function save($info, $extra = NULL) { if (is_array($extra)) { $data = $extra; } $data['u2_title'] = $info['u2_title']; $data['u2_desp'] = $info['u2_desp']; $data['u2_uid'] = format_uid(); $data['u2_nickname'] = _sess('u2_nickname'); $data['u2_addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $data['u2_hit'] = 0; $data['u2_pic'] = $info['u2_pic']; if (check_active()) { $data['u2_is_active'] = 1; } else { $data['u2_is_active'] = 0; } $data['u2_cate'] = $info['cate']; $this->db->insert('u2_content', $data); $id = $this->db->insert_id(); $type = _text('system_pro'); $desc = '<a href="/riki/display/' . $id . '" target="_blank">' . $info['u2_title'] . '</a>'; add_to_manager('u2_content', $id, $desc, $type, $data['u2_is_active']); }
exit; } } else { $acttpl = 'error'; $tpl->assign('errormsg', $locale->get('category_error_category_noexists')); return; } } //sorrend modositas vege /** * ha aktivalunk vagy inaktivalunk egy kategoriat */ if ($sub_act == "act") { if ($cid != 0) { include_once $include_dir . '/function.check.php'; check_active('iShark_Classifieds_Category', 'category_id', $cid); //loggolas logger($page . '_' . $sub_act); //visszadobjuk a lista oldalra - ha keresesbol jon, akkor oda if (isset($_REQUEST['s']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['s']) && $_REQUEST['s'] == 1 && isset($_REQUEST['searchtext']) && isset($_REQUEST['searchtype'])) { header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=sea&pageID=' . $page_id . '&searchtext=' . $_REQUEST['searchtext'] . '&searchtype=' . $_REQUEST['searchtype']); exit; } else { header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=' . $page); exit; } } else { $acttpl = 'error'; $tpl->assign('errormsg', $locale->get('category_error_category_noexists')); return; }
?> </td> <td><?php echo check_uptime($item['uptime']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_value($item['version']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_connections(check_value($item['threads_connected'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_active(check_value($item['threads_running'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_value($item['bytes_received_persecond']); ?> KB</td> <td><?php echo check_value($item['bytes_sent_persecond']); ?> KB</td> <td><?php echo check_value($item['queries_persecond']); ?> </td> <td><?php
$acttpl = 'gallery_video'; } // Galéria törlése if ($sub_act == 'gdel') { $query = "\n\t\tDELETE FROM iShark_Galleries\n\t\tWHERE iShark_Galleries.gallery_id = {$gid}\n\t"; $mdb2->exec($query); $query = "\n\t\tDELETE FROM iShark_Galleries_Pictures\n\t\tWHERE gallery_id = {$gid}\n\t"; $mdb2->exec($query); logger($page . '_' . $sub_act); header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=' . $page); exit; } // Mappa aktiválás if ($sub_act == 'act') { include_once 'includes/function.check.php'; check_active('iShark_Galleries', 'gallery_id', $gid); logger($page . '_' . $sub_act); header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=' . $page); exit; } // Új mappa létrehozása/mappa módosítása if ($sub_act == 'gadd' || $sub_act == 'gmod') { $javascripts[] = "javascript.contents"; $titles = array('gadd' => $locale->get('video_title_gadd'), 'gmod' => $locale->get('video_title_gmod')); include_once 'HTML/QuickForm.php'; require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/jscalendar.php'; include_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/ArraySmarty.php'; $form =& new HTML_Quickform('frm_gallery', 'post', 'admin.php?p=' . $module_name); $form->setRequiredNote($locale->get('video_form_required_note')); $form->addElement('header', 'header_vid', $locale->get('video_form_header_add')); $form->addElement('hidden', 'act', $page);
} header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=search&search=1&field=' . $field . '&ord=' . $ord . '&pageID=' . $page_id . '&name=' . $_REQUEST['name'] . '&user_name=' . $_REQUEST['user_name'] . '&rel=' . $_REQUEST['rel'] . '&email=' . $_REQUEST['email'] . '' . $group_get); exit; } else { header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&field=' . $field . '&ord=' . $ord . '&pageID=' . $page_id); exit; } } //torles vege /** * ha aktivalunk egy felhasznalot */ if ($act == "act") { include_once $include_dir . '/function.check.php'; $uid = intval($_REQUEST['uid']); check_active('iShark_Users', 'user_id', $uid); //beallitjuk az is_change mezot, innentol kezdve nem lehet fizikailag torolni a usert $query = "\n\t\tUPDATE iShark_Users \n\t\tSET is_change = '1' \n\t\tWHERE user_id = {$uid}\n\t"; $mdb2->exec($query); //loggolas logger($act, '', ''); if (isset($_REQUEST["s"]) && $_REQUEST["s"] == "1") { if (!empty($_REQUEST["group"])) { foreach ($_REQUEST["group"] as $gid) { $group_get .= "&group[]=" . $gid; } } else { $group_get = ""; } header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=search&search=1&field=' . $field . '&ord=' . $ord . '&pageID=' . $page_id . '&name=' . $_REQUEST['name'] . '&user_name=' . $_REQUEST['user_name'] . '&rel=' . $_REQUEST['rel'] . '&email=' . $_REQUEST['email'] . '' . $group_get); exit;
