function addTimesLoaded($theRes, $sqlconn) { $mixids = array(); $mixnames = array(); $owners = array(); $published = array(); $mixesLoaded = array(); $theRes = new SimpleXMLElement($theRes); foreach ($theRes->children() as $header) { foreach ($header->children() as $child) { if ($child->getName() == 'mixid') { $mixids[] = $child; $mixesLoaded[] = getMixesLoadedCount($child, $sqlconn); } if ($child->getName() == 'mixname') { $mixnames[] = $child; } if ($child->getName() == 'owner') { $owners[] = $child; } if ($child->getName() == 'published') { $published[] = $child; } } } $table = 'Mixes'; $args = array('mixid' => $mixids, 'mixname' => $mixnames, 'owner' => $owners, 'published' => $published, 'mixesLoaded' => $mixesLoaded); $xml = createXML($table, $args); return $xml; }
function getPassword($fEmail, $sqlconn) { $table = 'UserInfo'; $queryType = 'Select'; $condition = array('Email', $fEmail, 'text'); $types = array('text'); $columns = array('Password'); $values = array(null); $args = array('column' => $columns, 'value' => $values, 'type' => $types); $xml = createXML($table, $args); $res = $sqlconn->query($xml, $queryType, $condition); $thepassword = getValue($res); if ($thepassword == '') { echo 'Account does not exist'; } else { $mail = new PHPMailer(true); //New instance, with exceptions enabled $body = "Password: "******"\r\nReturn to site:"; $body = preg_replace('/\\\\/', '', $body); //Strip backslashes $mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP //$mail->Host = ""; // SMTP server $mail->Host = ""; //$mail->Host = ""; // SMTP server $mail->SMTPDebug = 1; // enables SMTP debug information (for testing) // 1 = errors and messages // 2 = messages only // tell the class to use SMTP $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication $mail->Port = 25; // set the SMTP server port //$mail->Port = 587; // set the SMTP server port $mail->Username = "******"; // SMTP server username //$mail->Username = "******"; // SMTP server username $config = new config(); $mail->Password = $config->getSMTPPass(); // SMTP server password $mail->AddReplyTo("*****@*****.**", "YouMix"); $mail->From = "*****@*****.**"; $mail->FromName = "YouMix"; //$to = "*****@*****.**"; $mail->AddAddress($fEmail); $mail->Subject = " Password retrieval"; $mail->AltBody = "To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!"; // optional, comment out and test $mail->WordWrap = 80; // set word wrap $mail->MsgHTML($body); $mail->IsHTML(true); // send as HTML $mail->Send(); echo 'Password has been sent.'; } }
function getPublishedValue($sqlconn, $theMixName) { $table = 'Mixes'; $queryType = 'Select'; $condition = array('MixName', $theMixName, 'text'); $types = array('text'); $columns = array('Published'); $values = array(null); $args = array('column' => $columns, 'value' => $values, 'type' => $types); $xml = createXML($table, $args); $res = $sqlconn->query($xml, $queryType, $condition); $publishedValue = getValue($res); return $publishedValue; }
function getMix($sqlconn, $theMixId) { $table = 'Mixes'; $queryType = 'Select'; $condition = array('MixId', $theMixId, 'text'); $types = array('text'); $columns = array('MixName'); $values = array(null); $args = array('column' => $columns, 'value' => $values, 'type' => $types); $xml = createXML($table, $args); $res = $sqlconn->query($xml, $queryType, $condition); $mixName = getValue($res); if ($mixName == '') { $mixName = 'Mix not found'; } return $mixName; }
function getSongs($songsMixTitle, $sqlconn) { $songs = array(); $startTimes = array(); $songsMixTitle = str_replace("'", "\\'", $songsMixTitle); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT * FROM Mixes WHERE MixName = '{$songsMixTitle}'", 'Mixes'); $mixid = getMixId($res); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT SongId FROM MixSongs WHERE MixId = '{$mixid}' ORDER BY SongId", 'MixSongs'); $songids = getSongIds($res); foreach ($songids as $songid) { $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE SongId = '{$songid}'", 'Songs'); $songs[] = getSong($res); $startTimes[] = getStartTime($res); } $args = array('VideoId' => $songs, 'StartTime' => $startTimes); $xml = createXML('Songs', $args); return $xml; }
