function on_submit($selected_parent, $selected_component = null) { if (!check_num('quantity', 0)) { display_error(tr("The quantity entered must be numeric and greater than zero.")); set_focus('quantity'); return; } if (isset($selected_parent) && isset($selected_component)) { $sql = "UPDATE bom SET workcentre_added='" . $_POST['workcentre_added'] . "',\n\t\t\tloc_code='" . $_POST['loc_code'] . "',\n\t\t\tquantity= " . input_num('quantity') . "\n\t\t\tWHERE parent='" . $selected_parent . "'\n\t\t\tAND id='" . $selected_component . "'"; check_db_error("Could not update this bom component", $sql); db_query($sql, "could not update bom"); } elseif (!isset($selected_component) && isset($selected_parent)) { /*Selected component is null cos no item selected on first time round so must be adding a record must be Submitting new entries in the new component form */ //need to check not recursive bom component of itself! if (!check_for_recursive_bom($selected_parent, $_POST['component'])) { /*Now check to see that the component is not already on the bom */ $sql = "SELECT component FROM bom\n\t\t\t\tWHERE parent='{$selected_parent}'\n\t\t\t\tAND component='" . $_POST['component'] . "'\n\t\t\t\tAND workcentre_added='" . $_POST['workcentre_added'] . "'\n\t\t\t\tAND loc_code='" . $_POST['loc_code'] . "'"; $result = db_query($sql, "check failed"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO bom (parent, component, workcentre_added, loc_code, quantity)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$selected_parent}', '" . $_POST['component'] . "', '" . $_POST['workcentre_added'] . "', '" . $_POST['loc_code'] . "', " . input_num('quantity') . ")"; db_query($sql, "check failed"); //$msg = tr("A new component part has been added to the bill of material for this item."); } else { /*The component must already be on the bom */ display_error(tr("The selected component is already on this bom. You can modify it's quantity but it cannot appear more than once on the same bom.")); } } else { display_error(tr("The selected component is a parent of the current item. Recursive BOMs are not allowed.")); } } }
function can_process() { if (!check_num('po_over_receive', 0, 100)) { display_error(_("The delivery over-receive allowance must be between 0 and 100.")); set_focus('po_over_receive'); return false; } if (!check_num('po_over_charge', 0, 100)) { display_error(_("The invoice over-charge allowance must be between 0 and 100.")); set_focus('po_over_charge'); return false; } if (!check_num('past_due_days', 0, 100)) { display_error(_("The past due days interval allowance must be between 0 and 100.")); set_focus('past_due_days'); return false; } $grn_act = get_company_pref('grn_clearing_act'); if (get_post('grn_clearing_act') != $grn_act && db_num_rows(get_grn_items(0, '', true))) { display_error(_("Before GRN Clearing Account can be changed all GRNs have to be invoiced")); $_POST['grn_clearing_act'] = $grn_act; set_focus('grn_clearing_account'); return false; } if (!is_account_balancesheet(get_post('retained_earnings_act')) || is_account_balancesheet(get_post('profit_loss_year_act'))) { display_error(_("The Retained Earnings Account should be a Balance Account or the Profit and Loss Year Account should be an Expense Account (preferred the last one in the Expense Class)")); return false; } return true; }
function check_data() { $total_allocated = 0; for ($counter = 0; $counter < $_POST["TotalNumberOfAllocs"]; $counter++) { if (!check_num('amount' . $counter, 0)) { display_error(tr("The entry for one or more amounts is invalid or negative.")); set_focus('amount'); return false; } /*Now check to see that the AllocAmt is no greater than the amount left to be allocated against the transaction under review */ if (input_num('amount' . $counter) > $_POST['un_allocated' . $counter]) { //$_POST['amount' . $counter] = $_POST['un_allocated' . $counter]; } $_SESSION['alloc']->allocs[$counter]->current_allocated = input_num('amount' . $counter); $total_allocated += input_num('amount' . $counter); } if ($total_allocated + $_SESSION['alloc']->amount > sys_prefs::allocation_settled_allowance()) { display_error(tr("These allocations cannot be processed because the amount allocated is more than the total amount left to allocate.")); //echo tr("Total allocated:") . " " . $total_allocated ; //echo " " . tr("Total amount that can be allocated:") . " " . -$_SESSION['alloc']->TransAmt . "<BR>"; return false; } return true; }