// capture the array stucture ob_start(); print_r($renderer->toArray()); $tpl->assign('dynamic_array', ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); //megadjuk a tpl file nevet, amit atadunk az admin.php-nek $acttpl = 'dynamic_form'; } /** * ha aktivalunk vagy inaktivalunk egy aprohirdetest */ if ($sub_act == "act") { if (isset($_REQUEST['id']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['id'])) { include_once $include_dir . '/function.check.php'; $aid = intval($_REQUEST['id']); check_active('iShark_Classifieds_Advert', 'advert_id', $aid); //loggolas logger($page . '_' . $sub_act); //visszadobjuk a lista oldalra - ha keresesbol jon, akkor oda if (isset($_REQUEST['s']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['s']) && $_REQUEST['s'] == 1 && isset($_REQUEST['searchtext']) && isset($_REQUEST['searchtype'])) { header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=search&pageID=' . $page_id . '&searchtext=' . $_REQUEST['searchtext'] . '&searchtype=' . $_REQUEST['searchtype']); exit; } else { header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=' . $page); exit; } } else { $acttpl = 'error'; $tpl->assign('errormsg', $locale->get('adverts_error_advert_noexists')); return; }
$tpl->assign('lang_title', $titles[$sub_act]); // capture the array stucture ob_start(); print_r($renderer->toArray()); $tpl->assign('dynamic_array', ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); //megadjuk a tpl file nevet, amit atadunk az admin.php-nek $acttpl = 'dynamic_form'; } /** * ha aktivaljuk vagy deaktivaljuk */ if ($sub_act == "act") { include_once $include_dir . '/function.check.php'; $cid = intval($_GET['cid']); check_active('iShark_Category', 'category_id', $cid); //loggolas logger($page . '_' . $sub_act); header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=' . $page . '&field=' . $field . '&ord=' . $ord . '&pageID=' . $page_id); exit; } //aktivalas, deaktivalas vege /** * ha torlunk egy rovatot */ if ($sub_act == "del") { $cid = intval($_REQUEST['cid']); $query = "\n\t\tUPDATE iShark_Category \n\t\tSET is_active = 0, \n\t\t\tis_deleted = 1 \n\t\tWHERE category_id = {$cid}\n\t"; $mdb2->exec($query); //loggolas logger($page . '_' . $sub_act);
$query = "\n\t\t\tDELETE FROM iShark_Builder_BoxContents\n\t\t\tWHERE box_id = {$bid}\n\t\t"; $mdb2->exec($query); //loggolas logger($act, '', ''); } header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name); exit; } //torles vege /** * ha aktivalunk vagy inaktivalunk egy menupontot */ if ($sub_act == "act") { include_once $include_dir . '/function.check.php'; $rid = intval($_REQUEST['rid']); check_active('iShark_Rss', 'rss_id', $rid); //loggolas logger($act, '', ''); header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name); exit; } /** * ha pozíciót változtatunk */ if ($sub_act == "pos") { $bid = intval($_REQUEST['bid']); $way = $_REQUEST['way']; $query = "\n\t\tSELECT * \n\t\tFROM iShark_Builder_ColumnBox \n\t\tWHERE box_id = {$bid}\n\t"; $result =& $mdb2->query($query); $row = $result->fetchRow(); if ($way == 'up') {
$renderer =& new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty($tpl, true); $form_forum->accept($renderer); $tpl->assign('form_forum', $renderer->toArray()); $acttpl = "forum_forum"; } /** * Topic aktiválás */ if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'act') { if (!check_perm('act', $menu_id, 1, 'forum', 'index') || !isset($_REQUEST['tid'])) { $acttpl = 'error'; $tpl->assign('errormsg', $strForumErrorPermissionDenied); return; } include_once 'includes/function.check.php'; check_active('iShark_Forum_Topics', 'topic_id', $tid); logger('act', $menu_id); header("Location: index.php?{$self}&parent={$parent}"); exit; } } else { if (check_perm('lst', $menu_id, 0, 'forum', 'index') === true) { $act_right = $parent > 0 && check_perm('act', $menu_id, 1, 'forum', 'index'); $del_right = check_perm($parent > 0 ? 'del' : 'fdel', $menu_id, 1, 'forum', 'index'); $whereClause = "AND FT.is_active='1' "; if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { $whereClause .= "AND FT.read_everybody='1'"; } if (isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && $act_right) { $whereClause = ""; }
