function getstr($string, $length, $in_slashes = 0, $out_slashes = 0, $bbcode = 0, $html = 0) { global $_G; $string = trim($string); $sppos = strpos($string, chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0)); if ($sppos !== false) { $string = substr($string, 0, $sppos); } if ($in_slashes) { $string = dstripslashes($string); } $string = preg_replace("/\\[hide=?\\d*\\](.*?)\\[\\/hide\\]/is", '', $string); if ($html < 0) { $string = preg_replace("/(\\<[^\\<]*\\>|\r|\n|\\s|\\[.+?\\])/is", ' ', $string); } elseif ($html == 0) { $string = dhtmlspecialchars($string); } if ($length) { $string = cutstr($string, $length); } if ($bbcode) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/class/class_bbcode.php'; $bb =& bbcode::instance(); $string = $bb->bbcode2html($string, $bbcode); } if ($out_slashes) { $string = daddslashes($string); } return trim($string); }
function wsOnMessage($clientID, $message, $messageLength, $binary) { global $Server; $ip = long2ip($Server->wsClients[$clientID][6]); // check if message length is 0 if ($messageLength == 0) { $Server->wsClose($clientID); return; } //The speaker is the only person in the room. Don't let them feel lonely. if (sizeof($Server->wsClients) == 1) { $Server->wsSend($clientID, "There isn't anyone else in the room, but I'll still listen to you. --Your Trusty Server"); } else { //Send the message to everyone but the person who said it foreach ($Server->wsClients as $id => $client) { if ($id != $clientID) { $Server->wsSend($id, "{$message}"); } } } //and to arduino forst decoding mesage and sending only one byte if ("{$message}" == "arduino1") { `mode com4: BAUD=9600 PARITY=N data=8 stop=1 xon=off`; $fp = fopen("com4", "w+"); fwrite($fp, chr(0x1)); fclose($fp); } }
/** * Performs a batch insert into a specific table using either LOAD DATA INFILE or plain INSERTs, * as a fallback. On MySQL, LOAD DATA INFILE is 20x faster than a series of plain INSERTs. * * @param string $tableName PREFIXED table name! you must call Common::prefixTable() before passing the table name * @param array $fields array of unquoted field names * @param array $values array of data to be inserted * @param bool $throwException Whether to throw an exception that was caught while trying * LOAD DATA INFILE, or not. * @throws Exception * @return bool True if the bulk LOAD was used, false if we fallback to plain INSERTs */ public static function tableInsertBatch($tableName, $fields, $values, $throwException = false) { $filePath = PIWIK_USER_PATH . '/tmp/assets/' . $tableName . '-' . Common::generateUniqId() . '.csv'; $filePath = SettingsPiwik::rewriteTmpPathWithInstanceId($filePath); $loadDataInfileEnabled = Config::getInstance()->General['enable_load_data_infile']; if ($loadDataInfileEnabled && Db::get()->hasBulkLoader()) { try { $fileSpec = array('delim' => "\t", 'quote' => '"', 'escape' => '\\\\', 'escapespecial_cb' => function ($str) { return str_replace(array(chr(92), chr(34)), array(chr(92) . chr(92), chr(92) . chr(34)), $str); }, 'eol' => "\r\n", 'null' => 'NULL'); // hack for charset mismatch if (!DbHelper::isDatabaseConnectionUTF8() && !isset(Config::getInstance()->database['charset'])) { $fileSpec['charset'] = 'latin1'; } self::createCSVFile($filePath, $fileSpec, $values); if (!is_readable($filePath)) { throw new Exception("File {$filePath} could not be read."); } $rc = self::createTableFromCSVFile($tableName, $fields, $filePath, $fileSpec); if ($rc) { unlink($filePath); return true; } } catch (Exception $e) { Log::info("LOAD DATA INFILE failed or not supported, falling back to normal INSERTs... Error was: %s", $e->getMessage()); if ($throwException) { throw $e; } } } // if all else fails, fallback to a series of INSERTs @unlink($filePath); self::tableInsertBatchIterate($tableName, $fields, $values); return false; }
