Ejemplo n.º 1
function selesai($link, $clientIP)
    $datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO self_checkout (datetime, ipv4) VALUES('{$datetime}','{$clientIP}')") or die('Gagal tambah data');
    $uid = mysqli_insert_id($link);
    $query = "insert into self_checkout_detail (self_checkout_uid, barcode, qty, harga_jual, diskon)\n                (\n                select {$uid} as self_checkout_uid, barcode, qty, harga_jual, diskon\n                from self_checkout_temp\n                where ipv4='{$clientIP}'\n                order by id\n                )\n                ";
    mysqli_query($link, $query) or die('Gagal tambah data detail');
    $return = array('sukses' => true, 'strukId' => $uid);
    echo json_encode($return);
    cetak($link, $clientIP, $uid);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    } else {
        $espt = 0;
    $perekam = $login_nip;
    $sanity = 0;
    if ($npwp == "" or strlen($npwp) < 15) {
        $message = '<script>bootbox.alert({message: "NPWP tidak boleh kosong/kurang dari 15 digit",title: "Error", callback: function(){window.location.replace("index.php?menu=forminput")}});</script>';
        $sanity = 1;
    if ($statusbayar == 2 and $tanggalbayar == "--") {
        $message = '<script>bootbox.alert({message: "Status SPT Kurang Bayar tetapi tanggal bayar kosong",title: "Error", callback: function(){window.location.replace("index.php?menu=forminput")}});</script>';
        $sanity = 1;
    if ($statusbayar == 3 and $reskom == 0) {
        $message = '<script>bootbox.alert({message: "Status SPT Lebih Bayar tetapi tidak dipilih restitusi/kompensasi",title: "Error", callback: function(){window.location.replace("index.php?menu=forminput")}});</script>';
        $sanity = 1;
    if ($sanity == 0) {
        $nomorbps = ambilnomorbps();
        $insert = mysqli_query($connection, "\n\t\tINSERT INTO \n\t\tbps \n\t\t(`id`, `npwp`, `namawp`, `tanggalterima`, `jenisspt`, `tahunpajak`, `statusbayar`, `nominal`, `nominalcurr`, `tanggalbayar`, `reskom`, `pembetulan`, `angsuranps25`, `perekam`, `nomorbps`, `espt`) \n\t\tVALUES \n\t\t(NULL, '{$npwp}', '{$namawp}', '{$tanggalterima}', '{$jenisspt}', '{$tahunpajak}', '{$statusbayar}', '{$nominal}', '{$nominalcurr}', '{$tanggalbayar}', '{$reskom}', '{$pembetulan}', '{$angsuranps25}', '{$perekam}', '{$nomorbps}', '{$espt}');");
        if ($insert) {
            echo '<script>window.open("' . cetak($nomorbps) . '", "", "width=800, height=600")</script>';
            $message = '<script>
						bootbox.alert({message: "Data berhasil disimpan",title: "Berhasil", callback: function(){window.location.replace("index.php?menu=forminput")}});
        } else {
            $message = '<script>bootbox.alert({message: "Data gagal disimpan",title: "Error", callback: function(){window.location.replace("index.php?menu=forminput")}});</script>';
    echo $message;