Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Move/ Delete the document in the seession
  * @return void|Object
 function procDocumentManageCheckedDocument()
     if (!Context::get('is_logged')) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
     if (!checkCSRF()) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     $type = Context::get('type');
     $target_module = Context::get('target_module');
     $module_srl = Context::get('module_srl');
     if ($target_module && !$module_srl) {
         $module_srl = $target_module;
     $category_srl = Context::get('target_category');
     // send default message - misol 2015-07-23
     $send_default_message = Context::get('send_default_message');
     if ($send_default_message === 'Y') {
         $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
         $message_content = '';
         $default_message_verbs = lang('default_message_verbs');
         if (isset($default_message_verbs[$type]) && is_string($default_message_verbs[$type])) {
             $message_content = sprintf(lang('default_message_format'), $logged_info->nick_name, $default_message_verbs[$type]);
     } else {
         $message_content = Context::get('message_content');
         if ($message_content) {
             $message_content = nl2br($message_content);
     $cart = Context::get('cart');
     if (!is_array($cart)) {
         $document_srl_list = explode('|@|', $cart);
     } else {
         $document_srl_list = $cart;
     $document_srl_count = count($document_srl_list);
     $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
     $document_items = array();
     foreach ($document_srl_list as $document_srl) {
         $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl);
         $document_items[] = $oDocument;
         if (!$oDocument->isGranted()) {
             return $this->stop('msg_not_permitted');
     // Set a spam-filer not to be filtered to spams
     $oSpamController = getController('spamfilter');
     $oDocumentAdminController = getAdminController('document');
     if ($type == 'move') {
         if (!$module_srl) {
             return new Object(-1, 'fail_to_move');
         $output = $oDocumentAdminController->moveDocumentModule($document_srl_list, $module_srl, $category_srl);
         if (!$output->toBool()) {
             return new Object(-1, 'fail_to_move');
         $msg_code = 'success_moved';
     } else {
         if ($type == 'copy') {
             if (!$module_srl) {
                 return new Object(-1, 'fail_to_move');
             $output = $oDocumentAdminController->copyDocumentModule($document_srl_list, $module_srl, $category_srl);
             if (!$output->toBool()) {
                 return new Object(-1, 'fail_to_move');
             $msg_code = 'success_copied';
         } else {
             if ($type == 'delete') {
                 $oDB =& DB::getInstance();
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $document_srl_count; $i++) {
                     $document_srl = $document_srl_list[$i];
                     $output = $this->deleteDocument($document_srl, true);
                     if (!$output->toBool()) {
                         return new Object(-1, 'fail_to_delete');
                 $msg_code = 'success_deleted';
             } else {
                 if ($type == 'trash') {
                     $args = new stdClass();
                     $args->description = $message_content;
                     $oDB =& DB::getInstance();
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $document_srl_count; $i++) {
                         $args->document_srl = $document_srl_list[$i];
                         $output = $this->moveDocumentToTrash($args);
                         if (!$output || !$output->toBool()) {
                             return new Object(-1, 'fail_to_trash');
                     $msg_code = 'success_trashed';
                 } else {
                     if ($type == 'cancelDeclare') {
                         $args = new stdClass();
                         $args->document_srl = $document_srl_list;
                         $output = executeQuery('document.deleteDeclaredDocuments', $args);
                         $msg_code = 'success_declare_canceled';
     // Send a message
     if ($message_content) {
         $oCommunicationController = getController('communication');
         $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
         $title = cut_str($message_content, 10, '...');
         $sender_member_srl = $logged_info->member_srl;
         foreach ($document_items as $oDocument) {
             if (!$oDocument->get('member_srl') || $oDocument->get('member_srl') == $sender_member_srl) {
             if ($type == 'move') {
                 $purl = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\" style=\"padding:10px 0;\">%s</a><hr />", $oDocument->getPermanentUrl(), $oDocument->getPermanentUrl());
             } else {
                 $purl = "";
             $content = sprintf("<div style=\"padding:10px 0;\"><p>%s</p></div><hr />%s<div style=\"padding:10px 0;font-weight:bold\">%s</div>%s", $message_content, $purl, $oDocument->getTitleText(), $oDocument->getContent(false, false, false));
             $oCommunicationController->sendMessage($sender_member_srl, $oDocument->get('member_srl'), $title, $content, false);
     $_SESSION['document_management'] = array();
     $returnUrl = Context::get('success_return_url') ? Context::get('success_return_url') : getNotEncodedUrl('', 'module', 'admin', 'act', 'dispDocumentAdminList');