/** * Constructor * * @param array $data the form data as name => value * @param string|null $suffix the optional suffix for the tmp file * @param string|null $suffix the optional prefix for the tmp file. If null 'php_tmpfile_' is used. * @param string|null $directory directory where the file should be created. Autodetected if not provided. * @param string|null $encoding of the data. Default is 'UTF-8'. */ public function __construct($data, $suffix = null, $prefix = null, $directory = null, $encoding = 'UTF-8') { if ($directory === null) { $directory = self::getTempDir(); } $suffix = '.fdf'; $prefix = 'php_pdftk_fdf_'; $this->_fileName = tempnam($directory, $prefix); $newName = $this->_fileName . $suffix; rename($this->_fileName, $newName); $this->_fileName = $newName; $fields = ''; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { // Create UTF-16BE string encode as ASCII hex // See $utf16Value = mb_convert_encoding($value, 'UTF-16BE', $encoding); /* Also create UTF-16BE encoded key, this allows field names containing * german umlauts and most likely many other "special" characters. * See issue #17 ( */ $utf16Key = mb_convert_encoding($key, 'UTF-16BE', $encoding); // Escape parenthesis $utf16Value = strtr($utf16Value, array('(' => '\\(', ')' => '\\)')); $fields .= "<</T(" . chr(0xfe) . chr(0xff) . $utf16Key . ")/V(" . chr(0xfe) . chr(0xff) . $utf16Value . ")>>\n"; } // Use fwrite, since file_put_contents() messes around with character encoding $fp = fopen($this->_fileName, 'w'); fwrite($fp, self::FDF_HEADER); fwrite($fp, $fields); fwrite($fp, self::FDF_FOOTER); fclose($fp); }
/** * Converts all Hex expressions ("\HEX") to their original ASCII characters * * @see Net_LDAP2_Util::hex2asc() from Benedikt Hallinger <*****@*****.**>, * heavily based on work from * @link * @author Benedikt Hallinger <*****@*****.**>, heavily based on work from * * @param string $string String to convert * @return string */ public static function hex32ToAsc($string) { $string = preg_replace_callback('/\\\\([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/', function ($matches) { return chr(hexdec($matches[1])); }, $string); return $string; }
function sendNotificationIOS() { // Put your device token here (without spaces): $deviceToken = '87d4477b81a7f8f7ba80b3f5f043d83dec3c9b0940c708d24f803ef67600966f'; // Put your private key's passphrase here: $passphrase = 'pushchat'; // Put your alert message here: $message = 'My first push notification!'; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $ctx = stream_context_create(); stream_context_set_option($ctx, 'ssl', 'local_cert', 'ck.pem'); stream_context_set_option($ctx, 'ssl', 'passphrase', $passphrase); // Open a connection to the APNS server $fp = stream_socket_client('ssl://', $err, $errstr, 60, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT | STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT, $ctx); if (!$fp) { exit("Failed to connect: {$err} {$errstr}" . PHP_EOL); } echo 'Connected to APNS' . PHP_EOL; // Create the payload body $body['aps'] = array('alert' => $message, 'sound' => 'default'); // Encode the payload as JSON $payload = json_encode($body); // Build the binary notification $msg = chr(0) . pack('n', 32) . pack('H*', $deviceToken) . pack('n', strlen($payload)) . $payload; // Send it to the server $result = fwrite($fp, $msg, strlen($msg)); if (!$result) { echo 'Message not delivered' . PHP_EOL; } else { echo 'Message successfully delivered' . PHP_EOL; } // Close the connection to the server fclose($fp); }
