/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $value = $this->getValue(); $dimensions = Dimensions::instance()->findAll(); $permission_group_ids = ContactPermissionGroups::getPermissionGroupIdsByContactCSV(logged_user()->getId(), false); $out = ''; foreach ($dimensions as $dim) { /* @var $dim Dimension */ if ($dim->getOptions(1) && isset($dim->getOptions(1)->hidden) && $dim->getOptions(1)->hidden) { continue; } if (!$dim->getDefinesPermissions() || !$dim->deniesAllForContact($permission_group_ids)) { if (array_search($dim->getId(), $value) !== false) { $checked = 1; } else { $checked = 0; } $out .= '<div class="dimension" >'; $out .= label_tag($dim->getName(), null, false, array('style' => 'display:inline;margin:10px;vertical-align:super;')); $out .= checkbox_field($control_name . '[' . $dim->getId() . ']', $checked); $out .= '</div >'; } } $out .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $control_name . '[0]" value=" ">'; return $out; }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $value = $this->getValue(); $fields = array('street', 'city', 'state', 'zip_code', 'country'); $out = ''; foreach ($fields as $field) { $checked = array_search($field, $value) !== false; $out .= '<div class="checkbox-config-option">'; $out .= label_tag(lang($field)); $out .= checkbox_field($control_name . '[' . $field . ']', $checked); $out .= '</div>'; } $out .= '<div class="clear"></div>'; return $out; }
function field_html($args, $arrSlide = array()) { switch ($args['type']) { case 'textarea': return text_area($args, $arrSlide); case 'checkbox': return checkbox_field($args, $arrSlide); case 'select': return select_field($args, $arrSlide); case 'image': return image_field($args, $arrSlide); default: return text_field($args, $arrSlide); } }
function render($control_name) { $genid = gen_id(); $object_types = ObjectTypes::getAvailableObjectTypes(); $value = $this->getValue(); $out = ''; foreach ($object_types as $ot) { $checked = array_search($ot->getId(), $value) !== false; $out .= '<div class="checkbox-config-option">'; $out .= label_tag(lang($ot->getName()), $genid . '_' . $control_name . '_' . $ot->getId(), false, array('style' => 'cursor:pointer;'), ''); $out .= checkbox_field($control_name . '[' . $ot->getId() . ']', $checked, array('id' => $genid . '_' . $control_name . '_' . $ot->getId())); $out .= '</div >'; } $out .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $control_name . '[0]" value=" "><div class="clear"></div>'; return $out; }
function render($control_name) { $genid = gen_id(); $object_types = ObjectTypes::getAvailableObjectTypesWithDimensionObjects(" AND `name` IN ('task', 'project', 'sample')"); $value = $this->getValue(); $out = ''; foreach ($object_types as $ot) { $checked = array_search($ot->getId(), $value) !== false; $out .= '<div style="float:left; margin-right: 15px; min-width: 130px;">'; $out .= label_tag(lang($ot->getName()), $genid . '_' . $control_name . '_' . $ot->getId(), false, array('style' => 'cursor:pointer;'), ''); $out .= checkbox_field($control_name . '[' . $ot->getId() . ']', $checked, array('id' => $genid . '_' . $control_name . '_' . $ot->getId())); $out .= '</div >'; } $out .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $control_name . '[0]" value=" "><div class="clear"></div>'; return $out; }
function render($control_name) { $genid = gen_id(); $groups = PermissionGroups::findAll(array('conditions' => "`type`='roles' AND `parent_id`>0")); $value = $this->getValue(); $out = ''; foreach ($groups as $group) { /* @var $dim Dimension */ $checked = array_search($group->getId(), $value) !== false; $out .= '<div class="checkbox-config-option">'; $out .= label_tag($group->getName(), $genid . '_' . $control_name . '_' . $group->getId(), false, array('style' => 'cursor:pointer;'), ''); $out .= checkbox_field($control_name . '[' . $group->getId() . ']', $checked, array('id' => $genid . '_' . $control_name . '_' . $group->getId())); $out .= '</div >'; } $out .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $control_name . '[0]" value=" "><div class="clear"></div>'; return $out; }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $value = $this->getValue(); $dimensions = Dimensions::instance()->findAll(); $permission_group_ids = ContactPermissionGroups::getPermissionGroupIdsByContactCSV(logged_user()->getId(),false); $out = '' ; foreach ($dimensions as $dim) { /* @var $dim Dimension */ if ( $dim->getOptions(1) && isset($dim->getOptions(1)->hidden) && $dim->getOptions(1)->hidden ) { continue ; } if (!$dim->getDefinesPermissions() || !$dim->deniesAllForContact($permission_group_ids)) { if (array_search($dim->getId(), $value) !== false ){ $checked = 1 ; }else{ $checked = 0 ; } $out.='<div class="dimension" >'; $out.=label_tag($dim->getName()); $out.=checkbox_field($control_name.'['.$dim->getId().']',$checked ); $out.='</div >'; } } return $out ; }
