Ejemplo n.º 1
function sendSms()
    $npwd = '';
    $no_telp = '';
    $message = '';
    include 'save_excel.php';
    if (!empty($_GET)) {
        $npwd = $_GET['npwd'];
        $no_telp = $_GET['no_telp'];
        $message = $_GET['message'];
    } else {
        if (!empty($_POST)) {
            $npwd = $_POST['npwd'];
            $no_telp = $_POST['no_telp'];
            $message = $_POST['message'];
    $ptn = "/^0/";
    // Regex
    $rpltxt = "62";
    // Replacement string
    $no_telp = preg_replace($ptn, $rpltxt, $no_telp);
    $file_name = createExcel($no_telp, $npwd . '_' . time());
    $send_date = date('Y-m-d-H-i-s');
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://smsblast.radbdg.net/_libz/usersignin.php");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    // in real life you should use something like:
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array('loginUsername' => 'disyanjak', 'loginPass' => 'disyanjakbdg12345678', 'attached_type' => 'action_1', 'senderID' => 'JMP000007', 'sender' => 'DISYANJAK', 'tanggal' => substr($send_date, 0, 10), 'jam1' => substr($send_date, 11, 2), 'mnt1' => '' . (substr($send_date, 14, 2) + 3) . '', 'pesan' => $message, 'tb_simpan' => 'Submit', 'login_btn' => 'Login', 'nmbatch' => '@' . realpath($file_name . '.xls') . ';filename=' . $file_name . '.xls'));
    // receive server response ...
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)");
    $tmp_fname = tempnam("/tmp", "COOKIE");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $tmp_fname);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $server_output = curl_exec($ch);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://smsblast.radbdg.net/userarea/p/single_exe.php");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $tmp_fname);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    // in real life you should use something like:
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array('loginUsername' => 'disyanjak', 'loginPass' => 'disyanjakbdg12345678', 'attached_type' => 'action_1', 'senderID' => 'JMP000007', 'sender' => 'DISYANJAK', 'tanggal' => substr($send_date, 0, 10), 'jam1' => substr($send_date, 11, 2), 'mnt1' => '' . (substr($send_date, 14, 2) + 3) . '', 'pesan' => $message, 'tb_simpan' => 'Submit', 'login_btn' => 'Login', 'nmbatch' => '@' . realpath($file_name . '.xls') . ';filename=' . $file_name . '.xls'));
    $server_output = curl_exec($ch);
    echo $server_output;
function parseConfig($basename, $server)
    $xmlfile = '/etc/voip/voipconfig.xml';
    $xlsfile = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $basename;
    if (!file_exists($xmlfile)) {
        VOIPXMLConfiguredElement::error("Can't find {$xmlfile}.");
    $config = new VOIPConfig(new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents($xmlfile)));
    if (createExcel()) {
        $objPHPExcel = phpexcel_createPHPExcelObject();
        $objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setCreator("freePbxConfig - MEVOIP - {$basename}")->setLastModifiedBy("freePbxConfig - MEVOIP - {$basename}")->setTitle("freePbxConfig - MEVOIP - {$basename}")->setSubject("freePbxConfig - MEVOIP - {$basename}")->setDescription("freePbxConfig - MEVOIP - {$basename}")->setKeywords("freePbxConfig - MEVOIP - {$basename}")->setCategory("freePbxConfig - MEVOIP - {$basename}");
        $s = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0);
        $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle('VOIP PABX');
        $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');
        $objWriter->save($xlsfile . '.xls');
    if (true) {
        $serdata = array();
        $serdata['adLogin'] = $config->getUserArrayByField($config->users, 'adLogin');
        $serdata['ext'] = $config->getUserArrayByField($config->users, 'extension');
        $serdata['area'] = $config->getUserArrayByField($config->users, 'area', false);
        $serdata['queues'] = $config->getUserArrayByField($config->queues, 'extension');
        $serdata['groups'] = $config->getUserArrayByField($config->ringGroups, 'extension');
        $serdata['confs'] = $config->getUserArrayByField($config->confs, 'extension');
        $provision = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $basename . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $basename . '.dat';
        file_put_contents($provision, serialize($serdata));
        VOIPXMLConfiguredElement::info("Wrote provisioning info to {$provision}.");
    $argv = @$_SERVER['argv'];
    if (@$argv[1] == "run") {
        if (!hasErrors()) {
            VOIPXMLConfiguredElement::info("Previous errors not detected, applying configuration.");
        } else {
            VOIPXMLConfiguredElement::error("Previous errors detected. STOPPING.");
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 3
    $rule .= " and c.channel_name like '%{$_POST["channel_name"]}%' ";
if (isset($_POST["bd"]) && $_POST["bd"] != "") {
    $rule .= " and c.bd like '%{$_POST["bd"]}%' ";
if (isset($_POST["promotion_team"]) && $_POST["promotion_team"] != "") {
    $rule .= " and c.promotion_number= '{$_POST["promotion_team"]}'";
if (isset($_POST["payment_method"]) && $_POST["payment_method"] != "") {
    $rule .= " and c.payment_number='{$_POST["payment_method"]}' ";
if (isset($_POST["cooperation_mode"]) && $_POST["cooperation_mode"] != "") {
    $rule .= " and c.cooperation_number= '{$_POST["cooperation_mode"]}'";
if (isset($_POST["version_type"]) && $_POST["version_type"] != "") {
    $rule .= " and c.version_number= '{$_POST["version_type"]}'";
if (isset($_POST["has_sdk"]) && $_POST["has_sdk"] != "") {
    $rule .= " and c.has_sdk= '{$_POST["has_sdk"]}'";
//serch data
$db = new ChannelDB();
$rows = $db->selectChannelNumbers($rule);