/** * @covers \unicode::substituteCtrlCharacters */ public function testSubstituteCtrlCharacters() { $string = 'Hello' . chr(30) . 'World !'; $this->assertEquals('Hello+World !', $this->object->substituteCtrlCharacters($string, '+')); $string = 'Hello' . chr(9) . 'World !'; $this->assertEquals($string, $this->object->substituteCtrlCharacters($string, '+')); }
function u2utf8($c) { $str = ''; if ($c < 0x80) { $str .= $c; } else { if ($c < 0x800) { $str .= chr(0xc0 | $c >> 6); $str .= chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3f); } else { if ($c < 0x10000) { $str .= chr(0xe0 | $c >> 12); $str .= chr(0x80 | $c >> 6 & 0x3f); $str .= chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3f); } else { if ($c < 0x200000) { $str .= chr(0xf0 | $c >> 18); $str .= chr(0x80 | $c >> 12 & 0x3f); $str .= chr(0x80 | $c >> 6 & 0x3f); $str .= chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3f); } } } } return $str; }
protected function setUp() { if (!class_exists('Symfony\\Component\\Form\\Form')) { $this->markTestSkipped('The "Form" component is not available'); } if (!class_exists('Doctrine\\DBAL\\Platforms\\MySqlPlatform')) { $this->markTestSkipped('Doctrine DBAL is not available.'); } if (!class_exists('Doctrine\\Common\\Version')) { $this->markTestSkipped('Doctrine Common is not available.'); } if (!class_exists('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager')) { $this->markTestSkipped('Doctrine ORM is not available.'); } $this->em = DoctrineOrmTestCase::createTestEntityManager(); parent::setUp(); $schemaTool = new SchemaTool($this->em); $classes = array($this->em->getClassMetadata(self::ENTITY_CLASS)); try { $schemaTool->dropSchema($classes); } catch (\Exception $e) { } try { $schemaTool->createSchema($classes); } catch (\Exception $e) { } $ids = range(1, 300); foreach ($ids as $id) { $name = 65 + chr($id % 57); $this->em->persist(new SingleIdentEntity($id, $name)); } $this->em->flush(); }
/** * Encode data * * @param string $data * @param array $params * @return string * @throws Zend_Pdf_Exception */ public static function encode($data, $params = null) { $output = ''; $chainStartOffset = 0; $offset = 0; while ($offset < strlen($data)) { // Do not encode 2 char chains since they produce 2 char run sequence, // but it takes more time to decode such output (because of processing additional run) if (($repeatedCharChainLength = strspn($data, $data[$offset], $offset + 1, 127) + 1) > 2) { if ($chainStartOffset != $offset) { // Drop down previouse (non-repeatable chars) run $output .= chr($offset - $chainStartOffset - 1) . substr($data, $chainStartOffset, $offset - $chainStartOffset); } $output .= chr(257 - $repeatedCharChainLength) . $data[$offset]; $offset += $repeatedCharChainLength; $chainStartOffset = $offset; } else { $offset++; if ($offset - $chainStartOffset == 128) { // Maximum run length is reached // Drop down non-repeatable chars run $output .= "" . substr($data, $chainStartOffset, 128); $chainStartOffset = $offset; } } } if ($chainStartOffset != $offset) { // Drop down non-repeatable chars run $output .= chr($offset - $chainStartOffset - 1) . substr($data, $chainStartOffset, $offset - $chainStartOffset); } $output .= "€"; return $output; }
function rc4($key, $text) { $kl = strlen($key); $s = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) { $s[$i] = $i; } $y = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < 2; $j++) { for ($x = 0; $x < 256; $x++) { $y = (ord($key[$x % $kl]) + $s[$x] + $y) % 256; $t = $s[$x]; $s[$x] = $s[$y]; $s[$y] = $t; } } $z = ''; for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($text); $x++) { $x2 = $x & 255; $y = $s[$x2] + $y & 255; $t = $s[$x2]; $s[$x2] = $s[$y]; $s[$y] = $t; $z .= chr(ord($text[$x]) ^ $s[($s[$x2] + $s[$y]) % 256]); } return $z; }
