Ejemplo n.º 1
 echo "<form action='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?action=assign'";
 echo " method='post' name='supportdetails' onsubmit=\"return validateForm(this)\">";
 echo "<input type='hidden' name='type' value=\"{$type}\" />";
 echo "<input type='hidden' name='contactid' value=\"{$contactid}\" />";
 echo "<input type='hidden' name='productid' value=\"{$productid}\" />";
 echo "<input type='hidden' name='maintid' value=\"{$maintid}\" />";
 echo "<input type='hidden' name='siteid' value=\"{$siteid}\" />";
 if (!empty($updateid)) {
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='updateid' value='{$updateid}' />";
 echo "<table class='vertical' width='90%'>";
 echo "<tr><td>";
 $contactemail = contact_email($contactid);
 echo "<a href=\"mailto:{$contactemail}\">" . icon('contact', 16, '', $contactemail) . "</a>";
 echo " <strong>" . contact_realname($contactid) . "</strong> <span style='font-size:80%;'>(<a href='contact_edit.php?action=edit&amp;";
 echo "contact={$contactid}'>{$strEdit}</a>)</span>, ";
 echo contact_site($contactid) . " ";
 echo "{$strTel}: " . contact_phone($contactid);
 echo "</td>";
 echo "<td>";
 echo icon('contract', 16) . " <strong>{$strContract} {$maintid}</strong>: ";
 echo strip_tags($producttext);
 echo "</td></tr>";
 if (empty($updateid)) {
     echo "<tr><td><label for='incidenttitle'>{$strIncidentTitle}</label><br />";
     echo "<input class='required' maxlength='200' id='incidenttitle' ";
     echo "name='incidenttitle' size='50' type='text' />";
     echo " <span class='required'>{$strRequired}</span></td>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Creates a blank feedback form response
 * @param $formid int The feedback form to use
 * @param $incidentid int The incident to generate the form for
 * @return int The form ID
function create_incident_feedback($formid, $incidentid)
    global $dbFeedbackRespondents;
    $contactid = incident_contact($incidentid);
    $email = contact_email($contactid);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$dbFeedbackRespondents}` (formid, contactid, email, incidentid) VALUES (";
    $sql .= "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($formid) . "', ";
    $sql .= "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($contactid) . "', ";
    $sql .= "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($email) . "', ";
    $sql .= "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($incidentid) . "') ";
    if (mysql_error()) {
        trigger_error("MySQL Error: " . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
    $blankformid = mysql_insert_id();
    return $blankformid;
Ejemplo n.º 3
            // This insert could possibly be merged with another of the 'updates' records, but for now we keep it seperate for clarity
            $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$dbUpdates}` (incidentid, userid, type, timestamp, currentowner, currentstatus, customervisibility, sla, bodytext) ";
            $sql .= "VALUES ('{$incidentid}', '0', 'reviewmet', '{$now}', '0', '1', 'hide', 'opened','')";
            if (mysql_error()) {
                trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
            trigger('TRIGGER_INCIDENT_CREATED', array('incidentid' => $incidentid, 'sendemail' => 1));
            if ($CONFIG['auto_assign_incidents']) {
                $suggest_user = suggest_reassign_userid($incidentid);
                if ($suggest_user > 0) {
                    reassign_incident($incidentid, $suggest_user);
            $_SESSION['formdata']['portaladdincident'] = NULL;
            $_SESSION['formerrors']['portaladdincident'] = NULL;
            html_redirect("index.php", TRUE, $strIncidentAdded);
        } else {
            $contact_id = intval($_SESSION['contactid']);
            $contact_name = contact_realname($_SESSION['contactid']);
            $contact_email = contact_email($_SESSION['contactid']);
            create_temp_incoming($update_id, $contact_name, $incidenttitle, $contact_email, $_SESSION['contactid']);
            $_SESSION['formdata']['portaladdincident'] = NULL;
            $_SESSION['formerrors']['portaladdincident'] = NULL;
            html_redirect("index.php", TRUE, $strRequestSent);
    } else {
        html_redirect("{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?contractid={$contractid}", FALSE);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    * @author Tom Gerrard
function generate_row($update)
    global $CONFIG, $sit;
    if (empty($update['fromaddr']) and !empty($update['from'])) {
        $update['fromaddr'] = $update['from'];
    $update['fromaddr'] = strtolower($update['fromaddr']);
    if (strlen($update['bodytext']) > 1003) {
        $updatebodytext = substr($update['bodytext'], 0, 1000) . '&hellip;';
    } else {
        $updatebodytext = $update['bodytext'];
