Ejemplo n.º 1
    $look = intval($_GET['look']);
    if ($look > 0) {
        $wheresql .= " AND  i.personal_look='{$look}' ";
    $total_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM " . table('company_interview') . " as i " . $wheresql;
    $total_val = $db->get_total($total_sql);
    $page = new page(array('total' => $total_val, 'perpage' => $perpage, 'getarray' => $_GET));
    $currenpage = $page->nowindex;
    $offset = ($currenpage - 1) * $perpage;
    $resume = get_interview($offset, $perpage, $joinsql . $wheresql);
    $smarty->assign('act', $act);
    $smarty->assign('title', '我发起的面试邀请 - 企业会员中心 - ' . $_CFG['site_name']);
    $smarty->assign('resume', $resume);
    $count1 = count_interview($_SESSION['uid'], 1, $jobsid);
    $count2 = count_interview($_SESSION['uid'], 2, $jobsid);
    $count = $count1 + $count2;
    $smarty->assign('count', $count);
    $smarty->assign('count1', $count1);
    $smarty->assign('count2', $count2);
    $smarty->assign('filter_jobs', get_interview_jobs($_SESSION['uid']));
    if ($total_val > $perpage) {
        $smarty->assign('page', $page->show(3));
} elseif ($act == 'interview_del') {
    $yid = !empty($_REQUEST['y_id']) ? $_REQUEST['y_id'] : showmsg("你没有选择简历!", 1);
    if (del_interview($yid, $_SESSION['uid'])) {
        showmsg("删除成功!", 2);
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
define('IN_QISHI', true);
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/personal_common.php';
$smarty->assign('leftmenu', "index");
if ($act == 'index') {
    $uid = intval($_SESSION['uid']);
    $smarty->assign('title', '个人会员中心 - ' . $_CFG['site_name']);
    $smarty->assign('user', $user);
    require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'include/fun_user.php';
    $smarty->assign('loginlog', get_loginlog_one($uid, '1001'));
    $wheresql = " WHERE uid='" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "' ";
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . table('resume') . $wheresql;
    $smarty->assign('rand', rand(1, 100));
    $smarty->assign('points', get_user_points($uid));
    $smarty->assign('my_resume', get_resume_list($sql));
    $smarty->assign('count_resume', count_resume($uid));
    $smarty->assign('count_interview', count_interview($uid));
    $smarty->assign('count_apply', count_personal_jobs_apply($uid));
    $smarty->assign('count_attention_me', count_personal_attention_me($uid));
    $smarty->assign('msg_total1', $db->get_total("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM " . table('pms') . " WHERE (msgfromuid='{$uid}' OR msgtouid='{$uid}') AND `new`='1' AND `replyuid`<>'{$uid}' AND msgtype=1"));
    $smarty->assign('msg_total2', $db->get_total("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM " . table('pms') . " WHERE (msgfromuid='{$uid}' OR msgtouid='{$uid}') AND `new`='2' AND `replyuid`<>'{$uid}' AND msgtype=1"));
    //首页提示消息(最近两周 下载 和 面试邀请的信息)
    $message = array();
    $time = strtotime("- 14 day");
    $down_resume = $db->getall("SELECT distinct company_uid , company_name FROM " . table('company_down_resume') . " WHERE resume_uid='" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "' AND down_addtime > " . $time);
    foreach ($down_resume as $key => $value) {
        $company_id = $db->getone("SELECT id FROM " . table('company_profile') . " WHERE uid=" . $value['company_uid'] . " LIMIT 1");
        $company_url = url_rewrite('QS_companyshow', array('id' => $company_id['id']));
        $message[] = "您的简历被<a href=\"" . $company_url . "\" target=\"_black\" class=\"underline\">【" . $value['company_name'] . "】</a>下载!主动联系招聘单位更容易获得工作机会!";
    $inter_resume = $db->getall("SELECT distinct company_id , company_name FROM " . table('company_interview') . " WHERE resume_uid='" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "' AND interview_addtime > " . $time . " AND personal_look=1 ");
    foreach ($inter_resume as $key => $value) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: user.php Proyecto: winiceo/job
    $str .= "</script>";
