Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @version     $Revision: 13708 $
 * @copyright   (c) 2001-2011, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html (GPL) GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * @package     CLANN
 * @subpackage  CLICAL
 * @author      Claro Team <*****@*****.**>
function CLANN_write_ical($iCal, $context)
    if (is_array($context) && count($context) > 0) {
        $courseId = array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE, $context) ? $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE] : claro_get_current_course_id();
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/announcement.lib.php';
    $courseData = claro_get_course_data($courseId);
    $toolNameList = claro_get_tool_name_list();
    $announcementList = announcement_get_item_list($context, 'DESC');
    $organizer = (array) array($courseData['titular'], $courseData['email']);
    $attendees = array();
    $categories = array(get_conf('siteName'), $courseData['officialCode'], trim($toolNameList['CLANN']));
    foreach ($announcementList as $announcementItem) {
        if ('SHOW' == $announcementItem['visibility']) {
            $rssList[] = array( 'title'       => trim($announcementItem['title'])
            ,                   'category'    => trim($toolNameList['CLANN'])
            ,                   'guid'        => get_module_url('CLANN') . '/announcements.php?cidReq='.claro_get_current_course_id().'&l#ann'.$announcementItem['id']
            ,                   'link'        => get_module_url('CLANN') . '/announcements.php?cidReq='.claro_get_current_course_id().'&l#ann'.$announcementItem['id']
            ,                   'description' => trim(str_replace('<!-- content: html -->','',$announcementItem['content']))
            ,                   'pubDate'     => date('r', stripslashes(strtotime($announcementItem['time'])))
            //,                   'author'      => $_course['email']
            $iCal->addJournal(trim($announcementItem['title']), trim(str_replace('<!-- content: html -->', '', $announcementItem['content'])), strtotime($announcementItem['time']), strtotime($announcementItem['time']), time(), 1, 1, $organizer, $attendees, $categories, 5, 10, 1, array(), 0, '', get_path('rootWeb') . get_module_url('CLANN') . '/announcements.php?cidReq=' . $courseId . '&amp;l#ann' . $announcementItem['id'], get_locale('iso639_1_code'), '');
    return $iCal;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * notify by email the user of the reception of a message
  * @param array of int: $userDataList user identificatin list
  * @param MessageToSend $message message envoy�
  * @param int $messageId identification of the message
 public function notify($userDataList, $message, $messageId)
     if (!get_conf('mailNotification', TRUE)) {
     // sender name and email
     if ($message->getSender() == 0) {
         $userData = array('mail' => get_conf('no_reply_mail') ? get_conf('no_reply_mail') : get_conf('administrator_email'), 'firstName' => get_lang('Message from %platformName', array('%platformName' => get_conf('siteName'))), 'lastName' => '');
     } else {
         $userData = claro_get_current_user_data();
     //************************************ IS MANAGER
     $stringManager = false;
     $courseManagers = claro_get_course_manager_id($message->getCourseCode());
     $nbrOfManagers = count($courseManagers);
     for ($countManager = 0; $countManager < $nbrOfManagers; $countManager++) {
         if ($message->getSender() == $courseManagers[$countManager]) {
             $courseData = claro_get_course_data($message->getCourseCode());
             $stringManager = get_block('Course manager of %course%(%courseCode%)', array('%course%' => $courseData['name'], '%courseCode%' => $courseData['officialCode']));
     //---------------------- email subject
     $emailSubject = '[' . get_conf('siteName');
     if (!is_null($message->getCourseCode())) {
         $courseData = claro_get_course_data($message->getCourseCode());
         if ($courseData) {
             $emailSubject .= ' - ' . $courseData['officialCode'];
     $emailSubject .= '] ' . $message->getSubject();
     /* $altBody = get_lang('If you can\'t read this message go to: ') . rtrim( get_path('rootWeb'), '/' ) . '/claroline/messaging/readmessage.php?messageId=' . $messageId . '&type=received' . "\n\n"
        . '-- '
        . claro_get_current_user_data('lastName') . " " . claro_get_current_user_data('firstName') . "\n"
        . $stringManager
        . "\n\n" . get_conf('siteName') ." <" . get_conf('rootWeb') . '>' . "\n"
        . '   ' . get_lang('Administrator') . ' : ' . get_conf('administrator_name') . ' <' . get_conf('administrator_email') . '>' . "\n"
        ; */
     $msgContent = claro_parse_user_text($message->getMessage());
     $urlAppend = get_path('url');
     if (!empty($urlAppend)) {
         $msgContent = preg_replace('!href="' . get_path('url') . '!', 'href="' . rtrim(get_path('rootWeb'), '/') . '/', $msgContent);
         $msgContent = preg_replace('!\\>' . get_path('url') . '!', '>' . get_path('rootWeb'), $msgContent);
     } else {
         $msgContent = preg_replace('!href="/!', 'href="' . rtrim(get_path('rootWeb'), '/') . '/', $msgContent);
     $emailBody = "<html><head></head><body>" . $msgContent . '<br /><br />' . '-- <br />' . get_lang('%firstName %lastName', array('%firstName' => $userData['firstName'], '%lastName' => $userData['lastName'])) . "<br />" . $stringManager . '<br /><br /><a href="' . get_conf('rootWeb') . '">' . get_conf('siteName') . '</a><br />' . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . get_lang('Administrator') . ': <a href="mailto:' . get_conf('administrator_email') . '">' . get_conf('administrator_name') . '</a><br />' . '</body></html>';
     //******************************** END BODY
     if (empty($userData['mail']) || !is_well_formed_email_address($userData['mail'])) {
         // do not send email for a user with no mail address
         pushClaroMessage('Mail Notification Failed : User has no email or an invalid one : ' . var_export($userData, true) . '!');
         return claro_failure::set_failure(get_lang("Mail Notification Failed : You don't have any email address defined in your user profile or the defined email address is not valid."));
     self::emailNotification($userDataList, $emailBody, $emailSubject, $userData['mail'], get_lang('%firstName %lastName', array('%firstName' => $userData['firstName'], '%lastName' => $userData['lastName'])));
  * Returns the list of courses followed by the user.
