Ejemplo n.º 1
function siteTitle()
    global $clerk;
    $title = $clerk->getSetting("site", 1);
    $title = call_anchor("siteTitle", $title);
    return $title;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function home()
    global $manager;
    echo '<div id="dashboard">';
    echo '</div>';
Ejemplo n.º 3
function blogSettingsForm()
    global $manager;
    $paths = $manager->clerk->getSetting("blog_path");
    $upload_path = $paths['data1'];
    $upload_url = $paths['data2'];
    $thumbnail = $manager->clerk->getSetting("blog_thumbnail");
    $intelliScaling = $manager->clerk->getSetting("blog_intelliscaling", 1);
    // Rules
    // Begin form
    $manager->form->add_to_form('<div class="col-4 last">');
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("File Storage", "fileStorage");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "upload_path", "Upload Path", $upload_path, "", "", "This is the <strong>absolute path</strong> to the folder where images should be uploaded to. It should look something like this: <em>/home/user/mydomain.com/files/</em>");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "upload_url", "Upload URL", $upload_url, "", "", "This is the <strong>URL</strong> to the folder where images should be uploaded to. It should look something like this: <em>http://www.mydomain.com/files/</em>.");
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "old_uploadpath", "", $upload_path);
    $manager->form->add_to_form('</div><div class="col-2">');
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("Post Thumbnails", "postThumbnails");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "thumbWidth", "Width", $thumbnail['data1']);
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "thumbHeight", "Height", $thumbnail['data2']);
    $manager->form->add_input("checkbox", "intelligentScaling", " ", $intelliScaling, array("Intelligent Scaling" => 1), "", "");
Ejemplo n.º 4
function settingsMenu($menu)
    global $totalModules;
    $children = array(array('sys_name' => 'general', 'dis_name' => 'General Settings', 'url' => '', 'type' => '', 'hidden' => ''));
    $children = call_anchor("settings_menu", $children);
    $menu['settings'] = array('sys_name' => 'settings', 'dis_name' => 'Settings', 'order' => $totalModules, 'url' => '?cubicle=settings-general', 'type' => '', 'hidden' => '', 'children' => $children);
    return $menu;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function generateMenu()
     if (MINI) {
         $menu = call_anchor("minimenu", array());
         $menu = call_anchor("minimenu_modify", $menu);
         $this->menu = array($menu);
     } else {
         $menu = call_anchor("menu", array());
         $menu = call_anchor("menu_modify", $menu);
         $this->menu = array($menu);
     uasort($this->menu[0], array("Office", "menu_SortOrder"));
     $this->menu_html = $this->menu_MakeHTML($this->menu[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 6
function pagesSettingsForm()
    global $manager;
    // Variables
    $currentIndex = $manager->clerk->getSetting("index_page", 1);
    $pages = array("None" => "0");
    $getPages = $manager->clerk->query_select("pages", "", "ORDER BY pos ASC");
    while ($page = $manager->clerk->query_fetchArray($getPages)) {
        $pages[$page['name']] = $page['id'];
    // Begin form
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("General Settings", "generalSettings");
    $manager->form->add_select("index_page", "Site Index/Home Page", $pages, $currentIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 7
function one_by_one($project, $files, $group)
    global $clerk;
    foreach ($files as $file => $data) {
        if ($data['filegroup'] == $group['num']) {
            // Handle resizing of large image
            $settings = $clerk->getSetting("projects_fullsizeimg");
            $do_scale = (bool) $settings['data3'];
            $intelliscale = (int) $settings['data2'];
            if ($do_scale) {
                list($width, $height) = explode("x", $settings['data1']);
                $image = dynamicThumbnail($data['file'], PROJECTS_PATH . $project['slug'] . '/', $width, $height, $intelliscale);
            } else {
                list($width, $height) = getimagesize(PROJECTS_PATH . $project['slug'] . '/' . $data['file']);
                $image = '<img src="' . PROJECTS_URL . $project['slug'] . '/' . $data['file'] . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" alt="" />';
            switch ($data['type']) {
                case "image":
                    $html .= '<div class="file">
										' . $image;
                    // $html.= call_anchor( "onebyone_image_html", $add_html );
                case "video":
                    $html .= '<div class="file">' . mediaplayer($data, $project);
                case "audio":
                    $html .= '<div class="file">' . audioplayer($data, $project);
            if ($clerk->getSetting("projects_hideFileInfo", 1) == false && (!empty($data['title']) || !empty($data['caption']))) {
                $info_html = '<div class="info">
								<span class="title">' . $data['title'] . '</span>
								<span class="caption">' . html_entity_decode($data['caption']) . '</span>';
                $info_html = call_anchor("onebyone_info", array('html' => $info_html, 'file' => $data));
                $info = $info_html['html'] . '</div>';
            $html .= $info . '</div>';
        $info = "";
    return $html;
function makeDynamicThumbnail()
    global $clerk;
    if (isset($_GET['dynamic_thumbnail']) == false) {
    $file = $_GET['file'];
    $width = $_GET['width'];
    $height = $_GET['height'];
    $adaptive = $_GET['adaptive'];
    $file_extension = substr($file, strrpos($file, '.'));
    $cache_dir = $clerk->getSetting("cache_path", 1);
    $cache_file_name = str_replace($file_extension, "", basename($file)) . "." . $width . "x" . $height . "_" . $adaptive . ".jpg";
    $path = $cache_dir . "/" . $cache_file_name;
    if (!is_dir($cache_dir)) {
    $thumb = PhpThumbFactory::create($file, array('resizeUp' => true));
    if ($adaptive == 0 || ($width == 0 || $height == 0)) {