$tpl->assign('ordselect2', $ordselect2); $tpl->assign('page_id', $page_id); //rendezes vege //jogosultsag ellenorzes if (!check_perm($act, NULL, 1, 'modules')) { $acttpl = 'error'; $tpl->assign('errormsg', $strErrorPermission); return; } /** * ha aktivaljuk valamelyik modult */ if ($act == "act") { include_once $include_dir . '/function.check.php'; $mid = intval($_GET['m_id']); check_active('iShark_Modules', 'module_id', $mid); //loggolas logger($act, NULL, ''); header('Location: admin.php?p=modules&field=' . $field . '&ord=' . $ord); exit; } //aktivalas vege /** * ha telepitjuk valamelyik modult */ if ($act == "ins") { include_once $include_dir . '/function.check.php'; $mid = intval($_GET['m_id']); check_install($mid, 'modules'); //loggolas logger($act, '', '');
?> </td> <td><?php echo check_uptime($item['uptime']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_value($item['version']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_connections(check_value($item['connections'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_active(check_value($item['active'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_value($item['QPS']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_value($item['TPS']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_value($item['Bytes_received']); ?> KB</td> <td><?php
print_r($renderer->toArray()); $tpl->assign('static_form', ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); //megadjuk a tpl file nevet, amit atadunk az admin.php-nek $acttpl = 'shop_actions'; } //hozzaadas, modositas vege /** * ha aktivaljuk az akciot */ if ($sub_act == "act") { //ha van aid valtozo es az szam if (isset($_GET['aid']) && is_numeric($_GET['aid'])) { $aid = intval($_GET['aid']); include_once $include_dir . '/function.check.php'; check_active('iShark_Shop_Actions', 'action_id', $aid); //loggolas logger($page . '_' . $sub_act); header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=' . $page . '&pageID=' . $page_id); exit; } else { $acttpl = 'error'; $tpl->assign('errormsg', $locale->get('actions_error_notexists')); return; } } /** * ha toroljuk az akciot */ if ($sub_act == "del") { if (isset($_GET['aid']) && is_numeric($_GET['aid'])) {
// capture the array stucture ob_start(); print_r($renderer->toArray()); $tpl->assign('dynamic_form', ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); //megadjuk a tpl file nevet, amit atadunk az admin.php-nek $acttpl = 'dynamic_form'; } /** * ha aktivalunk vagy inaktivalunk egy termeket */ if ($sub_act == "act") { if (isset($_REQUEST['pid']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['pid'])) { include_once $include_dir . '/function.check.php'; $pid = intval($_REQUEST['pid']); check_active('iShark_Shop_Products', 'product_id', $pid); //loggolas logger($page . '_' . $sub_act); //visszadobjuk a lista oldalra - ha keresesbol jon, akkor oda if (isset($_REQUEST['s']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['s']) && $_REQUEST['s'] == 1 && isset($_REQUEST['searchtext']) && isset($_REQUEST['searchtype'])) { header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=search&field=' . $field . '&ord=' . $ord . '&pageID=' . $page_id . '&cat_fil=' . $cat_fil . '&searchtext=' . $_REQUEST['searchtext'] . '&searchtype=' . $_REQUEST['searchtype']); exit; } else { header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=' . $page . '&field=' . $field . '&ord=' . $ord . '&pageID=' . $page_id . '&cat_fil=' . $cat_fil); exit; } } else { $acttpl = 'error'; $tpl->assign('errormsg', $locale->get('products_error_notexists')); return; }