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Add a user (Administrator)
  * @return void|Object (void : success, Object : fail)
 function procMemberAdminInsert()
     // if(Context::getRequestMethod() == "GET") return new Object(-1, "msg_invalid_request");
     // Extract the necessary information in advance
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     if ($logged_info->is_admin != 'Y' || !checkCSRF()) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     $args = Context::gets('member_srl', 'email_address', 'find_account_answer', 'allow_mailing', 'allow_message', 'denied', 'is_admin', 'description', 'group_srl_list', 'limit_date');
     $oMemberModel =& getModel('member');
     $config = $oMemberModel->getMemberConfig();
     $getVars = array();
     if ($config->signupForm) {
         foreach ($config->signupForm as $formInfo) {
             if ($formInfo->isDefaultForm && ($formInfo->isUse || $formInfo->required || $formInfo->mustRequired)) {
                 $getVars[] = $formInfo->name;
     foreach ($getVars as $val) {
         $args->{$val} = Context::get($val);
     $args->member_srl = Context::get('member_srl');
     if (Context::get('reset_password')) {
         $args->password = Context::get('reset_password');
     } else {
     // Remove some unnecessary variables from all the vars
     $all_args = Context::getRequestVars();
     if (!isset($args->limit_date)) {
         $args->limit_date = "";
     // Add extra vars after excluding necessary information from all the requested arguments
     $extra_vars = delObjectVars($all_args, $args);
     $args->extra_vars = serialize($extra_vars);
     // Check if an original member exists having the member_srl
     if ($args->member_srl) {
         // Create a member model object
         $oMemberModel = getModel('member');
         // Get memebr profile
         $columnList = array('member_srl');
         $member_info = $oMemberModel->getMemberInfoByMemberSrl($args->member_srl, 0, $columnList);
         // If no original member exists, make a new one
         if ($member_info->member_srl != $args->member_srl) {
     // remove whitespace
     $checkInfos = array('user_id', 'nick_name', 'email_address');
     $replaceStr = array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", " ", "\t", "­");
     foreach ($checkInfos as $val) {
         if (isset($args->{$val})) {
             $args->{$val} = str_replace($replaceStr, '', $args->{$val});
     $oMemberController = getController('member');
     // Execute insert or update depending on the value of member_srl
     if (!$args->member_srl) {
         $args->password = Context::get('password');
         $output = $oMemberController->insertMember($args);
         $msg_code = 'success_registed';
     } else {
         $output = $oMemberController->updateMember($args);
         $msg_code = 'success_updated';
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     // Save Signature
     $signature = Context::get('signature');
     $oMemberController->putSignature($args->member_srl, $signature);
     // Return result
     $this->add('member_srl', $args->member_srl);
     $profile_image = $_FILES['profile_image'];
     if (is_uploaded_file($profile_image['tmp_name'])) {
         $oMemberController->insertProfileImage($args->member_srl, $profile_image['tmp_name']);
     $image_mark = $_FILES['image_mark'];
     if (is_uploaded_file($image_mark['tmp_name'])) {
         $oMemberController->insertImageMark($args->member_srl, $image_mark['tmp_name']);
     $image_name = $_FILES['image_name'];
     if (is_uploaded_file($image_name['tmp_name'])) {
         $oMemberController->insertImageName($args->member_srl, $image_name['tmp_name']);
     $returnUrl = Context::get('success_return_url') ? Context::get('success_return_url') : getNotEncodedUrl('', 'module', 'admin', 'act', 'dispMemberAdminList');
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Fix the comment
  * @param object $obj
  * @param bool $is_admin
  * @param bool $manual_updated
  * @return object
 function updateComment($obj, $is_admin = FALSE, $manual_updated = FALSE)
     if (!$manual_updated && !checkCSRF()) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     if (!is_object($obj)) {
         $obj = new stdClass();
     $obj->__isupdate = TRUE;
     // call a trigger (before)
     $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('comment.updateComment', 'before', $obj);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     // create a comment model object
     $oCommentModel = getModel('comment');
     // get the original data
     $source_obj = $oCommentModel->getComment($obj->comment_srl);
     if (!$source_obj->getMemberSrl()) {
         $obj->member_srl = $source_obj->get('member_srl');
         $obj->user_name = $source_obj->get('user_name');
         $obj->nick_name = $source_obj->get('nick_name');
         $obj->email_address = $source_obj->get('email_address');
         $obj->homepage = $source_obj->get('homepage');
     // check if permission is granted
     if (!$is_admin && !$source_obj->isGranted()) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
     if ($obj->password) {
         $obj->password = getModel('member')->hashPassword($obj->password);
     if ($obj->homepage) {
         $obj->homepage = removeHackTag($obj->homepage);
         if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]+:\\/\\//i', $obj->homepage)) {
             $obj->homepage = 'http://' . $obj->homepage;
     // set modifier's information if logged-in and posting author and modifier are matched.
