes']; $data['op']['html'] = empty($abcode[3]) ? $cs_lang['no'] : $cs_lang['yes']; $data['op']['php'] = empty($abcode[4]) ? $cs_lang['no'] : $cs_lang['yes']; if (isset($_POST['submit']) or isset($_POST['preview'])) { $cs_news['categories_id'] = empty($_POST['categories_name']) ? $_POST['categories_id'] : cs_categories_create('news', $_POST['categories_name']); $cs_news['news_close'] = isset($_POST['news_close']) ? $_POST['news_close'] : 0;
if ($cs_option['scores'] == 1) { $matrix[$column + 1][$currow]['content'] = cs_html_link(cs_url('cups', 'match', 'id=' . $match['cupmatches_id']), $match['cupmatches_score2']); } if ($match['cupmatches_winner'] == $match['team2_id'] && $match['team2_id'] != $match['team1_id']) { $matrix[$column][$currow]['class'] .= '-win'; if ($cs_option['scores'] == 1) { $matrix[$column + 1][$currow]['class'] .= '-win'; } } else { $matrix[$column][$currow]['class'] .= '-loss'; if ($cs_option['scores'] == 1) { $matrix[$column + 1][$currow]['class'] .= '-loss'; } } } else { $matrix[$column + 1][$currow]['content'] = cs_html_link(cs_url('cups', 'match', 'id=' . $match['cupmatches_id']), 'x'); } } if ($prevrow > $maxrows) { $maxrows = $prevrow; } if ($currow > $maxrows) { $maxrows = $currow; } $count++; } } } // TODO $finalmatchnr = -1; if ($cup['cups_brackets'] == CS_CUPS_SYSTEM_LB) {
$cs_banners['banners_name'] = ''; $cs_banners['banners_url'] = ''; $cs_banners['banners_picture'] = ''; $cs_banners['banners_alt'] = ''; $cs_banners['banners_order'] = $op_banners['def_order']; $cs_banners['categories_id'] = 0; } if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { $data['lang']['body'] = $cs_lang['body_create']; } elseif (!empty($error)) { $data['lang']['body'] = $message; } else { $data['lang']['body'] = $cs_lang['create_done']; } if (!empty($error) or !isset($_POST['submit'])) { $data['action']['form'] = cs_url('banners', 'create'); $data['banners']['name'] = $cs_banners['banners_name']; $data['banners']['category'] = cs_categories_dropdown('banners', $cs_banners['categories_id']); $data['banners']['url'] = $cs_banners['banners_url']; $data['banners']['or_img_url'] = $cs_banners['banners_picture']; $data['banners']['alt'] = $cs_banners['banners_alt']; $data['banners']['order'] = $cs_banners['banners_order']; $matches[1] = $cs_lang['pic_infos']; $return_types = ''; foreach ($img_filetypes as $add) { $return_types .= empty($return_types) ? $add : ', ' . $add; } $matches[2] = $cs_lang['max_width'] . $op_banners['max_width'] . ' px' . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['max_height'] . $op_banners['max_height'] . ' px' . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['max_size'] . cs_filesize($op_banners['max_size']) . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['filetypes'] . $return_types;
for ($run = 0; $run < $showcount; $run++) { $data['show'][$run]['run'] = $run; $data['show'][$run]['value'] = empty($_POST['show_' . $run]) ? '' : $_POST['show_' . $run]; $data['show'][$run]['axx_value'] = empty($_POST['showaccess_' . $run]) ? '' : $_POST['showaccess_' . $run]; } $data['value']['showcount'] = $showcount; $data['value']['modname'] = empty($_POST['modname']) ? '' : $_POST['modname']; $data['value']['moddir'] = empty($_POST['moddir']) ? '' : $_POST['moddir']; $data['value']['modversion'] = empty($_POST['modversion']) ? '' : $_POST['modversion']; $data['value']['description'] = empty($_POST['description']) ? '' : $_POST['description']; $var = cs_datepost('release', 'date'); $data['value']['dateselect'] = empty($var) ? cs_datereal('Y-m-d') : $var; $data['value']['creator'] = empty($_POST['creator']) ? '' : $_POST['creator']; $data['value']['team'] = empty($_POST['team']) ? '' : $_POST['team']; $data['value']['homepage'] = empty($_POST['homepage']) ? '' : $_POST['homepage']; $data['value']['icon'] = empty($_POST['icon']) ? '' : $_POST['icon']; $clip[1] = $cs_lang['help']; $clip[2] = $cs_lang['helptext']; $data['help']['clip'] = cs_abcode_clip($clip); $sel = 'selected="selected"'; $data['selected']['categories_no'] = empty($_POST['categories']) ? $sel : ''; $data['selected']['categories_yes'] = empty($_POST['categories']) ? '' : $sel; $data['selected']['protected_no'] = empty($_POST['protected']) ? $sel : ''; $data['selected']['protected_yes'] = empty($_POST['protected']) ? '' : $sel; $data['form']['url'] = cs_url('modules', 'create'); $data['input']['dateselect'] = cs_dateselect('release', 'date', $data['value']['dateselect']); echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'modules', 'create'); } else { cs_cache_clear(); cs_redirect($cs_lang['create_done'], 'modules', 'roots'); }