function check_valid_entries() { if (!is_date($_POST['DatePaid'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date is invalid.")); set_focus('DatePaid'); return false; } if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['DatePaid'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date is not in fiscal year.")); set_focus('DatePaid'); return false; } if (!check_num('amount', 0)) { display_error(tr("The entered amount is invalid or less than zero.")); set_focus('amount'); return false; } if (!references::is_valid($_POST['ref'])) { display_error(tr("You must enter a reference.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if (!is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], systypes::bank_transfer())) { display_error(tr("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if ($_POST['FromBankAccount'] == $_POST['ToBankAccount']) { display_error(tr("The source and destination bank accouts cannot be the same.")); set_focus('ToBankAccount'); return false; } return true; }
function can_process() { if (strlen($_POST['CustName']) == 0) { display_error(_("The customer name cannot be empty.")); set_focus('CustName'); return false; } if (strlen($_POST['cust_ref']) == 0) { display_error(_("The customer short name cannot be empty.")); set_focus('cust_ref'); return false; } if (!check_num('credit_limit', 0)) { display_error(_("The credit limit must be numeric and not less than zero.")); set_focus('credit_limit'); return false; } if (!check_num('pymt_discount', 0, 100)) { display_error(_("The payment discount must be numeric and is expected to be less than 100% and greater than or equal to 0.")); set_focus('pymt_discount'); return false; } if (!check_num('discount', 0, 100)) { display_error(_("The discount percentage must be numeric and is expected to be less than 100% and greater than or equal to 0.")); set_focus('discount'); return false; } return true; }
function check_data() { global $check_price_charged_vs_order_price, $check_qty_charged_vs_del_qty; if (!check_num('this_quantity_inv', 0) || input_num('this_quantity_inv') == 0) { display_error(tr("The quantity to invoice must be numeric and greater than zero.")); set_focus('this_quantity_inv'); return false; } if (!check_num('ChgPrice')) { display_error(tr("The price is not numeric.")); set_focus('ChgPrice'); return false; } if ($check_price_charged_vs_order_price == True) { if ($_POST['order_price'] != input_num('ChgPrice')) { if ($_POST['order_price'] == 0 || input_num('ChgPrice') / $_POST['order_price'] > 1 + sys_prefs::over_charge_allowance() / 100) { display_error(tr("The price being invoiced is more than the purchase order price by more than the allowed over-charge percentage. The system is set up to prohibit this. See the system administrator to modify the set up parameters if necessary.") . tr("The over-charge percentage allowance is :") . sys_prefs::over_charge_allowance() . "%"); set_focus('ChgPrice'); return false; } } } if ($check_qty_charged_vs_del_qty == True) { if (input_num('this_quantity_inv') / ($_POST['qty_recd'] - $_POST['prev_quantity_inv']) > 1 + sys_prefs::over_charge_allowance() / 100) { display_error(tr("The quantity being invoiced is more than the outstanding quantity by more than the allowed over-charge percentage. The system is set up to prohibit this. See the system administrator to modify the set up parameters if necessary.") . tr("The over-charge percentage allowance is :") . sys_prefs::over_charge_allowance() . "%"); set_focus('this_quantity_inv'); return false; } } return true; }
function on_submit($selected_parent, $selected_component = -1) { if (!check_num('quantity', 0)) { display_error(_("The quantity entered must be numeric and greater than zero.")); set_focus('quantity'); return; } if ($selected_component != -1) { update_bom($selected_parent, $selected_component, $_POST['workcentre_added'], $_POST['loc_code'], input_num('quantity')); display_notification(_('Selected component has been updated')); $Mode = 'RESET'; } else { /*Selected component is null cos no item selected on first time round so must be adding a record must be Submitting new entries in the new component form */ //need to check not recursive bom component of itself! if (!check_for_recursive_bom($selected_parent, $_POST['component'])) { /*Now check to see that the component is not already on the bom */ if (!is_component_already_on_bom($_POST['component'], $_POST['workcentre_added'], $_POST['loc_code'], $selected_parent)) { add_bom($selected_parent, $_POST['component'], $_POST['workcentre_added'], $_POST['loc_code'], input_num('quantity')); display_notification(_("A new component part has been added to the bill of material for this item.")); $Mode = 'RESET'; } else { /*The component must already be on the bom */ display_error(_("The selected component is already on this bom. You can modify it's quantity but it cannot appear more than once on the same bom.")); } } else { display_error(_("The selected component is a parent of the current item. Recursive BOMs are not allowed.")); } } }