echo checkbox_field('report[include_subworkspaces]', true, array('id' => 'report[include_subworkspaces]')); ?> <label for="<?php echo 'report[include_subworkspaces]'; ?> " class="checkbox"><?php echo lang('include subworkspaces'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr style='height:30px;'> <td colspan=2 align='left'> <?php echo checkbox_field('report[show_details]', false, array('id' => 'report[show_details]')); ?> <label for="<?php echo 'report[show_details]'; ?> " class="checkbox"><?php echo lang('show details'); ?> </label> </td> </tr> </table> <br/> <?php
<?php foreach ($custom_properties as $cp) { /* @var $cp CustomProperty */ $isAlt = !$isAlt; $options = array(option_tag('', -1)); foreach ($titles as $k => $t) { $options[] = option_tag($t, $k, $t == $cp->getName() ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null); } $i++; ?> <tr<?php echo $isAlt ? ' class="altRow"' : ''; ?> > <td><?php echo checkbox_field('check_custom_properties[' . $cp->getId() . ']', true, array('tabindex' => 50 + $i)); ?> </td><td><?php echo $cp->getName(); ?> </td> <td><?php echo select_box('select_custom_properties[' . $cp->getId() . ']', $options); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php }
<div> <?php echo checkbox_field('group[can_manage_time]', array_var($group_data, 'can_manage_time'), array('id' => 'group[can_manage_time]')); ?> <label for="<?php echo 'group[can_manage_time]'; ?> " class="checkbox"><?php echo lang('can manage time'); ?> </label> </div> <div> <?php echo checkbox_field('group[can_add_mail_accounts]', array_var($group_data, 'can_add_mail_accounts'), array('id' => 'group[can_add_mail_accounts]')); ?> <label for="<?php echo 'group[can_add_mail_accounts]'; ?> " class="checkbox"><?php echo lang('can add mail accounts'); ?> </label> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset class=""> <legend><?php echo lang('group users');
echo checkbox_field('ticket[notify_company_' . $company->getId() . ']', array_var($ticket_data, 'notify_company_' . $company->getId()), array('id' => 'notifyCompany' . $company->getId(), 'onclick' => 'App.modules.addMessageForm.emailNotifyClickCompany(' . $company->getId() . ')')); ?> <label for="notifyCompany<?php echo $company->getId(); ?> " class="checkbox"><?php echo clean($company->getName()); ?> </label></div> <div class="companyMembers"> <ul> <?php foreach ($users as $user) { ?> <li><?php echo checkbox_field('ticket[notify_user_' . $user->getId() . ']', array_var($message_data, 'notify_user_' . $user->getId()), array('id' => 'notifyUser' . $user->getId(), 'onclick' => 'App.modules.addMessageForm.emailNotifyClickUser(' . $company->getId() . ', ' . $user->getId() . ')')); ?> <label for="notifyUser<?php echo $user->getId(); ?> " class="checkbox"><?php echo clean($user->getDisplayName()); ?> </label></li> <?php } // foreach ?> </ul> </div> </div>
<div class="content"><?php echo lang('update company permissions hint'); ?> </div> </div> <form action="<?php echo $company->getUpdatePermissionsUrl(); ?> " method="post"> <table class="blank"> <?php foreach ($projects as $project) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo checkbox_field('project_' . $project->getId(), $company->isProjectCompany($project), array('id' => 'projectPermissionsCheckbox' . $project->getId(), 'disabled' => !logged_user()->isProjectUser($project))); ?> </td> <td> <label for="projectPermissionsCheckbox<?php echo $project->getId(); ?> " class="checkbox normal"> <?php if ($project->isCompleted()) { ?> <del><span title="<?php echo lang('project completed on by', format_datetime($project->getCompletedOn()), $project->getCompletedByDisplayName()); ?> "><?php echo clean($project->getName());
