function install_content(&$a) { global $install_wizard_pass, $db; $o = ''; $wizard_status = ""; $install_title = t('Friendica Social Communications Server - Setup'); if (x($a->data, 'db_conn_failed')) { $install_wizard_pass = 2; $wizard_status = t('Could not connect to database.'); } if (x($a->data, 'db_create_failed')) { $install_wizard_pass = 2; $wizard_status = t('Could not create table.'); } $db_return_text = ""; if (x($a->data, 'db_installed')) { $txt = '<p style="font-size: 130%;">'; $txt .= t('Your Friendica site database has been installed.') . EOL; $db_return_text .= $txt; } if (x($a->data, 'db_failed')) { $txt = t('You may need to import the file "database.sql" manually using phpmyadmin or mysql.') . EOL; $txt .= t('Please see the file "INSTALL.txt".') . EOL . "<hr>"; $txt .= "<pre>" . $a->data['db_failed'] . "</pre>" . EOL; $db_return_text .= $txt; } if ($db && $db->connected) { $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) as `total` FROM `user`"); if ($r && count($r) && $r[0]['total']) { $tpl = get_markup_template('install.tpl'); return replace_macros($tpl, array('$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => '', '$status' => t('Permission denied.'), '$text' => '')); } } if (x($a->data, 'txt') && strlen($a->data['txt'])) { $db_return_text .= manual_config($a); } if ($db_return_text != "") { $tpl = get_markup_template('install.tpl'); return replace_macros($tpl, array('$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => "", '$text' => $db_return_text . what_next())); } switch ($install_wizard_pass) { case 1: // System check $checks = array(); check_funcs($checks); check_htconfig($checks); check_smarty3($checks); check_keys($checks); if (x($_POST, 'phpath')) { $phpath = notags(trim($_POST['phpath'])); } check_php($phpath, $checks); check_htaccess($checks); function check_passed($v, $c) { if ($c['required']) { $v = $v && $c['status']; } return $v; } $checkspassed = array_reduce($checks, "check_passed", true); $tpl = get_markup_template('install_checks.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => t('System check'), '$checks' => $checks, '$passed' => $checkspassed, '$see_install' => t('Please see the file "INSTALL.txt".'), '$next' => t('Next'), '$reload' => t('Check again'), '$phpath' => $phpath, '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl())); return $o; break; case 2: // Database config $dbhost = x($_POST, 'dbhost') ? notags(trim($_POST['dbhost'])) : 'localhost'; $dbuser = notags(trim($_POST['dbuser'])); $dbpass = notags(trim($_POST['dbpass'])); $dbdata = notags(trim($_POST['dbdata'])); $phpath = notags(trim($_POST['phpath'])); $tpl = get_markup_template('install_db.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => t('Database connection'), '$info_01' => t('In order to install Friendica we need to know how to connect to your database.'), '$info_02' => t('Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings.'), '$info_03' => t('The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing.'), '$status' => $wizard_status, '$dbhost' => array('dbhost', t('Database Server Name'), $dbhost, ''), '$dbuser' => array('dbuser', t('Database Login Name'), $dbuser, ''), '$dbpass' => array('dbpass', t('Database Login Password'), $dbpass, ''), '$dbdata' => array('dbdata', t('Database Name'), $dbdata, ''), '$adminmail' => array('adminmail', t('Site administrator email address'), $adminmail, t('Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin panel.')), '$lbl_10' => t('Please select a default timezone for your website'), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$phpath' => $phpath, '$submit' => t('Submit'))); return $o; break; case 3: // Site settings require_once 'include/datetime.php'; $dbhost = x($_POST, 'dbhost') ? notags(trim($_POST['dbhost'])) : 'localhost'; $dbuser = notags(trim($_POST['dbuser'])); $dbpass = notags(trim($_POST['dbpass'])); $dbdata = notags(trim($_POST['dbdata'])); $phpath = notags(trim($_POST['phpath'])); $adminmail = notags(trim($_POST['adminmail'])); $timezone = x($_POST, 'timezone') ? $_POST['timezone'] : 'America/Los_Angeles'; $tpl = get_markup_template('install_settings.