function execute( $par ) { global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest; $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_title1' ) ); if ( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'importtsv' ) ) { $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_not_allowed' ) ); return false; } $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dc = wdGetDataSetcontext(); $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_importing' ) ); setlocale( LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8' ); if ( $wgRequest->getFileName( 'tsvfile' ) ) { // ***************** // process tsv // ***************** require_once( 'WikiDataAPI.php' ); require_once( 'Transaction.php' ); $testRun = $wgRequest->getCheck( 'testrun' ); // lets do some tests first. Is this even a tsv file? // It is _very_ important that the file is utf-8 encoded. // also, this is a good time to determine the max line length for the // fgetcsv function. $file = fopen( $wgRequest->getFileTempname( 'tsvfile' ), 'r' ); $myLine = ""; $maxLineLength = 0; while ( $myLine = fgets( $file ) ) { if ( !preg_match( '/./u', $myLine ) ) { $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_import_failed' ) ); $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_not_utf8' ) ); return false; } $maxLineLength = max( $maxLineLength, strlen( $myLine ) + 2 ); } // start from the beginning again. Check if the column names are valid rewind( $file ); $columns = fgetcsv( $file, $maxLineLength, "\t" ); // somehow testing for $columns[0] fails sometimes. Byte Order Mark? if ( !$columns || count( $columns ) <= 2 || $columns[1] != "defining expression" ) { $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_import_failed' ) ); $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_not_tsv' ) ); return false; } for ( $i = 2; $i < count( $columns ); $i++ ) { $columnName = $columns[$i]; $baseName = substr( $columnName, 0, strrpos( $columnName, '_' ) ); if ( $baseName == "definition" || $baseName == "translations" ) { $langCode = substr( $columnName, strrpos( $columnName, '_' ) + 1 ); if ( !getLanguageIdForIso639_3( $langCode ) ) { $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_import_failed' ) ); $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_impexptsv_unknown_lang', $langCode ) ); return false; } } else { // column name does not start with definition or translations. $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_import_failed' ) ); $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_bad_columns', $columnName ) ); return false; } } // // All tests passed. lets get started // if ( $testRun ) { $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_test_run_title' ) ); } else { $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_importing' ) ); } startNewTransaction( $wgUser->getID(), wfGetIP(), "Bulk import via Special:ImportTSV", $dc ); # this string shouldn't be localized because it will be stored in the db $row = ""; $line = 1; // actually 2, 1 was the header, but increased at the start of while $definitions = 0; // definitions added $translations = 0; // translations added while ( $row = fgetcsv( $file, $maxLineLength, "\t" ) ) { $line++; $dmid = $row[0]; $exp = $row[1]; // find the defined meaning record $qry = "SELECT dm.meaning_text_tcid, exp.spelling "; $qry .= "FROM {$dc}_defined_meaning dm INNER JOIN {$dc}_expression exp ON dm.expression_id=exp.expression_id "; $qry .= "WHERE dm.defined_meaning_id=$dmid "; $qry .= "AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'dm' ); $qry .= "AND " . getLatestTransactionRestriction( 'exp' ); $dmResult = $dbr->query( $qry ); $dmRecord = null; // perfomr some tests if ( $dmRecord = $dbr->fetchRow( $dmResult ) ) { if ( $dmRecord['spelling'] != $exp ) { $wgOut->addHTML( "Skipped line $line: defined meaning id $dmid does not match defining expression. Should be '{$dmRecord['spelling']}', found '$exp'.<br />" ); continue; } } else { $wgOut->addHTML( "Skipped line $line: unknown defined meaning id $dmid. The id may have been altered in the imported file, or the defined meaning or defining expression was removed from the database.<br />" ); continue; } // all is well. Get the translated content id $tcid = $dmRecord['meaning_text_tcid']; for ( $columnIndex = 2; $columnIndex < count( $columns ); $columnIndex++ ) { // Google docs removes empty columns at the end of a row, // so if column index is higher than the length of the row, we can break // and move on to the next defined meaning. if ( columnIndex >= count( $row ) ) { break; } $columnValue = $row[$columnIndex]; if ( !$columnValue ) { continue; } $columnName = $columns[$columnIndex]; $langCode = substr( $columnName, strrpos( $columnName, '_' ) + 1 ); $langId = getLanguageIdForIso639_3( $langCode ); if ( strpos( $columnName, 'definition' ) === 0 ) { if ( !translatedTextExists( $tcid, $langId ) ) { if ( $testRun ) { $wgOut->addHTML( "Would add definition for $exp ($dmid) in $langCode: $columnValue.<br />" ); } else { addTranslatedText( $tcid, $langId, $columnValue ); $wgOut->addHTML( "Added definition for $exp ($dmid) in $langCode: $columnValue.<br />" ); $definitions++; } } } if ( strpos( $columnName, 'translation' ) === 0 ) { $spellings = explode( '|', $columnValue ); foreach ( $spellings as $spelling ) { $spelling = trim( $spelling ); $expression = findExpression( $spelling, $langId ); if ( !$expression ) { // expression does not exist if ( $testRun ) { $wgOut->addHTML( "Would add translation for $exp ($dmid) in $langCode: $spelling. Would also add new page.