Ejemplo n.º 1
 function alter_values()
     // show items the site owns or borrows - add sharing field
     if (reason_relationship_names_are_unique()) {
         $this->es->add_table('ar', 'allowable_relationship');
         $this->es->add_field('ar', 'type', 'sharing');
         $this->es->add_relation('r.type = ar.id');
     } else {
         $this->es->add_field('ar', 'name', 'sharing');
     // modify entity selector to exclude items that are already associated
     if ($this->ass_vals) {
         $relation = 'entity.id NOT IN (' . implode(",", array_keys($this->ass_vals)) . ')';
     // modify entity selector to exlude items that should not be available for association because they are already part of a many_to_one relationship
     // currently this will only run for unidirectional relationships since bidirectional rels are forced to be many_to_many
     if ($this->admin_page->module->associations[$this->admin_page->rel_id]['connections'] == 'many_to_one') {
         $ass_related_es = carl_clone($this->es);
         $ass_related_es->add_right_relationship_field(relationship_name_of($this->admin_page->rel_id), 'entity', 'id', 'related_id');
         $this->related_vals = $ass_related_es->run_one();
         if ($this->related_vals) {
             $relation = 'entity.id NOT IN (' . implode(",", array_keys($this->related_vals)) . ')';
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function alter_values()
     $ass_es = new entity_selector($this->admin_page->site_id);
     //grab site name as well
     $this->alias = $ass_es->add_right_relationship_field('owns', 'entity', 'name', 'site');
     $ass_es->add_right_relationship_field('owns', 'entity', 'id', 'site_id');
     if ($this->site_is_live()) {
         $ass_es->add_right_relationship_field('owns', 'entity', 'state', 'site_state', 'Live');
     $this->ass_vals = $ass_es->run_one();
     if ($this->ass_vals) {
         $this->es->add_relation('entity.id NOT IN ("' . implode('","', array_keys($this->ass_vals)) . '")');
     if (!empty($this->admin_page->request['__old_rel_id'])) {
         $conn_name = $this->get_connection($this->admin_page->request['__old_rel_id']);
         if ($conn_name == 'many_to_one') {
             $ass_related_es = carl_clone($this->es);
             $ass_related_es->add_right_relationship_field(relationship_name_of($this->admin_page->request['__old_rel_id']), 'entity', 'id', 'related_id');
             $this->related_vals = $ass_related_es->run_one();
             if ($this->related_vals) {
                 $this->es->add_relation('entity.id NOT IN ("' . implode('","', array_keys($this->related_vals)) . '")');
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function init($args = array())
     if ($this->params['limit_by_page_categories']) {
         trigger_error('limit_by_page_categories is a deprecated parameter. Use organize_by_page_categories instead.');
         $this->params['organize_by_page_categories'] = $this->params['limit_by_page_categories'];
         $this->params['limit_by_page_categories'] = false;
     $this->site = new entity($this->site_id);
     $this->es = new entity_selector();
     $this->es->description = 'Selecting assets for this page';
     $this->es->set_env('site', $this->site_id);
     $this->es->add_right_relationship($this->page_id, relationship_id_of('page_to_asset'));
     if (!empty($this->params['order'])) {
     } else {
         $this->es->add_rel_sort_field($this->page_id, relationship_id_of('page_to_asset'));
     if ($this->params['organize_by_page_categories']) {
         $es_by_cat = carl_clone($this->es);
     $this->assets = $this->es->run_one();
     if ($this->assets) {
         if ($this->params['organize_by_page_categories']) {
             $es_by_cat->add_left_relationship_field('asset_to_category', 'entity', 'id', 'cat_id');
             // grab category ids
             $result = $es_by_cat->run_one();
             if (!empty($result)) {
                 $this->assets_by_category =& $this->init_by_category($result);
     if ($this->params['offer_merged_pdfs'] && !empty($this->request['asset_view']) && $this->request['asset_view'] == 'merged_pdf') {
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function init_from_database()
     $init_array = array_merge($this->init_array, array('ideal_count' => $this->optimal_event_count * 3, 'start_date' => $this->startdate));
     if (count($this->audience_limit)) {
         $aud_array = array();
         foreach ($this->audience_limit as $audience) {
             $aud_id = id_of($audience);
             if ($aud_id) {
                 $aud_array[] = new entity($aud_id);
