Ejemplo n.º 1
function _fiche(&$PDOdb, &$assetOf, $mode = 'edit', $fk_product_to_add = 0, $fk_nomenclature = 0)
    global $langs, $db, $conf, $user, $hookmanager;
     * PAGE
     * Put here all code to build page
    $parameters = array('id' => $assetOf->getId());
    $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('doActions', $parameters, $assetOf, $mode);
    // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
    llxHeader('', $langs->trans('OFAsset'), '', '');
    print dol_get_fiche_head(ofPrepareHead($assetOf, 'assetOF'), 'fiche', $langs->trans('OFAsset'));
<style type="text/css">
		#assetChildContener .OFMaster {
			-webkit-box-shadow: 4px 4px 5px 0px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.52);
			-moz-box-shadow:    4px 4px 5px 0px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.52);
			box-shadow:         4px 4px 5px 0px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.52);
		<div class="OFContent" rel="<?php 
    echo $assetOf->getId();
">	<?php 
    $TPrixFournisseurs = array();
    //$form=new TFormCore($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],'formeq'.$assetOf->getId(),'POST');
    //Affichage des erreurs
    if (!empty($assetOf->errors)) {
		<br><div class="error">
        foreach ($assetOf->errors as $error) {
            echo $error . "<br>";
            setEventMessage($error, 'errors');
        $assetOf->errors = array();
    $form = new TFormCore();
    $doliform = new Form($db);
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['fk_product'])) {
        echo $form->hidden('fk_product', $_REQUEST['fk_product']);
    $TBS = new TTemplateTBS();
    $liste = new TListviewTBS('asset');
    $TBS->TBS->protect = false;
    $TBS->TBS->noerr = true;
    $PDOdb = new TPDOdb();
    $TNeeded = array();
    $TToMake = array();
    $TNeeded = _fiche_ligne($form, $assetOf, "NEEDED");
    $TToMake = _fiche_ligne($form, $assetOf, "TO_MAKE");
    $TIdCommandeFourn = $assetOf->getElementElement($PDOdb);
    $HtmlCmdFourn = '';
    if (count($TIdCommandeFourn)) {
        foreach ($TIdCommandeFourn as $idcommandeFourn) {
            $cmd = new CommandeFournisseur($db);
            $HtmlCmdFourn .= $cmd->getNomUrl(1) . " - " . $cmd->getLibStatut(0);
    $doliform->select_produits('', 'fk_product', '', $conf->product->limit_size, 0, -1, 2, '', 3, array());
    $select_product = ob_get_clean();
    $Tid = array();
    //$Tid[] = $assetOf->rowid;
    if ($assetOf->getId() > 0) {
        $assetOf->getListeOFEnfants($PDOdb, $Tid);
    $TWorkstation = array();
    foreach ($assetOf->TAssetWorkstationOF as $k => &$TAssetWorkstationOF) {
        $ws =& $TAssetWorkstationOF->ws;
        $TWorkstation[] = array('libelle' => '<a href="' . dol_buildpath('workstation/workstation.php?id=' . $ws->rowid . '&action=view', 2) . '">' . $ws->name . '</a>', 'fk_user' => visu_checkbox_user($PDOdb, $form, $ws->fk_usergroup, $TAssetWorkstationOF->users, 'TAssetWorkstationOF[' . $k . '][fk_user][]', $assetOf->status), 'fk_project_task' => visu_project_task($db, $TAssetWorkstationOF->fk_project_task, $form->type_aff, 'TAssetWorkstationOF[' . $k . '][progress]'), 'fk_task' => visu_checkbox_task($PDOdb, $form, $TAssetWorkstationOF->fk_asset_workstation, $TAssetWorkstationOF->tasks, 'TAssetWorkstationOF[' . $k . '][fk_task][]', $assetOf->status), 'nb_hour' => $assetOf->status == 'DRAFT' && $mode == "edit" ? $form->texte('', 'TAssetWorkstationOF[' . $k . '][nb_hour]', $TAssetWorkstationOF->nb_hour, 3, 10) : ($conf->global->ASSET_USE_CONVERT_TO_TIME ? convertSecondToTime($TAssetWorkstationOF->nb_hour * 3600) : price($TAssetWorkstationOF->nb_hour)), 'nb_hour_real' => $assetOf->status == 'OPEN' && $mode == "edit" ? $form->texte('', 'TAssetWorkstationOF[' . $k . '][nb_hour_real]', $TAssetWorkstationOF->nb_hour_real, 3, 10) : ($conf->global->ASSET_USE_CONVERT_TO_TIME ? convertSecondToTime($TAssetWorkstationOF->nb_hour_real * 3600) : price($TAssetWorkstationOF->nb_hour_real)), 'nb_days_before_beginning' => $assetOf->status == 'DRAFT' && $mode == "edit" ? $form->texte('', 'TAssetWorkstationOF[' . $k . '][nb_days_before_beginning]', $TAssetWorkstationOF->nb_days_before_beginning, 3, 10) : $TAssetWorkstationOF->nb_days_before_beginning, 'delete' => $mode == 'edit' && $assetOf->status == 'DRAFT' ? '<a href="javascript:deleteWS(' . $assetOf->getId() . ',' . $TAssetWorkstationOF->getId() . ');">' . img_picto('Supprimer', 'delete.png') . '</a>' : '', 'note_private' => $assetOf->status == 'DRAFT' && $mode == 'edit' ? $form->zonetexte('', 'TAssetWorkstationOF[' . $k . '][note_private]', $TAssetWorkstationOF->note_private, 50, 1) : $TAssetWorkstationOF->note_private, 'rang' => $assetOf->status == 'DRAFT' && $mode == "edit" ? $form->texte('', 'TAssetWorkstationOF[' . $k . '][rang]', $TAssetWorkstationOF->rang, 3, 10) : $TAssetWorkstationOF->rang, 'id' => $ws->getId());
    $client = new Societe($db);
    if ($assetOf->fk_soc > 0) {
    $commande = new Commande($db);
    if ($assetOf->fk_commande > 0) {
    $TOFParent = array_merge(array(0 => ''), $assetOf->getCanBeParent($PDOdb));
    $hasParent = false;
    if (!empty($assetOf->fk_assetOf_parent)) {
        $TAssetOFParent = new TAssetOF();
        $TAssetOFParent->load($PDOdb, $assetOf->fk_assetOf_parent);
        $hasParent = true;
    $parameters = array('id' => $assetOf->getId());
    $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('formObjectOptions', $parameters, $assetOf, $mode);
    // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by hook
    if ($fk_product_to_add > 0) {
        $product_to_add = new Product($db);
        $link_product_to_add = $product_to_add->getNomUrl(1) . ' ' . $product_to_add->label;
        $quantity_to_create = $form->texte('', 'quantity_to_create', 1, 3, 255);
    } else {
        $link_product_to_add = '';
        $quantity_to_create = '';
    print $TBS->render('tpl/fiche_of.tpl.php', array('TNeeded' => $TNeeded, 'TTomake' => $TToMake, 'workstation' => $TWorkstation), array('assetOf' => array('id' => $assetOf->getId(), 'numero' => $assetOf->getId() > 0 ? '<a href="fiche_of.php?id=' . $assetOf->getId() . '">' . $assetOf->getNumero($PDOdb) . '</a>' : $assetOf->getNumero($PDOdb), 'ordre' => $form->combo('', 'ordre', TAssetOf::$TOrdre, $assetOf->ordre), 'fk_commande' => $assetOf->fk_commande == 0 ? '' : $commande->getNomUrl(1), 'commande_fournisseur' => $HtmlCmdFourn, 'date_besoin' => $form->calendrier('', 'date_besoin', $assetOf->date_besoin, 12, 12), 'date_lancement' => $form->calendrier('', 'date_lancement', $assetOf->date_lancement, 12, 12), 'temps_estime_fabrication' => price($assetOf->temps_estime_fabrication, 0, '', 1, -1, 2), 'temps_reel_fabrication' => price($assetOf->temps_reel_fabrication, 0, '', 1, -1, 2), 'fk_soc' => $mode == 'edit' ? $doliform->select_company($assetOf->fk_soc, 'fk_soc', 'client=1', 1) : ($client->id ? $client->getNomUrl(1) : ''), 'fk_project' => custom_select_projects(-1, $assetOf->fk_project, 'fk_project', $mode), 'note' => $form->zonetexte('', 'note', $assetOf->note, 80, 5), 'quantity_to_create' => $quantity_to_create, 'product_to_create' => $link_product_to_add, 'status' => $form->combo('', 'status', TAssetOf::$TStatus, $assetOf->status), 'statustxt' => TAssetOf::$TStatus[$assetOf->status], 'idChild' => !empty($Tid) ? '"' . implode('","', $Tid) . '"' : '', 'url' => dol_buildpath('/of/fiche_of.php', 2), 'url_liste' => $assetOf->getId() ? dol_buildpath('/of/fiche_of.php?id=' . $assetOf->getId(), 2) : dol_buildpath('/of/liste_of.php', 2), 'fk_product_to_add' => $fk_product_to_add, 'fk_nomenclature' => $fk_nomenclature, 'fk_assetOf_parent' => $assetOf->fk_assetOf_parent ? $assetOf->fk_assetOf_parent : '', 'link_assetOf_parent' => $hasParent ? '<a href="' . dol_buildpath('/of/fiche_of.php?id=' . $TAssetOFParent->rowid, 2) . '">' . $TAssetOFParent->numero . '</a>' : '', 'total_cost' => price($assetOf->total_cost, 0, '', 1, -1, 2), 'total_estimated_cost' => price($assetOf->total_estimated_cost, 0, '', 1, -1, 2), 'mo_cost' => price($assetOf->mo_cost, 0, '', 1, -1, 2), 'mo_estimated_cost' => price($assetOf->mo_estimated_cost, 0, '', 1, -1, 2), 'compo_cost' => price($assetOf->compo_cost, 0, '', 1, -1, 2), 'compo_estimated_cost' => price($assetOf->compo_estimated_cost, 0, '', 1, -1, 2), 'current_cost_for_to_make' => price($assetOf->current_cost_for_to_make, 0, '', 1, -1, 2)), 'view' => array('mode' => $mode, 'status' => $assetOf->status, 'allow_delete_of_finish' => $user->rights->of->of->allow_delete_of_finish, 'ASSET_USE_MOD_NOMENCLATURE' => (int) $conf->nomenclature->enabled, 'OF_MINIMAL_VIEW_CHILD_OF' => (int) $conf->global->OF_MINIMAL_VIEW_CHILD_OF, 'select_product' => $select_product, 'select_workstation' => $form->combo('', 'fk_asset_workstation', TWorkstation::getWorstations($PDOdb), -1), 'actionChild' => $mode == 'edit' ? __get('actionChild', 'edit') : __get('actionChild', 'view'), 'use_lot_in_of' => (int) (!empty($conf->asset->enabled) && !empty($conf->global->USE_LOT_IN_OF)), 'use_project_task' => (int) $conf->global->ASSET_USE_PROJECT_TASK, 'defined_user_by_workstation' => (int) $conf->global->ASSET_DEFINED_USER_BY_WORKSTATION, 'defined_task_by_workstation' => (int) $conf->global->ASSET_DEFINED_OPERATION_BY_WORKSTATION, 'defined_workstation_by_needed' => (int) $conf->global->ASSET_DEFINED_WORKSTATION_BY_NEEDED, 'defined_manual_wharehouse' => (int) $conf->global->ASSET_MANUAL_WAREHOUSE, 'hasChildren' => (int) (!empty($Tid)), 'user_id' => $user->id, 'workstation_module_activate' => (int) $conf->workstation->enabled, 'show_cost' => (int) $user->rights->of->of->price), 'rights' => array('show_ws_time' => $user->rights->of->of->show_ws_time)));
    echo $form->end_form();
    llxFooter('$Date: 2011/07/31 22:21:57 $ - $Revision: 1.19 $');
Ejemplo n.º 2
         $tasktmp->label = $obj->label;
         print $tasktmp->getNomUrl(1, 'withproject', 'task', 1, '<br>');
     } else {
         print $langs->trans("NoTasks");
     print '</td>';
     print '<td align="center">' . dol_print_date($db->jdate($obj->dateo), 'day') . '</td>';
     print '<td align="center">' . dol_print_date($db->jdate($obj->datee), 'day') . '</td>';
     print '<td align="right"><a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/projet/tasks/time.php?id=' . $obj->taskid . '&withproject=1">';
     print convertSecondToTime($obj->planned_workload, 'allhourmin');
     print '</a></td>';
     print '<td align="right">';
     print $obj->taskid > 0 ? $obj->progress . '%' : '';
     print '</td>';
     print '<td align="right"><a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/projet/tasks/time.php?id=' . $obj->taskid . '&withproject=1">';
     print convertSecondToTime($obj->timespent, 'allhourmin');
     print '</a></td>';
     print '<td align="right">';
     if (!empty($obj->taskid)) {
         if (empty($obj->planned_workload) > 0) {
             $percentcompletion = $langs->trans("WorkloadNotDefined");
         } else {
             $percentcompletion = intval($obj->duration_effective * 100 / $obj->planned_workload) . '%';
     print $percentcompletion;
     print '</td>';
     print "</tr>\n";
 if ($num > $max) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
     } else {
         print '&nbsp;';
     print '</td></tr>';
 // Date start
 print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("DateStart") . '</td><td colspan="3">';
 print dol_print_date($object->date_start, 'dayhour');
 print '</td></tr>';
 // Date end
 print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("DateEnd") . '</td><td colspan="3">';
 print dol_print_date($object->date_end, 'dayhour');
 print '</td></tr>';
 // Planned workload
 print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("PlannedWorkload") . '</td><td colspan="3">';
