Ejemplo n.º 1
function _compo2_rate_list($params)
    @($q = $_REQUEST["q"]);
    if (isset($params['ratedivs']) && trim($params['ratedivs']) !== "") {
        $ratedivs = explode(";", $params['ratedivs']);
    } else {
        $ratedivs = ["compo", "open"];
    $ratedivs_out = implode(",", array_map('add_quotes', $ratedivs));
    $ecnt = array_pop(compo2_query("select count(*) cnt from c2_entry where cid = ? AND active = 1 AND is_judged = 1 AND etype IN ({$ratedivs_out})", array($params["cid"])));
    //$ecnt = array_pop(compo2_query("select count(*) cnt from c2_entry where cid = ? AND active = 1 AND is_judged = 1",array($params["cid"])));
    $cnt = $ecnt["cnt"];
    if (!strlen($q)) {
        $_r = compo2_query("select etype,shots,title,uid,cid,rate_in,rate_out,get_user,settings from c2_entry where cid = ? AND active = 1 AND is_judged = 1 AND etype IN ({$ratedivs_out})", array($params["cid"]));
        //$_r = compo2_query("select etype,shots,title,uid,cid,rate_in,rate_out,get_user from c2_entry where cid = ? AND active = 1 AND is_judged = 1",array($params["cid"]));
    } else {
        $_r = compo2_query("select etype,shots,title,uid,cid,rate_in,rate_out,get_user,settings from c2_entry where (title like ? OR notes like ? OR links like ? OR get_user like ?) AND cid = ? AND active = 1 AND is_judged = 1 AND etype IN ({$ratedivs_out})", array("%{$q}%", "%{$q}%", "%{$q}%", "%{$q}%", $params["cid"]));
        //$_r = compo2_query("select etype,shots,title,uid,cid,rate_in,rate_out,get_user from c2_entry where (title like ? OR notes like ? OR links like ? OR get_user like ?) AND cid = ? AND active = 1 AND is_judged = 1",array("%$q%","%$q%","%$q%","%$q%",$params["cid"]));
        $_REQUEST["more"] = 1;
    $r_rate = array();
    foreach (compo2_query("select * from c2_rate where cid = ? and from_uid = ?", array($params["cid"], $params["uid"])) as $ve) {
        $r_rate[$ve["to_uid"]] = $ve;
    $sortby = isset($_REQUEST["sortby"]) ? $_REQUEST["sortby"] : "default";
    $r_rated = array();
    $r_unrated = array();
    $total = count($_r);
    foreach ($_r as $k => $ce) {
        $ce["rate_c"] = compo2_calc_coolness($ce["rate_out"], $cnt);
        if (isset($r_rate[$ce["uid"]])) {
            $ue = unserialize($ce["get_user"]);
            $key = strtolower($ue["display_name"]);
            $r_rated[$key] = $ce;
        } else {
            $ce['settings'] = unserialize($ce['settings']);
            $ce["legal_cats"] = 8;
            if (isset($ce['settings']['OPTOUT'])) {
                if (isset($ce['settings']['OPTOUT'][$ce['etype']])) {
                    foreach ($ce['settings']['OPTOUT'][$ce['etype']] as $lcat) {
                        if ($lcat > 0) {
            //        	echo "<!-- FEEB: ";
            //        	print_r( $ce );
            //			echo "\nCats: " . $ce["legal_cats"];
            //        	echo "-->\n";
            $ce["rate_d"] = $ce["rate_in"] + 50 - sqrt(min(100, $ce["rate_out"])) * 50 / 10;
            if ($sortby == "ratings") {
                $v = $ce["rate_in"];
            } elseif ($sortby == "coolness") {
                $v = -$ce["rate_out"];
            } else {
                $v = $ce["rate_d"];
            if ($ce["legal_cats"] == 0) {
            $key = sprintf("%05d|%s", 10000 + $v, $ce["uid"]);
            $r_unrated[$key] = $ce;
    echo "<h3>Rate Entries (" . count($_r) . ")</h3>";
    if (isset($_REQUEST["dump"])) {
        echo "<h3>dump-only includes entries you haven't rated</h3>";
        echo "<table><tr><th><th>D<th>R<th>C";
        foreach ($r_unrated as $e) {
            $ue = unserialize($e["get_user"]);
            echo "<tr><th>";
            echo $ue["display_name"];
            $rate_in = intval($e["rate_in"]);
            $rate_out = intval($e["rate_out"]);
            $rate_d = intval($e["rate_d"]);
            echo "<td>{$rate_d}<td>{$rate_in}<td>{$rate_out}";
        echo "</table>";
    echo "<p>";
    //     if (!strlen($_REQUEST["more"])) {