         if (count($aud_array)) {
             $init_array['audiences'] = $aud_array;
     if (count($this->category_limit)) {
         $cat_array = array();
         foreach ($this->category_limit as $category) {
             $cat_id = id_of($category);
             if ($cat_id) {
                 $cat_array[] = new entity($cat_id);
         if (count($cat_array)) {
             if ($this->or_categories) {
                 $init_array['or_categories'] = $cat_array;
             } else {
                 $init_array['categories'] = $cat_array;
     $this->calendar = new reasonCalendar($init_array);
     $full_event_pool = $this->calendar->get_all_events();
     //$event_days = $this->calendar->get_all_days();
     $event_pool = array();
     $events = array();
     $event_count = 0;
     // relative definition of now allows testing of different days
     $now = strtotime($this->startdate . ' ' . $this->starttime);
     // For repeating events, we need to split the repeats up into the right dates
     foreach ($this->calendar->events_by_date as $date => $day) {
         foreach ($day as $event) {
             if ($full_event_pool[$event]->get_value('dates') != $full_event_pool[$event]->get_value('last_occurence')) {
                 foreach (explode(',', $full_event_pool[$event]->get_value('dates')) as $occurence) {
                     if ($occurence != $date && $occurence >= $this->startdate) {
                         $this->calendar->events_by_date[$occurence][] = $event;
     foreach ($this->calendar->events_by_date as $date => $day) {
         // for some reason, the calendar class returns duplicates in a single day, so we need to unique them away
         $sorted_events = array_unique($this->calendar->sort_event_ids_by_time_of_day($day));
         foreach ($sorted_events as $event) {
             // we need to copy the event object here in case it's a recurring event
             $event_pool[$date][$event] = carl_clone($full_event_pool[$event]);
             $event_pool[$date][$event]->set_value('date', $date);
             $event_pool[$date][$event]->set_value('display_date', date('l, F jS', strtotime($date)));
             list($d, $t) = explode(' ', $event_pool[$date][$event]->get_value('datetime'));
             $event_pool[$date][$event]->set_value('time', $t);
             $event_pool[$date][$event]->set_value('display_time', date('g:ia', strtotime($event_pool[$date][$event]->_values['datetime'])));
             // If this event is still going on or is in the future...
             if ($event_pool[$date][$event]->get_value('end_stamp') > $now) {
                 // If we have enough events, and this event starts more than the lookahead span from now, we're done
                 if ($event_count >= $this->optimal_event_count && $event_pool[$date][$event]->get_value('start_stamp') > $now + $this->lookahead_minutes * 60 + 60) {
                     break 2;
                 } else {
                     $events[$date][$event] = $event_pool[$date][$event];
     $this->events = $events;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function add_relationship_element($name, $type_id, $rel_id, $direction = 'right', $element_type = 'checkbox', $limit_to_site = true, $sort = 'entity.name ASC')
     static $directions = array('right', 'left');
     static $element_types = array('checkbox' => array('plasmature_type' => 'checkboxgroup_no_sort'), 'radio' => array('plasmature_type' => 'radio_no_sort'), 'select' => array('plasmature_type' => 'select_no_sort', 'args' => array('add_empty_value_to_top' => true)), 'multiple_select' => array('plasmature_type' => 'select_no_sort', 'args' => array('size' => 7, 'multiple' => true), 'comment' => 'Control-click (PC) or Command-click (Mac) to choose multiple items'));
     static $single_item_element_types = array('radio', 'select');
     if (!array_key_exists($element_type, $element_types)) {
         trigger_error($element_type . ' is not an acceptable parameter for add_relationship_element(). Try one of the following: ' . implode(', ', $element_types));
     if (!in_array($direction, $directions)) {
         trigger_error($direction . ' is not an acceptable parameter for add_relationship_element(). Try one of the following: ' . implode(', ', $directions));
     $rel_info = $this->get_relationship_info($rel_id);
     if ($direction == 'right' && $rel_info['connections'] == 'one_to_many' || $direction == 'left' && $rel_info['connections'] == 'many_to_one') {
         $can_relate_multiple_items = false;
     } else {
         $can_relate_multiple_items = true;