/** * UTF8::from_unicode * * @package JsonApiApplication * @author JsonApiApplication Team * @copyright (c) 2007-2012 JsonApiApplication Team * @copyright (c) 2005 Harry Fuecks * @license */ function _from_unicode($arr) { ob_start(); $keys = array_keys($arr); foreach ($keys as $k) { // ASCII range (including control chars) if ($arr[$k] >= 0 and $arr[$k] <= 0x7f) { echo chr($arr[$k]); } elseif ($arr[$k] <= 0x7ff) { echo chr(0xc0 | $arr[$k] >> 6); echo chr(0x80 | $arr[$k] & 0x3f); } elseif ($arr[$k] == 0xfeff) { // nop -- zap the BOM } elseif ($arr[$k] >= 0xd800 and $arr[$k] <= 0xdfff) { // Found a surrogate throw new UTF8_Exception("UTF8::from_unicode: Illegal surrogate at index: ':index', value: ':value'", array(':index' => $k, ':value' => $arr[$k])); } elseif ($arr[$k] <= 0xffff) { echo chr(0xe0 | $arr[$k] >> 12); echo chr(0x80 | $arr[$k] >> 6 & 0x3f); echo chr(0x80 | $arr[$k] & 0x3f); } elseif ($arr[$k] <= 0x10ffff) { echo chr(0xf0 | $arr[$k] >> 18); echo chr(0x80 | $arr[$k] >> 12 & 0x3f); echo chr(0x80 | $arr[$k] >> 6 & 0x3f); echo chr(0x80 | $arr[$k] & 0x3f); } else { throw new UTF8_Exception("UTF8::from_unicode: Codepoint out of Unicode range at index: ':index', value: ':value'", array(':index' => $k, ':value' => $arr[$k])); } } $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $result; }
function num2alpha($n) { for ($r = ""; $n >= 0; $n = intval($n / 26) - 1) { $r = chr($n % 26 + 0x41) . $r; } return $r; }
function do_login($username, $password, $jenis_kantor, $tgl, $dt, $nama_kantor) { $username = strtoupper($username); $password = strtoupper($password); $nama_lkm = $nama_kantor; $tgl = $tgl; $dt = $dt; // cek di database, ada ga? $this->CI->db->from('nasabah'); $this->CI->db->where('nasabah_id', $username); $result = $this->CI->db->get(); if ($result->num_rows() == 1) { $hasil = $result->result(); foreach ($hasil as $row) { $arr = array('usr' => $row->nasabah_id, 'namaNasabah' => $row->nama_nasabah, 'pwd' => $row->password); } $m = ''; $split_password = str_split($arr['pwd']); foreach ($split_password as $value) { $x = ord($value); $x = $x - 5; $x = chr($x); $m = $m . $x; } //$m = passowor dr sql if ($password == $m) { if ($m == '111111') { $this->CI->load->helper('cookie'); $cookie1 = array('name' => 'userId', 'value' => $arr['usr'], 'expire' => time() + 86500); set_cookie($cookie1); $cookie2 = array('name' => 'namaUser', 'value' => $arr['namaNasabah'], 'expire' => time() + 86500); set_cookie($cookie1); $cookie3 = array('name' => 'namaLKM', 'value' => $nama_lkm, 'expire' => time() + 86500); $cookie4 = array('name' => 'tglD', 'value' => $tgl, 'expire' => time() + 86500); $cookie5 = array('name' => 'tglY', 'value' => $dt, 'expire' => time() + 86500); set_cookie($cookie1); set_cookie($cookie2); set_cookie($cookie3); set_cookie($cookie4); set_cookie($cookie5); redirect('main/vResetPassword'); } else { // end if $m=='111111' $session_data = array('user_id' => $arr['usr'], 'nama' => $arr['namaNasabah'], 'level' => 2, 'tglD' => $tgl, 'tglY' => $dt, 'nama_lkm' => $nama_lkm); // buat session $this->CI->session->set_userdata($session_data); $data_auth = array('pesan' => "Anda berhasil login.", 'bool' => true); return $data_auth; } } else { //if($password==$m){ $data_auth = array('pesan' => "Password anda salah.", 'bool' => false); return $data_auth; // die("Maaf, Anda tidak berhak untuk mengakses halaman ini."); } } else { //end if($result->num_rows() == 1){ return false; } }
