function translationwizard_run() { global $session, $logd_version, $coding; check_su_access(SU_IS_TRANSLATOR); //check again Superuser Access $op = httpget('op'); page_header("Translation Wizard"); //get some standards $languageschema = get_module_pref("language", "translationwizard"); //these lines grabbed the local scheme, in 1.1.0 there is a setting for it $coding = getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1"); $viewsimple = get_module_pref("view", "translationwizard"); $mode = httpget('mode'); $namespace = httppost('ns'); $from = httpget('from'); $page = get_module_setting(page); if (httpget('ns') != "" && $namespace == "") { $namespace = httpget('ns'); } //if there is no post then there is maybe something to get $trans = httppost("transtext"); if (is_array($trans)) { $transintext = $trans; } else { if ($trans) { $transintext = array($trans); } else { $transintext = array(); } } $trans = httppost("transtextout"); if (is_array($trans)) { $transouttext = $trans; } else { if ($trans) { $transouttext = array($trans); } else { $transouttext = array(); } } //end of the header if ($op == "") { $op = "default"; } require "./modules/translationwizard/errorhandler.php"; require "./modules/translationwizard/{$op}.php"; require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); require "./modules/translationwizard/build_nav.php"; page_footer(); }
<?php // Initially written as a module by Chris Vorndran. // Moved into core by JT Traub require_once "common.php"; require_once "lib/http.php"; check_su_access(SU_EDIT_CREATURES); tlschema("masters"); $op = httpget('op'); $id = (int) httpget('id'); $act = httpget('act'); page_header("Masters Editor"); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); if ($op == "del") { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("masters") . " WHERE creatureid={$id}"; db_query($sql); output("`^Master deleted.`0"); $op = ""; httpset("op", ""); } elseif ($op == "save") { $name = addslashes(httppost('name')); $weapon = addslashes(httppost('weapon')); $win = addslashes(httppost('win')); $lose = addslashes(httppost('lose')); $lev = (int) httppost('level'); if ($id != 0) { $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("masters") . " SET creaturelevel={$lev}, creaturename='{$name}', creatureweapon='{$weapon}', creaturewin='{$win}', creaturelose='{$lose}' WHERE creatureid={$id}"; } else { $atk = $lev * 2; $def = $lev * 2;
<?php // translator ready // addnews ready // mail ready // Written by Christian Rutsch require_once "common.php"; require_once "lib/http.php"; check_su_access(SU_EDIT_CONFIG); tlschema("gamelog"); page_header("Game Log"); addnav("Navigation"); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); $category = httpget('cat'); if ($category > "") { $cat = "&cat={$category}"; $sqlcat = "WHERE " . db_prefix("gamelog") . ".category = '{$category}'"; } else { $cat = ''; $sqlcat = ''; } $sql = "SELECT count(logid) AS c FROM " . db_prefix("gamelog") . " {$sqlcat}"; $result = db_query($sql); $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); $max = $row['c']; $start = (int) httpget('start'); $sql = "SELECT " . db_prefix("gamelog") . ".*, " . db_prefix("accounts") . ".name AS name FROM " . db_prefix("gamelog") . " LEFT JOIN " . db_prefix("accounts") . " ON " . db_prefix("gamelog") . ".who = " . db_prefix("accounts") . ".acctid {$sqlcat} LIMIT {$start},500"; $next = $start + 500; $prev = $start - 500; addnav("Operations");
<?php // addnews ready // translator ready // mail ready require_once "common.php"; require_once "lib/http.php"; require_once "lib/sanitize.php"; check_su_access(SU_MANAGE_MODULES); tlschema("modulemanage"); page_header("Module Manager"); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); addnav("Module Categories"); addnav("", $REQUEST_URI); $op = httpget('op'); $module = httpget('module'); if ($op == 'mass') { if (httppost("activate")) { $op = "activate"; } if (httppost("deactivate")) { $op = "deactivate"; } if (httppost("uninstall")) { $op = "uninstall"; } if (httppost("reinstall")) { $op = "reinstall"; } if (httppost("install")) {
<?php require_once "common.php"; require_once "lib/commentary.php"; require_once "lib/sanitize.php"; require_once "lib/http.php"; // tlschema("moderate"); addcommentary(); check_su_access(SU_EDIT_COMMENTS); global $moderating; $moderating = 1; page_header("Comment Moderation"); // First, set up the left column navs. These don't change. require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); addnav("B?Player Bios", "bios.php"); addnav("Overviews"); addnav("Recent Comments", "moderate.php"); addnav("Natters", "moderate.php?op=bio"); addnav("Lookups"); addnav("Dwellings", "moderate.php?op=dwell"); addnav("World Map", "moderate.php?op=map"); // addnav("Natters","moderate.php?op=bio"); // Get section and display names from other modules with chat spaces $mods = array(); $mods = modulehook("moderate", $mods); reset($mods); // One of the outposts is "village" and the rest are from race modules // Let's get them all into one array. $cities = array(); $vname = getsetting("villagename", LOCATION_FIELDS);
<?php // translator ready // addnews ready // mail ready require_once "common.php"; require_once "lib/commentary.php"; require_once "lib/sanitize.php"; require_once "lib/http.php"; check_su_access(4294967295.0 & ~SU_DOESNT_GIVE_GROTTO); addcommentary(); tlschema("superuser"); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); $op = httpget('op'); if ($op == "keepalive") { $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " SET laston='" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "' WHERE acctid='{$session['user']['acctid']}'"; db_query($sql); global $REQUEST_URI; echo '<html><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="30;url=' . $REQUEST_URI . '"></html><body>' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "</body></html>"; exit; } elseif ($op == "newsdelete") { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("news") . " WHERE newsid='" . httpget('newsid') . "'"; db_query($sql); $return = httpget('return'); $return = cmd_sanitize($return); $return = substr($return, strrpos($return, "/") + 1); redirect($return); } page_header("Superuser Grotto"); output("`^You duck into a secret cave that few know about. ");
<?php // addnews ready // translator ready // mail ready define("OVERRIDE_FORCED_NAV", true); require_once "common.php"; tlschema("translatortool"); check_su_access(SU_IS_TRANSLATOR); $op = httpget("op"); if ($op == "") { popup_header("Translator Tool"); $uri = rawurldecode(httpget('u')); $text = stripslashes(rawurldecode(httpget('t'))); $translation = translate_loadnamespace($uri); if (isset($translation[$text])) { $trans = $translation[$text]; } else { $trans = ""; } $namespace = translate_inline("Namespace:"); $texta = translate_inline("Text:"); $translation = translate_inline("Translation:"); $saveclose = htmlentities(translate_inline("Save & Close"), ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")); $savenotclose = htmlentities(translate_inline("Save No Close"), ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")); rawoutput("<form action='translatortool.php?op=save' method='POST'>"); rawoutput("{$namespace} <input name='uri' value=\"" . htmlentities(stripslashes($uri), ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")) . "\" readonly><br/>"); rawoutput("{$texta}<br>"); rawoutput("<textarea name='text' cols='60' rows='5' readonly>" . htmlentities($text, ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")) . "</textarea><br/>"); rawoutput("{$translation}<br>"); rawoutput("<textarea name='trans' cols='60' rows='5'>" . htmlentities(stripslashes($trans), ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")) . "</textarea><br/>");