    $search = array('<b>', '</b>', '<i>', '</i>', '<u>', '</u>', '&lt;', '&gt;');
    $replace = '';
    $updatebodytext = htmlspecialchars(str_replace($search, $replace, $updatebodytext));
    if ($updatebodytext == '') {
        $updatebodytext = '&nbsp;';
    $shade = 'shade1';
    if ($update['contactid'] != 0) {
        $shade = 'idle';
    } else {
        if (!empty($update['fromaddr'])) {
            // Have a look if we've got a user with this email address
            $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `{$GLOBALS['dbUsers']}` WHERE email LIKE '%{$update['fromaddr']}%'";
            $result = mysql_query($sql);
            if (mysql_error()) {
                trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
            list($contactmatches) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
            if ($contactmatches > 0) {
                $shade = 'notice';
    $pluginshade = plugin_do('holdingqueue_rowshade', $update);
    $shade = $pluginshade ? $pluginshade : $shade;
    $html_row = "<tr class='{$shade}'>";
    $html_row .= "<td style='text-align: center'>";
    if ($update['locked'] == $sit[2] or empty($update['locked'])) {
        $html_row .= "<input type='checkbox' name='selected[]' value='" . $update['updateid'] . "' />";
    $html_row .= "</td>";
    $html_row .= "<td align='center' width='20%'>" . date($CONFIG['dateformat_datetime'], $update['timestamp']) . '</td>';
    $html_row .= "<td width='20%'>";
    if (!empty($update['contactid']) and $update['fromaddr'] == contact_email($update['contactid'])) {
        $html_row .= gravatar($update['fromaddr'], 16) . ' ';
        $contact_realname = contact_realname($update['contactid']);
        $html_row .= "<a href='contact_details.php?id={$update['contactid']}' class='info'>";
        $html_row .= "{$contact_realname}<span>" . htmlentities($update['fromaddr'], ENT_QUOTES, $GLOBALS['i18ncharset']) . "</span></a>";
        $html_row .= " of " . contact_site($update['contactid']);
        if ($update['emailfrom'] != $contact_realname) {
            $html_row .= "<br />\n";
            $html_row .= htmlentities($update['emailfrom'], ENT_QUOTES, $GLOBALS['i18ncharset']);
    } else {
        $html_row .= gravatar($update['fromaddr'], 16) . ' ';
        $html_row .= "<a href=\"mailto:{$update['fromaddr']}\">{$update['fromaddr']}</a><br />\n";
        $html_row .= htmlentities($update['emailfrom'], ENT_QUOTES, $GLOBALS['i18ncharset']);
    $html_row .= "</td>";
    $html_row .= "<td width='20%'><a href=\"javascript:incident_details_window('{$update['tempid']}','incomingview');\" id='update{$update['id']}' class='info'>";
    //     $html_row.="<td width='20%'><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" id='update{$update['id']}' class='info' style='cursor:help;'>";
    if (empty($update['subject'])) {
        $update['subject'] = $GLOBALS['strUntitled'];
    $html_row .= htmlentities($update['subject'], ENT_QUOTES, $GLOBALS['i18ncharset']);
    $html_row .= '<span>' . parse_updatebody($updatebodytext) . '</span></a></td>';
    $span = sprintf($GLOBALS['strByX'], user_realname($update['reason_user'])) . "<br />";
    $span .= sprintf($GLOBALS['strOnxAtY'], ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], mysql2date($update['reason_time'])), ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_time'], mysql2date($update['reason_time'])));
    $html_row .= "<td align='center' width='20%'><a class='info'>{$update['reason']}<span>{$span}</span></a></td>";
    $html_row .= "<td align='center' width='20%'>";
    if ($update['locked'] != $sit[2] && $update['locked'] > 0) {
        $html_row .= sprintf($strLockedByX, user_realname($update['locked'], TRUE));
    } else {
        if ($update['locked'] == $sit[2]) {
            $html_row .= "<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?unlock={$update['tempid']}'";
            $html_row .= " title='{$strUnlockThisToBeModifiedByOther}'> {$GLOBALS['strUnlock']}</a> | ";
        } else {
            $html_row .= "<a href=\"javascript:incident_details_window('{$update['tempid']}'";
            $html_row .= ",'incomingview');\" id='update{$update['id']}' class='info'";
            $html_row .= " title='View and lock this held e-mail'>{$GLOBALS['strView']}</a> | ";
        if ($update['reason_id'] == 2) {
            $html_row .= "<a href='incident_reopen.php?id={$update['incident_id']}&updateid={$update['updateid']}'>{$GLOBALS['strReopen']}</a> | ";
        $html_row .= "<a href='delete_update.php?updateid=" . $update['id'] . "&amp;tempid=" . $update['tempid'] . "&amp;timestamp=" . $update['timestamp'] . "' title='{$strRemoveThisPermanently}' onclick=\"return confirm_action('{$GLOBALS['strAreYouSureDelete']}');\"> {$GLOBALS['strDelete']}</a>";
    $html_row .= "</td></tr>\n";
    return $html_row;