 * Reset the output and wipe the navs
function clearoutput()
    global $output, $nestedtags, $header, $nav, $session;
    $output = "";
    $header = "";
    $nav = "";
Ejemplo n.º 2
if ($_GET['op']=="timeout"){
	$session['message'].=" Your session has timed out, you must log in again.`n";
	if (!isset($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'])){
		$session['message'].=" Also, it appears that you may be blocking cookies from this site.  At least session cookies must be enabled in order to use this site.`n";
if ($session['message']>"") output("`b`\$$session[message]`b`n");
output("<form action='login.php' method='POST'>"
.templatereplace("login",array("username"=>translate("<u>U</u>sername"),"password"=>translate("<u>P</u>assword"),"button"=>translate("Log in")))
// Without this, I had one user constantly get 'badnav.php' :/  Everyone else worked, but he didn't
//output("`n`b`&**TESTING**`0 This is a TEST of this website, things are likely to change now and again, as it is under active development (when I have time ;-)) `&**TESTING**`0`n");
output("`n`b`&".getsetting("loginbanner","*TESTING* This is a TEST of this game, things are likely to change now and again, as it is under active development *TESTING*")."`0`b`n");
output("`c`2Game server running version: `@{$logd_version}`0`c");

addnav("New to TDS?");
addnav("Create a character","create.php");
addnav("About TDS","about.php");
addnav("List Warriors","list.php");
addnav("Daily News", "news.php");
addnav("Game Setup Info", "about.php?op=setup");
addnav("LoGD Net","logdnet.php?op=list");
addnav("Forgotten Password","create.php?op=forgot");

function check_su_access($level)
    global $session, $thispage_superuser_level;
    $thispage_superuser_level = $thispage_superuser_level | $level;
    if ($session['user']['superuser'] & $level) {
        //they have appropriate levels, let's see if there's a module that
        // restricts access beyond this point.
        $return = modulehook("check_su_access", array("enabled" => true, "level" => $level));
        if ($return['enabled']) {
            $session['user']['laston'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        } else {
            output("Looks like you're probably an admin with appropriate permissions to perform this action, but a module is preventing you from doing so.");
            output("Sorry about that!");
            addnav("M?Return to the Mundane", "village.php");
    } else {
        $session['output'] = "";
        // This buff is useless because the graveyard (rightly, really)
        // wipes all buffs when you enter it.  This means that you never really
        // have this effect unless you log out without going to the graveyard
        // for some odd reason.
        //		apply_buff('angrygods',
        //			array(
        //				"name"=>"`^The gods are angry!",
        //				"rounds"=>10,
        //				"wearoff"=>"`^The gods have grown bored with teasing you.",
        //				"minioncount"=>$session['user']['level'],
        //				"maxgoodguydamage"=> 2,
        //				"effectmsg"=>"`7The gods curse you, causing `\${damage}`7 damage!",
        //				"effectnodmgmsg"=>"`7The gods have elected not to tease you just now.",
        //				"allowinpvp"=>1,
        //				"survivenewday"=>1,
        //				"newdaymessage"=>"`6The gods are still angry with you!",
        //				"schema"=>"superuser",
        //				)
        //		);
        output("For attempting to defile the gods, you have been smitten down!`n`n");
        output("%s`\$, Overlord of Death`) appears before you in a vision, seizing your mind with his, and wordlessly telling you that he finds no favor with you.`n`n", getsetting('deathoverlord', '`$Ramius'));
        addnews("`&%s was smitten down for attempting to defile the gods (they tried to hack superuser pages).", $session['user']['name']);
        debuglog("Lost {$session['user']['gold']} and " . $session['user']['experience'] * 0.25 . " experience trying to hack superuser pages.");
        $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 0;
        $session['user']['alive'] = 0;
        $session['user']['soulpoints'] = 0;
        $session['user']['gravefights'] = 0;
        $session['user']['deathpower'] = 0;
        $session['user']['gold'] = 0;
        $session['user']['experience'] *= 0.75;
        addnav("Daily News", "news.php");
        $sql = "SELECT acctid FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE (superuser&" . SU_EDIT_USERS . ")";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        require_once "lib/systemmail.php";
        while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $subj = "`3%s`3 tried to hack the superuser pages!";
            $subj = sprintf($subj, $session['user']['name']);
            $body = "Bad, bad, bad %s, they are a hacker!`n`nTried to access %s from %s.";
            $body = sprintf($body, $session['user']['name'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
            systemmail($row['acctid'], $subj, $body);
Ejemplo n.º 4
function isnewday($level)
    global $session;
    if ($session['user']['superuser'] < $level) {
        $session['output'] = "";
        $session['bufflist']['angrygods'] = array("name" => "`^The gods are angry!", "rounds" => 10, "wearoff" => "`^The gods have grown bored with teasing you.", "minioncount" => $session['user']['level'], "maxgoodguydamage" => 2, "effectmsg" => "`7The gods curse you, causing `^{damage}`7 damage!", "effectnodmgmsg" => "`7The gods have elected not to tease you just now.", "activate" => "roundstart", "survivenewday" => 1, "newdaymessage" => "`6The gods are still angry with you!");
        output("For attempting to defile the gods, you have been smitten down!`n`n");
        output("`\$Ramius, Overlord of Death`) appears before you in a vision, siezing your mind with his, and wordlessly telling you that he finds no favor with you.`n`n");
        addnews("`&" . $session['user']['name'] . " was smote down for attempting to defile the gods (they tried to hack superuser pages).");
        $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 0;
        $session['user']['alive'] = 0;
        $session['user']['soulpoints'] = 0;
        $session['user']['gravefights'] = 0;
        $session['user']['deathpower'] = 0;
        $session['user']['experience'] *= 0.75;
        addnav("Daily News", "news.php");
        $sql = "SELECT acctid FROM accounts WHERE superuser>=3";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        for ($i = 0; $i < db_num_rows($result); $i++) {
            $row = db_fetch_assoc($result);
            systemmail($row['acctid'], "`#" . $session['user']['name'] . "`# tried to hack the superuser pages!", "Bad, bad, bad {$session['user']['name']}, they are a hacker!");