     if (!empty($rel_info)) {
         if (!in_array($element_type, $single_item_element_types)) {
             if (!$can_relate_multiple_items) {
                 trigger_error('Rel type mismatch -- only these element types can be used with a one_to_many relationship: ' . implode(', ', $single_item_element_types));
     } else {
         trigger_error($rel_id . ' does not appear to be an allowable relationship ID');
     if ($limit_to_site) {
         $es = new entity_selector($this->get_value('site_id'));
     } else {
         $es = new entity_selector();
     if ($this->get_value('site_id')) {
         $es->set_env('site', $this->get_value('site_id'));
     $rel_es = carl_clone($es);
     if ($direction == 'right') {
         $rel_es->add_right_relationship($this->get_value('id'), $rel_id);
     } else {
         $rel_es->add_left_relationship($this->get_value('id'), $rel_id);
         $rel_es->add_right_relationship_field('owns', 'entity', 'id', 'owner_id');
     if (in_array($element_type, $single_item_element_types)) {
     $rel_es->add_field('relationship', 'site', 'rel_site_id');
     $related_entities = $rel_es->run_one();
     $related_keys = array();
     $untouchables = array();
     foreach ($related_entities as $entity) {
         if ($direction == 'right' || $entity->get_value('owner_id') == $this->get_value('site_id') || $entity->get_value('rel_site_id') == $this->get_value('site_id')) {
             $related_keys[] = $entity->id();
         } else {
             $untouchables[$entity->id()] = strip_tags($entity->get_display_name());
     if (!empty($untouchables)) {
         $es->add_relation('entity.id NOT IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($untouchables)) . ')');
     $entities = $es->run_one();
     $values = array();
     foreach ($entities as $entity) {
         $values[$entity->id()] = strip_tags($entity->get_display_name());
     $args = array();
     if (!empty($element_types[$element_type]['args'])) {
         $args = $element_types[$element_type]['args'];
     $args['options'] = $values;
     $this->add_element($name, $element_types[$element_type]['plasmature_type'], $args);
     if (!empty($related_keys)) {
         if (in_array($element_type, $single_item_element_types)) {
             $this->set_value($name, current($related_keys));
         } else {
             $this->set_value($name, $related_keys);
     if ($direction == 'right' && $rel_info['required'] == 'yes') {
         if (!empty($entities)) {
         } else {
             $this->add_comments($name, '<em>None available</em>');
     if (!empty($untouchables)) {
         $this->add_comments($name, '<div class="otherSiteRelation"><strong>Attached to this item by another site:</strong><ul class="smallText"><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $untouchables) . '</li></ul></div>', 'before');
     if (!empty($element_types[$element_type]['comment'])) {
         $this->add_comments($name, form_comment($element_types[$element_type]['comment']));
     $this->_relationship_elements[$name] = array('type_id' => $type_id, 'rel_id' => $rel_id, 'direction' => $direction, 'options' => array_keys($entities), 'related_at_prep' => $related_keys);
     if (!in_array($name, $this->_no_tidy)) {
         $this->_no_tidy[] = $name;
Ejemplo n.º 6
		* Returns entity selector with featured items for the current publication - stored in a static variable
		* so that the entity selector will not be run multiple times by different modules or the same publication
		function get_featured_items()
			if ($this->related_mode) return $this->get_related_featured_items();
				$page_num = isset($this->request['page']) ? $this->request['page'] : 1;
				if ($this->show_featured_items == false || $page_num > 1) return array();
				static $featured_items;
				if (!isset($featured_items[$this->publication->id()]))
					$es = (isset($this->pre_pagination_es)) ? carl_clone($this->pre_pagination_es) : carl_clone($this->es);
					$es->description = 'Selecting featured news items for this publication';
					$es->add_right_relationship( $this->publication->id(), relationship_id_of('publication_to_featured_post') );
					$es->add_rel_sort_field($this->publication->id(), relationship_id_of('publication_to_featured_post'), 'featured_sort_order' );
					$es->set_order('featured_sort_order ASC');
					$featured_items[$this->publication->id()] = $es->run_one();
				return $featured_items[$this->publication->id()];
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * pray - short for print_array
  * Traverse the argument array/object recursively and print an ordered list.