} else { if ($voted_ip == $users_ip) { $check_user_voted++; } } } if (empty($check_user_voted)) { $votes_navlist = array(); $votes_navlist['lang']['create'] = $cs_lang['create']; $votes_navlist['votes']['id'] = $votes_id; $votes_navlist['votes']['type'] = empty($cs_votes['votes_several']) ? 'radio' : 'checkbox'; $votes_navlist['if']['several'] = empty($cs_votes['votes_several']) ? 0 : 1; $votes_navlist['if']['several_name'] = empty($cs_votes['votes_several']) ? 0 : 1; $votes_navlist['votes']['question'] = $cs_votes['votes_question']; # $votes_navlist['votes']['action'] = '?' . $vote_action . $vote_more; $votes_navlist['url']['action'] = cs_url('votes'); // $votes_navlist['url']['action'] = '?' . $_SERVER['argv'][0]; $temp = explode("\n", $cs_votes['votes_election']); $answers_stop = count($temp) - 1; for ($run = 0; $run < $answers_stop; $run++) { $votes_navlist['answers'][$run]['value'] = $run + 1; $votes_navlist['answers'][$run]['answer'] = $temp[$run + 1]; } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $votes_navlist, 'votes', 'navlist_vote'); } else { $votes_navlist = array(); $votes_navlist['votes']['question'] = $cs_votes['votes_question']; $temp = explode("\n", $cs_votes['votes_election']); $answers_stop = count($temp) - 1; for ($run = 0; $run < $answers_stop; $run++) { $answer_count = 0;
$data['value']['dir'] = $dir; $cells = 'access_id, access_name, access_clansphere, access_' . $dir; $data['access'] = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'access', $cells, 0, 'access_clansphere ASC', 0, 0); $sel = 'selected="selected"'; $count_access = count($data['access']); for ($run = 0; $run < $count_access; $run++) { $data['access'][$run]['sel0'] = ''; $data['access'][$run]['sel1'] = ''; $data['access'][$run]['sel2'] = ''; $data['access'][$run]['sel3'] = ''; $data['access'][$run]['sel4'] = ''; $data['access'][$run]['sel5'] = ''; if (isset($_GET['activate'])) { $data['access'][$run]['sel' . $data['access'][$run]['access_clansphere']] = $sel; } else { $data['access'][$run]['sel' . $data['access'][$run]['access_' . $dir]] = $sel; } } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'modules', 'accessedit_1'); } else { $dir = $_POST['dir']; $access = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'access', 'access_id', 0, 'access_clansphere ASC', 0, 0); $cells = array('access_' . $dir); foreach ($access as $level) { $values = array($_POST['access_' . $level['access_id']]); cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'access', $cells, $values, $level['access_id']); cs_cache_delete('access_' . $level['access_id']); } $data['url']['continue'] = cs_url('modules', 'roots'); echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'modules', 'accessedit_2'); }
if (!empty($_GET['del_id'])) { $del_id = $_GET['del_id']; settype($del_id, 'integer'); $target = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'members', 'squads_id', "members_id = '" . $del_id . "'"); $squads_id = $target['squads_id']; $is_admin = "members_admin > 0 AND squads_id ='" . $squads_id . "' AND users_id ='" . $account['users_id'] . "'"; $allow = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'members', $is_admin); if (empty($allow)) { $msg = $cs_lang['del_failed']; } else { cs_sql_delete(__FILE__, 'members', $del_id); $msg = $cs_lang['del_done']; } } $data['lang']['mod_name'] = $cs_lang[$op_members['label']]; $data['url']['form'] = cs_url('members', 'center'); $data['lang']['team'] = $cs_lang[$op_squads['label']]; $where = "mem.users_id = '" . $account['users_id'] . "' AND mem.members_admin > 0"; $select = 'sqd.squads_name AS squads_name, sqd.squads_id AS squads_id'; $from = 'members mem INNER JOIN {pre}_squads sqd ON mem.squads_id = sqd.squads_id'; $sqd_data = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $from, $select, $where, 'sqd.squads_name', 0, 0); $sqd_loop = count($sqd_data); for ($run = 0; $run < $sqd_loop; $run++) { $data['squad'][$run]['selected'] = $sqd_data[$run]['squads_id'] == $squads_id ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $data['squad'][$run]['id'] = $sqd_data[$run]['squads_id']; $data['squad'][$run]['name'] = cs_secure($sqd_data[$run]['squads_name']); } if (empty($sqd_loop)) { $data['squad'] = array(); } $data['lang']['msg'] = !empty($msg) ? $msg : '';
<?php // ClanSphere 2010 - // $Id$ $cs_lang = cs_translate('medals'); $cs_get = cs_get('id,confirm,'); if (isset($_GET['confirm'])) { cs_sql_delete(__FILE__, 'medalsuser', $cs_get['id'], 'medals_id'); cs_sql_delete(__FILE__, 'medals', $cs_get['id']); cs_redirect($cs_lang['del_true'], 'medals', 'manage'); } $medal = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'medals', 'medals_name', "medals_id = '" . $cs_get['id'] . "'"); if (!empty($medal)) { $data = array(); $medals_name = cs_secure($medal['medals_name']); $data['medals']['message'] = sprintf($cs_lang['rly_remove'], $medals_name); $data['medals']['url_confirm'] = cs_url('medals', 'remove', 'id=' . $cs_get['id'] . '&confirm'); echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'medals', 'remove'); } else { cs_redirect('', 'medals'); }
$wars_pics = explode("\n", $cs_wars['wars_pictures']); foreach ($wars_pics as $pic) { $link = cs_html_img('uploads/wars/thumb-' . $pic); $path = $cs_main['php_self']['dirname']; $wars['pictures']['show'] .= cs_html_link($path . 'uploads/wars/picture-' . $pic, $link) . ' '; } } $wars['war']['report'] = empty($cs_wars['wars_report']) ? '-' : cs_secure($cs_wars['wars_report'], 1, 1); $wars['war']['report2'] = empty($cs_wars['wars_report2']) ? '-' : cs_secure($cs_wars['wars_report2'], 1, 1); $tables2 = 'rounds rnd INNER JOIN {pre}_maps mps ON rnd.maps_id = mps.maps_id'; $cells2 = 'rnd.rounds_score1 AS rounds_score1, rnd.rounds_score2 AS rounds_score2, ' . 'rnd.rounds_description AS rounds_description, mps.maps_name AS maps_name, ' . 'rnd.maps_id AS maps_id'; $wars['rounds'] = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $tables2, $cells2, 'rnd.wars_id = \'' . $wars_id . '\'', 'rnd.rounds_order ASC', 0, 0); if (!empty($wars['rounds'])) { $count_rounds = count($wars['rounds']); for ($run = 0; $run < $count_rounds; $run++) { $wars['rounds'][$run]['mapurl'] = cs_url('maps', 'view', 'id=' . $wars['rounds'][$run]['maps_id']); $wars['rounds'][$run]['maps_name'] = cs_secure($wars['rounds'][$run]['maps_name']); $result2 = $wars['rounds'][$run]['rounds_score1'] - $wars['rounds'][$run]['rounds_score2']; $icon2 = $result2 >= 1 ? 'green' : 'red'; $icon2 = !empty($result2) ? $icon2 : 'grey'; $wars['rounds'][$run]['resulticon'] = cs_html_img('symbols/clansphere/' . $icon2 . '.gif'); $wars['rounds'][$run]['rounds_description'] = cs_secure($wars['rounds'][$run]['rounds_description'], 1, 1); } } else { $wars['rounds'] = array(); } if ($wars_status == 'upcoming') { $condition = 'users_id = \'' . $account['users_id'] . '\' AND squads_id = \'' . $cs_squad['squads_id'] . '\''; $squadmember = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'members', $condition); $wars_access = empty($account['access_wars']) ? 0 : $account['access_wars']; if (!empty($squadmember) or $wars_access >= 3) {