<br />" ); } else { $expression = createExpression( $spelling, $langId ); $expression->bindToDefinedMeaning( $dmid, 1 ); // not nescesary to check page exists, createPage does that. $title = getPageTitle( $spelling ); createPage( 16, $title ); $wgOut->addHTML( "Added translation for $exp ($dmid) in $langCode: $spelling. Also added new page.<br />" ); $translations++; } } else { // expression exists, but may not be bound to this defined meaning. if ( !$expression->isBoundToDefinedMeaning( $dmid ) ) { if ( $testRun ) { $wgOut->addHTML( "Would add translation for $exp ($dmid) in $langCode: $spelling.<br />" ); } else { $expression->bindToDefinedMeaning( $dmid, 1 ); $wgOut->addHTML( "Added translation for $exp ($dmid) in $langCode: $spelling.<br />" ); $translations++; } } } } } } } if ( $definitions == 0 && $translations == 0 ) { $wgOut->addHTML( "<br />" ); if ( $testRun ) { $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_nothing_added_test' ) ); } else { $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_nothing_added' ) ); } $wgOut->addHTML( "<br />" ); } else { $wgOut->addHTML( "<br />" . wfMsgExt( 'ow_importtsv_results', 'parsemag', $definitions, $translations ) . "<br />" ); } } else { // render the page $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_title2' ) ); $wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_header' ) ); $wgOut->addHTML( getOptionPanelForFileUpload( array( wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_file' ) => getFileField( 'tsvfile' ), wfMsg( 'ow_importtsv_test_run' ) => getCheckBox( 'testrun', true ) ) ) ); } }
?> "> <input type="hidden" name="code" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['code']; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="act" value="<?php echo $actImage; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<?php echo $_lang_A; ?> "> <?php $pageindex = createPage(countRecord($tableImageId, $whereComment), './?act=' . $actImage . '&codeParent=' . $_REQUEST['codeParent'] . '&idComment=' . $_REQUEST['idComment'] . '&code_frame=' . $_REQUEST['code_frame'] . '&code_module=' . $_REQUEST['code_module'] . '&code=' . $_REQUEST['code'] . '&page=', $MAXPAGE, $page, '10', $_lang_A); //phan trang if ($_GET['code'] == 1) { $errMsg = ASUCCESSFULLY; } //kiem tra cap nhat thanh cong hay chua ?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <?php echo $totalItems > $MAXPAGE ? '<td height="30" class="smallfont" align="left" valign="middle" >Page :' . $pageindex . '</td>' : ''; ?> <td height="30" align="right" valign="middle" class="smallfont">
} $errMsg = "Đã xóa " . $cnt . " đơn hàng.<br><br>"; $errMsg .= $cntNotDel > 0 ? 'Không thể xóa ' . $cntNotDel . ' đơn hàng, vì vẫn còn sản phẩm tồn tại trong chi tiết đơn hàng !' : $cntNotDel; } else { $errMsg = 'Hãy chọn trước khi xóa !'; } } ?> <form method="POST" name="frmForm" action="./"> <input type="hidden" name="act" value="order"> <input type=hidden name="page" value="<?php echo $page; ?> "> <?php $pageindex = createPage(countRecord("tbl_order", "1=1"), './?act=order"."&page=', $MAXPAGE, $page); ?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr><td height="30" class="smallfont">Trang : <?php echo $pageindex; ?> </td></tr> </table> <table border="1" cellpadding="2" bordercolor="#C9C9C9" width="100%"> <tr> <th width="20" class="title"><input type="checkbox" name="chkall" onclick="chkallClick(this);"></th> <th width="20" class="title"></th> <th width="80" class="title">Chi tiết</th> <th width="20" class="title">ID</th>
$parentWhereConfig = ''; $errMsg = ''; $totalItems = countRecord($tableUser, $parentWhereConfig); //FILE xoa mau tin if (!$_SESSION['level'] < 2 and $_REQUEST['id'] != '4') { include 'delete.php'; } //Update Order include 'updateOrder.php'; //Update Show include 'updateShow.php'; if ($_GET['code'] == 1) { $errMsg = 'Successfully updated.'; } //kiem tra cap nhat thanh cong hay chua $pageindex = createPage(countRecord($tableUser, $parentWhereConfig), './?act=' . $actUser . '&codeParent=' . $_REQUEST['codeParent'] . '&name=' . $_REQUEST['name'] . '&ma=' . $_REQUEST['ma'] . '&page=', $MAXPAGE, $page, '30', $_lang_A); //phan trang $pageindexHtml = $totalItems > $MAXPAGE ? '<td height="30" class="smallfont" align="left" valign="middle" >Page :' . $pageindex . '</td>' : ''; if ($errMsg != '') { $errMsgHtml = '<p align=center class="err">' . $errMsg . '<br></p>'; } $sql = "select *,DATE_FORMAT(date_added,'%d/%m/%Y %h:%i') as dateAdd,DATE_FORMAT(last_modified,'%d/%m/%Y %h:%i') as dateModify from {$tableUser}"; $result = @mysql_query($sql, $conn); $i = 0; while ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $color = $i++ % 2 ? '#d5d5d5' : '#e5e5e5'; if ($row['status'] == 0) { $showNotshow = " <a href=\"./?act=" . $actUser . "&action=notshow&codeParent=" . $_REQUEST['codeParent'] . "&id=" . $row['id'] . "&page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&lang=" . $_lang_A . "\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"images/show.gif\" alt=\"" . TSHOW . "\" height=\"20\"/></a>"; } else { $showNotshow = "<a href=\"./?act=" . $actUser . "&action=show&codeParent=" . $_REQUEST['codeParent'] . "&id=" . $row['id'] . "&page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&lang=" . $_lang_A . "\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"images/notshow.gif\" alt=\"" . TNOTSHOW . "\" height=\"20\"/></a>"; }