 print convertSecondToTime($object->planned_workload, 'allhourmin');
 print '</td></tr>';
 // Progress declared
 print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("ProgressDeclared") . '</td><td colspan="3">';
 print $object->progress . ' %';
 print '</td></tr>';
 // Progress calculated
 print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("ProgressCalculated") . '</td><td colspan="3">';
 if ($object->planned_workload) {
     $tmparray = $object->getSummaryOfTimeSpent();
     if ($tmparray['total_duration'] > 0) {
         print round($tmparray['total_duration'] / $object->planned_workload * 100, 2) . ' %';
     } else {
         print '0 %';
 } else {
Ejemplo n.º 4
         print '</td></tr>';
 // Civility
 print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans("UserTitle") . '</td><td colspan="3">';
 print $object->getCivilityLabel();
 print '</td></tr>';
 // Date To Birth
 print '<tr>';
 if (!empty($object->birthday)) {
     include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/date.lib.php';
     print '<td>' . $langs->trans("DateToBirth") . '</td><td colspan="3">' . dol_print_date($object->birthday, "day");
     print ' &nbsp; ';
     $ageyear = convertSecondToTime($now - $object->birthday, 'year') - 1970;
     $agemonth = convertSecondToTime($now - $object->birthday, 'month') - 1;
     if ($ageyear >= 2) {
         print '(' . $ageyear . ' ' . $langs->trans("DurationYears") . ')';
     } else {
         if ($agemonth >= 2) {
             print '(' . $agemonth . ' ' . $langs->trans("DurationMonths") . ')';
         } else {
             print '(' . $agemonth . ' ' . $langs->trans("DurationMonth") . ')';
     print ' &nbsp; - &nbsp; ';
     if ($object->birthday_alert) {
         print $langs->trans("BirthdayAlertOn");
     } else {
         print $langs->trans("BirthdayAlertOff");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 $var = true;
 while ($i < $num) {
     $objp = $db->fetch_object($resql);
     $var = !$var;
     // Ligne en mode visu
     if ($action != 'editline' || GETPOST('line_id', 'int') != $objp->rowid) {
         print '<tr ' . $bc[$var] . '>';
         print '<td>';
         print '<a name="' . $objp->rowid . '"></a>';
         // ancre pour retourner sur la ligne
         print dol_htmlentitiesbr($objp->description);
         // Date
         print '<td align="center" width="150">' . dol_print_date($db->jdate($objp->date_intervention), 'dayhour') . '</td>';
         // Duration
         print '<td align="right" width="150">' . convertSecondToTime($objp->duree) . '</td>';
         print "</td>\n";
         // Icone d'edition et suppression
         if ($object->statut == 0 && $user->rights->ficheinter->creer) {
             print '<td align="center">';
             print '<a href="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?id=' . $object->id . '&amp;action=editline&amp;line_id=' . $objp->rowid . '#' . $objp->rowid . '">';
             print img_edit();
             print '</a>';
             print '</td>';
             print '<td align="center">';
             print '<a href="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?id=' . $object->id . '&amp;action=ask_deleteline&amp;line_id=' . $objp->rowid . '">';
             print img_delete();
             print '</a></td>';
             if ($num > 1) {
                 print '<td align="center">';
                 if ($i > 0) {
Ejemplo n.º 6
  *	Fonction generant le projet sur le disque
  *	@param	Project		$object   		Object project a generer
  *	@param	Translate	$outputlangs	Lang output object
  *	@return	int         				1 if OK, <=0 if KO
 function write_file($object, $outputlangs)
     global $conf, $hookmanager, $langs, $user;
     if (!is_object($outputlangs)) {
         $outputlangs = $langs;
     // For backward compatibility with FPDF, force output charset to ISO, because FPDF expect text to be encoded in ISO
     if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_FPDF)) {
         $outputlangs->charset_output = 'ISO-8859-1';
     if ($conf->projet->dir_output) {
         //$nblignes = count($object->lines);  // This is set later with array of tasks
         $objectref = dol_sanitizeFileName($object->ref);
         $dir = $conf->projet->dir_output;
         if (!preg_match('/specimen/i', $objectref)) {
             $dir .= "/" . $objectref;
         $file = $dir . "/" . $objectref . ".pdf";
         if (!file_exists($dir)) {
             if (dol_mkdir($dir) < 0) {
                 $this->error = $langs->transnoentities("ErrorCanNotCreateDir", $dir);
                 return 0;
         if (file_exists($dir)) {
             // Add pdfgeneration hook
             if (!is_object($hookmanager)) {
                 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/hookmanager.class.php';
                 $hookmanager = new HookManager($this->db);
             $parameters = array('file' => $file, 'object' => $object, 'outputlangs' => $outputlangs);
             global $action;
             $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('beforePDFCreation', $parameters, $object, $action);
             // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks
             $pdf = pdf_getInstance($this->format);
             $default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);
             // Must be after pdf_getInstance
             $heightforinfotot = 50;
             // Height reserved to output the info and total part
             $heightforfreetext = isset($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_FREETEXT_HEIGHT) ? $conf->global->MAIN_PDF_FREETEXT_HEIGHT : 5;
             // Height reserved to output the free text on last page
             $heightforfooter = $this->marge_basse + 8;
             // Height reserved to output the footer (value include bottom margin)
             $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(1, 0);
             if (class_exists('TCPDF')) {
             // Complete object by loading several other informations
             $task = new Task($this->db);
             $tasksarray = $task->getTasksArray(0, 0, $object->id);
             if (!$object->id > 0) {
                 $tasksarray = array_slice($tasksarray, 0, min(5, count($tasksarray)));
             $object->lines = $tasksarray;
             $nblignes = count($object->lines);
             $pagenb = 0;
             $pdf->SetDrawColor(128, 128, 128);
             $pdf->SetCreator("Dolibarr " . DOL_VERSION);
             $pdf->SetKeyWords($outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->ref) . " " . $outputlangs->transnoentities("Project"));
             if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_COMPRESSION)) {
             $pdf->SetMargins($this->marge_gauche, $this->marge_haute, $this->marge_droite);
             // Left, Top, Right
             // New page
             $this->_pagehead($pdf, $object, 1, $outputlangs);
             $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
             $pdf->MultiCell(0, 3, '');
             // Set interline to 3
             $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
             $tab_top = 50;
             $tab_height = 200;
             $tab_top_newpage = 40;
             $tab_height_newpage = 210;
             // Affiche notes
             if (!empty($object->note_public)) {
                 $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
                 $pdf->writeHTMLCell(190, 3, $this->posxref - 1, $tab_top - 2, dol_htmlentitiesbr($object->note_public), 0, 1);
                 $nexY = $pdf->GetY();
                 $height_note = $nexY - ($tab_top - 2);
                 // Rect prend une longueur en 3eme param
                 $pdf->SetDrawColor(192, 192, 192);
                 $pdf->Rect($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top - 3, $this->page_largeur - $this->marge_gauche - $this->marge_droite, $height_note + 1);
                 $tab_height = $tab_height - $height_note;
                 $tab_top = $nexY + 6;
             } else {
                 $height_note = 0;
             $iniY = $tab_top + 7;
             $curY = $tab_top + 7;
             $nexY = $tab_top + 7;
             // Boucle sur les lignes
             for ($i = 0; $i < $nblignes; $i++) {
                 $curY = $nexY;
                 // Description of ligne
                 $ref = $object->lines[$i]->ref;
                 $libelleline = $object->lines[$i]->label;
                 $progress = $object->lines[$i]->progress . '%';
                 $datestart = dol_print_date($object->lines[$i]->date_start, 'day');
                 $dateend = dol_print_date($object->lines[$i]->date_end, 'day');
                 $planned_workload = convertSecondToTime($object->lines[$i]->planned_workload, 'allhourmin');
                 $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
                 // Dans boucle pour gerer multi-page
                 $pdf->SetXY($this->posxref, $curY);
                 $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxlabel - $this->posxref, 3, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($ref), 0, 'L');
                 $pdf->SetXY($this->posxlabel, $curY);
                 $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxworkload - $this->posxlabel, 3, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($libelleline), 0, 'L');
                 $pdf->SetXY($this->posxworkload, $curY);
                 $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxprogress - $this->posxworkload, 3, $planned_workload, 0, 'R');
                 $pdf->SetXY($this->posxprogress, $curY);
                 $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdatestart - $this->posxprogress, 3, $progress, 0, 'R');
                 $pdf->SetXY($this->posxdatestart, $curY);
                 $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdateend - $this->posxdatestart, 3, $datestart, 0, 'C');
                 $pdf->SetXY($this->posxdateend, $curY);
                 $pdf->MultiCell($this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite - $this->posxdateend, 3, $dateend, 0, 'C');
                 $pageposafter = $pdf->getPage();
                 $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
                 // On repositionne la police par defaut
                 $nexY = $pdf->GetY();
                 // Add line
                 if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_DASH_BETWEEN_LINES) && $i < $nblignes - 1) {
                     $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('dash' => '1,1', 'color' => array(80, 80, 80)));
                     $pdf->line($this->marge_gauche, $nexY + 1, $this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite, $nexY + 1);
                     $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('dash' => 0));
                 $nexY += 2;
                 // Passe espace entre les lignes
                 // Detect if some page were added automatically and output _tableau for past pages
                 while ($pagenb < $pageposafter) {
                     if ($pagenb == 1) {
                         $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 0, 1);
                     } else {
                         $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top_newpage, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top_newpage - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 1, 1);
                     $this->_pagefoot($pdf, $object, $outputlangs, 1);
                     $pdf->setPageOrientation('', 1, 0);
                     // The only function to edit the bottom margin of current page to set it.