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => t('Site settings'), '$status' => $wizard_status, '$dbhost' => $dbhost, '$dbuser' => $dbuser, '$dbpass' => $dbpass, '$dbdata' => $dbdata, '$phpath' => $phpath, '$adminmail' => array('adminmail', t('Site administrator email address'), $adminmail, t('Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin panel.')), '$timezone' => field_timezone('timezone', t('Please select a default timezone for your website'), $timezone, ''), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$submit' => t('Submit'))); return $o; break; } }
function checkConfig($config) { umask(011); $dir = getcwd(); if (!file_exists("config.php") && !is_writable(".")) { print "<h3 class='warn'>" . _t("Please change the permission of some directories writable on your server to initialize your Wiki.") . "</h3>\n"; print "<pre class='console'>\n<font color='green'>\$</font> chmod <b>777</b> {$dir}/data/ {$dir}\n</pre>\n"; print sprintf(_t("If you want a more safe wiki, try to change the permission of directories with %s."), "<font color='red'>2777(setgid).</font>\n"); print "<pre class='console'>\n<font color='green'>\$</font> chmod <b>2777</b> {$dir}/data/ {$dir}\n</pre>\n"; print _t("or use <tt></tt> and select 777 or <font color='red'>2777</font>"); print "<pre class='console'>\n<font color='green'>\$</font> sh</pre>\n"; print _t("After execute one of above two commands, just <a href='monisetup.php'>reload this <tt>monisetup.php</tt></a> would make a new initial <tt>config.php</tt> with detected parameters for your wiki.") . "\n<br/>"; print "<h2><a href='monisetup.php?step=agree'>" . _t("Reload") . "</a></h2>"; exit; } else { if (file_exists("config.php")) { print "<p class='notice'><span class='warn'>" . _t("WARN") . ":</span> " . _t("Please execute the following command after you have completed your configuration.") . "</p>\n"; print "<pre class='console'>\n<font color='green'>\$</font> sh\n</pre>\n"; if (is_writable('config.php')) { if (empty($config['admin_passwd'])) { print "<h2 class='warn'>" . _t("WARN: You have to enter your Admin Password") . "</h2>\n"; } else { $owner = fileowner('.'); print "<h2 class='warn'>" . _t("WARN: If you have any permission to execute ''. press the following button") . "</h2>\n"; $msg = _t("Protect my config.php now!"); echo <<<FORM <form method='post' action=''> <div class='protect'><input type='hidden' name='action' value='protect' /><input type='submit' name='protect' value='{$msg}' /></div> </form> FORM; } } } } if (file_exists("config.php")) { if (!is_writable($config['data_dir'])) { if (02000 & fileperms(".")) { # check sgid $datadir_perm = 02777; } else { $datadir_perm = 0777; } $datadir_perm = decoct($datadir_perm); print "<h3 class='error'>" . sprintf(_t("FATAL: %s directory is not writable"), $config['data_dir']) . "</h3>\n"; print "<h4>" . _t("Please execute the following command.") . "</h4>"; print "<pre class='console'>\n" . "<font color='green'>\$</font> chmod {$datadir_perm} {$config['data_dir']}\n</pre>\n"; exit; } $data_sub_dir = array("cache", "user", "text"); if (02000 & fileperms($config['data_dir'])) { $DPERM = 0775; } else { $DPERM = 0777; } foreach ($data_sub_dir as $dir) { if (!file_exists("{$config['data_dir']}/{$dir}")) { umask(00); mkdir("{$config['data_dir']}/{$dir}", $DPERM); if ($dir == 'text') { mkdir($config['data_dir'] . "/{$dir}/RCS", $DPERM); } } else { if (!is_writable("{$config['data_dir']}/{$dir}")) { print "<h4 class='warn'>" . sprintf(_t("%s directory is not writable"), $dir) . "</h4>\n"; print "<pre class='console'>\n" . "<font color='green'>\$</font> chmod a+w {$config[$file]}\n</pre>\n"; } } } $writables = array("upload_dir", 'cache_public_dir', "editlog_name"); $is_apache = preg_match('/apache/i', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']); $port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : 80; $path = preg_replace('/monisetup\\.php/', '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); if (preg_match('/^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+$/', $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) { $host = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; } else { $host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } print '<div class="check">'; foreach ($writables as $file) { if (empty($config[$file])) { continue; } if (!is_writable($config[$file])) { if (file_exists($config[$file])) { print "<h3 class='warn'>" . sprintf(_t("%s is not writable"), $config[$file]) . " :( </h3>\n"; print "<pre class='console'>\n" . "<font color='green'>\$</font> chmod a+w {$config[$file]}\n</pre>\n"; } else { if (preg_match("/_dir/", $file)) { umask(00); mkdir($config[$file], $DPERM); print "<h3> <font color=blue>" . sprintf(_t("%s is created now"), $config[$file]) . "</font> :)</h3>\n"; } else { $fp = @fopen($config[$file], "w+"); if ($fp) { chmod($config[$file], 0666); fclose($fp); print "<h4><font color='green'>" . sprintf(_t("%s is created now"), $config[$file]) . "</font> ;) </h4>\n"; } else { print "<pre class='console'>\n" . "<font color='green'>\$</font> touch {$config[$file]}\n" . "<font color='green'>\$</font> chmod a+w {$config[$file]}\n</pre>\n"; } } } $error = 1; } else { print "<h3><font color=blue>" . sprintf(_t("%s is writable"), $config[$file]) . "</font> :)</h3>\n"; } } if ($is_apache && is_dir($config['upload_dir'])) { echo "<div class='helpicon'><a href=''>?</a></div>"; $chk = array('AddType' => "AddType text/plain .sh .cgi .pl .py .php .php3 .php4 .phtml .html\n", 'ForceType' => "<Files ~ '\\.(php.?|pl|py|cgi)\$'>\nForceType text/plain\n</Files>\n", 'php_value' => "AddType text/plain .php\nphp_value engine off\n", 'NoExecCGI' => "#Options NoExecCGI\n"); $re = array('@^HTTP/1.1\\s+\\d+\\s+OK$@' => 1, '@^HTTP/1.1\\s+500\\s+@' => -1, '@^Content-Type: text/plain@' => 2, '@^Content-Type: text/html@' => 0); if (file_exists($config['upload_dir'] . '/.htaccess')) { print '<h3>' . sprintf(_t("If you want to check .htaccess file please delete '%s' file and reload it."), $config['upload_dir'] . '/.htaccess') . '</h3>'; } else { print '<h3>' . _t("Security check for 'upload_dir'.") . '</h3>'; $fp = fopen('pds/test.php', 'w'); if (is_resource($fp)) { fwrite($fp, "<?php echo 'HelloWorld';"); fclose($fp); } echo "<div class='log'>"; $work = check_htaccess($chk, $re, $host, $port, $path . '/' . $config['upload_dir'] . '/test.php', $config['upload_dir']); echo "</div>"; $fp = @fopen('pds_htaccess', 'w'); if (is_resource($fp)) { fwrite($fp, implode('', $work)); fclose($fp); } else { echo _t("Unable to open .htaccess"); } @unlink('pds/test.php'); } # $chk2 = array('ErrorDocument' => "#ErrorDocument 404 " . $config['url_prefix'] . '/imgs/moni/inter.png' . "\n"); $re = array('@^HTTP/1.1\\s+\\d+\\s+OK$@' => 1, '@^HTTP/1.1\\s+500\\s+@' => -1, '@^HTTP/1.1\\s+404\\s+@' => 2, '@^Content-Type: text/png@' => 2); if (is_dir('imgs') and !file_exists($config['upload_dir'] . '/.htaccess')) { print '<h3>' . _t(".htaccess for 'imgs_dir'.") . '</h3>'; echo "<div class='log'>"; $work = check_htaccess($chk2, $re, $host, $port, $path . '/' . $config['upload_dir'] . '/nonexists.png', $config['upload_dir']); echo "</div>"; $fp = @fopen('imgs_htaccess', 'w'); if (is_resource($fp)) { fwrite($fp, implode('', $work)); fclose($fp); } else { echo _t("Unable to open .htaccess"); } } } print "</div>\n"; } }