    //         echo "<a href='?more=1&q=".urlencode($q)."'>Show all entries</a> | ";
    //     }
    //     echo "<a href='?sortby=rate_in&q=".urlencode($q)."'>Sort by least ratings</a> | ";
    //     echo "<a href='?sortby=rate_out'>Sort by most coolness</a>";
    //     echo "</p><p>";
    echo "<a href='?action=preview'>Browse Entries</a> | ";
    echo "<a href='?action=edit'>Edit Entry</a> | ";
    echo "<a href='?action=preview&uid={$params["uid"]}'>View Entry</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    $links = ob_get_contents();
    echo $links;
    echo "<form style='text-align:left;margin:10px;'>";
    //     echo "<input type='hidden' name='action' value=''>";
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='sortby' value=\"" . htmlentities($sortby) . "\">";
    echo "<input type='text' name='q' value=\"" . htmlentities($q) . "\">";
    echo " <input type='submit' value='Search'>";
    echo "</form>";
    echo "<p><h3>Play another game!</h3></p>";
    echo "<p>Sort by: ";
    $qq = urlencode($q);
    echo "<a href='?sortby=default&q={$qq}'>Default (both)</a> | ";
    echo "<a href='?sortby=ratings&q={$qq}'>Least Ratings</a> | ";
    echo "<a href='?sortby=coolness&q={$qq}'>Most Coolness</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    $_link = "?action=preview";
    $r = array_slice($r_unrated, 0, 18 + 12, true);
    $myurl = get_bloginfo("url") . "/wp-content/plugins/compo2";
    $cols = 6;
    $n = 0;
    $row = 0;
    echo "<table class='preview'>";
    foreach ($r as $e) {
        if ($n % $cols == 0) {
            echo "<tr>";
            $row += 1;
        $n += 1;
        $klass = "class='alt-" . (1 + $row % 2) . "'";
        echo "<td valign=bottom align=center {$klass}>";
        $link = "{$_link}&uid={$e["uid"]}";
        echo "<div><a href='{$link}'>";
        $shots = unserialize($e["shots"]);
        echo "<img src='" . compo2_thumb($shots["shot0"], 120, 90) . "'>";
        echo "<div class='title'><i>" . htmlentities($e["title"]) . "</i></div>";
        $ue = unserialize($e["get_user"]);
        echo $ue["display_name"];
        echo "</a></div>";
        //             if ($e["disabled"]) { echo "<div><i>disabled</i></div>"; }
        //             else { if (!$e["active"]) { echo "<div><i>inactive</i></div>"; } }
        echo "<div style='color:#fff; margin: 3px; padding: 2px; background:#000; text-align:center; font-weight:bold;'>";
        echo htmlentities($params["{$e["etype"]}_title"]);
        echo "</div>";
        echo "<div style='font-size:10px;text-align:center;font-style:italic'><i>";
        //             $img = "inone.gif";
        //             $v = $e["rate_c"];
        //             if ($v >= 50) { $img = "ibronze.gif"; }
        //             if ($v >= 75) { $img = "isilver.gif"; }
        //             if ($v >= 100) { $img = "igold.gif"; }
        //             echo "<img align=left src='$myurl/images/$img' title='$v% Coolness' style='padding:0px;margin:0px;border:0px;'>";
        $rate_in = intval($e["rate_in"]);
        $rate_out = intval($e["rate_out"]);
        $rate_d = intval($e["rate_d"]);
        $legal_cats = intval($e["legal_cats"]);
        echo "(D:{$rate_d}=R:{$rate_in}-C:{$rate_out})" . $legal_cats;
        echo "</div>";
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<p style='font-size:8px;'>";
    echo "D = Default = R - C, except not quite that simple<br/>";
    echo "R = Ratings = how many ratings this Entry has received.<br/>";
    echo "C = Coolness = how many entries this user has rated<br/>";
    echo "L = Loser = someone who games the coolness ranking.  It's the honor system, people.  Everyone might think you are cool, but in your heart of hearts, you will know that you are a <i>loser</i>.</p>";
    $n = htmlentities(count($r_rated));
    echo "<p><h3>Previously rated entries ({$n})</h3></p>";
    //     echo "<p>Rate 25+ entries to earn a Coolness medal!</p>";
    $r = $r_rated;
    echo "<table>";