Ejemplo n.º 4

if (isset($_SESSION['registrado'])) {
    require_once "../clases/AccesoDatos.php";
    require_once "../clases/invitado.php";
    require_once "../clases/cliente.php";
    require_once "excel.php";
    require_once "excel-ext.php";
    header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel");
    header("Expires: 0");
    header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
    header("content-disposition: attachment;filename=invitados.xls");
    $arrayDeInvitados = invitado::TraerInvitados($_SESSION['registrado']);
    foreach ($arrayDeInvitados as $invitado) {
        $assoc = array(array("DNI" => $invitado->dni, "Nombre" => $invitado->nomyape, "Parentezco" => $invitado->pariente, "Mesa" => $invitado->nromesa));
    createExcel("invitados.xls", $assoc);
Ejemplo n.º 5

include 'save_excel.php';
Ejemplo n.º 6

require_once "excel.php";
require_once "excel-ext.php";
$assoc = array(array("Nombre" => "Mattias", "IQ" => 250), array("Nombre" => "Tony", "IQ" => 100), array("Nombre" => "Peter", "IQ" => 100), array("Nombre" => "Edvard", "IQ" => 100));
createExcel("excel-mysql.xls", $data);
Ejemplo n.º 7
if ($tipo == 1) {
    $sql = "SELECT nc as num, concat(alma.apellidos,', ',alma.nombre) as alumno FROM alma, FALUMNOS WHERE FALUMNOS.claveal=alma.claveal and alma.unidad='" . $grupo . "' ORDER BY nc";
if ($tipo == 2) {
    $sql = "SELECT concat(alma.apellidos,', ',alma.nombre) as alumno, combasi as asignaturas, nc as num FROM alma, FALUMNOS WHERE alma.claveal=FALUMNOS.claveal and alma.Unidad='" . $grupo . "' ORDER BY nc";
$resEmp = mysqli_query($db_con, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($db_con));
$totEmp = mysqli_num_rows($resEmp);
if ($tipo == 1) {
    while ($datatmp = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resEmp)) {
        $data[] = $datatmp;
if ($tipo == 2) {
    while ($datatmp = mysqli_fetch_array($resEmp)) {
        $mat = "";
        $asig0 = explode(":", $datatmp[1]);
        foreach ($asig0 as $asignatura) {
            $unidadn = substr($grupo, 0, 1);
            $consulta = "select distinct abrev, curso from asignaturas where codigo = '{$asignatura}' and curso like '%{$unidadn}%' limit 1";
            $abrev = mysqli_query($db_con, $consulta);
            $abrev0 = mysqli_fetch_array($abrev);
            $curs = substr($abrev0[1], 0, 2);
            $mat .= $abrev0[0] . "; ";
        $data[] = array($datatmp[2], $datatmp[0], $mat);
createExcel("listado_{$grupo}.xls", $data);
Ejemplo n.º 8

require_once "excel.php";
require_once "excel-ext.php";
include "../../includes/conexion.inc.php";
$queEmp = $_GET['sentencia'];
#$queEmp = "SELECT * FROM alumnos";
$resEmp = mysqli_query($db_con, $queEmp, $c) or die(mysqli_error($db_con));
$totEmp = mysqli_num_rows($resEmp);
while ($datatmp = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resEmp)) {
    $data[] = $datatmp;
createExcel("datos_excel.xls", $data);
Ejemplo n.º 9