function update_component($kit_code, $selected_item) { global $Mode, $Ajax, $selected_kit; if (!check_num('quantity', 0)) { display_error(_("The quantity entered must be numeric and greater than zero.")); set_focus('quantity'); return; } elseif ($_POST['description'] == '') { display_error(_("Item code description cannot be empty.")); set_focus('description'); return; } elseif ($selected_item == -1) { if (get_post('item_code') == '') { // New kit/alias definition $kit = get_item_kit($_POST['kit_code']); if (db_num_rows($kit)) { $input_error = 1; display_error(_("This item code is already assigned to stock item or sale kit.")); set_focus('kit_code'); return; } if (get_post('kit_code') == '') { display_error(_("Kit/alias code cannot be empty.")); set_focus('kit_code'); return; } } } if (check_item_in_kit($selected_item, $kit_code, $_POST['component'], true)) { display_error(_("The selected component contains directly or on any lower level the kit under edition. Recursive kits are not allowed.")); set_focus('component'); return; } /*Now check to see that the component is not already in the kit */ if (check_item_in_kit($selected_item, $kit_code, $_POST['component'])) { display_error(_("The selected component is already in this kit. You can modify it's quantity but it cannot appear more than once in the same kit.")); set_focus('component'); return; } if ($selected_item == -1) { // new item alias/kit if ($_POST['item_code'] == '') { $kit_code = $_POST['kit_code']; $selected_kit = $_POST['item_code'] = $kit_code; $msg = _("New alias code has been created."); } else { $msg = _("New component has been added to selected kit."); } add_item_code($kit_code, get_post('component'), get_post('description'), get_post('category'), input_num('quantity'), 0); display_notification($msg); } else { $props = get_kit_props($_POST['item_code']); update_item_code($selected_item, $kit_code, get_post('component'), $props['description'], $props['category_id'], input_num('quantity'), 0); display_notification(_("Component of selected kit has been updated.")); } $Mode = 'RESET'; $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); }
function can_process() { if (strlen($_POST['name']) == 0) { display_error(tr("The tax type name cannot be empty.")); set_focus('name'); return false; } elseif (!check_num('rate', 0)) { display_error(tr("The default tax rate must be numeric and not less than zero.")); set_focus('rate'); return false; } return true; }
function can_process() { if (strlen($_POST['sales_type']) == 0) { display_error(_("The sales type description cannot be empty.")); set_focus('sales_type'); return false; } if (!check_num('factor', 0)) { display_error(_("Calculation factor must be valid positive number.")); set_focus('factor'); return false; } return true; }
function check_data() { if (!check_num('This_QuantityCredited', 0)) { display_error(tr("The quantity to credit must be numeric and greater than zero.")); set_focus('This_QuantityCredited'); return false; } if (!check_num('ChgPrice', 0)) { display_error(tr("The price is either not numeric or negative.")); set_focus('ChgPrice'); return false; } return true; }
function can_process() { global $wo_details; if (!references::is_valid($_POST['ref'])) { display_error(tr("You must enter a reference.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if (!is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], 29)) { display_error(tr("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if (!check_num('quantity', 0)) { display_error(tr("The quantity entered is not a valid number or less then zero.")); set_focus('quantity'); return false; } if (!is_date($_POST['date_'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date is invalid.")); set_focus('date_'); return false; } elseif (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['date_'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date is not in fiscal year.")); set_focus('date_'); return false; } if (date_diff(sql2date($wo_details["released_date"]), $_POST['date_'], "d") > 0) { display_error(tr("The production date cannot be before the release date of the work order.")); set_focus('date_'); return false; } // if unassembling we need to check the qoh if ($_POST['ProductionType'] == 0 && !sys_prefs::allow_negative_stock()) { $wo_details = get_work_order($_POST['selected_id']); $qoh = get_qoh_on_date($wo_details["stock_id"], $wo_details["loc_code"], $date_); if (-$_POST['quantity'] + $qoh < 0) { display_error(tr("The unassembling cannot be processed because there is insufficient stock.")); set_focus('quantity'); return false; } } return true; }