<?php if (!headers_sent()) { header('X-Powered-By: arcanum'); } require_once 'config.php'; $request = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); if (!isset($request['module'])) { if ($config['checkhtaccess'] == TRUE) { check_htaccess(); } //there are a lot of useful functions like: check_environment() and test_arcanum_db() redirect('login'); } else { $module = strtolower(trim($request['module'])); } try { if ($config['log_stats'] === TRUE) { $t = new measure_time(); } check_environment(); $instance = new $module(); $is_auth = $instance->authenticate(); if ($is_auth === TRUE) { //Check if user can be authenticated or is authenticated $instance->bootstrap($request); isset($request['action']) ? $action = strtolower(trim($request['action'])) : ($action = 'show'); $instance->execute($action); $instance->dispatch(); $instance->cooldown(); } else {
} } $form->addElement('hidden', 'submitted', 1); $form->addRule('tos1', __('Field required'), 'required'); $form->addRule('tos2', __('Field required'), 'required'); $form->addRule('tos3', __('Field required'), 'required'); $form->addRule('tos4', __('Field required'), 'required'); isset($_GET['submitted']) && $_GET['submitted'] && $form->validate(); $form->addElement('submit', null, __('Next')); $form->setRequiredNote('<span class="required_note_star">*</span> <span class="required_note">' . __('denotes required field') . '</span>'); $form->display(); print '</div>'; } elseif (!isset($_GET['htaccess'])) { ob_start(); print '<h1>' . __('Welcome to EPESI setup!') . '<br></h1><h2>' . __('Hosting compatibility') . ':</h2><br><div class="license">'; if (check_htaccess()) { $_GET['htaccess'] = 1; ob_end_clean(); } else { print '</div><br><a class="button" href="setup.php?license=1&htaccess=1&install_lang=' . $install_lang_load . '">' . __('Ok') . '</a>'; ob_end_flush(); } } if (isset($_GET['htaccess']) && isset($_GET['license'])) { set_header(__('Configuration')); $form = new HTML_QuickForm('serverform', 'post', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . http_build_query($_GET)); $form->addElement('header', null, __('Database server settings')); $form->addElement('text', 'host', __('Database server address')); $form->addRule('host', __('Field required'), 'required'); $form->addElement('text', 'port', __('Custom database port')); $form->addElement('select', 'engine', __('Database engine'), array('postgres' => 'PostgreSQL', 'mysqlt' => 'MySQL'));
/** * @brief Get output for the setup page. * * Depending on the state we are currently in it returns different content. * * @param App &$a * @return string parsed HTML output */ function setup_content(&$a) { global $install_wizard_pass, $db; $o = ''; $wizard_status = ''; $install_title = t('$Projectname Server - Setup'); if (x(App::$data, 'db_conn_failed')) { $install_wizard_pass = 2; $wizard_status = t('Could not connect to database.'); } if (x(App::$data, 'url_fail')) { $install_wizard_pass = 3; $wizard_status = t('Could not connect to specified site URL. Possible SSL certificate or DNS issue.'); if (App::$data['url_error']) { $wizard_status .= ' ' . App::$data['url_error']; } } if (x(App::$data, 'db_create_failed')) { $install_wizard_pass = 2; $wizard_status = t('Could not create table.'); } $db_return_text = ''; if (x(App::$data, 'db_installed')) { $txt = '<p style="font-size: 130%;">'; $txt .= t('Your site database has been installed.') . EOL; $db_return_text .= $txt; } if (x(App::$data, 'db_failed')) { $txt = t('You may need to import the file "install/schema_xxx.sql" manually using a database client.') . EOL; $txt .= t('Please see the file "install/INSTALL.txt".') . EOL . "<hr>"; $txt .= "<pre>" . App::$data['db_failed'] . "</pre>" . EOL; $db_return_text .= $txt; } if ($db && $db->connected) { $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) as `total` FROM `account`"); if ($r && count($r) && $r[0]['total']) { $tpl = get_markup_template('install.tpl'); return replace_macros($tpl, array('$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => '', '$status' => t('Permission denied.'), '$text' => '')); } } if (x(App::$data, 'txt') && strlen(App::$data['txt'])) { $db_return_text .