<div><?php echo checkbox_field('project_user_' . $user->getId() . '_all', $user->hasAllProjectPermissions(active_project()), array('id' => 'project_user_' . $user->getId() . '_all', 'onclick' => "App.modules.updatePermissionsForm.userPermissionAllCheckboxClick(" . $user->getId() . ")")); ?> <label for="<?php echo 'project_user_' . $user->getId() . '_all'; ?> " class="checkbox" style="font-weight: bolder"><?php echo lang('all permissions'); ?> </label></div> <?php foreach ($permissions as $permission_id => $permission_text) { ?> <div><?php echo checkbox_field('project_user_' . $user->getId() . "_{$permission_id}", $user->hasProjectPermission(active_project(), $permission_id), array('id' => 'project_user_' . $user->getId() . "_{$permission_id}", 'onclick' => "App.modules.updatePermissionsForm.userPermissionCheckboxClick(" . $user->getId() . ")")); ?> <label for="<?php echo 'project_user_' . $user->getId() . "_{$permission_id}"; ?> " class="checkbox normal"><?php echo $permission_text; ?> </label></div> <?php } // foreach ?> </div> <script> if(!document.getElementById('project_user_<?php
?> <?php echo $page_attachment->render('project[page_attachments][' . $page_attachment->getId() . '][text]'); ?> <?php echo $page_attachment->renderControl('project[page_attachments][' . $page_attachment->getId() . '][rel_object_id]'); ?> <?php echo text_field('project[page_attachments][' . $page_attachment->getId() . '][order]', $page_attachment->getOrder(), array('class' => 'short pageAttachmentOrder')); ?> <span class="pageAttachmentDeleteBlock"> <?php echo label_tag(lang('delete'), 'project[page_attachments][' . $page_attachment->getId() . '][delete]', false, array('class' => 'checkbox')); ?> <?php echo checkbox_field('project[page_attachments][' . $page_attachment->getId() . '][delete]', false, array('class' => 'checkbox pageAttachmentDelete', 'id' => 'project[page_attachments][' . $page_attachment->getId() . '][delete]')); ?> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo 'project[page_attachments][' . $page_attachment->getId() . '][rel_object_manager]'; ?> " value="<?php echo $page_attachment->getRelObjectManager(); ?> "/> </span> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="attachmentActions"> <!-- TODO make these links less hard-coded --> <!-- TODO make a helper for these links --> <a href="<?php
?> </div> <div> <?php echo label_tag(lang('password again'), 'userFormPasswordA', true); ?> <?php echo password_field('user[password_a]', null, array('id' => 'userFormPasswordA', 'tabindex' => '1000')); ?> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top:10px"> <label class="checkbox"> <?php echo checkbox_field('user[send_email_notification]', array_var($user, 'send_email_notification', 1), array('id' => $genid . 'notif', 'tabindex' => '1050')); ?> <?php echo lang('send new account notification'); ?> </label> </div> </fieldset> <script> App.modules.addUserForm.generateRandomPasswordClick(); </script> <?php } // if ?>
<div> <?php echo label_tag(lang('title'), 'contactFormTitle') ?> <?php echo text_field('contact[title]', array_var($contact_data, 'title'), array('id' => 'contactFormTitle')) ?> </div> <div> <?php echo label_tag(lang('email address'), 'contactFormEmail', false) ?> <?php echo text_field('contact[email]', array_var($contact_data, 'email'), array('class' => 'long', 'id' => 'contactFormEmail')) ?> </div> <div> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo lang('avatar') ?></legend> <?php if ($contact->hasAvatar()) { ?> <img src="<?php echo $contact->getAvatarUrl() ?>" alt="<?php echo clean($contact->getDisplayName()) ?> avatar" /> <p><?php echo checkbox_field('contact[delete_avatar]', false, array('id'=>'contactDeleteAvatar', 'class' => 'checkbox')) ?> <?php echo label_tag(lang('delete current avatar'), 'contactDeleteAvatar', false, array('class' => 'checkbox'), '') ?></p> <?php } else { ?> <p><?php echo lang('no current avatar') ?></p> <?php } // if ?> <?php echo label_tag(lang('avatar'), 'contactFormAvatar', false) ?> <?php echo file_field('new avatar', null, array('id' => 'contactFormAvatar')) ?> <?php if ($contact->hasAvatar()) { ?> <p class="desc"><?php echo lang('new avatar notice') ?></p> <?php } // if ?> <?php echo label_tag(lang('use gravatar'), 'contactFormUseGravatar', true) ?> <?php echo yes_no_widget('contact[use_gravatar]', 'contactFormUseGravatar', array_var($contact_data, 'use_gravatar'), lang('yes'), lang('no')) ?> </fieldset> </div> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo lang('phone numbers') ?></legend>