<?php session_start(); // // Display any php errors (for development purposes) error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); require_once __DIR__ . '/../../config.php'; // Include API Calls require_once 'wizardAPI.php'; require_once 'simple_html_dom.php'; $homePage = getPageFromCourse($courseID, "home"); if (isset($homePage->created_at)) { if ($homePage->created_at !== '') { echo 'Already Exists'; exit; } } if ($_POST['createPage'] == true) { $frontPageTitle = 'Home'; $frontPageBody = ''; $frontPageParams = 'wiki_page[title]=' . $frontPageTitle . '&wiki_page[body]=' . urlencode($frontPageBody) . '&wiki_page[published]=true&wiki_page[front_page]=true'; $newPage = createPage($courseID, $frontPageParams); $responseData = json_decode($newPage, true); $page_url = $responseData['url']; echo '<i class="fa fa-check"></i> Page Created'; }
} else { $parentWhereConfig1 = $whereStatus; } $parentWhereConfig = $parentWhereConfig1; $parentWhereConfigDEA = "id=" . $codeParent . " and {$whereStatus}"; $totalDetele = 1; //countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId,$parentWhereConfigDEA.$parentWhereConfigDefaultDetele); $totalEdit = 1; //countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId,$parentWhereConfigDEA.$parentWhereConfigDefaultEdit); $totalAddnew = 1; //countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId,$parentWhereConfigDEA.$parentWhereConfigDefaultAddnew); //DINH SO PHAN TRANG=======================================================[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ /*--------KIEM TRA THUOC TINH---------------------*/ //$defaulType = getRecord($tableCategoryConfigId," id=".$_REQUEST['codeParent']." and ".$whereStatus); $totalItems = countRecord($tableCityId, $parentWhereConfig); $pageindex = createPage(countRecord($tableCityId, $parentWhereConfig), './?act=' . $actCity . '&module_city=' . $_REQUEST['module_city'] . '&page=', $MAXPAGE, $page, '30', $_lang_A); //phan trang $showPageIndex = $totalItems > $MAXPAGE ? '<td height="30" class="smallfont" align="left" valign="middle" >' . TPAGE . ' :' . $pageindex . '</td>' : ''; //TIEU DE CUA COT=====================================================================[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] //SAC DINH THANH VIEN NAY CO CHO XOA KO============== if ($totalDetele > 0) { $trDetele_1title = "<th width=\"20\" class=\"title\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkall\" onClick=\"chkallClick(this);\"></th>"; $trDetele_2title = "<th align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"> </th>"; $trDetele_1bottom = "<td></td>"; $trDeteleAllbottom = "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . TDELETESELECTSD . "\" name=\"btnDel\" onClick=\"return confirm('" . AAREYOUDELETE . "');\" class=\"button\">"; } //SAC DINH THANH VIEN NAY CO CHO XOA KO============== //SAC DINH THANH VIEN NAY CO CHO SUA KO============== if ($totalEdit > 0) { $trEdit_1title = "<th align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"> </th>"; $trEdit_1bottom = "<td></td>";
$session->redirectUrl = $page->path . "add/"; } elseif (!$input->post->submit) { $content = renderPage('ip_registration'); } else { // Register Service $user = wire('user')->name; $parent = $pages->get($page->id); $operator = wire('user')->id; if ($pages->get("template=staticip, title={$input->post->mac}") instanceof Nullpage) { // Creat IP do { $ip = long2ip(rand(ip2long("{$pages->get('template=site-setting')->start_ip}"), ip2long("{$pages->get('template=site-setting')->end_ip}"))); } while (!$pages->get("template=staticip, static_ip={$ip}") instanceof NullPage); // Add new if not exist $mac = strtoupper($input->post->mac); $s = createPage('staticip', $parent, $mac); $s->subtitle = $input->post->title; $s->operator = $operator; $s->static_ip = $ip; $s->save(); } else { // Update if exit $operator = wire('user')->id; $s = $pages->get("title={$input->post->mac}"); $s->operator = $operator; $s->key = $input->post->key; $s->of(false); $s->save(); $s->of(true); } $content = "<h2>Node Hinzugefügt:</h2>\n <p>\n Titel: {$s->subtitle}<br>\n MAC : {$s->title}<br>\n IP : {$s->static_ip}<br>\n Betreiber: {$users->get($s->operator)->name}\n </p>";
$parentWhereConfig1 = "name like '%" . $_GET['name'] . "%' and {$whereStatus}"; } $parentWhereConfig = $parentWhereConfig1; $parentWhereConfigDEA = "id=" . $codeParent . " and {$whereStatus}"; $totalDetele = 1; //countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId,$parentWhereConfigDEA.$parentWhereConfigDefaultDetele); $totalEdit = 1; //countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId,$parentWhereConfigDEA.$parentWhereConfigDefaultEdit); $totalAddnew = 1; //countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId,$parentWhereConfigDEA.$parentWhereConfigDefaultAddnew); //DINH SO PHAN TRANG=======================================================[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ /*--------KIEM TRA THUOC TINH---------------------*/ //$defaulType = getRecord($tableCategoryConfigId," id=".$_REQUEST['codeParent']." and ".