die; } if (!empty($_GET['cash'])) { $ids = $DB->GetCol('SELECT DISTINCT docid FROM cash, documents WHERE docid = documents.id AND documents.type = 2 AND cash.id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')'); } sort($ids); $i = 0; $count = sizeof($ids); foreach ($ids as $idx => $receiptid) { if ($receipt = GetReceipt($receiptid)) { $type = $_GET['which']; $i++; if ($i == $count) { $receipt['last'] = TRUE; } $receipt['first'] = $i > 1 ? FALSE : TRUE; receipt_body(); } } } elseif ($receipt = GetReceipt($_GET['id'])) { $type = isset($_GET['which']) ? $_GET['which'] : ''; $receipt['last'] = TRUE; $receipt['first'] = TRUE; receipt_body(); } else { $SESSION->redirect('?m=receiptlist'); } close_pdf($pdf);
function module_tariff() { global $LMS, $voip; $cnet = 'Cena za minutę połączenia (netto)'; $voip->toiso($cnet); $cbrut = 'Cena za minutę połączenia (brutto)'; $voip->toiso($cbrut); $taxes = $LMS->GetTaxes(); $tax = 23; if (is_array($taxes)) { foreach ($taxes as $val) { if ($val['id'] == $voip->config['taxid']) { $tax = $val['value']; } } } setlocale(LC_TIME, "C"); $sip = $voip->GetNode($_GET['id']); $exp = $voip->wsdl->CennExport($sip['id_tariffs']); $data = array(); $i = 1; $suma = 0; $poz = 0; if (is_array($exp)) { foreach ($exp as $val) { $el = array(); $el['L.p.'] = $i++; $el['Kierunek'] = $val['desc']; if ($val['days'] == 510 && $val['from'] == '00:00' && $val['to'] == '23:59') { $el['Kiedy'] = 'zawsze'; } else { $x = decbin($val['days']); $x = sprintf('%09s', $x); $x = $voip->str_split($x); $el['Kiedy'] = $val['from'] . '-' . $val['to'] . "\n" . $voip->wsdl->days($x); } $koszt = $val['price'] * 60; $el[$cnet] = sprintf("%.3f", round($koszt, 3)); $koszt = $koszt * ($tax / 100) + $koszt; $el[$cbrut] = sprintf("%.3f", round($koszt, 3)); $data[] = $voip->toiso($el); } } if ($_GET['csv']) { $fname = tempnam("/tmp", "CSV"); $f = fopen($fname, 'w'); foreach ((array) $data as $key => $val) { $line = ''; $line1 = ''; if ($key == 0) { foreach ((array) $val as $key1 => $val1) { $line1 .= $key1 . ';'; $line .= $val1 . ';'; } $line = substr($line1, 0, -1) . "\n" . $line; } else { foreach ((array) $val as $key1 => $val1) { $line .= $val1 . ';'; } } $line = substr($line, 0, -1) . "\n"; fwrite($f, $line); } fclose($f); header('Content-type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="cenn.csv"'); readfile($fname); unlink($fname); exit; } require_once LIB_DIR . '/ezpdf.php'; $pdf = init_pdf('A4', 'portrait', trans('Invoices')); $pdf->ezTable($data, '', '', array('fontSize' => 5)); $pdf->ezStream(); close_pdf($pdf); exit; }