?> "><?php echo lang('edit'); ?> </a></td> <td class="projectPermission center"> <?php echo checkbox_field('project_permission_' . $project->getId(), false, array('id' => 'projectPermission' . $project->getId(), 'class' => 'checkbox selectall')); ?> </td> <?php foreach ($permissions as $permission_name => $permission_text) { ?> <td class="projectPermission center"> <?php echo checkbox_field('project_permission_' . $project->getId() . '_' . $permission_name, $user->getProjectPermission($project, $permission_name), array('id' => 'projectPermission' . $project->getId() . "-" . $permission_name)); ?> </td> <?php } // foreach ?> </tr> <?php } // foreach ?> </table> </div> <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="submitted" /> <?php
</div> <div class="mail-account-item dataBlock"> <label for="<?php echo $genid; ?> method"><?php echo lang('connnection security'); ?> </label> <input id="<?php echo $genid . 'is_imap'; ?> sync_is_imap" type="hidden" name="sync_imap" value="1" ><?php $onchange = "var div = document.getElementById('{$genid}' + 'sync_sslportdiv');if(this.checked) div.style.display='block';else div.style.display='none';"; echo checkbox_field('mailAccount[sync_ssl]', array_var($mailAccount_data, 'sync_ssl'), array('id' => $genid . 'sync_ssl', 'tabindex' => '270', 'onclick' => $onchange)); ?> <label for="<?php echo $genid; ?> sync_ssl" class="yes_no"><?php echo lang('incoming ssl'); ?> </label> </div> <div class="mail-account-item dataBlock" id="<?php echo $genid; ?>
<?php echo checkbox_field('project[copy_links]', true, array_var($project_data, 'copy_links'), array('id' => 'projectFormCopyLinks')); ?> </div> <?php } // if ?> <?php if (plugin_active('wiki')) { ?> <div> <?php echo label_tag(lang('projects copy pages'), 'projectFormCopyPages'); ?> <?php echo checkbox_field('project[copy_pages]', true, array_var($project_data, 'copy_pages'), array('id' => 'projectFormCopyPages')); ?> </div> <?php } // if ?> <?php echo submit_button(lang('copy project')); ?> </form> <?php trace(__FILE__, ':end');
<li> <label class="checkbox" for="loginRememberMe"><?php echo lang('remember me', duration(config_option('remember_login_lifetime'))); ?> </label> <?php echo checkbox_field('login[remember]', array_var($login_data, 'remember') == 'checked', array('id' => 'loginRememberMe')); ?> </li> <li> <label class="checkbox" for="trace"><?php echo lang('enable trace'); ?> </label> <?php echo checkbox_field('trace', false, array('id' => 'trace')); ?> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> <div id="welcome_text"><?php echo config_option('installation_welcome_text', ''); ?> </div> </div> <?php if (isset($login_data) && is_array($login_data) && count($login_data)) { foreach ($login_data as $k => $v) {
<td> <table style="width:100%;height:100%;"> <tr> <td class="coViewHeader" id='cal_coViewHeader' colspan=2 rowspan=1> <div class="coViewTitle"> <table style="width:100%"><tr><td> <span id="chead0"><?php echo $view_title . ' - ' . ($user_filter == -1 ? lang('all users') : lang('calendar of', clean($user->getDisplayName()))); ?> </span> </td><td style="width:100px;"> <?php if (config_option("show_feed_links")) { ?> <?php echo checkbox_field("include_subws", true, array("id" => "include_subws", "style" => "float:right;", "onclick" => "javascript:og.change_link_incws('ical_link', 'include_subws')", "title" => lang('check to include sub ws'))); ?> <?php echo label_tag(lang('subws'), "include_subws", false, array("style" => "float:right;font-size:60%;margin:0px 3px;vertical-align:top;", "title" => lang('check to include sub ws')), ""); ?> <?php $export_name = active_project() != null ? clean(active_project()->getName()) : clean($user->getDisplayName()); $export_ws = active_project() != null ? active_project()->getId() : 0; ?> <a class="iCalSubscribe" id="ical_link" style="float:right;" href="<?php echo ROOT_URL . "/index.php?c=feed&a=ical_export&n={$export_name}&cal={$export_ws}&t=" . $user->getToken() . "&isw=1"; ?> " title="<?php echo lang('copy this url in your calendar client software'); ?>
