Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function testLoadJson(Request $request)
     //        return dd($request->all());
     if (User::isSuperAdmin()) {
         $clients = Client::with(['getAdvertiser' => function ($q) {
             $q->select(DB::raw('*,count(client_id) as client_count'))->groupBy('client_id');
     } else {
         $usr_comp = $this->user_company();
         $clients = Client::with(['getAdvertiser' => function ($q) {
             $q->select(DB::raw('*,count(client_id) as client_count'))->groupBy('client_id');
         }])->whereIn('user_id', $usr_comp)->get();
     $result = '';
     foreach ($clients as $index) {
         if (count($index->getAdvertiser) > 0) {
             $index->setAttribute('advertiser', $index->getAdvertiser[0]->client_count);
         } else {
             $index->setAttribute('advertiser', '0');
         $action = "<a class='btn' href='" . url('/client/cl' . $index->id . '/edit') . "'>\n                        <img src='" . cdn('img/edit_16x16.png') . "' /> </a> |";
         if (in_array('ADD_EDIT_ADVERTISER', $this->permission)) {
             $action .= "<a class='btn txt-color-white' href='" . url('client/cl' . $index->id . '/advertiser/add') . "'><img src='" . cdn('img/plus_16x16.png') . "'' /></a>";
         $index->setAttribute('action', $action);
         if ($index->status == 'Active') {
             $index->status = "<div class=\"switcher\"><input id=\"client{$index->id}\" onchange=\"ChangeStatus(`client`,`{$index->id}`)\" type=\"checkbox\" checked hidden><label for=\"client{$index->id}\"></label></div>";
         } elseif ($index->status == 'Inactive') {
             $index->status = "<div class=\"switcher\"><input id=\"client{{$index->id}}\" onchange=\"ChangeStatus(`client`,`{$index->id}`)\" type=\"checkbox\" hidden><label for=\"client{$index->id}\"></label></div>";
     return json_encode($clients);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * show image and if not exist show a no-avatar.png
 * @param  string $image
 * @param  string $pathConfig
function showAvatarImage($image, $pathConfig = '')
    if ($image) {
        $image = Config::get($pathConfig) . $image;
    } else {
        $image = Config::get('app.image.no-avatar');
    return cdn($image);
  * Present a link to the user gravatar.
 public function gravatar($size = 80)
     if (Config::get('app.url_static')) {
         //Using Qiniu image processing service.
         return cdn('uploads/avatars/' . $this->avatar) . "?imageView2/1/w/{$size}/h/{$size}";
     $github_id = $this->github_id;
     $domainNumber = rand(0, 3);
     return "https://avatars{$domainNumber}.githubusercontent.com/u/{$github_id}?v=2&s={$size}";
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Transform the \User entity.
  * @param \User $model
  * @return array
 public function transformData($model)
     $user = array_only($model->toArray(), User::$includable);
     if ($model->getAttribute('avatar')) {
         $user['avatar'] = starts_with($model->avatar, 'http') ? $model->avatar : cdn('uploads/avatars/' . $model->avatar);
     if ($model->getAttribute('links')) {
         $user['links'] = ['replies_web_view' => route('users.replies.web_view', $model->id)];
     return $user;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function cached_asset(string $asset) : string
    $realPath = public_path($asset);
    if (!file_exists($realPath)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('File not found at ' . $realPath);
    $hash = sprintf("%u", crc32(md5_file($realPath)));
    $extension = pathinfo($realPath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
    $stripped = substr($asset, 0, -(strlen($extension) + 1));
    $path = implode('.', [$stripped, $hash, $extension]);
    return cdn($path);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * 获取指定视频的相关信息
  * @param array $map
  *        	查询条件
  * @return array 指定视频的相关信息
 private function _getMemberInfo($map, $field = "*")
     $member = $this->where($map)->field($field)->find();
     $avatarModel = D('Avatar');
     $avatar = $avatarModel->getAvatar($member['uid']);
     if ($avatar) {
         $member['avatar'] = $avatar;
     } else {
         $member['avatar'] = cdn('default/avatar.jpg');
     S('member_info_' . $member['uid'], $member, 86400);
     return $member;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Present a link to the user gravatar.