  * Optionally show function names (in an object)
  * NB: This is a *** HUGE SECURITY HOLE *** in the wrong hands!!
  * It prints all the variables it can find
  * If the argument is $GLOBALS this will include your database connection 
  * information, magic keys and session data!!
  * This function should only be used when debugging or trying to understand the 
  * structure of some array-like data. It should not show up in production code.
  * Changelog:
  * sometime earlier
  * added $escape param.  will htmlentities() all values if set to true instead of displaying HTML
  * 13 Dec 02
  * modified to show actual "empty" value.  If something doesn't have a value, it will display 0, NULL, false, or (none) depending on type.
  * added strict check for true.  shows 'true' if var is true and of type bool
  * 28 Jan 03
  * infinite recursion is bad. added level and max_depth vars
  * @param mixed $data Whatever you want to inspect
  * @param boolean $escape true = htmlentities() all strings; false = output raw
  * @param boolean $functions Unclear purpose
  * @param integer $level How deep has pray() recursed so far?
  * @param integer $max_depth How deep should pray() recurse?
  * @todo figure out what the $functions parameter is all about
 function pray($data, $escape = false, $functions = false, $level = 0, $max_depth = 5)
     if (is_object($data)) {
         $data = carl_clone($data);
     if ($level >= $max_depth) {
         echo 'Max Depth reached.';
     } else {
         if ($functions != 0) {
             $sf = 1;
         } else {
             $sf = 0;
         // This kluge seemed necessary on one server.
         if (isset($data)) {
             if (is_array($data) || is_object($data)) {
                 if (count($data)) {
                     echo '<ul>' . "\n";
                     while (list($key, $value) = each($data)) {
                         echo '<li>';
                         $type = gettype($value);
                         if ($type == "array" || $type == "object") {
                             if ($type == 'object') {
                                 $type = $type . ' - ' . get_class($value);
                             if ($escape) {
                                 $type = htmlentities($type);
                                 $type = get_class($value);
                                 $key = htmlentities($key);
                             printf("(%s)<strong>%s</strong>:\n", $type, $key);
                             pray($value, $escape, $sf, $level + 1);
                         } elseif (preg_match("/function/i", $type)) {
                             if ($sf) {
                                 if ($escape) {
                                     $type = htmlentities($type);
                                     $key = htmlentities($key);
                                     $value = htmlentities($value);
                                 printf("(%s) <strong>%s</strong>", $type, $key, $value);
                                 //    There doesn't seem to be anything traversable inside functions.