        $thumb->resize($width, $height);
    } else {
        $thumb->adaptiveResize($width, $height);
    $data = call_anchor("modifyDynamicThumbnail", array("path" => $path, "filename" => $cache_file_name, "orig_filename" => basename($file), "thumb" => $thumb));
    // Sharpen filter
    // for nicer thumbnails
    $path = $data['path'];
    $i = imagecreatefromjpeg($path);
    $sharpen_matrix = array(array(0.0, -0.8, 0.0), array(-0.8, 6.5, -0.8), array(0.0, -0.8, 0.0));
    $divisor = array_sum(array_map('array_sum', $sharpen_matrix));
    imageconvolution($i, $sharpen_matrix, $divisor, 0);
    imagejpeg($i, $path, 100);
    $path = $data['path'];
    header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
    $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($path);
    imagejpeg($image, null, 100);
Ejemplo n.º 9
function themeIECss()
    global $clerk;
    if (file_exists(HQ . 'site/themes/' . THEME . '/css/ie/ie.css')) {
        $file = HQ_URL . 'site/themes/' . THEME . '/css/ie/ie.css';
        echo '<!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $file . '" type="text/css" media="screen"><![endif]-->' . "\n";
    if (file_exists(HQ . 'site/themes/' . THEME . '/css/ie/ie6.css')) {
        $file = HQ_URL . 'site/themes/' . THEME . '/css/ie/ie6.css';
        echo '<!--[if IE 6]><link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $file . '" type="text/css" media="screen"><![endif]-->' . "\n";
    if (file_exists(HQ . 'site/themes/' . THEME . '/css/ie/ie7.css')) {
        $file = HQ_URL . 'site/themes/' . THEME . '/css/ie/ie7.css';
        echo '<!--[if IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $file . '" type="text/css" media="screen"><![endif]-->' . "\n";
    if (file_exists(HQ . 'site/themes/' . THEME . '/css/ie/ie8.css')) {
        $file = HQ_URL . 'site/themes/' . THEME . '/css/ie/ie8.css';
        echo '<!--[if IE 8]><link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $file . '" type="text/css" media="screen"><![endif]-->' . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 10
function themeEdit($id)
    global $manager, $themes;
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("Theme Files", "edit");
    $files = scanFolder(BASE_PATH . "site/themes/" . $id);
    $list = array();
    $other = array("Other Files" => "OPTG");
    foreach ($files as $f => $path) {
        if (is_dir($path)) {
            $list[$f] = "OPTG";
        } elseif (is_file($path)) {
            if (strstr($path, ".jpg") || strstr($path, ".jpeg") || strstr($path, ".gif") || strstr($path, ".png")) {
            $val = $manager->office->URIquery("file", "file=" . $f);
            if (strstr($f, "/")) {
                $list[$f] = $val;
            } else {
                $other[$f] = $val;
    $list = array_merge($list, $other);
    $manager->form->set_template("select_template", "select_jschange", true);
    $manager->form->add_select("files", "Select a file to edit", $list);
    if (!empty($_GET['file'])) {
        $manager->form->add_fieldset("File Editor: " . $_GET['file'], "fileEditor");
        $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "file", "", $_GET['file']);
        $code = file_get_contents(BASE_PATH . "site/themes/" . $id . "/" . $_GET['file']);
        $code = htmlspecialchars($code);
        // Because Receptionist has some parsing issues...
        $manager->form->add_to_form('<textarea id="code" name="code" cols="140" rows="40" class="code">' . $code . '</textarea>');
Ejemplo n.º 11
    $destination = $_POST['uploadPath'] . $slug . "/";
    $thumbnails = $clerk->getSetting("projects_thumbnail");
    $thumbWidth = $thumbnails['data1'];
    $thumbHeight = $thumbnails['data2'];
    $resizeProjThumb = $clerk->getSetting("resizeProjThumb", 1);
    $intelliscaling = (bool) $clerk->getSetting("projects_intelliscaling", 1);
    $forceAdaptive = $thumbWidth == 0 || $thumbHeight == 0 ? true : false;
    // Create set folder if it doesn't already exist
    if (!is_dir($destination)) {
        mkdir(substr($destination, 0, -1), 0755);
    $allowed_file_types = array('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png');
    foreach ($_FILES['Thumbnail']['name'] as $key => $val) {
        $upload = upload('Thumbnail', $key, $destination, implode(",", $allowed_file_types), true);
        $upload_file = $upload[0];
        $upload_error = $upload[1];
    if (empty($upload_error)) {
        $currentThumb = $_POST['uploadPath'] . $slug . "/" . $project['thumbnail'];
        $deleteCurrent = file_exists($currentThumb) && is_file($currentThumb) ? unlink($currentThumb) : true;
        $file_extension = substr($upload_file, strrpos($upload_file, '.'));
        $thumbnail_name = $clerk->simple_name(str_replace(array_merge($allowed_file_types, array(".thumbnail", ".thumb")), "", $upload_file)) . ".project" . $file_extension;
        rename($destination . $upload_file, $destination . $thumbnail_name);
        call_anchor("modifyProjectThumbAfterSave", array($thumb, $destination . $thumbnail_name));
        if ($clerk->query_edit("projects", "thumbnail= '{$thumbnail_name}'", "WHERE id= '{$id}'") && $deleteCurrent) {
            echo '<img src="' . $_POST['uploadUrl'] . $slug . '/' . $thumbnail_name . '" alt="" />';
    } else {
        echo $upload_error;
Ejemplo n.º 12
if (empty($layout) || $layout == "pages") {
    $layout = "default";
$index_page = pageInfo($clerk->getSetting("index_page", 1));
$index_page = $index_page['slug'];
$selectedPage = empty($_GET[getRemappedVar("pages")]) ? $index_page : $_GET[getRemappedVar("pages")];
foreach ($modules as $key => $val) {
    $module = getRemappedVar($key);
    if (!empty($_GET[getRemappedVar($key)]) && $module == getRemappedVar("pages")) {
        $selectedPage = $_GET[getRemappedVar($key)];
    } elseif (!empty($_GET[getRemappedVar($key)]) && $module != getRemappedVar("pages")) {
        $selectedPage = getRemappedVar($key);
// Constants
define("THEME", $clerk->getSetting("site_theme", 1));
define("THEME_URL", HQ_URL . "site/themes/" . THEME . "/");
define("LAYOUT", "layout_" . $layout . ".php");
define("ACTIVE_MODULE", $activeModule);
define("PAGE", $selectedPage);
// Check if layout exists.