$whereStatus); $MAXPAGE = 20; $totalItems = countRecord($tableMemberId, $parentWhereConfig); $pageindex = createPage(countRecord($tableMemberId, $parentWhereConfig), './?act=' . $actVoucher . '&page=', $MAXPAGE, $page, '30', $_lang_A); //phan trang $showPageIndex = $totalItems > $MAXPAGE ? '<td height="30" class="smallfont" align="left" valign="middle" >' . TPAGE . ' :' . $pageindex . '</td>' : ''; //TIEU DE CUA COT=====================================================================[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] //SAC DINH THANH VIEN NAY CO CHO XOA KO============== if ($totalDetele > 0) { $trDetele_1title = "<th width=\"20\" class=\"title\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkall\" onClick=\"chkallClick(this);\"></th>"; $trDetele_2title = "<th align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"> </th>"; $trDetele_1bottom = "<td></td>"; $trDeteleAllbottom = "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . TDELETESELECTSD . "\" name=\"btnDel\" onClick=\"return confirm('" . AAREYOUDELETE . "');\" class=\"button\">"; } //SAC DINH THANH VIEN NAY CO CHO XOA KO============== //SAC DINH THANH VIEN NAY CO CHO SUA KO============== if ($totalEdit > 0) { $trEdit_1title = "<th align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"> </th>"; $trEdit_1bottom = "<td></td>";
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function viewPage($page, $dir){ if (file_exists($dir.$page)){ echo "<div id='main'> <ul class='tabs'> <li class='selected'> <a href='./index.php?page={$page}'>View</a> </li> <li class=''> <a href='./index.php?page={$page}&edit=true'>Edit</a> </li> <li class=''> <a href='./index.php?page={$page}&delete=true'>Delete</a> </li> </ul> <div class='content'>"; echo "<h1>$page</h1>"; $f = fopen($dir.$page,'r'); $t = date("M j g:i a", filemtime($dir.$path)); $p = fread($f, 25000); $d = replaceWiki($p,$t); echo nl2br($d); } else { createPage($page); } }
?> "> <input type="hidden" name="codeParent" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['codeParent']; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="act" value="<?php echo $actCategoryConfig; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<?php echo $_lang_A; ?> "> <?php $pageindex = createPage(countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId, $parentWhereConfig), './?act=' . $actCategoryConfig . '&codeParent=' . $_REQUEST['codeParent'] . '&page=', $MAXPAGE, $page, '30', $_lang_A); //phan trang if ($_GET['code'] == 1) { $errMsg = ASUCCESSFULLY; } //kiem tra cap nhat thanh cong hay chua ?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="30" align="right" valign="middle" class="smallfont"> <table width="100%" border="0" align="right" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td colspan="5" align="right" valign="middle" class="smallfont" style="padding-right:5px;"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
} } $ProductShowHome = 'ok'; include 'updateShowhome.php'; $sqlcount = "select count(id) as numcount from tbl_voucher where type=1"; $querycount = @mysql_query($sqlcount, $conn); $rowcount = @mysql_fetch_assoc($querycount); $count_rows = $rowcount['numcount']; $totalDetele = 1; //countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId,$parentWhereConfigDEA.$parentWhereConfigDefaultDetele); $totalEdit = 1; //countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId,$parentWhereConfigDEA.$parentWhereConfigDefaultEdit); $totalAddnew = 1; //countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId,$parentWhereConfigDEA.$parentWhereConfigDefaultAddnew); $totalItems = $count_rows; $pageindex = createPage($totalItems, './?act=voucherpublic&page=', $MAXPAGE, $page, '30'); //phan trang $showPageIndex = $totalItems > $MAXPAGE ? '<td height="30" class="smallfont" align="left" valign="middle" >' . TPAGE . ' :' . $pageindex . '</td>' : ''; if ($totalDetele > 0) { $trDetele_1title = "<th width=\"20\" class=\"title\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkall\" onClick=\"chkallClick(this);\"></th>"; $trDetele_2title = "<th align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"50\" class=\"title\"> </th>"; $trDetele_1bottom = "<td></td>"; $trDeteleAllbottom = "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . TDELETESELECTSD . "\" name=\"btnDel\" onClick=\"return confirm('" . AAREYOUDELETE . "');\" class=\"button\">"; } //SAC DINH THANH VIEN NAY CO CHO XOA KO============== //SAC DINH THANH VIEN NAY CO CHO SUA KO============== if ($totalEdit > 0) { $trEdit_1title = "<th align=\"center\" width=\"50\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"> </th>"; $trEdit_1bottom = "<td></td>"; } $processFrameShowHtmlTr = "\n\t<tr>\n\t " . $trDetele_1title . "\n\t " . $trEdit_1title . "\n\t " . $trDetele_2title . "\t\n\t\t<th width=\"17\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(1) . "\">" . TID . "</a></th>\n <th width=\"100\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(5) . "\">Tên thành viên</a></th>\n <th width=\"100\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(5) . "\">Email</a></th>\n\t <th width=\"100\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(5) . "\">Mã khuyến mãi</a></th>\n\t <th width=\"120\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(4) . "\">Phần trăm giảm giá</a></th>\n <th width=\"50\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(8) . "\">Tình trạng</a></th>\t\n\t <th width=\"72\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(34) . "\">" . TDATEESTABLISHED . "</a></th>\n\t <th width=\"73\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"><a class=\"title\" href=\"" . getLinkSort(35) . "\">Ngày hết hạn</a></th>\n </tr>\n";