                         } else {
                             if (!$value) {
                                 // show actual non-value
                                 switch (gettype($value)) {
                                     case 'integer':
                                     case 'double':
                                         $value = '0';
                                     case 'boolean':
                                         $value = 'false';
                                     case 'NULL':
                                         $value = 'NULL';
                                         $value = "(none)";
                             // check for strict equivalance to true
                             if ($value === true) {
                                 $value = 'true';
                             if ($escape) {
                                 $type = htmlentities($type);
                                 $key = htmlentities($key);
                                 $value = nl2br(htmlentities($value));
                             printf("(%s) <strong>%s</strong> = %s", $type, $key, $value);
                         echo '</li>' . "\n";
                     echo "</ul>\n";
                 } else {
                     echo '(empty)' . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 8
			 * Check bounds of page, make sure it's in range 
			 * Sets up appropriate variables if not already set
			 * @return void
			function &check_bounds(&$es)
				$clone_es = carl_clone($es);
				$clone_es->limit_fields(); // we limit fields since mostly we want a count and will perform another select in load_values;
				$ids = $clone_es->get_ids($this->type_id, $this->state);
				$this->real_count = count($ids);
				if( empty( $this->page ) ) $this->page = 1;
				$max_page = ceil( $this->real_count / $this->num_per_page );
				if( $this->page > $max_page ) $this->page = $max_page;
				if( $this->page < 1 ) $this->page = 1;
				return $ids;	
Ejemplo n.º 9
	 * Initialiation function for event detail mode
	 * @todo should probably just grab audience and categories right here.
	 * @return void
	function init_event() // {{{
		$this->event = new entity($this->request['event_id']);
		if ($this->event_ok_to_show($this->event))
			if(!empty($this->request['format']) && $this->request['format'] == 'ical')
				$event = carl_clone($this->event);
					$event->set_value('datetime',$this->request['date'].' '.prettify_mysql_datetime($event->get_value('datetime'), 'H:i:s'));
				$this->_add_crumb( $this->event->get_value( 'name' ) );
				if($head_items = $this->get_head_items() )
						$head_items->add_head_item('meta',array( 'name' => 'keywords', 'content' => htmlspecialchars($this->event->get_value('keywords'),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')));
	} // }}}
Ejemplo n.º 10
 function run()
     echo '<div id="siteIntro">' . "\n";
     $e = new entity($this->admin_page->site_id);
     echo '<div id="siteNotices">' . "\n";
     if ($e->get_value('site_state') == "Not Live" && $e->get_value('unique_name') != 'master_admin') {
         echo '<div class="notLiveNotice"><h4>This site is not live.</h4><p>Among other things, that means that it\'s excluded from search engines (so people won\'t stumble upon a site that isn\'t ready for public consumption).</p>' . "\n";
         if (user_can_edit_site($this->admin_page->user_id, id_of('master_admin'))) {
             echo '<p><a href="' . $this->admin_page->make_link(array('site_id' => id_of('master_admin'), 'type_id' => id_of('site'), 'id' => $e->id(), 'cur_module' => 'Editor')) . '">Edit this site</a></p>' . "\n";
         } else {
             echo '<p>Please contact ' . REASON_CONTACT_INFO_FOR_CHANGING_USER_PERMISSIONS . ' when you are ready to make this site live.</p>' . "\n";
         echo '</div>' . "\n";
     if ($e->get_value('description')) {
         echo '<div id="siteDesc">' . "\n";
         if (strip_tags($e->get_value('description')) == $e->get_value('description')) {
             echo nl2br($e->get_value('description'));
         } else {
             echo $e->get_value('description');
         echo '</div>' . "\n";
     $sites = $this->admin_page->get_sites();
     if (count($sites) == 1) {
     echo '</div>' . "\n";
     echo '<div id="guide">' . "\n";
     $es = new entity_selector();
     $es->add_right_relationship($e->id(), relationship_id_of('site_to_type'));
     $non_editable_es = carl_clone($es);