<?php // ClanSphere 2010 - // $Id$ $cs_lang = cs_translate('board'); require_once 'mods/board/functions.php'; $data = array(); $data['stats']['topics'] = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'threads'); $data['stats']['posts'] = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'comments', 'comments_mod = \'board\''); $data['stats']['users'] = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'users', 'users_active = 1 AND users_delete = 0'); $data['stats']['categories'] = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'categories', 'categories_mod = \'board\''); $data['stats']['boards'] = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'board'); $data['stats']['users_active'] = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'comments', 'comments_mod = \'board\'', 'users_id'); $user = toplist_comments(0, 3); $data['stats']['toplist'] = ''; if (!empty($user)) { foreach ($user as $users_data) { $data['stats']['toplist'] .= empty($users_data['users_nick']) ? '- (' . $users_data['num_comments'] . ' ' . $cs_lang['posts'] . '), ' : cs_user($users_data['users_id'], $users_data['users_nick'], $users_data['users_active'], $users_data['users_delete']) . ' (' . $users_data['num_comments'] . ' ' . $cs_lang['posts'] . '), '; } $data['stats']['toplist'] = substr($data['stats']['toplist'], 0, -2); } $tables = 'threads t INNER JOIN {pre}_board b ON t.board_id = b.board_id ' . 'AND b.board_access <= \'' . $account['access_board'] . '\' AND b.board_pwd = \'\' ' . 'INNER JOIN {pre}_comments cms ON cms.comments_mod = \'board\' ' . 'AND cms.comments_fid = t.threads_id GROUP BY t.threads_id, t.threads_comments, t.threads_headline'; $cells = 't.threads_id AS threads_id, t.threads_comments AS threads_comments, '; $cells .= 't.threads_headline AS threads_headline, COUNT(cms.comments_id) AS comments'; $select = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $tables, $cells, 0, 'comments DESC'); $data['stats']['longest_thread'] = $select['threads_headline']; $data['stats']['longest_thread_posts'] = $select['comments']; $data['link']['longest_thread'] = cs_url('board', 'thread', 'where=' . $select['threads_id']); $data['stats']['average_posts'] = !empty($data['stats']['topics']) ? round($data['stats']['posts'] / $data['stats']['topics'], 2) : 0; echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'board', 'stats');
<?php // ClanSphere 2010 - // $Id$ $cs_lang = cs_translate('wars'); $cs_get = cs_get('id'); $data = array(); $rounds_id = empty($cs_get['id']) ? 0 : $cs_get['id']; $cs_rounds = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'rounds', 'wars_id', "rounds_id = '" . $rounds_id . "'"); if (isset($_GET['agree'])) { cs_sql_delete(__FILE__, 'rounds', $rounds_id); cs_redirect($cs_lang['del_true'], 'wars', 'rounds', 'id=' . $cs_rounds['wars_id']); } if (isset($_GET['cancel'])) { cs_redirect($cs_lang['del_false'], 'wars', 'rounds', 'id=' . $cs_rounds['wars_id']); } else { $data['head']['body'] = sprintf($cs_lang['really_delete'], $rounds_id); $data['url']['agree'] = cs_url('wars', 'roundsremove', 'id=' . $rounds_id . '&agree'); $data['url']['cancel'] = cs_url('wars', 'roundsremove', 'id=' . $rounds_id . '&cancel'); echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'wars', 'remove'); }
cs_redirect(NULL, 'board', 'sort'); } if (!empty($_GET['board'])) { $board_cells = array('board_order'); $board_save = empty($_GET['order']) ? array(0) : array(cs_sql_escape($_GET['order'])); cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'board', $board_cells, $board_save, cs_sql_escape($_GET['board'])); cs_redirect(NULL, 'board', 'sort'); } if (!empty($_GET['cat'])) { $board_cells = array('categories_order'); $board_save = empty($_GET['order']) ? array(0) : array(cs_sql_escape($_GET['order'])); cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'categories', $board_cells, $board_save, cs_sql_escape($_GET['cat'])); cs_redirect(NULL, 'board', 'sort'); } $data['link']['back'] = cs_url('board', 'manage'); $data['link']['delall'] = cs_url('board', 'sort', 'delall=1'); $where = "categories_mod = 'board'"; $select = 'categories_name, categories_id, categories_order'; $cs_categories = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'categories', $select, $where, 'categories_order ASC, categories_name ASC', 0, 0); $loop_categories = count($cs_categories); if (!empty($cs_categories)) { for ($run = 0; $run < $loop_categories; $run++) { $data['cat'][$run]['categories_name'] = cs_secure($cs_categories[$run]['categories_name']); $data['cat'][$run]['categories_order'] = cs_secure($cs_categories[$run]['categories_order']); if ($run > 0 and $cs_categories[$run]['categories_order'] - 1 >= $cs_categories[$run - 1]['categories_order']) { $data['cat'][$run]['categories_up'] = cs_html_img('symbols/clansphere/up_arrow_active.png') . ' ' . cs_link($cs_lang['up'], 'board', 'sort', 'cat=' . $cs_categories[$run]['categories_id'] . '&order=' . $cs_categories[$run - 1]['categories_order']); } else { if ($run > 0 and $cs_categories[$run]['categories_order'] > 0) { $cat_new = $cs_categories[$run - 1]['categories_order'] - 1 > 0 ? $cs_categories[$run - 1]['categories_order'] - 1 : 0; $data['cat'][$run]['categories_up'] = cs_html_img('symbols/clansphere/up_arrow_active.png') . ' ' . cs_link($cs_lang['up'], 'board', 'sort', 'cat=' . $cs_categories[$run]['categories_id'] . '&order=' . $cat_new); } else {
$medalsuser_id = cs_sql_escape($_GET['delete']); cs_sql_delete(__FILE__, 'medalsuser', $medalsuser_id); cs_redirect($cs_lang['del_true'], 'medals', 'user', 'where=' . $medals_id); } $start = empty($_GET['start']) ? 0 : $_GET['start']; $cs_sort[1] = 'md.medalsuser_date DESC'; $cs_sort[2] = 'md.medalsuser_date ASC'; $cs_sort[3] = 'usr.users_nick DESC'; $cs_sort[4] = 'usr.users_nick ASC'; $sort = empty($_GET['sort']) ? 1 : $_GET['sort']; $order = $cs_sort[$sort]; $tables = 'medalsuser md LEFT JOIN {pre}_users usr ON usr.users_id = md.users_id'; $cells = 'usr.users_nick AS users_nick, md.users_id AS users_id, usr.users_active AS users_active, usr.users_delete AS users_delete, '; $cells .= 'md.medals_id AS medals_id, md.medalsuser_date AS medalsuser_date, md.medalsuser_id AS medalsuser_id'; $where = 'medals_id = ' . $medals_id . ''; $data['medals_user'] = array(); $data['medals_user'] = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $tables, $cells, $where, $order, $start, $account['users_limit']); $data['count']['medals_user'] = count($data['medals_user']); $data['count']['all_medals_user'] = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'medalsuser', $where); $data['sort']['date'] = cs_sort('medals', 'user', $start, $medals_id, 1, $sort); $data['sort']['users_nick'] = cs_sort('medals', 'user', $start, $medals_id, 3, $sort); $data['pages']['list'] = cs_pages('medals', 'user', $data['count']['all_medals_user'], $start, $medals_id, $sort); for ($i = 0; $i < $data['count']['medals_user']; $i++) { $data['medals_user'][$i]['user'] = cs_user($data['medals_user'][$i]['users_id'], $data['medals_user'][$i]['users_nick'], $data['medals_user'][$i]['users_active'], $data['medals_user'][$i]['users_delete']); $data['medals_user'][$i]['remove_url'] = cs_url('medals', 'user', 'where=' . $data['medals_user'][$i]['medals_id'] . '&delete=' . $data['medals_user'][$i]['medalsuser_id']); $data['medals_user'][$i]['medals_date'] = cs_date('unix', $data['medals_user'][$i]['medalsuser_date'], 1); } $data['medals']['id'] = $medals_id; $data['message']['medals'] = cs_getmsg(); $data['form']['dirname'] = $cs_main['php_self']['dirname']; echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'medals', 'user');
<?php // ClanSphere 2010 - // $Id$ $cs_lang = cs_translate('fightus'); $cs_get = cs_get('id,agree,cancel'); if (isset($cs_get['agree'])) { cs_sql_delete(__FILE__, 'fightus', $cs_get['id']); cs_cache_delete('count_fightus'); cs_redirect($cs_lang['fight_del_true'], 'fightus'); } if (isset($cs_get['cancel'])) { cs_redirect($cs_lang['del_false'], 'fightus'); } $fightus = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'fightus', 'fightus_nick', 'fightus_id = ' . $cs_get['id'], 0, 0, 1); if (!empty($fightus)) { $data = array(); $data['head']['body'] = sprintf($cs_lang['remove_entry'], $cs_lang['mod_name'], $fightus['fightus_nick']); $data['url']['agree'] = cs_url('fightus', 'remove', 'id=' . $cs_get['id'] . '&agree'); $data['url']['cancel'] = cs_url('fightus', 'remove', 'id=' . $cs_get['id'] . '&cancel'); echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'fightus', 'remove'); } else { cs_redirect('', 'fightus'); }