  * @webservice{/module/MOBILE/User/getCourseList}
  * @ws_arg{Method,getCourseList}
  * @return array of course object
 function getCourseList()
     $claroNotification = Claroline::getInstance()->notification;
     $date = $claroNotification->getLastActionBeforeLoginDate(claro_get_current_user_id());
     $courseList = array();
     $notifiedCourses = $claroNotification->getNotifiedCourses($date, claro_get_current_user_id());
     foreach (get_user_course_list(claro_get_current_user_id()) as $course) {
         $course_data = claro_get_course_data($course['sysCode']);
         $course['officialEmail'] = $course_data['email'];
         $course['notifiedDate'] = in_array($course['sysCode'], $notifiedCourses);
         $courseList[] = $course;
     return $courseList;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @version 1.8 $Revision: 13708 $
 * @copyright   (c) 2001-2011, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html (GPL) GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * @package CLWRK
 * @author Claro Team <*****@*****.**>
function CLWRK_write_ical($iCal, $context)
    if (is_array($context) && count($context) > 0) {
        $courseCode = array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE, $context) ? $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE] : ($courseCode = claro_get_current_course_id());
        $courseData = claro_get_course_data($courseCode);
        $toolNameList = claro_get_tool_name_list();
        $assignmentList = assignmentList($courseCode);
        $organizer = (array) array($courseData['titular'], $courseData['email']);
        $attendees = array();
        $categories = array(get_conf('siteName'), $courseData['officialCode'], trim($toolNameList['CLWRK']));
        foreach ($assignmentList as $thisAssignment) {
            if ('VISIBLE' == $thisAssignment['visibility']) {
                $categories[] = $thisAssignment['assignment_type'];
                $assignmentContent = trim(strip_tags($thisAssignment['description']));
                $iCal->addToDo(trim($thisAssignment['title']), $assignmentContent, '', (int) $thisAssignment['start_date_unix'], 3600, (int) $thisAssignment['end_date_unix'], 0, 5, 1, 1, $organizer, $attendees, $categories, time(), 0, 0, 0, 0, array(), 1, '', get_path('rootWeb') . 'work/work_list.php?cidReq=' . $courseCode . '&amp;assigId=' . $thisAssignment['id'], get_locale('iso639_1_code'), '');
    return $iCal;
  * Returns the complete path to the requested file, depending on the context
  * @param string $requestedUrl the relative path of the requested file
  * @return string the complete path to the requested file
 public function getFilePath($requestedUrl)
     if (!is_null($this->cid)) {
         $courseInfo = claro_get_course_data($this->cid);
         $coursePath = $courseInfo['path'];
         if (claro_is_in_a_group() && claro_is_group_allowed()) {
             $intermediatePath = get_path('coursesRepositorySys') . $coursePath . '/group/' . claro_get_current_group_data('directory');
         } else {
             $intermediatePath = get_path('coursesRepositorySys') . $coursePath . '/document';
     } else {
         $intermediatePath = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', get_path('rootSys')), '/') . '/platform/document';
     if (get_conf('secureDocumentDownload') && $GLOBALS['is_Apache']) {
         // pretty url
         $path = realpath($intermediatePath . '/' . $requestedUrl);
     } else {
         // TODO check if we can remove rawurldecode
         $path = $intermediatePath . implode('/', array_map('rawurldecode', explode('/', $requestedUrl)));
     return $path;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * @version     $Revision: 13708 $
 * @copyright   (c) 2001-2011, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html (GPL) GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * @package     CLCAL
 * @subpackage  CLRSS
 * @author      Claro Team <*****@*****.**>
function CLCAL_write_ical($iCal, $context)
    if (is_array($context) && count($context) > 0) {
        $courseId = array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE, $context) ? $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE] : claro_get_current_course_id();
    if (false !== ($courseData = claro_get_course_data($courseId))) {
        $toolNameList = claro_get_tool_name_list();
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/agenda.lib.php';
        $eventList = agenda_get_item_list($context, 'ASC');
        $organizer = (array) array($courseData['titular'], $courseData['email']);
        $attendees = array();
        $categories = array(get_conf('siteName'), $courseData['officialCode'], trim($toolNameList['CLCAL']));
        foreach ($eventList as $thisEvent) {
            if ('SHOW' == $thisEvent['visibility']) {
                $eventDuration = isset($thisEvent['duration']) ? $thisEvent['duration'] : get_conf('defaultEventDuration', '60');
                $startDate = strtotime($thisEvent['day'] . ' ' . $thisEvent['hour']);
                // Start Time (timestamp; for an allday event the startdate has to start at YYYY-mm-dd 00:00:00)
                $endDate = $startDate + $eventDuration;
                $iCal->addEvent($organizer, $startDate, $endDate, '', 0, $categories, trim(str_replace('<!-- content: html -->', '', $thisEvent['content'])), trim($thisEvent['title']), 1, $attendees, 5, 0, 0, 0, array(), 1, '', 0, 1, get_path('rootWeb') . get_module_url('CLCAL') . '/agenda.php?cidReq=' . $courseId . '&amp;l#item' . $thisEvent['id'], get_locale('iso639_1_code'), '');
    return $iCal;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function getResourceName(ResourceLocator $locator)
     $courseData = claro_get_course_data($locator->getCourseId());
     return $courseData['officialCode'] . ' : ' . $courseData['name'];
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Get the official code of a course.