     if (Context::get('is_logged')) {
         $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
         if ($source_obj->member_srl == $logged_info->member_srl) {
             $obj->member_srl = $logged_info->member_srl;
             $obj->user_name = $logged_info->user_name;
             $obj->nick_name = $logged_info->nick_name;
             $obj->email_address = $logged_info->email_address;
             $obj->homepage = $logged_info->homepage;
     // if nick_name of the logged-in author doesn't exist
     if ($source_obj->get('member_srl') && !$obj->nick_name) {
         $obj->member_srl = $source_obj->get('member_srl');
         $obj->user_name = $source_obj->get('user_name');
         $obj->nick_name = $source_obj->get('nick_name');
         $obj->email_address = $source_obj->get('email_address');
         $obj->homepage = $source_obj->get('homepage');
     if (!$obj->content) {
         $obj->content = $source_obj->get('content');
     // remove XE's wn tags from contents
     $obj->content = preg_replace('!<\\!--(Before|After)(Document|Comment)\\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\\)-->!is', '', $obj->content);
     if (Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()) {
         if ($obj->use_html != 'Y') {
             $obj->content = htmlspecialchars($obj->content, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false);
         $obj->content = nl2br($obj->content);
     // remove iframe and script if not a top administrator on the session
     if ($logged_info->is_admin != 'Y') {
         $obj->content = removeHackTag($obj->content);
     // begin transaction
     $oDB = DB::getInstance();
     // Update
     $output = executeQuery('comment.updateComment', $obj);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     // call a trigger (after)
     if ($output->toBool()) {
         $trigger_output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('comment.updateComment', 'after', $obj);
         if (!$trigger_output->toBool()) {
             return $trigger_output;
     // commit
     $output->add('comment_srl', $obj->comment_srl);
     return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: LTIX.php Proyecto: na1iu/tsugi
  * Handle launch and/or set up the LTI session and global variables
  * Make sure we have the values we need in the LTI session
  * This routine will not start a session if none exists.  It will
  * die is there if no session_name() (PHPSESSID) cookie or
  * parameter.  No need to create any fresh sessions here.
  * @param $needed (optional, mixed)  Indicates which of 
  * the data structures are * needed. If this is omitted, 
  * this assumes that CONTEXT, LINK, and USER data are required.  
  * If LTIX::NONE is present, then none of the three are rquired.
  * If some combination of the three are needed, this accepts
  * an array of the LTIX::CONTEXT, LTIX: LINK, and LTIX::USER
  * can be passed in.
 public static function requireData($needed = self::ALL)
     global $CFG, $USER, $CONTEXT, $LINK;
     if ($needed == self::NONE) {
         $needed = array();
     if ($needed == self::ALL) {
         $needed = array(self::CONTEXT, self::LINK, self::USER);
     if (is_string($needed)) {
         $needed = array($needed);
     // Check if we are processing an LTI launch.  If so, handle it
     // Check to see if the session already exists.
     $sess = session_name();
     if (ini_get('session.use_cookies') != '0') {
         if (!isset($_COOKIE[$sess])) {
             die_with_error_log("Missing session cookie - please re-launch");
     } else {
         // non-cookie session
         if (isset($_POST[$sess]) || isset($_GET[$sess])) {
             // We tried to set a session..
         } else {
             if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
                 die_with_error_log('Missing ' . $sess . ' from POST data');
             } else {
                 die_with_error_log('This tool should be launched from a learning system using LTI');
     // Start a session if it has not been started..
     if (session_id() == "") {
         // Should reassociate
     // This happens from time to time when someone closes and reopens a laptop
     // Or their computer goes to sleep and wakes back up hours later.
     // So it is just a warning - nothing much we can do except tell them.
     if (!isset($_SESSION['lti'])) {
         // $debug = safe_var_dump($_SESSION);
         // error_log($debug);
         error_log('Session expired - please re-launch ' . session_id());
         die('Session expired - please re-launch');
         // with error_log
     // Check the referrer...
