/** * Do step of gathering of the database configuration * * @param array $params * * @return bool */ function module_cfg_install_db(&$params) { global $error, $lcSettings; global $report_uid, $reportFName; global $checkRequirements; global $requirements; global $isDBConnected; $pdoErrorMsg = ''; $output = ''; $clrNumber = 1; $requirements = doCheckRequirements(); // Remove report file if it was created on the previous step if (@file_exists($reportFName)) { @unlink($reportFName); $report_uid = ''; } $paramFields = array('mysqlhost' => array('title' => xtr('MySQL server name'), 'description' => xtr('Hostname or IP address of your MySQL server.'), 'required' => true), 'mysqlbase' => array('title' => xtr('MySQL database name'), 'description' => xtr('The name of the existing database to use (if the database does not exist on the server, you should create it to continue the installation).'), 'required' => true), 'mysqluser' => array('title' => xtr('MySQL username'), 'description' => xtr('MySQL username. The user must have full access to the database specified above.'), 'required' => true, 'disableAutofill' => true), 'mysqlpass' => array('title' => xtr('MySQL password'), 'description' => xtr('Password for the above MySQL username.'), 'required' => false, 'type' => 'password', 'disableAutofill' => true), 'demo' => array('title' => xtr('Install sample catalog'), 'description' => xtr('Specify whether you would like to setup sample categories and products?'), 'required' => false, 'type' => 'checkbox'), 'mysqlport' => array('title' => xtr('MySQL server port'), 'description' => xtr('If your database server is listening to a non-standard port, specify its number (e.g. 3306).'), 'required' => false, 'section' => 'advanced-mysql'), 'mysqlsock' => array('title' => xtr('MySQL server socket'), 'description' => xtr('If your database server is used a non-standard socket, specify it (e.g. /tmp/mysql-5.1.34.sock).'), 'required' => false, 'section' => 'advanced-mysql'), 'mysqlprefix' => array('title' => xtr('MySQL tables prefix'), 'description' => xtr('The prefix of the shop tables in database'), 'required' => true, 'section' => 'advanced-mysql'), 'xlite_http_host' => array('title' => xtr('Web server name'), 'description' => xtr('Hostname of your web server (E.g.: www.example.com).'), 'required' => true, 'section' => 'advanced-server'), 'xlite_https_host' => array('title' => xtr('Secure web server name'), 'description' => xtr('Hostname of your secure (HTTPS-enabled) web server (E.g.: secure.example.com). If omitted, it is assumed to be the same as the web server name.'), 'required' => false, 'section' => 'advanced-server'), 'xlite_web_dir' => array('title' => xtr('X-Cart web directory'), 'description' => xtr('Path to X-Cart files within the web space of your web server (E.g.: /shop).'), 'required' => false, 'section' => 'advanced-server'), 'date_default_timezone' => array('title' => xtr('Default time zone'), 'description' => xtr('By default, dates in this site will be displayed in the chosen time zone.'), 'select_data' => getTimeZones(true), 'required' => false, 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'advanced-server')); // Initialize default values for parameters applySuggestedDefValues($paramFields); $messageText = ''; $displayConfigForm = false; foreach ($paramFields as $fieldName => $fieldData) { // Prepare first step data if we came from the second step back if (isset($_POST['go_back']) && $_POST['go_back'] === '1') { if (empty($fieldData['step']) && isset($params[$fieldName])) { $paramFields[$fieldName]['def_value'] = $params[$fieldName]; unset($params[$fieldName]); } } // Unset parameter if its empty if (isset($params[$fieldName])) { $params[$fieldName] = trim($params[$fieldName]); if (empty($params[$fieldName])) { unset($params[$fieldName]); } } // Check if all required parameters presented if (!isset($params[$fieldName])) { $displayConfigForm = $displayConfigForm || $fieldData['required']; } } // Display form to enter host data and database settings if ($displayConfigForm) { ob_start(); foreach ($paramFields as $fieldName => $fieldData) { if (isset($fieldData['step']) && $fieldData['step'] != 1) { continue; } $fieldData['value'] = isset($params[$fieldName]) ? $params[$fieldName] : $fieldData['def_value']; displayFormElement($fieldName, $fieldData, $clrNumber); $clrNumber = $clrNumber == 2 ? 1 : 2; } $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="cfg_install_db_step" value="1" /> <?php // Display second step: review parameters and enter additional data } else { // Now checking if database named $params[mysqlbase] already exists $checkError = false; $checkWarning = false; if (strstr($params['xlite_http_host'], ':')) { list($_host, $_port) = explode(':', $params['xlite_http_host']); } else { $_host = $params['xlite_http_host']; } if (!