     $non_editable_es->add_right_relationship($e->id(), relationship_id_of('site_cannot_edit_type'));
     $noneditable_types = $non_editable_es->run_one();
     if (!empty($noneditable_types)) {
         $es->add_relation('entity.id NOT IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($noneditable_types)) . ')');
     $es->set_order('entity.name ASC');
     $types = $es->run_one();
     if (array_key_exists(id_of('minisite_page'), $types)) {
         $page_type_array[id_of('minisite_page')] = $types[id_of('minisite_page')];
         $types = array_merge($page_type_array, $types);
     echo '<ul>' . "\n";
     foreach ($types as $type) {
         $es = new entity_selector($e->id());
         $es->set_order('entity.last_modified DESC');
         if (reason_user_has_privs($this->admin_page->user_id, 'edit')) {
             $state = 'Live';
             $state_link_val = 'live';
         } else {
             $state = 'Pending';
             $state_link_val = 'pending';
         $ents = $es->run_one($type->id(), $state);
         $ents_count = count($ents);
         $name = $type->get_value('plural_name') ? $type->get_value('plural_name') : $type->get_value('name');
         echo '<li class="' . $type->get_value('unique_name') . '" style="list-style-image:url(' . reason_get_type_icon_url($type) . ')">';
         echo '<h4><a href="' . $this->admin_page->make_link(array('type_id' => $type->id(), 'cur_module' => 'Lister', 'state' => $state_link_val)) . '">' . $name . '</a> <span class="count">(' . $ents_count . ')</span></h4>' . "\n";
         if (!empty($ents)) {
             echo '<div class="recent">' . "\n";
             echo 'Recently edited:' . "\n";
             echo '<ul>' . "\n";
             $i = 1;
             foreach ($ents as $ent_id => $ent) {
                 if ($i > 3) {
                 $name = strip_tags($ent->get_display_name());
                 if (empty($name)) {
                     $name = '[unnamed]';
                 echo '<li class="item' . $i . '"><a href="' . $this->admin_page->make_link(array('type_id' => $type->id(), 'id' => $ent_id, 'cur_module' => 'Editor')) . '">' . $name . '</a></li>' . "\n";
             echo '</ul>' . "\n";
             echo '</div>' . "\n";
         echo '</li>' . "\n";
     echo '</ul>' . "\n";
     echo '</div>' . "\n";
     echo '</div>' . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function &set_cache()
     if ($cache_class =& $this->get_cache_class()) {
         $this->_cache = carl_clone($cache_class);
         // localize a clone of the cache_class
     return $this->_cache;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Adds a new field to the entity which is actually not a field of entity, but rather a field of 
  * an entity which is related to the current entities.  The entities selected by the ES will be 
  * on the right side of the relationship.
  * Will return multiples of an entity if it has multiples of the same relationship.  Not sure
  * how to change this.
  * @param string $rel_name the name of the relationship between the entities
  * @param string $table the table where the field is
  * @param string $field the name of the field to be selected
  * @param string $alias that alias for the field
  * @param mixed $limit_results true return only row for which the related value is defined
  * 							   false to return all results even if the value does not exist
  *							   string or array to limit results to the values passed
  * @return void
 function add_right_relationship_field($rel_name, $table, $field, $alias, $limit_results = true)
     if ($rel_name != "owns" && $rel_name != "borrows" && !empty($rel_name)) {
         $rel_type_id = relationship_id_of($rel_name);
     } elseif ($rel_name == 'owns' || $rel_name == 'borrows') {
         if (empty($this->type)) {
             $call_info = array_shift(debug_backtrace());
             $code_line = $call_info['line'];
             $file = array_pop(explode('/', $call_info['file']));
             $msg = 'entity selector method add_right_relationship_field called by ' . $file . ' on line ' . $code_line . ' on a generic "owns" or "borrows" relationship when the type has not been set on the entity selector.';
             trigger_error($msg, WARNING);
             return false;
         } elseif ($rel_name == "owns") {
             $rel_type_id = get_owns_relationship_id(reset($this->type));
         } elseif ($rel_name == "borrows") {
             $rel_type_id = get_borrows_relationship_id(reset($this->type));