if (file_exists(HQ . "site/themes/" . THEME . "/" . LAYOUT) == false) {
    echo "Oops! Looks like your theme is missing the layout file, <em>" . LAYOUT . "</em>.<br /><br />Create this file and upload it to the root of your theme's folder. Don't forget to fill it with template tags and your custom HTML!";
require_once "themes/" . THEME . "/" . LAYOUT;
Ejemplo n.º 13
function projectSettingsForm()
    global $manager;
    $paths = $manager->clerk->getSetting("projects_path");
    $upload_path = $paths['data1'];
    $upload_url = $paths['data2'];
    $projThumb = $manager->clerk->getSetting("projects_thumbnail");
    $fileThumb = $manager->clerk->getSetting("projects_filethumbnail");
    $intelliScaling = $manager->clerk->getSetting("projects_intelliscaling", 1);
    $hideSections = $manager->clerk->getSetting("projects_hideSections", 1);
    $hideFileInfo = $manager->clerk->getSetting("projects_hideFileInfo", 1);
    $resizeProjThumb = $manager->clerk->getSetting("resizeProjThumb", 1);
    $projects_thumbnailIntelliScaling = $manager->clerk->getSetting("projects_thumbnailIntelliScaling", 1);
    $fullsizeimg = $manager->clerk->getSetting("projects_fullsizeimg");
    $fullsizeimg_wh = explode("x", $fullsizeimg['data1']);
    $slideshow_opts = unserialize($manager->clerk->getSetting("slideshow_opts", 1));
    // Rules
    // Begin form
    $manager->form->add_to_form('<div class="col-4 last">');
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("File Storage", "fileStorage");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "upload_path", "Upload Path", $upload_path, "", "", "This is the <strong>absolute path</strong> to the folder where images should be uploaded to. It should look something like this: <em>/home/user/mydomain.com/files/</em>");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "upload_url", "Upload URL", $upload_url, "", "", "This is the <strong>URL</strong> to the folder where images should be uploaded to. It should look something like this: <em>http://www.mydomain.com/files/</em>.");
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "old_uploadpath", "", $upload_path);
    $manager->form->add_to_form('</div><div class="col-2">');
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("Project Thumbnails", "projectThumbnails");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "projThumbWidth", "Width", $projThumb['data1']);
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "projThumbHeight", "Height", $projThumb['data2']);
    $manager->form->set_template("row_start", "row_start_blank", true);
    $manager->form->add_input("checkbox", "resizeProjThumb", " ", $resizeProjThumb, array("Resize project thumbnails" => 1), "", "");
    $manager->form->add_input("checkbox", "projects_thumbnailIntelliScaling", " ", $projects_thumbnailIntelliScaling, array("Intelligent Scaling" => 1), "", "");
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("File/Image Thumbnails", "fileThumbnails");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "fileThumbWidth", "Width", $fileThumb['data1']);
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "fileThumbHeight", "Height", $fileThumb['data2']);
    $manager->form->add_input("checkbox", "image_intelligentScaling", " ", $intelliScaling, array("Intelligent Scaling " => 1), "", "");
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("Full-size Images", "fullsize_images");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "fullsizeimg_width", "Width", $fullsizeimg_wh[0]);
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "fullsizeimg_height", "Height", $fullsizeimg_wh[1]);
    $manager->form->add_input("checkbox", "fullsizeimg_do_scale", " ", $fullsizeimg['data3'], array("Resize Images  " => 1), "", "");
    $manager->form->add_input("checkbox", "fullsizeimg_intelli", " ", $fullsizeimg['data2'], array("Intelligent Scaling  " => 1), "", "");
    $manager->form->add_to_form('</div><div class="col-2 last">');
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("Other Settings", "otherSettings");
    $manager->form->set_template("row_start", "row_start_blank", true);
    $manager->form->set_template("row_end", '<span class="caption">(depends on theme)</span></div>');
    $manager->form->add_input("checkbox", "hideSections", " ", $hideSections, array('Hide Section Titles' => 1));
    $manager->form->add_input("checkbox", "hideFileInfo", " ", $hideFileInfo, array("Hide File Captions & Titles" => 1));
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("Slideshow Options", "slideshow_opts");
    $manager->form->add_input("radio", "slideshow_nav_pos", "Navigation Position", $slideshow_opts['nav_pos'], array("Top" => "top", "Bottom" => "bottom"));
    $manager->form->add_to_form('<div class="field"><label>Navigation</label><br />');
    $manager->form->set_template("row_start", "");
    $manager->form->set_template("row_end", "");
    $manager->form->set_template("text_template", "text_short_html5", true);
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "prev", "Previous", $slideshow_opts['prev'], "");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "divider", "Divider", $slideshow_opts['divider'], "");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "next", "Next ", $slideshow_opts['next'], "");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "of", "(# of total)", $slideshow_opts['of'], "");
    $transitions = array('Fade' => 'fade', 'Blind Horizontal' => 'blindX', 'Blind Vertical' => 'blindY', 'Scroll Up' => 'scrollUp', 'Scroll Down' => 'scrollDown', 'Scroll Left' => 'scrollLeft', 'Scroll Right' => 'scrollRight', 'Uncover' => 'uncover', 'None' => 'none');
    $manager->form->add_select("slideshow_fx", "Transition", $transitions, $slideshow_opts['fx']);
Ejemplo n.º 14
function projects_rss()
    global $clerk, $project;
    $feed = new FeedWriter(RSS2);
    $title = $clerk->getSetting("site", 1);
    $feed->setTitle($title . ' / Projects Feed');
    $feed->setDescription('Live feed of projects on ' . $title);
    $feed->setChannelElement('pubDate', date(DATE_RSS, time()));
    $projects = $clerk->query_select("projects", "", "WHERE publish= 1 ORDER BY id DESC");
    while ($project = $clerk->query_fetchArray($projects)) {
        $newItem = $feed->createNewItem();
        $desc = projectThumbnail();
        $desc = call_anchor("projectsRssDescription", $desc);
        $newItem->setDescription('' . $desc . '');
        $newItem->addElement('guid', linkToProject($project['id']), array('isPermaLink' => 'true'));
        $count = 0;
        $desc = "";
Ejemplo n.º 15
function editForm()
    global $manager;
    // Define required variables
    $id = $_GET['id'];
    $data = $manager->clerk->query_fetchArray($manager->clerk->query_select("pages", "", "WHERE id= '{$id}' LIMIT 1"));
    // Rules
    // Begin form
    $manager->form->add_to_form('<div class="col-2">');
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("Page Details", "pageDetails");
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "id", NULL, $id);
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "name", "Name", $data['name']);
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "slug", "Simple Name / Slug", $data['slug']);