" /></div> <div class="massmailerRecipeints"> <?php foreach ($company_details['users'] as $user) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> App.modules.massmailerForm.controls['company_' + <?php echo $company_id; ?> ].push(<?php echo $user->getId(); ?> ); </script> <div class="massmailerRecipeint"><?php echo checkbox_field('massmailer[user_' . $user->getId() . ']', array_var($massmailer_data, 'user_' . $user->getId()), array('id' => 'massmailerFormCompanyUser' . $user->getId(), 'class' => 'checkbox', 'onclick' => 'App.modules.massmailerForm.userCheckboxClick(' . $company_id . ', ' . $user->getId() . ')')); ?> <label for="massmailerFormCompanyUser<?php echo $user->getId(); ?> " class="checkbox"><?php echo clean($user->getDisplayName()); ?> <span class="desc">(<?php echo clean($user->getEmail()); ?> )</span></label></div> <?php } // foreach ?>
?> <?php echo pick_date_widget("task_list_task{$i}_due_date", array_var($task_list_data["task{$i}"], 'due_date')); ?> </td> <td><?php echo label_tag(lang('assign to'), null, false); ?> <?php echo assign_to_select_box("task_list[task{$i}][assigned_to]", active_project(), array_var($task_list_data["task{$i}"], 'assigned_to')); ?> <?php echo label_tag(lang('send notification'), null, false); ?> <?php echo checkbox_field("task_list[task{$i}][send_notification]", array_var($task_list_data["task{$i}"], 'send_notification'), array_var($task_list_data["task{$i}"], 'send_notification')); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } // for ?> </table> <?php } // if ?> <?php echo submit_button($task_list->isNew() ? lang('add task list') : lang('edit task list'));
$startTi = 10000; } if (count($cps) > 0) { $print_table_functions = false; foreach ($cps as $customProp) { if (!isset($required) || $required && ($customProp->getIsRequired() || $customProp->getVisibleByDefault()) || !$required && !($customProp->getIsRequired() || $customProp->getVisibleByDefault())) { $ti++; $cpv = CustomPropertyValues::getCustomPropertyValue($_custom_properties_object->getId(), $customProp->getId()); $default_value = $customProp->getDefaultValue(); if ($cpv instanceof CustomPropertyValue) { $default_value = $cpv->getValue(); } $name = 'object_custom_properties[' . $customProp->getId() . ']'; echo '<div style="margin-top:6px">'; if ($customProp->getType() == 'boolean') { echo checkbox_field($name, $default_value, array('tabindex' => $startTi + $ti, 'style' => 'margin-right:4px', 'id' => $genid . 'cp' . $customProp->getId())); } echo label_tag(clean($customProp->getName()), $genid . 'cp' . $customProp->getId(), $customProp->getIsRequired(), array('style' => 'display:inline'), $customProp->getType() == 'boolean' ? '' : ':'); if ($customProp->getDescription() != '') { echo '<span class="desc"> - ' . clean($customProp->getDescription()) . '</span>'; } echo '</div>'; switch ($customProp->getType()) { case 'text': case 'numeric': case 'memo': if ($customProp->getIsMultipleValues()) { $numeric = $customProp->getType() == "numeric"; echo "<table><tr><td>"; echo '<div id="listValues' . $customProp->getId() . '" name="listValues' . $customProp->getId() . '">'; $isMemo = $customProp->getType() == 'memo';
echo checkbox_field('project_permissions_' . $project->getId() . '_all', $user->hasAllProjectPermissions($project), array('id' => 'projectPermissions' . $project->getId() . 'All', 'onclick' => 'App.modules.updateUserPermissions.projectAllCheckboxClick(' . $project->getId() . ')')); ?> <label for="projectPermissions<?php echo $project->getId(); ?> All" class="checkbox"><?php echo lang('all'); ?> </label> </div> <?php foreach ($permissions as $permission_name => $permission_text) { ?> <div class="projectPermission"> <?php echo checkbox_field('project_permission_' . $project->getId() . '_' . $permission_name, $user->hasProjectPermission($project, $permission_name), array('id' => 'projectPermission' . $project->getId() . $permission_name, 'onclick' => 'App.modules.updateUserPermissions.projectPermissionCheckboxClick(' . $project->getId() . ')')); ?> <label for="projectPermission<?php echo $project->getId() . $permission_name; ?> " class="checkbox normal"><?php echo clean($permission_text); ?> </label> </div> <?php } // foreach ?> </div> </td>