     if (empty($rel_type_id)) {
         trigger_error('add_right_relationship_field failed - an id could not be determined from the relationship name provided');
         return false;
     if ($limit_results === false) {
         $cur_es = carl_clone($this);
         $this->union = true;
     $es = new entity_selector();
     $es->add_table('relationship', 'relationship');
     $es->add_table('__entity__', 'entity');
     if ($table != 'entity') {
     $tables = $this->merge_tables($es);
     if (!empty($tables['relationship'])) {
         $r = $tables['relationship'];
     } else {
         $r = 'relationship';
     if (!empty($tables['__entity__'])) {
         $e = $tables['__entity__'];
     } else {
         $e = '__entity__';
     if ($table == 'entity') {
         $t = $e;
     } else {
         if (!empty($tables[$table])) {
             $t = $tables[$table];
         } else {
             $t = $table;
     if ($e != $t) {
         $this->add_relation($e . '.id = ' . $t . '.id');
     $this->add_relation($e . '.id = ' . $r . '.entity_a');
     $this->add_relation('entity.id = ' . $r . '.entity_b');
     $this->add_relation($r . '.type = ' . $rel_type_id);
     $this->add_field($t, $field, $alias);
     if ($this->_env['restrict_site'] and !empty($this->_env['site'])) {
         $this->add_relation('(' . $r . '.site=0 OR ' . $r . '.site=' . addslashes($this->_env['site']) . ')');
     if ($limit_results === false) {
         $this->union_fields[end($this->fields)] = '0 as ' . $alias;
         $this->diff['fields'][] = array_diff_assoc($this->fields, $cur_es->fields);
         $this->diff['tables'][] = array_diff_assoc($this->tables, $cur_es->tables);
         $this->diff['relations'][] = array_diff_assoc($this->relations, $cur_es->relations);
     } elseif (is_string($limit_results) || is_array($limit_results)) {
         if (is_array($limit_results) && empty($limit_results)) {
             $this->add_relation('0 = 1');
         } else {
             $limit_values = is_string($limit_results) ? array($limit_results) : $limit_results;
             array_walk($limit_values, 'db_prep_walk');
             $this->add_relation($t . '.' . $field . ' IN (' . implode(',', $limit_values) . ')');
     return array($alias => array('table_orig' => $table, 'table' => $t, 'field' => $field));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 function _load_content_manager()
      * load_content_manager(): finds the appropriate content manager for the entity
      * 	and does everything up to the error checks
     $content_handler = $GLOBALS['_content_manager_class_names']['default.php3'];
     $type = new entity($this->admin_page->type_id);
     // set up a data member that init can get to after this method is called
     $this->entity_type = $type;
     if ($type->get_value('custom_content_handler')) {
         $include_file = $type->get_value('custom_content_handler');
         if (!preg_match('/(php|php3)$/', $include_file)) {
             $include_file .= '.php3';
         $include_path = 'content_managers/' . $include_file;
         $content_handler = $GLOBALS['_content_manager_class_names'][$include_file];
     /* Find editor who has 'normal' privs so that we can accurately
     			communicate which fields are hidden to "normal" users. */
     $editor = $this->_get_user_on_current_site('editor_user_role');
     if (empty($editor)) {
         $editor = $this->_get_user_on_current_site('power_user_role');
     if (empty($editor)) {
         $editor = $this->_get_user_on_current_site('contribute_only_role');
     if (empty($editor)) {
         $editor = new entity($this->admin_page->user_id);
     $fake_admin_page = carl_clone($this->admin_page);
     $fake_admin_page->user_id = $editor->id();
     $fake_head_items = carl_clone($this->head_items);
     $disco_item = new $content_handler();
     $disco_item->admin_page = $fake_admin_page;
     $disco_item->prep_for_run($fake_admin_page->site_id, $fake_admin_page->type_id, $fake_admin_page->id, $fake_admin_page->user_id);
     return $disco_item;
Ejemplo n.º 14
		function get_filter_entities()
				$this->filter_entities = array();
				foreach($this->filter_types as $filter_name=>$filter_type)
					$r_id = false;
					if(empty($filter_type['relationship'])) trigger_error($filter_type['type'].' does not have a relationship name specified');
						$r_id = relationship_id_of($filter_type['relationship']);
