var ajax_timeout = 60000;
var favorites = <?php 
echo $json_encoder->encode($favorites);
var selected_file = <?php 
echo $selected_file_id;
var file_page = 1;
var settings = <?php 
echo $json_encoder->encode($settings);
var ajax_token = <?php 
echo create_form_token_json('filemanager');
var translations = {
	search_files: '<?php 
echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'search_files', 'tyyp' => 'Files'));
	upload_queue_limit: '<?php 
echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'upload_queue_limit', 'tyyp' => 'Files'));
	upload_limit_size: '<?php 
echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'upload_limit_size', 'tyyp' => 'Files'));
echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['js_path'];
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['js_path'];
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['js_path'];

<script type="text/javascript">

	var ajax_token = <?php 
echo create_form_token_json('sites');
	var site_url = '<?php 
echo (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http://' : 'https://') . $site->CONF['hostname'] . $site->CONF['wwwroot'];
	var sites = [];
foreach ($sites as $site_data) {
    echo $site_data['keel_id'];
] = <?php 
    echo $json_encoder->encode($site_data);
 * This source file is is part of Saurus CMS content management software.
 * It is licensed under MPL 1.1 (
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Saurused Ltd (
 * Redistribution of this file must retain the above copyright notice.
 * Please note that the original authors never thought this would turn out
 * such a great piece of software when the work started using Perl in year 2000.
 * Due to organic growth, you may find parts of the software being
 * a bit (well maybe more than a bit) old fashioned and here's where you can help.
 * Good luck and keep your open source minds open!
 * @package		SaurusCMS
 * @copyright	2000-2010 Saurused Ltd (
 * @license		Mozilla Public License 1.1 (
function edit_objekt()
    global $site;
    global $objekt;
    global $keel;
    global $class_path;
    global $tyyp;
    // refreshing (fdat['refresh'] = 1) looses object data, I don't know why and because it's done in edit_object.php, I'm not going to fix it, lord knows what it'll screw up
    if ($site->fdat['refresh'] && $site->fdat['id']) {
        $obj = new Objekt(array('objekt_id' => $site->fdat['id']));
        $objekt->objekt_id = $obj->objekt_id;
        $objekt->parent_id = $obj->parent_id;
    $parent = new Objekt(array('objekt_id' => $objekt->objekt_id ? $objekt->parent_id : $site->fdat['parent_id']));
    $pearubriik = $parent->all['sys_alias'] == 'home' ? 1 : 0;
    // parent path
    if ($objekt->all['sys_alias'] == '' && $site->fdat['sys_alias'] == '') {
        // this needs serious rethink and optmisation: there's no need to get the entire tree, parent object's path to top is only needed
        include_once $class_path . 'rubloetelu.class.php';
        $rubs = new RubLoetelu(array('keel' => $keel, 'required_perm' => 'C', 'ignore_perm_for_obj' => $parent->objekt_id));
        $topparents = $rubs->get_loetelu();
        if (is_array($topparents)) {
        foreach ($topparents as $k => $v) {
            if ($parent->objekt_id == $k) {
                $section_name = $v;
    // publishing
    $publish_start = $objekt->all['avaldamisaeg_algus'] > 0 ? $site->db->MySQL_ee_long($objekt->all['avaldamisaeg_algus']) : '';
    /* Don't print out time which is 00:00:00 */
    if (preg_match("/(\\d?\\d[\\:\\\\.\\/\\-]\\d?\\d[\\:\\\\.\\/\\-]\\d?\\d?\\d\\d)\\s(\\d?\\d)[\\:\\\\.\\/\\-](\\d?\\d)/", $publish_start, $aa_reg)) {
        $publish_start = $aa_reg[2] == "00" && $aa_reg[3] == "00" ? $aa_reg[1] : $publish_start;
    $publish_end = $objekt->all['avaldamisaeg_lopp'] > 0 ? $site->db->MySQL_ee_long($objekt->all['avaldamisaeg_lopp']) : '';
    /* Don't print out time which is 23:59 */
    if (preg_match("/(\\d?\\d[\\:\\\\.\\/\\-]\\d?\\d[\\:\\\\.\\/\\-]\\d?\\d?\\d\\d)\\s(\\d?\\d)[\\:\\\\.\\/\\-](\\d?\\d)/", $publish_end, $la_reg)) {
        $publish_end = $la_reg[2] == "23" && $la_reg[3] == "59" ? $la_reg[1] : $publish_end;
    // to get the correct path to parent objects set use_alises on
    $site->CONF['use_aliases'] = 1;
    $parent_href = $parent->get_object_href();
    if ($site->CONF['alias_trail_format'] == 0 || $parent->all['sys_alias'] == 'home' || $parent->all['sys_alias'] == 'trash' || $parent->all['sys_alias'] == 'system' || $parent->all['sys_alias'] == 'gallup_arhiiv') {
        $parent_href = preg_replace('#' . preg_quote('/' . ($parent->all['friendly_url'] ? $parent->all['friendly_url'] : $parent->objekt_id), '#') . '/$#', '/', $parent_href);
    $parent_href = $site->CONF['hostname'] . $parent_href;
    // setup for section selection