function can_process() { if (!check_num('po_over_receive', 0, 100)) { display_error(tr("The delivery over-receive allowance must be between 0 and 100.")); set_focus('po_over_receive'); return false; } if (!check_num('po_over_charge', 0, 100)) { display_error(tr("The invoice over-charge allowance must be between 0 and 100.")); set_focus('po_over_charge'); return false; } if (!check_num('past_due_days', 0, 100)) { display_error(tr("The past due days interval allowance must be between 0 and 100.")); set_focus('past_due_days'); return false; } return true; }
function check_data() { if (!is_date($_POST['date_'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date is invalid.")); set_focus('date_'); return false; } if (!check_num('BuyRate', 0)) { display_error(tr("The exchange rate must be numeric and greater than zero.")); set_focus('BuyRate'); return false; } if ($_POST['BuyRate'] <= 0) { display_error(tr("The exchange rate cannot be zero or a negative number.")); set_focus('BuyRate'); return false; } return true; }
function can_process() { global $selected_id; if (strlen($_POST['name']) == 0) { display_error(_("The tax type name cannot be empty.")); set_focus('name'); return false; } elseif (!check_num('rate', 0)) { display_error(_("The default tax rate must be numeric and not less than zero.")); set_focus('rate'); return false; } if (!is_tax_gl_unique(get_post('sales_gl_code'), get_post('purchasing_gl_code'), $selected_id)) { display_error(_("Selected GL Accounts cannot be used by another tax type.")); set_focus('sales_gl_code'); return false; } return true; }
function can_process() { if (!isset($_POST['DateBanked']) || !is_date($_POST['DateBanked'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date is invalid. Please enter a valid date for the payment.")); set_focus('DateBanked'); return false; } elseif (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['DateBanked'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date is not in fiscal year.")); set_focus('DateBanked'); return false; } if (!references::is_valid($_POST['ref'])) { display_error(tr("You must enter a reference.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if (!is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], 12)) { display_error(tr("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if (!check_num('amount', 0)) { display_error(tr("The entered amount is invalid or negative and cannot be processed.")); set_focus('amount'); return false; } if (!check_num('discount')) { display_error(tr("The entered discount is not a valid number.")); set_focus('discount'); return false; } if (input_num('amount') - input_num('discount') <= 0) { display_error(tr("The balance of the amount and discout is zero or negative. Please enter valid amounts.")); set_focus('discount'); return false; } return true; }
function check_num($data, $check) { $explode_or = explode("|", $data); if (count($explode_or) > 1) { foreach ($explode_or as $val) { if (check_num($val, $check)) { return true; } } } $explode_mod = explode(",", $data); if (count($explode_mod) >= 2) { foreach ($explode_mod as $val) { if (check_num($val, $check)) { return true; } } } $explode_mod = explode("&", $data); if (count($explode_mod) >= 2) { foreach ($explode_mod as $val) { if (!check_num($val, $check)) { return false; } } } $explode_between = explode("-", $data); if (count($explode_between) >= 2) { $min = $explode_between[0]; $max = $explode_between[1]; return $check >= $min && $check <= $max; } $explode_mod = explode("%", $data); if (count($explode_mod) >= 2) { return $explode_mod[0] % $explode_mod[1] == 0; } return $data == $check; }
function can_process() { global $wo_details; if (!check_num('costs', 0)) { display_error(_("The amount entered is not a valid number or less then zero.")); set_focus('costs'); return false; } if (!is_date($_POST['date_'])) { display_error(_("The entered date is invalid.")); set_focus('date_'); return false; } elseif (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['date_'])) { display_error(_("The entered date is not in fiscal year.")); set_focus('date_'); return false; } if (date_diff2(sql2date($wo_details["released_date"]), $_POST['date_'], "d") > 0) { display_error(_("The additional cost date cannot be before the release date of the work order.")); set_focus('date_'); return false; } return true; }