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "url", "Link", $data['url'], "", "", "Use this option to override this page's link in your menu. This is useful if you want to link to an external blog, forum or page from within your menu.");
    $manager->form->set_template("textarea_template", "textareaWithEditor", true);
    $manager->form->add_textarea("text", "Text", "15", "", $data['text']);
    call_anchor("pages_manage_after_text", $data);
    $manager->form->add_input("checkbox", "hidden", " ", $data['hidden'], array("Hide from menu" => 1));
    $manager->form->add_to_form('</div><div class="col-2 last">');
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("Page Type", "pageType");
    $manager->form->set_template("text_template", "textSuperLong", true);
    $manager->form->set_template("select_template", "selectLong", true);
    $contentTypes = array("None" => "none");
    foreach ($manager->office->getMenu() as $key => $module) {
        if ($module['type'] == "content") {
            $contentTypes[$module['dis_name']] = $module['sys_name'];
    $contentTypes = call_anchor("pageContentTypes", $contentTypes);
    $selectedType = empty($data['content_type']) ? "None" : $data['content_type'];
    $manager->form->add_select("content_type", "Type", $contentTypes, $selectedType, "Choose the type of content you would like to attach to this page.");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "content_options", "Options", $data['content_options'], "", "Enter a comma separated list of options");
    $manager->form->message('Need help with this? Read the <a href="http://help.thesecretary.org/kb/faq/what-is-the-page-type-and-how-do-i-use-it" class="external">how to</a> in the User Guide.');
    call_anchor("pages_manage_after_type", $data);
Ejemplo n.º 16
function newGroup()
    global $clerk, $anchors;
    $groupNum = $_POST['groupNum'];
    $displayers = call_anchor("displayersList", array());
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($displayers as $d) {
        if ($count == 1) {
            $sel = ' selected= "selected"';
        } else {
            $sel = "";
        $displayersList .= '<option value="' . $d . '"' . $sel . '>' . array_search($d, $displayers) . '</option>';
    $html = <<<HTML
\t\t\t<ul id="file_group-{$groupNum}" class="fileGroup" data-type="group">
\t\t\t\t\t<div class="controls">
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li class="handle">
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li class="title">
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGroup {$groupNum}
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li class="displayer">
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<select class="displayType" onchange="setGroupDisplayer({$groupNum}, this)">
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li class="delete">
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href="#" onclick="deleteGroup({$groupNum}); return false;">Delete</a>
    echo $html;
Ejemplo n.º 17
function process()
    global $manager;
    $_POST = $manager->clerk->clean($_POST);
function mmTextTransform($matches)
    global $clerk;
    $chars = '.*?';
    $patterns = array('/{image:(' . $chars . ')(\\s)}/', '/{image:(' . $chars . ')}/', '/{(\\s)image:(' . $chars . ')(\\s)}/', '/{(\\s)image:(' . $chars . ')}/', '/{thumb:(' . $chars . ')(\\s)}/', '/{thumb:(' . $chars . ')}/', '/{(\\s)thumb:(' . $chars . ')(\\s)}/', '/{(\\s)thumb:(' . $chars . ')}/', '/{file:(' . $chars . '):(' . $chars . ')}/', '/{file:(' . $chars . ')}/');
    $patterns = call_anchor("mmPatterns", $patterns);
    $file = $matches[2];
    $size = @getimagesize(MMPATH . $file);
    $size = $size[3];
    // $file is an image
    if ($size) {
        $thumbWidth = $clerk->getSetting("mediamanager_thumbnail", 1);
        $thumbHeight = $clerk->getSetting("mediamanager_thumbnail", 2);
        $thumb = dynamicThumbnail($file, MMPATH, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, 1, "short");
        $thumbWidth = $thumbWidth == 0 ? "auto" : $thumbWidth;
        $thumbHeight = $thumbHeight == 0 ? "auto" : $thumbHeight;
        $thumbSize = 'width="' . $thumbWidth . '" height="' . $thumbHeight . '"';
    } else {
        $parts = explode(":", $matches[1]);
        $text = empty($parts[0]) ? $parts[1] : $parts[0];
        $file = count($parts) == 1 ? $parts[0] : $parts[1];
    $replacements = array('<img src="' . MMURL . $file . '" alt="" class="align-left" ' . $size . ' />', '<img src="' . MMURL . $file . '" alt="" ' . $size . ' />', '<img src="' . MMURL . $file . '" alt="" class="align-center" ' . $size . ' />', '<img src="' . MMURL . $file . '" alt="" class="align-right" ' . $size . ' />', '<img src="' . $thumb . '" alt="" class="align-left" ' . $thumbSize . ' />', '<img src="' . $thumb . '" alt="" ' . $thumbSize . ' />', '<img src="' . $thumb . '" alt="" class="align-center" ' . $thumbSize . ' />', '<img src="' . $thumb . '" alt="" class="align-right" ' . $thumbSize . ' />', '<a href="' . MMURL . $file . '">' . $text . '</a>', '<a href="' . MMURL . $file . '">' . $file . '</a>');
    $replacements = call_anchor("mmReplacements", $replacements);
    $text = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $matches[0]);
    return $text;
Ejemplo n.º 19
function prefsForm()
    global $manager;
    // Variables
    $self = $manager->clerk->query_fetchArray($manager->clerk->query_select("users", "", "WHERE username= '******'USERNAME') . "' AND password= '******'PASSWORD') . "'"));
    $site = $manager->clerk->getSetting("site");
    $site = array('name' => $site['data1'], 'url' => $site['data2']);
    $cleanUrls = $manager->form->submitted() ? $_POST['clean_urls'] : $manager->clerk->getSetting("clean_urls", 1);
    $cache_path = $manager->clerk->getSetting("cache_path", 1);
    $cache_url = $manager->clerk->getSetting("cache_path", 2);
    // Rules
    $manager->form->add_rule("email", "/^[A-Z0-9._%\\-]+@[A-Z0-9._%\\-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,4}\$/i", "", $manager->form->e_message['email']);
    // Begin form
    // $manager->form->add_to_form( '<div class="col-2">' );
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("Personal Settings", "personalSettings");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "username", "Username", $self['username']);
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "display_name", "Name", $self['display_name']);
    $manager->form->add_input("password", "password", "New Password");
    $manager->form->add_input("password", "password_conf", "Confirm Password");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "email", "E-mail*", $self['email']);
    // $manager->form->add_to_form( '</div><div class="col-2 last>"' );
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("Site Settings", "siteSettings");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "site_name", "Site Name", $site['name']);
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "site_url", "Site URL", $site['url']);
    $manager->form->add_input("checkbox", "clean_urls", " ", $cleanUrls, array("Clean URLs" => 1));
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("Cache", "cache");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "cache_path", "Cache Path", $cache_path, "", "", "This is the <strong>absolute path</strong> to the folder where cached files should be saved to. It should look something like this: <em>/home/user/mydomain.com/files/cache/</em>");