if ($secondaryTemplateCount != "") { $pageBody = getPageBody($courseID, 'secondary-template'); // Find and replace module prefix $replacePrefix = get_string_between($pageBody, 'class="kl_mod_text">', '</span>'); // var_dump($replacePrefix); $explodedPrefix = explode(" ", $moduleTitlePrefix); $prefixText = $explodedPrefix[0]; for ($i = 1; $i <= $secondaryTemplateCount; $i++) { $pageTitle = $moduleTitlePrefix . " Secondary Page " . $i; $pageBody = str_replace('class="kl_mod_text">' . $replacePrefix . '</span>', 'class="kl_mod_text">' . $prefixText . ' </span>', $pageBody); // Find and replace module number $replaceNumber = get_string_between($pageBody, 'class="kl_mod_num">', '</span>'); // var_dump($replaceNumber); $pageBody = str_replace('class="kl_mod_num">' . $replaceNumber . '</span>', 'class="kl_mod_num">' . $moduleNumber . '.' . $i . '</span>', $pageBody); $pageParams = 'wiki_page[title]=' . $pageTitle . '&wiki_page[body]=' . urlencode($pageBody); $newPage = createPage($courseID, $pageParams); $responseData = json_decode($newPage, true); $page_url = $responseData['url']; $itemParams = 'module_item[title]=' . urlencode($pageTitle) . '&module_item[type]=Page&module_item[page_url]=' . $page_url; $modulePage = createModuleItem($courseID, $newModuleID, $itemParams); } } // Add Assignments $assignmentCount = $moduleSections[5]; for ($i = 1; $i <= $assignmentCount; $i++) { $assignmentParams = 'assignment[name]=' . $moduleTitlePrefix . ' Assignment ' . $i . '&assignment[position]=1&assignment[submission_types][]=none'; $assignmentID = createGenericAssignment($courseID, $assignmentParams); $itemParams = 'module_item[title]=' . urlencode($moduleTitlePrefix . ' Assignment ' . $i) . '&module_item[type]=Assignment&module_item[content_id]=' . $assignmentID; $moduleAssignment = createModuleItem($courseID, $newModuleID, $itemParams); } // Add Discussions
function getData($code, $connection) { if (!isTokenUser()) { $code = 4; } switch ($code) { //////////////////////CASE -1///////////////////////////////////// //Si entra aqui es porque ningun dato de S_POST coincide con una acción valida. Ya que el $dataCode por defecto es -1 case -1: $response = array("error" => 1030, "description" => "Error no se ejecuto ninguna acción, verifica los parametros de entrada."); break; //////////////////////CASE 0///////////////////////////////////// //Obtenemos las opciones a mostrar de un pregunta y las devolvemos en un array en formato json //////////////////////CASE 0///////////////////////////////////// //Obtenemos las opciones a mostrar de un pregunta y las devolvemos en un array en formato json case 0: if ($connection) { $id_pregunta = $_POST["id_pregunta"]; $dataOptions = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . TABLE_OPCIONES . " where id_pregunta = " . $id_pregunta); $data; /* * obtenemos los datos de la base de datos en un array asociativo. */ while ($fila = $dataOptions->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $fila; } //dado que los valores de la base de datos vienen en codificacion utf-8, hay que transformar aquellas columnas con campos de texto. $dataResponse = codificationArray($data, "m_option"); //para la variable m_option de la tabla n_opciones se codifica en utf-8 $response = $dataResponse; } else { $response = array("error" => 1020, "description" => "Error conexión no establecida"); } break; //////////////////////CASE 1///////////////////////////////////// //Devolvemos la pregunta dado una paginacion ( con un LIMIT en la select filtramos la paginación) . //////////////////////CASE 1///////////////////////////////////// //Devolvemos la pregunta dado una paginacion ( con un LIMIT en la select filtramos la paginación) . case 1: if (!isTokenTest()) { createTokenTest(getTokenUser()); } else { if (isTokenTest() && isset($_POST["isFirstSelectedTest"]) && $_POST["isFirstSelectedTest"] == "true") { //$response = array("error" => 1200, "Error token desincronizado"); $response = array("error" => 1200, "desError" => "Test desincronizado", "page" => getPage(), "category" => getCategory(), "token_test" => getTokenTest(), "token_user" => getTokenUser()); break; } } //sincronizamos el avanze de paginas if (!isPage()) { createPage(intval($_POST["pagination"])); } else { if (isset($_SESSION["is_page_refresh"]) && $_SESSION["is_page_refresh"] && getPage() < intval($_POST["pagination"])) { createPage(intval(getPage()) + 1); } else { if (isset($_SESSION["is_page_refresh"]) && $_SESSION["is_page_refresh"]) { createPage(intval(getPage())); } else { createPage(intval(getPage()) + 1); } } } if (!isCategory()) { //si no esta sincroniada la categoria se sincroniza createCategory(intval($_POST["id"])); } if ($connection) { $pagination = getPage(); //numero de pagina. $id = $_POST["id"]; //id categoria: 1- ingles, 2- aleman... $result = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . TABLE_PREGUNTAS . " where id_title = " . $id . " LIMIT " . $pagination . ",1"); $countLengthData = $connection->query("SELECT count(id) as count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . TABLE_PREGUNTAS . " where id_title = " . $id); $data = array(); while ($fila = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $data[] = $fila; } $dataResponse = codificationArray($data, "question"); //para la variable question de la tabla n_preguntas se codifica en utf-8 $dataLength = $countLengthData->fetch_assoc(); $dataResponse[1] = $dataLength; //numero de preguntas para la categoria actual if (!isCountQuestion()) { createCountQuestion($dataLength); } $dataResponse[2] = getTokenTest(); $dataResponse[3] = getTokenUser(); $response = $dataResponse; } else { $response = array("error" => 1020, "description" => "Error conexión no establecida"); } break; //////////////////////CASE 