function search($query, $min, $orderby, $show) { global $prefix, $db, $admin, $bgcolor2, $module_name, $admin_file, $datetime, $transfertitle, $locale; include "modules/{$module_name}/d_config.php"; include "header.php"; if (!isset($min)) { $min = 0; } if (!isset($max)) { $max = $min + $downloadsresults; } if (!empty($orderby)) { $orderby = convertorderbyin($orderby); } else { $orderby = "title ASC"; } if ($show != "") { $downloadsresults = $show; } else { $show = $downloadsresults; } $query1 = filter($query, "nohtml", 1); $query1 = addslashes($query1); $query2 = filter($query, "", 1); if (!is_numeric($min)) { $min = 0; } $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, cid, title, url, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE title LIKE '%{$query1}%' OR description LIKE '%{$query2}%' ORDER BY {$orderby} LIMIT {$min},{$downloadsresults}"); $fullcountresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, title, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE title LIKE '%{$query1}%' OR description LIKE '%{$query2}%' "); $totalselecteddownloads = $db->sql_numrows($fullcountresult); $nrows = $db->sql_numrows($result); $x = 0; $the_query = filter($query, "nohtml"); $the_query = FixQuotes($the_query); menu(1); echo "<br>"; OpenTable(); if (!empty($query)) { if ($nrows > 0) { echo "<font class=\"option\">" . _SEARCHRESULTS4 . ": <b>{$the_query}</b></font><br><br>" . "<table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><tr><td><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _USUBCATEGORIES . "</b></font></td></tr></table>"; $result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE title LIKE '%{$query1}%' ORDER BY title DESC"); while (list($cid, $stitle) = $result2->fetch_row()) { $cid = intval($cid); $res = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE cid='{$cid}'"); $numrows = $db->sql_numrows($res); $result3 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid,title,parentid FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE cid='{$cid}'"); list($cid3, $title3, $parentid3) = $result3->fetch_row(); $cid3 = intval($cid3); $title3 = filter($title3, "nohtml"); $parentid3 = intval($parentid3); if ($parentid3 > 0) { $title3 = getparent($parentid3, $title3); } $title3 = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $title3); echo "<strong><big>·</big></strong> <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}\">{$title3}</a> ({$numrows})<br>"; } echo "<br><table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><tr><td><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . "</b></font></td></tr></table>"; $orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby); echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _SORTDOWNLOADSBY . ": " . "" . _TITLE . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=titleA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=titleD\">D</a>) " . "" . _DATE . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=dateA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=dateD\">D</a>) " . "" . _RATING . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=ratingA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=ratingD\">D</a>) " . "" . _POPULARITY . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=hitsA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=hitsD\">D</a>)" . "<br>" . _RESSORTED . ": {$orderbyTrans}</center><br><br><br>"; while (list($lid, $cid, $title, $url, $description, $time, $hits, $downloadratingsummary, $totalvotes, $totalcomments, $filesize, $version, $homepage) = $result->fetch_row()) { $lid = intval($lid); $cid = intval(trim($cid)); $hits = intval($hits); $totalvotes = intval($totalvotes); $totalcomments = 0; $totalcomments = intval($totalcomments); $downloadratingsummary = number_format($downloadratingsummary, $mainvotedecimal); $title = filter($title, "nohtml"); $url = filter($url, "nohtml"); $description = filter($description); $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title); $title = ereg_replace($query1, "<b>{$query1}</b>", $title); global $prefix, $db, $admin; if (is_admin($admin)) { echo "<a href=\"" . $admin_file . ".php?op=DownloadsModDownload&lid={$lid}\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/lwin.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a> "; } else { echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/lwin.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"> "; } echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=getit&lid={$lid}\">{$title}</a>"; newdownloadgraphic($datetime, $time); popgraphic($hits); detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle, 1); echo "<br>"; $description = ereg_replace($the_query, "<b>{$the_query}</b>", $description); echo "<b>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":</b> {$description}<br>"; setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale); ereg("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $time, $datetime); $datetime = strftime("" . _LINKSDATESTRING . "", mktime($datetime[4], $datetime[5], $datetime[6], $datetime[2], $datetime[3], $datetime[1])); $datetime = ucfirst($datetime); echo "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "<br>"; echo "<b>" . _ADDEDON . ":</b> {$datetime} <b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . ":</b> {$hits}"; /* voting & comments stats */ if ($totalvotes == 1) { $votestring = _VOTE; } else { $votestring = _VOTES; } if ($downloadratingsummary != "0" || $downloadratingsummary != "0.0") { echo " <b>" . _RATING . ":</b> {$downloadratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})"; } if (empty($homepage)) { echo "<br>"; } else { echo "<br><a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> | "; } echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=ratedownload&lid={$lid}\">" . _RATERESOURCE . "</a>"; echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&lid={$lid}\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>"; if ($totalcomments != 0) { echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownloadcomments&lid={$lid}>" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>"; } detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle, 0); echo "<br>"; $result3 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid,title,parentid FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE cid='{$cid}'"); list($cid3, $title3, $parentid3) = $result3->fetch_row(); $cid3 = intval($cid3); $title3 = filter($title3, "nohtml"); $parentid3 = intval($parentid3); if ($parentid3 > 0) { $title3 = getparent($parentid3, $title3); } echo "" . _CATEGORY . ": {$title3}<br><br>"; $x++; } echo "</font>"; $orderby = convertorderbyout($orderby); } else { echo "<br><br><center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _NOMATCHES . "</b></font><br><br>" . _GOBACK . "<br></center>"; } /* Calculates how many pages exist. Which page one should be on, etc... */ $downloadpagesint = $totalselecteddownloads / $downloadsresults; $downloadpageremainder = $totalselecteddownloads % $downloadsresults; if ($downloadpageremainder != 0) { $downloadpages = ceil($downloadpagesint); if ($totalselecteddownloads < $downloadsresults) { $downloadpageremainder = 0; } } else { $downloadpages = $downloadpagesint; } /* Page Numbering */ if ($downloadpages != 1 && $downloadpages != 0) { echo "<br><br>" . "" . _SELECTPAGE . ": "; $prev = $min - $downloadsresults; if ($prev >= 0) { echo " <b>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$prev}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}\">" . " << " . _PREVIOUS . "</a> ]</b> "; } $counter = 1; $currentpage = $max / $downloadsresults; while ($counter <= $downloadpages) { $cpage = $counter; $mintemp = $perpage * $counter - $downloadsresults; if ($counter == $currentpage) { echo "<b>{$counter}</b> "; } else { echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$mintemp}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}\">{$counter}</a> "; } $counter++; } $next = $min + $downloadsresults; if ($x >= $perpage) { echo " <b>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$max}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}\">" . " " . _NEXT . " >></a> ]</b>"; } } echo "<br><br><center><font class=\"content\">" . "" . _TRY2SEARCH . " \"{$the_query}\" " . _INOTHERSENGINES . "<br>" . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&kl=XX&stype=stext\">Alta Vista</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Yahoo</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Google</a>" . "</font>"; } else { echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _NOMATCHES . "</b></font></center><br><br>"; } CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; }
$orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby); echo "<small><center>" . _WFS_SORTBY1 . " "; // take over the order to previos and next page // bug fix : phase error: allarticles -> href // echo " " . _WFS_ARTICLEID1 . " (<a href='allarticles.php?orderby=articleidA'><img src='../images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href='allarticles.php?orderby=articleidD'><img src='../images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; // echo " " . _WFS_TITLE1 . " (<a href='allarticles.php?orderby=titleA'><img src='../images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href='allarticles.php?orderby=titleD'><img src='../images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; // echo " " . _WFS_DATE1 . " (<a href='allarticles.php?orderby=createdA'><img src='../images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href='allarticles.php?orderby=createdD'><img src='../images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; // echo " " . _WFS_WEIGHT . " (<a href='allarticles.php?orderby=weight'>Reset</a>)"; // if ($action != 'offline') echo " " . _WFS_RATING1 . " (<a href='allarticles.php?orderby=ratingA'><img src='../images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href=allarticles.php?orderby=ratingD><img src='../images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; // if ($action != 'offline') echo " " . _WFS_POPULARITY1 . " (<a href='allarticles.php?orderby=counterA'><img src='../images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a allarticles='index.php?orderby=counterD'><img src='../images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; // if ($action == 'offline') echo " " . _WFS_SUBMIT1 . " (<a href='allarticles.php?orderby=submitA'><img src='../images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href='allarticles.php?orderby=submitD'><img src='../images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; echo " " . _WFS_ARTICLEID1 . " (<a href='allarticles.php?orderby=articleidA&action=$action'><img src='../images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href='allarticles.php?orderby=articleidD&action=$action'><img src='../images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; echo " " . _WFS_TITLE1 . " (<a href='allarticles.php?orderby=titleA&action=$action'><img src='../images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href='allarticles.php?orderby=titleD&action=$action'><img src='../images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; echo " " . _WFS_DATE1 . " (<a href='allarticles.php?orderby=createdA&action=$action'><img src='../images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href='allarticles.php?orderby=createdD&action=$action'><img src='../images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; echo " " . _WFS_WEIGHT . " (<a href='allarticles.php?orderby=weight&action=$action'>Reset</a>)"; if ($action != 'offline') echo " " . _WFS_RATING1 . " (<a href='allarticles.php?orderby=ratingA&action=$action'><img src='../images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href='allarticles.php?orderby=ratingD&action=$action'><img src='../images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; if ($action != 'offline') echo " " . _WFS_POPULARITY1 . " (<a href='allarticles.php?orderby=counterA&action=$action'><img src='../images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href='allarticles.php?orderby=counterD&action=$action'><img src='../images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; if ($action == 'offline') echo " " . _WFS_SUBMIT1 . " (<a href='allarticles.php?orderby=submitA&action=$action'><img src='../images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href='allarticles.php?orderby=submitD&action=$action'><img src='../images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; echo "<br /><b><small>"; printf(_WFS_CURSORTBY1, $orderbyTrans); $orderby = convertorderbyout($orderby); echo "</small></b></center>"; echo "</td></tr></table>"; } wfsfooter(); xoops_cp_footer(); ?>
function search($query, $min, $orderby, $show) { global $prefix, $dbi, $admin, $bgcolor2, $module_name; include "modules/{$module_name}/d_config.php"; include "header.php"; if (!isset($min)) { $min = 0; } if (!isset($max)) { $max = $min + $downloadsresults; } if (isset($orderby)) { $orderby = convertorderbyin($orderby); } else { $orderby = "title ASC"; } if ($show != "") { $downloadsresults = $show; } else { $show = $downloadsresults; } $query = check_html($query, nohtml); $query = addslashes($query); $result = sql_query("SELECT lid, cid, title, url, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' OR description LIKE '%{$query}%' ORDER BY {$orderby} LIMIT {$min},{$downloadsresults}", $dbi); $fullcountresult = sql_query("SELECT lid, title, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' OR description LIKE '%{$query}%' ", $dbi); $totalselecteddownloads = sql_num_rows($fullcountresult, $dbi); $nrows = sql_num_rows($result, $dbi); $x = 0; $the_query = stripslashes($query); $the_query = str_replace("\\'", "'", $the_query); menu(1); echo "<br>"; OpenTable(); if ($query != "") { if ($nrows > 0) { echo "<font class=\"option\">" . _SEARCHRESULTS4 . ": <b>{$the_query}</b></font><br><br>" . "<table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><tr><td><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _USUBCATEGORIES . "</b></font></td></tr></table>"; $result2 = sql_query("SELECT cid, title FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' ORDER BY title DESC", $dbi); while (list($cid, $stitle) = sql_fetch_row($result2, $dbi)) { $res = sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE cid={$cid}", $dbi); $numrows = sql_num_rows($res, $dbi); $result3 = sql_query("SELECT cid,title,parentid FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE cid={$cid}", $dbi); list($cid3, $title3, $parentid3) = sql_fetch_row($result3, $dbi); if ($parentid3 > 0) { $title3 = getparent($parentid3, $title3); } $title3 = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $title3); echo "<strong><big>·</big></strong> <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}\">{$title3}</a> ({$numrows})<br>"; } echo "<br><table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><tr><td><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . "</b></font></td></tr></table>"; $orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby); echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _SORTDOWNLOADSBY . ": " . "" . _TITLE . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=titleA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=titleD\">D</a>) " . "" . _DATE . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=dateA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=dateD\">D</a>) " . "" . _RATING . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=ratingA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=ratingD\">D</a>) " . "" . _POPULARITY . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=hitsA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=hitsD\">D</a>)" . "<br>" . _RESSORTED . ": {$orderbyTrans}</center><br><br><br>"; while (list($lid, $cid, $title, $url, $description, $time, $hits, $downloadratingsummary, $totalvotes, $totalcomments, $filesize, $version, $homepage) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi)) { $downloadratingsummary = number_format($downloadratingsummary, $mainvotedecimal); $title = stripslashes($title); $description = stripslashes($description); $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title); $title = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $title); global $prefix, $dbi, $admin; if (is_admin($admin)) { if (eregi("http", $url)) { echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsModDownload&lid={$lid}\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>"; } else { echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsModDownload&lid={$lid}\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>"; } } else { if (eregi("http", $url)) { echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">"; } else { echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">"; } } echo " <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=getit&lid={$lid}\" CLASS=\"title\" TARGET=\"_blank\">{$title}</a>"; newdownloadgraphic($datetime, $time); popgraphic($hits); detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle, 1); echo "<br>"; $description = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $description); echo "<b>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":</b> {$description}<br>"; setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale); ereg("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $time, $datetime); $datetime = strftime("" . _LINKSDATESTRING . "", mktime($datetime[4], $datetime[5], $datetime[6], $datetime[2], $datetime[3], $datetime[1])); $datetime = ucfirst($datetime); echo "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "<br>"; echo "<b>" . _ADDEDON . ":</b> {$datetime} <b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . ":</b> {$hits}"; /* voting & comments stats */ if ($totalvotes == 1) { $votestring = _VOTE; } else { $votestring = _VOTES; } if ($downloadratingsummary != "0" || $downloadratingsummary != "0.0") { echo " <b>" . _RATING . ":</b> {$downloadratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})"; } echo "<br>"; $result3 = sql_query("SELECT cid,title,parentid FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE cid={$cid}", $dbi); list($cid3, $title3, $parentid3) = sql_fetch_row($result3, $dbi); if ($parentid3 > 0) { $title3 = getparent($parentid3, $title3); } echo "<B>" . _CATEGORY . ":</B> <A HREF=\"modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}\">{$title3}</A>"; if ($homepage == "") { echo "<br>"; } else { echo "<br><a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> | "; } echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=ratedownload&lid={$lid}&ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _RATERESOURCE . "</a>"; echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&lid={$lid}&ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>"; if ($totalcomments != 0) { echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownloadcomments&lid={$lid}&ttitle={$transfertitle}>" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>"; } detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle, 0); echo "<BR><BR>"; $x++; } echo "</font>"; $orderby = convertorderbyout($orderby); } else { echo "<br><br><center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _NOMATCHES . "</b></font><br><br>" . _GOBACK . "<br></center>"; } /* Calculates how many pages exist. Which page one should be on, etc... */ $downloadpagesint = $totalselecteddownloads / $downloadsresults; $downloadpageremainder = $totalselecteddownloads % $downloadsresults; if ($downloadpageremainder != 0) { $downloadpages = ceil($downloadpagesint); if ($totalselecteddownloads < $downloadsresults) { $downloadpageremainder = 0; } } else { $downloadpages = $downloadpagesint; } /* Page Numbering */ if ($downloadpages != 1 && $downloadpages != 0) { echo "<br><br>" . "" . _SELECTPAGE . ": "; $prev = $min - $downloadsresults; if ($prev >= 0) { echo " <b>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$prev}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}\">" . " << " . _PREVIOUS . "</a> ]</b> "; } $counter = 1; $currentpage = $max / $downloadsresults; while ($counter <= $downloadpages) { $cpage = $counter; $mintemp = $perpage * $counter - $downloadsresults; if ($counter == $currentpage) { echo "<b>{$counter}</b> "; } else { echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$mintemp}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}\">{$counter}</a> "; } $counter++; } $next = $min + $downloadsresults; if ($x >= $perpage) { echo " <b>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$max}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}\">" . " " . _NEXT . " >></a> ]</b>"; } } echo "<br><br><center><font class=\"content\">" . "" . _TRY2SEARCH . " \"{$the_query}\" " . _INOTHERSENGINES . "<br>" . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&kl=XX&stype=stext\">Alta Vista</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&DU=days&SW=web\">HotBot</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Infoseek</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Deja News</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&maxhits=20\">Lycos</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Yahoo</a>" . "<br>" . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&language=&advanced=&urlonly=&withid=\">LinuxStart</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&ui=sr\">1stLinuxSearch</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Google</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&engine=Downloads\">LinuxDownloads</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&section=projects\">Freshmeat</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">JustLinux</a>" . "</font>"; } else { echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _NOMATCHES . "</b></font></center><br><br>"; } CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; }
function search($query, $min, $orderby, $show) { global $prefix, $db, $admin, $bgcolor2, $module_name; include "modules/{$module_name}/l_config.php"; include "header.php"; if (!isset($min)) { $min = 0; } if (!isset($max)) { $max = $min + $linksresults; } if (isset($orderby)) { $orderby = convertorderbyin($orderby); } else { $orderby = "title ASC"; } if ($show != "") { $linksresults = $show; } else { $show = $linksresults; } $query = check_html($query, nohtml); $query = addslashes($query); $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, cid, sid, title, url, description, date, hits, linkratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments from " . $prefix . "_links_links where title LIKE '%{$query}%' OR description LIKE '%{$query}%' ORDER BY {$orderby} LIMIT {$min},{$linksresults}"); $fullcountresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, title, description, date, hits, linkratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments from " . $prefix . "_links_links where title LIKE '%{$query}%' OR description LIKE '%{$query}%'"); $totalselectedlinks = $db->sql_numrows($fullcountresult); $nrows = $db->sql_numrows($result); $x = 0; $the_query = stripslashes($query); $the_query = str_replace("\\'", "'", $the_query); menu(1); echo "<br>"; OpenTable(); if ($query != "") { if ($nrows > 0) { echo "<font class=\"option\">" . _SEARCHRESULTS4 . ": <b>{$the_query}</b></font><br><br>" . "<table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><tr><td><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _USUBCATEGORIES . "</b></font></td></tr></table>"; $result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title from " . $prefix . "_links_categories where title LIKE '%{$query}%' ORDER BY title DESC"); while ($row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)) { $cid = intval($row2['cid']); $stitle = stripslashes(check_html($row2['title'], "nohtml")); $res = $db->sql_query("SELECT * from " . $prefix . "_links_links where cid='{$cid}'"); $numrows = $db->sql_numrows($res); $row3 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT cid,title,parentid from " . $prefix . "_links_categories where cid='{$cid}'")); $cid3 = intval($row3['cid']); $title3 = stripslashes(check_html($row3['title'], "nohtml")); $parentid3 = intval($row3['parentid']); if ($parentid3 > 0) { $title3 = getparent($parentid3, $title3); } $title3 = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $title3); echo "<strong><big>·</big></strong> <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=viewlink&cid={$cid}\">{$title3}</a> ({$numrows})<br>"; } echo "<br><table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><tr><td><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _LINKS . "</b></font></td></tr></table>"; $orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby); echo "<br><font class=\"content\">" . _SORTLINKSBY . ": " . "" . _TITLE . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=titleA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=titleD\">D</a>)" . "" . _DATE . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=dateA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=dateD\">D</a>)" . "" . _RATING . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=ratingA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=ratingD\">D</a>)" . "" . _POPULARITY . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=hitsA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=hitsD\">D</a>)" . "<br>" . _SITESSORTED . ": {$orderbyTrans}<br><br>"; while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $lid = intval($row['lid']); $cid = intval($row['cid']); $sid = intval($row['sid']); $title = stripslashes(check_html($row['title'], "nohtml")); $url = stripslashes($row['url']); $description = stripslashes($row['description']); $time = $row['date']; $hits = intval($row['hits']); $linkratingsummary = $row['linkratingsummary']; $totalvotes = intval($row['totalvotes']); $totalcomments = $row['totalcomments']; $linkratingsummary = number_format($linkratingsummary, $mainvotedecimal); $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title); $title = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $title); echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=visit&lid={$lid}\" target=\"new\">{$title}</a>"; newlinkgraphic($datetime, $time); popgraphic($hits); echo "<br>"; $description = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $description); echo "" . _DESCRIPTION . ": {$description}<br>"; setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale); ereg("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $time, $datetime); $datetime = strftime("" . _LINKSDATESTRING . "", mktime($datetime[4], $datetime[5], $datetime[6], $datetime[2], $datetime[3], $datetime[1])); $datetime = ucfirst($datetime); echo "" . _ADDEDON . ": {$datetime} " . _HITS . ": {$hits}"; /* voting & comments stats */ if ($totalvotes == 1) { $votestring = _VOTE; } else { $votestring = _VOTES; } if ($linkratingsummary != "0" || $linkratingsummary != "0.0") { echo " " . _RATING . ": {$linkratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})"; } echo "<br><a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=ratelink&lid={$lid}&ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _RATESITE . "</a>"; if ($totalvotes != 0) { echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=viewlinkdetails&lid={$lid}&ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>"; } if ($totalcomments != 0) { echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=viewlinkcomments&lid={$lid}&ttitle={$transfertitle}>" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>"; } detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle); echo "<br>"; $row4 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT cid,title,parentid from " . $prefix . "_links_categories where cid='{$cid}'")); $cid3 = intval($row4['cid']); $title3 = stripslashes(check_html($row4['title'], "nohtml")); $parentid3 = intval($row4['parentid']); if ($parentid3 > 0) { $title3 = getparent($parentid3, $title3); } echo "" . _CATEGORY . ": {$title3}<br><br>"; $x++; } echo "</font>"; $orderby = convertorderbyout($orderby); } else { echo "<br><br><center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _NOMATCHES . "</b></font><br><br>" . _GOBACK . "<br></center>"; } /* Calculates how many pages exist. Which page one should be on, etc... */ $linkpagesint = $totalselectedlinks / $linksresults; $linkpageremainder = $totalselectedlinks % $linksresults; if ($linkpageremainder != 0) { $linkpages = ceil($linkpagesint); if ($totalselectedlinks < $linksresults) { $linkpageremainder = 0; } } else { $linkpages = $linkpagesint; } /* Page Numbering */ if ($linkpages != 1 && $linkpages != 0) { echo "<br><br>" . "" . _SELECTPAGE . ": "; $prev = $min - $linksresults; if ($prev >= 0) { echo " <b>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$prev}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}\">" . " << " . _PREVIOUS . "</a> ]</b> "; } $counter = 1; $currentpage = $max / $linksresults; while ($counter <= $linkpages) { $cpage = $counter; $mintemp = $perpage * $counter - $linksresults; if ($counter == $currentpage) { echo "<b>{$counter}</b> "; } else { echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$mintemp}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}\">{$counter}</a> "; } $counter++; } $next = $min + $linksresults; if ($x >= $perpage) { echo " <b>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$max}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}\">" . " " . _NEXT . " >></a> ]</b>"; } } echo "<br><br><center><font class=\"content\">" . "" . _TRY2SEARCH . " \"{$the_query}\" " . _INOTHERSENGINES . "<br>" . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&kl=XX&stype=stext\">Alta Vista</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&DU=days&SW=web\">HotBot</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Infoseek</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Deja News</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&maxhits=20\">Lycos</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Yahoo</a>" . "<br>" . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&language=&advanced=&urlonly=&withid=\">LinuxStart</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&ui=sr\">1stLinuxSearch</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Google</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&engine=Links\">LinuxLinks</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&section=projects\">Freshmeat</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">JustLinux</a>" . "</font>"; } else { echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _NOMATCHES . "</b></font></center><br><br>"; } CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; }