 public function gravatar($size = 80)
     if (Config::get('app.url_static')) {
         //Using Qiniu image processing service.
         return cdn('uploads/avatars/' . $this->avatar) . "?imageView2/1/w/{$size}/h/{$size}";
     if ($this->avatar == 'def_avatars.png') {
         $randnum = rand(0, 10);
         $randnum = sprintf("%02d", $randnum);
         $strAvatar = "Default/" . $randnum . "_avatar_max.jpg";
         //            $userid=$this->id;
         $User = User::findOrFail($this->id);
         $User->avatar = $strAvatar;
         return cdn('uploads/avatars/' . $strAvatar) . "?imageView2/1/w/{$size}/h/{$size}";
     return cdn('uploads/avatars/' . $this->avatar) . "?imageView2/1/w/{$size}/h/{$size}";
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function testLoadJson(Request $request)
     //        return dd($request->all());
     if (User::isSuperAdmin()) {
         $company = Company::get();
     if ($company) {
         $result = '';
         foreach ($company as $index) {
             $action = "<a class='btn' href='" . url('/company/' . $index->id . '/edit') . "'>\n                        <img src='" . cdn('img/edit_16x16.png') . "' /> </a> ";
             $index->setAttribute('action', $action);
             if ($index->status == 'Active') {
                 $index->status = "<div class=\"switcher\"><input id=\"company{$index->id}\" onchange=\"ChangeStatus(`company`,`{$index->id}`)\" type=\"checkbox\" checked hidden><label for=\"company{$index->id}\"></label></div>";
             } elseif ($index->status == 'Inactive') {
                 $index->status = "<div class=\"switcher\"><input id=\"company{$index->id}\" onchange=\"ChangeStatus(`company`,`{$index->id}`)\" type=\"checkbox\" hidden><label for=\"company{$index->id}\"></label></div>";
         return json_encode($company);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function LoadJson(Request $request)
     //        return dd($request->all());
     if (Auth::check()) {
         if (User::isSuperAdmin()) {
             $inventory = Inventory::get();
             foreach ($inventory as $index) {
                 $action = "<a class='btn' href='" . url('/inventory/' . $index->id . '/edit') . "'><img src='" . cdn('img/edit_16x16.png') . "'/></a>";
                 $index->setAttribute('action', $action);
                 if ($index->status == 'Active') {
                     $index->status = "<div class=\"switcher\"><input id=\"inventory{$index->id}\" onchange=\"ChangeStatus(`inventory`,`{$index->id}`)\" type=\"checkbox\" checked hidden><label for=\"inventory{$index->id}\"></label></div>";
                 } elseif ($index->status == 'Inactive') {
                     $index->status = "<div class=\"switcher\"><input id=\"inventory{$index->id}\" onchange=\"ChangeStatus(`inventory`,`{$index->id}`)\" type=\"checkbox\" hidden><label for=\"inventory{$index->id}\"></label></div>";
             return json_encode($inventory);
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['success' => false, 'msg' => "You don't have permission"]);
     return Redirect::to('/user/login');
 public function initData()
     $links = [['title' => 'Ruby China', 'cover' => cdn('assets/images/friends/ruby-china.png'), 'link' => 'https://ruby-china.org'], ['title' => 'Golang 中国', 'cover' => cdn('assets/images/friends/golangcn.png'), 'link' => 'http://golangtc.com/'], ['title' => 'CNode:Node.js 中文社区', 'cover' => cdn('assets/images/friends/cnodejs.png'), 'link' => 'http://cnodejs.org/'], ['title' => 'F2E - 前端技术社区', 'cover' => cdn('assets/images/friends/f2e.png'), 'link' => 'http://f2e.im/']];
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function avatar()
     return cdn('uploads/avatars/' . $this->getWrappedObject()->avatar);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * 支持的字段有
 * member表中的所有字段,ucenter_member表中的所有字段
 * 等级:title
 * 头像:avatar32 avatar64 avatar128 avatar256 avatar512