function can_process() { if ($_POST['mail_type'] == 'MAIL') { return true; } $errors = 0; if (empty($_POST['smtp_host']) && $_POST['mail_type'] == 'SMTP') { $errors++; display_error(_("The SMTP host must be entered.")); } if (!check_num('smtp_port', 1) && $_POST['mail_type'] == 'SMTP') { $errors++; display_error(_("The SMTP port must be a positive number.")); } if (empty($_POST['smtp_username']) && $_POST['mail_type'] == 'SMTP') { $errors++; display_error(_("The SMTP username must be entered.")); } if (empty($_POST['smtp_password']) && $_POST['mail_type'] == 'SMTP') { $errors++; display_error(_("The SMTP password must be entered.")); } return $errors == 0; }
function check_data() { if (!check_num('qty', 0)) { display_error(tr("The quantity of the order item must be numeric and not less than zero.")); set_focus('qty'); return false; } if (!check_num('price', 0)) { display_error(tr("The price entered must be numeric and not less than zero.")); set_focus('price'); return false; } if (!is_date($_POST['req_del_date'])) { display_error(tr("The date entered is in an invalid format.")); set_focus('req_del_date'); return false; } return true; }
function check_item_data() { if (!check_num('amount', 0)) { display_error(_("The amount entered is not a valid number or is less than zero.")); set_focus('amount'); return false; } if (isset($_POST['_ex_rate']) && input_num('_ex_rate') <= 0) { display_error(_("The exchange rate cannot be zero or a negative number.")); set_focus('_ex_rate'); return false; } return true; }
} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (isset($_POST['ADD_ITEM']) || isset($_POST['UPDATE_ITEM'])) { //initialise no input errors assumed initially before we test $input_error = 0; if (strlen($_POST['salesman_name']) == 0) { $input_error = 1; display_error(tr("The sales person name cannot be empty.")); } $pr1 = check_num('provision', 0, 100); if (!$pr1 || !check_num('provision2', 0, 100)) { $input_error = 1; display_error(tr("Salesman provision cannot be less than 0 or more than 100%.")); set_focus(!$pr1 ? 'provision' : 'provision2'); } if (!check_num('break_pt', 0)) { $input_error = 1; display_error(tr("Salesman provision breakpoint must be numeric and not less than 0.")); set_focus('break_pt'); } if ($input_error != 1) { if (isset($selected_id)) { /*selected_id could also exist if submit had not been clicked this code would not run in this case cos submit is false of course see the delete code below*/ $sql = "UPDATE salesman SET salesman_name=" . db_escape($_POST['salesman_name']) . ",\n \t\t\tsalesman_phone=" . db_escape($_POST['salesman_phone']) . ",\n \t\t\tsalesman_fax=" . db_escape($_POST['salesman_fax']) . ",\n \t\t\tsalesman_email=" . db_escape($_POST['salesman_email']) . ",\n \t\t\tprovision=" . input_num('provision') . ",\n \t\t\tbreak_pt=" . input_num('break_pt') . ",\n \t\t\tprovision2=" . input_num('provision2') . "\n \t\t\tWHERE salesman_code = '{$selected_id}'"; } else { /*Selected group is null cos no item selected on first time round so must be adding a record must be submitting new entries in the new Sales-person form */ $sql = "INSERT INTO salesman (salesman_name, salesman_phone, salesman_fax, salesman_email,\n \t\t\tprovision, break_pt, provision2)\n \t\t\tVALUES (" . db_escape($_POST['salesman_name']) . ", " . db_escape($_POST['salesman_phone']) . ", " . db_escape($_POST['salesman_fax']) . ", " . db_escape($_POST['salesman_email']) . ", " . input_num('provision') . ", " . input_num('break_pt') . ", " . input_num('provision2') . ")"; } //run the sql from either of the above possibilites db_query($sql, "The insert or update of the salesperson failed"); meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
function check_quantities() { $ok = 1; // Update cart delivery quantities/descriptions foreach ($_SESSION['Items']->line_items as $line => $itm) { if (isset($_POST['Line' . $line])) { if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_no) { $min = $itm->qty_done; $max = $itm->quantity; } else { $min = 0; $max = $itm->quantity - $itm->qty_done; } if (check_num('Line' . $line, $min, $max)) { $_SESSION['Items']->line_items[$line]->qty_dispatched = input_num('Line' . $line); } else { set_focus('Line' . $line); $ok = 0; } } if (isset($_POST['Line' . $line . 'Desc'])) { $line_desc = $_POST['Line' . $line . 'Desc']; if (strlen($line_desc) > 0) { $_SESSION['Items']->line_items[$line]->item_description = $line_desc; } } } // ... // else // $_SESSION['Items']->freight_cost = input_num('ChargeFreightCost'); return $ok; }