$data['lang']['body'] = !isset($_POST['submit']) ? $cs_lang['body_create'] : $errormsg; if (isset($_POST['submit']) && empty($games_error) && empty($symbol_error)) { $games_cells = array('games_name', 'games_version', 'games_released', 'games_creator', 'categories_id', 'games_url', 'games_usk'); $games_save = array($games_name, $games_version, $games_release, $games_creator, $categories_id, $games_url, $games_usk); cs_sql_insert(__FILE__, 'games', $games_cells, $games_save); $where = "games_name = '" . cs_sql_escape($games_name) . "'"; $getid = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'games', 'games_id', $where); if (!empty($files['symbol']['tmp_name']) and $symbol_error == 0) { $filename = $getid['games_id'] . '.' . $extension; cs_upload('games', $filename, $files['symbol']['tmp_name']); } else { copy('uploads/games/0.gif', 'uploads/games/' . (int) $getid['games_id'] . '.gif'); } cs_redirect($cs_lang['create_done'], 'games'); } $data['url']['form'] = cs_url('games', 'create'); $data['games']['name'] = $games_name; $data['games']['version'] = $games_version; $data['games']['genre'] = cs_categories_dropdown('games', $categories_id); $data['games']['release'] = cs_dateselect('datum', 'date', $games_release); $data['games']['creator'] = $games_creator; $data['games']['homepage'] = $games_url; $usknum[0]['games_usk'] = '00'; $usknum[0]['name'] = $cs_lang['usk_00']; $usknum[1]['games_usk'] = '06'; $usknum[1]['name'] = $cs_lang['usk_06']; $usknum[2]['games_usk'] = '12'; $usknum[2]['name'] = $cs_lang['usk_12']; $usknum[3]['games_usk'] = '16'; $usknum[3]['name'] = $cs_lang['usk_16']; $usknum[4]['games_usk'] = '18';
$cs_sort[2] = 'quotes_headline ASC'; $cs_sort[3] = 'quotes_time DESC'; $cs_sort[4] = 'quotes_time ASC'; $sort = empty($_REQUEST['sort']) ? 3 : $_REQUEST['sort']; $order = $cs_sort[$sort]; $quotes_count = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'quotes', $where); $data = array(); $data['url']['form'] = cs_url('quotes', 'manage'); $data['lang']['all'] = $cs_lang['total'] . ': '; $data['head']['count'] = $quotes_count; $data['head']['pages'] = cs_pages('quotes', 'manage', $quotes_count, $start, $categories_id, $sort); $data['head']['message'] = cs_getmsg(); $quotesmod = "categories_mod = 'quotes'"; $categories_data = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'categories', '*', $quotesmod, 'categories_name', 0, 0); $data['head']['dropdown'] = cs_dropdown('where', 'categories_name', $categories_data, $categories_id, 'categories_id'); $from = 'quotes qts LEFT JOIN {pre}_users usr ON qts.users_id = usr.users_id'; $select = 'qts.quotes_headline AS quotes_headline, qts.users_id AS users_id, usr.users_nick AS users_nick, usr.users_active AS users_active, usr.users_delete AS users_delete, qts.quotes_time AS quotes_time, qts.quotes_id AS quotes_id'; $cs_quotes = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $from, $select, $where, $order, $start, $account['users_limit']); $quotes_loop = count($cs_quotes); $data['sort']['quotes_headline'] = cs_sort('quotes', 'manage', $start, $categories_id, 1, $sort); $data['sort']['quotes_time'] = cs_sort('quotes', 'manage', $start, $categories_id, 3, $sort); for ($run = 0; $run < $quotes_loop; $run++) { $cs_quotes[$run]['quotes_headline'] = cs_secure($cs_quotes[$run]['quotes_headline']); $cs_quotes[$run]['url_edit'] = cs_url('quotes', 'edit', 'id=' . $cs_quotes[$run]['quotes_id']); $cs_quotes[$run]['url_remove'] = cs_url('quotes', 'remove', 'id=' . $cs_quotes[$run]['quotes_id']); $cs_quotes[$run]['url_user'] = cs_user($cs_quotes[$run]['users_id'], $cs_quotes[$run]['users_nick'], $cs_quotes[$run]['users_active'], $cs_quotes[$run]['users_delete']); $cs_quotes[$run]['url_quote'] = cs_url('quotes', 'view', 'id=' . $cs_quotes[$run]['quotes_id']); $cs_quotes[$run]['quotes_time'] = cs_date('unix', $cs_quotes[$run]['quotes_time'], 1); } $data['quotes'] = $cs_quotes; echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'quotes', 'manage');