 * 个人中心地址:space_url
 * 认证图标:icons_html
 * @param $fields array|string 如果是数组,则返回数组。如果不是数组,则返回对应的值
 * @param null $uid
 * @return array|null
function query_user($fields, $uid = null)
    if (!is_array($fields)) {
        $result = query_user(array($fields), $uid);
        return $result[$fields];
    $uid = $uid ? $uid : is_login();
    if (!$uid) {
        return null;
    $cachedFields = array();
    $cacheResult = array();
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        if (in_array($field, array('icons_html', 'title', 'score'))) {
        $cache = read_query_user_cache($uid, $field);
        if (!empty($cache)) {
            $cacheResult[$field] = $cache;
            $cachedFields[] = $field;
    $fields = array_diff($fields, $cachedFields);
    $homeModel = M('Member');
    $ucenterModel = M('UcenterMember');
    $homeFields = $homeModel->getDbFields();
    $ucenterFields = $ucenterModel->getDbFields();
    $homeFields = array_intersect($homeFields, $fields);
    $ucenterFields = array_intersect($ucenterFields, $fields);
    $homeResult = array();
    $ucenterResult = array();
    if ($homeFields) {
        $homeResult = D('Home/Member')->where(array('uid' => $uid))->field($homeFields)->find();
    if ($ucenterFields) {
        $model = D('User/UcenterMember');
        $ucenterResult = $model->where(array('id' => $uid))->field($ucenterFields)->find();
    $result = array();
    if (in_array('avatar', $fields)) {
        $avatarModel = D('Home/Avatar');
        $avatar = $avatarModel->getAvatar($uid);
        if ($avatar) {
            $result['avatar'] = $avatar;
        } else {
            $result['avatar'] = cdn('default/avatar.jpg');
    if (in_array('title', $fields)) {
        $titleModel = D('Usercenter/Title');
        $title = $titleModel->getTitle($uid);
        $result['title'] = $title;
    if (in_array('pinyin', $fields)) {
        $result['pinyin'] = D('Pinyin')->pinYin($result['username']);
    $spaceUrlResult = array();
    if (in_array('space_url', $fields)) {
        $result['space_url'] = U('UserCenter/Index/index', array('uid' => $uid));
    if (in_array('space_link', $fields)) {
        $result['space_link'] = '<a ucard="' . $uid . '" href="' . U('UserCenter/Index/index', array('uid' => $uid)) . '">' . $ucenterResult['username'] . '</a>';
    if (in_array('rank_link', $fields)) {
        $rank_List = D('rank_user')->where('uid=' . $uid)->select();
        $num = 0;
        foreach ($rank_List as &$val) {
            $rank = D('rank')->where('id=' . $val['rank_id'])->find();
            $val['title'] = $rank['title'];
            $val['logo_url'] = getRootUrl() . D('picture')->where('id=' . $rank['logo'])->getField('path');
            if ($val['is_show']) {
                $num = 1;
        if ($rank_List) {
            $rank_List[0]['num'] = $num;
            $result['rank_link'] = $rank_List;
        } else {
            $result['rank_link'] = array();
    if (in_array('icons_html', $fields)) {
        $static = C('TMPL_PARSE_STRING.__STATIC__');
        $iconUrls = array();
        $user = query_user(array('mobile'), $uid);
        if ($user['mobile']) {
            $iconUrls[] = "{$static}/oneplus/images/mobile-bind.png";
        $result['icons_html'] = '<span class="usercenter-verify-icon-list">';
        foreach ($iconUrls as $e) {
            $result['icons_html'] .= "<img src=\"{$e}\" title=\"对方已绑定手机\"/>";
        $result['icons_html'] .= '</span>';
    if (in_array('fans', $fields)) {
        $result['fans'] = D('Follow')->where('follow_who=' . $uid)->count();
    if (in_array('following', $fields)) {
        $result['following'] = D('Follow')->where('who_follow=' . $uid)->count();
    if (in_array('weibocount', $fields)) {
        $result['weibocount'] = D('Weibo')->where('uid=' . $uid)->count();
    if (in_array('is_following', $fields)) {
        $follow = D('Follow')->where(array('who_follow' => get_uid(), 'follow_who' => $uid))->find();