<?php // translator ready // addnews ready // mail ready require_once "common.php"; require_once "lib/commentary.php"; require_once "lib/http.php"; tlschema("petition"); check_su_access(SU_EDIT_PETITIONS); addcommentary(); //WHEN 0 THEN 2 WHEN 1 THEN 3 WHEN 2 THEN 7 WHEN 3 THEN 5 WHEN 4 THEN 1 WHEN 5 THEN 0 WHEN 6 THEN 4 WHEN 7 THEN 6 $statuses = array(5 => "`\$Top Level`0", 4 => "`^Escalated`0", 0 => "`bUnhandled`b", 1 => "In-Progress", 6 => "`%Bug`0", 7 => "`#Awaiting Points`0", 3 => "`!Informational`0", 2 => "`iClosed`i"); //$statuses = modulehook("petition-status", $status); $statuses = translate_inline($statuses); $op = httpget("op"); $id = httpget("id"); if (trim(httppost('insertcommentary')) != "") { /* Update the bug if someone adds comments as well */ $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("petitions") . " SET closeuserid='{$session['user']['acctid']}',closedate='" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "' WHERE petitionid='{$id}'"; db_query($sql); } // Eric decide he didn't want petitions to be manually deleted // //if ($op=="del"){ // $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("petitions") . " WHERE petitionid='$id'"; // db_query($sql); // $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("commentary") . " WHERE section='pet-$id'"; // db_query($sql); // invalidatedatacache("petition_counts"); // $op="";
<?php // translator ready // addnews ready // mail ready require_once "common.php"; require_once "lib/commentary.php"; require_once "lib/sanitize.php"; require_once "lib/http.php"; check_su_access(0xffffffff & ~SU_DOESNT_GIVE_GROTTO); addcommentary(); tlschema("superuser"); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); $op = httpget('op'); if ($op == "keepalive") { $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " SET laston='" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "' WHERE acctid='{$session['user']['acctid']}'"; db_query($sql); global $REQUEST_URI; echo '<html><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="30;url=' . $REQUEST_URI . '"></html><body>' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "</body></html>"; exit; } elseif ($op == "newsdelete") { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("news") . " WHERE newsid='" . httpget('newsid') . "'"; db_query($sql); $return = httpget('return'); $return = cmd_sanitize($return); $return = substr($return, strrpos($return, "/") + 1); redirect($return); } page_header("Superuser Grotto"); output("`^You duck into a secret cave that few know about. ");
<?php // translator ready // addnews ready // mail ready require_once "common.php"; require_once "lib/http.php"; require_once "lib/systemmail.php"; check_su_access(SU_EDIT_DONATIONS); tlschema("donation"); page_header("Donator's Page"); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); $ret = httpget('ret'); $return = cmd_sanitize($ret); $return = substr($return, strrpos($return, "/") + 1); tlschema("nav"); addnav("Return whence you came", $return); tlschema(); $add = translate_inline("Add Donation"); rawoutput("<form action='donators.php?op=add1&ret=" . rawurlencode($ret) . "' method='POST'>"); addnav("", "donators.php?op=add1&ret=" . rawurlencode($ret) . ""); $name = httppost("name"); if ($name == "") { $name = httpget("name"); } $amt = httppost("amt"); if ($amt == "") { $amt = httpget("amt"); } $reason = httppost("reason");
function jquerycommentary_run() { global $_SERVER, $output, $session; require_once 'lib/commentary.php'; $section = httpget('section'); $commentary = db_prefix('commentary'); $accounts = db_prefix('accounts'); if (($commid = httpget('rmvcmmnt')) != "") { $prefix = db_prefix('commentary'); check_su_access(SU_EDIT_COMMENTS); if ($session['user']['superuser'] & SU_EDIT_COMMENTS) { db_query("DELETE FROM {$prefix} WHERE commentid = '{$commid}'"); } db_query("INSERT INTO {$commentary} (section, author, comment, postdate) VALUES ('blackhole', '{$session['user']['acctid']}', 'I f****d up', '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "')"); invalidatedatacache("comments-{$section}"); invalidatedatacache("comments-blackhole"); } if (httpget('section') == get_module_pref('current_section') && httpget('section') != '') { //echo 'x'; //var_dump(get_all_module_settings()); $output = ""; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = httpget('r'); $session['counter'] = httpget('c'); viewcommentary(get_module_pref('current_section'), get_module_setting('message'), get_module_setting('limit'), get_module_setting('talkline')); $output = preg_replace('#<script(.*?)>(.*?)</script>#is', '', $output); $output = substr($output, 0, strpos($output, "<jquerycommentaryend>")); db_query("UPDATE accounts SET laston = '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' WHERE acctid = '{$session['user']['acctid']}'"); echo trim("{$output}"); invalidatedatacache("comments-{$section}"); /*$sql = db_query( "SELECT, a.acctid FROM accounts AS a LEFT JOIN module_userprefs AS m ON m.userid = a.acctid LEFT JOIN module_userprefs AS u ON u.userid = m.userid WHERE m.modulename = 'jquerycommentary' AND m.setting = 'is_typing' AND m.value = '1' AND u.modulename = 'jquerycommentary' AND u.setting = 'current_section' and u.value = '" . get_module_pref('current_section') ."'" ); $typing = []; while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($sql)) { array_push($typing, [$row['acctid'], $row['name']]); } $isTyping = appoencode('`@'); $i = 0; echo appoencode('`@Who\'s typing: `n'); if (count($typing) != 0) { foreach ($typing as $key => $val) { $i++; if ($i == 1) { $isTyping .= appoencode($val[1]); } else if ($i > 1 && count($typing) > $i) { $isTyping .= appoencode("`@, {$val[1]}"); } else if ($i == count($typing)) { $isTyping .= appoencode("`@ and {$val[1]}"); } } echo $isTyping; } else { echo appoencode('`@No one'); }*/ } switch (httpget('op')) { case 'get_json': $sql = db_query("SELECT commentid, author, comment FROM commentary WHERE section = '{$session['current_commentary_area']}' AND deleted = '0' ORDER BY commentid+0 DESC LIMIT 0, 25"); $json = []; while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($sql)) { array_push($json, $row); } echo "<pre>"; echo json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); echo "</pre>"; break; case 'post': $post = httpallpost(); $post = modulehook('jquery-post-commentary', $post); $commentary = db_prefix('commentary'); if ($post['method'] == 'insertcommentary') { require_once 'lib/commentary.php'; injectcommentary(get_module_pref('current_section'), get_module_setting('talkline'), $post['comment']); } else { $commentid = explode('_', $post['method']); require_once 'lib/systemmail.php'; require_once 'lib/sanitize.php'; $post['comment'] = htmlent($post['comment']); db_query("UPDATE {$commentary} SET comment = '{$post['comment']}' WHERE commentid = '{$commentid[1]}'"); db_query("INSERT INTO {$commentary} (section, author, comment, postdate) VALUES ('blackhole', '{$session['user']['acctid']}', 'I f****d up', '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "')"); invalidatedatacache("comments-{$session['current_commentary_section']}"); invalidatedatacache("comments-blackhole"); } break; case 'last_comment': require_once 'lib/sanitize.php'; db_query("UPDATE accounts SET laston = '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' WHERE acctid = '{$session['user']['acctid']}'"); //$sql = db_query("SELECT comment, commentid FROM ".db_prefix('commentary')." WHERE author = '{$session['user']['acctid']}' AND section = '{$session['current_commentary_area']}' ORDER BY commentid DESC LIMIT 0,1"); $sql = db_query("SELECT comment, commentid FROM {$commentary}\n WHERE author = '{$session['user']['acctid']}'\n AND (section = 'globalooc'\n OR section = '{$session['current_commentary_area']}')\n ORDER BY commentid DESC\n LIMIT 0,1"); $row = db_fetch_assoc($sql); $data = $row; $sql = db_query("SELECT commentid, section, comment FROM {$commentary}\n WHERE (section = 'globalooc'\n OR section = '{$session['current_commentary_area']}'\n OR section = 'blackhole'\n )\n ORDER BY commentid+0 DESC\n LIMIT 0,1"); $row = db_fetch_assoc($sql); $data['last_section'] = $row['section']; $data['last_comment'] = $row['commentid']; $data['last_message'] = $row['comment']; echo json_encode($data); break; case 'is_typing': $post = httpallpost(); if ($post['typing'] == 'yes') { set_module_pref('is_typing', 1); } else { set_module_pref('is_typing', 0); } $sql = db_query("SELECT, a.acctid\n FROM accounts AS a\n LEFT JOIN module_userprefs AS m\n ON m.userid = a.acctid\n LEFT JOIN module_userprefs AS u\n ON u.userid = m.userid\n WHERE m.modulename = 'jquerycommentary'\n AND m.setting = 'is_typing'\n AND m.value = '1'\n AND u.modulename = 'jquerycommentary'\n AND u.setting = 'current_section'\n and u.value = '" . get_module_pref('current_section') . "'"); $typing = []; while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($sql)) { array_push($typing, [$row['acctid'], $row['name']]); } $isTyping = appoencode('`@'); $i = 0; if (count($typing) != 0) { foreach ($typing as $key => $val) { $i++; if ($i == 1) { $isTyping .