<?php // ClanSphere 2010 - // $Id$ $cs_lang = cs_translate('board'); $count_abo = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'abonements', 'users_id=' . $account['users_id']); $count_att = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'boardfiles', 'users_id=' . $account['users_id']); $data = array(); $data['head']['getmsg'] = cs_getmsg(); $data['count']['abos'] = $count_abo; $data['count']['attachments'] = $count_att; $data['link']['abos'] = cs_url('board', 'center'); $data['link']['attachments'] = cs_url('board', 'attachments'); $data['link']['avatar'] = cs_url('board', 'avatar'); $data['action']['form'] = cs_url('board', 'signature'); $data['signature']['smileys'] = cs_abcode_smileys('signature'); $data['signature']['abcode'] = cs_abcode_features('signature'); $signature_sql = cs_sql_select($file, 'users', 'users_signature', "users_id = '" . $account['users_id'] . "'"); $signature = $signature_sql['users_signature']; $signature = isset($_POST['signature']) ? $_POST['signature'] : $signature; $signature = preg_replace_callback("=\\[img\\](.*?)\\[/img\\]=si", "cs_abcode_resize", $signature); $signature = preg_replace_callback("=\\[img width\\=(.*?) height\\=(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/img\\]=si", "cs_abcode_resize", $signature); $data['signature']['text'] = $signature; $data['signature']['preview'] = cs_secure($signature, 1, 1); $data['if']['preview'] = (isset($_POST['preview']) and !empty($signature)) ? 1 : 0; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $signature_cells = array('users_signature'); $signature_save = array($signature); cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'users', $signature_cells, $signature_save, $account['users_id']); cs_redirect($cs_lang['create_done'], 'board', 'signature'); }
// cs_sql_query(__FILE__,$query); cs_sql_update(__FILE__, 'threads', array('board_id'), array($cs_board_id), 0, 'board_id = ' . $board_id); # Update board entry to get correct threads and comments count include_once 'mods/board/repair.php'; cs_board_threads($cs_board_id); cs_board_last($cs_board_id); cs_board_comments($cs_board_id); } cs_redirect($cs_lang['del_true'], 'board'); } if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { $board_form = 0; cs_redirect($cs_lang['del_false'], 'board'); } if (!empty($board_form)) { $data['action']['form'] = cs_url('board', 'remove'); $data['lang']['body'] = sprintf($cs_lang['del_rly'], $board_id); if (!empty($threads_loop)) { $data['if']['threads_loop'] = true; $cs_board['change_threads'] = 0; if ($cs_board['change_threads'] == 0) { $data['remove']['checked'] = ''; } else { $data['remove']['checked'] = 'checked="checked"'; } $cs_board['board_id'] = 0; $where = "board_id != '" . $board_id . "'"; $board_data = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'board', '*', $where, 'board_name', 0, 0); $data['remove']['dropdown'] = cs_dropdown('board_id', 'board_name', $board_data, $cs_board['board_id']); } else { $data['if']['threads_loop'] = false;
// ClanSphere 2010 - // $Id$ $thisday = cs_datereal('m-d'); $output = array(); $data = array(); $data = cs_cache_load('navbirth'); $cs_lang = cs_translate('users'); $options = cs_sql_option(__FILE__, 'users'); if ($data['day'] != $thisday) { $data['day'] = $thisday; $select = 'users_id, users_nick, users_age'; $where = "users_age LIKE '%-" . $data['day'] . "' AND users_hidden NOT LIKE '%users_age%' AND users_active = 1"; $order = 'users_nick ASC'; $data['users'] = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'users', $select, $where, $order, 0, 0); cs_cache_save('navbirth', $data); } if (empty($data['users'])) { echo $cs_lang['no_data']; } else { $count = empty($options['navbirth_max_users']) ? count($data['users']) : min(count($data['users']), $options['navbirth_max_users']); for ($run = 0; $run < $count; $run++) { $birth = explode('-', $data['users'][$run]['users_age']); $output['users'][$run]['age'] = cs_datereal('Y') - $birth[0]; $output['users'][$run]['day'] = $birth[2]; $output['users'][$run]['month'] = $birth[1]; $output['users'][$run]['year'] = $birth[0]; $output['users'][$run]['user'] = cs_user($data['users'][$run]['users_id'], $data['users'][$run]['users_nick']); $output['users'][$run]['messageurl'] = cs_url('messages', 'create', 'to_id=' . $data['users'][$run]['users_id']); } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $output, 'users', 'navbirth'); }