} } //loggolas logger($act, '', ''); header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&menutype=' . $menuType . '&mid=' . $mid); exit; } //sorrend modositas vege /** * ha aktivalunk vagy inaktivalunk egy menupontot */ if ($act == "act") { include_once $include_dir . '/function.check.php'; $m_id = intval($_REQUEST['m_id']); $mid = intval($_REQUEST['mid']); check_active('iShark_Menus', 'menu_id', $m_id); //loggolas logger($act, '', ''); header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&menutype=' . $menuType . '&mid=' . $mid); exit; } /** * ha nincs semmilyen muvelet, akkor a listat mutatjuk */ if ($act == "lst") { include_once $include_dir . '/'; $add_new = array(array('link' => 'admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=add&menutype=' . $menuType, 'title' => $locale->get('title_add'), 'pic' => 'add.jpg')); //atadjuk a smarty-nak a kiirando cuccokat $tpl->assign('add_new', $add_new); $tpl->assign('is_admin', $is_admin); $tpl->assign('sitemenu', menu(0, TRUE, 0, 1, 'all', $menuType, 0));
// capture the array stucture ob_start(); print_r($renderer->toArray()); $tpl->assign('static_form', ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); //megadjuk a tpl file nevet, amit atadunk az admin.php-nek $acttpl = 'shop_groups'; } /** * ha aktivalunk vagy inaktivalunk egy csoportot */ if ($sub_act == "act") { if (isset($_REQUEST['gid']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['gid'])) { include_once $include_dir . '/function.check.php'; $gid = intval($_REQUEST['gid']); check_active('iShark_Shop_Groups', 'group_id', $gid); //loggolas logger($page . '_' . $sub_act); //visszadobjuk a lista oldalra - ha keresesbol jon, akkor oda if (isset($_REQUEST['s']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['s']) && $_REQUEST['s'] == 1 && isset($_REQUEST['searchtext']) && isset($_REQUEST['searchtype'])) { header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=sea&pageID=' . $page_id . '&searchtext=' . $_REQUEST['searchtext'] . '&searchtype=' . $_REQUEST['searchtype']); exit; } else { header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=' . $page . '&pageID=' . $page_id); exit; } } else { $acttpl = 'error'; $tpl->assign('errormsg', $locale->get('groups_error_not_exists')); return; }
die; } ?> <table width="705" border="0" cellspacing="0"> <?php $st = "FROM `ad_visibility` WHERE `gid`={$gid} ORDER BY aid DESC"; $q = "SELECT * FROM `ad_visibility` WHERE `gid`={$gid} ORDER BY aid DESC LIMIT {$startpoint},{$limit}"; $result = mysql_query($q) or die('sqlerr 1 groupads'); $i = $startpoint; while ($ad = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $row = getad($ad['aid']); $artid = $row['artid']; $q = "select alias,hits from jos_content where id={$artid}"; $result1 = mysql_query($q) or die('groupads sqlerr 12'); $row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1); if (check_active($artid)) { $i++; $link = "viewad.php?id=" . $artid . "&&item=" . $row1['alias']; ?> <tr> <td width="21" rowspan="4"><?php echo $i; ?> .)</td> <td width="144" rowspan="3"><a href="<?php echo $link; ?> " target="_top"><img src="<?php echo $row['timg']; ?> " width="120" height="80" style="border:double" /></a></td>
} } else { $catsel = ""; $catfrom = ""; $catjoin = ""; $catwhere = ""; $catfilt = ""; $cat_fil = ""; } //kategóriaszűrés vége /** * ha aktivaljuk vagy deaktivaljuk */ if ($sub_act == "act") { include_once $include_dir . '/function.check.php'; check_active('iShark_Contents', 'content_id', $cid); //loggolas logger($page . '_' . $sub_act); header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=' . $page . '&field=' . $field . '&ord=' . $ord . '&pageID=' . $page_id . '&cat_fil=' . $cat_fil); exit; } //aktivalas, deaktivalas vege /** * ha megnezzuk, modositjuk a hirt */ if ($sub_act == "mod") { //breadcrumb $breadcrumb->add($locale->get('mti_form_header_news'), '#'); //szukseges fuggvenykonyvtarak betoltese require_once 'HTML/QuickForm.php'; require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/jscalendar.php';
$tpl->assign('lang_dynamic', $lang_dynamic); $tpl->assign('actions_dynamic', $actions_dynamic); $tpl->assign('table_headers', $table_headers); $tpl->assign('csv_link', 'admin/forms_csv.php?form_id='); //megadjuk a tpl file nevet, amit atadunk az admin.php-nek $acttpl = 'dynamic_list'; } /** * * mezõkhöz tartozó mûveletek */ if ($sub_act == "fact") { include_once $include_dir . '/function.check.php'; $field_id = intval($_REQUEST['field_id']); $form_id = intval($_REQUEST['form_id']); check_active('iShark_Forms_Fields', 'field_id', $field_id); //loggolas logger($page . '_' . $sub_act); header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=' . $page . '&sub_act=flst&id=' . $form_id . '&pageID=' . $page_id); exit; } if ($sub_act == "fdel") { $fid = intval($_GET['field_id']); $form_id = intval($_REQUEST['form_id']); $query = "\n\t\tUPDATE iShark_Forms_Fields \n\t\tSET is_active = '0', \n\t\t\tis_deleted = '1' \n\t\tWHERE field_id = {$fid}\n\t"; $mdb2->exec($query); //loggolas logger($page . '_' . $sub_act); header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=' . $page . '&sub_act=flst&id=' . $form_id . '&pageID=' . $page_id); exit; }