     $trusted = checkReferer() || checkCSRF();
     // Check to see if we switched browsers or IP addresses
     // TODO: Change these to warnings once we get more data
     if (!$trusted && isset($_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
             die_with_error_log("Session has expired", " " . session_id() . " HTTP_USER_AGENT " . $_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . ' ::: ' . isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : 'Empty user agent', 'DIE:');
     // We only check the first three octets as some systems wander throught the addresses on
     // class C - Perhaps it is even NAT - who knows - but we forgive those on the same Class C
     if (!$trusted && isset($_SESSION['REMOTE_ADDR']) && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
         $sess_pieces = explode('.', $_SESSION['REMOTE_ADDR']);
         $serv_pieces = explode('.', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
         if (count($sess_pieces) == 4 && count($serv_pieces) == 4) {
             if ($sess_pieces[0] != $serv_pieces[0] || $sess_pieces[1] != $serv_pieces[1] || $sess_pieces[2] != $serv_pieces[2]) {
                 die_with_error_log('Session address has expired', " " . session_id() . " REMOTE_ADDR " . $_SESSION['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'DIE:');
     // Check to see if the user has navigated to a new place in the hierarchy
     if (isset($_SESSION['script_path']) && getScriptPath() != 'core/blob' && strpos(getScriptPath(), $_SESSION['script_path']) !== 0) {
         die_with_error_log('Improper navigation detected', " " . session_id() . " script_path " . $_SESSION['script_path'] . ' /  ' . getScriptPath(), 'DIE:');
     $LTI = $_SESSION['lti'];
     if (is_array($needed)) {
         foreach ($needed as $feature) {
             if (isset($LTI[$feature])) {
             die_with_error_log("This tool requires an LTI launch parameter:" . $feature);
     // Check to see if the session needs to be extended due to this request
     // Restart the number of continuous heartbeats
     // Populate the $USER $CONTEXT and $LINK objects
     if (isset($LTI['user_id']) && !is_object($USER)) {
         $USER = new \Tsugi\Core\User();
         $USER->id = $LTI['user_id'];
         if (isset($LTI['user_email'])) {
             $USER->email = $LTI['user_email'];
         if (isset($LTI['user_displayname'])) {
             $USER->displayname = $LTI['user_displayname'];
             $pieces = explode(' ', $USER->displayname);
             if (count($pieces) > 0) {
                 $USER->firstname = $pieces[0];
             if (count($pieces) > 1) {
                 $USER->lastname = $pieces[count($pieces) - 1];
         $USER->instructor = isset($LTI['role']) && $LTI['role'] != 0;
     if (isset($LTI['context_id']) && !is_object($CONTEXT)) {
         $CONTEXT = new \Tsugi\Core\Context();
         $CONTEXT->id = $LTI['context_id'];
         if (isset($LTI['context_title'])) {
             $CONTEXT->title = $LTI['context_title'];
     if (isset($LTI['link_id']) && !is_object($LINK)) {
         $LINK = new \Tsugi\Core\Link();
         $LINK->id = $LTI['link_id'];
         if (isset($LTI['grade'])) {
             $LINK->grade = $LTI['grade'];
         if (isset($LTI['link_title'])) {
             $LINK->title = $LTI['link_title'];
         if (isset($LTI['result_id'])) {
             $LINK->result_id = $LTI['result_id'];
     // Return the LTI structure
     return $LTI;
$email = str_normalize($validator->optionalPostVar('email'));
$title = trim($validator->optionalPostVar('title'));
$rm_groups = $validator->optionalPostVar('remove_groups');
$add_groups = $validator->optionalPostVar('add_groups');
$enabled = $validator->optionalPostVar('enabled');
$primary_group_id = $validator->optionalPostVar('primary_group_id');
// For updating passwords.  The user's current password must also be included (passwordcheck) if they are resetting their own password.
$password = $validator->optionalPostVar('password');
$passwordc = $validator->optionalPostVar('passwordc');
$passwordcheck = $validator->optionalPostVar('passwordcheck');
// Add alerts for any failed input validation
foreach ($validator->errors as $error) {
    addAlert("danger", $error);
// Validate csrf token
checkCSRF($ajax, $csrf_token);
if (count($validator->errors) > 0) {
    apiReturnError($ajax, getReferralPage());
// Special case to update the logged in user (self)
$self = false;
if ($user_id == "0") {
    $self = true;
    $user_id = $loggedInUser->user_id;
//Check if selected user exists
if (!$user_id or !userIdExists($user_id)) {
    addAlert("danger", lang("ACCOUNT_INVALID_USER_ID"));
    apiReturnError($ajax, getReferralPage());
$userdetails = fetchUserAuthById($user_id);
Ejemplo n.º 6

include_once "testlogin.php";


include_once "../nonPublic/csrftoken.php";
if (!checkCSRF()) {
    if (!function_exists("redirect")) {
        function redirect($url)
            $h = "Location: " . $url;
//Visa valda produkter.
