Ejemplo n.º 1
function viewer_tar($fp, $filename, $ext, $dir, $query_string)
    global $tar_exec, $gunzip_exec, $viewers;
    switch ($ext) {
        case "tgz":
        case "gz":
            $tar_parms = " -tzf ";
            $tar_parms = " -tf ";
    $find_ext = explode(".", strtolower($filename));
    $gz_ext = $find_ext[count($find_ext) - 2];
    $tmp_name = tempnam("/tmp", "tar");
    $tp = fopen($tmp_name, "w+");
    while (!feof($fp)) {
        fwrite($tp, fread($fp, 1024), 1024);
    $out_fp = tmpfile();
    if ($ext == "tar" || $ext == "tgz" || $gz_ext == "tar") {
        fwrite($out_fp, sprintf("%s %s:\n\n", gettext("Listing of"), $filename));
        fwrite($out_fp, shell_exec($tar_exec . $tar_parms . $tmp_name));
        $file = array("text/plain", $out_fp);
    } else {
        fwrite($out_fp, shell_exec($gunzip_exec . " -c " . $tmp_name));
        if (compat_array_key_exists($gz_ext, $viewers)) {
            $use_viewer = $gz_ext;
        } else {
            $use_viewer = "default";
        $file = $viewers[$use_viewer]($out_fp, $filename, $gz_ext, $dir, $query_string);
    return $file;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function find_theme($fp, $personal, $default_theme)
    // if a theme is specified
    if (compat_array_key_exists("theme", $personal)) {
        // if the user is using their personal theme
        if ($personal["theme"] == "personal") {
            // point to the beginning of the array
            // grab the first value in the array
            $temp = each($personal);
            while ($temp) {
                // if the key is a theme variable
                if (substr($temp["key"], 0, 4) == "thm_") {
                    $theme[$temp["key"]] = $personal[$temp["key"]];
                $temp = each($personal);
        } else {
            // if the theme exists
            if (@is_readable("themes/" . $personal["theme"] . ".thm")) {
                // open the file
                $tp = fopen("themes/" . $personal["theme"] . ".thm", 'r');
                // grab the theme
                $theme = load_theme($tp);
                // close the file
    } else {
        // if the theme exists
        if (@is_readable("themes/" . $default_theme . ".thm")) {
            // open the file
            $tp = fopen("themes/" . $default_theme . ".thm", 'r');
            // grab the theme
            $theme = load_theme($tp);
            // close the file
    // return the updated theme
    return $theme;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// default settings loaded, may be overwritten when preferences get loaded
// to handle older .wfmrc files
$personal["language"] = $default_lang;
$personal["prev_size"] = $editor_prefs["preview_size"];
$personal["edit_col"] = $editor_prefs["cols"];
$personal["edit_row"] = $editor_prefs["rows"];
$personal["show_hidden"] = FALSE;
// load users theme if allow_custom setting is on
if ($allow_custom) {
    // load the .wfmrc file, then load the appropriate theme
    // overwrites default settings set earlier
    $personal = array_merge($personal, load_settings($fp, $default_theme, $def_Display_Hidden, $numeric_val));
    // if the user specified to start in a different dir from his home dir
    if (compat_array_key_exists("start_dir", $personal) && $personal["start_dir"] != "") {
        $location = "Location: crossover.php?SID=" . session_id() . "&submit=CD&CHDIR={$personal['start_dir']}" . $lang_loc;
$theme = find_theme($fp, $personal, $default_theme);
// Following variables are stored in an array in the session in this order
// user - user who is logging in
// pass - users encrypted (if supported) password
// server - server connected too
// port - port connected on
// dir - current directory
// warn - warning messagez
// IP - remote IP address
// level - warning severity level
// Server Name - Display name for the ftp server (selected from the login dropdown)
$sess_Data = array("user" => $ftp_User, "pass" => $enc_ftp_Pass, "server" => $ftp_Server, "port" => $ftp_Port, "dir" => ftp_pwd($fp), "warn" => "", "level" => 0, "Server Name" => $login_server, "IP" => $REMOTE_ADDR);
Ejemplo n.º 4
      <td colspan=2 align="center">
$cookie_checked = "";
if ($cookie_present) {
    $cookie_checked = " CHECKED";
if (!$ftp_remember_me) {
    $cookie_checked = " DISABLED";
printf("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ftp_Remember\" value=\"TRUE\" %s> %s\n", $cookie_checked, gettext("Remember Me"));
// Pass the language if it's set.
if (isset($_GET) && compat_array_key_exists('lang', $_GET)) {
    printf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lang\" value=\"%s\">", $_GET['lang']);
if ($cookie_present == TRUE) {
    print "    <tr class=\"alt_row\">";
    print "      <td colspan=2 align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: smaller\">";
    printf("        <A href=\"%s?nocookie=1\">%s</A>", $PHP_SELF, gettext("Remove Login Cookie"));
    print "      </td>";
    print "    </tr>";
Ejemplo n.º 5
    // Get a list of viewer files in the viewers directory.