 * @param  string $course_id (optionnal)  If not set, it use the current course
 *         will be taken.
 * @return string path
 * @author Christophe Gesche <*****@*****.**>
 * @since 1.7
function claro_get_course_officialCode($cid = NULL)
    $k = claro_get_course_data($cid);
    if (isset($k['officialCode'])) {
        return $k['officialCode'];
    } else {
        return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        $notifyFeedbacks = $userInput->getMandatory('feedback');
        if (false === save_course_property('notify_submissions', $notifySubmissions, claro_get_current_course_id())) {
        if (false === save_course_property('notify_feedbacks', $notifyFeedbacks, claro_get_current_course_id())) {
        if ($errorCount > 0) {
            $dialogBox->error(get_lang('Error while saving notification preferences'));
        } else {
            $dialogBox->success(get_lang('Notification preferences saved'));
        //force refresh of course data in session!
        $courseData = claro_get_course_data(claro_get_current_course_id(), true);
    } else {
        $courseData = claro_get_course_data(claro_get_current_course_id(), false);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
//init other vars
if (!isset($courseData['notify_submissions'])) {
    $courseData['notify_submissions'] = get_conf('mail_notification', false) && get_conf('automatic_mail_notification', false) ? '1' : '0';
if (!isset($courseData['notify_feedbacks'])) {
    $courseData['notify_feedbacks'] = get_conf('mail_notification', false) && get_conf('automatic_mail_notification', false) ? '1' : '0';
$out = '';
$nameTools = get_lang('Assignments preferences');
$out .= claro_html_tool_title($nameTools);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * diplay a received message
  * @param ReceivedMessage $message Message to display
  * @param string $action list of action autorised on the message
  * @return string HTML source
 private static function displayReceivedMessage($message, $action)
     $content = '<div id="im_message">' . "\n" . '<h4 class="header">' . claro_htmlspecialchars($message->getSubject()) . '</h4>' . "\n" . '<div class="imInfoBlock">' . "\n" . '<div class="imCmdList">' . $action . '</div>' . "\n\n" . '<div class="imInfo">' . "\n" . ' <span class="imInfoTitle">' . get_lang('Sender') . ' : </span>' . "\n" . ' <span class="imInfoValue">';
     $isAllowed = current_user_is_allowed_to_send_message_to_user($message->getSender());
     if ($isAllowed) {
         $content .= '<a href="sendmessage.php?cmd=rqMessageToUser&amp;userId=' . $message->getSender() . '">';
     $content .= get_lang('%firstName %lastName', array('%firstName' => claro_htmlspecialchars($message->getSenderFirstName()), '%lastName' => claro_htmlspecialchars($message->getSenderLastName())));
     if ($isAllowed) {
         $content .= "</a>";
     $isManager = FALSE;
     $isAdmin = claro_is_user_platform_admin($message->getSender());
     if (!is_null($message->getCourseCode())) {
         $isManager = claro_is_user_course_manager($message->getSender(), $message->getCourseCode());
     if ($isManager) {
         $content .= '&nbsp;<img src="' . get_icon_url('manager') . '" alt="" />';
     } elseif ($isAdmin) {
         $content .= '&nbsp;<img src="' . get_icon_url('platformadmin') . '" alt="" />';
     } else {
         $content .= '&nbsp;<img src="' . get_icon_url('user') . '" alt="" />';
     $content .= '' . ' </span>' . "\n" . '</div>' . "\n\n" . '<div class="imInfo">' . "\n" . '<span class="imInfoTitle">' . get_lang('Date') . ' : </span>' . "\n" . '<span class="imInfoValue">' . claro_html_localised_date(get_locale('dateTimeFormatLong'), strtotime($message->getSendTime())) . '</span>' . "\n" . '</div>' . "\n\n";
     if (!is_null($message->getCourseCode())) {
         $content .= '<div class="imInfo">' . "\n" . ' <span class="imInfoTitle">' . get_lang('Course') . '</span>' . "\n" . ' <span class="imInfoValue">' . "\n";
         $courseData = claro_get_course_data($message->getCourseCode());
         if ($courseData) {
             $content .= claro_htmlspecialchars($courseData['officialCode']) . ' - ' . claro_htmlspecialchars($courseData['name']);
         } else {
             $content .= '?';
         $content .= ' </span>' . "\n" . '</div>' . "\n\n";
         if (!is_null($message->getGroupId())) {
