Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function handle_upload($itemid, $fieldname, &$error)
     $config = cmsms()->GetConfig();
     $mod = cms_utils::get_module('News');
     $p = cms_join_path($config['uploads_path'], 'news');
     if (!is_dir($p)) {
         $res = @mkdir($p);
         if ($res === FALSE) {
             $error = $mod->Lang('error_mkdir', $p);
             return FALSE;
     $p = cms_join_path($config['uploads_path'], 'news', 'id' . $itemid);
     if (!is_dir($p)) {
         if (@mkdir($p) === FALSE) {
             $error = $mod->Lang('error_mkdir', $p);
             return FALSE;
     if ($_FILES[$fieldname]['size'] > $config['max_upload_size']) {
         $error = $mod->Lang('error_filesize');
         return FALSE;
     $filename = basename($_FILES[$fieldname]['name']);
     $dest = cms_join_path($config['uploads_path'], 'news', 'id' . $itemid, $filename);
     // Get the files extension
     $ext = substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1);
     // compare it against the 'allowed extentions'
     $exts = explode(',', $mod->GetPreference('allowed_upload_types', ''));
     if (!in_array($ext, $exts)) {
         $error = $mod->Lang('error_invalidfiletype');
         return FALSE;
     if (@cms_move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fieldname]['tmp_name'], $dest) === FALSE) {
         $error = $mod->Lang('error_movefile', $dest);
         return FALSE;
     return $filename;
Ejemplo n.º 2
                     $tiny->smarty->assign('messagefail', $tiny->Lang("filetoobig"));
                 } else {
                     $filename = $tiny->Slash($thisdir, $_FILES["uploadformnewfile"]["name"]);
                     if ($tiny->GetPreference("makethumbnail", 0) == 1) {
                         $thumbname = $tiny->Slash($thisdir, "thumb_" . $_FILES["uploadformnewfile"]["name"]);
                         $tiny->HandleFileResizing($_FILES["uploadformnewfile"]["tmp_name"], $thumbname, 96, 96);
                     if (isset($_POST["uploadformresize_on"]) && is_numeric($_POST["uploadformresize_x"]) && is_numeric($_POST["uploadformresize_y"])) {
                         if ($tiny->HandleFileResizing($_FILES["uploadformnewfile"]["tmp_name"], $filename, $_POST["uploadformresize_x"], $_POST["uploadformresize_y"])) {
                             $tiny->smarty->assign('messagesuccess', $tiny->Lang("fileuploaded"));
                         } else {
                             $tiny->smarty->assign('messagefail', $tiny->Lang("uploadfailed"));
                     } else {
                         if (cms_move_uploaded_file($_FILES["uploadformnewfile"]["tmp_name"], $filename)) {
                             $tiny->smarty->assign('messagesuccess', $tiny->Lang("fileuploaded"));
                         } else {
                             $tiny->smarty->assign('messagefail', $tiny->Lang("uploadfailed"));
         } else {
             $tiny->smarty->assign('messagefail', $tiny->Lang("nofile"));
     } else {
         //This shouldn't happen
         $tiny->smarty->assign('messagefail', $tiny->Lang("nofile"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
                    $message = "newuploadsuccess";
                    //$messages.="<li>".$_FILES[$id."file_".$i]["name"]." ".$this->Lang("unpacksuccess")."</li>\n";
                //$errors.=$this->Lang("unsupportedarchive")." ($extension)";
                $error = "newunsupportedarchive";
                $errorcount = $extension;
    } else {
        if (trim($_FILES[$id . "file_" . $i]["name"]) == "") {
        $thispath = $this->Slash($fullpath, $_FILES[$id . "file_" . $i]["name"]);
        if (cms_move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$id . "file_" . $i]["tmp_name"], $thispath)) {
            //$messages.="<span class='fm-messages'>".$_FILES[$id."file_".$i]["name"]." ".$this->Lang("uploadsuccess")."</span>\n";