= appoencode($val[1]); } else { if ($i > 1 && count($typing) > $i) { $isTyping .= appoencode("`@, {$val[1]}"); } else { if ($i == count($typing)) { $isTyping .= appoencode("`@ and {$val[1]}"); } } } if ($i == count($typing)) { $isTyping .= appoencode("`@..."); } } echo "✏ {$isTyping}"; } else { echo "<br />"; } break; case 'api': header('Content-Type: application/json'); /*$sql = db_query( "SELECT c.*, FROM $commentary AS c LEFT JOIN $accounts AS a ON a.acctid = WHERE (section = '{$session['current_commentary_area']}' OR section = 'global-ooc') AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY commentid+0 DESC GROUP BY section LIMIT 0, 25" );*/ $sql = db_query("SELECT comm.*, FROM\n (\n (SELECT * FROM\n (SELECT * FROM commentary\n WHERE section = 'globalooc'\n AND deleted = '0'\n ORDER BY commentid+0 DESC\n LIMIT 0, 10)\n AS c\n ORDER BY c.commentid+0 ASC\n LIMIT 0, 10)\n UNION (\n SELECT * FROM\n (SELECT * FROM commentary\n WHERE section = 'superuser'\n AND deleted = '0'\n ORDER BY commentid+0 DESC\n LIMIT 0, 25)\n AS c\n ORDER BY c.commentid+0 ASC\n LIMIT 0, 25\n )\n ) AS comm\n LEFT JOIN accounts AS acc\n ON acc.acctid ="); $json = []; while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($sql)) { $row['name'] = appoencode($row['name']); $row['comment'] = appoencode($row['comment']); array_push($json, $row); } echo json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); break; } }
function charrestore_run() { check_su_access(SU_EDIT_USERS); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; page_header("Character Restore"); superusernav(); addnav("Functions"); addnav("Search", "runmodule.php?module=charrestore&op=list"); if (httpget("op") == "list") { output("Please note that only characters who have reached at least level %s in DK %s will have been saved!`n`n", get_module_setting("lvl_threshold"), get_module_setting("dk_threshold")); rawoutput("<form action='runmodule.php?module=charrestore&op=list' method='POST'>"); addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=charrestore&op=list"); output("Character Login: "******"<input name='login' value=\"" . htmlentities(stripslashes(httppost("login")), ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")) . "\"><br>"); output("After date: "); rawoutput("<input name='start' value=\"" . htmlentities(stripslashes(httppost("start")), ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")) . "\"><br>"); output("Before date: "); rawoutput("<input name='end' value=\"" . htmlentities(stripslashes(httppost("end")), ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")) . "\"><br>"); $submit = translate_inline("Submit"); rawoutput("<input type='submit' value='{$submit}' class='button'>"); rawoutput("</form>"); //do the search. $login = httppost("login"); $start = httppost("start"); $end = httppost("end"); if ($start > "") { $start = strtotime($start); } if ($end > "") { $end = strtotime($end); } if ($login . $start . $end > "") { $path = charrestore_getstorepath(); debug($path); $d = dir($path); $count = 0; while (($entry = $d->read()) !== false) { $e = explode("|", $entry); if (count($e) < 2) { continue; } $name = str_replace("_", " ", $e[0]); $date = strtotime($e[1]); if ($login > "") { if (strpos(strtolower($name), strtolower($login)) === false) { continue; } } if ($start > "") { if ($date < $start) { continue; } } if ($end > "") { if ($date > $end) { continue; } } $count++; rawoutput("<a href='runmodule.php?module=charrestore&op=beginrestore&file=" . rawurlencode($entry) . "'>{$name}</a> (" . date("M d, Y", $date) . ")<br>"); addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=charrestore&op=beginrestore&file=" . rawurlencode($entry)); } if ($count == 0) { output("No characters matching the specified criteria were found."); } } } elseif (httpget("op") == "beginrestore") { $user = unserialize(join("", file(charrestore_getstorepath() . httpget("file")))); $sql = "SELECT count(*) AS c FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE login='******'account']['login']}'"; $result = db_query($sql); $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); rawoutput("<form action='runmodule.php?module=charrestore&op=finishrestore&file=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes(httpget("file"))) . "' method='POST'>"); addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=charrestore&op=finishrestore&file=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes(httpget("file")))); if ($row['c'] > 0) { output("`\$The user's login conflicts with an existing login in the system."); output("You will have to provide a new one, and you should probably think about giving them a new name after the restore.`n"); output("`^New Login: "******"<input name='newlogin'><br>"); } $yes = translate_inline("Do the restore"); rawoutput("<input type='submit' value='{$yes}' class='button'>"); output("`n`#Some user info:`0`n"); $vars = array("login" => "Login", "name" => "Name", "laston" => "Last On", "email" => "Email", "dragonkills" => "DKs", "level" => "Level", "gentimecount" => "Total hits"); while (list($key, $val) = each($vars)) { output("`^{$val}: `#%s`n", $user['account'][$key]); } rawoutput("<input type='submit' value='{$yes}' class='button'>"); rawoutput("</form>"); } elseif (httpget("op") == "finishrestore") { $user = unserialize(join("", file(charrestore_getstorepath() . httpget("file")))); $sql = "SELECT count(*) AS c FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE login='******'newlogin') > '' ? httppost('newlogin') : $user['account']['login']) . "'"; $result = db_query($sql); $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); if ($row['c'] > 0) { redirect("runmodule.php?module=charrestore&op=beginrestore&file=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes(httpget("file")))); } else { if (httppost("newlogin") > "") { $user['account']['login'] = httppost('newlogin'); } $sql = "DESCRIBE " . db_prefix("accounts"); $result = db_query($sql); $known_columns = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $known_columns[$row['Field']] = true; } $keys = array(); $vals = array(); while (list($key, $val) = each($user['account'])) { if ($key == "laston") { array_push($keys, $key); array_push($vals, "'" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-1 day")) . "'"); } elseif (!isset($known_columns[$key])) { output("`2Dropping the column `^%s`n", $key); } else { array_push($keys, $key); array_push($vals, "'" . addslashes($val) . "'"); } } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . db_prefix("accounts") . " (\n" . join("\t,\n", $keys) . ") VALUES (\n" . join("\t,\n", $vals) . ")"; db_query($sql); $id = db_insert_id(); if ($id > 0) { addnav("Edit the restored user", "user.php?op=edit&userid={$id}"); if ($id != $user['account']['acctid']) { output("`^The account was restored, though the account ID was not preserved; things such as news, mail, comments, debuglog, and other items associated with this account that were not stored as part of the snapshot have lost their association."); output("The original ID was `&%s`^, and the new ID is `&%s`^.", $user['account']['acctid'], $id); output("The most common cause of this problem is another account already present with the same ID."); output("Did you do a restore of an already existing account? If so, the existing account was not overwritten.`n"); } else { output("`#The account was restored.`n"); } output("`#Now working on module preferences.`n"); while (list($modulename, $values) = each($user['prefs'])) { output("`3Module: `2%s`3...`n", $modulename); if (is_module_installed($modulename)) { while (list($prefname, $value) = each($values)) { set_module_pref($prefname, $value, $modulename, $id); } } else { output("`\$Skipping prefs for module `^%s`\$ because this module is not currently installed.`n", $modulename); } } output("`#The preferences were restored.`n"); } else { output("`\$Something funky has happened, preventing this account from correctly being created."); output("I'm sorry, you may have to recreate this account by hand."); output("The SQL I tried was:`n"); rawoutput("<pre>" . htmlentities($sql, ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1")) . "</pre>"); } } } page_footer(); }
