} } if ($updated) { $mm = ""; $mm .= "Your complaint ticket number " . $_GET["ID"] . " has been CLOSED by a CService Admin\n\n"; $mm .= "Thanks for using our Complaint System.\n\n"; mail($daobj->from_email, "[" . NETWORK_NAME . " CService Complaints] " . $_GET["ID"] . " - Closed by Admin", $mm, "From: " . NETWORK_NAME . " Channel Service <" . OBJECT_EMAIL . ">\nReply-to: DO.NOT@REPLY.THANKS\nX-Mailer: " . NETWORK_NAME . " CService Complaint Module\n\n"); echo "<br><br><b>This complaint ticket has been closed. The user is being notified of this fact.</b><br><br>"; echo "<a href=\"admin.php\">Back to Complaint Admin</a><br><br>\n"; } else { echo "<br><br><b>For some strange reason, we couldn't close this ticket, please contact a Site Administrator.</b><br><br>"; echo "<a href=\"admin.php\">Back to Complaint Admin</a><br><br>\n"; } break; case 'replyadm': if (check_secure_form("do_reply_admin" . $_GET["ID"] . $_GET["RT"])) { $do_notify_user = 1; $da_reply = trim(post2db(str_replace(";", ":", $_POST["areply"]))); $da_actions = trim(post2db(str_replace(";", ":", $_POST["aactions"]))); $do_the_reply = 1; if (strlen($da_reply) + strlen($da_actions) > 30720) { $do_the_reply = 0; echo "<big>your 'reply' section added to your 'admin actions' section are too big ( above 30KB total )</big>."; } if ($do_the_reply == 1) { if ($da_reply == "") { $do_notify_user = 0; } $q = "INSERT INTO complaints_threads (complaint_ref,reply_by,reply_ts,reply_text,actions_text,in_reply_to) VALUES ('" . (int) $da_id . "'," . (int) $user_id . ",now()::abstime::int4,'" . $da_reply . "','" . $da_actions . "'," . (int) $_GET["RT"] . ")"; $qx = ""; $qs = "";
<?php /* $Id: wipeuser.php,v 1.1 2003/03/26 03:05:14 nighty Exp $ */ unset($min_lvl); $min_lvl = 800; $debug_me = 0; require "../../php_includes/cmaster.inc"; std_init(); if ($admin < $min_lvl) { die("No way !"); } if (check_secure_form("deleteuser!!!" . CRC_SALT_0008 . $_POST["username"])) { unset($del_q); $del_q[] = "DELETE FROM acl WHERE user_id='" . $_POST["id"] . "'"; $del_q[] = "DELETE FROM levels WHERE user_id='" . $_POST["id"] . "'"; $del_q[] = "DELETE FROM notes WHERE user_id='" . $_POST["id"] . "' OR from_user_id='" . $_POST["id"] . "'"; $del_q[] = "DELETE FROM pending WHERE manager_id='" . $_POST["id"] . "' OR reviewed_by_id='" . $_POST["id"] . "'"; $del_q[] = "DELETE FROM pending_emailchanges WHERE user_id='" . $_POST["id"] . "'"; $del_q[] = "DELETE FROM pending_pwreset WHERE user_id='" . $_POST["id"] . "'"; $del_q[] = "DELETE FROM supporters WHERE user_id='" . $_POST["id"] . "'"; $del_q[] = "DELETE FROM userlog WHERE user_id='" . $_POST["id"] . "'"; $del_q[] = "DELETE FROM users_lastseen WHERE user_id='" . $_POST["id"] . "'"; $del_q[] = "DELETE FROM users WHERE id='" . $_POST["id"] . "'"; if (!$debug_me) { // take the action pg_safe_exec("BEGIN WORK"); // be safe ;P $qFail = -1; for ($z = 0; $z < count($del_q); $z++) { $lRes = pg_safe_exec($del_q[$z]); if (!$lRes) {
if (acl(XIPR_MOD_OTHERS) && ($admin > $da_u_adm || $admin >= $min_lvl)) { $axslock = 0; } if ($axslock == 1) { die("Oi! what are you doing here ?!"); } $cTheme = get_theme_info(); if (check_secure_form("delfrm" . $_POST["user_id"])) { pg_safe_exec("DELETE FROM ip_restrict WHERE user_id=" . (int) $_POST["user_id"] . " AND id=" . (int) $_POST["delid"] . ""); header("Location: ip_restrict.php?user_id=" . (int) $_POST["user_id"]); die; } $usrq = pg_safe_exec("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=" . (int) $_GET["user_id"] . ""); $usr = pg_fetch_object($usrq); $err = ""; if (check_secure_form("addrestrict" . $_POST["user_id"])) { $a_mask = ""; $a_r1 = 0; $a_r2 = 0; switch ($_POST["rtype"]) { case 1: if (long2ip(ip2long($_POST["t1ip"])) != $_POST["t1ip"]) { $err .= "<li> Invalid IP (" . $_POST["t1ip"] . ")\n"; } $a_mask = ""; $a_r1 = ip2long($_POST["t1ip"]); $a_r2 = 0; break; case 2: if (long2ip(ip2long($_POST["t2ip1"])) != $_POST["t2ip1"]) { $err .= "<li> Invalid IP (from) (" . $_POST["t2ip1"] . ")\n";