    $_SESSION['parent_selection']['callback'] = 'window.opener.updateSection';
    $_SESSION['parent_selection']['selectable'] = 1;
    $_SESSION['parent_selection']['hide_language_selection'] = '1';
    $_SESSION['parent_selection']['mem_classes'] = array('rubriik');
    //this sucks, really
    $_SESSION['parent_selection']['db_fields'] = array('select_checkbox', 'objekt_id', 'pealkiri');
    $_SESSION['parent_selection']['display_fields'] = array('select_checkbox', 'pealkiri');
    // setup folder select
    $_SESSION['scms_filemanager_settings']['scms_select_album_folder'] = array('select_mode' => 2, 'action_text' => $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'use_this_folder_for_album', 'tyyp' => 'editor')), 'action_trigger' => $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'use_this_folder_for_album', 'tyyp' => 'editor')), 'callback' => 'window.opener.setFolder');
    $conf = new CONFIG($objekt->all['ttyyp_params']);
    $args['cols'] = $conf->get('cols');
    $args['rows'] = $conf->get('rows');
    $args['path'] = $conf->get('path');
    //$args['path'] = 1;
    $args['tn_size'] = $conf->get('tn_size');
    $args['desc'] = $conf->get('desc');
    $args['pic_size'] = $conf->get('pic_size');
    $args['folder_id'] = $conf->get('folder_id');
    if (!$args['path']) {
        if ($objekt->all['pealkiri']) {
            $album_folder_path = $clean_path = create_alias_from_string($objekt->all['pealkiri']);
        } else {
            $result = new SQL('select max(objekt_id) + 1 from objekt');
            $album_folder_path = $clean_path = $result->fetchsingle();
        $supplement = 2;
        // unlikely to happen
        if ($album_folder_path === '') {
            $album_folder_path = $clean_path = rand(10000, 20000);
        while (file_exists($site->absolute_path . '/public/galleries/' . $album_folder_path)) {
            $album_folder_path = create_alias_from_string($clean_path . '-' . $supplement);
            // guard, also unlikely
            if ($supplement > 1000) {
        $album_folder_path = 'public/galleries/' . $album_folder_path;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
    echo $site->title;
    echo $site->cms_version;
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php 
    echo $encoding ? $encoding : $site->encoding;
" />
		<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache" />
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
    echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['styles_path'];
/datepicker.css" />
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
    echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['styles_path'];
/album_editor.css" />
		<!--[if IE 6]>
			<style type="text/css">
				input.inline_button {
					padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
					height: 21px;
		<!--[if IE 7]>
			<style type="text/css">
				input.inline_button {
					padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
					height: 21px;
		<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
    echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['js_path'];
		<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
    echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['js_path'];
		<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
    echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['js_path'];
		<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
    echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['js_path'];
		<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
    echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'];
    if ($site->CONF['fm_allow_multiple_upload'] && $parent->all['ttyyp_id'] != 39) {
		<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
        echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['js_path'];
		<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
        echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['js_path'];
		<script type="text/javascript">
			var isIE = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE/); // assume gecko on false
			var folder_path = '<?php 
    echo $album_folder_path;
			var ajax_token = <?php 
    echo create_form_token_json('edit-album-ajax');
			var swfu;
			window.onload = function ()
				var title = document.getElementById('pealkiri');
				var advanced_panel_state = document.getElementById('advanced_panel_state');
				if(advanced_panel_state.value == 1)
    if ($site->CONF['fm_allow_multiple_upload'] && $parent->all['ttyyp_id'] != 39) {
				var post_params = {'<?php 
        echo session_name();
' : '<?php 
        echo session_id();
', 'op': 'add_image_to_album'};
				$.extend(post_params, ajax_token);
				swfu = new SWFUpload({
					flash_url : '<?php 
        echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['js_path'];
					upload_url: '<?php 
        echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'];
					post_params: post_params,
					file_size_limit : '<?php 
        echo is_int(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) ? round(ini_get('upload_max_filesize') / 1024) : ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . 'B';
					file_types : '*.gif;*.png;*.jpeg;*.jpg',
					file_types_description : 'Images',
					file_upload_limit : 0,
					file_queue_limit : 100,
					custom_settings : {
						cancelButtonId : 'cancel_file_upload_button'
					debug: false,
					// Button settings
					button_image_url: '<?php 
        echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['styles_path'];
/gfx/general/album_upload_button_bg.gif',	// Relative to the Flash file
					button_width: '95',
					button_height: '21',
					button_placeholder_id: 'span_upload_button_place_holder',
					button_text: '<?php 
        echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'add_images', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
					button_text_left_padding: 8,
					button_text_top_padding: 1,
					button_window_mode : SWFUpload.WINDOW_MODE.TRANSPARENT,
					// The event handler functions
					swfupload_loaded_handler: swfuLoaded,
					file_queued_handler : fileQueued,
					file_queue_error_handler : fileQueueError,
					file_dialog_complete_handler : fileDialogComplete,
					upload_start_handler : uploadStart,
					upload_progress_handler : uploadProgress,
					upload_error_handler : uploadError,
					upload_success_handler : uploadSuccess,
					upload_complete_handler : uploadComplete
					//queue_complete_handler : queueComplete	// Queue plugin event
			function resizeWindow()
          window.resizeTo(580, 380);
          resizeWindowTo($('#size_wrapper').width(), $('#size_wrapper').height());
			var filemanager_window;
			var uploadFolderPathSet = false;

			function chooseFolder()
				filemanager_window = openpopup('filemanager.php?setup=scms_select_album_folder', 'filemanager', 980, 600);
			function setFolder(data)
				uploadFolderPathSet = true;
				$('input#path').attr('value', data.folders[0].relative_path.replace(/^\//, ''));
				$('a#images_folder_path_link').text(data.folders[0].relative_path.replace(/^\//, ''));
			function clearFolder()
				$('input#path').attr('value', '');
			function chooseSection()
				explorer_window = openpopup('explorer.php?objekt_id=home&editor=1&swk_setup=parent_selection&remove_objects=<?php 
    echo $site->fdat['id'];
&pre_selected=' + document.getElementById('rubriik').value, 'cms_explorer', '800','600');
			function updateSection(sections)
				var section_name = document.getElementById('section_name');
				var section_id = document.getElementById('rubriik');
				var trail_path= new Array();

					for(var j = 0; j < sections[0].trail.length; j++){
						trail_path[j] = sections[0].trail[j].pealkiri;

				section_name.innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:chooseSection();">' + trail_path.join("->") + '</a>';
				section_id.value = sections[0].objekt_id;

			function editAlias()
				var alias_placeholder = document.getElementById('alias_placeholder');
				var alias_value = document.getElementById('alias_value');
				alias_placeholder.innerHTML = '<input type="text" id="alias" value="' + alias_value.value + '" onblur="saveAlias();">';
				var alias = document.getElementById('alias');
			function saveAlias()
				var alias_placeholder = document.getElementById('alias_placeholder');
				var alias_value = document.getElementById('alias_value');
				var alias = document.getElementById('alias');
				if(alias_value.value != alias.value)
					    url: 'ajax_response.php?rand=' + Math.random(9999),
					    data: {op: 'generate_alias', string: alias.value, language_id: '<?php 
    echo $keel;
					    type: 'POST',
					    dataType: 'json',
					    timeout: 1000,
					    error: function()
							alias_placeholder.innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="editAlias();" id="alias_link">' + (alias_value.value.length > 30 ? alias_value.value.substring(0, 30) + '...' : alias_value.value) + '</a>';
					    success: function(response)
								alias_value.value = response.alias;
								alias_placeholder.innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="editAlias();" id="alias_link">' + (alias_value.value.length > 30 ? alias_value.value.substring(0, 30) + '...' : alias_value.value) + '</a>';
								alias_value.value = '';
    if ($objekt->objekt_id) {
								alias_placeholder.innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="editAlias();" id="alias_link">' + '<?php 
        echo $objekt->objekt_id;
' + '</a>';