             $content .= '<div class="imInfo">' . "\n" . ' <span class="imInfoTitle">' . get_lang('Group') . ' : </span>' . "\n" . ' <span class="imInfoValue">' . "\n";
             $groupData = claro_get_group_data(array(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE => $message->getCourseCode(), CLARO_CONTEXT_GROUP => $message->getGroupId()));
             if ($groupData) {
                 $content .= $groupData['name'];
             } else {
                 $content .= '?';
             $content .= ' </span>' . "\n" . '</div>' . "\n\n";
         if (!is_null($message->getToolsLabel())) {
             $content .= '<div class="imInfo">' . "\n" . ' <span class="imInfoTitle">' . get_lang('Tool') . ' : </span>' . "\n" . ' <span class="imInfoValue">' . "\n";
             $md = get_module_data($message->getToolsLabel());
             if ($md) {
                 $content .= get_lang($md['moduleName']);
             } else {
                 $content .= '?';
             $content .= ' </span>' . "\n" . '</div>' . "\n\n";
     $body = $message->getMessage();
     $body = claro_html_sanitize_all($body);
     $content .= '</div>' . "\n" . '<div class="imContent">' . claro_parse_user_text($body) . '</div>' . "\n" . '</div>' . "\n\n";
     return $content;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Send enroll to course succeded email to user
 * @author Mathieu Laurent <*****@*****.**>
 * @param $userId integer
 * @param $data array
 * @return boolean
function user_send_enroll_to_course_mail($userId, $data, $course = null)
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../messaging/lib/message/messagetosend.lib.php';
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../messaging/lib/recipient/singleuserrecipient.lib.php';
    $courseData = claro_get_course_data($course);
    $subject = get_lang('Your registration');
    $body = get_block('blockCourseSubscriptionNotification', array('%firstname' => $data['firstname'], '%lastname' => $data['lastname'], '%courseCode' => $courseData['officialCode'], '%courseName' => $courseData['name'], '%coursePath' => get_path('rootWeb') . 'claroline/course/index.php?cid=' . $courseData['sysCode'], '%siteName' => get_conf('siteName'), '%rootWeb' => get_path('rootWeb'), '%administratorName' => get_conf('administrator_name'), '%administratorPhone' => get_conf('administrator_phone'), '%administratorEmail' => get_conf('administrator_email')));
    $message = new MessageToSend(claro_get_current_user_id(), $subject, $body);
    $recipient = new SingleUserRecipient($userId);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * Send registration succeded email to user
 * @author Mathieu Laurent <*****@*****.**>
 * @param integer $userId
 * @param mixed $data array of user data or null to keep data following $userId param.
 * @return boolean
function user_send_registration_mail($userId, $data, $courseCode = null)
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/sendmail.lib.php';
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../messaging/lib/message/messagetosend.lib.php';
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../messaging/lib/recipient/singleuserrecipient.lib.php';
    if (!empty($data['email'])) {
        // email subjet
        $emailSubject = '[' . get_conf('siteName') . '] ' . get_lang('Your registration');
        // email body
        $emailBody = get_block('blockAccountCreationNotification', array('%firstname' => $data['firstname'], '%lastname' => $data['lastname'], '%username' => $data['username'], '%password' => $data['password'], '%siteName' => get_conf('siteName'), '%rootWeb' => get_path('rootWeb'), '%administratorName' => get_conf('administrator_name'), '%administratorPhone' => get_conf('administrator_phone'), '%administratorEmail' => get_conf('administrator_email')));
        // add information about course manager if user created in course
        if (isset($courseCode)) {
            $courseData = claro_get_course_data($courseCode);
            $emailBody .= get_lang('User created by ') . ' - ' . $courseData['titular'] . ' - ' . $courseData['email'] . ' ( ' . $courseData['officialCode'] . ' - ' . $courseData['name'] . ' )';
        if (claro_mail_user($userId, $emailBody, $emailSubject)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        if ($_REQUEST['isCourseManager']) {
            $properties['isCourseManager'] = 1;
            $properties['tutor'] = 1;
        } else {
            $properties['isCourseManager'] = 0;
            $properties['tutor'] = 0;