function drinks_editor() { global $mostrecentmodule; if (!get_module_pref("canedit")) { check_su_access(SU_EDIT_USERS); } page_header("Drink Editor"); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); addnav("Drink Editor"); addnav("Add a drink", "runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&op=add&admin=true"); $op = httpget('op'); $drinkid = httpget('drinkid'); $header = ""; if ($op != "") { addnav("Drink Editor Main", "runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&admin=true"); if ($op == 'add') { $header = translate_inline("Adding a new drink"); } else { if ($op == 'edit') { $header = translate_inline("Editing a drink"); } } } else { $header = translate_inline("Current drinks"); } output_notl("`&<h3>{$header}`0</h3>", true); $drinksarray = array("Drink,title", "drinkid" => "Drink ID,hidden", "name" => "Drink Name", "costperlevel" => "Cost per level,int", "hpchance" => "Chance of modifying HP (see below),range,0,10,1", "turnchance" => "Chance of modifying turns (see below),range,0,10,1", "alwayshp" => "Always modify hitpoints,bool", "alwaysturn" => "Always modify turns,bool", "drunkeness" => "Drunkeness,range,1,100,1", "harddrink" => "Is drink hard alchohol?,bool", "hpmin" => "Min HP to add (see below),range,-20,20,1", "hpmax" => "Max HP to add (see below),range,-20,20,1", "hppercent" => "Modify HP by some percent (see below),range,-25,25,5", "turnmin" => "Min turns to add (see below),range,-5,5,1", "turnmax" => "Max turns to add (see below),range,-5,5,1", "remarks" => "Remarks", "buffname" => "Name of the buff", "buffrounds" => "Rounds buff lasts,range,1,20,1", "buffroundmsg" => "Message each round of buff", "buffwearoff" => "Message when buff wears off", "buffatkmod" => "Attack modifier of buff", "buffdefmod" => "Defense modifier of buff", "buffdmgmod" => "Damage modifier of buff", "buffdmgshield" => "Damage shield modifier of buff", "buffeffectfailmsg" => "Effect failure message (see below)", "buffeffectnodmgmsg" => "No damage message (see below)", "buffeffectmsg" => "Effect message (see below)"); if ($op == "del") { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("drinks") . " WHERE drinkid='{$drinkid}'"; module_delete_objprefs('drinks', $drinkid); db_query($sql); $op = ""; httpset('op', ""); } if ($op == "save") { $subop = httpget("subop"); if ($subop == "") { $drinkid = httppost("drinkid"); list($sql, $keys, $vals) = postparse($drinksarray); if ($drinkid > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("drinks") . " SET {$sql} WHERE drinkid='{$drinkid}'"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . db_prefix("drinks") . " ({$keys}) VALUES ({$vals})"; } db_query($sql); if (db_affected_rows() > 0) { output("`^Drink saved!"); } else { $str = db_error(); if ($str == "") { output("`^Drink not saved: no changes detected."); } else { output("`^Drink not saved: `\$%s`0", $sql); } } } elseif ($subop == "module") { $drinkid = httpget("drinkid"); // Save module settings $module = httpget("editmodule"); // This should obey the same rules as the configuration editor // So disabling //$sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("module_objprefs") . " WHERE objtype='drinks' AND objid='$drinkid' AND modulename='$module'"; //db_query($sql); $post = httpallpost(); reset($post); while (list($key, $val) = each($post)) { set_module_objpref("drinks", $drinkid, $key, $val, $module); } output("`^Saved."); } if ($drinkid) { $op = "edit"; httpset("drinkid", $drinkid, true); } else { $op = ""; } httpset('op', $op); } if ($op == "activate") { $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("drinks") . " SET active=1 WHERE drinkid='{$drinkid}'"; db_query($sql); $op = ""; httpset('op', ""); } if ($op == "deactivate") { $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("drinks") . " SET active=0 WHERE drinkid='{$drinkid}'"; db_query($sql); $op = ""; httpset('op', ""); } if ($op == "") { $op = translate_inline("Ops"); $id = translate_inline("Id"); $nm = translate_inline("Name"); $dkn = translate_inline("Drunkeness"); $hard = translate_inline("Hard Alchohol?"); $edit = translate_inline("Edit"); $deac = translate_inline("Deactivate"); $act = translate_inline("Activate"); $conf = translate_inline("Are you sure you wish to delete this drink?"); $del = translate_inline("Del"); rawoutput("<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 bgcolor='#999999'>"); rawoutput("<tr class='trhead'>"); rawoutput("<td>{$op}</td><td>{$id}</td><td>{$nm}</td><td>{$dkn}</td><td>{$hard}</td>"); rawoutput("</tr>"); $sql = "SELECT drinkid,active,name,drunkeness,harddrink FROM " . db_prefix("drinks") . " ORDER BY drinkid"; $result = db_query($sql); for ($i = 0; $i < db_num_rows($result); $i++) { $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); $id = $row['drinkid']; rawoutput("<tr class='" . ($i % 2 ? "trlight" : "trdark") . "'>"); rawoutput("<td nowrap>[ <a href='runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&op=edit&drinkid={$id}&admin=true'>{$edit}</a>"); addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&op=edit&drinkid={$id}&admin=true"); if ($row['active']) { rawoutput(" | <a href='runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&op=deactivate&drinkid={$id}&admin=true'>{$deac}</a>"); addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&op=deactivate&drinkid={$id}&admin=true"); } else { rawoutput(" | <a href='runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&op=activate&drinkid={$id}&admin=true'>{$act}</a>"); addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&op=activate&drinkid={$id}&admin=true"); } rawoutput(" | <a href='runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&op=del&drinkid={$id}&admin=true' onClick='return confirm(\"{$conf}\");'>{$del}</a> ]</td>"); addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&op=del&drinkid={$id}&admin=true"); output_notl("<td>`^%s</td>`0", $id, true); output_notl("<td>`&%s`0</td>", $row['name'], true); output_notl("<td>`^%s`0</td>", $row['drunkeness'], true); $hard = translate_inline("`^No"); if ($row['harddrink']) { $hard = translate_inline("`\$Yes"); } output_notl("<td>%s`0</td>", $hard, true); rawoutput("</tr>"); } rawoutput("</table>"); } $subop = httpget("subop"); if ($op == "edit") { addnav("Drink properties", "runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&op=edit&drinkid={$drinkid}&admin=true"); module_editor_navs("prefs-drinks", "runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&drinkid={$drinkid}&op=edit&subop=module&editmodule="); if ($subop == "module") { $module = httpget("editmodule"); $oldmodule = $mostrecentmodule; rawoutput("<form action='runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&op=save&subop=module&editmodule={$module}&drinkid={$drinkid}&admin=true' method='POST'>"); module_objpref_edit('drinks', $module, $drinkid); $mostrecentmodule = $oldmodule; rawoutput("</form>"); addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&op=save&subop=module&editmodule={$module}&drinkid={$drinkid}&admin=true"); } elseif ($subop == "") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("drinks") . " WHERE drinkid='" . httpget('drinkid') . "'"; $result = db_query($sql); $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); } } elseif ($op == "add") { /* We're adding a new drink, make an empty row */ $row = array(); $row['drinkid'] = 0; } if (($op == "edit" || $op == "add") && $subop == "") { rawoutput("<form action='runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&op=save&admin=true' method='POST'>"); addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=drinks&act=editor&op=save&admin=true"); showform($drinksarray, $row); rawoutput("</form>"); output("`\$NOTE:`7 Make sure that you know what you are doing when modifying or adding drinks.