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "cache_url", "Cache URL", $cache_url, "", "", "This is the <strong>URL</strong> to the folder where cached files should be saved to. It should look something like this: <em>http://www.mydomain.com/files/cache/</em>.");
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "old_cache_path", "", $cache_path);
    $manager->form->add_to_form('Empty Cache Folders: <span class="delete singleButton"><a href="' . $manager->office->URIquery("", "emptycache=true") . '">EMPTY</a></span>');
    // $manager->form->add_to_form( '</div>' );
Ejemplo n.º 20
function pop($project, $files, $group)
    global $clerk;
    $html = "";
    $slides = "";
    $totalFiles = 0;
    foreach ($files as $file => $data) {
        if ($data['filegroup'] == $group['num']) {
            // Handle resizing of large image
            $settings = $clerk->getSetting("projects_fullsizeimg");
            $do_scale = (bool) $settings['data3'];
            $intelliscale = $settings['data2'];
            if ($do_scale) {
                list($width, $height) = explode("x", $settings['data1']);
                $fullsize = dynamicThumbnail($data['file'], PROJECTS_PATH . $project['slug'] . '/', $width, $height, $intelliscale, "short");
                if (dynamic_thumb_saved($data['file'], PROJECTS_PATH . $project['slug'] . '/', $width, $height, $intelliscale)) {
                    list($width, $height) = getimagesize(get_dynamic_thumb($data['file'], PROJECTS_PATH . $project['slug'] . '/', $width, $height, $intelliscale));
                } else {
                    $width = $width == 0 ? "auto" : $width;
                    $height = $height == 0 ? "auto" : $height;
            } else {
                list($width, $height) = getimagesize(PROJECTS_PATH . $project['slug'] . '/' . $data['file']);
                $fullsize = PROJECTS_URL . $project['slug'] . '/' . $data['file'];
            // Handle thumbnail
            $thumbFile = $data['file'];
            $thumbWidth = $clerk->getSetting("projects_filethumbnail", 1);
            $thumbHeight = $clerk->getSetting("projects_filethumbnail", 2);
            $intelliScaling = $clerk->getSetting("projects_intelliscaling", 1);
            $location = PROJECTS_PATH . $project['slug'] . "/";
            $thumbnail = dynamicThumbnail($thumbFile, $location, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, $intelliScaling, "short");
            switch ($data['type']) {
                case "image":
                    $thumbWidth = $thumbWidth == 0 ? "auto" : $thumbWidth;
                    $thumbHeight = $thumbHeight == 0 ? "auto" : $thumbHeight;
                    $slides .= '<div class="file" id="file' . $data['id'] . '">
											<a class="popper" onclick="popper(\'' . $data['id'] . '\', \'' . $width . '\', \'' . $height . '\');return false;" href="#"><img src="' . $thumbnail . '" width="' . $thumbWidth . '" height="' . $thumbHeight . '" alt="' . $fullsize . '" alt="" /></a>';
                case "video":
                    $title = empty($data['title']) ? "Video" : $data['title'];
                    $mediaThumb = empty($data['thumbnail']) ? $title : '<img src="' . $thumbnail . '" width="' . $thumbWidth . '" height="' . $thumbHeight . '" />';
                    $slides .= '<div class="file" id="file' . $data['id'] . '"><a class="popper" href="#" onclick="popper(\'' . $data['id'] . '\', \'' . $width . '\', \'' . $height . '\', true);return false;">' . $mediaThumb . '</a><div class="popcontent">' . mediaplayer($data, $project) . '</div>';
                case "audio":
                    $title = empty($data['title']) ? "Audio" : $data['title'];
                    $mediaThumb = empty($data['thumbnail']) ? $title : '<img src="' . $thumbnail . '" width="' . $thumbWidth . '" height="' . $thumbHeight . '" />';
                    $slides .= '<div class="file" id="file' . $data['id'] . '"><a class="popper" href="#" onclick="popper(\'' . $data['id'] . '\', \'' . $width . '\', \'' . $height . '\', true);return false;">' . $mediaThumb . '</a><div class="popcontent">' . audioplayer($data, $project) . '</div>';
            if ($clerk->getSetting("projects_hideFileInfo", 1) == false && (!empty($data['title']) || !empty($data['caption']))) {
                $info_html = '<div class="info">
								<span class="title">' . $data['title'] . '</span>
								<span class="caption">' . html_entity_decode($data['caption']) . '</span>';
                $info_html = call_anchor("pop_info", array('html' => $info_html, 'file' => $data));
                $info = $info_html['html'] . '</div>';
            $slides .= $info . '</div>';
        $info = "";
    return $slides;
Ejemplo n.º 21
    $clerk->query_insert("project_files", "file, thumbnail, width, height, project_id, pos, type, filegroup", "'{$file}', '{$thumbnail_name}', '{$width}', '{$height}', '{$id}', '{$pos}', '{$type}', '{$group}'");
    $fileId = mysql_insert_id();
    $thumb_path = $paths['path'] . $slug . "/" . $thumbnail_sysname;
    $thumb_url = $paths['url'] . $slug . "/" . $thumbnail_sysname;
    $big_path = $paths['path'] . $slug . "/" . $file;
    if ($type == "image") {
        $thumb_path = $paths['path'] . $slug . '/' . $file;
        $file_extension = substr($file, strrpos($file, '.'));
        $cache_file_name = str_replace($file_extension, "", $file) . "." . 100 . "x" . 100 . "_1.jpg";
        $dynamic_thumb = file_exists($clerk->getSetting("cache_path", 1) . $cache_file_name) ? $clerk->getSetting("cache_path", 2) . $cache_file_name : $clerk->getSetting("site", 2) . "?dynamic_thumbnail&file=" . $thumb_path . '&amp;width=' . 100 . '&amp;height=' . 100 . '&adaptive=1';
        $thumb = '<img src="' . $dynamic_thumb . '" alt="" />';
    } else {
        $thumb = '<span class="media">' . $file . '</span>';
    $file_data = array('id' => $fileId, 'file' => $file, 'thumbnail' => $thumbnail_name, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'project_id' => $id, 'pos' => $pos, 'type' => $type, 'group' => $group);
    $file_toolbar = call_anchor("project_file_toolbar", array('html' => "", 'file' => $file_data));
    $html = '
						<li class="filebox" id="file_' . $fileId . '">
							<div class="thumbnail">
								' . $thumb . '

							<ul class="toolbar">
								<li onmouseover="toolbar_show(' . $fileId . ')" onmouseout="toolbar_hide(' . $fileId . ')">
									<a href="#" class="edit">Edit</a>
									<ul class="options">
										<li><a href="#" onclick="toolbar_delete(' . $fileId . '); return false;">Delete</a></li>
										<li><a href="#" onclick="toolbar_details(' . $fileId . '); return false;">Edit details</a></li>
										' . $file_toolbar['html'] . '
Ejemplo n.º 22
function editProjectForm($allowed_file_types)
    global $manager;
    // Define required variables
    $id = $_GET['id'];
    $project = $manager->clerk->query_fetchArray($manager->clerk->query_select("projects", "", "WHERE id= '{$id}' LIMIT 1"));
    $paths = $manager->getSetting("projects_path");
    $paths = array('path' => $paths['data1'], 'url' => $paths['data2']);
    $displayersOptList = array();