} $q1 = "UPDATE complaints SET " . $q1_more . "current_owner='" . (int) $_POST["newowner"] . "' WHERE id='" . (int) $_POST["compid"] . "'"; $q2 = "INSERT INTO complaints_reference (complaints_ref,referenced_by,referenced_to,reference_ts,is_new) VALUES ('" . (int) $_POST["compid"] . "','" . (int) $user_id . "','" . (int) $_POST["newowner"] . "',now()::abstime::int4,1)"; $nr = pg_safe_exec("SELECT user_name FROM users WHERE id='" . (int) $_POST["newowner"] . "'"); $no = pg_fetch_object($nr); $q3 = "INSERT INTO complaints_threads (complaint_ref,reply_by,reply_ts,reply_text,actions_text,in_reply_to) VALUES ('" . (int) $_POST["compid"] . "'," . (int) $user_id . ",now()::abstime::int4,'','*** CHANGED TICKET OWNERSHIP TO : " . $no->user_name . " ***'," . (int) $lo->id . ")"; //echo $q0 . "<br>\n"; //echo $q1 . "<br>\n"; //echo $q2 . "<br>\n"; //echo $q3 . "<br>\n"; pg_safe_exec($q0); pg_safe_exec($q1); pg_safe_exec($q2); pg_safe_exec($q3); } else { if (check_secure_form("modifycomplaint" . $_GET["view"])) { echo "<a href=\"admin.php\"><b>< back</b></a><br><br>\n"; } else { echo "<a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1);\"><b>< back</b></a><br><br>\n"; } } } $idt = explode("-", $_GET["view"]); $r = pg_safe_exec("SELECT * FROM complaints WHERE id='" . (int) $idt[0] . "' AND ticket_number='" . $_GET["view"] . "'"); if ($o = pg_fetch_object($r)) { echo "<h3>Details on TICKET #" . $_GET["view"] . " <font size=+0>(<b>" . $cmp_status[$o->status] . "</b>)</font></h3>"; echo "<form name=modify method=post action=admin.php?view=" . $_GET["view"] . ">"; echo "<input type=hidden name=compid value=" . $o->id . ">\n"; make_secure_form("modifycomplaint" . $_GET["view"]); echo "<table width=100% border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>"; echo initial_complaint($_GET["view"], 0);
if (newregs_off()) { std_theme_styles(1); std_theme_body("../"); echo "<center>\n"; echo "<h2>"; echo "Sorry, You can't register new channels at the moment."; echo "</h2>"; echo "</center>\n"; echo "</body></html>\n\n"; die; } } $already_chan = 0; $already_pend = 0; $admin_bypass = 0; if (!check_secure_form(CRC_SALT_0002)) { echo "<html><head><title>REGISTRATION PROCESS</title>"; std_theme_styles(); echo "</head>\n"; std_theme_body("../"); echo "<b>CHANNEL SERVICE REGISTRATION PROCESS</b><br><hr noshade size=2><br>\n"; echo "<h2>You must use the form on our page.<br></h2>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; echo "Then <a href=\"index.php\">go there</a> and post the form.<br>\n"; echo "</body></html>\n\n"; die; } $rsts = pg_safe_exec("SELECT signup_ts FROM users WHERE id=" . (int) $user_id); $rsto = pg_fetch_object($rsts); if ((int) $rsto->signup_ts > 0) { $now = time();
$cTheme = get_theme_info(); std_theme_styles(1); std_theme_body(); if (complaints_off() && !isoper($user_id) || COMPLAINTS_ADMINCOMMENT_ID <= 0) { echo "<h2>The complaints system is temporarily disabled, please lodge a complaint if that is not OK with you.</h2>"; echo "</body>\n"; echo "</html>\n\n"; die; } ?> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3> <tr> <td valign=top><img src=complaint_dpt.jpg></td> <td valign=top> <?php if (!check_secure_form("complaintreq" . $_POST["from_mail"] . ($user_id + 0))) { echo "<big>Please use <a href=\"./\" target=_top>this page</a> to enter a complaint.</big>"; die("</td></tr></table></body></html>"); } echo "<font size=+2><b>" . $cpt_name[$_GET["ct"]] . "</b></font><br>"; unset($back_lnk); $back_lnk = "<a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1);\"><b><< back</b></a><br>"; if ($user_id == 0) { if (!preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9_+-.]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]+\$/", $_POST["from_mail"])) { echo $back_lnk; echo "<big>e-mail syntax is invalid</big>."; die("</td></tr></table></body></html>"); } } $da_crc = md5(CRC_SALT_0013 . $user_id . $_POST["from_mail"] . $_POST["ct"] . $_POST["complaint_text"] . cl_ip()); $da_users_id = $user_id;
} // check if the client is already authenticated (!) if ($user_id > 0) { std_theme_styles(1); std_theme_body(); echo "<p>You are already logged in. You are not allowed to create multiple accounts.</p>"; echo "<p>Go to your <a href=\"./\" target=\"_top\">user page</a>.</p></body></html>"; die; } unset($max_step); unset($curr_step); $max_step = 6; if (SHOW_GFXUSRCHK && NEWUSERS_GFXCHECK) { $max_step++; } if ((int) $_POST["showStep"] > 0 && check_secure_form("step" . (int) $_POST["showStep"])) { $curr_step = (int) $_POST["showStep"]; } else { $curr_step = 1; } if (!(SHOW_GFXUSRCHK && NEWUSERS_GFXCHECK) && $curr_step == 6) { $curr_step = 7; } if ($curr_step == 8) { if ($_POST["rCRC"] == md5($_POST["username"] . CRC_SALT_0011 . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . $_POST["email"] . $_POST["gfxcode_val"] . CRC_SALT_0007)) { // sets cookie so user cannot create another username within 4 hours. if (UNETUB_TIME > 0) { $expire = time() + UNETUB_TIME; $cookie = md5($expire . "Undernet User Block"); setcookie("UNETUB", $cookie, $expire, "/"); }