            $message = "newuploadsuccess";
        } else {
            //$errors.="<span class='fm-messages'>".$_FILES[$id."file_".$i]["name"]." ".$this->Lang("uploadfail")."</span>\n";
            $error = "newuploadfailed";
/* if ($messages!="") $messages="<ul>".$messages."</ul>";
  if ($errors!="") $errors="<ul>".$errors."</ul>";
$this->Redirect($id, "defaultadmin", $returnid, array("path" => $params["path"], "fmmessage" => $message, "fmmessagecount" => $messagecount, "fmerror" => $error, "fmerrorcount" => $errorcount));
Ejemplo n.º 4
                         //echo "hi";
                         $thumbname = $this->Slash($thisdir, "thumb_" . $newfile["name"]);
                         //echo $thumbname;
                         $thumbnail_width = get_site_preference('thumbnail_width', 96);
                         $thumbnail_height = get_site_preference('thumbnail_height', 96);
                         $this->HandleFileResizing($newfile["tmp_name"], $thumbname, $thumbnail_width, $thumbnail_height);
                     if (isset($params["resize_on"]) && (is_numeric($params["resize_x"]) || is_numeric($params["resize_y"]))) {
                         if ($this->HandleFileResizing($newfile["tmp_name"], $filename, $params["resize_x"], $params["resize_y"])) {
                             $this->smarty->assign('messagesuccess', $this->Lang("fileuploaded"));
                         } else {
                             $this->smarty->assign('messagefail', $this->Lang("uploadfailed"));
                     } else {
                         if (cms_move_uploaded_file($newfile["tmp_name"], $filename)) {
                             //echo $filename;
                             $this->smarty->assign('messagesuccess', $this->Lang("fileuploaded"));
                         } else {
                             $this->smarty->assign('messagefail', $this->Lang("uploadfailed"));
                 } else {
                     $this->smarty->assign('messagefail', $this->Lang("notanimage"));
     } else {
         $this->smarty->assign('messagefail', $this->Lang("nofile"));
 } else {
            $img = getimagesize($tmpname) ? TRUE : FALSE;
        } elseif (function_exists('exif_imagetype')) {
            $img = exif_imagetype($tmpname) !== FALSE;
        } elseif (function_exists('mime_content_type')) {
            $mtype = mime_content_type($tmpname);
            $img = strpos($mtype, 'image/') === 0;
        if (!$img) {
            $message = $this->Lang('err_file');
    if (empty($message)) {
        $fp = StripeGate\Utils::GetUploadsPath($this);
        if ($fp) {
            $fp = cms_join_path($fp, $file_data['name']);
            if (!chmod($file_data['tmp_name'], 0644) || !cms_move_uploaded_file($file_data['tmp_name'], $fp)) {
                $message = $this->Lang('err_upload');
            } else {
                //all good
                $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $pref . 'module_sgt_account SET iconfile=? WHERE account_id=?';
                $db->Execute($sql, array($file_data['name'], $params['account_id']));
        } else {
            $message = $this->Lang('err_upload');
    if (empty($message)) {
        $message = FALSE;
    $this->Redirect($id, 'update', $returnid, array('account_id' => $params['account_id'], 'message' => $message));
 function ManageImageUpload($id, $fldprefix, $fldname, $uid)
     $gCms = cmsms();
     if (!isset($_FILES[$id . $fldprefix . $fldname]) || !isset($_FILES)) {
         return array(false, $this->Lang('error_missing_upload'));
     //$destname = $_FILES[$id.$fldname]['name'];
     $file =& $_FILES[$id . $fldprefix . $fldname];
     if (!isset($file['name']) || !isset($file['size']) || $file['size'] == 0) {
         return array(false, $this->Lang('error_problem_upload'));
     if (!isset($file['type'])) {
         $file['type'] = '';