function viewsdownload($sid, $min, $orderby, $show) { global $prefix, $dbi, $admin, $module_name, $user; include "modules/{$module_name}/d_config.php"; include "header.php"; menu(1); if (!isset($min)) { $min = 0; } if (!isset($max)) { $max = $min + $perpage; } if (isset($orderby)) { $orderby = convertorderbyin($orderby); } else { $orderby = "title ASC"; } if ($show != "") { $perpage = $show; } else { $show = $perpage; } echo "<br>"; OpenTable(); $result = sql_query("SELECT title,parentid FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE cid={$cid}", $dbi); list($title, $parentid) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi); $title = getparentlink($parentid, $title); $title = "<a href=modules.php?name={$module_name}>" . _MAIN . "</a>/{$title}"; echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _CATEGORY . ": {$title}</b></font></center><br>"; echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"10\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\"><tr>"; $result2 = sql_query("SELECT cid, title, cdescription FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE parentid={$cid} order by title", $dbi); $count = 0; while (list($cid2, $title2, $cdescription2) = sql_fetch_row($result2, $dbi)) { echo "<td><font class=\"option\"><strong><big>·</big></strong> <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid2}\"><b>{$title2}</b></a></font>"; categorynewdownloadgraphic($cid2); if ($cdescription2) { echo "<font class=\"content\">{$cdescription2}</font><br>"; } else { echo "<br>"; } $result3 = sql_query("SELECT cid, title FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_categories WHERE parentid={$cid2} order by title limit 0,3", $dbi); $space = 0; while (list($cid3, $title3) = sql_fetch_row($result3, $dbi)) { if ($space > 0) { echo ", "; } echo "<font class=\"content\"><a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid3}\">{$title3}</a></font>"; $space++; } if ($count < 1) { echo "</td><td> </td>"; $dum = 1; } $count++; if ($count == 2) { echo "</td></tr><tr>"; $count = 0; $dum = 0; } } if ($dum == 1) { echo "</tr></table>"; } elseif ($dum == 0) { echo "<td></td></tr></table>"; } echo "<hr noshade size=\"1\">"; $orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby); echo "<br><center><font class=\"content\">" . _SORTDOWNLOADSBY . ": " . "" . _TITLE . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&sid={$sid}&orderby=titleA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&sid={$sid}&orderby=titleD\">D</a>)" . " " . _DATE . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&sid={$sid}&orderby=dateA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&sid={$sid}&orderby=dateD\">D</a>)" . " " . _RATING . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&sid={$sid}&orderby=ratingA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&sid={$sid}&orderby=ratingD\">D</a>)" . " " . _POPULARITY . " (<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&sid={$sid}&orderby=hitsA\">A</a>\\<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&sid={$sid}&orderby=hitsD\">D</a>)" . "<br><b>" . _RESSORTED . ": {$orderbyTrans}</b></font></center><br><br>"; $result = sql_query("SELECT lid, url, title, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE sid={$sid} order by {$orderby} limit {$min},{$perpage}", $dbi); $fullcountresult = sql_query("SELECT lid, title, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments FROM " . $prefix . "_downloads_downloads WHERE sid={$sid}", $dbi); $totalselecteddownloads = sql_num_rows($fullcountresult, $dbi); echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" border=\"0\"><tr><td><font class=\"content\">"; $x = 0; while (list($lid, $url, $title, $description, $time, $hits, $downloadratingsummary, $totalvotes, $totalcomments, $filesize, $version, $homepage) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi)) { $downloadratingsummary = number_format($downloadratingsummary, $mainvotedecimal); $title = stripslashes($title); $description = stripslashes($description); global $prefix, $dbi, $admin; if (is_admin($admin)) { echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=DownloadsModDownload&lid={$lid}\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/lwin.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a> "; } else { echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/lwin.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"> "; } echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=getit&lid={$lid}\">{$title}</a>"; newdownloadgraphic($datetime, $time); popgraphic($hits); /* code for *editor review* insert here */ detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle, 1); echo "<br><b>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":</b> {$description}<br>"; setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale); ereg("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $time, $datetime); $datetime = strftime("" . _LINKSDATESTRING . "", mktime($datetime[4], $datetime[5], $datetime[6], $datetime[2], $datetime[3], $datetime[1])); $datetime = ucfirst($datetime); echo "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "<br>"; echo "<b>" . _ADDEDON . ":</b> {$datetime} <b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . ":</b> {$hits}"; $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title); /* voting & comments stats */ if ($totalvotes == 1) { $votestring = _VOTE; } else { $votestring = _VOTES; } if ($downloadratingsummary != "0" || $downloadratingsummary != "0.0") { echo " <b>" . _RATING . ":</b> {$downloadratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})"; } if ($homepage == "") { echo "<br>"; } else { echo "<br><a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> | "; } echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=ratedownload&lid={$lid}&ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _RATERESOURCE . "</a>"; if (is_user($user)) { echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=brokendownload&lid={$lid}\">" . _REPORTBROKEN . "</a>"; } echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&lid={$lid}&ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>"; if ($totalcomments != 0) { echo " | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownloadcomments&lid={$lid}&ttitle={$transfertitle}\">" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>"; } detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle, 0); echo "<br><br>"; $x++; } echo "</font>"; $orderby = convertorderbyout($orderby); /* Calculates how many pages exist. Which page one should be on, etc... */ $downloadpagesint = $totalselecteddownloads / $perpage; $downloadpageremainder = $totalselecteddownloads % $perpage; if ($downloadpageremainder != 0) { $downloadpages = ceil($downloadpagesint); if ($totalselecteddownloads < $perpage) { $downloadpageremainder = 0; } } else { $downloadpages = $downloadpagesint; } /* Page Numbering */ if ($downloadpages != 1 && $downloadpages != 0) { echo "<br><br>" . "" . _SELECTPAGE . ": "; $prev = $min - $perpage; if ($prev >= 0) { echo " <b>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&sid={$sid}&min={$prev}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}\">" . " << " . _PREVIOUS . "</a> ]</b> "; } $counter = 1; $currentpage = $max / $perpage; while ($counter <= $downloadpages) { $cpage = $counter; $mintemp = $perpage * $counter - $perpage; if ($counter == $currentpage) { echo "<b>{$counter}</b> "; } else { echo "<a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&sid={$sid}&min={$mintemp}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}\">{$counter}</a> "; } $counter++; } $next = $min + $perpage; if ($x >= $perpage) { echo " <b>[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&d_op=viewdownload&sid={$sid}&min={$max}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}\">" . " " . _NEXT . " >></a> ]</b> "; } } echo "</td></tr></table>"; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; }