function cloudaddons_check() { if (!function_exists('gzuncompress')) { cpmsg('cloudaddons_check_gzuncompress_error', '', 'error'); } if (dfsockopen(CLOUDADDONS_WEBSITE_URL . '/image/logo.png', 4, '', '', false, CLOUDADDONS_DOWNLOAD_IP, 60) !== chr(0x89) . 'PNG') { cpmsg('cloudaddons_check_url_fopen_error', '', 'error'); } if (dfsockopen(CLOUDADDONS_CHECK_URL . '/logo.png', 4, '', '', false, CLOUDADDONS_CHECK_IP, 60) !== chr(0x89) . 'PNG') { cpmsg('cloudaddons_check_url_fopen_error', '', 'error'); } foreach (array('download', 'addonmd5') as $path) { $tmpdir = DISCUZ_ROOT . './data/' . $path . '/' . random(5); $tmpfile = $tmpdir . '/index.html'; dmkdir($tmpdir, 0777); if (!is_dir($tmpdir) || !file_exists($tmpfile)) { cpmsg('cloudaddons_check_write_error', '', 'error'); } @unlink($tmpfile); @rmdir($tmpdir); if (is_dir($tmpdir) || file_exists($tmpfile)) { cpmsg('cloudaddons_check_write_error', '', 'error'); } } }
function enjumble($data) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++) { $data[$i] = chr(ord($data[$i]) + 1); } return base64_encode(gzdeflate($data, 9)); }
/** * Escape strings for safe use in an LDAP filter or DN * * @see RFC2254 define how string search filters must be represented * @see For PHP >= 5.6.0, ldap_escape() is a core function * * @author Chris Wright * @see * * @return String */ private function escape($value, $ignore = '', $flags = 0) { if (function_exists('ldap_escape')) { return ldap_escape($value, $ignore, $flags); } $value = (string) $value; $ignore = (string) $ignore; $flags = (int) $flags; if ($value === '') { return ''; } $char_list = array(); if ($flags & self::LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER) { $char_list = array("\\", "*", "(", ")", ""); } if ($flags & self::LDAP_ESCAPE_DN) { $char_list = array_merge($char_list, array("\\", ",", "=", "+", "<", ">", ";", "\"", "#")); } if (!$char_list) { for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) { $char_list[] = chr($i); } } $char_list = array_flip($char_list); for ($i = 0; isset($ignore[$i]); $i++) { unset($char_list[$ignore[$i]]); } foreach ($char_list as $k => &$v) { $v = sprintf('\\%02x', ord($k)); } return strtr($value, $char_list); }
/** * 位加密或解密 * @param $string 加密或解密内容 * @param $type 类型:1加密 2解密 * @param $key * @return mixed|string */ private static function cry($string, $type, $key) { self::createKey($key); $string = $type == 2 ? base64_decode($string) : substr(md5(self::$auth_key . $string), 0, 8) . $string; $str_len = strlen($string); $data = array(); $auth_key_length = strlen(self::$auth_key); for ($i = 0; $i <= 256; $i++) { $data[$i] = ord(self::$auth_key[$i % $auth_key_length]); } $tmp = ''; for ($i = $j = 1; $i < 256; $i++) { $j = $data[($i + $data[$i]) % 256]; $tmp = $data[$i]; $data[$i] = ord($data[$j]); $data[$j] = $tmp; } $code = ''; $s = ''; for ($n = $i = $j = 0; $i < $str_len; $i++) { $tmp = ($i + $i % 256) % 256; $j = $data[$tmp] % 256; $n = ($tmp + $j) % 256; $code = $data[($data[$j] + $data[$n]) % 256]; $s .= chr(ord($string[$i]) ^ $code); } if ($type == 1) { return str_replace("=", "", base64_encode($s)); } else { if (substr(md5(self::$auth_key . substr($s, 8)), 0, 8) == substr($s, 0, 8)) { return substr($s, 8); } return ''; } }
