public static function generate_statement($statement_type, $list, $list_type, $tables, $conditions, $return_type = 'json') { //sets list to select all if not provided $list = set_default($list, '*'); $conditions = set_default($conditions, ''); //retrieve limits for shorthand $zero_minimium = Limits::get('zero_minimium'); $text_limit = Limits::get('text_limit'); //validate statement type $statement_types = Constants::get('statement_types'); enforce_inputs(array($statement_type, 'string', $statement_types, null, false), array($list, 'array', null, null, true), array($list_type, 'string', Constants::get('statement_list_types'), null, false), array($tables, 'string', $text_limit['min'], $text_limit['max'], false), array($conditions, 'string', $zero_minimium, $text_limit['max'], true), $return_type); //conditions are optional $statement = ''; if (compare_string($statement, 'SELECT', false)) { $statement = format_select($list, $list_type, $tables, $conditions); } else { if (compare_string($statement, 'INSERT', false)) { $statement = format_insert($list, $list_type, $tables, $conditions); } else { if (compare_string($statement, 'UPDATE', false)) { $statement = format_update($list, $tables, $list_type, $conditions); } else { if (compare_string($statement, 'DELETE', false)) { $statement = format_delete($list, $tables, $list_type, $conditions); } } } } }
public static function write($http_status_code, $data, $parent_tag, $return_type = 'json') { $function = array('class_name' => __NAMESPACE__, 'method_name' => __METHOD__); //setting default values to the input parameters $http_status_code = set_default($http_status_code, 200); $data = set_default($data, array()); $parent_tag = set_default($parent_tag, 'datas'); $return_type = set_default($return_type, Constants::get('default_return_type')); //retrieve required limits from tools/constants/limits $text_limit = Limits::get('text_limit'); //ensuring that inputs are validated against the array list of requirements $enforcement contains the results of the validation and message of the error if any. $enforcement = enforce_inputs(array($data, 'string:array', null, null, false), array($parent_tag, 'string', $text_limit['min'], $text_limit['max'], false), array($return_type, 'string', Constants::get('allowed_return_types'), null, false)); $http_status_codes = Constants::get('http_status_codes'); if (isset($http_status_codes[$http_status_code])) { //validates if the $http_status_code provided is in the list //check if data type is an array if (!is_array($data)) { $error = Tool::prepare('Data provided must be an array.', '', __LINE__, $return_type, Constants::get('default_error_code')); Tool::error($function, $error, false); } //formats the data return with the appropriate http status code. header('HTTP/1.0 ' . $http_status_code . ' ' . $http_status_codes[$http_status_code], true, $http_status_code); if (compare_string($return_type, Constants::get('xml'))) { //checks if the user requested data to be returned in xml (by default json) header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo '<' . $parent_tag . '>'; foreach ($data as $index => $post) { if (is_array($post)) { foreach ($post as $key => $value) { echo '<', $key, '>'; if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $tag => $val) { echo '<', $tag, '>', htmlentities($val), '</', $tag, '>'; } } echo '</', $key, '>'; } } else { echo '<' . $index . '>' . $post . '</' . $index . '>'; } } echo '</' . $parent_tag . '>'; } else { //header('Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); echo json_encode(array($parent_tag => $data)); } } else { Writer::write(400, 'Invalid HTTP status code.', Constants::get('error_tag'), $return_type); return; } }
echo '<br/>Passed<br/><hr/>'; /* Rewrite method of in_array to check if the array contains the item. However, it sanitizes the input before checking */ echo 'Signature: array_contains($item, $allowed_array, $case_sensitive = false)<br/>'; echo '//check if items is in array, but sanitize all input before checking, default not case sensitive<br/><br/>'; echo 'array_contains("x ", array("x", "y", "z")): ' . (array_contains("x ", array("x", "y", "z")) ? 'true' : 'false') . '<br/>'; echo 'array_contains("x ", array("x ", "y", "z")): ' . (array_contains("x ", array("x", "y", "z")) ? 'true' : 'false') . ' - both inputs and list are sanitized<br/>'; echo 'array_contains("X ", array("x ", "y", "z")): ' . (array_contains("X ", array("x", "y", "z")) ? 'true' : 'false') . '<br/>'; echo 'array_contains("X ", array("x ", "y", "z"), true): ' . (array_contains("X ", array("x", "y", "z"), true) ? 'true' : 'false') . '<br/>'; echo '<h3>String Manipulation</h3>'; /* rewrite method of strcmp which sanitizes and trim inputs, including case sensitive comparision */ echo '<hr/>Signature: compare_string($input_one = "", $input_two = "", $case_sensitive = false)<br/>'; echo '//default comparision is not case sensitive, passing variables in works accordingly.<br/><br/>'; echo 'compare_string("", ""): ' . (compare_string('', '') ? 'true' : 'false') . '<br/>'; echo 'compare_string("xyz", "xyz"): ' . (compare_string('xyz', 'xyz') ? 'true' : 'false') . '<br/>'; echo 'compare_string("xyz", "XYZ"): ' . (compare_string('xyz', 'XYZ') ? 'true' : 'false') . '<br/>'; echo 'compare_string("xyz", "XYZ", true): ' . (compare_string('xyz', 'XYZ', true) ? 'true' : 'false') . '<br/>'; echo '<br/>Passed<br/><hr/>'; /* takes in a string list of items separated by the ':', it matches it against an array to check if the item exist in the array function is similar to array_contains/in_array however it allows multiple items to be validated at the same time @$greedy is a boolean value, when set to true, all items set to validate against the list must match if @$greedy is set to false, as long as any item matches, true is returned */ echo 'Signature: list_contains($items, $list, $greedy = true)<br/>'; echo '//greedy is used to compare two list, if true, all items in both list must match, if false, as long one match it is true <br/><br/>'; echo 'list_contains("xyz", array("abc", "def", "ghi")): ' . (list_contains("xyz", array("abc", "def", "ghi")) ? 