echo "If confirmed, the following items will be purchased:<br/>";
echo "<table>";
for ($x = 1; $x <= $_SESSION['purchaseNbr']; $x++) {
    $username = $_SESSION["username"];
    $itemId = $_SESSION["purchasesId" . $x];
    $itemName = $_SESSION["purchases" . $x];
    echo "<tr><th> " . $itemName . " </th>";
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Enter comments
  * @param object $obj
  * @param bool $manual_inserted
  * @return object
 function insertComment($obj, $manual_inserted = FALSE)
     if (!$manual_inserted && !checkCSRF()) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     if (!is_object($obj)) {
         $obj = new stdClass();
     // check if comment's module is using comment validation and set the publish status to 0 (false)
     // for inserting query, otherwise default is 1 (true - means comment is published)
     $using_validation = $this->isModuleUsingPublishValidation($obj->module_srl);
     if (!$manual_inserted) {
         if (Context::get('is_logged')) {
             $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
             if ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y') {
                 $is_admin = TRUE;
             } else {
                 $is_admin = FALSE;
     } else {
         $is_admin = FALSE;
     if (!$using_validation) {
         $obj->status = 1;
     } else {
         if ($is_admin) {
             $obj->status = 1;
         } else {
             $obj->status = 0;
     $obj->__isupdate = FALSE;
     // call a trigger (before)
     $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('comment.insertComment', 'before', $obj);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     // check if a posting of the corresponding document_srl exists
     $document_srl = $obj->document_srl;
     if (!$document_srl) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_document');
     // get a object of document model
     $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
     // even for manual_inserted if password exists, hash it.
     if ($obj->password) {
         $obj->password = getModel('member')->hashPassword($obj->password);
     // get the original posting
     if (!$manual_inserted) {
         $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl);
         if ($document_srl != $oDocument->document_srl) {
             return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_document');
         if ($oDocument->isLocked()) {
             return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
         if ($obj->homepage) {
             $obj->homepage = removeHackTag($obj->homepage);
             if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]+:\\/\\//i', $obj->homepage)) {
                 $obj->homepage = 'http://' . $obj->homepage;
         // input the member's information if logged-in
         if (Context::get('is_logged')) {
             $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
             $obj->member_srl = $logged_info->member_srl;
             // user_id, user_name and nick_name already encoded
             $obj->user_id = htmlspecialchars_decode($logged_info->user_id);
             $obj->user_name = htmlspecialchars_decode($logged_info->user_name);
             $obj->nick_name = htmlspecialchars_decode($logged_info->nick_name);
             $obj->email_address = $logged_info->email_address;
             $obj->homepage = $logged_info->homepage;
     // error display if neither of log-in info and user name exist.
     if (!$logged_info->member_srl && !$obj->nick_name) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     if (!$obj->comment_srl) {
         $obj->comment_srl = getNextSequence();
     } elseif (!$is_admin && !$manual_inserted && !checkUserSequence($obj->comment_srl)) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
     // determine the order
     $obj->list_order = getNextSequence() * -1;
     // remove XE's own tags from the contents
     $obj->content = preg_replace('!<\\!--(Before|After)(Document|Comment)\\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\\)-->!is', '', $obj->content);
     if (Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()) {
         if ($obj->use_html != 'Y') {
             $obj->content = htmlspecialchars($obj->content, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false);
         $obj->content = nl2br($obj->content);
     if (!$obj->regdate) {
         $obj->regdate = date("YmdHis");
     // remove iframe and script if not a top administrator on the session.
     if ($logged_info->is_admin != 'Y') {
         $obj->content = removeHackTag($obj->content);
     if (!$obj->notify_message) {
         $obj->notify_message = 'N';
     if (!$obj->is_secret) {
         $obj->is_secret = 'N';
     // begin transaction
     $oDB = DB::getInstance();
     // Enter a list of comments first
     $list_args = new stdClass();
     $list_args->comment_srl = $obj->comment_srl;
     $list_args->document_srl = $obj->document_srl;
     $list_args->module_srl = $obj->module_srl;
     $list_args->regdate = $obj->regdate;
     // If parent comment doesn't exist, set data directly
     if (!$obj->parent_srl) {
         $list_args->head = $list_args->arrange = $obj->comment_srl;
         $list_args->depth = 0;
         // If parent comment exists, get information of the parent comment
     } else {
         // get information of the parent comment posting
         $parent_args = new stdClass();
         $parent_args->comment_srl = $obj->parent_srl;
         $parent_output = executeQuery('comment.getCommentListItem', $parent_args);
         // return if no parent comment exists
         if (!$parent_output->toBool() || !$parent_output->data) {
         $parent = $parent_output->data;
         $list_args->head = $parent->head;
         $list_args->depth = $parent->depth + 1;
         // if the depth of comments is less than 2, execute insert.
         if ($list_args->depth < 2) {
             $list_args->arrange = $obj->comment_srl;
             // if the depth of comments is greater than 2, execute update.