`n"); output("Just because the drinks have a lot of options, doesn't mean you have to use all of them`n`n"); output("`2Drink ID: `7This field is used internally and should be unique.`n"); output("`2Name: `7The name of the drink the user will see.`n"); output("`2Cost per level: `7This value times the users level is the drink cost.`n"); output("`2Chance of modifying HP: `7If set, this is the number of chances out of the total of this and the turn chance for HP getting modified.`n"); output("`2Chance of modifying turns: `7If set, this is the number of chances out of the total of this and the HP chance for turns getting modified.`n"); output("`2Always modify HP: `7If set, hitpoints will be modified. Should not be set alongside HP chance above.`n"); output("`2Always modify turns: `7If set, turns will be modified. Should not be set alongside turn chance above.`n"); output("`2Drunkeness: `7How drunk will this make the player.`n"); output("`2Hard Drink: `7Users are only allowed a certain number of hard drinks per day regardless of drunkeness.`n"); output("`2Min HP to add: `7If we are modifying hitpoints, and if HP percent isn't set, use this and the HP max value to pick a random amount of HP to add. Can be negative.`n"); output("`2Max HP to add: `7If we are modifying hitpoints and if HP percent isn't set, use this and the HP min value to pick a random amount of HP to add. Can be negative.`n"); output("`2HP percent: `7If we are modifying hitpoints and if this is set, the users hitpoints are modified by this percentage. Can be negative.`n"); output("`2Min turns to add: `7If we are modifying turns, use this and the turn max value to pick a random amount of turns to add. Can be negative.`n"); output("`2Max turns to add: `7If we are modifying turns, use this and the turn min value to pick a random amount of turns to add. Can be negative.`n"); output("`2Remarks: `7Text displayed to the user when they order the drink.`n"); output("`2Buff name: `7What is this buff called.`n"); output("`2Buff rounds: `7How many rounds this buff lasts.`n"); output("`2Buff round message: `7What message should show as each round occurs.`n"); output("`2Buff wearoff: `7What message is shown when this buff wears off.`n"); output("`2Buff attack modifier: `7Multiplier to modify attack points by? 1.0 is no modification, 2.0 doubles their attack points.`n"); output("`2Buff defense modifier: `7Multiplier to modify defense points by? 1.0 is no modification, 2.0 doubles their defense points.`n"); output("`2Buff damage modifier: `7Multiplier to modify damage by? 1.0 is no modification, 2.0 doubles their damage points. This is `\$VERY POTENT`7!`n"); output("`2Buff damage shield modifier: `7When you are hit, deals damage to your opponent based on damage done to you. 1.0 deals identical damage, 2.0 deals double damage back to the opponent.`n"); output("`2Effect failure message: Message if this buff fails. (Only used with damage shield)`n"); output("`2Effect no damage message: Message if no damage is done. (Only used with damage shield)`n"); output("`2Effect message: What shows when this buff has an effect. (Only used with damage shield)`n`n"); } page_footer(); }
function riddles_editor() { global $session; require_once "lib/nltoappon.php"; if (!get_module_pref("canedit")) { check_su_access(SU_EDIT_RIDDLES); } $op = httpget('op'); $id = httpget('id'); page_header("Riddle Editor"); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); addnav("Riddle Editor"); addnav("Riddle Editor Home", "runmodule.php?module=riddles&act=editor&admin=true"); addnav("Add a riddle", "runmodule.php?module=riddles&act=editor&op=edit&admin=true"); if ($op == "save") { $id = httppost('id'); $riddle = trim(httppost('riddle')); $answer = trim(httppost('answer')); if ($id > "") { $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("riddles") . " SET riddle='" . nltoappon($riddle) . "', answer='{$answer}' WHERE id='{$id}'"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . db_prefix("riddles") . " (riddle,answer,author) VALUES('" . nltoappon($riddle) . "','{$answer}','{$session['user']['login']}')"; } db_query($sql); if (db_affected_rows() > 0) { $op = ""; httpset("op", ""); output("Riddle saved."); } else { output("The query was not executed for some reason I can't fathom."); output("Perhaps you didn't actually make any changes to the riddle."); } } elseif ($op == "del") { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("riddles") . " WHERE id='{$id}'"; db_query($sql); $op = ""; httpset("op", ""); output("Riddle deleted."); } if ($op == "") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("riddles"); $result = db_query($sql); $i = translate_inline("Id"); $ops = translate_inline("Ops"); $rid = translate_inline("Riddle"); $ans = translate_inline("Answer"); $auth = translate_inline("Author"); rawoutput("<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 bgcolor='#999999'><tr class='trhead'><td>{$i}</td><td>{$ops}</td><td>{$rid}</td><td>{$ans}</td><td>{$auth}</td></tr>"); for ($i = 0; $i < db_num_rows($result); $i++) { $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); rawoutput("<tr class='" . ($i % 2 ? "trlight" : "trdark") . "'>"); rawoutput("<td valign='top'>"); output_notl("%s", $row['id']); rawoutput("</td><td valign='top'>"); $conf = translate_inline("Are you sure you wish to delete this riddle?"); $edit = translate_inline("Edit"); $del = translate_inline("Delete"); $elink = "runmodule.php?module=riddles&act=editor&op=edit&id=" . $row['id'] . "&admin=true"; $dlink = "runmodule.php?module=riddles&act=editor&op=del&id=" . $row['id'] . "&admin=true"; output_notl("["); rawoutput("<a href='{$elink}'>{$edit}</a>"); output_notl("|"); rawoutput("<a href='{$dlink}' onClick='return confirm(\"{$conf}\");'>{$del}</a>"); output_notl("]"); addnav("", $elink); addnav("", $dlink); rawoutput("</td><td valign='top'>"); output_notl("`&%s`0", $row['riddle']); rawoutput("</td><td valign='top'>"); output_notl("`#%s`0", $row['answer']); rawoutput("</td><td valign='top'>"); output_notl("`^%s`0", $row['author']); rawoutput("</td></tr>"); } rawoutput("</table>"); } elseif ($op == "edit") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("riddles") . " WHERE id='{$id}'"; $result = db_query($sql); rawoutput("<form action='runmodule.php?module=riddles&act=editor&op=save&admin=true' method='POST'>", true); addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=riddles&act=editor&op=save&admin=true"); if ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { output("`bEdit a riddle`b`n"); $title = "Edit a riddle"; $i = $row['id']; rawoutput("<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$i}'>"); } else { output("`bAdd a riddle`b`n"); $title = "Add a riddle"; $row = array("riddle" => "", "answer" => "", "author" => $session['user']['login']); } $form = array("Riddle,title", "riddle" => "Riddle text,textarea", "answer" => "Answer", "author" => "Author,viewonly"); require_once "lib/showform.php"; showform($form, $row); rawoutput("</form>"); output("`^NOTE:`& Separate multiple correct answers with semicolons (;)`n`n"); output("`7The following are ignored at the start of answers: `&a, an, and, the, my, your, someones, someone's, someone, his, hers`n"); output("`7The following are ignored at the end of answers: `&s, ing, ed`0`n`n"); output("`\$NOTE: Riddles are displayed in the language they are stored in the database."); output("Similarly, answers are expected in the language stored in the database."); } page_footer(); }