    $dp = opendir($viewer_dir);
    while ($viewer_file = readdir($dp)) {
        if (substr($viewer_file, strlen($viewer_file) - 4) == ".php") {
            $viewer_list[] = $viewer_file;
    // Set the default viewer.
    $viewers["default"] = "viewer_" . $viewer_default;
    foreach ($viewer_list as $val) {
        if (is_readable($viewer_dir . $val)) {
            require_once $viewer_dir . $val;
    if (compat_array_key_exists($ext, $viewers)) {
        $use_viewer = $ext;
    } else {
        $use_viewer = "default";
    $viewer_return = $viewers[$use_viewer]($tp, $Filename, $ext, ftp_pwd($fp), $QUERY_STRING);
    header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"{$PHP_SELF}\"\n\n");
    $header = "Content-type: " . $viewer_return[0] . "; name=\"{$PHP_SELF}\"\n\n";
} else {
    printf("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>VHCS File Manager %s: %s</TITLE></HEAD>\n", "Viewer", "Error");
    printf("<BODY><P>%s: %s \"%s\".</P>\n</BODY></HTML>", "Error", "An error occurred while trying to retrieve", $Filename);
Ejemplo n.º 6

  Weeble File Manager (c) Christopher Michaels & Jonathan Manna
  This software is released under the BSD License.  For a copy of
  the complete licensing agreement see the LICENSE file.
require_once "tools/compat.php";
if (isset($_GET) && compat_array_key_exists('lang', $_GET)) {
    $iso_code = $_GET['lang'];
    if (isset($personal)) {
        $personal['language'] = $_GET['lang'];
} elseif (isset($personal) && compat_array_key_exists('language', $personal)) {
    $iso_code = $personal['language'];
} else {
    $iso_code = $default_lang;
putenv('LANGUAGE=' . $iso_code);
putenv('LC_ALL=' . $iso_code);
$locale_path = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/lang';
bindtextdomain('messages', $locale_path);
// need to write some kinda of substitute for gettext() if it doesn't exist,
// even if all it does is return the test passed to it.  Otherwise we'll
// be dependant on gettext().
Ejemplo n.º 7
     } else {
         $output[$input_type] .= $input_line;
 if ($search_found == TRUE || !isset($search)) {
     foreach ($output as $key => $val) {
         if ($key != "category") {
             $val = str_replace($wfm_html_tags, $wfm_bb_tags, $val);
             $val = htmlentities($val);
             $val = str_replace($wfm_bb_tags, $wfm_html_tags, $val);
         } else {
             $val = htmlentities($val);
         $output[$key] = $val;
     if (!isset($wfm_sol_files) || !compat_array_key_exists("category", $output) || !compat_array_key_exists($output["category"], $wfm_sol_files)) {
         $wfm_sol_files[$output["category"]] = tmpfile();
     $out_id = substr($sol_file, 0, strlen($sol_file) - 4);
     fwrite($wfm_sol_files[$output["category"]], sprintf("<P><A NAME=\"%s\"></A>ID: <A HREF=\"{$PHP_SELF}?id=%s\">%s</A><BR>\n", $out_id, rawurlencode($out_id), $out_id));
     fwrite($wfm_sol_files[$output["category"]], sprintf("Modified: %s<BR>\n", date("D M j G:i:s T Y", filectime($wfm_sol_dir . $sol_file))));
     fwrite($wfm_sol_files[$output["category"]], sprintf("Version(s): %s<BR>\n", $output["version"]));
     fwrite($wfm_sol_files[$output["category"]], sprintf("Keyword(s): %s</P>\n", $output["keyword"]));
     fwrite($wfm_sol_files[$output["category"]], sprintf("<H4>Problem:</H4>\n<BLOCKQUOTE>%s</BLOCKQUOTE>\n", text_to_links($output["problem"])));
     fwrite($wfm_sol_files[$output["category"]], sprintf("<H4>Solution:</H4>\n<BLOCKQUOTE>%s</BLOCKQUOTE>\n", text_to_links($output["solution"])));
     foreach ($wfm_types as $val) {
     if (count($output) > 1) {