= manual_config($a); } if ($db_return_text != "") { $tpl = get_markup_template('install.tpl'); return replace_macros($tpl, array('$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => '', '$text' => $db_return_text . what_next())); } switch ($install_wizard_pass) { case 1: // System check $checks = array(); check_funcs($checks); check_htconfig($checks); check_store($checks); check_smarty3($checks); check_keys($checks); if (x($_POST, 'phpath')) { $phpath = notags(trim($_POST['phpath'])); } check_php($phpath, $checks); check_phpconfig($checks); check_htaccess($checks); function check_passed($v, $c) { if ($c['required']) { $v = $v && $c['status']; } return $v; } $checkspassed = array_reduce($checks, "check_passed", true); $tpl = get_markup_template('install_checks.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => t('System check'), '$checks' => $checks, '$passed' => $checkspassed, '$see_install' => t('Please see the file "install/INSTALL.txt".'), '$next' => t('Next'), '$reload' => t('Check again'), '$phpath' => $phpath, '$baseurl' => z_root())); return $o; break; case 2: // Database config $dbhost = x($_POST, 'dbhost') ? notags(trim($_POST['dbhost'])) : ''; $dbuser = notags(trim($_POST['dbuser'])); $dbport = intval(notags(trim($_POST['dbport']))); $dbpass = notags(trim($_POST['dbpass'])); $dbdata = notags(trim($_POST['dbdata'])); $dbtype = intval(notags(trim($_POST['dbtype']))); $phpath = notags(trim($_POST['phpath'])); $adminmail = notags(trim($_POST['adminmail'])); $siteurl = notags(trim($_POST['siteurl'])); $tpl = get_markup_template('install_db.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => t('Database connection'), '$info_01' => t('In order to install $Projectname we need to know how to connect to your database.'), '$info_02' => t('Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings.'), '$info_03' => t('The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing.'), '$status' => $wizard_status, '$dbhost' => array('dbhost', t('Database Server Name'), $dbhost, t('Default is')), '$dbport' => array('dbport', t('Database Port'), $dbport, t('Communication port number - use 0 for default')), '$dbuser' => array('dbuser', t('Database Login Name'), $dbuser, ''), '$dbpass' => array('dbpass', t('Database Login Password'), $dbpass, ''), '$dbdata' => array('dbdata', t('Database Name'), $dbdata, ''), '$dbtype' => array('dbtype', t('Database Type'), $dbtype, '', array(0 => 'MySQL', 1 => 'PostgreSQL')), '$adminmail' => array('adminmail', t('Site administrator email address'), $adminmail, t('Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin panel.')), '$siteurl' => array('siteurl', t('Website URL'), z_root(), t('Please use SSL (https) URL if available.')), '$lbl_10' => t('Please select a default timezone for your website'), '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$phpath' => $phpath, '$submit' => t('Submit'))); return $o; break; case 3: // Site settings require_once 'include/datetime.php'; $dbhost = x($_POST, 'dbhost') ? notags(trim($_POST['dbhost'])) : ''; $dbport = intval(notags(trim($_POST['dbuser']))); $dbuser = notags(trim($_POST['dbuser'])); $dbpass = notags(trim($_POST['dbpass'])); $dbdata = notags(trim($_POST['dbdata'])); $dbtype = intval(notags(trim($_POST['dbtype']))); $phpath = notags(trim($_POST['phpath'])); $adminmail = notags(trim($_POST['adminmail'])); $siteurl = notags(trim($_POST['siteurl'])); $timezone = x($_POST, 'timezone') ? $_POST['timezone'] : 'America/Los_Angeles'; $tpl = get_markup_template('install_settings.