     if (!isset($file['size'])) {
         $file['size'] = '';
     if (!isset($file['tmp_name'])) {
         $file['tmp_name'] = '';
     $file['name'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\$\\%\'\\`\\-\\@\\{\\}\\~\\!\\#\\(\\)\\&\\_\\^]/', '', str_replace(array(' ', '%20'), array('_', '_'), $file['name']));
     // check the filename
     $allowed_extensions = $this->GetPreference('allowed_image_extensions', '.gif,.png,.jpg');
     $tmp = explode(',', $allowed_extensions);
     if (!is_array($tmp)) {
         return array(false, $this->Lang('error_invalidfileextension'));
     $found = false;
     foreach ($tmp as $ext) {
         if (endswith($file['name'], $ext)) {
             $found = true;
     if (!$found) {
         return array(false, $this->Lang('error_invalidfileextension'));
     // set the destination name
     $ext = strchr($file['name'], '.');
     $destname = $uid . '_' . $fldname . $ext;
     // Create the destination directory if necessary
     $destDir = $this->get_upload_dirname($uid);
     if (!is_writable($destDir)) {
         return array(false, $this->Lang('error_destinationnotwritable'));
     @cms_move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], cms_join_path($destDir, $destname));
     return array(true, $destname);
Ejemplo n.º 7
$errors = '';
$curdir = isset($params['curdir']) ? $params['curdir'] . '/' : '';
$dir = str_replace('//', '/', $gCms->config["uploads_path"] . '/attachments/' . $curdir);
echo $dir;
$fieldname = $id . 'uploadfile';
if (isset($_FILES) && isset($_FILES[$fieldname]) && isset($_FILES[$fieldname]['name']) && $_FILES[$fieldname]['name'] != "") {
    $tmpfilename = str_replace(' ', '_', $_FILES[$fieldname]['name']);
    $extension = substr(strrchr($tmpfilename, "."), 1);
    $cleanfilename = str_replace('.' . $extension, '', $tmpfilename);
    $destdir = $dir . $tmpfilename;
    $i = 1;
    while (file_exists($destdir)) {
        $tmpfilename = $cleanfilename . '_' . $i . '.' . $extension;
        $destdir = $dir . $tmpfilename;
    if (!cms_move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fieldname]['tmp_name'], $destdir)) {
        $errors .= "<li>" . lang('filenotuploaded') . "</li>";
    } else {
        //chmod('../uploads/'.$startdir.$curdir.$tmpfilename, 0755);
        //audit(-1, $tmpfilename, 'Uploaded File');
if ($errors != '') {
    echo '<div class="pageerrorcontainer"><ul>' . $errors . '</ul></div>';
} else {
    $params['filepath'] = $curdir . $tmpfilename;
// natural redirect to assign function
# allow new thumbnail to be uploaded
$tmp = $id . 'input_newthumbnail';
if (isset($_FILES[$tmp]) && !empty($_FILES[$tmp]['name']) && $_FILES[$tmp]['size'] > 0 && $_FILES[$tmp]['error'] == 0) {
    $name = $row['upload_name'];
    $thumb_ext = strrchr($_FILES[$tmp]['name'], '.');
    $file_ext = strrchr($name, '.');
    $fname = substr($name, 0, strlen($name) - strlen($file_ext));
    $thumb_name = 'thumb_' . $fname . $thumb_ext;
    $tn_oldfile = $this->_categoryPath($catpath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $row['upload_thumbnail']);
    if (file_exists($tn_oldfile)) {
    $tn_newfile = $this->_categoryPath($catpath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $thumb_name);
    if (file_exists($tn_newfile)) {
    cms_move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$tmp]['tmp_name'], $tn_newfile);
    $query = 'UPDATE ' . cms_db_prefix() . 'module_uploads 
                 SET upload_thumbnail = ?
               WHERE upload_id = ?';
    $db->Execute($query, array($thumb_name, $row['upload_id']));
// update search words.
$search = $this->GetModuleInstance('Search');
if ($search) {
    $str = $newname . ' ' . $newauthor . ' ' . $newsummary . ' ' . $newdesc;
    $search->AddWords($this->Getname(), $row['upload_id'], 'upload', $str);
// done.
$this->RedirectToTab($id, 'files', array('curcategory' => $params['category_id']));
// EOF