    echo "<tr><th><th><th>";
    foreach ($params["cats"] as $k) {
        echo "<th>" . substr($k, 0, 3);
    echo "<th>Txt";
    $myurl = get_bloginfo("url") . "/wp-content/plugins/compo2";
    foreach ($r as $key => $ce) {
        $ve = $r_rate[$ce["uid"]];
        $ue = unserialize($ce["get_user"]);
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td valign=center>";
        /*        $img = "inone.gif";
                $v = $ce["rate_c"];
                if ($v >= 50) { $img = "ibronze.gif"; }
                if ($v >= 75) { $img = "isilver.gif"; }
                if ($v >= 100) { $img = "igold.gif"; }
                echo "<img src='$myurl/images/$img' title='$v% Coolness'>";*/
        echo "<td valign=center align=center>";
        $shots = unserialize($ce["shots"]);
        echo "<img src='" . compo2_thumb($shots["shot0"], 60, 45) . "' style='margin:5px;border:1px solid #000;'>";
        echo "<td valign=center>";
        echo "<a href='?action=preview&uid={$ce["uid"]}'>";
        echo "<div style='width:125px;height:20px;overflow:hidden;'><i>" . htmlentities($ce["title"]) . "</i></div>";
        $name = $ue["display_name"];
        if (!strlen($name)) {
            $name = "?";
        echo htmlentities($name);
        if ($ce["rate_in"]) {
            echo " ({$ce["rate_in"]})";
        echo "</a>";
        $data = unserialize($ve["data"]);
        foreach ($params["cats"] as $k) {
            echo "<td align=center valign=center>" . (strlen($data[$k]) ? intval($data[$k]) : "-");
        echo "<td align=center valign=center>" . (strlen($ve["comments"]) ? "x" : "-");
    echo "</table>";
    echo $links;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function _compo2_get_results($params)
    //     if (($cres=compo2_cache_read($params["cid"],$ckey="get_results"))!==false) { return unserialize($cres); }
    global $compo2;
    $compo2["log.enabled"] = false;
    $tm = microtime(true);
    $r = compo2_query("select * from c2_entry where cid = ? and active = 1", array($params["cid"]));
    $total = 0;
    foreach ($r as $k => $ce) {
        $r[$k]["results"] = unserialize($ce["results"]);
        $r[$k]["user"] = unserialize($ce["get_user"]);
        $r[$k]["values"] = array();
        $r[$k]["places"] = array();
        $total += intval($ce["is_judged"] != 0);
    // HACK: add in Coolness
    $cat = $params["cats"][] = "Coolness";
    foreach ($r as $k => $ce) {
        //         $r[$k]["results"][$cat] = round(100*$ce["rate_out"]/(max($total,2)-1));
        $r[$k]["results"][$cat] = compo2_calc_coolness($ce["rate_out"], $total);
    foreach ($params["cats"] as $cat) {
        foreach ($r as $k => $ce) {
            $r[$k]["v"] = $ce["results"][$cat];
        $r = _compo2_results_sort2($r);
        //         usort($r,"_compo2_results_sort");
        $myurl = get_bloginfo("url") . "/wp-content/plugins/compo2/images";
        $n = 0;
        $t = 1;
        $p = -1;
        foreach ($r as $k => $ce) {
            if ($cat != "Coolness" && !$ce["is_judged"]) {
            $v = $ce["v"];
            if ($v != $p) {
                $n = $t;
            $p = $v;
            $t += 1;
            $vv = compo2_number_format($v);
            // HACK: for coolness
            if ($cat == "Coolness") {
                if ($v >= 50) {
                    $n = 3;
                if ($v >= 75) {
                    $n = 2;
                if ($v >= 100) {
                    $n = 1;
                $vv = intval($v) . "%";
            $r[$k]["values"][$cat] = $vv;
            $r[$k]["places"][$cat] = strcmp($vv, "-") != 0 ? $n : 0;
    foreach ($r as $k => $ce) {
        if (($cres = compo2_cache_read($params["cid"], $ukey = "get_results:{$ce["uid"]}")) == false) {
            compo2_cache_write($params["cid"], $ukey, serialize($ce));
    //     compo2_cache_write($params["cid"],$ckey,serialize($r));
    $compo2["log.enabled"] = true;
    compo2_log("_compo2_get_results", microtime(true) - $tm);
    return $r;