         } else {
             // get the top listed comment among those in lower depth and same head with parent's.
             $p_args = new stdClass();
             $p_args->head = $parent->head;
             $p_args->arrange = $parent->arrange;
             $p_args->depth = $parent->depth;
             $output = executeQuery('comment.getCommentParentNextSibling', $p_args);
             if ($output->data->arrange) {
                 $list_args->arrange = $output->data->arrange;
                 $output = executeQuery('comment.updateCommentListArrange', $list_args);
             } else {
                 $list_args->arrange = $obj->comment_srl;
     $output = executeQuery('comment.insertCommentList', $list_args);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     // insert comment
     $output = executeQuery('comment.insertComment', $obj);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     // creat the comment model object
     $oCommentModel = getModel('comment');
     // get the number of all comments in the posting
     $comment_count = $oCommentModel->getCommentCount($document_srl);
     // create the controller object of the document
     $oDocumentController = getController('document');
     // Update the number of comments in the post
     if (!$using_validation) {
         $output = $oDocumentController->updateCommentCount($document_srl, $comment_count, $obj->nick_name, TRUE);
     } else {
         if ($is_admin) {
             $output = $oDocumentController->updateCommentCount($document_srl, $comment_count, $obj->nick_name, TRUE);
     // grant autority of the comment
     if (!$manual_inserted) {
     // call a trigger(after)
     if ($output->toBool()) {
         $trigger_output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('comment.insertComment', 'after', $obj);
         if (!$trigger_output->toBool()) {
             return $trigger_output;
     // commit
     if (!$manual_inserted) {
         // send a message if notify_message option in enabled in the original article
         $oDocument->notify(Context::getLang('comment'), $obj->content);
         // send a message if notify_message option in enabled in the original comment
         if ($obj->parent_srl) {
             $oParent = $oCommentModel->getComment($obj->parent_srl);
             if ($oParent->get('member_srl') != $oDocument->get('member_srl')) {
                 $oParent->notify(Context::getLang('comment'), $obj->content);
     $output->add('comment_srl', $obj->comment_srl);
     return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * get a module instance and execute an action
  * @return ModuleObject executed module instance
  * */
 function procModule()
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $display_mode = Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() ? 'mobile' : 'view';
     // If error occurred while preparation, return a message instance
     if ($this->error) {
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
         return $oMessageObject;
     // Get action information with conf/module.xml
     $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($this->module);
     // If not installed yet, modify act
     if ($this->module == "install") {
         if (!$this->act || !$xml_info->action->{$this->act}) {
             $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act;
     // if act exists, find type of the action, if not use default index act
     if (!$this->act) {
         $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act;
     // still no act means error
     if (!$this->act) {
         $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists';
         $this->httpStatusCode = '404';
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
         return $oMessageObject;
     // get type, kind
     $type = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->type;
     $ruleset = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->ruleset;
     $kind = stripos($this->act, 'admin') !== FALSE ? 'admin' : '';
     if (!$kind && $this->module == 'admin') {
         $kind = 'admin';
     // check REQUEST_METHOD in controller
     if ($type == 'controller') {
         $allowedMethod = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->method;
         if (!$allowedMethod) {
             $allowedMethodList[0] = 'POST';
         } else {
             $allowedMethodList = explode('|', strtoupper($allowedMethod));
         if (!in_array(strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']), $allowedMethodList)) {
             $this->error = "msg_invalid_request";
             $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
             return $oMessageObject;
     if ($this->module_info->use_mobile != "Y") {
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     // check CSRF for POST actions
     if (Context::getRequestMethod() === 'POST' && Context::isInstalled() && $this->act !== 'procFileUpload' && !checkCSRF()) {
         $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request';
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         return $oMessageObject;
     // Admin ip
     if ($kind == 'admin' && $_SESSION['denied_admin'] == 'Y') {
         $this->error = "msg_not_permitted_act";
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         return $oMessageObject;
     // if(type == view, and case for using mobilephone)
     if ($type == "view" && Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() && Context::isInstalled()) {
         $orig_type = "view";
         $type = "mobile";
         // create a module instance
         $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind);
         if (!is_object($oModule) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) {
             $type = $orig_type;
             $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind);
     } else {
         // create a module instance
         $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind);
     if (!is_object($oModule)) {
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
         return $oMessageObject;
     // If there is no such action in the module object