'true' : 'false') . '<br/>'; echo 'list_contains("xyz", array("abc", "def", "xyz")): ' . (list_contains("xyz", array("abc", "def", "xyz")) ? 'true' : 'false') . '<br/>'; echo 'list_contains("xyz", array("abc", "def", "xyz"), true): ' . (list_contains("xyz", array("abc", "def", "xyz"), true) ? 'true' : 'false') . ' - no effect <br/>'; echo 'list_contains("xyz", array("abc", "def", "xyz"), false): ' . (list_contains("xyz", array("abc", "def", "xyz"), false) ? 'true' : 'false') . ' - no effect <br/>'; echo 'list_contains("abc:def:khl", array("abc", "def", "xyz"), true): ' . (list_contains("abc:def:khl", array("abc", "def", "xyz"), true) ? 'true' : 'false') . '<br/>'; echo 'list_contains("abc:def:khl", array("abc", "def", "xyz"), false): ' . (list_contains("abc:def:khl", array("abc", "def", "xyz"), false) ? 'true' : 'false') . '<br/>'; echo '<br/>Passed<br/><hr/>';
function enforce_inputs() { $function = array('class_name' => __NAMESPACE__, 'method_name' => __METHOD__); $message = ''; $variable = ''; $line = ''; //retrieve last item as return type if available $array = func_get_args(); $return_type = end($array); if (is_string($return_type) == false) { $return_type = Constants::get('default_return_type'); } else { $allowed_return_types = Constants::get('allowed_return_types'); if (array_contains($return_type, $allowed_return_types) == false) { $return_type = Constants::get('default_return_type'); } } //loop through every item to validate, sets a message to throw the error at the end of the method foreach ($array as $list) { if (is_ready($list)) { //every list must be ready if (is_array($list)) { //ensure that item is an array if (count($list) == 5) { //every list contains the required items $variable = set_default($list[0], null); $type = set_default($list[1], ':'); $min = set_default($list[2], null); $max = set_default($list[3], null); $nullable = set_default($list[4], false); $validation_list = null; if (isset($variable)) { //ensure that variable is set //ensures that valid variable list type is request if (list_contains($type, Constants::get('variable_list')) == false) { $message = 'Invalid variable validation requirement - type (' . $type . ') unrecognized.'; $line = __LINE__; } //if either one is not a numeric, check for array if (validate_type($min, 'numeric') == false || validate_type($max, 'numeric') == false) { if (validate_type($min, 'array') == true || validate_type($max, 'array') == true) { $validation_list = (is_null($min) == true || isset($min) == false) && validate_type($max, 'array') ? $max : $min; if (validate_type($validation_list, 'array') == false) { $message = 'Invalid variable validation requirement - an array to validate is required.'; $line = __LINE__; } } else { if (is_null($min) == false || is_null($max) == false) { $message = 'Invalid variable validation requirement - min/max must be numeric or an array of list in either one or both nulls.'; $line = __LINE__; } } //ensure than max is less than min } else { if ($max < $min) { $message = 'Invalid variable validation requirement - min is more than max.'; $line = __LINE__; } } //ensure that nullable is boolean if (validate_type($nullable, 'bool') == false) { $message = 'Invalid variable validation requirement - nullable must be boolean.'; $line = __LINE__; } //verify variable if not null if (!is_null($variable)) { if (validate_type($variable, $type) == false) { $message = 'Variable is not a ' . $type . '.'; $line = __LINE__; } if (is_null($validation_list) == false && isset($validation_list) == true) { if (array_contains($variable, $validation_list) == false) { $message = 'Variable is not found in the list provided.'; $line = __LINE__; } } else { if (validate_type($variable, 'string:numeric') == true) { if (is_null($min) == false || is_null($max) == false) { if (validate_range($variable, $min, $max) == false) { $message = 'Variable does not meet the min/max requirement.'; $line = __LINE__; } } } } } } else { if ($nullable == false) { $message = 'Variable is not set, unable to validate variable'; $line = __LINE__; } } } else { $message = 'Incomplete variable validation list. [variable, type, min, max, nullable*]'; $line = __LINE__; } } } else { $message = 'Invalid variable validation list, an array is required. [variable, type, min, max, nullable*]'; $line = __LINE__; } } if (compare_string($message, '') == false) { $variable_name = variable_name($variable); if (isset($variable_name) == true && $variable_name != '') { $variable_name = '$' . $variable_name; } else { $variable_name = $type != 'password' ? $variable : '*password*'; } if ($variable_name != '') { $variable_name = ' [' . $variable_name . ']'; } $error = Tool::prepare($message . $variable_name, '', $line, $return_type, Constants::get('default_error_code')); Tool::error($function, $error, false); } }
$cind += 2; } else { array_push($arr_cont, substr($tempaddtext, $cind, 3)); $cind += 3; } } } return $arr_cont; } /** * 计算编辑距离占比 * 编辑距离/最大字符串长度 * @param string 对比字符串1 * @param string 对比字符串2 * @return float */ function compare_string($strA, $strB) { $lenA = mb_strlen($strA, 'UTF-8'); $lenB = mb_strlen($strB, 'UTF-8'); $len = max($lenA, $lenB); $similar = levenshtein_cn($strA, $strB, 2); return $similar / $len; } /*=========================结束最小编辑距离============================*/ // is_str_equal($strA, $FileName);//字符串是否相等 $strA = 'php是最好的编程语言'; $strB = 'PHP不是最好的编程语言'; $source = compare_string($strA, $strB); print_r($source); //一般数值 < 0.3 则判定为字符串一致,可规定对比双方字符串长度再使用