        user_set_course_properties($user_id, $cidToEdit, $properties);
        //set dialogbox message
        if ($done) {
            $dialogBox->success(get_lang('The user has been enroled to the course'));
//build and call DB to get info about current course (for title) if needed :
$courseData = claro_get_course_data($cidToEdit);
if (!$courseData) {
    claro_die('ERROR : COURSE NOT FOUND!!!');
// Build query and find info in db
$sql = "\nSELECT\n    U.nom, U.prenom, U.`user_id` AS ID,\n    CU.*,\n    CU.`user_id` AS Register\nFROM  `" . $tbl_user . "` AS U";
$toAdd = "\nLEFT JOIN `" . $tbl_course_user . "` AS CU\n    ON             CU.`user_id`=U.`user_id`\n            AND CU.`code_cours` = '" . claro_sql_escape($cidToEdit) . "'\n        ";
$sql .= $toAdd;
//deal with LETTER classification call
if (isset($_GET['letter'])) {
    $toAdd = "\n            AND U.`nom` LIKE '" . claro_sql_escape($_GET['letter']) . "%' ";
    $sql .= $toAdd;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * load course data from database
  * @param string    $courseId string course identifier
  * @return boolean  success
 public function load($courseId)
     if (($course_data = claro_get_course_data($courseId)) !== false) {
         // Generate the array of categories (excepted for session courses)
         $categoriesList = array();
         //if (is_null($course_data['sourceCourseId']))
         foreach ($course_data['categories'] as $cat) {
             $tempCat = new claroCategory();
             $categoriesList[] = $tempCat;
         // Assign
         $this->courseId = $courseId;
         $this->id = $course_data['id'];
         $this->isSourceCourse = $course_data['isSourceCourse'];
         $this->sourceCourseId = $course_data['sourceCourseId'];
         $this->title = $course_data['name'];
         $this->officialCode = $course_data['officialCode'];
         $this->titular = $course_data['titular'];
         $this->email = $course_data['email'];
         $this->categories = $categoriesList;
         $this->departmentName = $course_data['extLinkName'];
         $this->extLinkUrl = $course_data['extLinkUrl'];
         $this->language = $course_data['language'];
         $this->access = $course_data['access'];
         $this->visibility = $course_data['visibility'];
         $this->registration = $course_data['registrationAllowed'];
         $this->registrationKey = $course_data['registrationKey'];
         $this->publicationDate = $course_data['publicationDate'];
         $this->expirationDate = $course_data['expirationDate'];
         $this->status = $course_data['status'];
         $this->userLimit = $course_data['userLimit'];
         $this->useExpirationDate = isset($this->expirationDate);
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
     $mainTitle = get_lang('User\'s course');
     $subTitle = $userInfo['firstname'] . ' ' . $userInfo['lastname'];
     $out .= claro_html_tool_title(array('mainTitle' => $mainTitle, 'subTitle' => $subTitle)) . $dialogBox->render();
       Display user courses in order to unenroll (default display)
   Display user courses in order to unenroll (default display)
     $out .= claro_html_tool_title(array('mainTitle' => get_lang('User\'s course') . ' : ' . $userInfo['firstname'] . ' ' . $userInfo['lastname'], 'subTitle' => get_lang('Remove course from your personal course list'))) . $dialogBox->render() . $courseListView->render();
     $courseData = claro_get_course_data($_REQUEST['course']);
     $courseName = $courseData['name'];
     $out .= claro_html_tool_title(array('mainTitle' => get_lang('User\'s course') . ' : ' . $userInfo['firstname'] . ' ' . $userInfo['lastname'], 'subTitle' => get_lang('Enrol to %course', array('%course' => $courseName))));
     $template = new CoreTemplate('course_registration_key_form.tpl.php');
     $template->assign('formAction', Url::Contextualize($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
     $template->assign('courseCode', $courseCode);
     $out .= $dialogBox->render();
     if (empty($courseData['email'])) {
         $courseData['email'] = get_conf('administrator_email');
     if (empty($courseData['titular'])) {
         $courseData['titular'] = get_conf('administrator_name');
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * Get the path of a course.
 * @param  string $course_id (optionnal)  If not set, it use the current course
 *         will be taken.