<?php $mode = httpget("mode"); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); check_su_access(SU_AUDIT_MODERATION); switch ($mode) { case "invalidate": $search = httppost('search'); $who = httpget('who'); if ($who == '') { $send = translate_inline("Search"); output("Whose avatar do you want to invalidate?`n`n"); rawoutput("<form method='POST' action='runmodule.php?module=avatar&op=validate&mode=invalidate'>"); rawoutput("<input name='search' type='text' size='40' value={$search}>"); rawoutput("<input type='submit' class='button' value={$send}>"); rawoutput("</form>"); addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=avatar&op=validate&mode=invalidate"); output_notl("`n`n"); if ($search) { $name = "%" . $search . "%"; $sql = "SELECT u.userid AS acctid, as name, k.login as login FROM " . db_prefix("module_userprefs") . " AS u INNER JOIN " . db_prefix("module_userprefs") . " AS t RIGHT JOIN " . db_prefix("accounts") . " as k ON u.userid=t.userid AND k.acctid=u.userid WHERE u.modulename='avatar' AND u.setting='avatar' AND u.value!='' AND t.modulename='avatar' AND t.setting='validated' AND t.value='1' AND ( LIKE '{$name}' OR k.login LIKE '{$name}');"; $result = db_query($sql); if (db_num_rows($result) > 100) { output("There are more than 100 matches. Please specify the user a bit more."); addnav("runmodule.php?module=avatar&op=validate&mode=invalidate"); break; } if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { output("No user with a valid personal avatar found matching this criteria."); } else {
<?php // translator ready // addnews ready // mail ready require_once "common.php"; require_once "lib/showform.php"; require_once "lib/http.php"; check_su_access(SU_EDIT_EQUIPMENT); tlschema("weapon"); page_header("Weapon Editor"); $weaponlevel = (int) httpget("level"); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); addnav("Editor"); addnav("Weapon Editor Home", "weaponeditor.php?level={$weaponlevel}"); addnav("Add a weapon", "weaponeditor.php?op=add&level={$weaponlevel}"); $values = array(1 => 48, 225, 585, 990, 1575, 2250, 2790, 3420, 4230, 5040, 5850, 6840, 8010, 9000, 10350); rawoutput("<h3>"); if ($weaponlevel == 1) { output("`&Weapons for 1 Dragon Kill`0"); } else { output("`&Weapons for %s Dragon Kills`0", $weaponlevel); } rawoutput("<h3>"); $weaponarray = array("Weapon,title", "weaponid" => "Weapon ID,hidden", "weaponname" => "Weapon Name", "damage" => "Damage,range,1,15,1"); $op = httpget('op'); $id = httpget('id'); if ($op == "edit" || $op == "add") { if ($op == "edit") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("weapons") . " WHERE weaponid='{$id}'";
<?php //Author: Lonny Luberts - 3/18/2005 //Heavily modified by JT Traub require_once "common.php"; require_once "lib/http.php"; check_su_access(SU_EDIT_USERS); tlschema("retitle"); page_header("Title Editor"); $op = httpget('op'); $id = httpget('id'); $editarray = array("Titles,title", "dk" => "Dragon Kills,int|0", "male" => "Male Title,text|", "female" => "Female Title,text|"); addnav("Other"); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); addnav("Functions"); if ($op == "save") { $male = httppost('male'); $female = httppost('female'); $dk = httppost('dk'); // Ref is currently unused // $ref = httppost('ref'); $ref = ''; if ((int) $id == 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . db_prefix("titles") . " (titleid,dk,ref,male,female) VALUES ({$id},{$dk},'{$ref}','{$male}','{$female}')"; $note = "`^New title added.`0"; $errnote = "`\$Unable to add title.`0"; } else { $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("titles") . " SET dk={$dk},ref='{$ref}',male='{$male}',female='{$female}' WHERE titleid={$id}"; $note = "`^Title modified.`0"; $errnote = "`\$Unable to modify title.`0";
<?php // mail ready // addnews ready // translator ready require_once "common.php"; require_once "lib/http.php"; tlschema("paylog"); check_su_access(SU_EDIT_PAYLOG); /* +-----------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-----------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | payid | int(11) | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | info | text | | | | | | response | text | | | | | | txnid | varchar(32) | | MUL | | | | amount | float(9,2) | | | 0.00 | | | name | varchar(50) | | | | | | acctid | int(11) unsigned | | | 0 | | | processed | tinyint(4) unsigned | | | 0 | | | filed | tinyint(4) unsigned | | | 0 | | | txfee | float(9,2) | | | 0.00 | | +-----------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ */ page_header("Payment Log"); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); $op = httpget('op'); if ($op == "") { $sql = "SELECT info,txnid FROM " . db_prefix("paylog") . " WHERE processdate='0000-00-00'";
<?php // translator ready // addnews ready // mail ready require_once "common.php"; require_once "lib/http.php"; tlschema("rawsql"); check_su_access(SU_RAW_SQL); page_header("Raw SQL/PHP execution"); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); addnav("Execution"); addnav("SQL", "rawsql.php"); addnav("PHP", "rawsql.php?op=php"); $op = httpget("op"); if ($op == "" || $op == "sql") { $sql = httppost('sql'); if ($sql != "") { $sql = stripslashes($sql); modulehook("rawsql-execsql", array("sql" => $sql)); $r = db_query($sql, false); if (!$r) { output("`\$SQL Error:`& %s`0`n`n", db_error($r)); } else { if (db_affected_rows() > 0) { output("`&%s rows affected.`n`n", db_affected_rows()); } rawoutput("<table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='2' border='0' bgcolor='#999999'>"); $number = db_num_rows($r); for ($i = 0; $i < $number; $i++) {
function worldmapen_run_real() { global $session, $badguy, $pvptimeout, $options, $outdoors, $shady; $outdoors = true; $op = httpget("op"); $battle = false; if ($op == 'move' && rawurldecode(httpget('oloc')) != get_module_pref('worldXYZ')) { debug(get_module_pref('worldXYZ')); $op = 'continue'; httpset('op', $op); } // debug("Worldmap running op={$op} ..."); // handle the admin editor first if ($op == "edit") { if (!get_module_pref("canedit")) { check_su_access(SU_EDIT_USERS); } if (get_module_setting("worldmapenInstalled") != 1) { set_module_setting('worldmapenInstalled', "1"); worldmapen_defaultcityloc(); } worldmapen_editor(); } if ($op == "destination") { $cname = httpget("cname"); $session['user']['location'] = $cname; addnav(array("Enter %s", $cname), "village.php"); output("`c`4`bYou've Arrived in %s.`b`0`c`n", $cname); output("`cYou have reached the outer gates of the city.`c"); } if (!get_module_setting("worldmapenInstalled")) { page_header("A rip in the fabric of space and time"); require_once "lib/villagenav.php"; villagenav(); output("`^The admins of this game haven't yet finished installing the worldmapen module."); output("You should send them a petition and tell them that they forgot to generate the initial locations of the cities."); output("Until then, you are kind of stuck here, so I hope you like where you are.`n`n"); output("After all, remember:`nWherever you go, there you are.`0"); page_footer(); } $subop = httpget("subop"); $act = httpget("act"); $type = httpget("type"); $name = httpget("name"); $direction = httpget("dir"); $su = httpget("su"); $buymap = httpget("buymap"); $worldmapCostGold = get_module_setting("worldmapCostGold"); $pvp = httpget('pvp'); require_once "lib/events.php"; if ($session['user']['specialinc'] != "" || httpget("eventhandler")) { $in_event = handle_event(get_module_setting("randevent"), "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&op=continue&", "Travel"); if ($in_event) { addnav("Continue", "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&op=continue"); module_display_events(get_module_setting("randevent"), "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&op=continue"); page_footer(); } } page_header("Journey"); //is the player looking at chat? if (httpget('comscroll') || httpget('comscroll') === 0 || httpget('comment') || httpget('refresh')) { $chatoverride = 1; require_once "lib/commentary.php"; addcommentary(); $loc = get_module_pref("worldXYZ", "worldmapen"); viewcommentary("mapchat-" . $loc, "Chat with others who walk this path...", 25); } if ($op == "beginjourney") { $loc = $session['user']['location']; $x = get_module_setting($loc . "X"); $y = get_module_setting($loc . "Y"); $z = get_module_setting($loc . "Z"); $xyz = $x . "," . $y . "," . $z; set_module_pref("worldXYZ", $xyz); output("`b`&The gates of %s`& stand closed behind you.