* array getLatLongFromZipCode(int).
* Retrieves information about a given zip-code from the Drupal database. If the given ZC is
* not found in the database _getLatLongFromZipCode_lookupAndCache() is called and its 
* responce is returned.
* Example return:
*     return array(
           "lat" => "38.931479",
           "lng" => "-77.40085",
           "state" => "VA",
           "city" => "Herndon"
function getLatLongFromZipCode($zip)
    if (intval($zip) === 0) {
        return array(false, false);
    $zip = substr('00000' . intval($zip), -5);
    if ($zip === '22070') {
        // Bug killer for REI HQ
        $zip = '20171';
     * resource connectMySQL()
     * Connects to the MySQL database that this Drupal instance is/will-be using
     * This is meant to create a connection to the database that bypasses Drupal's db_query() and query alter hooks
     * This is also meant to be used in situations where a connection to the database is needed when Drupal is not fully boot-strapped
     * NOTE: If the database connection information is not found in global $databases, then this script will search for settings.php and load it
    if (function_exists('connectMySQL') == false) {
        function connectMySQL()
            // If the global $databases is not set, then settings.php is not loaded...
            if (!isset($GLOBALS["databases"]) && !isset($databases)) {
                while (!file_exists('sites/default/settings.php')) {
                include 'sites/default/settings.php';
            if (!isset($databases) && isset($GLOBALS["databases"])) {
                $databases = $GLOBALS["databases"];
            $dbAuth = $databases["default"]["default"];
            $host = $dbAuth["host"];
            $user = $dbAuth["username"];
            $pass = $dbAuth["password"];
            $port = $dbAuth["port"];
            $db = $dbAuth["database"];
            if (!empty($port)) {
                $host .= ":" . $port;
            $link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
            mysql_select_db($db, $link);
            return $link;
    $mySqlLink = connectMySQL();
    $query = "\n        SELECT id, zccity, zcstate, latitude, longitude, zipcode \n        FROM zipcodes \n        WHERE zipcode = {$zip} \n        LIMIT 1 \n    ";
    $result = mysql_query($query, $mySqlLink);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        return array("lat" => $row['latitude'], "lng" => $row['longitude'], "state" => $row['zcstate'], "city" => $row['zccity']);
    // If we have not returned by this line, then this ZC is not in the database... look it up.
    return _getLatLongFromZipCode_lookupAndCache($zip);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function ensureQuickLinksTableExists($linkMySQL = false)
     if ($linkMySQL === false) {
         $linkMySQL = connectMySQL();
     $sql = "\n            CREATE TABLE  quicklinks (\n                id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ,\n                url VARCHAR( 767 ) NOT NULL ,\n                post_data VARCHAR( 767 ) NULL COMMENT  'a php serialized array, where the key is the name, and the value is the post-data-value',\n                created_time INT UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT  'a unix timestamp of when this record was created',\n                nav_count INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT  '0' COMMENT  'a count of how many times origin has been hit to resolve this bookmark',\n                INDEX (  url ,  post_data )\n            )\n        ";
     mysql_query($sql, $linkMySQL);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function get_config()
function &connectDB($dsn, $query_builder_override = NULL)
    $connectedDB =& DB($dsn, $query_builder_override);
    return $connectDB;
function &connectMySQL($hostname, $username, $password, $dbname, $port = 3306)
    $dsn = "mysqli://{$username}:{$password}@{$hostname}:{$port}/{$dbname}";
    $connectedDB =& DB($dsn, true);
    return $connectedDB;
//function &connectSQLite($filename)
//    $dsn = "sqlite:$filename";
//    $connectedDB =& DB($dsn, true);
//    return $connectedDB;
/* Load database via Database source name, eg. "mysql://*****:*****@localhost/mydatabase" */
//$db =& connectDB("mysql://*****:*****@localhost/mydatabase", true);
$db =& connectMySQL("hostname", "username", "password", "dbName");
/* Sample below */
$db->where('fieldName', 'value');
$query = $db->get('tableName');
foreach ($query->result_array() as $data) {
Ejemplo n.º 4

include "../config.php";
global $LINK_DB;
global $NAME_DB;
$LINK_DB = connectMySQL();
$this_script_URL = "list_hypo.php";
include "../lib/header.php";

<h3>Generation of list of hyponyms and hypernyms</h3>

print "Database version: {$NAME_DB}<BR>";
//$labels_all = TLabel::getAllLabels();
$lang_all = TLang::getAllLang();
$relation_type_all = TRelationType::getAllRelations();
$pos_all = TPOS::getAllPOS();
$lang_id_ru = TLang::getIDByLangCode($lang_all, "ru");
print "lang_id_ru = {$lang_id_ru}<BR>";
$pos_id_noun = TPOS::getIDByName($pos_all, "noun");
$pos_id_noun_class = TPOS::getIDByName($pos_all, "noun class");
print "ID of part of speech \"noun\" = {$pos_id_noun}<BR>";
print "ID of part of speech \"noun class\" = {$pos_id_noun_class}<BR>";
$relation_type_id_hyponyms = TRelationType::getIDByName($relation_type_all, "hyponyms");
$relation_type_id_hypernyms = TRelationType::getIDByName($relation_type_all, "hypernyms");
print "ID of relation type \"hyponyms\" = {$relation_type_id_hyponyms}<BR>";
print "ID of relation type \"hypernyms\" = {$relation_type_id_hypernyms}<BR>";
print "<BR>";