 * @return string path
 * @author Christophe Gesche <*****@*****.**>
 * @since 1.7
function claro_get_course_path($cid = NULL)
    $k = claro_get_course_data($cid);
    if (isset($k['path'])) {
        return $k['path'];
    } else {
        return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Replace the Claroline SQL place holders __CL_MAIN__ and __CL_COURSE__ by
  * the corresponding value in the given SQL query
  * @param string $sql
  * @return string
  * @since Claroline 1.10
 protected static function prepareQueryForExecution($sql)
     $sql = str_replace('__CL_MAIN__', get_conf('mainTblPrefix'), $sql);
     if (claro_is_in_a_course()) {
         $currentCourseDbNameGlu = claro_get_course_data(claro_get_current_course_id(), 'dbNameGlu');
         $sql = str_replace('__CL_COURSE__', $currentCourseDbNameGlu['dbNameGlu'], $sql);
     } else {
         if (preg_match('/__CL_COURSE__/', $sql)) {
             throw new Exception("Trying to execute course SQL query while not in a course contexte");
     return $sql;
Ejemplo n.º 18
$acceptedCmdList = array('getFileList');
if (isset($_REQUEST['cmd']) && in_array($_REQUEST['cmd'], $acceptedCmdList)) {
    $cmd = $_REQUEST['cmd'];
} else {
    $cmd = null;
if (!empty($_REQUEST['relPath']) && $_REQUEST['relPath'] != '/' && $_REQUEST['relPath'] != '.') {
    $relPath = str_replace('..', '', $_REQUEST['relPath']) . '/';
} else {
    $relPath = '';
 * Init other vars
if (claro_is_in_a_course() && !claro_is_in_a_group()) {
    $course_data = claro_get_course_data();
    // course context
    $is_allowedToEdit = claro_is_allowed_to_edit();
    $pathSys = get_path('coursesRepositorySys') . claro_get_course_path() . '/document/';
    $pathWeb = get_path('coursesRepositoryWeb') . claro_get_course_path() . '/document/';
} elseif (claro_is_in_a_group()) {
    // course context
    $is_allowedToEdit = claro_is_allowed_to_edit();
    $pathSys = get_path('coursesRepositorySys') . claro_get_course_path() . '/group/' . claro_get_current_group_data('directory');
    $pathWeb = get_path('coursesRepositoryWeb') . claro_get_course_path() . '/group/' . claro_get_current_group_data('directory');
    require claro_get_conf_repository() . 'CLDOC.conf.php';
    $maxFilledSpace = get_conf('maxFilledSpace_for_course');
} else {
    // platform context
    $is_allowedToEdit = claro_is_platform_admin();
    $pathSys = get_path('rootSys') . 'platform/document/';
Ejemplo n.º 19
    $_SESSION['admin_course_access'] = trim($_REQUEST['access']);
if (isset($_REQUEST['visibility'])) {
    $_SESSION['admin_course_visibility'] = trim($_REQUEST['visibility']);
if (isset($_REQUEST['subscription'])) {
    $_SESSION['admin_course_subscription'] = trim($_REQUEST['subscription']);
if ('clist' != $cfrom) {
    $addToURL .= '&amp;offsetC=' . $offsetC;
$dialogBox = new DialogBox();
$courseToDelete = claro_get_course_data($delCode);
if ('exDelete' == $cmd) {
    if ($courseToDelete) {
        $do = 'delete';
    } else {
        switch (claro_failure::get_last_failure()) {
            case 'course_not_found':
                $dialogBox->error(get_lang('Course not found'));
                $dialogBox->error(get_lang('Course not found'));
} elseif ('rqDelete' == $cmd) {
    if ($courseToDelete) {
        $dialogBox->question(get_lang('Are you sure to delete course %name', array('%name' => $courseToDelete['name'])) . '<br/><br/>' . "\n" . '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?cmd=exDelete&amp;delCode=' . $delCode . '&amp;offsetC=' . $offsetC . $addToURL . '">' . get_lang('Yes') . '</a>' . ' | ' . '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '">' . get_lang('No') . '</a>' . "\n");
Ejemplo n.º 20
 * delete a course of the plateform
 * TODO detect failure with claro_failure
 * @param string $cid
 * @return boolean TRUE        if suceed
 *         boolean FALSE       otherwise.
function delete_course($code, $sourceCourseId)
    global $eventNotifier;
    // Declare needed tables
    $tbl_mdb_names = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
    $tbl_course = $tbl_mdb_names['course'];
    $tbl_rel_course_user = $tbl_mdb_names['rel_course_user'];
    $tbl_course_class = $tbl_mdb_names['rel_course_class'];
    $tbl_rel_course_category = $tbl_mdb_names['rel_course_category'];
    $tbl_rel_course_portlet = $tbl_mdb_names['rel_course_portlet'];
    $this_course = claro_get_course_data($code);
    if (!$this_course) {
        // This is bad !
        throw new Exception("Course not found");
    $currentCourseId = trim($this_course['sysCode']);
    if (empty($currentCourseId)) {
        // This is bad !
        throw new Exception("Missing course id");
    // Delete user registrations into this course
    $sql = 'DELETE FROM `' . $tbl_rel_course_user . '`
            WHERE code_cours="' . $currentCourseId . '"';
    // Remove any recording in rel_cours_class
    $sql = "DELETE FROM `" . $tbl_course_class . "`\n            WHERE courseId ='" . claro_sql_escape($currentCourseId) . "'";
    // Remove links between this course and categories
    $sql = "DELETE FROM `" . $tbl_rel_course_category . "`\n            WHERE courseId ='" . $this_course['id'] . "'";
    // Remove links between this course and portlets
    $sql = "DELETE FROM `" . $tbl_rel_course_portlet . "`\n            WHERE courseId ='" . $this_course['id'] . "'";
    // Delete the course inside the platform course registery
    $sql = 'DELETE FROM `' . $tbl_course . '`
            WHERE code= "' . claro_sql_escape($currentCourseId) . '"';
    // Is it a session course ?
    if (!is_null($sourceCourseId)) {
        // Does the source course still have session courses ?