    } else {
						    	alias_placeholder.innerHTML = '<input type="text" id="alias" value="" onblur="saveAlias();">';
						alias_value.value = '';
    if ($objekt->objekt_id) {
						alias_placeholder.innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="editAlias();" id="alias_link">' + '<?php 
        echo $objekt->objekt_id;
' + '</a>';
    } else {
				    	alias_placeholder.innerHTML = '<input type="text" id="alias" value="" onblur="saveAlias();">';
						alias_placeholder.innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="editAlias();" id="alias_link">' + (alias_value.value.length > 30 ? alias_value.value.substring(0, 30) + '...' : alias_value.value) + '</a>';
			function createAlias()
				var alias_value = document.getElementById('alias_value');
				var title = document.getElementById('pealkiri')
				if(0 || (!alias_value && title.value))
					    url: 'ajax_response.php?rand=' + Math.random(9999),
					    data: {op: 'generate_alias', string: title.value, language_id: '<?php 
    echo $keel;
					    type: 'POST',
					    dataType: 'json',
					    timeout: 1000,
					    error: function()
					    success: function(response)
					    	var alias_cell = document.getElementById('alias_cell');
					    	alias_cell.className = 'alias';
						    	alias_cell.innerHTML = '<input type="hidden" name="friendly_url" id="alias_value" value="' + response.alias + '"><?php 
    echo $parent_href;
<span id="alias_placeholder"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="editAlias();" id="alias_link">' + (response.alias.length > 30 ? response.alias.substring(0, 30) + '...' : response.alias) + '</a></span>';
						    	if(swfu && !swfu.uploadFolderPathSent && !uploadFolderPathSet) $('input#path').attr('value', 'public/galleries/' + response.alias);
						    	alias_cell.innerHTML = '<input type="hidden" name="friendly_url" id="alias_value" value=""><?php 
    echo $parent_href;
<span id="alias_placeholder"><input type="text" id="alias" value="" onblur="saveAlias();"></span>';
					    	//var alias_row = document.getElementById('alias_row');
					    	// = (isIE ? 'block' : 'table-row');

			function saveForm(op2)
				var form = document.getElementById('editForm');
				var title = document.getElementById('pealkiri');
				if(title.value.length == 0)
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'please_fill_in_the_title!', 'tyyp' => 'admin'));
				var alias_value = document.getElementById('alias_value');
				var alias = document.getElementById('alias');
				if((title.value && !alias_value) || (alias && alias_value && alias.value != alias_value.value))
					    url: 'ajax_response.php?rand=' + Math.random(9999),
					    data: {op: 'generate_alias', string: title.value, language_id: '<?php 
    echo $keel;
					    type: 'POST',
					    dataType: 'json',
					    timeout: 1000,
					    error: function()
					    	var form = document.getElementById('editForm');
					    	form.op2.value = op2;
					    success: function(response)
					    	var alias_value = document.getElementById('alias_value');
					    	if(!alias_value && response.alias)
						    	var alias_cell = document.getElementById('alias_cell');
						    	alias_cell.innerHTML = '<input type="hidden" name="friendly_url" id="alias_value" value="' + response.alias + '"><?php 
    echo $parent_href;
<span id="alias_placeholder"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="editAlias();" id="alias_link">' + (response.alias.length > 30 ? response.alias.substring(0, 30) + '...' : response.alias) + '</a></span>';
					    	var form = document.getElementById('editForm');
					    	form.op2.value = op2;
	 				form.op2.value = op2;
    if ($site->CONF['fm_allow_multiple_upload'] && $parent->all['ttyyp_id'] != 39) {
			// SWFupload handler functions
			function fileQueued(file) {
				try {
				} catch (ex) {

			function fileQueueError(file, errorCode, message) {
				try {
					if (errorCode === SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR.QUEUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) {
        echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'upload_queue_limit', 'tyyp' => 'Files'));
' + ': ' + this.settings.file_queue_limit);
					if (errorCode === SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR.FILE_EXCEEDS_SIZE_LIMIT) {
						alert( + ' ' + '<?php 
        echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'upload_limit_size', 'tyyp' => 'Files'));
' + ' ' + this.settings.file_size_limit);
					switch (errorCode) {
						if (file !== null) {
							alert("Error Code: " + errorCode + ", File name: " + + ", File size: " + file.size + ", Message: " + message);
						this.debug("Error Code: " + errorCode + ", File name: " + + ", File size: " + file.size + ", Message: " + message);