function listArticle($catid, $start = 0, $num = 20) { global $xoopsDB, $orderby, $xoopsConfig, $xoopsUser, $xoopsModule, $wfsConfig, $myts, $counter, $mydownloads_popular, $dataselect; global $wfsModule; // add $xt = new WfsCategory($catid); if (file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/" . $wfsConfig['sgraphicspath'] . "/" . $xt->imgurl) && $xt->imgurl !='blank.gif' ) { $image = "<img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/" . $wfsConfig['sgraphicspath'] . "/" . $xt->imgurl("S") . "'>"; } else { if ($xoopsUser && $xoopsUser->isAdmin($xoopsModule->mid()) && $xt->imgurl !='blank.gif') { // multi language // $image = "ERROR: Please check path/file for image"; $image = "<font color=red>"._WFS_ERROR_IMAGE."</font>"; } else { $image = ''; } } $title = $xt->title() ; $catdescription = $xt->catdescription('S'); echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='1' valign='top' align = 'center' width = '100%'>"; if ((!empty($xt->imgurl) && $xt->displayimg == 1)) { echo "<tr><td colspan='5' align='center'>".$image."</td></tr>\n"; } echo "<tr><td colspan='5' align='center'> </td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan='5' align='center'><h3>".$title."</h3></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td>"; // -- Skalpack2 [start] // easy to rename module and table // $jump = XOOPS_URL."/modules/wfsection/index.php?"; $jump = XOOPS_URL."/modules/$wfsModule/index.php?"; $tree = new wfsTree($xt->table, "id", "pid"); switch ($wfsConfig['aidxpathtype']) { case 1: // Local selectbox $tree->makeMyRootedSelBox('title', 'title', $xt->id, true, $xt->id, true, "", "location.href='{$jump}category='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value"); break; case 2: // Linked path // BUG 217: category link is wrong // echo preg_replace('/&id=/', '&category=', $tree->getNicePathFromId($xt->id, "title", $jump)); echo preg_replace('/&id=/', '&category=', $tree->getNicePathFromId($xt->id, "title", $jump)); break; case 3: // Path and local select box // BUG 217: category link is wrong // echo preg_replace('/&id=/', '&category=', $tree->getNicePathFromId($xt->pid, "title", $jump)); echo preg_replace('/&id=/', '&category=', $tree->getNicePathFromId($xt->pid, "title", $jump)); // bug fix: it can't jump at Path and local select box // $tree->makeMySelBox('title', 'title', $xt->id, true, $xt->id, true, "", "location.href='{$jump}category='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value"); $tree->makeMyRootedSelBox('title', 'title', $xt->id, true, $xt->id, true, "", "location.href='{$jump}category='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value"); break; case 4: // None break; case 0: // Full selectbox default: $xt->makeSelBox(1, $xt->id, "pid", "location.href='{$jump}category='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value").""; break; } // -- Skalpack2 [/end] echo "</td></td>"; echo "<tr><td colspan='5'><br />$catdescription<br /></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan='5'> </td></tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; $sarray = WfsArticle::getAllArticle($num, $start, $catid, $dataselect='4'); $articlecount = WfsArticle::countByCategory($catid); echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='1' width = '100%' class= 'outer'>"; If ($articlecount != 0) { echo "<tr align='left'>"; // These will always be shown echo "<td align='left' width = '30%' class='itemHead'><b>" . _WFS_ARTICLE . "</b></td>"; if ($wfsConfig['summary']) { echo "<td align='left' width = '50%' class='itemHead'><b>" . _WFS_SUMMARY . "</b></td>"; } // You can choose which of these to show if ($wfsConfig['showauthor']) echo "<td align='center' class='itemHead'><b>" . _WFS_AUTH . "</b></td>"; if ($wfsConfig['showhits']) echo "<td align='center' class='itemHead'><b>" . _WFS_HITS . "</b></td>"; if ($wfsConfig['showcomments']) { if ($wfsConfig['comments']) echo "<td align='center' class='itemHead'><b>" . _WFS_COMMENT . "</b></td>"; } if ($wfsConfig['showfile']) echo "<td align='center' class='itemHead'><b>" . _WFS_FILES . "</b></td>"; if ($wfsConfig['novote']) { if ($wfsConfig['showrated']) echo "<td align='center' class='itemHead'><b>" . _WFS_RATED . "</b></td>"; } if ($wfsConfig['novote']) { if ($wfsConfig['showvotes']) echo "<td align='center' class='itemHead'><b>" . _WFS_VOTES . "</b></td>"; } if ($wfsConfig['showupdated']) echo "<td align='center' class='itemHead'><b>" . _WFS_PUBLISHEDHOME . "</b></td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; foreach ($sarray as $article) { $counter = $article->counter(); $time = $article->created(); $stat = $article->changed(); $articlelink = "<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $xoopsModule->dirname() . "/article.php?articleid=" . $article->articleid() . "'>"; if ($wfsConfig['picon']) { $articlelink .= "".$article->iconLink("S") . "</a>"; } else { $articlelink .= "".$article->textLink("S") . "</a>"; } $summary = $article->summary(); $published = formatTimestamp($article->published(), $wfsConfig['timestamp']); $counter = $article->counter(); if ($wfsConfig['comments']) $commentcount = $article->getCommentsCount(); $attachedfiles = $article->getFilesCount(); if ($article->uid > 0) { $user = new xoopsUser($article->uid); if (($wfsConfig['realname']) && $user->getvar('name')) { $username = $user->getvar('name'); } else { $username = $user->getvar('uname'); } $username = "******".XOOPS_URL."/userinfo.php?uid=".$article->uid()."'>".$username."</a>"; } else { $username = $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['anonymous']; } //$username = "******" . XOOPS_URL . "/userinfo.php?uid=" . $article->uid() . "'>" . $article->uname() . "</a>"; if ($wfsConfig['novote']) $rating = number_format($article->rating, 2); $groupid = $article->groupid; if ($wfsConfig['novote']) $votes = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($article->votes) ; $status = 1; $orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby); if ($stat != $time) $status = 2; if (checkAccess($groupid)) { echo "<tr><td valign='top' class='even'>$articlelink"; if ($wfsConfig['noicons']) { popgraphic($counter); newdownloadgraphic($time, $status); } echo "</td>"; if ($wfsConfig['summary']) echo "<td valign='top' class='even'>$summary</td>"; if ($wfsConfig['showauthor']) echo "<td align='center' valign='top' class='even' nowrap='nowrap'>$username</td>"; if ($wfsConfig['showhits']) echo "<td align='center' valign='top' class='even'>$counter</td>"; //if ($wfsConfig['comments']) { if ($wfsConfig['showcomments']) { if ($wfsConfig['comments']) echo "<td align='center' valign='top' class='even'>$commentcount</td>"; } if ($wfsConfig['showfile']) echo "<td align='center' valign='top' class='even'>$attachedfiles</td>"; if ($wfsConfig['novote']) { if ($wfsConfig['showrated']) echo "<td align='center' valign='top' class='even'>$rating</td>"; if ($wfsConfig['showvotes']) echo "<td align='center' valign='top' class='even'>$votes</td>"; } if ($wfsConfig['showupdated']) { echo "<td align='center' nowrap='nowrap' valign='top' class='even'>$published</td></tr>\n"; } } } //end check access } echo "</table>\n"; if ($articlecount > $num) { echo "<table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' align='center' valign='top'><tr><td align='center'>"; // take over the order to previos and next page // if ($articlecount < $start + $num) echo "<a href='index.php?category=" . $catid . "&start=" . ($start - $num) . "'>" . _WFS_PREVPAGE . "</a> "; // if ($articlecount > $start + $num) echo "<a href='index.php?category=" . $catid . "&start=" . ($start + $num) . "'>" . _WFS_NEXTPAGE . "</a> "; $orderbyOut = convertorderbyout($orderby); if ($articlecount < $start + $num) echo "<a href='index.php?category=" . $catid . "&start=" . ($start - $num) . "&orderby=" . $orderbyOut . "'>" . _WFS_PREVPAGE . "</a> "; if ($articlecount > $start + $num) echo "<a href='index.php?category=" . $catid . "&start=" . ($start + $num) . "&orderby=" . $orderbyOut . "'>" . _WFS_NEXTPAGE . "</a> "; // BUG 8186: page number is displayed too many // for($i = 0, $j = 1; $i <= $articlecount; $i += $num, $j++) for($i = 0, $j = 1; $i < $articlecount; $i += $num, $j++) { if (($i <= $start) && ($start < ($i + $num))) { echo $j . " "; } else { // take over the order to previos and next page // echo "<a href='index.php?category=" . $catid . "&start=" . ($i) . "'>" . ($j) . "</a> "; echo "<a href='index.php?category=" . $catid . "&start=" . ($i) . "&orderby=" . $orderbyOut . "'>" . ($j) . "</a> "; } } echo "</td></tr></table>\n"; } echo "<table cellpadding='2' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>"; if ($xt->catfooter) { echo "<tr><td><br />\n"; echo $xt->catfooter('S') . "<br /><br />\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>"; if (!$xt->catfooter) echo "<br />"; echo "<tr><td align='center' class='head' >[ <a href='javascript:history.back(1)'>" . _WFS_BACK2 . "</a> | <a href='./index.php'>" . _WFS_RETURN2INDEX . "</a> ]</a></td></tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; echo "<br />"; if (($articlecount > 0)) { echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='100%' class = 'outer'>"; echo "<tr><td align='center' class='even'>"; $orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby); // BUG 7854: redundant samll tag // echo "<small><center>" . _WFS_SORTBY1 . " "; echo "<center>" . _WFS_SORTBY1 . " "; echo " " . _WFS_TITLE1 . " (<a href='index.php?category=$catid&orderby=titleA'><img src='images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href='index.php?category=$catid&orderby=titleD'><img src='images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; echo " " . _WFS_DATE1 . " (<a href='index.php?category=$catid&orderby=createdA'><img src='images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href='index.php?category=$catid&orderby=createdD'><img src='images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; echo " " . _WFS_WEIGHT . " (<a href='index.php?category=$catid&orderby=weight'>Reset</a>)"; if ($wfsConfig['novote']) { echo " " . _WFS_RATING1 . " (<a href='index.php?category=$catid&orderby=ratingA'><img src='images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href=index.php?category=$catid&orderby=ratingD><img src='images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; } echo " " . _WFS_POPULARITY1 . " (<a href='index.php?category=$catid&orderby=counterA'><img src='images/up.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a><a href='index.php?category=$catid&orderby=counterD'><img src='images/down.gif' border='0' align='middle' alt='' /></a>)"; echo "<br /><b><small>"; printf(_WFS_CURSORTBY1, $orderbyTrans); $orderby = convertorderbyout($orderby); echo "</small></b></center>"; echo "</td></tr></table>\n"; } }