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(cours_id) AS nbSessionCourses\n                FROM `" . $tbl_course . "`\n                WHERE sourceCourseId = " . (int) $sourceCourseId;
        $result = claro_sql_query_get_single_row($sql);
        if ($result['nbSessionCourses'] == 0) {
            $sql = "UPDATE `" . $tbl_course . "`\n                    SET isSourceCourse = 0\n                    WHERE cours_id = " . (int) $sourceCourseId;
    // Delete course right
    // Delete course module tables
    // FIXME handle errors
    list($success, $log) = delete_all_modules_from_course($currentCourseId);
    // Notify the course deletion event
    $args['cid'] = $this_course['sysCode'];
    $args['tid'] = null;
    $args['rid'] = null;
    $args['gid'] = null;
    $args['uid'] = $GLOBALS['_uid'];
    $eventNotifier->notifyEvent("course_deleted", $args);
    if ($currentCourseId == $code) {
        $currentCourseDbName = trim($this_course['dbName']);
        $currentCourseDbNameGlu = trim($this_course['dbNameGlu']);
        $currentCoursePath = trim($this_course['path']);
        if (empty($currentCourseDbName)) {
            // This is bad !
            throw new Exception("Missing db name");
        if (empty($currentCourseDbNameGlu)) {
            // This is bad !
            throw new Exception("Missing db name glu");
        if (get_conf('singleDbEnabled')) {
            claro_sql_query("use " . get_conf('mainDbName'));
            $tbl_to_delete = claro_sql_get_course_tbl(claro_get_course_db_name_glued($currentCourseId));
            foreach ($tbl_to_delete as $tbl_name) {
                $sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $tbl_name . '`';
            // Underscores must be replaced because they are used as wildcards in LIKE sql statement
            $cleanCourseDbNameGlu = str_replace("_", "\\_", $currentCourseDbNameGlu);
            $sql = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "' . $cleanCourseDbNameGlu . '%"';
            $result = claro_sql_query($sql);
            $tblSurvivor = array();
            while (false !== ($courseTable = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM))) {
                $tblSurvivor[] = $courseTable[0];
                //$tblSurvivor[$courseTable]='not deleted';
            if (sizeof($tblSurvivor) > 0) {
                Claroline::getInstance()->log('DELETE_COURSE', array_merge(array('DELETED_COURSE_CODE' => $code, 'UNDELETED_TABLE_COUNTER' => sizeof($tblSurvivor)), $tblSurvivor));
        } else {
            $sql = "DROP DATABASE `" . $currentCourseDbName . "`";
        if (!empty($currentCoursePath)) {
            if (file_exists(get_conf('coursesRepositorySys') . $currentCoursePath . '/')) {
                claro_mkdir(get_conf('garbageRepositorySys'), CLARO_FILE_PERMISSIONS, true);
                rename(get_conf('coursesRepositorySys') . $currentCoursePath . '/', get_conf('garbageRepositorySys', 'garbage') . '/' . $currentCoursePath . '_' . date('YmdHis'));
            } else {
                Console::warning("DELETE_COURSE : Course directory not found {$currentCoursePath} for course {$currentCourseId}");
            Claroline::log('COURSE_DELETED', array('courseCode' => $currentCourseId, 'courseDbName' => $currentCourseDbName, 'courseDbNameGlu' => $currentCourseDbNameGlu, 'coursePath' => $currentCoursePath));
            return true;
        } else {
            Console::error("DELETE_COURSE : Try to delete a course repository with no folder name {$currentCourseId} !");
            return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        $content .= ' <a href="readmessage.php?messageId=' . $message->getId() . '&amp;type=sent&amp;userId=' . $currentUserId . '">';
        $content .= claro_htmlspecialchars($message->getSubject()) . '</a></td>' . "\n" . '<td>';
        if ($recipientList['sentTo'] == 'toUser') {
            $content .= claro_htmlspecialchars($recipientList['userList'][0]['firstName']) . " " . claro_htmlspecialchars($recipientList['userList'][0]['lastName']);
            if (count($recipientList['userList']) > 1) {
                $content .= ", " . claro_htmlspecialchars($recipientList['userList'][1]['firstName']) . " " . claro_htmlspecialchars($recipientList['userList'][1]['lastName']);
            if (count($recipientList['userList']) > 2) {
                $content .= ",...";
        } elseif ($recipientList['sentTo'] == 'toCourse') {
            $content .= get_lang('Course: ') . " " . $message->getCourseCode();
        } elseif ($recipientList['sentTo'] == 'toGroup') {
            $groupInfo = claro_get_group_data(array(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE => $message->getCourseCode(), CLARO_CONTEXT_GROUP => $message->getGroupId()));
            $courseInfo = claro_get_course_data($message->getCourseCode());
            if (!$groupInfo) {
                $content .= get_lang('Course') . ' : ' . get_lang('unknown') . "; " . get_lang('Group') . ' : ' . get_lang('unknown');
            } else {
                $content .= get_lang('Course') . ' : ' . $courseInfo['officialCode'] . "; " . get_lang('Group') . ' : ' . $groupInfo['name'];
        } elseif ($message->isPlatformMessage()) {