                 if (isset($object->lines[$i + 1]->pagebreak) && $object->lines[$i + 1]->pagebreak) {
                     if ($pagenb == 1) {
                         $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 0, 1);
                     } else {
                         $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top_newpage, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top_newpage - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 1, 1);
                     $this->_pagefoot($pdf, $object, $outputlangs, 1);
                     // New page
                     if (!empty($tplidx)) {
             // Show square
             if ($pagenb == 1) {
                 $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 0, 0);
                 $bottomlasttab = $this->page_hauteur - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter + 1;
             } else {
                 $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top_newpage, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top_newpage - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 1, 0);
                 $bottomlasttab = $this->page_hauteur - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter + 1;
              * Pied de page
             $this->_pagefoot($pdf, $object, $outputlangs);
             if (method_exists($pdf, 'AliasNbPages')) {
             $pdf->Output($file, 'F');
             // Add pdfgeneration hook
             if (!is_object($hookmanager)) {
                 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/hookmanager.class.php';
                 $hookmanager = new HookManager($this->db);
             $parameters = array('file' => $file, 'object' => $object, 'outputlangs' => $outputlangs);
             global $action;
             $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('afterPDFCreation', $parameters, $this, $action);
             // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks
             if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK)) {
                 @chmod($file, octdec($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK));
             return 1;
             // Pas d'erreur
         } else {
             $this->error = $langs->transnoentities("ErrorCanNotCreateDir", $dir);
             return 0;
     $this->error = $langs->transnoentities("ErrorConstantNotDefined", "LIVRAISON_OUTPUTDIR");
     return 0;
  *	Function to show a form to select a duration on a page
  *	@param	string	$prefix   		Prefix
  *	@param  int		$iSecond  		Default preselected duration (number of seconds)
  * 	@param	int		$disabled		Disable the combo box
  * 	@param	string	$typehour		If 'select' then input hour and input min is a combo, if 'text' input hour is in text and input min is a combo
  *  @param	string	$minunderhours	If 1, show minutes selection under the hours
  *  @return	void
 function select_duration($prefix, $iSecond = '', $disabled = 0, $typehour = 'select', $minunderhours = 0)
     global $langs;
     $hourSelected = 0;
     $minSelected = 0;
     if ($iSecond) {
         require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/date.lib.php';
         $hourSelected = convertSecondToTime($iSecond, 'allhour');
         $minSelected = convertSecondToTime($iSecond, 'min');
     if ($typehour == 'select') {
         print '<select class="flat" name="' . $prefix . 'hour"' . ($disabled ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . '>';
         for ($hour = 0; $hour < 25; $hour++) {
             print '<option value="' . $hour . '"';
             if ($hourSelected == $hour) {
                 print " selected=\"true\"";
             print ">" . $hour . "</option>";
         print "</select>";
     } elseif ($typehour == 'text') {
         print '<input type="text" size="3" name="' . $prefix . 'hour"' . ($disabled ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . ' class="flat" value="' . (int) $hourSelected . '">';
     print $langs->trans('Hours');
     if ($minunderhours) {
         print '<br>';
     } else {
         print "&nbsp;";
     print '<select class="flat" name="' . $prefix . 'min"' . ($disabled ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . '>';
     for ($min = 0; $min <= 55; $min = $min + 5) {
         print '<option value="' . $min . '"';
         if ($minSelected == $min) {
             print ' selected="selected"';
         print '>' . $min . '</option>';
     print "</select>";
     print $langs->trans('Minutes') . "&nbsp;";
Ejemplo n.º 8
        	        print $fullhour;
        	        // TODO Add delay taking account of working hours per day and working day per week
        	        //if ($workingdelay != $fullhour) print '<br>('.$workingdelay.')';
        	    //else print '--:--';
        	    print '</td>';
        	// Time spent
        	if (! empty($arrayfields['t.duration_effective']['checked']))
        	    print '<td class="center">';
				if ($showlineingray) print '<i>';
				else print '<a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/projet/tasks/time.php?id='.$lines[$i]->id.($showproject?'':'&withproject=1').'">';
				if ($obj->duration_effective) print convertSecondToTime($obj->duration_effective,$timespentoutputformat);
				else print '--:--';
				if ($showlineingray) print '</i>';
				else print '</a>';
        	    print '</td>';
    	    // Calculated progress
        	if (! empty($arrayfields['t.progress_calculated']['checked']))
    			print '<td class="center">';
            	if ($obj->planned_workload || $obj->duration_effective)
					if ($obj->planned_workload) print round(100 * $obj->duration_effective / $obj->planned_workload,2).' %';
					else print $langs->trans('WorkloadNotDefined');
        		print '</td>';
Ejemplo n.º 9
$sql.= " AND p.rowid in (".$projectsListId.")";
$sql.= " GROUP BY p.rowid, p.ref, p.title";

$resql = $db->query($sql);
if ( $resql )
	while ($row = $db->fetch_object($resql))
		print "<tr $bc[$var]>";
		print '<td>';
		print $projectstatic->getNomUrl(1);
		print '</td>';
		print '<td align="right">'.convertSecondToTime($row->nb).'</td>';
		print "</tr>\n";
print "</table>";

print '</td></tr></table>';

Ejemplo n.º 10
                print '<input type="submit" class="button" name="cancel" value="' . $langs->trans('Cancel') . '">';
            } else {
                if ($user->rights->projet->creer) {
                    print '&nbsp;';
                    print '<a href="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?id=' . $object->id . '&amp;action=editline&amp;lineid=' . $task_time->rowid . ($withproject ? '&amp;withproject=1' : '') . '">';
                    print img_edit();
                    print '</a>';
                    print '&nbsp;';
                    print '<a href="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?id=' . $object->id . '&amp;action=deleteline&amp;lineid=' . $task_time->rowid . ($withproject ? '&amp;withproject=1' : '') . '">';
                    print img_delete();
                    print '</a>';
            print '</td>';
            print "</tr>\n";
            $total += $task_time->task_duration;
            $totalvalue += price2num($task_time->thm * $task_time->task_duration / 3600);
        print '<tr class="liste_total"><td colspan="3" class="liste_total">' . $langs->trans("Total") . '</td>';
        print '<td align="right" class="nowrap liste_total">' . convertSecondToTime($total, 'allhourmin') . '</td>';
        if ($conf->salaries->enabled) {
            print '<td align="right">' . price($totalvalue, 1, $langs, 1, -1, -1, $conf->currency) . '</td>';
        print '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
        print '</tr>';
        print "</table>";
        print "</form>";
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Output a task line into a perday intput mode
 * @param	string	   	$inc					Line number (start to 0, then increased by recursive call)
 * @param	int			$firstdaytoshow			First day to show
 * @param	User|null	$fuser					Restrict list to user if defined
 * @param   string		$parent					Id of parent project to show (0 to show all)
 * @param   Task[]		$lines					Array of lines
 * @param   int			$level					Level (start to 0, then increased/decrease by recursive call)
 * @param   string		$projectsrole			Array of roles user has on project
 * @param   string		$tasksrole				Array of roles user has on task
 * @param	string		$mine					Show only task lines I am assigned to
 * @param   int			$restricteditformytask	0=No restriction, 1=Enable add time only if task is a task i am affected to
 * @return  $inc
function projectLinesPerWeek(&$inc, $firstdaytoshow, $fuser, $parent, $lines, &$level, &$projectsrole, &$tasksrole, $mine, $restricteditformytask = 1)
    global $db, $user, $bc, $langs;
    global $form, $formother, $projectstatic, $taskstatic;
    $lastprojectid = 0;
    $var = true;
    $numlines = count($lines);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numlines; $i++) {
        if ($parent == 0) {
            $level = 0;
        if ($lines[$i]->fk_parent == $parent) {
            // Break on a new project
            if ($parent == 0 && $lines[$i]->fk_project != $lastprojectid) {
                $var = !$var;
                $lastprojectid = $lines[$i]->fk_project;
                $projectstatic->id = $lines[$i]->fk_project;
                $projectstatic->loadTimeSpent($firstdaytoshow, 0, $fuser->id);
                // Load time spent into this->weekWorkLoad and this->weekWorkLoadPerTaks for all day of a week
            // If we want all or we have a role on task, we show it
            if (empty($mine) || !empty($tasksrole[$lines[$i]->id])) {
                print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . ">\n";
                // Project
                print '<td class="nowrap">';
                $projectstatic->id = $lines[$i]->fk_project;
                $projectstatic->ref = $lines[$i]->projectref;
                $projectstatic->title = $lines[$i]->projectlabel;
                $projectstatic->public = $lines[$i]->public;
                print $projectstatic->getNomUrl(1, '', 0, $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("YourRole") . ': ' . $projectsrole[$lines[$i]->fk_project]);
                print "</td>";
                // Ref
                print '<td class="nowrap">';
                $taskstatic->id = $lines[$i]->id;
                $taskstatic->ref = $lines[$i]->ref ? $lines[$i]->ref : $lines[$i]->id;
                print $taskstatic->getNomUrl(1, 'withproject', 'time');
                print '</td>';
                // Label task
                print "<td>";
                print '<!-- Task id = ' . $lines[$i]->id . ' -->';
                for ($k = 0; $k < $level; $k++) {
                    print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                $taskstatic->id = $lines[$i]->id;
                $taskstatic->ref = $lines[$i]->label;
                $taskstatic->date_start = $lines[$i]->date_start;
                $taskstatic->date_end = $lines[$i]->date_end;
                print $taskstatic->getNomUrl(0, 'withproject', 'time');
                //print "<br>";
                //for ($k = 0 ; $k < $level ; $k++) print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                //print get_date_range($lines[$i]->date_start,$lines[$i]->date_end,'',$langs,0);
                print "</td>\n";
                // Planned Workload
                print '<td align="right">';
                if ($lines[$i]->planned_workload) {
                    print convertSecondToTime($lines[$i]->planned_workload, 'allhourmin');
                } else {
                    print '--:--';
                print '</td>';
                // Progress declared %
                print '<td align="right">';
                print $formother->select_percent($lines[$i]->progress, $lines[$i]->id . 'progress');
                print '</td>';
                // Time spent by everybody
                print '<td align="right">';
                // $lines[$i]->duration is a denormalised field = summ of time spent by everybody for task. What we need is time consummed by user
                if ($lines[$i]->duration) {
                    print '<a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/projet/tasks/time.php?id=' . $lines[$i]->id . '">';
                    print convertSecondToTime($lines[$i]->duration, 'allhourmin');
                    print '</a>';
                } else {
                    print '--:--';
                print "</td>\n";
                // Time spent by user
                print '<td align="right">';
                $tmptimespent = $taskstatic->getSummaryOfTimeSpent();
                if ($tmptimespent['total_duration']) {
                    print convertSecondToTime($tmptimespent['total_duration'], 'allhourmin');
                } else {
                    print '--:--';
                print "</td>\n";
                $disabledproject = 1;
                $disabledtask = 1;
                //print "x".$lines[$i]->fk_project;
                // If at least one role for project
                if ($lines[$i]->public || !empty($projectsrole[$lines[$i]->fk_project]) || $user->rights->projet->all->creer) {
                    $disabledproject = 0;
                    $disabledtask = 0;
                // If $restricteditformytask is on and I have no role on task, i disable edit
                if ($restricteditformytask && empty($tasksrole[$lines[$i]->id])) {
                    $disabledtask = 1;
                // Fields to show current time
                $tableCell = '';
                $modeinput = 'hours';
                for ($idw = 0; $idw < 7; $idw++) {
                    $tmpday = dol_time_plus_duree($firstdaytoshow, $idw, 'd');
                    $tmparray = dol_getdate($tmpday);
                    $dayWorkLoad = $projectstatic->weekWorkLoadPerTask[$tmpday][$lines[$i]->id];
                    $alreadyspent = '';
                    if ($dayWorkLoad > 0) {
                        $alreadyspent = convertSecondToTime($dayWorkLoad, 'allhourmin');
                    $tableCell = '<td align="center">';
                    $tableCell .= '<span class="timesheetalreadyrecorded"><input type="text" class="center" size="2" disabled id="timespent[' . $inc . '][' . $idw . ']" name="task[' . $lines[$i]->id . '][' . $idw . ']" value="' . $alreadyspent . '"></span>';