function can_process() { global $Refs; if (!get_post('customer_id')) { display_error(_("There is no customer selected.")); set_focus('customer_id'); return false; } if (!get_post('BranchID')) { display_error(_("This customer has no branch defined.")); set_focus('BranchID'); return false; } if (!isset($_POST['DateBanked']) || !is_date($_POST['DateBanked'])) { display_error(_("The entered date is invalid. Please enter a valid date for the payment.")); set_focus('DateBanked'); return false; } elseif (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['DateBanked'])) { display_error(_("The entered date is not in fiscal year.")); set_focus('DateBanked'); return false; } if (!$Refs->is_valid($_POST['ref'])) { display_error(_("You must enter a reference.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } //Chaitanya : 13-OCT-2011 - To support Edit feature if (isset($_POST['trans_no']) && $_POST['trans_no'] == 0 && !is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], ST_CUSTPAYMENT)) { display_error(_("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } elseif ($_POST['ref'] != $_POST['old_ref'] && !is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], ST_CUSTPAYMENT)) { display_error(_("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if (!check_num('amount', 0)) { display_error(_("The entered amount is invalid or negative and cannot be processed.")); set_focus('amount'); return false; } if (isset($_POST['charge']) && !check_num('charge', 0)) { display_error(_("The entered amount is invalid or negative and cannot be processed.")); set_focus('charge'); return false; } if (isset($_POST['charge']) && input_num('charge') > 0) { $charge_acct = get_company_pref('bank_charge_act'); if (get_gl_account($charge_acct) == false) { display_error(_("The Bank Charge Account has not been set in System and General GL Setup.")); set_focus('charge'); return false; } } if (isset($_POST['_ex_rate']) && !check_num('_ex_rate', 1.0E-6)) { display_error(_("The exchange rate must be numeric and greater than zero.")); set_focus('_ex_rate'); return false; } if ($_POST['discount'] == "") { $_POST['discount'] = 0; } if (!check_num('discount')) { display_error(_("The entered discount is not a valid number.")); set_focus('discount'); return false; } //if ((input_num('amount') - input_num('discount') <= 0)) { if (input_num('amount') <= 0) { display_error(_("The balance of the amount and discout is zero or negative. Please enter valid amounts.")); set_focus('discount'); return false; } if (!db_has_currency_rates(get_customer_currency($_POST['customer_id']), $_POST['DateBanked'], true)) { return false; } $_SESSION['alloc']->amount = input_num('amount'); if (isset($_POST["TotalNumberOfAllocs"])) { return check_allocations(); } else { return true; } }
function check_item_data() { if (!check_num('qty', 0)) { display_error(_("The quantity entered must be a positive number.")); set_focus('qty'); return false; } return true; }
function check_inputs() { global $Refs; if (!get_post('supplier_id')) { display_error(_("There is no supplier selected.")); set_focus('supplier_id'); return false; } if (@$_POST['amount'] == "") { $_POST['amount'] = price_format(0); } if (!check_num('amount', 0)) { display_error(_("The entered amount is invalid or less than zero.")); set_focus('amount'); return false; } if (isset($_POST['charge']) && !check_num('charge', 0)) { display_error(_("The entered amount is invalid or less than zero.")); set_focus('charge'); return false; } if (isset($_POST['charge']) && input_num('charge') > 0) { $charge_acct = get_company_pref('bank_charge_act'); if (get_gl_account($charge_acct) == false) { display_error(_("The Bank Charge Account has not been set in System and General GL Setup.")); set_focus('charge'); return false; } } if (@$_POST['discount'] == "") { $_POST['discount'] = 0; } if (!check_num('discount', 0)) { display_error(_("The entered discount is invalid or less than zero.")); set_focus('amount'); return false; } //if (input_num('amount') - input_num('discount') <= 0) if (input_num('amount') <= 0) { display_error(_("The total of the amount and the discount is zero or negative. Please enter positive values.")); set_focus('amount'); return false; } if (isset($_POST['bank_amount']) && input_num('bank_amount') <= 0) { display_error(_("The entered bank amount is zero or negative.")); set_focus('bank_amount'); return false; } if (!is_date($_POST['DatePaid'])) { display_error(_("The entered date is invalid.")); set_focus('DatePaid'); return false; } elseif (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['DatePaid'])) { display_error(_("The entered date is out of fiscal year or is closed for further data entry.")); set_focus('DatePaid'); return false; } $limit = get_bank_account_limit($_POST['bank_account'], $_POST['DatePaid']); if ($limit !