define("RelativePath", "..");
include_once RelativePath . "/Common.php";
include_once RelativePath . "/include/excel/save_excel_2.php";
$dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
$query = "SELECT * FROM t_sms_outbox where is_sent = 'N' and message_type='SMS_BLAST'";
$data = array();
while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
    $data[] = $item = array('t_sms_outbox_id' => $dbConn->f("t_sms_outbox_id"), 'npwpd' => $dbConn->f("npwpd"), 'mobile_no' => $dbConn->f("mobile_no"), 'message' => $dbConn->f("message"), 'is_sent' => $dbConn->f("is_sent"), 'date_sent' => $dbConn->f("date_sent"), 'date_addded' => $dbConn->f("date_addded"));
if (count($data) < 1) {
$file_name = createExcel($data);
$send_date = date('Y-m-d-H-i-s');
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://smsblast.radbdg.net/_libz/usersignin.php");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
// in real life you should use something like:
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array('loginUsername' => 'disyanjak', 'loginPass' => 'disyanjakbdg12345678', 'attached_type' => 'action_1', 'senderID' => 'JMP000007', 'sender' => 'DISYANJAK', 'tanggal' => substr($send_date, 0, 10), 'jam1' => substr($send_date, 11, 2), 'mnt1' => '' . (substr($send_date, 14, 2) + 3) . '', 'pesan' => "", 'tb_simpan' => 'Submit', 'login_btn' => 'Login', 'nmbatch' => ''));
// receive server response ...
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)");
$tmp_fname = tempnam("/tmp", "COOKIE");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $tmp_fname);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
Ejemplo n.º 10