    $displayers = call_anchor("displayersList", array());
    $currentThumb = empty($project['thumbnail']) ? "" : '<img src="' . $paths['url'] . $project['slug'] . '/' . $project['thumbnail'] . '" alt="" />';
    $deleteLink = empty($project['thumbnail']) ? " hide" : "";
    // Rules
    // Begin Form
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("Project Details", "projectDetails");
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "id", NULL, $id);
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "oldslug", NULL, $project['slug']);
    $manager->form->add_to_form('<div class="col-2">');
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "title", "Title", $project['title']);
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "slug", "Simple Name / Slug", $project['slug']);
    $manager->form->set_template("row_end", "");
    $manager->form->set_template("text_template", "text_supershort", true);
    $manager->form->add_to_form('<div class="field date"><label>Date</label><br />');
    $current_month = date("F");
    $months = array("January" => "1", "February" => "2", "March" => "3", "April" => "4", "May" => "5", "June" => "6", "July" => "7", "August" => "8", "September" => "9", "October" => "10", "November" => "11", "December" => "12");
    $manager->form->add_select("date_month", NULL, $months, date("F", $project['date']));
    $current_day = date("j");
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
        if ($i <= 9) {
            $day = "0" . $i;
        } else {
            $day = $i . " ";
        $days[$day] = $i;
    $manager->form->set_template("select_template", "select_supershort", true);
    $manager->form->set_template("option_template", "options_supershort", true);
    $manager->form->add_select("date_day", NULL, $days, date("j", $project['date']));
    $current_year = date("Y");
    for ($i = 2000; $i <= $current_year + 5; $i++) {
        $year = $i . " ";
        $years[$year] = $i;
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "date_year", NULL, date("Y", $project['date']));
    $tags = array();
    $getTags = $manager->clerk->query_select("projects_to_tags", "", "WHERE projectid= '{$id}' ORDER BY id ASC");
    while ($tag = $manager->clerk->query_fetchArray($getTags)) {
        $tags[] = $tag['tag'];
    $manager->form->add_input("text", "tags", "Tags", implode(",", $tags));
    $manager->form->add_input("checkbox", "publish", " ", $project['publish'], array("Publish" => 1));
    $manager->form->add_to_form('<div class="col-2 last">');
    $manager->form->add_to_form('<div id="thumbnailForm">');
    $manager->form->add_input("file", "Thumbnail", 'Project Thumbnail <span class="delete singleButton' . $deleteLink . '"><a href="#" onclick="deleteProjThumbnail(); return false;">Delete</a></span>');
    $manager->form->add_to_form('<button type="submit" id="uploadThumbnail" name="uploadThumbnail" value="upload">Upload</button>');
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "asstPath", "", $manager->clerk->config('ASSISTANTS_PATH'));
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "uploadPath", "", $paths['path']);
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "uploadUrl", "", $paths['url']);
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "id", "", $id);
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "action", "", "uploadThumbnail");
    $manager->form->add_to_form('<div id="theThumb">' . $currentThumb . '</div>');
    $manager->form->add_fieldset("Images, Video, Audio and Text", "files");
    $tools = array('<a href="#" onclick="newGroup(\'top\'); return false;" class="button-new">New Group</a>', '<a href="#" onclick="addTextBlock(\'top\'); return false;" class="button-new">Add text block</a>');
    $tools = call_anchor("projectFilesToolbar", $tools);
    $toolbar = new Toolbar(array("id" => "top", "tools" => $tools));
    $manager->form->add_to_form('<div id="uploadForm">');
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "asstPath", "", $manager->clerk->config('ASSISTANTS_PATH'));
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "uploadPath", "", $paths['path']);
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "uploadUrl", "", $paths['url']);
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "action", "", "upload");
    $manager->form->add_input("hidden", "id", "", $id);
    // Valums File Uploader
    $manager->form->add_to_form('<div id="file-uploader">upload files <span class="explanation">(<strong>Max ' . str_replace("M", "mb", ini_get("upload_max_filesize")) . '</strong> per file)</span></div>');
    $flow = explode(",", $project['flow']);
    $projectFiles = array();
    $getFiles = $manager->clerk->query_select("project_files", "", "WHERE project_id= '{$id}' ORDER BY pos ASC");
    while ($file = $manager->clerk->query_fetchArray($getFiles)) {
        $projectFiles[$file['id']] = $file;
    foreach ($flow as $part) {
        if (strstr($part, "textblock")) {
            $fileID = str_replace("textblock", "", $part);
            $textblock_toolbar = array('html' => '<li class="delete"><a href="#" onclick="deleteGroup(' . $fileID . '); return false;">Delete</a></li>', 'file_id' => $fileID, 'file' => $projectFiles[$fileID]);
            $textblock_toolbar = call_anchor("projects_textblock_toolbar", $textblock_toolbar);
            $grouped .= '
					<div id="file_group-' . $fileID . '" class="fileGroup textBlock" data-type="textblock">
						<div class="controls">
								<li class="handle">
								<li class="textblockToolbar">
									<div id="toolbar-textBlock_' . $fileID . '"></div>
								' . $textblock_toolbar['html'] . '
						<textarea id="textBlock_' . $fileID . '" class="textblock" rows="8" cols="50">' . html_entity_decode($projectFiles[$fileID]['caption']) . '</textarea>
        } elseif (strstr($part, "group")) {
            $groupNum = preg_replace('/(group)([0-9]+)(:)*([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)?/', '$2', $part);
            $groupType = preg_replace('/(group)([0-9]+)(:)*([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)?/', '$4', $part);
            $list = displayersOptList($displayers, $groupType);
            $group_toolbar = array('html' => '<li class="delete"><a href="#" onclick="deleteGroup(' . $groupNum . '); return false;">Delete</a></li>', 'group_id' => $groupNum);
            $group_toolbar = call_anchor("projects_filegroup_toolbar", $group_toolbar);
            $grouped .= '
					<ul id="file_group-' . $groupNum . '" class="fileGroup" data-type="group">
							<div class="controls">
									<li class="handle">
									<li class="title">
										Group ' . $groupNum . '
									<li class="displayer">
										<select class="displayType" onchange="setGroupDisplayer(' . $groupNum . ', this)">
											' . $list . '
									' . $group_toolbar['html'] . '
            foreach ($projectFiles as $file => $data) {
                $fileID = $data['id'];
                if ($data['filegroup'] == $groupNum) {
                    if ($data['type'] == "image") {
                        $thumb_path = $manager->clerk->getSetting("projects_path", 1) . $project['slug'] . '/' . $data['file'];
                        $file_extension = substr($data['file'], strrpos($data['file'], '.'));