     if (!isset($xml_info->action->{$this->act}) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) {
         if (!Context::isInstalled()) {
             $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request';
             $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
             if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
             return $oMessageObject;
         $forward = NULL;
         // 1. Look for the module with action name
         if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+)([A-Z])([a-z0-9\\_]+)(.*)$/', $this->act, $matches)) {
             $module = strtolower($matches[2] . $matches[3]);
             $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($module);
             if ($xml_info->action->{$this->act} && (stripos($this->act, 'admin') !== FALSE || $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->standalone != 'false')) {
                 $forward = new stdClass();
                 $forward->module = $module;
                 $forward->type = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->type;
                 $forward->ruleset = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->ruleset;
                 $forward->act = $this->act;
             } else {
                 $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request';
                 $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                 return $oMessageObject;
         if (!$forward) {
             $forward = $oModuleModel->getActionForward($this->act);
         if ($forward->module && $forward->type && $forward->act && $forward->act == $this->act) {
             $kind = stripos($forward->act, 'admin') !== FALSE ? 'admin' : '';
             $type = $forward->type;
             $ruleset = $forward->ruleset;
             $tpl_path = $oModule->getTemplatePath();
             $orig_module = $oModule;
             $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($forward->module);
             // SECISSUE also check foward act method
             // check REQUEST_METHOD in controller
             if ($type == 'controller') {
                 $allowedMethod = $xml_info->action->{$forward->act}->method;
                 if (!$allowedMethod) {
                     $allowedMethodList[0] = 'POST';
                 } else {
                     $allowedMethodList = explode('|', strtoupper($allowedMethod));
                 if (!in_array(strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']), $allowedMethodList)) {
                     $this->error = "msg_invalid_request";
                     $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                     return $oMessageObject;
             if ($type == "view" && Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()) {
                 $orig_type = "view";
                 $type = "mobile";
                 // create a module instance
                 $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind);
                 if (!is_object($oModule) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) {
                     $type = $orig_type;
                     $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind);
             } else {
                 $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind);
             if (!is_object($oModule)) {
                 $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                 if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
                 return $oMessageObject;
             if ($this->module == "admin" && $type == "view") {
                 if ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y') {
                     if ($this->act != 'dispLayoutAdminLayoutModify') {
                         $oAdminView = getAdminView('admin');
                 } else {
                     $this->error = 'msg_is_not_administrator';
                     $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                     return $oMessageObject;
             if ($kind == 'admin') {
                 $grant = $oModuleModel->getGrant($this->module_info, $logged_info);
                 if (!$grant->manager) {
                     $this->error = 'msg_is_not_manager';
                     $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                     return $oMessageObject;
                 } else {
                     if (!$grant->is_admin && $this->module != $this->orig_module->module && $xml_info->permission->{$this->act} != 'manager') {
                         $this->error = 'msg_is_not_administrator';
                         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                         return $oMessageObject;
         } else {
             if ($xml_info->default_index_act && method_exists($oModule, $xml_info->default_index_act)) {
                 $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act;
             } else {
                 $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request';
                 return $oModule;
     // ruleset check...
     if (!empty($ruleset)) {
         $rulesetModule = $forward->module ? $forward->module : $this->module;
         $rulesetFile = $oModuleModel->getValidatorFilePath($rulesetModule, $ruleset, $this->mid);
         if (!empty($rulesetFile)) {
             if ($_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR_LANG']) {
                 $errorLang = $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR_LANG'];
                 foreach ($errorLang as $key => $val) {
                     Context::setLang($key, $val);
             $Validator = new Validator($rulesetFile);
             $result = $Validator->validate();
             if (!$result) {
                 $lastError = $Validator->getLastError();
                 $returnUrl = Context::get('error_return_url');
                 $errorMsg = $lastError['msg'] ? $lastError['msg'] : 'validation error';
                 //for xml response
                 //for html redirect
                 $this->error = $errorMsg;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR'] = -1;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE'] = $this->error;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE_TYPE'] = 'error';