            $content .= get_lang('All users of the platform');
        } else {
            $content .= get_lang('Unknown recipient');
        $content .= '</td>' . '<td>' . claro_html_localised_date(get_locale('dateTimeFormatLong'), strtotime($message->getSendTime())) . '</td>' . "\n";
        $content .= '</tr>' . "\n\n";
$content .= '</table>' . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 22
    $_uid = null;
    $is_platformAdmin = false;
    $is_allowedCreateCourse = false;
  Course initialisation
// if the requested course is different from the course in session
if ($cidReq && (!isset($_SESSION['_cid']) || $cidReq != $_SESSION['_cid'])) {
    $cidReset = true;
    $gidReset = true;
    // As groups depend from courses, group id is reset
if ($cidReset) {
    if ($cidReq) {
        $_course = claro_get_course_data($cidReq, true);
        if ($_course == false) {
            die('WARNING !! The course\'s datas couldn\'t be loaded at line ' . __LINE__ . '.  Please contact your platform administrator.');
        $_cid = $_course['sysCode'];
        $_groupProperties = claro_get_main_group_properties($_cid);
        if ($_groupProperties == false) {
            die('WARNING !! The group\'s properties couldn\'t be loaded at line ' . __LINE__ . '.  Please contact your platform administrator.');
    } else {
        $_cid = null;
        $_course = null;
        $_groupProperties['registrationAllowed'] = false;
        $groupToolList = get_group_tool_label_list();
        foreach ($groupToolList as $thisGroupTool) {
            $thisGroupToolLabel = $thisGroupTool['label'];
Ejemplo n.º 23
function build_rss($context)
    if (is_array($context) && count($context) > 0) {
        $rss = new UniversalFeedCreator();
        if (array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE, $context)) {
            // $rssFilePath .= $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE] . '.';
            $_course = claro_get_course_data($context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE]);
            $rss->title = '[' . get_conf('siteName') . '] ' . $_course['officialCode'];
            $rss->description = $_course['name'];
            $rss->editor = $_course['titular'] == '' ? get_conf('administrator_name') : $_course['titular'];
            $rss->editorEmail = $_course['email'] == '' ? get_conf('administrator_email') : $_course['email'];
            $rss->link = get_path('rootWeb') . get_path('coursesRepositoryAppend') . claro_get_course_path();
            $rss->generator = 'Feedcreator';
            if (array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_GROUP, $context)) {
                // $rssFilePath .= 'g'.$context[CLARO_CONTEXT_GROUP] . '.';
                $rss->title .= '[' . get_lang('Group') . $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_GROUP] . ']';
                $rss->description .= get_lang('Group') . $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_GROUP];
        } else {
            $rss->title = '[' . get_conf('siteName') . '] ' . $_course['officialCode'];
            $rss->description = $_course['name'];
            $rss->editor = get_conf('administrator_name');
            $rss->editorEmail = get_conf('administrator_email');
            $rss->link = get_path('rootWeb');
        $rss->language = get_locale('iso639_1_code');
        $rss->docs = 'http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss';
        $rss->pubDate = date("r", time());
        $toolLabelList = rss_get_tool_compatible_list();
        $rssItems = array();
        foreach ($toolLabelList as $toolLabel) {
                  get_tool_id_from_module_label( $toolLabel ),
            if (is_tool_activated_in_course(get_tool_id_from_module_label($toolLabel), $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE])) {
                if (!is_module_installed_in_course($toolLabel, $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE])) {
                    install_module_in_course($toolLabel, $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE]);
                $rssToolLibPath = get_module_path($toolLabel) . '/connector/rss.write.cnr.php';
                $rssToolFuncName = $toolLabel . '_write_rss';
                if (file_exists($rssToolLibPath)) {
                    include_once $rssToolLibPath;
                    if (function_exists($rssToolFuncName)) {
                        $rssItems = array_merge($rssItems, call_user_func($rssToolFuncName, $context));
        $sortDate = array();
        foreach ($rssItems as $key => $rssItem) {
            $sortDate[$key] = $rssItem['pubDate'];
        // die(var_export($sortDate, true));
        array_multisort($sortDate, SORT_DESC, $rssItems);
        foreach ($rssItems as $rssItem) {
            $item = new FeedItem();
            $item->title = claro_utf8_encode($rssItem['title'], get_conf('charset'));
            $item->description = claro_utf8_encode($rssItem['description']);
            $item->category = $rssItem['category'];
            $item->guid = $rssItem['guid'];
            $item->link = $rssItem['link'];
            $item->date = $rssItem['pubDate'];
        return $rss->outputFeed("RSS2.0");
    return false;