                    //$placeholder=' placeholder="00:00"';
                    $placeholder = '';
                    //if (! $disabledtask)
                    $tableCell .= '+';
                    $tableCell .= '<input type="text" alt="' . $langs->trans("AddHereTimeSpentForDay", $tmparray['day'], $tmparray['mon']) . '" title="' . $langs->trans("AddHereTimeSpentForDay", $tmparray['day'], $tmparray['mon']) . '" ' . ($disabledtask ? 'disabled' : $placeholder) . ' class="center" size="2" id="timeadded[' . $inc . '][' . $idw . ']" name="task[' . $lines[$i]->id . '][' . $idw . ']" value="" cols="2"  maxlength="5"';
                    $tableCell .= ' onkeypress="return regexEvent(this,event,\'timeChar\')"';
                    $tableCell .= 'onblur="regexEvent(this,event,\'' . $modeinput . '\'); updateTotal(' . $idw . ',\'' . $modeinput . '\')" />';
                    $tableCell .= '</td>';
                    print $tableCell;
                print '<td align="right">';
                if (!$lines[$i]->public && $disabledproject) {
                    print $form->textwithpicto('', $langs->trans("YouAreNotContactOfProject"));
                } else {
                    if ($disabledtask) {
                        print $form->textwithpicto('', $langs->trans("TaskIsNotAffectedToYou"));
                print '</td>';
                print "</tr>\n";
            if ($lines[$i]->id) {
                projectLinesPerWeek($inc, $firstdaytoshow, $fuser, $lines[$i]->id, $lines, $level, $projectsrole, $tasksrole, $mine, $restricteditformytask);
        } else {
    return $inc;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * 	Function to show a form to select a duration on a page
  * 	@param	string	$prefix   	prefix
  * 	@param  int		$iSecond  	Default preselected duration (number of seconds)
  * 	@param	int		$disabled	Disable the combo box
  *  @return	void
 function select_duration($prefix, $iSecond = '', $disabled = 0)
     if ($iSecond) {
         require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/core/lib/date.lib.php";
         $hourSelected = convertSecondToTime($iSecond, 'hour');
         $minSelected = convertSecondToTime($iSecond, 'min');
     print '<select class="flat" name="' . $prefix . 'hour"' . ($disabled ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . '>';
     for ($hour = 0; $hour < 24; $hour++) {
         print '<option value="' . $hour . '"';
         if ($hourSelected == $hour) {
             print " selected=\"true\"";
         print ">" . $hour . "</option>";
     print "</select>";
     print "H &nbsp;";
     print '<select class="flat" name="' . $prefix . 'min"' . ($disabled ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . '>';
     for ($min = 0; $min <= 55; $min = $min + 5) {
         print '<option value="' . $min . '"';
         if ($minSelected == $min) {
             print ' selected="selected"';
         print '>' . $min . '</option>';
     print "</select>";
     print "M&nbsp;";
function _task(&$db, $id_task, $values = array())
    global $user, $langs, $conf;
    $task = new Task($db);
    if ($id_task) {
    if (!empty($values)) {
        _set_values($task, $values);
        if ($values['status'] == 'inprogress') {
            if ($task->progress == 0) {
                $task->progress = 5;
            } else {
                if ($task->progress == 100) {
                    $task->progress = 95;
        } else {
            if ($values['status'] == 'finish') {
                $task->progress = 100;
            } else {
                if ($values['status'] == 'todo') {
                    $task->progress = 0;
        $task->status = $values['status'];
    $task->date_delivery = 0;
    if ($task->date_end > 0 && $task->planned_workload > 0) {
        $velocity = scrum_getVelocity($db, $task->fk_project);
        $task->date_delivery = _get_delivery_date_with_velocity($db, $task, $velocity);
    $dayInSecond = 86400;
    if ($conf->global->TIMESHEET_WORKING_HOUR_PER_DAY) {
        $dayInSecond = 60 * 60 * $conf->global->TIMESHEET_WORKING_HOUR_PER_DAY;
    $task->aff_time = convertSecondToTime($task->duration_effective, 'all', $dayInSecond);
    $task->aff_planned_workload = convertSecondToTime($task->planned_workload, 'all', $dayInSecond);
    $task->time_rest = $task->planned_workload * (1 - $task->progress / 100);
    $task->aff_time_rest = $langs->trans('TimeRest') . ' : ' . convertSecondToTime($task->time_rest, 'all', $dayInSecond);
    $task->long_description = $task->divers = '';
    if ((int) $task->array_options['options_fk_of'] > 0 && $conf->of->enabled) {
        if (!isset($PDOdb)) {
            $PDOdb = new TPDOdb();
        $of = new TAssetOF();
        $of->withChild = false;
        $of->load($PDOdb, $task->array_options['options_fk_of']);
        $link_of = !empty($conf->of->enabled) ? dol_buildpath('/of/fiche_of.php?id=' . $task->array_options['options_fk_of'], 1) : '';
        if ($of->fk_soc > 0) {
            $soc = new Societe($db);
        $task->divers .= '[<a href="' . $link_of . '">' . $of->numero . '</a>] ' . (!empty($soc) ? $soc->getNomUrl() : '') . '<br />';
        if ($of->fk_commande > 0) {
            $commande = new Commande($db);
            $task->divers .= $commande->getNomUrl(1) . '<br />';
    if ((int) $task->array_options['options_fk_product'] > 0 && (empty($conf->global->SCRUMBOARD_ICON_SET) || $conf->global->SCRUMBOARD_ICON_SET != 'null')) {
        $product = new Product($db);
        if ($product->fetch((int) $task->array_options['options_fk_product']) > 0) {
            $task->divers .= '[' . $product->getNomUrl() . ' ' . $product->label . ']<br />';
            $nb_picto = $product->id % 49 - 1;
            $y_picto = floor($nb_picto / 7);
            $x_picto = $nb_picto - $y_picto * 7;
            $w_cell = 27;
            $h_cell = 28;
            $task->divers .= '<div class="picto" style="float:left; margin-left:3px; background-image:url(./img/' . (!empty($conf->global->SCRUMBOARD_ICON_SET) ? $conf->global->SCRUMBOARD_ICON_SET : 'animal-icons-mini') . '.png);background-position:' . $w_cell * -$x_picto . 'px ' . $h_cell * -$y_picto . 'px;width:' . $w_cell . 'px; height:' . $h_cell . 'px;"></div>';
            //var_dump(array($nb_picto,$y_picto, $x_picto,$task->divers));
    if (!empty($task->note_private)) {
        $task->divers .= '<br />' . $task->note_private;
    if ($task->date_start > 0) {
        $task->long_description .= $langs->trans('TaskDateStart') . ' : ' . dol_print_date($task->date_start) . '<br />';
    if ($task->date_end > 0) {
        $task->long_description .= $langs->trans('TaskDateEnd') . ' : ' . dol_print_date($task->date_end) . '<br />';
    if ($task->date_delivery > 0 && $task->date_delivery > $task->date_end) {
        $task->long_description .= $langs->trans('TaskDateShouldDelivery') . ' : ' . dol_print_date($task->date_delivery) . '<br />';
    $task->long_description .= $task->description;
    $task->project = new Project($db);
    $task->project->fetch_optionals($task->fk_project, 'color');
    if (!empty($conf->global->SCRUM_SHOW_LINKED_CONTACT)) {
    return _as_array($task);
 * Output a task line
 * @param	string	   	$inc					?
 * @param   string		$parent					?
 * @param   Object		$lines					?
 * @param   int			$level					?
 * @param   string		$projectsrole			?
 * @param   string		$tasksrole				?
 * @param	string		$mine					Show only task lines I am assigned to
 * @param   int			$restricteditformytask	0=No restriction, 1=Enable add time only if task is a task i am affected to
 * @return  $inc
function projectLinesb(&$inc, $parent, $lines, &$level, &$projectsrole, &$tasksrole, $mine, $restricteditformytask = 0)
    global $user, $bc, $langs;
    global $form, $projectstatic, $taskstatic;
    $lastprojectid = 0;
    $var = true;
    $numlines = count($lines);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numlines; $i++) {
        if ($parent == 0) {
            $level = 0;
        if ($lines[$i]->fk_parent == $parent) {
            // Break on a new project
            if ($parent == 0 && $lines[$i]->fk_project != $lastprojectid) {
                $var = !$var;
                $lastprojectid = $lines[$i]->fk_project;
            // If we want all or we have a role on task, we show it
            if (empty($mine) || !empty($tasksrole[$lines[$i]->id])) {
                print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . ">\n";
                // Project
                print "<td>";
                $projectstatic->id = $lines[$i]->fk_project;
                $projectstatic->ref = $lines[$i]->projectref;
                $projectstatic->public = $lines[$i]->public;
                $projectstatic->label = $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("YourRole") . ': ' . $projectsrole[$lines[$i]->fk_project];
                print $projectstatic->getNomUrl(1);
                print "</td>";
                // Ref
                print '<td>';
                $taskstatic->id = $lines[$i]->id;
                $taskstatic->ref = $lines[$i]->id;
                print $taskstatic->getNomUrl(1);
                print '</td>';
                // Label task
                print "<td>";
                for ($k = 0; $k < $level; $k++) {
                    print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                $taskstatic->id = $lines[$i]->id;
                $taskstatic->ref = $lines[$i]->label;
                print $taskstatic->getNomUrl(0);
                print "</td>\n";
                // Date start
                print '<td align="center">';
                print dol_print_date($lines[$i]->date_start, 'dayhour');
                print '</td>';
                // Date end
                print '<td align="center">';
                print dol_print_date($lines[$i]->date_end, 'dayhour');
                print '</td>';
                // Planned Workload
                print '<td align="right">';
                if ($lines[$i]->planned_workload) {
                    print convertSecondToTime($lines[$i]->planned_workload, 'allhourmin');
                } else {
                    print '--:--';
                print '</td>';
                // Progress declared %
                print '<td align="right">';
                print $lines[$i]->progress . ' %';
                print '</td>';
                // Time spent
                print '<td align="right">';
                if ($lines[$i]->duration) {
                    print '<a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/projet/tasks/time.php?id=' . $lines[$i]->id . '">';
                    print convertSecondToTime($lines[$i]->duration, 'allhourmin');
                    print '</a>';
                } else {
                    print '--:--';
                print "</td>\n";
                $disabledproject = 1;
                $disabledtask = 1;
                //print "x".$lines[$i]->fk_project;
                // If at least one role for project
                if ($lines[$i]->public || !empty($projectsrole[$lines[$i]->fk_project]) || $user->rights->projet->all->creer) {
                    $disabledproject = 0;
                    $disabledtask = 0;
                // If $restricteditformytask is on and I have no role on task, i disable edit
                if ($restricteditformytask && empty($tasksrole[$lines[$i]->id])) {
                    $disabledtask = 1;
                print '<td class="nowrap">';
                $s = $form->select_date('', $lines[$i]->id, '', '', '', "addtime", 1, 0, 1, $disabledtask);
                $s .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                $s .= $form->select_duration($lines[$i]->id, '', $disabledtask, 'text');
                $s .= '&nbsp;<input type="submit" class="button"' . ($disabledtask ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . ' value="' . $langs->trans("Add") . '">';
                print $s;
                print '</td>';
                print '<td align="right">';
                if (!$lines[$i]->public && $disabledproject) {
                    print $form->textwithpicto('', $langs->trans("YouAreNotContactOfProject"));
                } else {
                    if ($disabledtask) {
                        print $form->textwithpicto('', $langs->trans("TaskIsNotAffectedToYou"));
                print '</td>';
                print "</tr>\n";
            if ($lines[$i]->id) {
                projectLinesb($inc, $lines[$i]->id, $lines, $level, $projectsrole, $tasksrole, $mine, $restricteditformytask);
        } else {
    return $inc;
Ejemplo n.º 15
         if ($num > 0) {
             print '<table class="noborder" width="100%">';
             print '<tr class="liste_titre">';
             print '<td colspan="4"><table width="100%" class="nobordernopadding"><tr><td>' . $langs->trans("LastInterventions", $num <= $MAXLIST ? "" : $MAXLIST) . '</td><td align="right"><a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/fichinter/list.php?socid=' . $object->id . '">' . $langs->trans("AllInterventions") . ' <span class="badge">' . $num . '</span></td></tr></table></td>';
             print '</tr>';
             $var = !$var;
         $i = 0;
         while ($i < $num && $i < $MAXLIST) {
             $objp = $db->fetch_object($resql);
             $fichinter_static->id = $objp->id;
             $fichinter_static->statut = $objp->fk_statut;
             print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . ">";
             print '<td class="nowrap"><a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/fichinter/card.php?id=' . $objp->id . '">' . img_object($langs->trans("ShowPropal"), "propal") . ' ' . $objp->ref . '</a></td>' . "\n";
             //print '<td align="right" width="80px">'.dol_print_date($db->jdate($objp->startdate)).'</td>'."\n";
             print '<td align="right" style="min-width: 60px">' . convertSecondToTime($objp->duration) . '</td>' . "\n";
             print '<td align="right" class="nowrap" style="min-width: 60px">' . $fichinter_static->getLibStatut(5) . '</td>' . "\n";
             print '</tr>';
             $var = !$var;
         if ($num > 0) {
             print "</table>";
     } else {
  *   Last invoices
Ejemplo n.º 16
  *  Function to build pdf onto disk
  *  @param		object	$object				Object to generate
  *  @param		object	$outputlangs		Lang output object
  *  @return	    int							1=ok, 0=ko
 function write_file($object, $outputlangs)
     global $user, $langs, $conf, $mysoc;