                        $cache_file_name = str_replace($file_extension, "", $data['file']) . "." . 100 . "x" . 100 . "_1.jpg";
                        $dynamic_thumb = file_exists($manager->clerk->getSetting("cache_path", 1) . $cache_file_name) ? $manager->clerk->getSetting("cache_path", 2) . $cache_file_name : $manager->clerk->getSetting("site", 2) . "?dynamic_thumbnail&file=" . $thumb_path . '&amp;width=' . 100 . '&amp;height=' . 100 . '&adaptive=1';
                        $thumb = empty($data['thumbnail']) == false ? '<img src="' . $dynamic_thumb . '" />' : "";
                    } else {
                        $thumb = '<span class="media">' . $data['file'] . '</span>';
                    $file_toolbar = call_anchor("project_file_toolbar", array('html' => "", 'file' => $data));
                    $grouped .= '
							<li class="filebox" id="file_' . $fileID . '">
								<div class="thumbnail">
									' . $thumb . '

								<ul class="toolbar">
									<li onmouseover="toolbar_show(' . $fileID . ');" onmouseout="toolbar_hide(' . $fileID . ');">
										<a href="#" class="edit">Edit</a>
										<ul class="options">
											<li><a href="#" onclick="toolbar_delete(' . $fileID . '); return false;">Delete</a></li>
											<li><a href="#" onclick="toolbar_details(' . $fileID . '); return false;">Edit details</a></li>
											' . $file_toolbar['html'] . '
            $grouped .= '
        } else {
            $others = call_anchor("project_content_flow_backend", array('part' => $part, 'grouped' => ""));
            $grouped .= $others['grouped'];
    foreach ($projectFiles as $file => $data) {
        $fileID = $data['id'];
        if ($data['filegroup'] == 0 && $data['type'] != "text") {
            if ($data['type'] == "image") {
                $thumb_path = $manager->clerk->getSetting("projects_path", 1) . $project['slug'] . '/' . $data['file'];
                $file_extension = substr($data['file'], strrpos($data['file'], '.'));
                $cache_file_name = str_replace($file_extension, "", $data['file']) . "." . 100 . "x" . 100 . "_1.jpg";
                $dynamic_thumb = file_exists($manager->clerk->getSetting("cache_path", 1) . $cache_file_name) ? $manager->clerk->getSetting("cache_path", 2) . $cache_file_name : $manager->clerk->getSetting("site", 2) . "?dynamic_thumbnail&file=" . $thumb_path . '&amp;width=' . 100 . '&amp;height=' . 100 . '&adaptive=1';
                $thumb = empty($data['thumbnail']) == false ? '<img src="' . $dynamic_thumb . '" />' : "";
            } elseif ($data['type'] == "video" || $data['type'] == "audio") {
                $thumb = '<span class="media">' . $data['file'] . '</span>';
            } else {
            $file_toolbar = call_anchor("project_file_toolbar", array('html' => "", 'file' => $data));
            $waiting .= '
					<li class="filebox" id="file_' . $fileID . '">
						<div class="thumbnail">
							' . $thumb . '

						<ul class="toolbar">
							<li onmouseover="toolbar_show(' . $fileID . ');" onmouseout="toolbar_hide(' . $fileID . ');">
								<a href="#" class="edit">Edit</a>
								<ul class="options">
									<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="toolbar_delete(' . $fileID . ')">Delete</a></li>
									<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="toolbar_details(' . $fileID . ')">Edit details</a></li>
									' . $file_toolbar['html'] . '
    $hide = empty($waiting) ? " hide" : "";
			<div id="groupedFiles">
				<ul id="waitingRoom" class="fileGroup' . $hide . '">
						<div class="controls">
								<li class="formMessage">
									<strong>Ungrouped Files</strong> / Drag these files to a group
					' . $waiting . '
    $manager->form->add_to_form($grouped . '
    if (count($flow) < 3) {
        $bottomToolbarClass = " hide";
    $tools = array('<a href="#" onclick="newGroup(\'bottom\'); return false;" class="button-new">New Group</a>', '<a href="#" onclick="addTextBlock(\'bottom\'); return false;" class="button-new">Add text block</a>');
    $tools = call_anchor("projectFilesToolbarBottom", $tools);
    $toolbar = new Toolbar(array("id" => "bottom", "class" => $bottomToolbarClass, "tools" => $tools));
Ejemplo n.º 23
function slideshow($project, $files, $group)
    global $clerk;
    $html = "";
    $slides = "";
    $totalFiles = 0;
    foreach ($files as $file => $data) {
        if ($data['filegroup'] == $group['num']) {
            // Handle resizing of large image
            $settings = $clerk->getSetting("projects_fullsizeimg");
            $do_scale = (bool) $settings['data3'];
            $intelliscale = (int) $settings['data2'];
            if ($do_scale) {
                list($width, $height) = explode("x", $settings['data1']);
                $image = dynamicThumbnail($data['file'], PROJECTS_PATH . $project['slug'] . '/', $width, $height, $intelliscale);
            } else {
                list($width, $height) = getimagesize(PROJECTS_PATH . $project['slug'] . '/' . $data['file']);
                $image = '<img src="' . PROJECTS_URL . $project['slug'] . '/' . $data['file'] . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" alt="" />';
            switch ($data['type']) {
                case "image":
                    $slides .= '<div class="file">
											' . $image;
                case "video":
                    $slides .= '<div class="file">' . mediaplayer($data, $project);
                case "audio":
                    $slides .= '<div class="file">' . audioplayer($data, $project);
            if ($clerk->getSetting("projects_hideFileInfo", 1) == false && (!empty($data['title']) || !empty($data['caption']))) {
                $info = "";
                $info_html = '<div class="info">
								<span class="title">' . $data['title'] . '</span>
								<span class="caption">' . html_entity_decode($data['caption']) . '</span>';
                $info_html = call_anchor("slideshow_info", array('html' => $info_html, 'file' => $data));
                $info = $info_html['html'] . '</div>';
            $slides .= $info . '</div>';
        $info = "";
    if ($totalFiles == 0) {
    $opts = unserialize($clerk->getSetting("slideshow_opts", 1));
    foreach ($opts as $key => $val) {
        $opts[$key] = html_entity_decode($val);
    $of = str_replace(array("#", "total"), array('<span class="currentSlide">1</span>', $totalFiles), $opts['of']);
    $nav_html = <<<HTML
\t\t\t<div class="slideshow-nav"><a href="#" class="prev">{$opts['prev']}</a> {$opts['divider']} <a href="#" class="next">{$opts['next']}</a> {$of}</div>
    $nav = call_anchor("slideshow_nav", array("html" => $nav_html, "total_files" => $totalFiles));
    $jquery_slideshow_opts = call_anchor("jquery_slideshow_opts", array('js' => '', 'project' => $project, 'group' => $group));
    if (empty($jquery_slideshow_opts['js']) == false) {
        $jquery_slideshow_opts['js'] = "," . $jquery_slideshow_opts['js'];
    if (empty($opts['fx'])) {
        $opts['fx'] = "fade";
    if ($opts['nav_pos'] == "top") {
        $html = <<<HTML
\t\t\t<div class="slides">
    } else {
        $html = <<<HTML
\t\t\t<div class="slides">
    $html .= <<<HTML
\t\t\t<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
\t\t\t\tjQuery(window).load( function()