				} catch (ex) {
			function fileDialogComplete(numFilesSelected, numFilesQueued) {
				try {
					if(numFilesQueued > 0)
						this.setButtonDimensions(1, 1);
						this.numFilesQueued = numFilesQueued;
						if(!$('input#path').attr('value')) $('input#path').attr('value', folder_path);
						this.addPostParam('folder_path', $('input#path').attr('value'));
						this.uploadFolderPathSent = true;
				} catch (ex)  {
			function uploadStart(file) {
				try {
					$('td#upload_progress_text_cell').html( + ' <span id="percent_placeholder">0</span>%');
					this.progressBarWidth = $('div#upload_progress_grow').width();
				} catch (ex)  {
				return true;
			function uploadProgress(file, bytesLoaded, bytesTotal) {
				try {
					var percent = Math.round((bytesLoaded / bytesTotal) * 100);
					$('div#upload_progress_grow').width(this.progressBarWidth + Math.round(($('div#upload_progress_bar').width() / this.numFilesQueued * percent) / 100));
				} catch (ex) {
			function uploadSuccess(file, serverData) {
				try {
				} catch (ex) {
			function uploadError(file, errorCode, message) {
				try {
					switch (errorCode) {
							// upload canceled
							alert('Error occured while trying to connect.');
							alert("Error Code: " + errorCode + ", File name: " + + ", File size: " + file.size + ", Message: " + message);
				} catch (ex) {
			function uploadComplete(file) {
				if (this.getStats().files_queued === 0) {
					// all files are finished
					this.setButtonDimensions(95, 21);
			function swfuLoaded()
    if ($site->fdat['op'] == 'edit') {
			<iframe src="checkin.php?objekt_id=<?php 
        echo $objekt->objekt_id;
" style="width: 0; height: 0; display: none; visibility: hidden;"></iframe>
		<form action="edit.php" name="editForm" id="editForm" method="POST"  enctype="multipart/form-data">
		<input type="hidden" name="tab" value="<?php 
    echo $site->fdat['tab'];
" />
		<input type="hidden" id="op" name="op" value="<?php 
    echo htmlspecialchars($site->fdat['op']);
" />
		<input type="hidden" id="op2" name="op2" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" id="refresh" name="refresh" value="0" />
		<input type="hidden" name="tyyp_id" value="<?php 
    echo $tyyp['tyyp_id'];
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="tyyp" value="<?php 
    echo $tyyp['klass'];
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="pearubriik" value="<?php 
    echo $pearubriik;
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
    echo $site->fdat['id'];
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="parent_id" value="<?php 
    echo $site->fdat['parent_id'];
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="previous_id" value="<?php 
    echo $site->fdat['previous_id'];
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="keel" value="<?php 
    echo $keel;
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="on_pealkiri" value="1" />
        <input type="hidden" name="sorting" value="<?php 
    echo $site->fdat['sorting'];

		<input type="hidden" name="opener_location" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="publish" value="<?php 
    echo $site->fdat['publish'] || $objekt->all['on_avaldatud'] ? 1 : 0;

		<input name="permanent_parent_id" type="hidden" value="<?php 
    echo $objekt->parent_id;
" />
		<input name="sys_alias" type="hidden" value="<?php 
    echo $site->fdat['sys_alias'] ? $site->fdat['sys_alias'] : $objekt->all['sys_alias'];
" />
		<input name="advanced_panel_state" id="advanced_panel_state" type="hidden" value="<?php 
    echo $site->fdat['advanced_panel_state'] ? htmlspecialchars($site->fdat['advanced_panel_state']) : 0;
" />
		<div id="size_wrapper" class="section_editor">
		<div id="main_container">
    ########### Tabs  ########
			<div id="tab_container">
				<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="selected"><?php 
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'tyyp_album', 'tyyp' => 'System'));
			<div id="content_container">
				<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="form_row">
						<td class="label"><label><?php 
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'Pealkiri', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
						<td class="input"><input type="text" class="text" name="pealkiri" id="pealkiri" value="<?php 
    echo htmlspecialchars($objekt->all['pealkiri']);
" onblur="createAlias();" /></td>
    if (($objekt->objekt_id || isset($objekt->all['friendly_url'])) && !($objekt->all['sys_alias'] == 'home' || $objekt->all['sys_alias'] == 'trash' || $objekt->all['sys_alias'] == 'system' || $objekt->all['sys_alias'] == 'gallup_arhiiv')) {
						<td class="label">&nbsp;</td>