`0`b`n`n", $session['user']['location']); $num = e_rand(1, 5); $msg = get_module_setting("leaveGates{$num}"); output("`c`n`^%s`0`n`c`n", $msg); worldmapen_determinenav(); if (get_module_setting("smallmap")) { worldmapen_viewsmallmap(); } if (!$chatoverride) { require_once "lib/commentary.php"; addcommentary(); $loc = get_module_pref("worldXYZ", "worldmapen"); viewcommentary("mapchat-" . $loc, "Chat with others who walk this path...", 25); } worldmapen_viewmapkey(true, false); module_display_events(get_module_setting("randevent"), "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&op=continue"); $loc = get_module_pref('worldXYZ'); list($x, $y, $z) = explode(",", $loc); $t = worldmapen_getTerrain($x, $y, $z); //debug($t); if ($t['type'] == "Forest") { $shady = true; } } elseif ($op == "continue") { checkday(); worldmapen_determinenav(); if (get_module_setting("smallmap")) { worldmapen_viewsmallmap(); } if (!$chatoverride) { require_once "lib/commentary.php"; addcommentary(); $loc = get_module_pref("worldXYZ", "worldmapen"); viewcommentary("mapchat-" . $loc, "Chat with others who walk this path...", 25); } worldmapen_viewmapkey(true, false); $loc = get_module_pref('worldXYZ'); list($x, $y, $z) = explode(",", $loc); $t = worldmapen_getTerrain($x, $y, $z); //debug($t); if ($t['type'] == "Forest") { $shady = true; } //Turns Trading bit, added by CavemanJoe } elseif ($op == "tradeturn") { checkday(); $pointstrade = get_module_setting("turntravel"); output("You can trade one Turn for %s Travel Points. Do you want to do this now?", $pointstrade); addnav("Yes, use a turn", "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&op=tradeturnconfirm"); addnav("No, cancel and return to the map", "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&op=continue"); } elseif ($op == "tradeturnconfirm") { $pointstrade = get_module_setting("turntravel"); output("By conserving energy that you would have otherwise used for fighting creatures, you have gained %s Travel Points.", $pointstrade); $session['user']['turns']--; $ttoday = get_module_pref("traveltoday", "cities"); set_module_pref("traveltoday", $ttoday - $pointstrade, "cities"); addnav("Continue", "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&op=continue"); } elseif ($op == "move" && !$chatoverride) { checkday(); if ($session['user']['location'] != 'World') { set_module_pref("lastCity", $session['user']['location']); $session['user']['location'] = "World"; } $session['user']['restorepage'] = "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&op=continue"; $loc = get_module_pref('worldXYZ'); list($x, $y, $z) = explode(",", $loc); if ($direction == "north") { $y += 1; } if (get_module_setting("compasspoints") == "1" and $direction == "northeast") { $y += 1; $x += 1; } if (get_module_setting("compasspoints") == "1" and $direction == "northwest") { $y += 1; $x -= 1; } if ($direction == "east") { $x += 1; } if ($direction == "south") { $y -= 1; } if (get_module_setting("compasspoints") == "1" and $direction == "southeast") { $y -= 1; $x += 1; } if (get_module_setting("compasspoints") == "1" and $direction == "southwest") { $y -= 1; $x -= 1; } if ($direction == "west") { $x -= 1; } $terraincost = worldmapen_terrain_cost($x, $y, $z); $encounterbase = worldmapen_encounter($x, $y, $z); $encounterchance = get_module_pref("encounterchance"); $encounter = $encounterbase * $encounterchance / 100; debug($encounterbase . " * " . $encounterchance . " / 100 = " . $encounter); $ttoday = get_module_pref("traveltoday", "cities"); set_module_pref("traveltoday", $ttoday + $terraincost, "cities"); worldmapen_terrain_takestamina($x, $y, $z); $xyz = $x . "," . $y . "," . $z; set_module_pref("worldXYZ", $xyz); // $randchance = get_module_setting("randchance"); // if (e_rand(0,100) < $randchance){ // $eventravel = "travel"; // set_module_setting("randevent", $eventravel); // }else{ // $eventravel = "forest"; // set_module_setting("randevent", $eventravel); // } //Extra Gubbins pertaining to trading Turns for Travel, added by Caveman Joe $useturns = get_module_setting("useturns"); $allowzeroturns = get_module_setting("allowzeroturns"); $playerturns = $session['user']['turns']; $proceed = 1; //the Proceed value is used when the player has hit a monster, to make sure it's okay to actually run the event/monster. if ($playerturns == 0 && $allowzeroturns == 0) { $proceed = 0; } if (e_rand(0, 100) < $encounter && $su != '1' && $proceed == 1 && !$chatoverride) { // They've hit a monster! if (module_events(get_module_setting("randevent"), get_module_setting("wmspecialchance"), "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&op=continue&") != 0) { page_header("Something Special!"); if (checknavs()) { page_footer(); } else { // Reset the special for good. $session['user']['specialinc'] = ""; $session['user']['specialmisc'] = ""; $skipvillagedesc = true; $op = ""; httpset("op", ""); addnav("Continue", "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&op=continue&"); module_display_events(get_module_setting("randevent"), "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&op=continue"); page_footer(); } } //Check if we're removing a turn when the player encounters a monster, and if so, do it if ($useturns == 1) { $session['user']['turns']--; } //Fix to only search for Forest type creatures, added by CavemanJoe $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("creatures") . " WHERE creaturelevel = '{$session['user']['level']}' AND forest = 1 ORDER BY rand(" . e_rand() . ") LIMIT 1"; $result = db_query($sql); restore_buff_fields(); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { // There is nothing in the database to challenge you, // let's give you a doppleganger. $badguy = array(); $badguy['creaturename'] = "An evil doppleganger of " . $session['user']['name']; $badguy['creatureweapon'] = $session['user']['weapon']; $badguy['creaturelevel'] = $session['user']['level']; $badguy['creaturegold'] = rand($session['user']['level'] * 15, $session['user']['level'] * 30); $badguy['creatureexp'] = round($session['user']['experience'] / 10, 0); $badguy['creaturehealth'] = $session['user']['maxhitpoints']; $badguy['creatureattack'] = $session['user']['attack']; $badguy['creaturedefense'] = $session['user']['defense']; } else { $badguy = db_fetch_assoc($result); require_once "lib/forestoutcomes.php"; $badguy = buffbadguy($badguy); } calculate_buff_fields(); $badguy['playerstarthp'] = $session['user']['hitpoints']; $badguy['diddamage'] = 0; $badguy['type'] = 'world'; //debug("Worldmap run.php is debugging badguy"); //debug($badguy); $session['user']['badguy'] = createstring($badguy); $battle = true; } else { // $args = modulehook("count-travels", array('available'=>0, 'used'=>0)); // $free = max(0, $args['available'] - $args['used']); // if (get_module_setting("usestamina")==1){ // output("`c`nYou think to yourself what a nice day it is.`c`n"); // } else { // output("`c`nYou think to yourself what a nice day it is.`nYou have %s Travel Points remaining.%s`c`n",$free); // } $free = 100; worldmapen_determinenav(); if (get_module_setting("smallmap")) { worldmapen_viewsmallmap(); } if (!$chatoverride) { require_once "lib/commentary.php"; addcommentary(); $loc = get_module_pref("worldXYZ", "worldmapen"); viewcommentary("mapchat-" . $loc, "Chat with others who walk this path...", 25); } worldmapen_viewmapkey(true, false); module_display_events(get_module_setting("randevent"), "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&op=continue"); } $loc = get_module_pref('worldXYZ'); list($x, $y, $z) = explode(",", $loc); $t = worldmapen_getTerrain($x, $y, $z); //debug($t); if ($t['type'] == "Forest") { $shady = true; } } elseif ($op == "gypsy") { $outdoors = false; if ($buymap == '') { output("`5\"`!Ah, yes. An adventurer. I could tell by looking into your eyes,`5\" the gypsy says.