Ejemplo n.º 1
function fetch_action_listing($action)
    $string = "<span style='margin-left:20px;cursor:pointer;";
    $string = has_action_been_worked_on($action->id) ? $string . "color:grey;text-decoration:line-through;' \n                        title='Cancel work'  \n                        onmouseover=\"\$(this).css('text-decoration', 'none');\"  \n                        onmouseleave=\"\$(this).css('text-decoration', 'line-through');\"\n                        onclick=\"cancelWork({$action->id});\"" : $string . "' title='Click to indicate action worked.' \n                        onmouseover=\"\$(this).css('text-decoration', 'line-through');\" \n                        onmouseleave=\"\$(this).css('text-decoration', 'none');\" \n                        onclick=\"createWork({$action->id});\"";
    $string = $string . "> {$action->name} [" . convert_work_num_to_caption($action->work) . "]</span>";
    if ($action->type == 1) {
        $string = $string . "<input id='action_quantity_{$action->id}' type='number' value='{$action->default_quantity}'/>";
    return $string;
Ejemplo n.º 2

require_once "config.php";
require_once "work.php";
$connection = new PDO("mysql:host=" . DB_HOST . ";dbname=" . DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PWD);
$statement = $connection->query("select * from achievements where deleted=0 and quality=false and work>0 order by rank asc");
while ($achievement = $statement->fetchObject()) {
    if (!has_achievement_been_worked_on($achievement->id) && is_it_the_appropriate_day($achievement->work)) {
        echo "  <div>\n                        <div style='font-weight:bold;'>\n                            <a href='" . SITE_ROOT . "/?rla={$achievement->id}'>\n                                {$achievement->name} [" . convert_work_num_to_caption($achievement->work) . "]\n                            </a>\n                        </div>";
        $action_statement = $connection->query("select * from actions where active=1 and achievement_id={$achievement->id}");
        while ($action = $action_statement->fetchObject()) {
            echo "  <div style='margin-left:16px;'>" . fetch_action_listing($action) . "</div>";
        echo "      </div>";
$statement = $connection->query("select * from achievements where deleted=0 and quality=false and work>0 order by rank asc");
while ($achievement = $statement->fetchObject()) {
    if (has_achievement_been_worked_on($achievement->id) && is_it_the_appropriate_day($achievement->work)) {
        echo "  <div>\n                        <div style='font-weight:bold;text-decoration:line-through;'>\n                            <a href='" . SITE_ROOT . "/?rla={$achievement->id}'>\n                                {$achievement->name} [" . convert_work_num_to_caption($achievement->work) . "]\n                            </a>\n                        </div>";
Ejemplo n.º 3
require_once "../php/achievements.php";
$connection = new PDO("mysql:host=" . DB_HOST . ";dbname=" . DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PWD);
$today = 0;
$last_time = 0;
if (!has_work_been_checked()) {
$statement = $connection->query("select * from work where action_id!=0 and active=1 order by created desc");
while ($work = $statement->fetchObject()) {
    $action = fetch_action($work->action_id);
    $achievement = fetch_achievement($action->achievement_id);
    if ($today != date("m/d/y", strtotime($work->created))) {
        echo "<h2>" . date("m/d/y l", strtotime($work->created)) . "</h2>";
        $today = date("m/d/y", strtotime($work->created));
    if ($last_time != date("H:i", strtotime($work->created))) {
        echo "<div style='margin-top:24px'>" . date("H:i", strtotime($work->created)) . "</div>";
        $last_time = date("H:i", strtotime($work->created));
    echo "<div style='margin-top:8px'>";
    if (!strtotime($work->updated) && $work->worked) {
        echo " <input style='margin-right:8px;' type='button' value='X' onclick=\"cancelWork({$action->id});\" />";
    echo $work->worked ? "Finished " : "<span style='color:red;'>Incompleted </span> ";
    echo strtolower(convert_work_num_to_caption($work->work)) . " work on \"{$action->name}\"";
    if (strtotime($work->updated)) {
        echo " then cancelled at " . date("H:i:s", strtotime($work->created)) . " </span>";
    echo "</div>";