     $default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);
     if (!is_object($outputlangs)) {
         $outputlangs = $langs;
     // For backward compatibility with FPDF, force output charset to ISO, because FPDF expect text to be encoded in ISO
     if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_FPDF)) {
         $outputlangs->charset_output = 'ISO-8859-1';
     if ($conf->ficheinter->dir_output) {
         $objectref = dol_sanitizeFileName($object->ref);
         $dir = $conf->ficheinter->dir_output;
         if (!preg_match('/specimen/i', $objectref)) {
             $dir .= "/" . $objectref;
         $file = $dir . "/" . $objectref . ".pdf";
         if (!file_exists($dir)) {
             if (dol_mkdir($dir) < 0) {
                 $this->error = $outputlangs->trans("ErrorCanNotCreateDir", $dir);
                 return 0;
         if (file_exists($dir)) {
             $pdf = pdf_getInstance($this->format);
             if (class_exists('TCPDF')) {
             // Set path to the background PDF File
             if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_FPDI) && !empty($conf->global->MAIN_ADD_PDF_BACKGROUND)) {
                 $pagecount = $pdf->setSourceFile($conf->mycompany->dir_output . '/' . $conf->global->MAIN_ADD_PDF_BACKGROUND);
                 $tplidx = $pdf->importPage(1);
             $pagenb = 0;
             $pdf->SetDrawColor(128, 128, 128);
             $pdf->SetCreator("Dolibarr " . DOL_VERSION);
             $pdf->SetKeyWords($outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->ref) . " " . $outputlangs->transnoentities("InterventionCard"));
             if ($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_COMPRESSION) {
             $pdf->SetMargins($this->marge_gauche, $this->marge_haute, $this->marge_droite);
             // Left, Top, Right
             $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(1, 0);
             // New page
             if (!empty($tplidx)) {
             $this->_pagehead($pdf, $object, 1, $outputlangs);
             $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
             $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
             $pdf->MultiCell(0, 3, '');
             // Set interline to 3
             $tab_top = 100;
             $tab_top_middlepage = 50;
             $tab_top_newpage = 50;
             $tab_height = 120;
             $tab_height_newpage = 150;
             $tab_height_middlepage = 200;
             $tab_height_endpage = 170;
             // Affiche notes
             if (!empty($object->note_public)) {
                 $tab_top = 88;
                 $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
                 // Dans boucle pour gerer multi-page
                 $pdf->writeHTMLCell(190, 3, $this->posxdesc - 1, $tab_top, dol_htmlentitiesbr($object->note_public), 0, 1);
                 $nexY = $pdf->GetY();
                 $height_note = $nexY - $tab_top;
                 // Rect prend une longueur en 3eme param
                 $pdf->SetDrawColor(192, 192, 192);
                 $pdf->Rect($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top - 1, $this->page_largeur - $this->marge_gauche - $this->marge_droite, $height_note + 1);
                 $tab_height = $tab_height - $height_note;
                 $tab_top = $nexY + 6;
             } else {
                 $height_note = 0;
             $iniY = $tab_top + 7;
             $curY = $tab_top + 7;
             $nexY = $tab_top + 7;
             $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top);
             $pdf->MultiCell(190, 8, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Description"), 0, 'L', 0);
             $pdf->line($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top + 8, $this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite, $tab_top + 8);
             $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
             $pdf->MultiCell(0, 3, '');
             // Set interline to 3
             $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top + 8);
             $text = $object->description;
             if ($object->duree > 0) {
                 $totaltime = convertSecondToTime($object->duree, 'all', $conf->global->MAIN_DURATION_OF_WORKDAY);
                 $text .= ($text ? ' - ' : '') . $langs->trans("Total") . ": " . $totaltime;
             $desc = dol_htmlentitiesbr($text, 1);
             //print $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($desc); exit;
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(180, 3, 10, $tab_top + 8, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($desc), 0, 1);
             $nexY = $pdf->GetY();
             $pdf->line($this->marge_gauche, $nexY, $this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite, $nexY);
             $pdf->MultiCell(0, 2, '');
             // Set interline to 3. Then writeMultiCell must use 3 also.
             $nblines = count($object->lines);
             // Loop on each lines
             for ($i = 0; $i < $nblines; $i++) {
                 $objectligne = $object->lines[$i];
                 $valide = $objectligne->id ? $objectligne->fetch($objectligne->id) : 0;
                 if ($valide > 0 || $object->specimen) {
                     $curY = $nexY;
                     $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 1);
                     $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $curY);
                     $txt = dol_htmlentitiesbr($outputlangs->transnoentities("Date") . " : " . dol_print_date($objectligne->datei, 'dayhour', false, $outputlangs, true) . " - " . $outputlangs->transnoentities("Duration") . " : " . convertSecondToTime($objectligne->duration), 1, $outputlangs->charset_output);
                     $curYold = $nexYold = $nexY;
                     $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 3, $this->marge_gauche, $curY, $txt, 0, 1, 0);
                     $curY = $pdf->GetY();
                     $nexY += 3;
                     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
                     $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $nexY);
                     $desc = dol_htmlentitiesbr($objectligne->desc, 1);
                     $curYold = $pdf->GetY();
                     $nexYold = $curYold;
                     $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 3, $this->marge_gauche, $curY, $desc, 0, 1, 0);
                     $stringheight = $pdf->getStringHeight('A', $txt);
                     $curY = $pdf->GetY();
                     $nexY += dol_nboflines_bis($objectligne->desc, 0, $outputlangs->charset_output) * $stringheight;
                     //print $curYold."-".$nexYold." +".dol_nboflines_bis($objectligne->desc,52,$outputlangs->charset_output)."*".$stringheight."= ".$curY."-".$nexY."<br>";
                     $nexY += 2;
                     // Passe espace entre les lignes
                     // Cherche nombre de lignes a venir pour savoir si place suffisante
                     if ($i < $nblines - 1 && empty($hidedesc)) {
                         //on recupere la description du produit suivant
                         $follow_descproduitservice = $objectligne->desc;
                         //on compte le nombre de ligne afin de verifier la place disponible (largeur de ligne 52 caracteres)
                         $nblineFollowDesc = dol_nboflines_bis($follow_descproduitservice, 52, $outputlangs->charset_output) * 3;
                     } else {
                         $nblineFollowDesc = 0;
                     // Test if a new page is required
                     if ($pagenb == 1) {
                         $tab_top_in_current_page = $tab_top;
                         $tab_height_in_current_page = $tab_height;
                     } else {
                         $tab_top_in_current_page = $tab_top_newpage;
                         $tab_height_in_current_page = $tab_height_middlepage;
                     if ($nexY + $nblineFollowDesc > $tab_top_in_current_page + $tab_height_in_current_page && $i < $nblines - 1) {
                         if ($pagenb == 1) {
                             $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top, $tab_height + 20, $nexY, $outputlangs);
                         } else {
                             $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top_newpage, $tab_height_middlepage, $nexY, $outputlangs);
                         $this->_pagefoot($pdf, $object, $outputlangs);
                         // New page
                         if (!empty($tplidx)) {
                         $this->_pagehead($pdf, $object, 0, $outputlangs);
                         $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
                         $pdf->MultiCell(0, 3, '');
                         // Set interline to 3
                         $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
                         $nexY = $tab_top_newpage + 7;
             // Show square
             if ($pagenb == 1) {
                 $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top, $tab_height, $nexY, $outputlangs);
                 $bottomlasttab = $tab_top + $tab_height + 1;
             } else {
                 $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top_newpage, $tab_height_newpage, $nexY, $outputlangs);
                 $bottomlasttab = $tab_top_newpage + $tab_height_newpage + 1;
             $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
             // On repositionne la police par defaut
             $this->_pagefoot($pdf, $object, $outputlangs);
             $pdf->Output($file, 'F');
             if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK)) {
                 @chmod($file, octdec($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK));
             return 1;
         } else {
             $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorCanNotCreateDir", $dir);
             return 0;
     } else {
         $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorConstantNotDefined", "FICHEINTER_OUTPUTDIR");
         return 0;
     $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorUnknown");
     return 0;
     // Erreur par defaut
Ejemplo n.º 17
$sql .= " AND tt.fk_task = t.rowid";
$sql .= " AND tt.fk_user = "******" AND YEAR(task_date) = '" . strftime("%Y", $now) . "'";
$sql .= " AND p.rowid in (" . $projectsListId . ")";
$sql .= " GROUP BY p.rowid, p.ref, p.title";
$var = false;
$resql = $db->query($sql);
if ($resql) {
    while ($row = $db->fetch_object($resql)) {
        print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . ">";
        print '<td>';
        $projectstatic->id = $row->rowid;
        $projectstatic->ref = $row->ref;
        print $projectstatic->getNomUrl(1);
        print '</td>';
        print '<td align="right">' . convertSecondToTime($row->nb) . '</td>';
        print "</tr>\n";
        $var = !$var;
} else {
print '<tr class="liste_total">';
print '<td>' . $langs->trans('Total') . '</td>';
print '<td align="right">' . convertSecondToTime($total) . '</td>';
print "</tr>\n";
print "</table>";
print '</div></div></div>';
  *	Define array with couple substitution key => substitution value
  *	@param  object			$tasktime			times object
  *	@param  Translate		$outputlangs        Lang object to use for output
  *  @return	array								Return a substitution array
 function get_substitutionarray_taskstime($tasktime, $outputlangs)
     global $conf;
     return array('tasktime_rowid' => $tasktime['rowid'], 'tasktime_task_date' => dol_print_date($tasktime['task_date'], 'day'), 'tasktime_task_duration' => convertSecondToTime($tasktime['task_duration'], 'all'), 'tasktime_note' => $tasktime['note'], 'tasktime_fk_user' => $tasktime['fk_user'], 'tasktime_user_name' => $tasktime['name'], 'tasktime_user_first' => $tasktime['firstname'], 'tasktime_fullcivname' => $tasktime['fullcivname']);
Ejemplo n.º 19
  *	Function to show a form to select a duration on a page
  *	@param	string	$prefix   		Prefix for input fields
  *	@param  int		$iSecond  		Default preselected duration (number of seconds)
  * 	@param	int		$disabled		Disable the combo box
  * 	@param	string	$typehour		If 'select' then input hour and input min is a combo, if 'text' input hour is in text and input min is a combo
  *  @param	string	$minunderhours	If 1, show minutes selection under the hours
  * 	@param	int		$nooutput		Do not output html string but return it
  *  @return	void
 function select_duration($prefix, $iSecond = '', $disabled = 0, $typehour = 'select', $minunderhours = 0, $nooutput = 0)
     global $langs;
     $retstring = '';
     $hourSelected = 0;
     $minSelected = 0;
     if ($iSecond) {
         require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/date.lib.php';
         $hourSelected = convertSecondToTime($iSecond, 'allhour');
         $minSelected = convertSecondToTime($iSecond, 'min');
     if ($typehour == 'select') {
         $retstring .= '<select class="flat" name="' . $prefix . 'hour"' . ($disabled ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . '>';
         for ($hour = 0; $hour < 25; $hour++) {
             $retstring .= '<option value="' . $hour . '"';
             if ($hourSelected == $hour) {
                 $retstring .= " selected=\"true\"";
             $retstring .= ">" . $hour . "</option>";
         $retstring .= "</select>";
     } elseif ($typehour == 'text') {
         $retstring .= '<input type="text" size="2" name="' . $prefix . 'hour"' . ($disabled ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . ' class="flat" value="' . ($hourSelected ? (int) $hourSelected : '') . '">';
     } else {
         return 'BadValueForParameterTypeHour';
     $retstring .= ' ' . $langs->trans('HourShort');
     if ($minunderhours) {
         $retstring .= '<br>';
     } else {
         $retstring .= "&nbsp;";
     if ($typehour == 'select') {
         $retstring .= '<select class="flat" name="' . $prefix . 'min"' . ($disabled ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . '>';
         for ($min = 0; $min <= 55; $min = $min + 5) {
             $retstring .= '<option value="' . $min . '"';
             if ($minSelected == $min) {
                 $retstring .= ' selected="selected"';
             $retstring .= '>' . $min . '</option>';
         $retstring .= "</select>";
     } elseif ($typehour == 'text') {