/** * Convert character code to UTF-8 character * * @param int $charCode * * @return string */ public static function toUTF8Character($charCode) { switch ($charCode) { case 0: $char = chr(0); break; case !($charCode & 0xffffff80): // 7 bit $char = chr($charCode); break; case !($charCode & 0xfffff800): // 11 bit $char = chr(0xc0 | $charCode >> 6 & 0x1f) . chr(0x80 | $charCode & 0x3f); break; case !($charCode & 0xffff0000): // 16 bit $char = chr(0xe0 | $charCode >> 12 & 0xf) . chr(0x80 | $charCode >> 6 & 0x3f) . chr(0x80 | $charCode & 0x3f); break; case !($charCode & 0xffe00000): // 21 bit $char = chr(0xf0 | $charCode >> 18 & 0x7) . chr(0x80 | $charCode >> 12 & 0x3f) . chr(0x80 | $charCode >> 6 & 0x3f) . chr(0x80 | $charCode & 0x3f); break; case !($charCode & 0xfc000000): // 26 bit $char = chr(0xf8 | $charCode >> 24 & 0x3) . chr(0x80 | $charCode >> 18 & 0x3f) . chr(0x80 | $charCode >> 12 & 0x3f) . chr(0x80 | $charCode >> 6 & 0x3f) . chr(0x80 | $charCode & 0x3f); break; default: // 31 bit $char = chr(0xfc | $charCode >> 30 & 0x1) . chr(0x80 | $charCode >> 24 & 0x3f) . chr(0x80 | $charCode >> 18 & 0x3f) . chr(0x80 | $charCode >> 12 & 0x3f) . chr(0x80 | $charCode >> 6 & 0x3f) . chr(0x80 | $charCode & 0x3f); } return $char; }
public function dataForTestSerialize() { $data = array(); $data[] = array(array("aaa"), "aaa\n"); // single plain value $data[] = array(array("aaa", "bbb", "ccc"), "aaa\tbbb\tccc\n"); // multiple plain values $data[] = array(array("aaa", null, null), "aaa\t\\N\t\\N\n"); // null values $data[] = array(array("aaa", chr(0), "13"), "aaa\t\\0\t13\n"); // special char: null $data[] = array(array("aaa", chr(9), "13"), "aaa\t\\\t\t13\n"); // special char: tab $data[] = array(array("aaa", chr(10), "13"), "aaa\t\\\n\t13\n"); // special char: newline $data[] = array(array("aaa", '\\' . chr(10), "13"), "aaa\t\\\\\\\n\t13\n"); // special char: \ before newline $data[] = array(array("aaa", '\\\\' . chr(10), "13"), "aaa\t\\\\\\\\\\\n\t13\n"); // special char: \\ before newline $data[] = array(array("aaa", '\\\\\\' . chr(10), "13"), "aaa\t\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\t13\n"); // special char: \\\ before newline $data[] = array(array("aaa", '\\' . chr(10) . 'ok' . chr(10), "13"), "aaa\t\\\\\\\nok\\\n\t13\n"); // special char: \ before newline $data[] = array(array("aaa", '\\', "13"), "aaa\t\\\\\t13\n"); // special char: backslash (escape char) $data[] = array(array("\\", '\\n\\r\\0\\N', "13"), "\\\\\t\\\\n\\\\r\\\\0\\\\N\t13\n"); // false escaping return $data; }
function this_callback($str) { foreach ($str as $match) { $ret .= chr(hexdec(str_replace("%", "", $match))); } return $ret; }
function on_submit() { $email_list = Url::get('email_list'); $count = 0; if ($email_list) { $arr = explode("\n", $email_list); $arr_tmp = array(); $email_list = ''; if ($arr) { foreach ($arr as $email) { $email = str_replace(array(chr(13), chr(10)), '', stripslashes($email)); if (eregi("^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9._%-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,6}\$", $email) && !isset($arr_tmp[$email])) { $email_list .= ($email_list ? "\n" : '') . $email; $arr_tmp[$email] = 1; $count++; } } } } $this->email_list = array('email_list' => addslashes($email_list), 'time' => TIME_NOW, 'time_modify' => TIME_NOW); $this->checkFormInput('Danh sách email', 'email_list', $email_list, 'str', true, '', 1); if ($count > 50) { $this->setFormError('', "Bạn đã nhập vào {$count} email, số mail nhập vào phải <=50!"); } if (!$this->errNum) { $id = DB::insert('spam_mail', $this->email_list); if ($id) { Url::redirect_current(array('cmd' => 'email_list')); } else { $this->setFormError('', 'Không cập nhật được CSDL!'); } } }
function Net_DNS_RR_TXT(&$rro, $data, $offset = '') { $this->name = $rro->name; $this->type = $rro->type; $this->class = $rro->class; $this->ttl = $rro->ttl; $this->rdlength = $rro->rdlength; $this->rdata = $rro->rdata; if ($offset) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $maxoffset = $this->rdlength + $offset; while ($maxoffset > $offset) { list($text, $offset) = Net_DNS_Packet::label_extract($data, $offset); $this->text[] = $text; } } } else { $data = str_replace('\\\\', chr(1) . chr(1), $data); /* disguise escaped backslash */ $data = str_replace('\\"', chr(2) . chr(2), $data); /* disguise \" */ ereg('("[^"]*"|[^ \\t]*)[ \\t]*$', $data, $regs); $regs[1] = str_replace(chr(2) . chr(2), '\\"', $regs[1]); $regs[1] = str_replace(chr(1) . chr(1), '\\\\', $regs[1]); $regs[1] = stripslashes($regs[1]); $this->text = $regs[1]; } }