    echo $str;
if ($act == 'index') {
    $smarty->cache = false;
    $user = wap_get_user_info(intval($_SESSION['uid']));
    $smarty->assign('user', $user);
    $resume_info = get_userprofile(intval($_SESSION['uid']));
    if (empty($resume_info)) {
        header("Location: ?act=make_resume");
    } else {
        $resume_info['age'] = date("Y") - $resume_info['birthday'];
        $smarty->assign('count_resume', count_resume(intval($_SESSION['uid'])));
        $smarty->assign('count_interview', count_interview($_SESSION['uid'], 2, 1));
        $smarty->assign('resume_info', $resume_info);
} elseif ($act == 'favorites') {
    $perpage = 7;
    $count = 0;
    $page = empty($_GET['page']) ? 1 : intval($_GET['page']);
    if ($page < 1) {
        $page = 1;
    $theurl = "wap_user.php?act=favorites";
    $start = ($page - 1) * $perpage;
    $wheresql = " WHERE f.personal_uid='{$_SESSION['uid']}' ";
    $total_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM " . table('personal_favorites') . " AS f {$wheresql} ";
    $count = $db->get_total($total_sql);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        $total_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS num from " . table('hunter_interview') . " AS i {$wheresql} ";
        $total_val = $db->get_total($total_sql);
        $page = new page(array('total' => $total_val, 'perpage' => $perpage, 'getarray' => $_GET));
        $currenpage = $page->nowindex;
        $offset = ($currenpage - 1) * $perpage;
        $joinsql = " LEFT JOIN  " . table('hunter_jobs') . " AS j  ON  i.jobs_id=j.id ";
        $smarty->assign('interview', get_hunter_invitation($offset, $perpage, $joinsql . $wheresql));
    if ($total_val > $perpage) {
        $smarty->assign('page', $page->show(3));
    $smarty->assign('title', '收到的面试邀请 - 个人会员中心 - ' . $_CFG['site_name']);
    $smarty->assign('act', $act);
    $count[0] = count_interview($_SESSION['uid'], $jobs_type, 1);
    $count[1] = count_interview($_SESSION['uid'], $jobs_type, 2);
    $count[2] = $count[0] + $count[1];
    $smarty->assign('count', $count);
    $smarty->assign('resume_list', get_interview_resumes($_SESSION['uid']));
} elseif ($act == 'set_interview') {
    $yid = !empty($_REQUEST['y_id']) ? $_REQUEST['y_id'] : showmsg("你没有选择项目!", 1);
    $jobs_type = intval($_GET['jobs_type']);
    if ($jobs_type == 1) {
        $n = set_hunter_invitation($yid, $_SESSION['uid'], 2);
    } else {
        $n = set_invitation($yid, $_SESSION['uid'], 2);
    if ($n) {
        showmsg("设置成功!", 2);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        $row = $db->getone($sql);
        $smarty->assign('resume_title', $row["title"]);
    $total_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS num from " . table('company_interview') . " AS i {$wheresql} ";
    $total_val = $db->get_total($total_sql);
    $page = new page(array('total' => $total_val, 'perpage' => $perpage));
    $currenpage = $page->nowindex;
    $offset = ($currenpage - 1) * $perpage;
    $smarty->assign('title', '收到的面试邀请 - 个人会员中心 - ' . $_CFG['site_name']);
    $joinsql = " LEFT JOIN  " . table('jobs') . " AS j  ON  i.jobs_id=j.id ";
    $smarty->assign('interview', get_invitation($offset, $perpage, $joinsql . $wheresql));
    $smarty->assign('page', $page->show(3));
    $smarty->assign('act', $act);
    $count[0] = count_interview($_SESSION['uid'], 1);
    $count[1] = count_interview($_SESSION['uid'], 2);
    $count[2] = $count[0] + $count[1];
    $smarty->assign('count', $count);
    $smarty->assign('resume_list', get_auditresume_list($_SESSION['uid']));
} elseif ($act == 'set_interview') {
    $yid = !empty($_REQUEST['y_id']) ? $_REQUEST['y_id'] : showmsg("你没有选择项目!", 1);
    if ($_POST['set']) {
        set_invitation($yid, $_SESSION['uid'], 2);
        showmsg("设置成功!", 2);
} elseif ($act == 'favorites') {
    require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'include/page.class.php';
    $wheresql = " WHERE f.personal_uid='{$_SESSION['uid']}' ";
    $settr = intval($_GET['settr']);