function viewslink($sid, $min, $orderby, $show) { global $ModPath, $ModStart, $links_DB, $admin, $perpage; include "header.php"; // Include cache manager global $SuperCache; if ($SuperCache) { $cache_obj = new cacheManager(); $cache_obj->startCachingPage(); } else { $cache_obj = new SuperCacheEmpty(); } if ($cache_obj->genereting_output == 1 or $cache_obj->genereting_output == -1 or !$SuperCache) { mainheader(); $filen = "modules/{$ModPath}/links.ban_03.php"; if (file_exists($filen)) { include $filen; } if (!isset($max)) { $max = $min + $perpage; } $result = sql_query("SELECT cid, title FROM " . $links_DB . "links_subcategories WHERE sid='{$sid}'"); list($cid, $stitle) = sql_fetch_row($result); $result2 = sql_query("SELECT cid, title FROM " . $links_DB . "links_categories WHERE cid='{$cid}'"); list($cid, $title) = sql_fetch_row($result2); echo "<table class=\"table table-bordered\"><tr><td class=\"header\">\n"; echo "<a href=\"modules.php?ModStart={$ModStart}&ModPath={$ModPath}\" class=\"box\">" . translate("Main") . "</a> / <a href=\"modules.php?ModStart={$ModStart}&ModPath={$ModPath}&op=viewlink&cid={$cid}\" class=\"box\">" . aff_langue($title) . "</a> / " . aff_langue($stitle); echo "</td></tr></table>"; $orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby); settype($min, "integer"); settype($perpage, "integer"); $result = sql_query("SELECT lid, url, title, description, date, hits, topicid_card, cid, sid FROM " . $links_DB . "links_links WHERE sid='{$sid}' ORDER BY {$orderby} LIMIT {$min},{$perpage}"); $fullcountresult = sql_query("SELECT lid, title, description, date, hits FROM " . $links_DB . "links_links WHERE sid='{$sid}'"); $totalselectedlinks = sql_num_rows($fullcountresult); echo "<br />\n"; $link_fiche_detail = ""; include_once "modules/{$ModPath}/links-view.php"; echo "<br />\n"; $orderby = convertorderbyout($orderby); //Calculates how many pages exist. Which page one should be on, etc... $linkpagesint = $totalselectedlinks / $perpage; $linkpageremainder = $totalselectedlinks % $perpage; if ($linkpageremainder != 0) { $linkpages = ceil($linkpagesint); if ($totalselectedlinks < $perpage) { $linkpageremainder = 0; } } else { $linkpages = $linkpagesint; } //Page Numbering if ($linkpages != 1 && $linkpages != 0) { echo "<p align=\"center\">"; echo translate("Select page") . " : "; $prev = $min - $perpage; $counter = 1; $currentpage = $max / $perpage; while ($counter <= $linkpages) { $cpage = $counter; $mintemp = $perpage * $counter - $perpage; if ($counter == $currentpage) { echo "<font class=\"rouge\">{$counter}</font> "; } else { echo "<a href=\"modules.php?ModStart={$ModStart}&ModPath={$ModPath}&op=viewslink&sid={$sid}&min={$mintemp}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}\">{$counter}</a> "; } $counter++; } } echo "</p><br />"; FooterOrderBy($cid, $sid, $orderbyTrans, "viewslink"); } if ($SuperCache) { $cache_obj->endCachingPage(); } include "footer.php"; }
list($lid, $cid, $dtitle, $url, $homepage, $version, $size, $submitter, $logourl, $status, $time, $hits, $rating, $votes, $comments, $description) = DB_fetchArray($result); $rating = number_format($rating, 2); $dtitle = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($dtitle); $url = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($url); $homepage = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($homepage); $version = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($version); $size = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($size); $logourl = $myts->makeTboxData4Show($logourl); $datetime = formatTimestamp($time); $description = PLG_replaceTags($myts->makeTareaData4Show($description, 0)); //no html $result2 = DB_query("SELECT username,fullname,photo FROM {$_TABLES['users']} WHERE uid = {$submitter}"); list($submitter_name, $submitter_fullname, $photo) = DB_fetchARRAY($result2); $submitter_name = COM_getDisplayName($submitter, $submitter_name, $submitter_fullname); include $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/filemgmt/include/dlformat.php'; $p->set_var('cssid', $cssid); $p->parse('filelisting_records', 'records', true); $cssid = $cssid == 2 ? 1 : 2; // Print Google-like paging navigation $base_url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/filemgmt/viewcat.php?cid=' . $cid . '&orderby=' . convertorderbyout($orderby); $p->set_var('page_navigation', COM_printPageNavigation($base_url, $page, $numpages)); } $p->parse('output', 'page'); $display .= $p->finish($p->get_var('output')); } else { $p->set_var('filelisting_records', '<tr><td><div class="pluginAlert" style="width:500px;padding:10px;margin:10px;border:1px dashed #CCC;">' . _MD_NOFILES . '</div></td></tr>'); $p->parse('output', 'page'); $display .= $p->finish($p->get_var('output')); } $display .= FM_siteFooter(); echo $display;
function viewdownload() { global $downloadsprefix, $db, $perpage, $module_name, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor3, $show_links_num; $cid = intval($_GET['cid']); $min = isset($_GET['min']) ? intval($_GET['min']) : 0; $orderby = convertorderbyin($_GET['orderby']); $max = $min + $perpage; include "header.php"; $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT title,cdescription,ldescription,parentid FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE cid={$cid}"); list($title, $cdescription, $ldescription, $parentid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $title = getparentlink($parentid, $title); $title = "<a href=" . getlink() . ">" . _MAIN . "</a>/{$title}"; downl_menu_tpl(1); echo '<br />'; if ($ldescription != '') { OpenTable2(); echo "{$ldescription}"; CloseTable2(); echo '<br />'; } OpenTable(); if ($cdescription != '') { $cdescription = "<br />" . $cdescription; } echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>" . _CATEGORY . ": {$title}</b></font>{$cdescription}</center>"; echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"10\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\"><tr>"; $result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title, cdescription FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE parentid={$cid} order by title"); $count = 0; while (list($cid2, $title2, $cdescription2) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)) { if ($show_links_num == 1) { $cresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE cid={$cid2}"); $cnumrows = $db->sql_numrows($cresult); $cnumm = " ({$cnumrows})"; } else { $cnum = ""; } if ($cnumrows > 0) { $folder = "modules/Downloads/images/openfolder.gif"; } else { $folder = "modules/Downloads/images/closedfolder.gif"; } if (can_admin('downloads')) { $folderImg = "<A HREF=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModCat&cat={$cid2}") . "\"><IMG SRC=\"{$folder}\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></A>"; } else { $folderImg = "<IMG SRC=\"{$folder}\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"{$title2}\">"; } echo "<td valign=\"top\"><font class=\"title\">{$folderImg} <a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid2}") . "\"><b>{$title2}</b></a></font>{$cnumm}"; categorynewdownloadgraphic($cid2); if ($cdescription2) { echo "<br /><font class=\"content\">{$cdescription2}</font><br />"; } else { echo '<br />'; } $result3 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE parentid={$cid2} order by title limit 0,3"); $space = 0; while (list($cid3, $title3) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result3)) { if ($space > 0) { echo ", "; } if ($show_links_num == 1) { $cresult2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE cid={$cid3}"); $cnumrows2 = $db->sql_numrows($cresult2); $cnum = " ({$cnumrows2})"; } else { $cnum = ""; } echo "<font class=\"content\"><a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid3}") . "\">{$title3}</a></font>{$cnum}"; $space++; } if ($count < 1) { echo "</td><td> </td>"; $dum = 1; } $count++; if ($count == 2) { echo "</td></tr><tr>"; $count = 0; $dum = 0; } } if ($dum == 1) { echo "</tr></table>"; } elseif ($dum == 0) { echo "<td></td></tr></table>"; } echo "<hr noshade size=\"1\">"; $orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby); echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _SORTDOWNLOADSBY . ": " . _TITLE . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}&orderby=titleA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}&orderby=titleD") . "\">D</a>) " . _DATE . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}&orderby=dateA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}&orderby=dateD") . "\">D</a>) " . _RATING . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}&orderby=ratingA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}&orderby=ratingD") . "\">D</a>) " . _POPULARITY . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}&orderby=hitsA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}&orderby=hitsD") . "\">D</a>)" . "<br /><b>" . _RESSORTED . ": {$orderbyTrans}</b></font></center>"; echo "<hr noshade size=\"1\">"; $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, title, url, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE cid={$cid} order by {$orderby} limit {$min},{$perpage} "); $fullcountresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE cid={$cid}"); $totalselecteddownloads = $db->sql_numrows($fullcountresult); echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" border=\"0\"><tr><td><font class=\"content\">"; $x = 0; $color = $bgcolor3; while (list($lid, $title, $url, $description, $time, $hits, $downloadratingsummary, $totalvotes, $totalcomments, $filesize, $version, $homepage) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $downloadratingsummary = number_format($downloadratingsummary, $mainvotedecimal); $color = $color == $bgcolor3 ? $bgcolor1 : $bgcolor3; echo "<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100%><TR BGCOLOR=\"{$color}\"><TD>"; if (can_admin('downloads')) { if (eregi("http", $url)) { echo "<a href=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModDownload&lid={$lid}") . "\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>"; } else { echo "<a href=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModDownload&lid={$lid}") . "\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>"; } } else { if (eregi("http", $url)) { echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">"; } else { echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">"; } } echo "</td><td width=\"100%\" class=\"title\" valign=\"top\"><a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=getit&lid={$lid}") . "\"><B>{$title}</b></a>"; $datetime = formatDateTime($time . ' 00:00:00', _DATESTRING3); newdownloadgraphic($datetime); popgraphic($hits); detecteditorial($lid, 1); echo "</td></tr><TR BGCOLOR=\"{$color}\"><TD COLSPAN=2>"; echo "<DIV ALIGN=\"JUSTIFY\"><b>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":</b> {$description}</td></tr><TR BGCOLOR=\"{$color}\"><TD COLSPAN=2>"; echo "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "<br />"; echo "<b>" . _ADDEDON . ":</b> {$datetime} <b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . ":</b> {$hits}"; $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title); /* voting & comments stats */ if ($totalvotes == 1) { $votestring = _VOTE; } else { $votestring = _VOTES; } if ($downloadratingsummary != "0" || $downloadratingsummary != "0.0") { echo " <b>" . _RATING . ":</b> {$downloadratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})"; } if ($homepage == "") { echo '<br />'; } else { echo "<br /><a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> | "; } echo "<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=ratedownload&lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _RATERESOURCE . "</a>"; if (is_user()) { echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=brokendownload&lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _REPORTBROKEN . "</a>"; } echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>"; if ($totalcomments != 0) { echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownloadcomments&lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>"; } detecteditorial($lid, 0); echo "</div></td></tr></table><br />"; $x++; } echo "</font>"; $orderby = convertorderbyout($orderby); /* Calculates how many pages exist. Which page one should be on, etc... */ $downloadpagesint = $totalselecteddownloads / $perpage; $downloadpageremainder = $totalselecteddownloads % $perpage; if ($downloadpageremainder != 0) { $downloadpages = ceil($downloadpagesint); if ($totalselecteddownloads < $perpage) { $downloadpageremainder = 0; } } else { $downloadpages = $downloadpagesint; } /* Page Numbering */ if ($downloadpages != 1 && $downloadpages != 0) { echo "<br /><br />"; echo _SELECTPAGE . ": "; $prev = $min - $perpage; if ($prev >= 0) { echo " <b>[ <a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}&min={$prev}&orderby={$orderby}") . "\">"; echo " << " . _PREVIOUSPAGE . "</a> ]</b> "; } $counter = 1; $currentpage = $max / $perpage; while ($counter <= $downloadpages) { $cpage = $counter; $mintemp = $perpage * $counter - $perpage; if ($counter == $currentpage) { echo "<b>{$counter}</b> "; } else { echo "<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}&min={$mintemp}&orderby={$orderby}") . "\">{$counter}</a> "; } $counter++; } $next = $min + $perpage; if ($x >= $perpage) { echo " <b>[ <a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}&min={$max}&orderby={$orderby}") . "\">" . _NEXTPAGE . " >></a> ]</b> "; } } echo "</td></tr></table>"; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; }
function search($query, $min, $orderby, $show) { global $linksprefix, $db, $bgcolor2, $module_name, $weblinks_config; require_once 'header.php'; $perpage = $weblinks_config['perpage']; $linksresults = $weblinks_config['linksresults']; if (!isset($min)) { $min = 0; } if (!isset($max)) { $max = $min + $linksresults; } $orderby = isset($_GET['orderby']) ? convertorderbyin($_GET['orderby']) : 'title ASC'; if ($show != '') { $linksresults = $show; } else { $show = $linksresults; } $the_query = htmlprepare($query); $query = Fix_Quotes($query, true); $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, cid, title, url, description, date, hits, linkratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments FROM " . $linksprefix . "_links WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' OR description LIKE '%{$query}%' ORDER BY {$orderby} LIMIT {$min},{$linksresults}"); $fullcountresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $linksprefix . "_links WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' OR description LIKE '%{$query}%'"); list($totalselectedlinks) = $db->sql_fetchrow($fullcountresult); $nrows = $db->sql_numrows($result); $x = 0; menu(1); echo '<br />'; OpenTable(); if ($query != '') { if ($nrows > 0) { echo '<span class="option">' . _SEARCHRESULTS4 . ': <b>' . $the_query . '</b></span><br /><br />' . '<table width="100%" style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';"><tr><td><span class="option"><b>' . _USUBCATEGORIES . '</b></span></td></tr></table>'; $result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title FROM " . $linksprefix . "_categories WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' ORDER BY title DESC"); while (list($cid, $stitle) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)) { $res = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $linksprefix . "_links WHERE cid={$cid}"); $numrows = $db->sql_numrows($res); $result3 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid,title,parentid FROM " . $linksprefix . "_categories WHERE cid={$cid}"); list($cid3, $title3, $parentid3) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result3); if ($parentid3 > 0) { $title3 = getparent($parentid3, $title3); } $title3 = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $title3); } echo '<br /><table width="100%" style="background:' . $bgcolor2 . ';"><tr><td class="option"><b>' . _LINKS . '</b></td></tr></table>'; $orderbyTrans = isset($_GET['orderby']) ? convertorderbytrans($_GET['orderby']) : _TITLEAZ; echo '<br /><span class="content">' . _SORTLINKSBY . ': ' . _TITLE . ' (<a href="' . URL::index("&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=titlea") . '">A</a>\\<a href="' . URL::index("&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=titled") . '">D</a>)' . _DATE . ' (<a href="' . URL::index("&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=datea") . '">A</a>\\<a href="' . URL::index("&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=dated") . '">D</a>)' . _RATING . ' (<a href="' . URL::index("&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=ratinga") . '">A</a>\\<a href="' . URL::index("&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=ratingd") . '">D</a>)' . _POPULARITY . ' (<a href="' . URL::index("&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=hitsa") . '">A</a>\\<a href="' . URL::index("&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=hitsd") . '">D</a>)' . '<br />' . _SITESSORTED . ": {$orderbyTrans}<br /><br />"; while (list($lid, $cid, $title, $url, $description, $time, $hits, $linkratingsummary, $totalvotes, $totalcomments) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $linkratingsummary = number_format($linkratingsummary, $weblinks_config['mainvotedecimal']); $transfertitle = str_replace(' ', '_', $title); $title = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $title); echo '<a href="' . URL::index('&l_op=visit&lid=' . $lid) . '" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a>'; $datetime = formatDateTime($time . ' 00:00:00', _DATESTRING3); newlinkgraphic($datetime); popgraphic($hits); echo '<br />'; $description = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $description); echo _DESCRIPTION . ": {$description}<br />"; echo _ADDEDON . ": {$datetime} " . _HITS . ": {$hits}"; /* voting & comments stats */ $votestring = $totalvotes == 1 ? _VOTE : _VOTES; if ($linkratingsummary != '0' || $linkratingsummary != '0.0') { echo ' ' . _RATING . ": {$linkratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})"; } echo '<br /><a href="' . URL::index('&l_op=ratelink&lid=' . $lid . '&ttitle=' . $transfertitle) . '">' . _RATESITE . '</a>'; if ($totalvotes != 0) { echo ' | <a href="' . URL::index("&l_op=viewlinkdetails&lid={$lid}&ttitle={$transfertitle}") . '">' . _DETAILS . '</a>'; } if ($totalcomments != 0) { echo ' | <a href="' . URL::index('&l_op=viewlinkcomments&lid=' . $lid . '&ttitle=' . $transfertitle) . '">' . _SCOMMENTS . ' (' . $totalcomments . ')</a>'; } detecteditorial($lid, $transfertitle); echo '<br />'; $result3 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid,title,parentid FROM " . $linksprefix . "_categories WHERE cid={$cid}"); list($cid3, $title3, $parentid3) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result3); if ($parentid3 > 0) { $title3 = getparent($parentid3, $title3); } echo _CATEGORY . ": {$title3}<br /><br />"; $x++; } echo '</span>'; $orderby = isset($_GET['orderby']) ? convertorderbyout($_GET['orderby']) : 'title ASC'; } else { echo '<br /><br /><div style="text-align:center;" class="option"><b>' . _NOMATCHES . '</b><br /><br />' . _GOBACK . '<br /></div>'; } /* Calculates how many pages exist. Which page one should be on, etc... */ $linkpagesint = $totalselectedlinks / $linksresults; $linkpageremainder = $totalselectedlinks % $linksresults; if ($linkpageremainder != 0) { $linkpages = ceil($linkpagesint); if ($totalselectedlinks < $linksresults) { $linkpageremainder = 0; } } else { $linkpages = $linkpagesint; } /* Page Numbering */ if ($linkpages != 1 && $linkpages != 0) { echo '<br /><br />' . _SELECTPAGE . ': '; $prev = $min - $linksresults; if ($prev >= 0) { echo ' <b>[ <a href="' . URL::index("&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$prev}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}") . '">' . ' « ' . _PREVIOUSPAGE . '</a> ]</b> '; } $counter = 1; $currentpage = $max / $linksresults; while ($counter <= $linkpages) { $cpage = $counter; $mintemp = $perpage * $counter - $linksresults; if ($counter == $currentpage) { echo "<b>{$counter}</b> "; } else { echo '<a href="' . URL::index("&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$mintemp}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}") . '">' . $counter . '</a> '; } $counter++; } $next = $min + $linksresults; if ($x >= $perpage) { echo ' <b>[ <a href="' . URL::index("&l_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$max}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}") . '"> ' . _NEXTPAGE . ' »</a> ]</b>'; } } } else { echo '<div style="text-align:center;" class="option"><b>' . _NOMATCHES . '</b></div><br /><br />'; } echo '<br /><br /><p style="text-align:left;">' . _TRY2SEARCH . ' "' . $the_query . '" ' . _INOTHERSENGINES . '<br /> <ul><li><a href="' . $the_query . '" target="_blank">Google Groups</a></li> <li><a href="' . $the_query . '" target="_blank">Google Images</a></li> <li><a href="' . $the_query . '" target="_blank">Google News</a></li> <li><a href="' . $the_query . '" target="_blank">Froogle</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="' . $the_query . '&kl=XX&stype=stext">Alta Vista</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="' . $the_query . '&DU=days&SW=web">HotBot</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="' . $the_query . '">Infoseek</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="' . $the_query . '">Deja News</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="' . $the_query . '&maxhits=20">Lycos</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="' . $the_query . '">Yahoo</a></li> </ul> </p>'; CloseTable(); }