//atadjuk a smarty-nak a kiirando cuccokat $tpl->assign('page_data', $paged_data['data']); $tpl->assign('page_list', $paged_data['links']); $tpl->assign('back_arrow', 'admin.php'); //megadjuk a tpl file nevet, amit atadunk az admin.php-nek $acttpl = 'forms_list'; } /** * * mezõkhöz tartozó mûveletek */ if ($act == "field_act") { include_once $include_dir . '/function.check.php'; $field_id = intval($_REQUEST['field_id']); $form_id = intval($_REQUEST['form_id']); check_active('iShark_FormBuilder_Fields', 'field_id', $field_id); //loggolas logger($act, '', ''); header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=field_lst&form_id=' . $form_id); exit; } if ($act == "field_del") { $fid = intval($_GET['field_id']); $form_id = intval($_REQUEST['form_id']); $query = "\n\t\tUPDATE iShark_FormBuilder_Fields \n\t\tSET is_active = '0', is_deleted = '1' \n\t\tWHERE field_id = {$fid}\n\t"; $mdb2->exec($query); //loggolas logger($act, '', ''); header('Location: admin.php?p=' . $module_name . '&act=field_lst&form_id=' . $form_id . '&field=' . $field . '&ord=' . $ord . '&pageID=' . $page_id); exit; }
?> </td> <td><?php echo check_value($item['version']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_connections(check_value($item['session_total'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_active(check_value($item['session_actives'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_active(check_value($item['session_waits'])); ?> </td> <td><?php if ($item['connect'] == '1') { ?> <a href="<?php echo site_url('oracle/chart/' . $item['server_id']); ?> "><img src="./images/chart.gif"/></a> <?php } else { ?> --- <?php } ?>
//ha nem aktiv es a befejezo datum nem ures, akkor mar egyszer le lett zarva if ($row['is_active'] == 0 && $row['end_date'] != "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { $acttpl = "error"; $tpl->assign('errormsg', $locale->get('error_finished')); return; } elseif ($row['is_active'] == 1 && $row['end_date'] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { $query = "\n\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE iShark_Polls \n\t\t\t\t\tSET end_date = NOW() \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE poll_id = {$pid}\n\t\t\t\t"; $mdb2->exec($query); check_active('iShark_Polls', 'poll_id', $pid); //loggolas logger($act, '', ''); } else { $menu = $row['menu_id']; $query = "\n\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE iShark_Polls \n\t\t\t\t\tSET start_date = NOW() \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE poll_id = {$pid}\n\t\t\t\t"; $mdb2->exec($query); check_active('iShark_Polls', 'poll_id', $pid); //lekerdezzuk, hogy van-e ezen kivul lezaratlan szavazas, ha van, akkor azt lezarjuk $query = "\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT poll_id AS pid \n\t\t\t\t\tFROM iShark_Polls \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE menu_id = {$menu} AND is_active = 1 AND poll_id != {$pid}\n\t\t\t\t"; $result = $mdb2->query($query); if ($result->numRows() > 0) { while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $pid = $row['pid']; $query = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE iShark_Polls \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET end_date = NOW(), is_active = 0 \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE poll_id = {$pid}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"; $mdb2->exec($query); } } //loggolas logger($act, '', ''); } } } else {
?> </td> <td><?php echo check_value($item['version']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_connections(check_value($item['threads_connected'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_active(check_value($item['threads_running'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_active(check_value($item['threads_waits'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo format_kbytes($item['bytes_received_persecond']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo format_kbytes($item['bytes_sent_persecond']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo check_value($item['queries_persecond']); ?> </td> <td><?php