						<td class="input"><input type="hidden" id="alias_value" name="friendly_url" name="friendly_url" value="<?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars($objekt->all['friendly_url']);
" /><?php 
        echo $parent_href;
<span id="alias_placeholder"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="editAlias();" id="alias_link"><?php 
        echo $objekt->all['friendly_url'] ? strlen(htmlspecialchars($objekt->all['friendly_url'])) > 30 ? substr(htmlspecialchars($objekt->all['friendly_url']), 0, 30) . '...' : htmlspecialchars($objekt->all['friendly_url']) : $objekt->objekt_id;
    } else {
					<tr id="alias_row">
						<td class="label">&nbsp;</td>
						<td class="input" id="alias_cell"></td>
    ########### images folder  ########
    if ($parent->all['ttyyp_id'] != 39) {
					<tr id="images_folder">
						<td class="label"><?php 
        echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'Image files directory', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
						<td class="input">
							<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="container" id="images_folder_cf_container_table">
        ########### images folder  ########
									<td id="images_folder_cf_container_cell"<?php 
        echo $args['path'] ? '' : ' class="hidden"';
										<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="cf_container">
												<th><input type="hidden" name="path" id="path" value="<?php 
        echo $args['path'] ? $args['path'] : '';
"><span id="images_folder_path"><a href="javascript:chooseFolder();" id="images_folder_path_link" title="<?php 
        echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'choose_a_folder', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
        echo $args['path'];
												<td><a href="javascript:chooseFolder();" title="<?php 
        echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'choose_a_folder', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
												<td><a href="javascript:clearFolder();">X</a></td>
        ########### add images  ########
        if ($site->CONF['fm_allow_multiple_upload']) {
									<td id="images_add_button_cell">
										<span id="span_upload_button_place_holder"></span>
            ########### upload progress  ########
									<td id="upload_progress_cell" class="hidden"><div id="upload_progress_bar"><div id="upload_progress_grow"></div></div></td><!-- / scms_upload_progress -->
									<td id="upload_progress_text_cell" class="hidden"></td><!-- / scms_upload_text -->
        ########### choose_a_folder  ########
									<td id="images_choose_folder_button_cell"<?php 
        echo $args['path'] ? ' class="hidden"' : '';
        if ($site->CONF['fm_allow_multiple_upload']) {
            echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'or', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
										<input type="button" value="<?php 
        echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'choose_a_folder', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
" class="inline_button" onclick="chooseFolder();" />
    ########### description  ########
						<td class="label"><?php 
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'Kirjeldus', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
						<td class="input"><textarea name="desc"><?php 
    echo $args['desc'] ? $args['desc'] : "";
    ########### publishing  ########
						<td class="label"><?php 
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'visible_to_visitors', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
						<td><input type="radio" name="publish" id="object_published" value="1"<?php 
    echo $site->fdat['publish'] || $objekt->all['on_avaldatud'] ? ' checked' : '';
    echo $objekt->permission && !$objekt->permission['P'] || !$objekt->permission && !$parent->permission['P'] ? ' disabled="disabled"' : NULL;
> <label for="object_published"><?php 
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'published', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
</label>	<input type="radio" name="publish" id="object_unpublished" value="0"<?php 
    echo $site->fdat['publish'] == 0 && $objekt->all['on_avaldatud'] == 0 ? ' checked' : '';
    echo $objekt->permission && !$objekt->permission['P'] || !$objekt->permission && !$parent->permission['P'] ? ' disabled="disabled"' : NULL;
> <label for="object_unpublished"><?php 
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'unpublished', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
				<br />
    ########### advanced  ########
				<div class="panel_toggler" onclick="togglePanel('advanced');">
					<a href="javascript:void(0);"><?php 
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'Advanced', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
 <span id="advanced_panel_link_state">&raquo;</span></a>