function search() { global $bgcolor2, $downloadsprefix, $downloadsresults, $db, $mainvotedecimal, $module_name; include "header.php"; $min = isset($_GET['min']) ? intval($_GET['min']) : 0; $orderby = convertorderbyin($_GET['orderby']); if (isset($_GET['show']) && intval($_GET['show']) != 0) { $downloadsresults = intval($_GET['show']); } else { $show = $downloadsresults; } $max = $min + $downloadsresults; $query = isset($_POST['query']) ? $_POST['query'] : $_GET['query']; $the_query = htmlprepare($query); $query = Fix_Quotes($query, true); $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, cid, title, url, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments, filesize, version, homepage FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' OR description LIKE '%{$query}%' ORDER BY {$orderby} LIMIT {$min},{$downloadsresults}"); $fullcountresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, title, description, date, hits, downloadratingsummary, totalvotes, totalcomments FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' OR description LIKE '%{$query}%' "); $totalselecteddownloads = $db->sql_numrows($fullcountresult); $nrows = $db->sql_numrows($result); $x = 0; downl_menu_tpl(1); echo '<br />'; OpenTable(); if ($query != "") { if ($nrows > 0) { echo "<font class=\"option\">" . _SEARCHRESULTS4 . ": <b>{$the_query}</b></font><br /><br />" . "<table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><tr><td><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _USUBCATEGORIES . "</b></font></td></tr></table>"; $result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, title FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE title LIKE '%{$query}%' ORDER BY title DESC"); while (list($cid, $stitle) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)) { $res = $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE cid={$cid}"); $numrows = $db->sql_numrows($res); $result3 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid,title,parentid FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE cid={$cid}"); list($cid3, $title3, $parentid3) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result3); if ($parentid3 > 0) { $title3 = getparent($parentid3, $title3); } $title3 = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $title3); } echo "<br /><table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><tr><td><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . "</b></font></td></tr></table>"; $orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby); echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _SORTDOWNLOADSBY . ": " . _TITLE . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=titleA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=titleD") . "\">D</a>) " . _DATE . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=dateA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=dateD") . "\">D</a>) " . _RATING . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=ratingA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=ratingD") . "\">D</a>) " . _POPULARITY . " (<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=hitsA") . "\">A</a>\\<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&orderby=hitsD") . "\">D</a>)" . "<br />" . _RESSORTED . ": {$orderbyTrans}</center><br /><br /><br />"; while (list($lid, $cid, $title, $url, $description, $time, $hits, $downloadratingsummary, $totalvotes, $totalcomments, $filesize, $version, $homepage) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $downloadratingsummary = number_format($downloadratingsummary, $mainvotedecimal); $transfertitle = str_replace(" ", "_", $title); $title = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $title); if (can_admin('downloads')) { if (eregi("http", $url)) { echo "<a href=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModDownload&lid={$lid}") . "\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>"; } else { echo "<a href=\"" . adminlink("{$module_name}&mode=DownloadsModDownload&lid={$lid}") . "\"><img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . _EDIT . "\"></a>"; } } else { if (eregi("http", $url)) { echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/icon30.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">"; } else { echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">"; } } echo " <a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=getit&lid={$lid}") . "\" class=\"title\">{$title}</a>"; $datetime = formatDateTime($time . ' 00:00:00', _DATESTRING3); newdownloadgraphic($datetime); popgraphic($hits); detecteditorial($lid, 1); echo '<br />'; $description = ereg_replace($query, "<b>{$query}</b>", $description); echo "<b>" . _DESCRIPTION . ":</b> {$description}<br />"; echo "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "<br />"; echo "<b>" . _ADDEDON . ":</b> {$datetime} <b>" . _UDOWNLOADS . ":</b> {$hits}"; /* voting & comments stats */ if ($totalvotes == 1) { $votestring = _VOTE; } else { $votestring = _VOTES; } if ($downloadratingsummary != "0" || $downloadratingsummary != "0.0") { echo " <b>" . _RATING . ":</b> {$downloadratingsummary} ({$totalvotes} {$votestring})"; } echo '<br />'; $result3 = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid,title,parentid FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories WHERE cid={$cid}"); list($cid3, $title3, $parentid3) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result3); if ($parentid3 > 0) { $title3 = getparent($parentid3, $title3); } echo "<B>" . _CATEGORY . ":</B> <A HREF=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}") . "\">{$title3}</A>"; if ($homepage == "") { echo '<br />'; } else { echo "<br /><a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> | "; } echo "<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=ratedownload&lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _RATERESOURCE . "</a>"; echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _DETAILS . "</a>"; if ($totalcomments != 0) { echo " | <a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownloadcomments&lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _SCOMMENTS . " ({$totalcomments})</a>"; } detecteditorial($lid, 0); echo "<br /><br />"; $x++; } echo "</font>"; $orderby = convertorderbyout($orderby); } else { echo "<br /><br /><center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _NOMATCHES . "</b></font><br /><br />" . _GOBACK . "<br /></center>"; } /* Calculates how many pages exist. Which page one should be on, etc... */ $downloadpagesint = $totalselecteddownloads / $downloadsresults; $downloadpageremainder = $totalselecteddownloads % $downloadsresults; if ($downloadpageremainder != 0) { $downloadpages = ceil($downloadpagesint); if ($totalselecteddownloads < $downloadsresults) { $downloadpageremainder = 0; } } else { $downloadpages = $downloadpagesint; } /* Page Numbering */ if ($downloadpages != 1 && $downloadpages != 0) { echo "<br /><br />" . _SELECTPAGE . ": "; $prev = $min - $downloadsresults; if ($prev >= 0) { echo " <b>[ <a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$prev}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}") . "\">" . " << " . _PREVIOUSPAGE . "</a> ]</b> "; } $counter = 1; $currentpage = $max / $downloadsresults; while ($counter <= $downloadpages) { $cpage = $counter; $mintemp = $downloadsresults * $counter - $downloadsresults; if ($counter == $currentpage) { echo "<b>{$counter}</b> "; } else { echo "<a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$mintemp}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}") . "\">{$counter}</a> "; } $counter++; } $next = $min + $downloadsresults; if ($x >= $downloadsresults) { echo " <b>[ <a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=search&query={$the_query}&min={$max}&orderby={$orderby}&show={$show}") . "\">" . _NEXTPAGE . " >></a> ]</b>"; } } echo "<br /><br /><center><font class=\"content\">" . _TRY2SEARCH . " \"{$the_query}\" " . _INOTHERSENGINES . "<br />" . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&kl=XX&stype=stext\">Alta Vista</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&DU=days&SW=web\">HotBot</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Infoseek</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Deja News</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&maxhits=20\">Lycos</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Yahoo</a>" . "<br />" . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&language=&advanced=&urlonly=&withid=\">LinuxStart</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&ui=sr\">1stLinuxSearch</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">Google</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&engine=Downloads\">LinuxDownloads</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}&section=projects\">Freshmeat</a> - " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$the_query}\">JustLinux</a>" . "</font>"; } else { echo "<center><font class=\"option\"><b>" . _NOMATCHES . "</b></font></center><br /><br />"; } CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; }