        $result['is_following'] = $follow ? true : false;
    if (in_array('is_followed', $fields)) {
        $follow = D('Follow')->where(array('who_follow' => $uid, 'follow_who' => get_uid()))->find();
        $result['is_followed'] = $follow ? true : false;
    //↑↑↑ 新增字段应该写在在这行注释以上 ↑↑↑
    $result = array_merge($ucenterResult, $homeResult, $spaceUrlResult, $result);
    foreach ($result as $field => $value) {
        if (in_array($field, array('icons_html', 'title', 'score'))) {
        if (!in_array($field, array('rank_link', 'icons_html', 'space_link'))) {
            $value = str_replace('"', '', op_t($value));
        $result[$field] = $value;
        write_query_user_cache($uid, $field, str_replace('"', '', $value));
    $result = array_merge($result, $cacheResult);
    return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function uploadImage()
     if ($file = \Request::file('file')) {
         $allowed_extensions = ["png", "jpg", "gif"];
         if ($file->getClientOriginalExtension() && !in_array($file->getClientOriginalExtension(), $allowed_extensions)) {
             return ['error' => 'You may only upload png, jpg or gif.'];
         $fileName = $file->getClientOriginalName();
         $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension() ?: 'png';
         $folderName = '/uploads/images/' . date('Y', time()) . '/';
         $destinationPath = public_path() . $folderName;
         $safeName = uniqid() . '.' . $extension;
         $file->move($destinationPath, $safeName);
         $filePath = $folderName . $safeName;
         $cdnPath = cdn($filePath);
         return ['filename' => $cdnPath];
     } else {
         return ['error' => 'Error while uploading file'];
Ejemplo n.º 14
 function requireJS($scripts, $dom)
     // loop through the scripts
     foreach ($scripts as $name => $group) {
         //$first = current($group);
         $attr = $this->groupAttributes($group);
         // signature of file/group
         //$md5 = ( !empty( $attr['data']['md5'] ) ) ? $attr['data']['md5'] : false;
         // get file of the group
         if ($attr['data']['minify']) {
             $file = $GLOBALS['client']['require']['baseUrl'] . $name;
             //$file .= ( $md5 ) ? ".". $md5 .".min.js" : ".min.js";
             $file .= ".js";
             $file = cdn($file);
         } else {
             $file = $attr["src"];
         if (!$attr['data']['require']) {
             // render a standard script tag
             $script = $dom->createElement('script');
             $script->setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
             $script->setAttribute("src", $file);
             $script->setAttribute("defer", "defer");
             // add the new script in the dom
             $dom = $this->updateDom($script, $dom);
         } else {
             // check the require parameters...
             if (!empty($attr['data']['path'])) {
                 $name = $attr['data']['path'];
             } elseif ($attr['data']['minify']) {
                 //$name = $name .".min";
                 //$name = $name;
             // if there is a signature we'll have to create a new path for the group
             //if ( $md5 ){
             //	$GLOBALS['client']['require']['paths'][$name] =  substr( $file, 0, -3);
             // push the name of the groups as the dependency
             array_push($GLOBALS['client']['require']['deps'], $name);
             if (!empty($attr['data']['path'])) {
                 $GLOBALS['client']['require']['paths'][$attr['data']['path']] = substr($attr['src'], 0, -3);
             // add the shim, if any
             if (!empty($attr['data']['deps'])) {
                 $GLOBALS['client']['require']['shim'][$name] = is_array($attr['data']['deps']) ? $attr['data']['deps'] : array($attr['data']['deps']);
     // return the DOM object
     return $dom;