function update_auction_list()
    $ebatns_dir = DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'EbatNs' . SLASH;
    require_once $ebatns_dir . 'EbatNs_ServiceProxy.php';
    require_once $ebatns_dir . 'EbatNs_Logger.php';
    require_once $ebatns_dir . 'GetSellerEventsRequestType.php';
    $mySession = create_ebay_session();
    if ($mySession) {
        //look for auction details of ended auctions
        $mynewstarttime = toGMT(date(AUCTIONS_DATE_FORMAT));
        $eventarray = get_new_Events($mySession, $mynewstarttime);
        $auctionssql = SELECT_ALL . TABLE_AUCTION_LIST . SQL_WHERE . "auction_list.ended!=1 AND auction_list.starttime <= '" . $mynewstarttime . "' " . $ordersql;
        $myauctions = olc_db_query($auctionssql);
        while ($auctions_values = olc_db_fetch_array($myauctions)) {
            $mybidcount = $auctions_values['bidcount'];
            //look if spec. auctionitem has some new events
            $auction_id = $auctions_values['auction_id'];
            $current_eventarray = $eventarray[$auction_id];
            if (isset($current_eventarray)) {
                $endtime = $auctions_values['endtime'];
                $starttime = $auctions_values['starttime'];
                $bidcount = $current_eventarray['bidcount'];
                $bidprice = $current_eventarray['price'];
                $endtime = $current_eventarray['endtime'];
                if ($bidcount > $mybidcount && $endtime <= $endtime) {
                    update_bidcount($starttime, $endtime, $bidcount, $bidprice, $auction_id);
                } else {
                    if ($endtime > $endtime) {
                        update_ended($starttime, $endtime, $auction_id);
            } else {
                if ($endtime <= $mynewstarttime) {
                    update_ended($starttime, $endtime, $auction_id);
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Released under the GNU General Public License
require 'includes/application_top.php';
require_once $ebatns_dir . 'EbatNs_ServiceProxy.php';
require_once $ebatns_dir . 'EbatNs_Logger.php';
require_once $ebatns_dir . 'GetSellerEventsRequestType.php';
require_once $ebatns_dir . 'GetSellerTransactionsRequestType.php';
$mySession = new EbatNs_Session(AUCTIONS_EBAY_CONFIG);
//check if button for pickup new data is clicked
if (isset($_POST['pickup'])) {
    //if last click was more than 30 min ago
    if (check_time_dif()) {
        //update auction list
        if (update_auction_list()) {
            $session = create_ebay_session();
            if ($session) {
                //look for auction details of ended auctions
                $resultstring = AUCTIONS_TEXT_AUCTION_LIST_STATUS_SUCCESS;
            } else {
                $resultstring = EBAY_SESSION_ERROR;
        } else {
            $resultstring = EBAY_SESSION_ERROR;
    } else {
    if ($resultstring) {
        $main_content = "<span class='smallText'>" . $resultstring . "</span><br/>";