function fetchElement($name, $value, &$node, $control_name) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); // path to images directory $path = JPATH_ROOT . DS . $node->attributes('directory'); $filter = $node->attributes('filter'); $exclude = $node->attributes('exclude'); $recursive = $node->attributes('recursive') == 1 ? true : false; $folders = JFolder::folders($path, $filter, $recursive); $folders = $this->recursive_listdir($path, $node); $options = array(); foreach ($folders as $key => $folder) { if ($exclude) { if (preg_match(chr(1) . $exclude . chr(1), $folder)) { continue; } } $options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $key, $folder); } if (!$node->attributes('hide_none')) { array_unshift($options, JHTML::_('select.option', '-1', '- ' . JText::_('Do not use') . ' -')); } if (!$node->attributes('hide_default')) { array_unshift($options, JHTML::_('select.option', '', '- ' . JText::_('Use default') . ' -')); } $fullName = ElementHelper::getFullName($this, $control_name, $name); return JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $options, $fullName, 'class="inputbox"', 'value', 'text', $value, "params{$name}"); }
function do_backup($table) { $fields = $this->obj->db->list_fields($table); $column_array = array(); $c = 0; foreach ($fields as $field) { $column_array[$c] = $field; $c++; } $columns = implode(',', $column_array); $query = 'select ' . $columns . ' from ' . $table; $result = $this->obj->db->query($query); $text = ''; foreach ($result->result() as $row) { $row_array = array(); $c = 0; foreach ($column_array as $column) { $row_array[$c] = '"' . $row->{$column} . '"'; $c++; } $rows = implode(',', $row_array); $text .= 'insert into ' . $table . '(' . $columns . ') values (' . $rows . ');' . chr(13); } return $text; }
public static function decode($input) { if (empty($input)) { return; } $paddingCharCount = substr_count($input, self::$map[32]); $allowedValues = array(6, 4, 3, 1, 0); if (!in_array($paddingCharCount, $allowedValues)) { return false; } for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { if ($paddingCharCount == $allowedValues[$i] && substr($input, -$allowedValues[$i]) != str_repeat(self::$map[32], $allowedValues[$i])) { return false; } } $input = str_replace('=', '', $input); $input = str_split($input); $binaryString = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($input); $i = $i + 8) { $x = ""; if (!in_array($input[$i], self::$map)) { return false; } for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++) { $x .= str_pad(base_convert(@self::$flippedMap[@$input[$i + $j]], 10, 2), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } $eightBits = str_split($x, 8); for ($z = 0; $z < count($eightBits); $z++) { $binaryString .= ($y = chr(base_convert($eightBits[$z], 2, 10))) || ord($y) == 48 ? $y : ""; } } return $binaryString; }
function run($command) { $str = ''; $num = 0; $h = 0; $buffer = chr(strlen($command) + 10) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr($this->t) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(2) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . $command . chr(0) . chr(0); fwrite($this->sock, $buffer); while ($h == 0) { $h = ord(fgetc($this->sock)); } //echo $h; fgetc($this->sock); fgetc($this->sock); fgetc($this->sock); fgetc($this->sock); fgetc($this->sock); fgetc($this->sock); fgetc($this->sock); fgetc($this->sock); fgetc($this->sock); fgetc($this->sock); fgetc($this->sock); while ($num < $h - 10) { $str = $str . fgetc($this->sock); $num++; } $this->t++; return $str; }