/** * 获取每一页中的产品名称和url3 * @param $pageUrl */ function getProductUrls($pageUrl, $brandsArray, $keyword, $withoutFilementKeywordXMLName) { ob_start(); //打开输出控制缓冲 ob_end_flush(); //输出缓冲区内容并关闭缓冲 ob_implicit_flush(1); //立即输出 $xmlFileName = 'xml/' . $withoutFilementKeywordXMLName . '.xml'; $html = file_get_html($pageUrl); $ulsdiv = $html->find('.s-result-item'); //获取ul // $productUrls = array(); $index = 0; foreach ($ulsdiv as $li) { $title = $li->find('h2', 0)->plaintext; $productUrl = $li->find('a', 0)->href; $brand = trim($li->find('.a-color-secondary', 1)->plaintext); echo $brand . '-----' . $title . '<br/>'; //存在关键词则认为是打印材料,添加到对应品牌xml文件,否则添加到丢弃文件 if (containsKeyword($title, $keyword)) { //品牌存在,则说明该品牌的xml文件已经存在,直接将该产品添加到对应的xml文件中,否则新建品牌xml文件 if (in_array($brand, $brandsArray)) { addToXML($brand, $brand, $title, $productUrl); } else { createXML($brand, $brand, $title, $productUrl); $brandsArray[$brand] = $brand; } } else { if (file_exists($xmlFileName)) { addToXML($withoutFilementKeywordXMLName, $brand, $title, $productUrl); } else { createXML($withoutFilementKeywordXMLName, $brand, $title, $productUrl); } } // $productUrls[$index] = $productUrl; sleep(1); ob_flush(); //输出缓冲区中的内容 flush(); //刷新输出缓冲 } return $brandsArray; }
function syncMixAndSongs($sqlconn, $titleSync, $emailSync, $datetimeSync) { $titleSync = str_replace("'", "\\'", $titleSync); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT * FROM Mixes WHERE Owner = '{$emailSync}' AND MixName = '{$titleSync}'", 'Mixes'); $mixid = getMixId($res); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE TimeAdded = '{$datetimeSync}'", 'Songs'); $songids = getSongIds($res); $table = 'MixSongs'; $queryType = 'Insert'; $condition = null; $types = array('integer', 'integer'); $columns = array('MixId', 'SongId'); for ($x = 0; $x < count($songids); $x++) { $values = array($mixid, $songids[$x]); $args = array('column' => $columns, 'value' => $values, 'type' => $types); $xml2 = createXML($table, $args); $res = $sqlconn->query($xml2, $queryType, $condition); } echo "Mix created!<br/>"; echo "Go to the <a href='' class='linkbutton' id='myMixesLinkFromCreate'>My Mixes</a> page to play your mix."; }
function syncMixAndSongs($sqlconn, $titleSync, $emailSync, $datetimeSync) { $titleSync = str_replace("'", "\\'", $titleSync); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT * FROM Mixes WHERE Owner = '{$emailSync}' AND MixName = '{$titleSync}'", 'Mixes'); $mixid = getMixId($res); $res = $sqlconn->complexQuery("Select", "SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE TimeAdded = '{$datetimeSync}'", 'Songs'); $songids = getSongIds($res); $table = 'MixSongs'; $queryType = 'Insert'; $condition = null; $types = array('integer', 'integer'); $columns = array('MixId', 'SongId'); for ($x = 0; $x < count($songids); $x++) { $values = array($mixid, $songids[$x]); $args = array('column' => $columns, 'value' => $values, 'type' => $types); $xml2 = createXML($table, $args); $res = $sqlconn->query($xml2, $queryType, $condition); } }
function deleteValuesFromTempTable($emailDelete, $sql) { $table = 'TempUser'; $queryType = 'Delete'; $condition = array('Email', $emailDelete, 'text'); $types = array('text'); $columns = array('Email'); $somevalues = array(null); $args = array('column' => $columns, 'value' => $somevalues, 'type' => $types); $xml = createXML($table, $args); $res = $sql->query($xml, $queryType, $condition); }
function writeXML() { $datei = fopen("authors.xml", "w"); $result = createXML(); fwrite($datei, $result); $ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; header("Location:" . $ref); }
function checkIfUserExists($emailCheck, $sqlconn) { $table = 'UserInfo'; $queryType = 'Select'; $condition = array('Email', $emailCheck, 'text'); $types = array('text'); $columns = array('Email'); $values = array(null); $args = array('column' => $columns, 'value' => $values, 'type' => $types); $xml = createXML($table, $args); $res = $sqlconn->query($xml, $queryType, $condition); $checkValues = getValues($res); if ($checkValues . "" == strtolower($emailCheck) . "") { return true; } else { return false; } }