         $retstring .= '<input type="text" size="2" name="' . $prefix . 'min"' . ($disabled ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . ' class="flat" value="' . ($minSelected ? (int) $minSelected : '') . '">';
     $retstring .= ' ' . $langs->trans('MinuteShort');
     $retstring .= "&nbsp;";
     if (!empty($nooutput)) {
         return $retstring;
     print $retstring;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 *	Build a file from an array of events
 *  All input params and data must be encoded in $conf->charset_output
 *	@param		string	$format				'vcal' or 'ical'
 *	@param		string	$title				Title of export
 *	@param		string	$desc				Description of export
 *	@param		array	$events_array		Array of events ('eid','startdate','duration','enddate','title','summary','category','email','url','desc','author')
 *	@param		string	$outputfile			Output file
 *	@return		int							<0 if ko, Nb of events in file if ok
function build_calfile($format, $title, $desc, $events_array, $outputfile)
    global $conf, $langs;
    dol_syslog("xcal.lib.php::build_calfile Build cal file " . $outputfile . " to format " . $format);
    if (empty($outputfile)) {
        return -1;
    // Note: A cal file is an UTF8 encoded file
    $calfileh = fopen($outputfile, 'w');
    if ($calfileh) {
        include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/date.lib.php';
        $now = dol_now();
        $encoding = '';
        if ($format == 'vcal') {
            $encoding = 'ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:';
        // Print header
        fwrite($calfileh, "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n");
        fwrite($calfileh, "VERSION:2.0\n");
        fwrite($calfileh, "METHOD:PUBLISH\n");
        //fwrite($calfileh,"PRODID:-//DOLIBARR ".DOL_VERSION."//EN\n");
        fwrite($calfileh, "PRODID:-//DOLIBARR " . DOL_VERSION . "\n");
        fwrite($calfileh, "CALSCALE:GREGORIAN\n");
        fwrite($calfileh, "X-WR-CALNAME:" . $encoding . format_cal($format, $title) . "\n");
        fwrite($calfileh, "X-WR-CALDESC:" . $encoding . format_cal($format, $desc) . "\n");
        $hh = convertSecondToTime($conf->global->MAIN_AGENDA_EXPORT_CACHE, 'hour');
        $mm = convertSecondToTime($conf->global->MAIN_AGENDA_EXPORT_CACHE, 'min');
        $ss = convertSecondToTime($conf->global->MAIN_AGENDA_EXPORT_CACHE, 'sec');
        if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_AGENDA_EXPORT_CACHE) && $conf->global->MAIN_AGENDA_EXPORT_CACHE > 60) {
            fwrite($calfileh, "X-PUBLISHED-TTL: P" . $hh . "H" . $mm . "M" . $ss . "S\n");
        foreach ($events_array as $date => $event) {
            $eventqualified = true;
            if ($eventqualified) {
                // See http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICalendar for format
                // See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2445.txt for RFC
                $uid = $event['uid'];
                $type = $event['type'];
                $startdate = $event['startdate'];
                $duration = $event['duration'];
                $enddate = $event['enddate'];
                $summary = $event['summary'];
                $category = $event['category'];
                $priority = $event['priority'];
                $fulldayevent = $event['fulldayevent'];
                $location = $event['location'];
                $email = $event['email'];
                $url = $event['url'];
                $transparency = $event['transparency'];
                // OPAQUE (busy) or TRANSPARENT (not busy)
                $description = preg_replace('/<br[\\s\\/]?>/i', "\n", $event['desc']);
                $description = dol_string_nohtmltag($description, 0);
                // Remove html tags
                $created = $event['created'];
                $modified = $event['modified'];
                // Uncomment for tests
                //$description="MemberValidatedInDolibarr gd gdf gd gdff\nNom: tgdf g dfgdf gfd r ter\nType: gdfgfdf dfg fd gfd gd gdf gdf gfd gdfg dfg ddf\nAuteur: AD01fg dgdgdfg df gdf gd";
                // Format
                $summary = format_cal($format, $summary);
                $description = format_cal($format, $description);
                $category = format_cal($format, $category);
                $location = format_cal($format, $location);
                // Output the vCard/iCal VEVENT object
                				Example from Google ical export for a 1 hour event:
                SUMMARY:Tache 1 heure
                Example from Google ical export for a 1 day event:
                SUMMARY:Tache 1 jour
                if ($type == 'event') {
                    fwrite($calfileh, "BEGIN:VEVENT\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, "UID:" . $uid . "\n");
                    if (!empty($email)) {
                        fwrite($calfileh, "ORGANIZER:MAILTO:" . $email . "\n");
                        fwrite($calfileh, "CONTACT:MAILTO:" . $email . "\n");
                    if (!empty($url)) {
                        fwrite($calfileh, "URL:" . $url . "\n");
                    if ($created) {
                        fwrite($calfileh, "CREATED:" . dol_print_date($created, 'dayhourxcard', true) . "\n");
                    if ($modified) {
                        fwrite($calfileh, "LAST-MODIFIED:" . dol_print_date($modified, 'dayhourxcard', true) . "\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, "SUMMARY:" . $encoding . $summary . "\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, "DESCRIPTION:" . $encoding . $description . "\n");
                    /* Other keys:
                    			// Status values for a "VEVENT"
                    			statvalue  = "TENTATIVE"           ;Indicates event is
                    		                / "CONFIRMED"           ;Indicates event is
                    		                / "CANCELLED"           ;Indicates event was
                                      // Status values for "VTODO".
                                      statvalue  =/ "NEEDS-ACTION"       ;Indicates to-do needs action.
                    		                / "COMPLETED"           ;Indicates to-do completed.
                    		                / "IN-PROCESS"          ;Indicates to-do in process of
                    		                / "CANCELLED"           ;Indicates to-do was cancelled.
                                      // Status values for "VJOURNAL".
                    		    statvalue  =/ "DRAFT"              ;Indicates journal is draft.
                    		                / "FINAL"               ;Indicates journal is final.
                    		                / "CANCELLED"           ;Indicates journal is removed.
                    //fwrite($calfileh,"CLASS:PUBLIC\n");				// PUBLIC, PRIVATE, CONFIDENTIAL
                    //ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED;CN=Laurent Destailleur;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:eldy10@gmail.com
                    if (!empty($location)) {
                        fwrite($calfileh, "LOCATION:" . $encoding . $location . "\n");
                    if ($fulldayevent) {
                        fwrite($calfileh, "X-FUNAMBOL-ALLDAY:1\n");
                    if ($fulldayevent) {
                        fwrite($calfileh, "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT:1\n");
                    // Date must be GMT dates
                    // Current date
                    fwrite($calfileh, "DTSTAMP:" . dol_print_date($now, 'dayhourxcard', true) . "\n");
                    // Start date
                    $prefix = '';
                    $startdatef = dol_print_date($startdate, 'dayhourxcard', true);
                    if ($fulldayevent) {
                        $prefix = ';VALUE=DATE';
                        $startdatef = dol_print_date($startdate, 'dayxcard', false);
                        // Local time
                    fwrite($calfileh, "DTSTART" . $prefix . ":" . $startdatef . "\n");
                    // End date
                    if ($fulldayevent) {
                        if (empty($enddate)) {
                            $enddate = dol_time_plus_duree($startdate, 1, 'd');
                    } else {
                        if (empty($enddate)) {
                            $enddate = $startdate + $duration;
                    $prefix = '';
                    $enddatef = dol_print_date($enddate, 'dayhourxcard', true);
                    if ($fulldayevent) {
                        $prefix = ';VALUE=DATE';
                        $enddatef = dol_print_date($enddate + 1, 'dayxcard', false);
                        //$enddatef .= dol_print_date($enddate+1,'dayhourxcard',false);   // Local time
                    fwrite($calfileh, "DTEND" . $prefix . ":" . $enddatef . "\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, 'STATUS:CONFIRMED' . "\n");
                    if (!empty($transparency)) {
                        fwrite($calfileh, "TRANSP:" . $transparency . "\n");
                    if (!empty($category)) {
                        fwrite($calfileh, "CATEGORIES:" . $encoding . $category . "\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, "END:VEVENT\n");
                // Output the vCard/iCal VTODO object
                // ...
                // Output the vCard/iCal VJOURNAL object
                if ($type == 'journal') {
                    fwrite($calfileh, "BEGIN:VJOURNAL\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, "UID:" . $uid . "\n");
                    if (!empty($email)) {
                        fwrite($calfileh, "ORGANIZER:MAILTO:" . $email . "\n");
                        fwrite($calfileh, "CONTACT:MAILTO:" . $email . "\n");
                    if (!empty($url)) {
                        fwrite($calfileh, "URL:" . $url . "\n");
                    if ($created) {
                        fwrite($calfileh, "CREATED:" . dol_print_date($created, 'dayhourxcard', true) . "\n");
                    if ($modified) {
                        fwrite($calfileh, "LAST-MODIFIED:" . dol_print_date($modified, 'dayhourxcard', true) . "\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, "SUMMARY:" . $encoding . $summary . "\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, "DESCRIPTION:" . $encoding . $description . "\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, 'STATUS:CONFIRMED' . "\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, "CATEGORIES:" . $category . "\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, "LOCATION:" . $location . "\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, "CLASS:CONFIDENTIAL\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, "DTSTAMP:" . dol_print_date($startdatef, 'dayhourxcard', true) . "\n");
                    fwrite($calfileh, "END:VJOURNAL\n");
                // Put other info in comment
                $comment ['eid']			= $eid;
                $comment ['url']			= $linktoevent;
                $comment ['date']			= dol_mktime($evttime,"Ymd");
                $comment ['duration']		= $duration;
                $comment ['startdate']		= $startdate;
                $comment ['enddate']		= $enddate;
                fwrite($calfileh,"COMMENT:" . serialize ($comment) . "\n");
        // Footer
        fwrite($calfileh, "END:VCALENDAR");
        if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK)) {
            @chmod($outputfile, octdec($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK));
    } else {
        dol_syslog("xcal.lib.php::build_calfile Failed to open file " . $outputfile . " for writing");
        return -2;
Ejemplo n.º 21
         if ($num > 0) {
             print '<table class="noborder" width="100%">';
             print '<tr class="liste_titre">';
             print '<td colspan="4"><table width="100%" class="nobordernopadding"><tr><td>' . $langs->trans("LastInterventions", $num <= $MAXLIST ? "" : $MAXLIST) . '</td><td align="right"><a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/fichinter/list.php?socid=' . $object->id . '">' . $langs->trans("AllInterventions") . ' (' . $num . ')</td></tr></table></td>';
             print '</tr>';
             $var = !$var;
         $i = 0;
         while ($i < $num && $i < $MAXLIST) {
             $objp = $db->fetch_object($resql);
             $fichinter_static->id = $objp->id;
             $fichinter_static->statut = $objp->fk_statut;
             print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . ">";
             print '<td nowrap="nowrap"><a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/fichinter/fiche.php?id=' . $objp->id . '">' . img_object($langs->trans("ShowPropal"), "propal") . ' ' . $objp->ref . '</a></td>' . "\n";
             //print '<td align="right" width="80">'.dol_print_date($db->jdate($objp->startdate)).'</td>'."\n";
             print '<td align="right" width="120">' . convertSecondToTime($objp->duration) . '</td>' . "\n";
             print '<td align="right" width="100">' . $fichinter_static->getLibStatut(5) . '</td>' . "\n";
             print '</tr>';
             $var = !$var;
         if ($num > 0) {
             print "</table>";
     } else {
  *   Last invoices
Ejemplo n.º 22
  *  Function to build pdf onto disk
  *  @param		Object			$object				Object to generate
  *  @param		Translate		$outputlangs		Lang output object
  *  @param		string			$srctemplatepath	Full path of source filename for generator using a template file
  *  @param		int				$hidedetails		Do not show line details
  *  @param		int				$hidedesc			Do not show desc
  *  @param		int				$hideref			Do not show ref
  *  @return		int									1=OK, 0=KO
 function write_file($object, $outputlangs, $srctemplatepath = '', $hidedetails = 0, $hidedesc = 0, $hideref = 0)
     global $user, $langs, $conf, $mysoc, $db, $hookmanager;
     if (!is_object($outputlangs)) {
         $outputlangs = $langs;
     // For backward compatibility with FPDF, force output charset to ISO, because FPDF expect text to be encoded in ISO
     if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_USE_FPDF)) {
         $outputlangs->charset_output = 'ISO-8859-1';
     if ($conf->ficheinter->dir_output) {
         // Definition of $dir and $file
         if ($object->specimen) {
             $dir = $conf->ficheinter->dir_output;
             $file = $dir . "/SPECIMEN.pdf";
         } else {
             $objectref = dol_sanitizeFileName($object->ref);
             $dir = $conf->ficheinter->dir_output . "/" . $objectref;