2///////////////////////////////////// // Actualizamos el progresso del cliente. //////////////////////CASE 2///////////////////////////////////// // Actualizamos el progresso del cliente. case 2: if (isPage()) { $canContinue = false; if (isset($_POST["pageUpdate"]) && $_POST["pageUpdate"]) { if (intval(getPage()) == intval($_POST["pageUpdate"])) { $canContinue = true; } else { $canContinue = false; } } else { $canContinue = true; } if ($canContinue === true) { if (isset($_SESSION["u_email"])) { $emailClient = $_SESSION["u_email"]; $id_question = $_POST["id_question"]; $id_option = $_POST["id_option"]; if ($connection) { if (!isset($_SESSION["id_cliente"])) { $resultQueryClientes = $connection->query("select id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . TABLE_CLIENTES . " WHERE email = '{$emailClient}'"); $responseQueryClientes = $resultQueryClientes->fetch_assoc(); $_SESSION["id_cliente"] = $responseQueryClientes["id"]; } $query = "SELECT count( as count\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . TABLE_PREGUNTAS . " p inner join " . TABLE_PREFIX . TABLE_OPCIONES . " o\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t on o.id_pregunta =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where {$id_option}. = (select id_opcion from " . TABLE_PREFIX . TABLE_RESPUESTA . " where id_pregunta = {$id_question})"; $resultCountCorrect = $connection->query($query); $countCorrectOption = $resultCountCorrect->fetch_assoc(); $codeTemp = getTokenTest(); $id_client = $_SESSION["id_cliente"]; $id_category = getCategory(); $date_update = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $insert = $connection->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . TABLE_HISTORY_TEST . " (id_client,id_option,id_question,id_title,code_validation,m_date) VALUES({$id_client},{$id_option},{$id_question},{$id_category},'{$codeTemp}','{$date_update}')"); //obtenemos el numero de preguntas de esta categoria. $countQuestionResult = $connection->query("SELECT count(id) as count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . TABLE_PREGUNTAS . " where id_title = " . $id_category); $countQuestionTemp = $countQuestionResult->fetch_assoc(); $countQuestion = $countQuestionTemp["count"]; if (intval($countCorrectOption["count"] > 0)) { //si es mayor que cero significa que es la que tenemos marcada como buena en la base de datos. if (!isset($_SESSION["correctCount"])) { //si el correctCount no está creado aún lo creamos con valor a 1 porque yá tenemos una respuesta correcta. $_SESSION["correctCount"] = 1; } else { //si ya estaba activo, solo incrementamos su valor en 1. $_SESSION["correctCount"] = intval($_SESSION["correctCount"]) + 1; } $dataUpdate = array("check" => $_SESSION['correctCount']); } else { $dataUpdate = array("check" => -1); //editamos el mensaje de respuesta. } } else { $dataUpdate = array("error" => 1020, "description" => "Error conexión no establecida"); } } else { $dataUpdate = array("error" => 1050, "description" => "Error de session, la sessión ha expirado."); } } else { $dataUpdate = array("error" => 1200, "desError" => "Test desincronizado", "page" => getPage(), "category" => getCategory(), "token_test" => getTokenTest(), "token_user" => getTokenUser()); } $response = $dataUpdate; break; } else { $response = array("error" => 1050, "description" => "Error de session, la sessión ha expirado."); break; } case 3: //aqui el cliente a finalizado el test y mostramos el detalle de los resultados. $id_client = $_SESSION["id_cliente"]; $date_update = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $id_category = getCategory(); $puntuacion = $_SESSION["correctCount"]; $token_test = getTokenTest(); $result = $connection->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . TABLE_HISTORY . " (id_client,id_title,code_validation,m_date,points) VALUES ({$id_client},{$id_category},'{$token_test}','{$date_update}',{$puntuacion})"); if ($result) { $response = array("check" => "register inserted.", "data" => array("num_question" => getCountQuestion(), "correctCount" => getCorrectCount())); } else { $response = array("error" => $connection->error); } $dataEndTest = isEndTest($id_category, $token_test, $connection); if ($dataEndTest) { $_SESSION["end_test"] = true; sendResult($_SESSION["u_email"], "Resultado del Test en GRUPOIOE", showResume($dataEndTest, $connection)); } break; case 4: //aqui no existe el token de usuario, la sesion posiblemente haya expirado. $response = array("error" => 1100, "description" => "Error token expirado"); break; case 5: //aqui devolvemos si hay un test activo o no. $response = array("isTestActive" => isTokenTest()); break; case 6: //aqui estamos devolviendo los datos desde la cache de la sesion. if (isTestFinished()) { $response = array("cache" => "get data from cache.", "data" => array("num_question" => getCountQuestion(), "correctCount" => getCorrectCount())); } else { $response = array("page" => getPage(), "category" => getCategory(), "token_test" => getTokenTest(), "token_user" => getTokenUser()); } break; //////////////////////DEFAULT///////////////////////////////////// //cualquier accion no contemplada entrara aqui. //////////////////////DEFAULT///////////////////////////////////// //cualquier accion no contemplada entrara aqui. default: $response = array("error" => 1040, "description" => "Error de PHP, error inesperado"); break; } $connection->close(); echo json_encode($response); }