\t\t\t\t\tjQuery("#{$project['slug']}-{$group['num']} .slides").cycle(
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfx: '{$opts['fx']}',
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tslideExpr: '.file',
\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttimeout: 0,
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tspeed: 500,
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnext: '#{$project['slug']}-{$group['num']} .next, #{$project['slug']}-{$group['num']} .file',
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprev: '#{$project['slug']}-{$group['num']} .prev',
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprevNextClick: function(isNext, index, el)
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery("#{$project['slug']}-{$group['num']} .currentSlide").text(index + 1);
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbefore: function(curr, next, opts, fwd)
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar ht = jQuery(next).height();

\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \tjQuery(this).parent().animate({height: ht});
    return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 24
function pageText($id = "")
    global $clerk;
    $id = empty($id) ? PAGE : $id;
    if (!empty($id)) {
        $page = $clerk->query_fetchArray($clerk->query_select("pages", "", "WHERE id='{$id}' OR slug='{$id}' LIMIT 1"));
        $text = call_anchor("pageTextModify", array('original' => $page['text'], 'modified' => textOutput($page['text'])));
        return $text['modified'];
Ejemplo n.º 25
function blog_rss()
    global $clerk, $blog;
    $feed = new FeedWriter(RSS2);
    $title = $clerk->getSetting("site", 1);
    $feed->setTitle($title . ' / Blog Feed');
    $feed->setDescription('Live feed of blog posts on ' . $title);
    $feed->setChannelElement('pubDate', date(DATE_RSS, time()));
    $get = $clerk->query_select("secretary_blog", "", "ORDER BY date DESC");
    while ($blog = $clerk->query_fetchArray($get)) {
        $newItem = $feed->createNewItem();
        $newItem->setLink(html_entity_decode(linkToPost(false, $blog['id'])));
        $desc = postImage() . '<br />' . postText();
        $desc = call_anchor("blogRssDescription", $desc);
        $newItem->setDescription('' . $desc . '');
        $newItem->addElement('guid', linkToPost(), array('isPermaLink' => 'true'));
        $count = 0;
        $desc = "";
Ejemplo n.º 26
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
echo siteTitle();
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
		<div id="header">
			<div id="title">
				<a href="<?php 
echo linkToSite();
echo siteTitle();
			<div id="menu">
echo pageList();
echo projectList();
Ejemplo n.º 27
function processEditBlogForm($blogFileTypes)
    global $manager;
    $id = $_POST['id'];
    $title = $_POST['title'];
    $slug = empty($_POST['slug']) ? $manager->clerk->simple_name($title) : $_POST['slug'];
    $oldSlug = $_POST['oldslug'];
    $now = getdate($_POST['date_timestamp']);
    $date = mktime($now["hours"], $now["minutes"], $now["seconds"], $_POST["date_month"], $_POST["date_day"], $_POST["date_year"]);
    $post = $_POST['post'];
    $currentImage = $_POST['currentImage'];
    $status = $_POST['status'];
    $paths = $manager->getSetting("blog_path");
    $paths = array('path' => $paths['data1'], 'url' => $paths['data2']);
    $postFolder = $paths['path'] . $oldSlug . '/';
    if ($_POST['submit'] == "save") {
        if ($manager->clerk->query_countRows("secretary_blog", "WHERE slug= '{$slug}' AND id != '{$id}'") >= 1) {
            $manager->message(0, false, 'A post with the simple name/slug <em>"' . $slug . '"</em> already exists! Please choose a new one.');
            return false;
        // Handle image
        if (!is_dir($postFolder)) {
            mkdir($postFolder, 0777);
        $thumbWidth = $manager->clerk->getSetting("blog_thumbnail", 1);
        $thumbHeight = $manager->clerk->getSetting("blog_thumbnail", 2);
        $intelliscaling = (bool) $manager->clerk->getSetting("blog_intelliscaling", 1);
        $forceAdaptive = $thumbWidth == 0 || $thumbHeight == 0 ? true : false;
        $newImage = true;
        foreach ($_FILES['image']['name'] as $key => $val) {
            if (empty($val)) {
                $newImage = false;
            $file_extension = substr(basename($val), strrpos(basename($val), '.'));
            $image = $manager->clerk->simple_name(str_replace($blogFileTypes, "", basename($val))) . $file_extension;
            if ($image == $currentImage) {
                $newImage = false;
            $upload = upload('image', $key, $postFolder, implode(",", $blogFileTypes));
            $upload_file = $upload[0];
            $upload_error = $upload[1];
            rename($postFolder . $upload_file, $postFolder . $image);
            if (empty($upload_error)) {
                $thumb = PhpThumbFactory::create($postFolder . $image);
                $thumbnail_name = str_replace($blogFileTypes, "", $image) . ".thumb" . substr($image, strrpos($image, '.'));
                if ($intelliscaling == true && $forceAdaptive == false) {
                    $thumb->adaptiveResize($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight);
                } else {
                    $thumb->resize($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight);
                call_anchor("modifyPostThumb", $thumb);
                $thumb->save($postFolder . $thumbnail_name);
                call_anchor("modifyPostThumbAfterSave", array($thumb, $postFolder . $thumbnail_name));
        if ($newImage == false) {
            $image = $currentImage;
        if ($newImage && file_exists($postFolder . $currentImage) && is_file($postFolder . $currentImage)) {
            $currentImageThumb = str_replace($blogFileTypes, "", $currentImage) . ".thumb" . substr($currentImage, strrpos($currentImage, '.'));
            unlink($postFolder . $currentImage);
            unlink($postFolder . $currentImageThumb);
        if (empty($upload['error']) && $manager->clerk->query_edit("secretary_blog", "title= '{$title}', slug= '{$slug}', date= '{$date}', post= '{$post}', image= '{$image}', status='{$status}'", "WHERE id= '{$id}'")) {
            $manager->message(1, false, "Post <em>{$title}</em> saved!");
            // Handle renaming
            if ($slug != $oldSlug && is_dir($paths['path'] . $oldSlug)) {
                rename($paths['path'] . $oldSlug, $paths['path'] . $slug);
            if ($newImage) {
                $pic = PhpThumbFactory::create($paths['path'] . $slug . '/' . $image);
                $pic->resize(400, 0);
                $pic->save($paths['path'] . $slug . '/' . $image);
        } else {
            $manager->message(0, true, "This post could not be saved!");
    } elseif ($_POST['submit'] == "delete") {
        rmdirr($paths['path'] . $oldSlug);
        if (file_exists($postFolder . '/' . $currentImage) && is_file($postFolder . '/' . $currentImage)) {
            unlink($postFolder . '/' . $currentImage);
        if ($manager->clerk->query_delete("secretary_blog", "WHERE id= '{$id}'")) {
            $manager->message(1, false, "Post <em>{$title}</em> deleted!");
        } else {
            $manager->message(0, true, "Could not delete post!");