             $file = $dir . "/" . $objectref . ".pdf";
         if (!file_exists($dir)) {
             if (dol_mkdir($dir) < 0) {
                 $this->error = $langs->transnoentities("ErrorCanNotCreateDir", $dir);
                 return 0;
         if (file_exists($dir)) {
             // Add pdfgeneration hook
             if (!is_object($hookmanager)) {
                 include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/hookmanager.class.php';
                 $hookmanager = new HookManager($this->db);
             $parameters = array('file' => $file, 'object' => $object, 'outputlangs' => $outputlangs);
             global $action;
             $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('beforePDFCreation', $parameters, $object, $action);
             // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks
             $nblignes = count($object->lines);
             // Create pdf instance
             $pdf = pdf_getInstance($this->format);
             $default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);
             // Must be after pdf_getInstance
             $heightforinfotot = 50;
             // Height reserved to output the info and total part
             $heightforfreetext = isset($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_FREETEXT_HEIGHT) ? $conf->global->MAIN_PDF_FREETEXT_HEIGHT : 5;
             // Height reserved to output the free text on last page
             $heightforfooter = $this->marge_basse + 8;
             // Height reserved to output the footer (value include bottom margin)
             $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(1, 0);
             if (class_exists('TCPDF')) {
             // Set path to the background PDF File
             if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_FPDI) && !empty($conf->global->MAIN_ADD_PDF_BACKGROUND)) {
                 $pagecount = $pdf->setSourceFile($conf->mycompany->dir_output . '/' . $conf->global->MAIN_ADD_PDF_BACKGROUND);
                 $tplidx = $pdf->importPage(1);
             $pagenb = 0;
             $pdf->SetDrawColor(128, 128, 128);
             $pdf->SetCreator("Dolibarr " . DOL_VERSION);
             $pdf->SetKeyWords($outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->ref) . " " . $outputlangs->transnoentities("InterventionCard"));
             if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_COMPRESSION)) {
             $pdf->SetMargins($this->marge_gauche, $this->marge_haute, $this->marge_droite);
             // Left, Top, Right
             // New page
             if (!empty($tplidx)) {
             $this->_pagehead($pdf, $object, 1, $outputlangs);
             $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
             $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
             $tab_top = 90;
             $tab_top_newpage = empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_DONOTREPEAT_HEAD) ? 42 : 10;
             $tab_height = 130;
             $tab_height_newpage = 150;
             // Affiche notes
             $notetoshow = empty($object->note_public) ? '' : $object->note_public;
             if ($notetoshow) {
                 $tab_top = 88;
                 $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
                 $pdf->writeHTMLCell(190, 3, $this->posxdesc - 1, $tab_top, dol_htmlentitiesbr($notetoshow), 0, 1);
                 $nexY = $pdf->GetY();
                 $height_note = $nexY - $tab_top;
                 // Rect prend une longueur en 3eme param
                 $pdf->SetDrawColor(192, 192, 192);
                 $pdf->Rect($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top - 1, $this->page_largeur - $this->marge_gauche - $this->marge_droite, $height_note + 1);
                 $tab_height = $tab_height - $height_note;
                 $tab_top = $nexY + 6;
             } else {
                 $height_note = 0;
             $iniY = $tab_top + 7;
             $curY = $tab_top + 7;
             $nexY = $tab_top + 7;
             $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top);
             $pdf->MultiCell(190, 5, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Description"), 0, 'L', 0);
             $pdf->line($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top + 5, $this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite, $tab_top + 5);
             $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
             $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top + 5);
             $text = $object->description;
             if ($object->duree > 0) {
                 $totaltime = convertSecondToTime($object->duration, 'all', $conf->global->MAIN_DURATION_OF_WORKDAY);
                 $text .= ($text ? ' - ' : '') . $langs->trans("Total") . ": " . $totaltime;
             $desc = dol_htmlentitiesbr($text, 1);
             //print $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($desc); exit;
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(180, 3, 10, $tab_top + 5, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($desc), 0, 1);
             $nexY = $pdf->GetY();
             $pdf->line($this->marge_gauche, $nexY, $this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite, $nexY);
             $nblines = count($object->lines);
             // Loop on each lines
             for ($i = 0; $i < $nblines; $i++) {
                 $objectligne = $object->lines[$i];
                 $valide = empty($objectligne->id) ? 0 : $objectligne->fetch($objectligne->id);
                 if ($valide > 0 || $object->specimen) {
                     $curY = $nexY;
                     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
                     // Into loop to work with multipage
                     $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
                     $pdf->setPageOrientation('', 1, $heightforfooter + $heightforfreetext + $heightforinfotot);
                     // The only function to edit the bottom margin of current page to set it.
                     $pageposbefore = $pdf->getPage();
                     // Description of product line
                     $curX = $this->posxdesc - 1;
                     // Description of product line
                     $txt = $outputlangs->transnoentities("Date") . " : " . dol_print_date($objectligne->datei, 'dayhour', false, $outputlangs, true);
                     if ($objectligne->duration > 0) {
                         $txt .= " - " . $outputlangs->transnoentities("Duration") . " : " . convertSecondToTime($objectligne->duration);
                     $txt = '<strong>' . dol_htmlentitiesbr($txt, 1, $outputlangs->charset_output) . '</strong>';
                     $desc = dol_htmlentitiesbr($objectligne->desc, 1);
                     $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, $curX, $curY + 1, dol_concatdesc($txt, $desc), 0, 1, 0);
                     $pageposafter = $pdf->getPage();
                     if ($pageposafter > $pageposbefore) {
                         $pageposafter = $pageposbefore;
                         //print $pageposafter.'-'.$pageposbefore;exit;
                         $pdf->setPageOrientation('', 1, $heightforfooter);
                         // The only function to edit the bottom margin of current page to set it.
                         $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, $curX, $curY, $txt . '<br>' . $desc, LR, 1, 0);
                         $pageposafter = $pdf->getPage();
                         $posyafter = $pdf->GetY();
                         //var_dump($posyafter); var_dump(($this->page_hauteur - ($heightforfooter+$heightforfreetext+$heightforinfotot))); exit;
                         if ($posyafter > $this->page_hauteur - ($heightforfooter + $heightforfreetext + $heightforinfotot)) {
                             if ($i == $nblines - 1) {
                                 $pdf->AddPage('', '', true);
                                 if (!empty($tplidx)) {
                                 if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_DONOTREPEAT_HEAD)) {
                                     $this->_pagehead($pdf, $object, 0, $outputlangs);
                                 $pdf->setPage($pageposafter + 1);
                     } else {
                     $nexY = $pdf->GetY();
                     $pageposafter = $pdf->getPage();
                     $pdf->setPageOrientation('', 1, 0);
                     // The only function to edit the bottom margin of current page to set it.
                     // We suppose that a too long description is moved completely on next page
                     if ($pageposafter > $pageposbefore) {
                         $curY = $tab_top_newpage;
                     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
                     // On repositionne la police par defaut
                     // Detect if some page were added automatically and output _tableau for past pages
                     while ($pagenb < $pageposafter) {
                         if ($pagenb == 1) {
                             $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 0, 1);
                         } else {
                             $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top_newpage, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top_newpage - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 1, 1);
                         $this->_pagefoot($pdf, $object, $outputlangs, 1);
                         $pdf->setPageOrientation('', 1, 0);
                         // The only function to edit the bottom margin of current page to set it.
                         if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_DONOTREPEAT_HEAD)) {
                             $this->_pagehead($pdf, $object, 0, $outputlangs);
                     if (isset($object->lines[$i + 1]->pagebreak) && $object->lines[$i + 1]->pagebreak) {
                         if ($pagenb == 1) {
                             $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 0, 1);
                         } else {
                             $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top_newpage, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top_newpage - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 1, 1);
                         $this->_pagefoot($pdf, $object, $outputlangs, 1);
                         // New page
                         if (!empty($tplidx)) {
                         if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_DONOTREPEAT_HEAD)) {
                             $this->_pagehead($pdf, $object, 0, $outputlangs);
             // Show square
             if ($pagenb == 1) {
                 $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 0, 0);
                 $bottomlasttab = $this->page_hauteur - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter + 1;
             } else {
                 $this->_tableau($pdf, $tab_top_newpage, $this->page_hauteur - $tab_top_newpage - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter, 0, $outputlangs, 1, 0);
                 $bottomlasttab = $this->page_hauteur - $heightforinfotot - $heightforfreetext - $heightforfooter + 1;
             $this->_pagefoot($pdf, $object, $outputlangs);
             if (method_exists($pdf, 'AliasNbPages')) {
             $pdf->Output($file, 'F');
             // Add pdfgeneration hook
             $parameters = array('file' => $file, 'object' => $object, 'outputlangs' => $outputlangs);
             global $action;
             $reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('afterPDFCreation', $parameters, $this, $action);
             // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks
             if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK)) {
                 @chmod($file, octdec($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK));
             return 1;
         } else {
             $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorCanNotCreateDir", $dir);
             return 0;
     } else {
         $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorConstantNotDefined", "FICHEINTER_OUTPUTDIR");
         return 0;
     $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorUnknown");
     return 0;
     // Erreur par defaut
Ejemplo n.º 23
     * testConvertSecondToTime
     * @return void
    public function testConvertSecondToTime()
    	global $conf,$user,$langs,$db;

    	print __METHOD__." result=".$result."\n";

    	print __METHOD__." result=".$result."\n";
		$this->assertSame('1 '.$langs->trans("Day"),$result);

		return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        $companystatic->name = $objp->name;
        $companystatic->id = $objp->socid;
        $companystatic->client = $objp->client;
        print $companystatic->getNomUrl(1, '', 44);
        print '</td>';
        print '<td>' . dol_htmlentitiesbr(dol_trunc($objp->description, 20)) . '</td>';
        if (empty($conf->global->FICHINTER_DISABLE_DETAILS)) {
            print '<td>' . dol_htmlentitiesbr(dol_trunc($objp->descriptiondetail, 20)) . '</td>';
            print '<td align="center">' . dol_print_date($db->jdate($objp->dp), 'dayhour') . "</td>\n";
            print '<td align="right">' . convertSecondToTime($objp->duree) . '</td>';
        print '<td align="right">' . $interventionstatic->LibStatut($objp->fk_statut, 5) . '</td>';
        print '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
        print "</tr>\n";
        $total += $objp->duree;
    $rowspan = 3;
    if (empty($conf->global->FICHINTER_DISABLE_DETAILS)) {
        print '<tr class="liste_total"><td colspan="5" class="liste_total">' . $langs->trans("Total") . '</td>';
        print '<td align="right" class="nowrap liste_total">' . convertSecondToTime($total) . '</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>';
        print '</tr>';
    print '</table>';
    print "</form>\n";
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * Return HTML table with list of projects and number of opened tasks
 * @param	DoliDB	$db					Database handler
 * @param	Form	$form				Object form
 * @param   int		$socid				Id thirdparty
 * @param   int		$projectsListId     Id of project I have permission on
 * @param   int		$mytasks            Limited to task I am contact to
 * @param	int		$statut				-1=No filter on statut, 0 or 1 = Filter on status