== null && floatcmp($limit, input_num('amount')) < 0) { display_error(sprintf(_("The total bank amount exceeds allowed limit (%s)."), price_format($limit))); set_focus('amount'); return false; } if (!$Refs->is_valid($_POST['ref'])) { display_error(_("You must enter a reference.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if (!is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], ST_SUPPAYMENT)) { display_error(_("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if (!db_has_currency_rates(get_supplier_currency($_POST['supplier_id']), $_POST['DatePaid'], true)) { return false; } $_SESSION['alloc']->amount = -input_num('amount'); if (isset($_POST["TotalNumberOfAllocs"])) { return check_allocations(); } else { return true; } }
function check_item_data() { global $SysPrefs, $allow_negative_prices; $is_inventory_item = is_inventory_item(get_post('stock_id')); if (!get_post('stock_id_text', true)) { display_error(_("Item description cannot be empty.")); set_focus('stock_id_edit'); return false; } elseif (!check_num('qty', 0) || !check_num('Disc', 0, 100)) { display_error(_("The item could not be updated because you are attempting to set the quantity ordered to less than 0, or the discount percent to more than 100.")); set_focus('qty'); return false; } elseif (!check_num('price', 0) && (!$allow_negative_prices || $is_inventory_item)) { display_error(_("Price for inventory item must be entered and can not be less than 0")); set_focus('price'); return false; } elseif (isset($_POST['LineNo']) && isset($_SESSION['Items']->line_items[$_POST['LineNo']]) && !check_num('qty', $_SESSION['Items']->line_items[$_POST['LineNo']]->qty_done)) { set_focus('qty'); display_error(_("You attempting to make the quantity ordered a quantity less than has already been delivered. The quantity delivered cannot be modified retrospectively.")); return false; } $cost_home = get_standard_cost(get_post('stock_id')); // Added 2011-03-27 Joe Hunt $cost = $cost_home / get_exchange_rate_from_home_currency($_SESSION['Items']->customer_currency, $_SESSION['Items']->document_date); if (input_num('price') < $cost) { $dec = user_price_dec(); $curr = $_SESSION['Items']->customer_currency; $price = number_format2(input_num('price'), $dec); if ($cost_home == $cost) { $std_cost = number_format2($cost_home, $dec); } else { $price = $curr . " " . $price; $std_cost = $curr . " " . number_format2($cost, $dec); } display_warning(sprintf(_("Price %s is below Standard Cost %s"), $price, $std_cost)); } return true; }
function check_valid_entries() { global $Refs; if (!is_date($_POST['DatePaid'])) { display_error(_("The entered date is invalid.")); set_focus('DatePaid'); return false; } if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['DatePaid'])) { display_error(_("The entered date is not in fiscal year.")); set_focus('DatePaid'); return false; } if (!check_num('amount', 0)) { display_error(_("The entered amount is invalid or less than zero.")); set_focus('amount'); return false; } if (input_num('amount') == 0) { display_error(_("The total bank amount cannot be 0.")); set_focus('amount'); return false; } $limit = get_bank_account_limit($_POST['FromBankAccount'], $_POST['DatePaid']); $amnt_tr = input_num('charge') + input_num('amount'); if ($limit !== null && floatcmp($limit, $amnt_tr) < 0) { display_error(sprintf(_("The total bank amount exceeds allowed limit (%s) for source account."), price_format($limit))); set_focus('amount'); return false; } if ($trans = check_bank_account_history(-$amnt_tr, $_POST['FromBankAccount'], $_POST['DatePaid'])) { display_error(sprintf(_("The bank transaction would result in exceed of authorized overdraft limit for transaction: %s #%s on %s."), $systypes_array[$trans['type']], $trans['trans_no'], sql2date($trans['trans_date']))); set_focus('amount'); $input_error = 1; } if (isset($_POST['charge']) && !check_num('charge', 0)) { display_error(_("The entered amount is invalid or less than zero.")); set_focus('charge'); return false; } if (isset($_POST['charge']) && input_num('charge') > 0 && get_company_pref('bank_charge_act') == '') { display_error(_("The Bank Charge Account has not been set in System and General GL Setup.")); set_focus('charge'); return false; } if (!$Refs->is_valid($_POST['ref'])) { display_error(_("You must enter a reference.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if (!is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], ST_BANKTRANSFER)) { display_error(_("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if ($_POST['FromBankAccount'] == $_POST['ToBankAccount']) { display_error(_("The source and destination bank accouts cannot be the same.")); set_focus('ToBankAccount'); return false; } if (isset($_POST['target_amount']) && !check_num('target_amount', 0)) { display_error(_("The entered amount is invalid or less than zero.")); set_focus('target_amount'); return false; } if (isset($_POST['target_amount']) && input_num('target_amount') == 0) { display_error(_("The incomming bank amount cannot be 0.")); set_focus('target_amount'); return false; } if (!db_has_currency_rates(get_bank_account_currency($_POST['FromBankAccount']), $_POST['DatePaid'])) { return false; } if (!db_has_currency_rates(get_bank_account_currency($_POST['ToBankAccount']), $_POST['DatePaid'])) { return false; } return true; }