function bassAckwards($input) { $length = strlen($input); $commaDeLim = chr(44); //ascii value for ',' $answer = ""; $x = 0; $y = 0; $i = 0; while ($i < $length) { while ($input[$i] != $commaDeLim) { $i++; if ($i == $length) { break; } } $y = $i + 1; while ($i >= $x) { if ($input[$i] != $commaDeLim) { $answer .= $input[$i]; } $i--; } $x = $y; $i = $y; if ($i < $length) { $answer .= chr(44); } } return $answer; }
/** * Load metadata about an HTML document using Aperture. * * @param string $htmlFile File on disk containing HTML. * * @return array */ protected static function getApertureFields($htmlFile) { $xmlFile = tempnam('/tmp', 'apt'); $cmd = static::getApertureCommand($htmlFile, $xmlFile, 'filecrawler'); exec($cmd); // If we failed to process the file, give up now: if (!file_exists($xmlFile)) { throw new \Exception('Aperture failed.'); } // Extract and decode the full text from the XML: $xml = str_replace(chr(0), ' ', file_get_contents($xmlFile)); @unlink($xmlFile); preg_match('/<plainTextContent[^>]*>([^<]*)</ms', $xml, $matches); $final = isset($matches[1]) ? trim(html_entity_decode($matches[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) : ''; // Extract the title from the XML: preg_match('/<title[^>]*>([^<]*)</ms', $xml, $matches); $title = isset($matches[1]) ? trim(html_entity_decode($matches[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) : ''; // Extract the keywords from the XML: preg_match_all('/<keyword[^>]*>([^<]*)</ms', $xml, $matches); $keywords = []; if (isset($matches[1])) { foreach ($matches[1] as $current) { $keywords[] = trim(html_entity_decode($current, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); } } // Extract the description from the XML: preg_match('/<description[^>]*>([^<]*)</ms', $xml, $matches); $description = isset($matches[1]) ? trim(html_entity_decode($matches[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) : ''; // Send back the extracted fields: return ['title' => $title, 'keywords' => $keywords, 'description' => $description, 'fulltext' => $final]; }
function uploadImageData($db, $file, $currentPictureId, $table, $id) { // insert the new record into the media's table and load the // corresponding blob with the media's data // (we use oracle's pseudo column rowid which identifies a row // within a table (but not within a database) to refer to the // right record later on) $sql = "DECLARE\n obj ORDSYS.ORDImage;\n iblob BLOB;\n BEGIN\n SELECT image INTO obj FROM {$table}\n WHERE {$id} = {$currentPictureId} FOR UPDATE;\n\n iblob := obj.source.localData;\n :extblob := iblob;\n\n UPDATE {$table} SET image = obj WHERE {$id} = {$currentPictureId};\n END;"; // the function OCINewDescriptor allocates storage to hold descriptors or // lob locators. // see $blob = OCINewDescriptor($db, OCI_D_LOB); $sql = strtr($sql, chr(13) . chr(10), " "); $stmt = OCIParse($db, $sql); // the function OCIBindByName binds a PHP variable to a oracle placeholder // (whether the variable will be used for input or output will be determined // run-time, and the necessary storage space will be allocated) // see OCIBindByName($stmt, ':extblob', $blob, -1, OCI_B_BLOB); echo "{$this->log} - {$sql} <br />"; OCIExecute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT); // read the files data and load it into the blob $blob->savefile($file); OCIFreeStatement($stmt); $blob->free(); }