				<div id="advanced_panel" class="panel">
    ########### image sizes  ########
					<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="form_row">
							<td class="label">Image sizes:</td>
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'Image size', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
								<input name="pic_size" class="text_number" value="<?php 
    echo $args['pic_size'] ? $args['pic_size'] : $site->CONF['image_width'];
" />
								<input name="old_pic_size" type="hidden" value="<?php 
    echo $args['pic_size'] ? $args['pic_size'] : $site->CONF['image_width'];
" />
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'Thumbnail size', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
								<input name="tn_size" class="text_number" value="<?php 
    echo $args['tn_size'] ? $args['tn_size'] : $site->CONF['thumb_width'];
" />
								<input name="old_tn_size" type="hidden" value="<?php 
    echo $args['tn_size'] ? $args['tn_size'] : $site->CONF['thumb_width'];
" />
    ########### parent section  ########
    if ($section_name) {
					<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="form_row">
							<td class="label"><label><?php 
        echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'Rubriigid', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
							<td class="input">
								<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="cf_container">
										<th><input type="hidden" name="rubriik[]" id="rubriik" value="<?php 
        echo $parent->objekt_id;
"><span id="section_name"><a href="javascript:chooseSection();"><?php 
        echo $section_name;
										<td><a href="javascript:chooseSection();">..</a></td>
					<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="form_row">
							<td class="label">&nbsp;</td>
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'Avaldatud', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
							<td><input type="text" id="publish_start" name="avaldamise_algus" maxlength="16" class="text_date" value="<?php 
    echo $publish_start;
" /></td>
							<td><a href="javascript:init_datepicker('publish_start', 'publish_start', 'publish_end');"><img src="<?php 
    echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['styles_path'];
/gfx/calendar/cal.gif" width="16" height="15" title="Choose from calendar" alt="Choose from calendar" /></a></td>
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'Kuni', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
							<td><input type="text" id="publish_end" name="avaldamise_lopp" maxlength="16" class="text_date" value="<?php 
    echo $publish_end;
" /></td>
							<td><a href="javascript:init_datepicker('publish_end', 'publish_start', 'publish_end');"><img src="<?php 
    echo $site->CONF['wwwroot'] . $site->CONF['styles_path'];
/gfx/calendar/cal.gif" width="16" height="15" title="Choose from calendar" alt="Choose from calendar" /></a></td>
    ########### position  ########
    if ($site->CONF['allow_change_position']) {
					<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="form_row">
							<td class="label"><label><?php 
        echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'Position', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
							<td><input type="text" maxlength="5" class="text_position" name="kesk" value="<?php 
        echo $site->fdat['op'] == 'edit' ? $objekt->all['kesk'] : $site->fdat['kesk'];
" /></td>
    } else {
						<input type="hidden" name="kesk" value="<?php 
        echo $site->fdat['op'] == 'edit' ? $objekt->all['kesk'] : $site->fdat['kesk'];
" />
		<div id="button_container">
			<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="form_submit_buttons_table">
					<td id="apply_button_cell">
						<input type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'Apply', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
" onclick="saveForm('save');" />
					<td id="save_close_button_cell">
						<input type="button" class="button" value="&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php 
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'save_and_close', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" onclick="saveForm('saveclose');" />
						<input type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'Close', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
" onclick="window.close();" />		
			<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="hidden" id="upload_cancel_table">
					<td id="cancel_button_cell">
						<input type="button" class="button" value="<?php 
    echo $site->sys_sona(array('sona' => 'katkesta', 'tyyp' => 'editor'));
" onclick="swfu.cancelQueue();" />		
		</div> <!-- / button_container -->
		</div> <!-- / size_wrapper -->