$_host) { fatal_error(xtr('The web server name and/or web drectory is invalid (:host). Press \'BACK\' button and review web server settings you provided', array(':host' => $_host)), 'params', 'wrong web server or webdir'); $checkError = true; // Check if database settings provided are valid } else { $connection = dbConnect($params, $pdoErrorMsg); if (!$connection && preg_match('/SQLSTATE.*\\[1049\\].*' . preg_quote($params['mysqlbase']) . '/', $pdoErrorMsg)) { // The specified database not found, try to create x_install_log('The specified database "' . $params['mysqlbase'] . '" not found'); $paramsNoDb = $params; unset($paramsNoDb['mysqlbase']); $pdoErrorMsg = null; $connection = dbConnect($paramsNoDb, $pdoErrorMsg); if ($connection) { $pdoErrorMsg = null; dbExecute('CREATE DATABASE `' . $params['mysqlbase'] . '`;', $pdoErrorMsg); if (empty($pdoErrorMsg)) { x_install_log('The database "' . $params['mysqlbase'] . '" successfully created.'); // Reconnect... $connection = dbConnect($params, $pdoErrorMsg); } else { $connection = null; x_install_log('The database "' . $params['mysqlbase'] . '" cannot be created: ' . $pdoErrorMsg); fatal_error_extended(xtr('The database <i>:dbname</i> cannot be created automatically:pdoerr.<br /> Please go back, create it manually and then proceed with the installation process again.', array(':dbname' => $params['mysqlbase'], ':pdoerr' => ': ' . $pdoErrorMsg)), 'pdo', @$pdoErrorMsg, xtr('kb_note_mysql_issue')); $checkError = true; } } } if ($connection) { $isDBConnected = true; $requirements = doCheckRequirements(); // Check MySQL version $mysqlVersionErr = $currentMysqlVersion = ''; if (!checkMysqlVersion($mysqlVersionErr, $currentMysqlVersion, true)) { fatal_error_extended($mysqlVersionErr . (!empty($currentMysqlVersion) ? '<br />(current version is ' . $currentMysqlVersion . ')' : ''), 'reqs', 'mysql version', xtr('kb_note_mysql_issue')); $checkError = true; } // Check if config.php file is writeable if (!$checkError && !@is_writable(LC_DIR_CONFIG . constant('LC_CONFIG_FILE'))) { fatal_error(xtr('Cannot open file \':filename\' for writing. To install the software, please correct the problem and start the installation again...', array(':filename' => constant('LC_CONFIG_FILE'))), 'file', 'config write failed'); $checkError = true; } elseif (!$checkError) { // Check if X-Cart tables is already exists $mystring = ''; $first = true; $res = dbFetchAll('SHOW TABLES LIKE \'' . get_db_tables_prefix() . '%\''); if (is_array($res)) { foreach ($res as $row) { if (in_array(get_db_tables_prefix() . 'products', $row)) { warning_error(xtr('Installation Wizard has detected X-Cart tables'), 're-install'); $checkWarning = true; break; } } } } } elseif (!$checkError) { preg_match('/SQLSTATE.*\\[(\\d+)\\].*/', $pdoErrorMsg, $match); $code = intval(!empty($match[1]) ? $match[1] : 0); if ('1045' == $code) { fatal_error_extended(xtr('pdo-error-1045', array(':pdoerr' => !empty($pdoErrorMsg) ? $pdoErrorMsg : '')), 'pdo', @$pdoErrorMsg, xtr('kb_note_mysql_issue')); } elseif ('1044' == $code) { fatal_error_extended(xtr('pdo-error-1044', array(':dbuser' => $params['mysqluser'], ':dbname' => $params['mysqlbase'], ':pdoerr' => !empty($pdoErrorMsg) ? $pdoErrorMsg : '')), 'pdo', @$pdoErrorMsg, xtr('kb_note_mysql_issue')); } elseif ('2005' == $code) { fatal_error_extended(xtr('pdo-error-2005', array(':pdoerr' => !empty($pdoErrorMsg) ? $pdoErrorMsg : '')), 'pdo', @$pdoErrorMsg, xtr('kb_note_mysql_issue')); } else { fatal_error_extended(xtr('pdo-error-common', array(':pdoerr' => !empty($pdoErrorMsg) ? $pdoErrorMsg : '')), 'pdo', @$pdoErrorMsg, xtr('kb_note_mysql_issue')); } $checkError = true; } } if (!$checkError && !$checkWarning) { global $autoPost; $autoPost = true; } else { $output = ''; } $error = $checkError; } ?> <?php echo $messageText; ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="10"> <?php echo $output; ?> </table> <?php return $displayConfigForm; }
/** * Do step of gathering of the database configuration * * @param array $params * * @return bool */ function module_cfg_install_db(&$params) { global $error, $lcSettings; global $report_uid, $reportFName; global $checkRequirements; $pdoErrorMsg = ''; $output = ''; $clrNumber = 1; // Remove report file if it was created on the previous step if (@file_exists($reportFName)) { @unlink($reportFName); $report_uid = ''; } $paramFields = array('xlite_http_host' => array('title' => xtr('Web server name'), 'description' => xtr('Hostname of your web server (E.g.: www.example.com).'), 'def_value' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'required' => true), 'xlite_https_host' => array('title' => xtr('Secure web server name'), 'description' => xtr('Hostname of your secure (HTTPS-enabled) web server (E.g.: secure.example.com). If omitted, it is assumed to be the same as the web server name.'), 'def_value' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'required' => true), 'xlite_web_dir' => array('title' => xtr('LiteCommerce web directory'), 'description' => xtr('Path to LiteCommerce files within the web space of your web server (E.g.: /shop).'), 