`n"); output("\"`!Many people have lost their way while journeying without a guide such as this."); output("It will let you see all the world.`5\"`n"); output("\"`!Yes, yes. Let's see... What sort of price should we put on this?"); output("Hmm. How about `^%s`! gold?`5\"", $worldmapCostGold); addnav(array("Buy World Map `0(`^%s gold`0)", $worldmapCostGold), "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&op=gypsy&buymap=yes"); addnav("Forget it", "village.php"); } elseif ($buymap == 'yes') { if ($session['user']['gold'] < $worldmapCostGold) { output("`5\"`!What do you take me for? A blind hag? Come back when you have the money`5\""); addnav("Leave quickly", "village.php"); } else { output("`5\"`!Enjoy your newfound sight,`5\" the gypsy says as she walks away to greet some patrons that have just strolled in."); $session['user']['gold'] -= $worldmapCostGold; set_module_pref("worldmapbuy", 1); require_once "lib/villagenav.php"; villagenav(); } } } elseif ($op == "viewmap") { worldmapen_determinenav(); worldmapen_viewmap(true); if (is_module_active("medals")) { require_once "modules/medals.php"; medals_award_medal("boughtmap", "Bearer of the Map", "This player purchased the World Map from the Comms Tent!", "medal_islandmap.png"); } } elseif ($op == "camp") { if ($session['user']['loggedin']) { $session['user']['loggedin'] = 0; $session['user']['restorepage'] = "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&op=wake"; saveuser(); invalidatedatacache("charlisthomepage"); invalidatedatacache("list.php-warsonline"); } $session = array(); redirect("index.php", "Redirected to Index from World Map"); } elseif ($op == "wake") { if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] > 0) { // runmodule.php calls do_forced_nav, $session['user']['alive'] = true; // and that resets ['alive'], so } else { // this is from common.php to make sure $session['user']['alive'] = false; // the player is not half-dead after log-in. } output("You yawn and stretch and look around your campsite.`n`n"); output("Ah, how wonderful it is to sleep in the open air!`n"); output("The world seems full of possibilities today.`n`n"); checkday(); worldmapen_determinenav(); if (get_module_setting("smallmap")) { worldmapen_viewsmallmap(); } if (!$chatoverride) { require_once "lib/commentary.php"; addcommentary(); $loc = get_module_pref("worldXYZ", "worldmapen"); viewcommentary("mapchat-" . $loc, "Chat with others who walk this path...", 25); } worldmapen_viewmapkey(true, false); $loc = get_module_pref('worldXYZ'); list($x, $y, $z) = explode(",", $loc); $t = worldmapen_getTerrain($x, $y, $z); //debug($t); if ($t['type'] == "Forest") { $shady = true; } } elseif ($op == "combat") { // Okay, we've picked a person to fight. require_once "lib/pvpsupport.php"; $name = httpget("name"); $badguy = setup_target($name); $failedattack = false; if ($badguy === false) { output("`0`n`nYou survey the area again.`n"); worldmapen_determinenav(); } else { $battle = true; $badguy['type'] = 'pvp'; //$options['type'] = 'pvp'; $session['user']['badguy'] = createstring($badguy); $session['user']['playerfights']--; } } elseif ($op == "fight" || $op == "run") { if (!$chatoverride && !httpget("frombio")) { $battle = true; } else { worldmapen_determinenav(); if (get_module_setting("smallmap")) { worldmapen_viewsmallmap(); } worldmapen_viewmapkey(true, false); } // $args = modulehook("count-travels", array('available'=>0,'used'=>0)); // $free = max(0, $args['available'] - $args['used']); // if (get_module_setting("usestamina")==1){ $free = 100; // } if ($op == "run" && !$pvp) { if (!$chatoverride) { if (e_rand(1, 5) < 3 && $free) { // They managed to get away. output("You set off running at a breakneck pace!`n`n"); output("A short time later, you have managed to avoid your opponent, so you stop to catch your breath."); $ttoday = get_module_pref("traveltoday", "cities"); set_module_pref("traveltoday", $ttoday + 1, "cities"); output("As you look around, you realize that all you really managed was to run in circles."); $battle = false; worldmapen_determinenav(); if (get_module_setting("smallmap")) { worldmapen_viewsmallmap(); } require_once "lib/commentary.php"; addcommentary(); $loc = get_module_pref("worldXYZ", "worldmapen"); viewcommentary("mapchat-" . $loc, "Chat with others who walk this path...", 25); worldmapen_viewmapkey(true, false); } else { output("You try to run, but you don't manage to get away!`n"); $op = "fight"; httpset('op', $op); } } else { if (get_module_setting("smallmap")) { worldmapen_viewsmallmap(); } require_once "lib/commentary.php"; addcommentary(); $loc = get_module_pref("worldXYZ", "worldmapen"); viewcommentary("mapchat-" . $loc, "Chat with others who walk this path...", 25); worldmapen_determinenav(); worldmapen_viewmapkey(true, false); } } elseif ($op == "run" && $pvp) { output("Your pride prevents you from running"); $op = "fight"; httpset('op', $op); } $loc = get_module_pref('worldXYZ'); list($x, $y, $z) = explode(",", $loc); $t = worldmapen_getTerrain($x, $y, $z); //debug($t); if ($t['type'] == "Forest") { $shady = true; } } if ($battle) { include_once "battle.php"; if (isset($enemies) && !$pvp) { $badguy =& $enemies; } if ($victory) { if ($pvp) { require_once "lib/pvpsupport.php"; $aliveloc = $badguy['location']; pvpvictory($badguy, $aliveloc, $options); addnews("`4%s`3 defeated `4%s`3 while they were camped in the wilderness.`0", $session['user']['name'], $badguy['creaturename']); $badguy = array(); } else { if (!$chatoverride && !httpget('frombio')) { //is talking require_once "lib/forestoutcomes.php"; forestvictory($badguy, false); } } //has just beaten a badguy worldmapen_determinenav(); if (get_module_setting("smallmap")) { worldmapen_viewsmallmap(); } if (!$chatoverride) { require_once "lib/commentary.php"; addcommentary(); $loc = get_module_pref("worldXYZ", "worldmapen"); viewcommentary("mapchat-" . $loc, "Chat with others who walk this path...", 25); } worldmapen_viewmapkey(true, false); } elseif ($defeat) { // Reset the players body to the last city they were in $session['user']['location'] = get_module_pref('lastCity'); if ($pvp) { require_once "lib/pvpsupport.php"; require_once "lib/taunt.php"; $killedloc = $badguy['location']; $taunt = select_taunt(); pvpdefeat($badguy, $killedloc, $taunt, $options); addnews("`4%s`3 was defeated while attacking `4%s`3 as they were camped in the wilderness.`0`n%s", $session['user']['name'], $badguy['creaturename'], $taunt); } else { require_once "lib/forestoutcomes.php"; forestdefeat($badguy, "in the wild"); } output("`n`n`&You are sure that someone, sooner or later, will stumble over your corpse and return it to %s`& for you.`0", $session['user']['location']); } else { require_once "lib/fightnav.php"; $allow = true; $extra = ""; if ($pvp) { $allow = false; $extra = "pvp=1&"; } fightnav($allow, $allow, "runmodule.php?module=worldmapen&{$extra}"); } } page_footer(); }
header("Content-Type: text/xml"); $sql = "select name from " . db_prefix("accounts") . " where hashorse={$id}"; $r = db_query($sql); echo "<xml>"; while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($r)) { echo "<name name=\""; echo urlencode(appoencode("`0{$row['name']}")); echo "\"/>"; } if (db_num_rows($r) == 0) { echo "<name name=\"" . translate_inline("NONE") . "\"/>"; } echo "</xml>"; exit; } check_su_access(SU_EDIT_MOUNTS); tlschema("mounts"); page_header("Mount Editor"); require_once "lib/superusernav.php"; superusernav(); addnav("Mount Editor"); addnav("Add a mount", "mounts.php?op=add"); if ($op == "deactivate") { $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("mounts") . " SET mountactive=0 WHERE mountid='{$id}'"; db_query($sql); $op = ""; httpset("op", ""); invalidatedatacache("mountdata-{$id}"); } elseif ($op == "activate") { $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("mounts") . " SET mountactive=1 WHERE mountid='{$id}'"; db_query($sql);