$save = array(); $save['def_tpl'] = $activate; if (isset($templates[ucfirst($activate)]['themes'])) { $themes = cs_checkdirs('themes'); if (isset($themes[ucfirst($templates[ucfirst($activate)]['themes'])])) { $save['def_theme'] = $templates[ucfirst($activate)]['themes']; } } cs_optionsave('clansphere', $save); $msg = file_exists('themes/' . $activate) ? $cs_lang['theme_found'] . cs_link($cs_lang['change_to_this'], 'clansphere', 'themes_list', 'activate=' . $activate) : $cs_lang['success']; cs_redirect($msg, 'clansphere', 'temp_list'); } else { $data['lang']['getmsg'] = cs_getmsg(); $run = 0; foreach ($templates as $mod) { if ($mod['dir'] == 'install') { $tpl_all--; continue; } $data['temp_list'][$run]['name'] = $mod['name']; $data['temp_list'][$run]['dir'] = $mod['dir']; $data['temp_list'][$run]['version'] = $mod['version']; $data['temp_list'][$run]['date'] = cs_date('date', $mod['released']); $data['temp_list'][$run]['if']['active'] = $mod['dir'] == $cs_main['template'] ? 1 : 0; $data['temp_list'][$run]['if']['def'] = $mod['dir'] == $cs_main['def_tpl'] ? 1 : 0; $run++; } } $data['lang']['body'] = sprintf($cs_lang['body_temp_list'], $tpl_all); $data['link']['cache'] = cs_url('clansphere', 'cache'); echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'clansphere', 'temp_list');
if ($files_gl['picture']['size'] > $options['max_size']) { $error .= cs_html_br(1) . '- ' . $cs_lang['too_big']; } } } if (empty($_POST['submit']) || !empty($error)) { $maps_id = empty($_POST['submit']) ? (int) $_GET['id'] : $_POST['maps_id']; $cells = 'games_id, maps_name, maps_text, maps_picture, server_name'; $data['maps'] = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'maps', $cells, 'maps_id = \'' . $maps_id . '\''); $data['maps']['maps_id'] = empty($error) ? (int) $_GET['id'] : (int) $_POST['maps_id']; $data['maps']['message'] = empty($error) ? $cs_lang['fill_in'] : $cs_lang['error_occured'] . $error; $data['maps']['maps_name'] = empty($_POST['maps_name']) ? $data['maps']['maps_name'] : $_POST['maps_name']; $data['maps']['maps_text'] = empty($_POST['maps_text']) ? $data['maps']['maps_text'] : $_POST['maps_text']; $data['abcode']['smileys'] = cs_abcode_smileys('maps_text'); $data['abcode']['features'] = cs_abcode_features('maps_text'); $data['maps']['action'] = cs_url('maps', 'edit'); $data['games'] = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'games', 'games_name,games_id', 0, 'games_name', 0, 0); $data['games'] = cs_dropdownsel($data['games'], $data['maps']['games_id'], 'games_id'); $data['maps']['picture'] = empty($data['maps']['maps_picture']) ? '-' : cs_html_img('uploads/maps/' . $data['maps']['maps_picture']); $matches[1] = $cs_lang['pic_infos']; $return_types = ''; foreach ($img_filetypes as $add) { $return_types .= empty($return_types) ? $add : ', ' . $add; } $matches[2] = $cs_lang['max_width'] . $options['max_width'] . ' px' . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['max_height'] . $options['max_height'] . ' px' . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['max_size'] . cs_filesize($options['max_size']) . cs_html_br(1); $matches[2] .= $cs_lang['filetypes'] . $return_types; $data['maps']['matches'] = cs_abcode_clip($matches); $data['if']['picture_remove'] = !empty($data['maps']['maps_picture']) ? TRUE : FALSE; echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'maps', 'edit');
<?php // ClanSphere 2010 - // $Id$ $cs_lang = cs_translate('install'); $data = array(); $languages = cs_checkdirs('lang'); $i = 0; foreach ($languages as $lang) { $data['languages'][$i]['name'] = $lang['name']; $data['languages'][$i]['symbol'] = $lang['symbol']; $data['languages'][$i]['link'] = cs_url('install', 'compatible', 'lang=' . $lang['name']); $i++; } echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'install');