<li class=''> <a href='./index.php?page={$page}&edit=true'>Edit</a> </li> <li class=''> <a href='./index.php?page={$page}&delete=true'>Delete</a> </li> </ul> <div class='content'>"; echo "<h1>$page</h1>"; $f = fopen($path,'r'); $t = date("M j g:i a", filemtime($path)); $p = fread($f, 25000); $d = replaceWiki($p,$t); echo nl2br($d); } else { createPage($page); } } } function replaceWiki($str,$t){ $htmlstr = $str; $regexs = array( "/'{3}(.*?)'{3}/" => "<b>$1</b>", "/'{2}(.*?)'{2}/" => "<i>$1</i>", "/={2}(.*?)={2}/" => "<h2>$1</h2>", "/\[{2}(.*?)[|](.*?)\]{2}/" => "<a href= './index.php?page=$1'>$2</a>", "/\[{2}(.*?)\]{2}/" => "<a href= './index.php?page=$1'>$1</a>", "/\[(http.*?)[|](.*?)\]/" => "<a href= '$1'>$2</a>", "/\[(http.*?)\]/" => "<a href= '$1'>$1</a>", );
$render .= '<h2>File Gallery Search Indexing</h2>'; $render .= '<em>More info <a href="">here</a></em> '; renderTable($file_handlers); $render .= '<h2>PHP Info</h2>'; if (isset($_REQUEST['phpinfo']) && $_REQUEST['phpinfo'] == 'y') { ob_start(); phpinfo(); $info = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $info = preg_replace('%^.*<body>(.*)</body>.*$%ms', '$1', $info); $render .= $info; } else { $render .= '<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&phpinfo=y">Append phpinfo();</a>'; } createPage('Tiki Server Compatibility', $render); } elseif ($nagios) { // 0 OK // 1 WARNING // 2 CRITICAL // 3 UNKNOWN $monitoring_info = array('state' => 0, 'message' => ''); function update_overall_status($check_group, $check_group_name) { global $monitoring_info; $state = 0; $message = ''; foreach ($check_group as $property => $values) { if ($values['ack'] != true) { switch ($values['fitness']) { case 'ugly':
function createPage() { $expressionNameSpaceId = MWNamespace::getCanonicalIndex('expression'); wfDebug( "NS ID: $expressionNameSpaceId \n" ); return createPage( $expressionNameSpaceId, getPageTitle( $this->spelling ) ); }
require 'authCheck.php'; if (!isset($USER->id)) { return; } require 'queries/pageQueries.php'; $PAGE->id = 'pageCreate'; $fields = array('name', 'desc', 'title'); $inputs = array(); //check POST object for variables from front end foreach ($fields as $postKey) { if (isset($_POST[$postKey]) && !empty($_POST[$postKey])) { $inputs[$postKey] = $_POST[$postKey]; } else { return errorHandler("missing {$postKey}", 503); } } //print debug statement if ($SERVERDEBUG) { echo "\r\n inputs:"; echo json_encode($inputs); } //setup for query $stmt = createPage($DB, $inputs['name'], $inputs['desc'], $inputs['title']); if (!$stmt) { return; } // createNewList already send error. if (!$stmt->execute()) { return errorHandler("failed to create this user {$stmt->errno}: {$stmt->error}"); } echo '{"id":"' . $stmt->insert_id . '"}';
if ($page != '') { $p = $page; } $where = '1=1'; if ($_REQUEST['cat'] != '') { $where = 'parent=' . $_REQUEST['cat']; } ?> <form method="POST" action="./" name="frmForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $page; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="act" value="config"> <?php $pageindex = createPage(countRecord("tbl_config", $where), './?act=config&page=', $MAXPAGE, $page); ?> <?php if ($_REQUEST['code'] == 1) { $errMsg = 'Cập nhật thành công.'; } ?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr><td height="30" class="smallfont">Trang : <?php echo $pageindex; ?> </td></tr> </table>
if ($page != '') { $p = $page; } $where = '1=1'; ?> <form method="POST" action="./" name="frmForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type=hidden name="page" value="<?php echo $page; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="act" value="<?php echo $actConfig; ?> "> <?php $pageindex = createPage(countRecord($tableConfig, $where), "./?act=" . $actConfig . "&cat=" . $_REQUEST['cat'] . "&page=", $MAXPAGE, $page); ?> <?php if ($_REQUEST['code'] == 1) { $errMsg = 'Cập nhật thành công.'; } ?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr><td height="30" class="smallfont">Trang : <?php echo $pageindex; ?> </td></tr> </table>
} $urlAll = "activation=" . $_REQUEST['activation'] . "&delivery=" . $_REQUEST['delivery'] . "&ldate=" . $_REQUEST['ldate'] . "&"; $urlAll1 = "activation=" . $_REQUEST['activation'] . "&activation=" . $_REQUEST['activation'] . "&ldate=" . $_REQUEST['ldate'] . "&"; $parentWhereConfig = $parentWhereConfig1 . $whereActivation . $whereDelivery . $whereLdate; $parentWhereConfigDEA = "id=" . $codeParent . " and {$whereStatus}"; $totalDetele = 1; //countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId,$parentWhereConfigDEA.$parentWhereConfigDefaultDetele); $totalEdit = 1; //countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId,$parentWhereConfigDEA.$parentWhereConfigDefaultEdit); $totalAddnew = 1; //countRecord($tableCategoryConfigId,$parentWhereConfigDEA.$parentWhereConfigDefaultAddnew); //DINH SO PHAN TRANG=======================================================[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ /*--------KIEM TRA THUOC TINH---------------------*/ //$defaulType = getRecord($tableCategoryConfigId," id=".$_REQUEST['codeParent']." and ".$whereStatus); $totalItems = countRecord($tableOrdersId, $parentWhereConfig); $pageindex = createPage(countRecord($tableOrdersId, $parentWhereConfig), './?act=' . $actOrders . '&' . $urlAll . 