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_RETURN_URL'] = $returnUrl;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ID'] = Context::get('xe_validator_id');
                 return $oModule;
     $this->module_info->module_type = $type;
     $oModule->setModuleInfo($this->module_info, $xml_info);
     $skipAct = array('dispEditorConfigPreview' => 1, 'dispLayoutPreviewWithModule' => 1);
     $db_use_mobile = Mobile::isMobileEnabled();
     if ($type == "view" && $this->module_info->use_mobile == "Y" && Mobile::isMobileCheckByAgent() && !isset($skipAct[Context::get('act')]) && $db_use_mobile === true) {
         global $lang;
         $header = '<style>div.xe_mobile{opacity:0.7;margin:1em 0;padding:.5em;background:#333;border:1px solid #666;border-left:0;border-right:0}p.xe_mobile{text-align:center;margin:1em 0}a.xe_mobile{color:#ff0;font-weight:bold;font-size:24px}@media only screen and (min-width:500px){a.xe_mobile{font-size:15px}}</style>';
         $footer = '<div class="xe_mobile"><p class="xe_mobile"><a class="xe_mobile" href="' . getUrl('m', '1') . '">' . $lang->msg_pc_to_mobile . '</a></p></div>';
     if ($type == "view" && $kind != 'admin') {
         $module_config = $oModuleModel->getModuleConfig('module');
         if ($module_config->htmlFooter) {
         if ($module_config->siteTitle) {
             $siteTitle = Context::getBrowserTitle();
             if (!$siteTitle) {
     // if failed message exists in session, set context
     $procResult = $oModule->proc();
     $methodList = array('XMLRPC' => 1, 'JSON' => 1, 'JS_CALLBACK' => 1);
     if (!$oModule->stop_proc && !isset($methodList[Context::getRequestMethod()])) {
         $error = $oModule->getError();
         $message = $oModule->getMessage();
         $messageType = $oModule->getMessageType();
         $redirectUrl = $oModule->getRedirectUrl();
         if ($messageType == 'error') {
             debugPrint($message, 'ERROR');
         if (!$procResult) {
             $this->error = $message;
             if (!$redirectUrl && Context::get('error_return_url')) {
                 $redirectUrl = Context::get('error_return_url');
         } else {
         $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR'] = $error;
         $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ID'] = Context::get('xe_validator_id');
         if ($message != 'success') {
             $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE'] = $message;
         $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE_TYPE'] = $messageType;
         if (Context::get('xeVirtualRequestMethod') != 'xml') {
             $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_RETURN_URL'] = $redirectUrl;
     return $oModule;
Ejemplo n.º 9

include_once "testlogin.php";
include_once "../nonPublic/csrftoken.php";
include_once "database.php";
if (checkCSRF()) {
    $database = new Database();
    echo "If confirmed, the following items will be purchased:<br/>";
    echo "<table>";
    for ($x = 2; $x <= $_SESSION['purchaseNbr']; $x++) {
        $username = $_SESSION["username"];
        $itemId = $_SESSION["purchasesId" . $x];
        $itemName = $_SESSION["purchases" . $x];
        echo "<tr><th> " . $itemName . " </th>";
        $mysqli = $database->openConnection();
        $sql = "INSERT INTO purchases (email,itemId,purchDate) VALUES ( ? , ?, NOW() )";
        $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql);
        if ($stmt->bind_param('ss', $username, $itemId)) {
            if ($stmt->execute()) {
                echo "<th> purchase successful </th></tr>";
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Preview a layout
  * @return void|Object (void : success, Object : fail)
 function dispLayoutPreview()
     if (!checkCSRF()) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     // admin check
     // this act is admin view but in normal view because do not load admin css/js files
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     if ($logged_info->is_admin != 'Y') {
         return $this->stop('msg_invalid_request');
     $layout_srl = Context::get('layout_srl');
     $code = Context::get('code');
     $code_css = Context::get('code_css');
     if (!$layout_srl || !$code) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     // Get the layout information
     $oLayoutModel = getModel('layout');
     $layout_info = $oLayoutModel->getLayout($layout_srl);
     if (!$layout_info) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     // Separately handle the layout if its type is faceoff
     if ($layout_info && $layout_info->type == 'faceoff') {
     // Apply CSS directly
     Context::addHtmlHeader("<style type=\"text/css\" charset=\"UTF-8\">" . $code_css . "</style>");
     // Set names and values of extra_vars to $layout_info
     if ($layout_info->extra_var_count) {
         foreach ($layout_info->extra_var as $var_id => $val) {
             $layout_info->{$var_id} = $val->value;
     // menu in layout information becomes an argument for Context:: set
     if ($layout_info->menu_count) {
         foreach ($layout_info->menu as $menu_id => $menu) {
             $menu->php_file = FileHandler::getRealPath($menu->php_file);
             if (FileHandler::exists($menu->php_file)) {
                 include $menu->php_file;
             Context::set($menu_id, $menu);
     Context::set('layout_info', $layout_info);
     Context::set('content', lang('layout_preview_content'));
     // Temporary save the codes
     $edited_layout_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/cache/layout/tmp.tpl';
     FileHandler::writeFile($edited_layout_file, $code);
     // Compile
     $oTemplate =& TemplateHandler::getInstance();
     $layout_path = $layout_info->path;
     $layout_file = 'layout';
     $layout_tpl = $oTemplate->compile($layout_path, $layout_file, $edited_layout_file);
     Context::set('layout', 'none');
     // Convert widgets and others
     $oContext =& Context::getInstance();
     Context::set('layout_tpl', $layout_tpl);
     // Delete Temporary Files