						if (!$r_id) trigger_error($filter_type['relationship'] . ' is not a valid allowable relationship');
					$es = new entity_selector($this->parent->site_id);
					$es->set_order('entity.name ASC');
					$filter_entities = $es->run_one();
						// check to make sure the relationship filtering makes sense for each item
							$setup_es = new entity_selector($this->parent->site_id);
							$setup_es = new entity_selector();
						$setup_es->add_type( $this->type );
						$setup_es = $this->alter_relationship_checker_es($setup_es);
						foreach($filter_entities as $key=>$filter)
							$es = carl_clone($setup_es);
							$es->add_left_relationship( $filter->id(), $r_id );
							$results = $es->run_one();
							$results = array();
							$this->filter_entities[$filter_name] = $filter_entities;
			return $this->filter_entities;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function contains_any_events_after($date)
     if (!$this->contains_any_events()) {
         return false;
     if (!empty($this->known_upper_limit) && $this->known_upper_limit > $date) {
         //echo '<strong>contains_any_events_after</strong>: req.date ('.$date.') before kul ('.$this->known_lower_limit.'); ret true<br />';
         return true;
     } elseif (!empty($this->known_closest_date_after) && $this->known_closest_date_after < $date) {
         //echo '<strong>contains_any_events_after</strong>: req.date ('.$date.') after kcda ('.$this->known_closest_date_after.'); ret false<br />';
         return false;
     $test_es = carl_clone($this->base_es);
     $test_es->add_relation('event.last_occurence > "' . reason_sql_string_escape($date) . '"');
     //echo $test_es->get_one_query().'<br />';
     $test_results = $test_es->run_one();
     if (!empty($test_results)) {
         $result = current($test_results);
         //echo '<strong>contains_any_events_after</strong>: found event after req.date '.$date.'. id: '.$result->id().'; datetime: '.$result->get_value('datetime').'; ret true<br />';
         $this->known_upper_limit = substr($result->get_value('datetime'), 0, 10);
         return true;
     } else {
         //echo '<strong>contains_any_events_after</strong>: no events found after req.date ('.$date.'); ret false<br />';
         $this->known_closest_date_after = $date;
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 function init()
     if (!$this->should_run()) {
         trigger_error('Associator module needs an ID to run; none provided.');
     include_once CARL_UTIL_INC . 'basic/misc.php';
     $this->head_items->add_javascript(JQUERY_URL, true);
     $this->head_items->add_stylesheet(REASON_ADMIN_CSS_DIRECTORY . 'assoc.css');
     $this->head_items->add_javascript(WEB_JAVASCRIPT_PATH . 'table_update.js');
     $this->head_items->add_javascript(WEB_JAVASCRIPT_PATH . 'associator.js');
     if (empty($this->associations[$this->admin_page->rel_id])) {
         trigger_error($this->admin_page->rel_id . ' is not a valid relationship type id');
     $current_assoc = $this->associations[$this->admin_page->rel_id];
     $type = new entity($current_assoc['e_id']);
     // save the type entity in an object scope
     $this->rel_type = carl_clone($type);
     $this->admin_page->title = 'Selecting ' . $type->get_value('name');
     $entity = new entity($this->admin_page->id);
     $user = new entity($this->admin_page->user_id);
     if (!$entity->user_can_edit_relationship($this->admin_page->rel_id, $user, $this->_rel_direction)) {
         $this->_locked = true;
     } elseif ($entity->relationship_has_lock($this->admin_page->rel_id, $this->_rel_direction) && reason_user_has_privs($this->admin_page->user_id, 'manage_locks')) {
         $this->_show_lock_info = true;
     if (empty($this->views)) {
         //add generic lister if not already present
         $this->views = array();
     } else {
         $c = current($this->views);
         if ($c) {
             $lister = $c->id();
             $this->admin_page->request['lister'] = $lister;
         } else {
             $lister = '';
     $lister = isset($lister) ? $lister : '';
     $this->get_viewer($this->admin_page->site_id, $type->id(), $lister);
     $this->filter = new filter();
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Uses the "archived" version of the es from before
  * applying filters to get a count of entities.
 function get_total_num_images_before_user_input()
     $total_es = carl_clone($this->pre_user_input_es);
     return $total_es->get_one_count();