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => t('Site settings'), '$status' => $wizard_status, '$dbhost' => $dbhost, '$dbport' => $dbport, '$dbuser' => $dbuser, '$dbpass' => $dbpass, '$dbdata' => $dbdata, '$phpath' => $phpath, '$dbtype' => $dbtype, '$adminmail' => array('adminmail', t('Site administrator email address'), $adminmail, t('Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin panel.')), '$siteurl' => array('siteurl', t('Website URL'), z_root(), t('Please use SSL (https) URL if available.')), '$advanced' => array('advanced', t('Enable $Projectname <strong>advanced</strong> features?'), 1, t('Some advanced features, while useful - may be best suited for technically proficient audiences')), '$timezone' => array('timezone', t('Please select a default timezone for your website'), $timezone, '', get_timezones()), '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$submit' => t('Submit'))); return $o; break; } }
} if ($error_count == count($folder_list)) { $permissions_module['status'] = 20; } if ($permissions_module['status'] == 0) { $permissions_module['anchor'] = 'access'; $permissions_module['heading'] = 'Access'; } elseif ($permissions_module['status'] == 10) { $permissions_module['anchor'] = 'access'; $permissions_module['heading'] = 'Access'; } else { $permissions_module['anchor'] = 'access'; $permissions_module['heading'] = 'Access'; } /////////// Permissions check $htaccess_status = check_htaccess($htaccess_string); if ($htaccess_status['status'] == 'aok') { $htaccess_module['status'] = 0; $htaccess_module['anchor'] = 'htaccess'; $htaccess_module['heading'] = 'Routes'; $htaccess_module['report'] = '<p>.htaccess file found.</p>'; } else { $htaccess_module['status'] = 1; $htaccess_module['anchor'] = 'htaccess'; $htaccess_module['heading'] = 'Routes'; $htaccess_module['report'] = '<p>.htaccess file not found.</p>'; } /////////// Display // Group $report = display_module($permissions_module, $link); $view->group_h2($report[1] . ' Permissions');
* Version 0.897 * Author: IT-Master GmbH * / * Copyright (c), IT-Master GmbH, All rights reserved *******************************************************************************/ //-------------------------------------------------------------- //zip - Pfad überprüfen und erstellen falls nicht vorhanden //-------------------------------------------------------------- $_tmppfad = "./Data/" . $_user->_ordnerpfad . "/img/"; if (!file_exists($_tmppfad)) { mkdir($_tmppfad); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- //Berechtigung überprüfen und setzten falls nötig //-------------------------------------------------------------- check_htaccess($_tmppfad . ".htaccess", true, ".htaccess im Personalbildpfad gesetzt"); //-------------------------------------------------------------- //Bild upload Überprüfung //-------------------------------------------------------------- if ($_POST['submit']) { $dateityp = GetImageSize($_FILES['datei']['tmp_name']); if ($dateityp[2] == 2) { move_uploaded_file($_FILES['datei']['tmp_name'], "./Data/" . $_user->_ordnerpfad . "/img/bild.jpg"); include_once './include/class_foto.php'; $foto = new foto("./Data/" . $_user->_ordnerpfad . "/img/bild.jpg", 250, 300); } else { echo "Bitte nur Bilder im jpg Format hochladen.<hr>"; } } $_count = count($_personaldaten->_personaldaten) + 1; if ($_POST['update']) {
if (is_dir($file) === true) { $zip->addEmptyDir(str_replace($source . '/', '', $file . '/')); } else { if (is_file($file) === true) { $zip->addFromString(str_replace($source . '/', '', $file), file_get_contents($file)); } } } } else { if (is_file($source) === true) { $zip->addFromString(basename($source), file_get_contents($source)); } } return $zip->close(); } check_htaccess($_pfad . ".htaccess", true, ".htaccess - ZIP-Berechtigung gestzt in " . $_pfad); $_pfad = "./Data/_zip/" . $_user->_ordnerpfad . "/"; echo "<div id='divpdf'>\n"; $folder1 = opendir($_pfad); while ($fA1 = readdir($folder1)) { if (!is_dir($fA1)) { $afile[] = $fA1; } } closedir($folder1); if ($afile) { rsort($afile); } $anz = count($afile); $aktuell = date("Y", time()); for ($i = 0; $i < $anz; $i++) {