<?php } // if ?> <div class="formBlock"> <div> <?php echo label_tag(lang('assign to'), 'milestoneFormAssignedTo'); ?> <?php echo assign_to_select_box('milestone[assigned_to]', active_project(), array_var($milestone_data, 'assigned_to'), array('id' => 'milestoneFormAssignedTo')); ?> </div> <div><?php echo checkbox_field('milestone[send_notification]', array_var($milestone_data, 'send_notification', true), array('id' => 'milestoneFormSendNotification')); ?> <label for="milestoneFormSendNotification" class="checkbox"><?php echo lang('send milestone assigned to notification'); ?> </label></div> </div> <?php if (plugin_active('tags')) { ?> <div class="formBlock"> <?php echo label_tag(lang('tags'), 'milestoneFormTags'); ?> <?php
$genid = gen_id(); ?> <form style='height:100%;background-color:white' class="internalForm" action="<?php echo $contact->getAssignToProjectUrl($contact->getCardUrl()); ?> " method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div style="display: none"> <?php $selected = array(); foreach ($projects as $project) { if (array_var($contact_data, 'pid_' . $project->getId())) { $selected[] = $project; echo checkbox_field("contact[pid_" . $project->getId() . "]", true, array("id" => "{$genid}" . "_" . $project->getId(), 'tabindex' => '10')); } else { echo checkbox_field("contact[pid_" . $project->getId() . "]", false, array("id" => "{$genid}" . "_" . $project->getId(), 'tabindex' => '10')); } } ?> </div> <div class="assignToProject"> <div class="coInputSeparator"></div> <div class="coInputMainBlock adminMainBlock"> <div class="coInputTitle"><?php echo clean($contact->getDisplayName()); ?> </div> <table style="min-width:400px;margin-top:10px;"><tr> <th></th>
echo "<option value='{$i}'"; if ($durmin >= $i && $i > $durmin - 15) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo sprintf(">%02d</option>\n", $i); } ?> </select> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="padding-bottom:4px"> <td align="right" style="padding-right:10px;padding-bottom:6px;padding-top:2px"> </td> <td align='left'> <?php echo checkbox_field('event[type_id]', array_var($event_data, 'typeofevent') == 2, array('id' => 'format_html', 'value' => '2', 'tabindex' => '170', 'onchange' => 'og.toggleDiv(\'' . $genid . 'event[start_time]\'); og.toggleDiv(\'' . $genid . 'ev_duration_div\');')); echo lang('CAL_FULL_DAY'); ?> </td> </tr> <!-- print extra time options--> </table> </fieldset> </div> <?php foreach ($categories as $category) { ?> <div <?php
?> </b></td></tr> <?php $label_o = true; } } } $isAlt = !$isAlt; $i++; ?> <tr<?php echo $isAlt ? ' class="altRow"' : ''; ?> > <td><?php echo checkbox_field('check_' . $c_field, true, array('tabindex' => 20 + $i)); ?> </td><td><?php echo $c_label; ?> </td></tr> <?php } //foreach ?> </table> <br> <div><table style="width:535px"> <tr><td><?php echo submit_button(lang('export'), 'e', array('style' => 'margin-top:0px;margin-left:10px', 'id' => $genid . 'csv_export_submit1', 'tabindex' => '100', 'onclick' => "javascript:og.openLink(og.getUrl('contact', 'export_to_csv_file'), {callback:og.download_exported_file});"));
echo button(array_var($user, 'id') ? lang('save changes') : lang('add account'), 's', array('tabindex' => '4', 'onclick' => 'submitCalendar()')); ?> </form> </div> <?php if(count($external_calendars) > 0){?> <form class="internalForm" action="<?php echo get_url('event', 'import_calendars'); ?>" method="post"> <div style="float: left; width: 600px;"> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo lang('list calendar')?></legend> <div class="mail-account-item"> <?php echo lang('list calendar desc')?> </div> <?php foreach ($external_calendars as $e_calendar){?> <div class="mail-account-item" style="clear: both;"> <?php echo checkbox_field('e_calendars['.$e_calendar['title'].']', $e_calendar['sel'], array('tabindex' => '1', 'value' => $e_calendar['user']))." ".$e_calendar['title']; ?> </div> <?php }?> <?php echo submit_button(lang('import calendars'), 's', array('tabindex' => '2')); ?> </fieldset> </div> </form> <?php }?> <div style="clear: both;"></div> <div style="padding-top:5px;text-align:left;"> <a href="#" class="option" onclick="og.toggleAndBolden('<?php echo $genid ?>add_mail_select_context_div',this)"><?php echo lang('context') ?></a> </div> </div>