require_once "excel.php";
require_once "excel-ext.php";
$assoc = array(array("Nombre" => "Mattias", "IQ" => 250), array("Nombre" => "Tony", "IQ" => 100), array("Nombre" => "Peter", "IQ" => 100), array("Nombre" => "Edvard", "IQ" => 100));
createExcel("excel-array.xls", $assoc);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function generarFormatoUnificado($datos)
     $parametros = $datos["datos"];
     $parametros = explode("||", $parametros);
     //datos concadenados
     /* +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
     $arrayCabecera1 = array();
     $arrayCuerpo = array();
     /* +------------------------------  Cabecera  -------------------------------+ */
     //        $diasSem = Array('Monday' => 'Lunes', 'Tuesday' => 'Martes', 'Wednesday' => 'Miercoles', 'Thursday' => 'Jueves', 'Friday' => 'Viernes', 'Saturday' => 'Sabado', 'Sunday' => 'Domingo');
     $diasSem = array('Monday' => 'L-', 'Tuesday' => 'M-', 'Wednesday' => 'M- ', 'Thursday' => 'J- ', 'Friday' => 'V- ', 'Saturday' => 'S- ', 'Sunday' => 'D-');
     $fecha = getdate(time());
     $fileExportar = "PROGRAMACION_" . strtoupper($datos["descMes"]) . "_" . $datos["descArea"];
     if ($datos["mes"] != "") {
         $mes = $datos["mes"];
     } else {
         $mes = $fecha["mon"];
     if ($datos["anio"] != "") {
         $anio = $datos["anio"];
     } else {
         $anio = $fecha['year'];
     $fecha = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mes, 1, $anio);
     $fechaInicioMes = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mes, 1, $anio);
     $fechaInicioMes = date("w", $fechaInicioMes);
     $ultimoDia = date('t', $fecha);
     $númeroDeDias = intval(date("t", $mes));
     /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
     /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
     $fila = 0;
     $oLRrhh = new LRrhh();
     foreach ($parametros as $key => $arrayDatos) {
         $arrayDatos = explode("|", $arrayDatos);
         $datos["nomSubArea"] = $arrayDatos[2];
         $datos["nomCategoriapuesto"] = $arrayDatos[3];
         $datos["nomSede"] = $arrayDatos[4];
         $datos["codigoSubArea"] = $arrayDatos[0];
         $datos["codigoCategoria"] = $arrayDatos[1];
         $nameFileGenerar = $datos["anio"] . "_" . $datos["descMes"] . "_" . $datos["nomSede"] . "_" . $datos["nomSubArea"] . "_" . $datos["nomCategoriapuesto"];
         if ($fila == 0) {
             //es un artificio, para mostrar las cabeceras, pues el framework me limita
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila]["Codigo"] = "Archivo :";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila]["Nombres"] = $nameFileGenerar;
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 1]["Codigo"] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 1]["Nombres"] = strtoupper($datos["nomSede"]) . " - " . strtoupper($datos["nomSubArea"]) . " - " . strtoupper($datos["nomCategoriapuesto"]);
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 2]["Codigo"] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 2]["Nombres"] = "";
             $diaMes = 0;
             for ($coln = 2; $coln < $númeroDeDias + 2; $coln++) {
                 if ($diaMes < $ultimoDia) {
                     $diaInicial = date("l", mktime(0, 0, 0, $mes, $diaMes, $anio));
                     $arrayCabecera1[$fila][$diaMes] = $diasSem[$diaInicial];
                     $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 1][$diaMes] = "";
                     $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 2][$diaMes] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila]["Tot_Horas"] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila]["Num_Prog"] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 1]["Tot_Horas"] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 1]["Num_Prog"] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 2]["Tot_Horas"] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 2]["Num_Prog"] = "";
             $fila = $fila + 2;
         } else {
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila]["Codigo"] = "Codigo";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila]["Nombres"] = "Nombres";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 1]["Codigo"] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 1]["Nombres"] = strtoupper($datos["nomSede"]) . " - " . strtoupper($datos["nomSubArea"]) . " - " . strtoupper($datos["nomCategoriapuesto"]);
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 2]["Codigo"] = "Archivo :";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 2]["Nombres"] = $nameFileGenerar;
             $diaMes = 0;
             for ($coln = 2; $coln < $númeroDeDias + 2; $coln++) {
                 if ($diaMes < $ultimoDia) {
                     $diaInicial = date("l", mktime(0, 0, 0, $mes, $diaMes, $anio));
                     $arrayCabecera1[$fila][$diaMes] = $diaMes;
                     $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 1][$diaMes] = "";
                     $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 2][$diaMes] = $diasSem[$diaInicial];
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila]["Tot_Horas"] = "Tot_Horas";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila]["Num_Prog"] = "Num_Prog";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 1]["Tot_Horas"] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 1]["Num_Prog"] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 2]["Tot_Horas"] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$fila + 2]["Num_Prog"] = "";
             $fila = $fila + 3;
         /* +------------------------------  Fin cabecera  ---------------------------+ */
         /* +------------------------------     Cuerpo    ---------------------------+ */
         $empleado = $oLRrhh->obtenerEmpleadosCategoriadelSubArea($datos);
         foreach ($empleado as $i => $value) {
             $arrayCabecera1[$i + $fila]["Codigo"] = $value[0];
             $arrayCabecera1[$i + $fila]["Nombres"] = $value[1];
             for ($j = 2; $j < $númeroDeDias + 2; $j++) {
                 $arrayCabecera1[$i + $fila][$j - 1] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$i + $fila]["Tot_Horas"] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$i + $fila]["Num_Prog"] = "";
         $fila = $fila + count($empleado);
         for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
             $arrayCabecera1[$i + $fila]["Codigo"] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$i + $fila]["Nombres"] = "";
             for ($j = 2; $j < $númeroDeDias + 2; $j++) {
                 $arrayCabecera1[$i + $fila][$j - 1] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$i + $fila]["Tot_Horas"] = "";
             $arrayCabecera1[$i + $fila]["Num_Prog"] = "";
     /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
     /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
     /* +------------------------------  Fin cuerpo  ---------------------------+ */
     require_once "../../MSExcelStreamHandler/excel.php";
     require_once "../../MSExcelStreamHandler/excel-ext.php";
     createExcel($fileExportar . ".xls", $arrayCabecera1);
Ejemplo n.º 12
//$plantilla="<table border='1'>";
//foreach ($arrayCabecera1 as $j => $value) {
//    $plantilla.="<td bgcolor='#95BB9E'>".$value."</td>";
//foreach ($arrayCabecera2 as $j => $value) {
//    $plantilla.="<td bgcolor='#95BB9E' width='".$arrayWidth[$j]."' >".$value."</td>";
//foreach ($arrayCuerpo as $i => $value) {
//    $plantilla.="<tr>";
//    for ($j = 0; $j < $numColum; $j++) {
//        $plantilla.="<td>".$value[$j]."</td>";
//    }
//    $plantilla.="</tr>";
//echo $plantilla;

$assoc = array(array("Nombre" => "Mattias", "IQ" => 250), array("Nombre" => "Tony", "IQ" => 100), array("Nombre" => "Peter", "IQ" => 100), array("Nombre" => "Edvard", "IQ" => 100));
require_once "../../MSExcelStreamHandler/MSExcelStreamHandler/excel.php";
require_once "../../MSExcelStreamHandler/MSExcelStreamHandler/excel-ext.php";
createExcel("excel_mysql.xls", $assoc);