'page=', $MAXPAGE, $page, '30', $_lang_A); //phan trang $showPageIndex = $totalItems > $MAXPAGE ? '<td height="30" class="smallfont" align="left" valign="middle" >' . TPAGE . ' :' . $pageindex . '</td>' : ''; //TIEU DE CUA COT=====================================================================[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] //SAC DINH THANH VIEN NAY CO CHO XOA KO============== if ($totalDetele > 0) { $trDetele_1title = "<th width=\"20\" class=\"title\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkall\" onClick=\"chkallClick(this);\"></th>"; $trDetele_2title = "<th align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"> </th>"; $trDetele_1bottom = "<td></td>"; $trDeteleAllbottom = "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . TDELETESELECTSD . "\" name=\"btnDel\" onClick=\"return confirm('" . AAREYOUDELETE . "');\" class=\"button\">"; } //SAC DINH THANH VIEN NAY CO CHO XOA KO============== //SAC DINH THANH VIEN NAY CO CHO SUA KO============== if ($totalEdit > 0) { $trEdit_1title = "<th align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" class=\"title\"> </th>"; $trEdit_1bottom = "<td></td>";
<?php // Simple script to create a module from scratch. // Also creates a default view page. require_once 'scriptComponents.php'; if ($argc != 3 and $argc != 2) { die("Usage: createModule.php <moduleName> <defaultViewName>\n\nCreates a directory named <moduleName>, the <moduleName>.php file, and sets up the first view.\n"); } $modName = $argv[1]; $pageName = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : NULL; createModule($modName, $pageName); $ok = chdir($modName); if ($ok && $pageName) { createPage($pageName); }
$where = '1=1'; if ($_REQUEST['cat'] != '') { $where = 'parent=' . $_REQUEST['cat']; } ?> <form method="POST" action="./" name="frmForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $page; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="act" value="<?php echo $actConfig; ?> "> <?php $pageindex = createPage(countRecord($tableConfig, $where), './?act=' . $actConfig . '&cat=' . $_REQUEST['cat'] . '&page=', $MAXPAGE, $page); ?> <?php if ($_REQUEST['code'] == 1) { $errMsg = 'Cập nhật thành công.'; } ?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="30" class="smallfont">Trang : <?php echo $pageindex; ?> </td> <td align="right" class="smallfont">
if ($page != '') { $p = $page; } $where = '1=1'; if ($_REQUEST['cat'] != '') { $where = 'parent=' . $_REQUEST['cat']; } ?> <form method="POST" action="./" name="frmForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $page; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="act" value="member"> <?php $pageindex = createPage(countRecord("tbl_member", $where), './?act=member&page=', $MAXPAGE, $page); ?> <?php if ($_REQUEST['code'] == 1) { $errMsg = 'Cập nhật thành công.'; } ?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr><td height="30" class="smallfont">Trang : <?php echo $pageindex; ?> </td></tr> </table>
} else { // Installer knows db details but no login details were received for this script. // Thus, display a form. $title = 'Tiki Installer Security Precaution'; $content = ' <p style="margin-top: 24px;">You are attempting to run the Tiki Installer. For your protection, this installer can be used only by a site administrator.</p> <p>To verify that you are a site administrator, enter your <strong><em>database</em></strong> credentials (database username and password) here.</p> <p>If you have forgotten your database credentials, find the directory where you have unpacked your Tiki and have a look inside the <strong><code>db</code></strong> folder into the <strong><code>local.php</code></strong> file.</p> <form method="post" action="tiki-install.php"> <input type="hidden" name="enterinstall" value="1"> <p><label for="dbuser" class="sr-only">Database username</label> <input type="text" id="dbuser" name="dbuser" placeholder="Database username"/></p> <p><label for="dbpass" class="sr-only">Database password</label> <input type="password" id="dbpass" name="dbpass" placeholder="Database password"/></p> <p><input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" value=" Validate and Continue " /></p> </form> <p> </p>'; createPage($title, $content); } /** * creates the HTML page to be displayed. * * Tiki may not have been installed when we reach here, so we can't use our templating system yet. * * @param string $title page Title * @param mixed $content page Content */ function createPage($title, $content) { echo <<<END <!DOCTYPE html \tPUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" \t"">
$newUser->setEmailChecker(); $mailer->sendEmailVerify($newUser); if ($mailer->sendEmailVerify($newUser)) { $message = new Alert('info', true); $message->addText('Welcome <strong>' . $firstName . '</strong>! Before you log in, please confirm your email by clicking the link you received.'); $message->messageToSession(); $userManager->save($newUser); header('Location: index.php'); exit; } else { $message = new Alert('warning', true); $message->addText('Sorry <strong>' . $firstName . '</strong> we had a little problem! Please try again.'); $message->messageToSession(); } } else { //User exist already ( email already used) $message->addText('Email address already registered.'); } } //-------All fields are NOT correct OR user already registered -------- // From here, there was a problem with one of the field or user already registered // We show the form again, prefill in with error message //Save message to transmit it to page $message->messageToSession(); //Save correct fields to transmit to page $_SESSION['correctFields'] = $correctFields; createPage("register"); } else { //Visitor is on home page createPage("register"); }