'def_value' => preg_replace('/\\/install(\\.php)*/Ss', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), 'required' => false), 'mysqlhost' => array('title' => xtr('MySQL server name'), 'description' => xtr('Hostname or IP address of your MySQL server.'), 'def_value' => 'localhost', 'required' => true), 'mysqlport' => array('title' => xtr('MySQL server port'), 'description' => xtr('If your database server is listening to a non-standard port, specify its number (e.g. 3306).'), 'def_value' => '', 'required' => false), 'mysqlsock' => array('title' => xtr('MySQL server socket'), 'description' => xtr('If your database server is used a non-standard socket, specify it (e.g. /tmp/mysql-5.1.34.sock).'), 'def_value' => '', 'required' => false), 'mysqlbase' => array('title' => xtr('MySQL database name'), 'description' => xtr('The name of the existing database to use (if the database does not exist on the server, you should create it to continue the installation).'), 'def_value' => '', 'required' => true), 'mysqluser' => array('title' => xtr('MySQL username'), 'description' => xtr('MySQL username. The user must have full access to the database specified above.'), 'def_value' => '', 'required' => true), 'mysqlpass' => array('title' => xtr('MySQL password'), 'description' => xtr('Password for the above MySQL username.'), 'def_value' => '', 'required' => false, 'type' => 'password'), 'demo' => array('title' => xtr('Install sample catalog'), 'description' => xtr('Specify whether you would like to setup sample categories and products?'), 'def_value' => '1', 'required' => false, 'type' => 'checkbox')); $messageText = ''; $displayConfigForm = false; foreach ($paramFields as $fieldName => $fieldData) { // Prepare first step data if we came from the second step back if (isset($_POST['go_back']) && $_POST['go_back'] === '1') { if (empty($fieldData['step']) && isset($params[$fieldName])) { $paramFields[$fieldName]['def_value'] = $params[$fieldName]; unset($params[$fieldName]); } } // Unset parameter if its empty if (isset($params[$fieldName]) && strlen(trim($params[$fieldName])) == 0) { unset($params[$fieldName]); } // Check if all required parameters presented if (!isset($params[$fieldName])) { $displayConfigForm = $displayConfigForm || $fieldData['required']; } } // Display form to enter host data and database settings if ($displayConfigForm) { ob_start(); foreach ($paramFields as $fieldName => $fieldData) { if (isset($fieldData['step']) && $fieldData['step'] != 1) { continue; } $fieldData['value'] = isset($params[$fieldName]) ? $params[$fieldName] : $fieldData['def_value']; displayFormElement($fieldName, $fieldData, $clrNumber); $clrNumber = $clrNumber == 2 ? 1 : 2; } $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="cfg_install_db_step" value="1" /> <?php // Display second step: review parameters and enter additional data } else { // Now checking if database named $params[mysqlbase] already exists $checkError = false; $checkWarning = false; if (strstr($params['xlite_http_host'], ':')) { list($_host, $_port) = explode(':', $params['xlite_http_host']); } else { $_host = $params['xlite_http_host']; } if (!$_host) { fatal_error(xtr('The web server name and/or web drectory is invalid (:host). Press \'BACK\' button and review web server settings you provided', array(':host' => $_host))); $checkError = true; // Check if database settings provided are valid } else { $connection = dbConnect($params, $pdoErrorMsg); if ($connection) { // Check MySQL version $mysqlVersionErr = $currentMysqlVersion = ''; if (!checkMysqlVersion($mysqlVersionErr, $currentMysqlVersion, true)) { fatal_error($mysqlVersionErr . (!empty($currentMysqlVersion) ? '<br />(current version is ' . $currentMysqlVersion . ')' : '')); $checkError = true; } // Check if config.php file is writeable if (!$checkError && !@is_writable(LC_DIR_CONFIG . constant('LC_CONFIG_FILE'))) { fatal_error(xtr('Cannot open file \':filename\' for writing. To install the software, please correct the problem and start the installation again...', array(':filename' => constant('LC_CONFIG_FILE')))); $checkError = true; } elseif (!$checkError) { // Check if LiteCommerce tables is already exists $mystring = ''; $first = true; $res = dbFetchAll('SHOW TABLES LIKE \'xlite_%\''); if (is_array($res)) { foreach ($res as $row) { if (in_array('xlite_products', $row)) { warning_error(xtr('Installation Wizard has detected LiteCommerce tables')); $checkWarning = true; break; } } } } } else { fatal_error(xtr('Can\'t connect to MySQL server specified:pdoerr<br /> Press \'BACK\' button and review MySQL server settings you provided.', array(':pdoerr' => !empty($pdoErrorMsg) ? ': ' . $pdoErrorMsg : ''))); $checkError = true; } } if (!$checkError && !$checkWarning) { global $autoPost; $autoPost = true; } else { $output = ''; } $error = $checkError; } ?> <?php echo $messageText; ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="10"> <?php echo $output; ?> </table> <?php return $displayConfigForm; }