unset($_SESSION['PO']); meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "AddedID={$grn}"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_GET['PONumber']) && $_GET['PONumber'] > 0 && !isset($_POST['Update'])) { create_new_po(); /*read in all the selected order into the Items cart */ read_po($_GET['PONumber'], $_SESSION['PO']); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['Update']) || isset($_POST['ProcessGoodsReceived'])) { /* if update quantities button is hit page has been called and ${$line->line_no} would have be set from the post to the quantity to be received in this receival*/ foreach ($_SESSION['PO']->line_items as $line) { $_POST[$line->line_no] = max($_POST[$line->line_no], 0); if (!check_num($line->line_no)) { $_POST[$line->line_no] = qty_format(0); } if (!isset($_POST['DefaultReceivedDate']) || $_POST['DefaultReceivedDate'] == "") { $_POST['DefaultReceivedDate'] = Today(); } $_SESSION['PO']->line_items[$line->line_no]->receive_qty = input_num($line->line_no); if (isset($_POST[$line->stock_id . "Desc"]) && strlen($_POST[$line->stock_id . "Desc"]) > 0) { $_SESSION['PO']->line_items[$line->line_no]->item_description = $_POST[$line->stock_id . "Desc"]; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['ProcessGoodsReceived'])) { process_receive_po(); }
function edit_allocations_for_transaction($type, $trans_no) { global $table_style; start_form(false, true); display_heading(sprintf(tr("Allocation of %s # %d"), systypes::name($_SESSION['alloc']->type), $_SESSION['alloc']->trans_no)); display_heading($_SESSION['alloc']->person_name); display_heading2(tr("Date:") . " <b>" . $_SESSION['alloc']->date_ . "</b>"); display_heading2(tr("Total:") . " <b>" . price_format($_SESSION['alloc']->amount) . "</b>"); echo "<br>"; if (count($_SESSION['alloc']->allocs) > 0) { start_table($table_style); $th = array(tr("Transaction Type"), tr("#"), tr("Date"), tr("Due Date"), tr("Amount"), tr("Other Allocations"), tr("This Allocation"), tr("Left to Allocate"), "", ""); table_header($th); $k = $counter = $total_allocated = 0; foreach ($_SESSION['alloc']->allocs as $allocn_item) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell(systypes::name($allocn_item->type)); label_cell(get_trans_view_str($allocn_item->type, $allocn_item->type_no)); label_cell($allocn_item->date_, "align=right"); label_cell($allocn_item->due_date, "align=right"); amount_cell($allocn_item->amount); amount_cell($allocn_item->amount_allocated); if (!check_num('amount' . $counter)) { $_POST['amount' . $counter] = price_format($allocn_item->current_allocated); } amount_cells(null, 'amount' . $counter, $_POST['amount' . $counter]); $un_allocated = round($allocn_item->amount - $allocn_item->amount_allocated, 6); hidden("un_allocated" . $counter, $un_allocated); amount_cell($un_allocated); label_cell("<a href='#' name=Alloc{$counter} onclick='allocate_all(;return true;'>" . tr("All") . "</a>"); label_cell("<a href='#' name=DeAll{$counter} onclick='allocate_none(;return true;'>" . tr("None") . "</a>"); end_row(); $total_allocated += input_num('amount' . $counter); $counter++; } label_row(tr("Total Allocated"), price_format($total_allocated), "colspan=6 align=right", "nowrap align=right id='total_allocated'"); if ($_SESSION['alloc']->amount - $total_allocated < 0) { $font1 = "<font color=red>"; $font2 = "</font>"; } else { $font1 = $font2 = ""; } $left_to_allocate = $_SESSION['alloc']->amount - $total_allocated; $left_to_allocate = price_format($left_to_allocate); label_row(tr("Left to Allocate"), $font1 . $left_to_allocate . $font2, "colspan=6 align=right ", "nowrap align=right id='left_to_allocate'"); end_table(1); hidden('TotalNumberOfAllocs', $counter); // hidden('left_to_allocate', $left_to_allocate); submit_center_first('UpdateDisplay', tr("Update")); submit('Process', tr("Process")); } else { display_note(tr("There are no unsettled transactions to allocate."), 0, 1); } submit_center_last('Cancel', tr("Back to Allocations")); end_form(); }