 * @param	array	$listofoppstatus	List of opportunity status
 * @param   array   $hiddenfields       List of info to not show ('projectlabel', 'declaredprogress', '...', )
 * @return	void
function print_projecttasks_array($db, $form, $socid, $projectsListId, $mytasks = 0, $statut = -1, $listofoppstatus = array(), $hiddenfields = array())
    global $langs, $conf, $user, $bc;
    require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/projet/class/project.class.php';
    $projectstatic = new Project($db);
    $thirdpartystatic = new Societe($db);
    $sortfield = '';
    $sortorder = '';
    $project_year_filter = 0;
    $title = $langs->trans("Projects");
    if (strcmp($statut, '') && $statut >= 0) {
        $title = $langs->trans("Projects") . ' ' . $langs->trans($projectstatic->statuts_long[$statut]);
    $arrayidtypeofcontact = array();
    print '<table class="noborder" width="100%">';
    $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "projet as p";
    if ($mytasks) {
        $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "projet_task as t";
        $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "element_contact as ec";
        $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "c_type_contact as ctc";
    } else {
        $sql .= " LEFT JOIN " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "projet_task as t ON p.rowid = t.fk_projet";
    $sql .= " WHERE p.entity = " . $conf->entity;
    $sql .= " AND p.rowid IN (" . $projectsListId . ")";
    if ($socid) {
        $sql .= "  AND (p.fk_soc IS NULL OR p.fk_soc = 0 OR p.fk_soc = " . $socid . ")";
    if ($mytasks) {
        $sql .= " AND p.rowid = t.fk_projet";
        $sql .= " AND ec.element_id = t.rowid";
        $sql .= " AND ec.fk_socpeople = " . $user->id;
        $sql .= " AND ec.fk_c_type_contact = ctc.rowid";
        // Replace the 2 lines with ec.fk_c_type_contact in $arrayidtypeofcontact
        $sql .= " AND ctc.element = 'project_task'";
    if ($statut >= 0) {
        $sql .= " AND p.fk_statut = " . $statut;
    if (!empty($conf->global->PROJECT_LIMIT_YEAR_RANGE)) {
        $project_year_filter = GETPOST("project_year_filter");
        //Check if empty or invalid year. Wildcard ignores the sql check
        if ($project_year_filter != "*") {
            if (empty($project_year_filter) || !ctype_digit($project_year_filter)) {
                $project_year_filter = date("Y");
            $sql .= " AND (p.dateo IS NULL OR p.dateo <= " . $db->idate(dol_get_last_day($project_year_filter, 12, false)) . ")";
            $sql .= " AND (p.datee IS NULL OR p.datee >= " . $db->idate(dol_get_first_day($project_year_filter, 1, false)) . ")";
    // Get id of project we must show tasks
    $arrayidofprojects = array();
    $sql1 = "SELECT p.rowid as projectid";
    $sql1 .= $sql;
    $resql = $db->query($sql1);
    if ($resql) {
        $i = 0;
        $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
        while ($i < $num) {
            $objp = $db->fetch_object($resql);
            $arrayidofprojects[$objp->projectid] = $objp->projectid;
    } else {
    if (empty($arrayidofprojects)) {
        $arrayidofprojects[0] = -1;
    // Get list of project with calculation on tasks
    $sql2 = "SELECT p.rowid as projectid, p.ref, p.title, p.fk_soc, s.nom as socname, p.fk_user_creat, p.public, p.fk_statut as status, p.fk_opp_status as opp_status, p.opp_amount,";
    $sql2 .= " COUNT(t.rowid) as nb, SUM(t.planned_workload) as planned_workload, SUM(t.planned_workload * t.progress / 100) as declared_progess_workload";
    $sql2 .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "projet as p";
    $sql2 .= " LEFT JOIN " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe as s ON s.rowid = p.fk_soc";
    $sql2 .= " LEFT JOIN " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "projet_task as t ON p.rowid = t.fk_projet";
    $sql2 .= " WHERE p.rowid IN (" . join(',', $arrayidofprojects) . ")";
    $sql2 .= " GROUP BY p.rowid, p.ref, p.title, p.fk_soc, p.fk_user_creat, p.public, p.fk_statut, p.fk_opp_status, p.opp_amount";
    $sql2 .= " ORDER BY p.title, p.ref";
    $var = true;
    $resql = $db->query($sql2);
    if ($resql) {
        $total_task = 0;
        $total_opp_amount = 0;
        $ponderated_opp_amount = 0;
        $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
        $i = 0;
        print '<tr class="liste_titre">';
        print_liste_field_titre($title . ' <span class="badge">' . $num . '</span>', $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "", "", "", "", $sortfield, $sortorder);
        print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("ThirdParty"), $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "", "", "", "", $sortfield, $sortorder);
        if (!empty($conf->global->PROJECT_USE_OPPORTUNITIES)) {
            print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("OpportunityAmount"), "", "", "", "", 'align="right"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
            print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("OpportunityStatus"), "", "", "", "", 'align="right"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
        if (empty($conf->global->PROJECT_HIDE_TASKS)) {
            print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("Tasks"), "", "", "", "", 'align="right"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
            if (!in_array('plannedworkload', $hiddenfields)) {
                print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("PlannedWorkload"), "", "", "", "", 'align="right"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
            if (!in_array('declaredprogress', $hiddenfields)) {
                print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("ProgressDeclared"), "", "", "", "", 'align="right"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
        print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("Status"), "", "", "", "", 'align="right"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
        print "</tr>\n";
        while ($i < $num) {
            $objp = $db->fetch_object($resql);
            $projectstatic->id = $objp->projectid;
            $projectstatic->user_author_id = $objp->fk_user_creat;
            $projectstatic->public = $objp->public;
            // Check is user has read permission on project
            $userAccess = $projectstatic->restrictedProjectArea($user);
            if ($userAccess >= 0) {
                $var = !$var;
                print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . ">";
                print '<td>';
                $projectstatic->ref = $objp->ref;
                print $projectstatic->getNomUrl(1);
                if (!in_array('projectlabel', $hiddenfields)) {
                    print ' - ' . dol_trunc($objp->title, 24);
                print '</td>';
                print '<td>';
                if ($objp->fk_soc > 0) {
                    $thirdpartystatic->id = $objp->fk_soc;
                    $thirdpartystatic->ref = $objp->socname;
                    $thirdpartystatic->name = $objp->socname;
                    print $thirdpartystatic->getNomUrl(1);
                print '</td>';
                if (!empty($conf->global->PROJECT_USE_OPPORTUNITIES)) {
                    print '<td align="right">';
                    if ($objp->opp_amount) {
                        print price($objp->opp_amount, 0, '', 1, -1, -1, $conf->currency);
                    print '</td>';
                    print '<td align="right">';
                    $code = dol_getIdFromCode($db, $objp->opp_status, 'c_lead_status', 'rowid', 'code');
                    if ($code) {
                        print $langs->trans("OppStatus" . $code);
                    print '</td>';
                $projectstatic->statut = $objp->status;
                if (empty($conf->global->PROJECT_HIDE_TASKS)) {
                    print '<td align="right">' . $objp->nb . '</td>';
                    $plannedworkload = $objp->planned_workload;
                    $total_plannedworkload += $plannedworkload;
                    if (!in_array('plannedworkload', $hiddenfields)) {
                        print '<td align="right">' . ($plannedworkload ? convertSecondToTime($plannedworkload) : '') . '</td>';
                    if (!in_array('declaredprogress', $hiddenfields)) {
                        $declaredprogressworkload = $objp->declared_progess_workload;
                        $total_declaredprogressworkload += $declaredprogressworkload;
                        print '<td align="right">';
                        //print $objp->planned_workload.'-'.$objp->declared_progess_workload."<br>";
                        print $plannedworkload ? round(100 * $declaredprogressworkload / $plannedworkload, 0) . '%' : '';
                        print '</td>';
                print '<td align="right">' . $projectstatic->getLibStatut(3) . '</td>';
                print "</tr>\n";
                $total_task = $total_task + $objp->nb;
                $total_opp_amount = $total_opp_amount + $objp->opp_amount;
                $ponderated_opp_amount = $ponderated_opp_amount + price2num($listofoppstatus[$objp->opp_status] * $objp->opp_amount / 100);
        print '<tr class="liste_total">';
        print '<td colspan="2">' . $langs->trans("Total") . "</td>";
        if (!empty($conf->global->PROJECT_USE_OPPORTUNITIES)) {
            print '<td class="liste_total" align="right">' . price($total_opp_amount, 0, '', 1, -1, -1, $conf->currency) . '</td>';
            print '<td class="liste_total" align="right">' . $form->textwithpicto(price($ponderated_opp_amount, 0, '', 1, -1, -1, $conf->currency), $langs->trans("OpportunityPonderatedAmountDesc"), 1) . '</td>';
        if (empty($conf->global->PROJECT_HIDE_TASKS)) {
            print '<td class="liste_total" align="right">' . $total_task . '</td>';
            if (!in_array('plannedworkload', $hiddenfields)) {
                print '<td class="liste_total" align="right">' . ($total_plannedworkload ? convertSecondToTime($total_plannedworkload) : '') . '</td>';
            if (!in_array('declaredprogress', $hiddenfields)) {
                print '<td class="liste_total" align="right">' . ($total_plannedworkload ? round(100 * $total_declaredprogressworkload / $total_plannedworkload, 0) . '%' : '') . '</td>';
        print '<td class="liste_total"></td>';
        print '</tr>';
    } else {
    print "</table>";
    if (!empty($conf->global->PROJECT_LIMIT_YEAR_RANGE)) {
        //Add the year filter input
        print '<form method="get" action="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '">';
        print '<table width="100%">';
        print '<tr>';
        print '<td>' . $langs->trans("Year") . '</td>';
        print '<td style="text-align:right"><input type="text" size="4" class="flat" name="project_year_filter" value="' . $project_year_filter . '"/>';
        print "</tr>\n";
        print '</table></form>';
Ejemplo n.º 26
         $tasktmp->ref = $obj->label;
         print $tasktmp->getNomUrl(1, 'withproject');
     } else {
         print $langs->trans("NoTasks");
     print '</td>';
     print '<td>' . dol_print_date($db->jdate($obj->dateo), 'day') . '</td>';
     print '<td>' . dol_print_date($db->jdate($obj->datee), 'day') . '</td>';
     print '<td align="right"><a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/projet/tasks/time.php?id=' . $obj->taskid . '&withproject=1">';
     print convertSecondToTime($obj->planned_workload, 'all');
     print '</a></td>';
     print '<td align="right">';
     print $obj->taskid > 0 ? $obj->progress . '%' : '';
     print '</td>';
     print '<td align="right"><a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/projet/tasks/time.php?id=' . $obj->taskid . '&withproject=1">';
     print convertSecondToTime($obj->timespent, 'all');
     print '</a></td>';
     print '<td align="right">';
     if (!empty($obj->taskid)) {
         if (empty($obj->planned_workload) > 0) {
             $percentcompletion = $langs->trans("WorkloadNotDefined");
         } else {
             $percentcompletion = intval($obj->duration_effective * 100 / $obj->planned_workload) . '%';
     print $percentcompletion;
     print '</td>';
     print "</tr>\n";
 if ($num > $max) {
function printRapport()
    global $db;
    $fk_statut = GETPOST("fk_statut");
		<style type="text/css">
		table#rapport_depassement td,table#rapport_depassement th {
			white-space: nowrap;
			border-right: 1px solid #D8D8D8;
			border-bottom: 1px solid #D8D8D8;
		<div style="padding-bottom: 25px;">
			<table id="rapport_depassement" class="noborder" width="100%">
					<tr style="text-align:left;" class="liste_titre nodrag nodrop">
						<th class="liste_titre">Projet</th>
						<th class="liste_titre">Société</th>
						<th class="liste_titre">Date début</th>
						<th class="liste_titre">Date Fin</th>
						<th class="liste_titre">Temps prévu</th>
						<th class="liste_titre">Temps passé</th>
						<th class="liste_titre">Dépassement</th>
    $TProjet = getProjectExceeded($fk_statut);
    $total_timespent = 0;
    $total_timeplanned = 0;
    $total_exceed = 0;
    foreach ($TProjet as $proj) {
        $total_timespent += $proj['timespent'];
        $total_timeplanned += $proj['timeplanned'];
        $total_exceed += $proj['exceed'];
        $projet = $proj['projet'];
        $societe = new Societe($db);
        echo $projet->getNomUrl(1);
        echo $societe->getNomUrl(1);
        echo date('d/m/Y', intval($projet->date_start));
        echo $projet->date_end != null ? date('d/m/Y', intval($projet->date_end)) : "";
							<td <?php 
        echo $proj['percentage'] < 100 ? ' style="color:#FF8000;font-weight: bold"" ' : ' style="color:red;font-weight: bold" ';
        echo convertSecondToTime($proj['timeplanned']);
							<td <?php 
        echo $proj['percentage'] < 100 ? ' style="color:#FF8000;font-weight: bold"" ' : ' style="color:red;font-weight: bold" ';
        echo convertSecondToTime($proj['timespent']);
							<td <?php 
        echo $proj['percentage'] < 100 ? ' style="color:#FF8000;font-weight: bold"" ' : ' style="color:red;font-weight: bold" ';
        echo convertSecondToTime($proj['exceed']);
		                <tr style="font-weight: bold;">
    echo convertSecondToTime($total_timeplanned);
    echo convertSecondToTime($total_timespent);
    echo convertSecondToTime($total_exceed);
