Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function testGets()
     $vo_result = caMakeSearchResult('ca_storage_locations', array($this->opn_location_id));
     while ($vo_result->nextHit()) {
         $this->assertEquals(array($this->opn_object_id), $vo_result->get('ca_objects.object_id', array('returnAsArray' => true)));
         $this->assertEquals(array($this->opn_object_id), $vo_result->get('ca_objects.object_id', array('returnWithStructure' => true)));
         $this->assertEquals("{$this->opn_object_id}", $vo_result->get('ca_objects.object_id'));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Get list of entities associated with at least one tour stop
function itineraGetTravelers($ps_letter = null)
    $ps_letter = strtolower($ps_letter);
    if (!preg_match("!^[a-z]{1}\$!", $ps_letter)) {
        $ps_letter = null;
    $va_params = array();
    if ($ps_letter) {
        $va_params = array("{$ps_letter}%");
    $o_db = new Db();
    $qr_res = $o_db->query("\n\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT ctsxe.entity_id \n\t\t\tFROM ca_tour_stops_x_entities ctsxe\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_entities AS e ON e.entity_id = ctsxe.entity_id\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_entity_labels AS el ON e.entity_id = el.entity_id\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tel.is_preferred = 1 AND e.deleted = 0 " . ($ps_letter ? " AND (el.surname LIKE ?)" : '') . "\n\t\t", $va_params);
    $va_entity_ids = $qr_res->getAllFieldValues('entity_id');
    return $qr_travelers = caMakeSearchResult('ca_entities', $va_entity_ids, array('sort' => 'ca_entity_labels.surname'));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function __call($ps_function, $pa_args)
     $va_access_values = caGetUserAccessValues($this->request);
     $this->view->setVar('access_values', $va_access_values);
     # --- if there is a set configured to show on the front page, load it now
     $va_featured_ids = array();
     if ($vs_set_code = $this->config->get("front_page_set_code")) {
         $t_set = new ca_sets();
         $t_set->load(array('set_code' => $vs_set_code));
         # Enforce access control on set
         if (sizeof($va_access_values) == 0 || sizeof($va_access_values) && in_array($t_set->get("access"), $va_access_values)) {
             $this->view->setVar('featured_set_id', $t_set->get("set_id"));
             $this->view->setVar('featured_set', $t_set);
             $va_featured_ids = array_keys(is_array($va_tmp = $t_set->getItemRowIDs(array('checkAccess' => $va_access_values, 'shuffle' => 1))) ? $va_tmp : array());
             $this->view->setVar('featured_set_item_ids', $va_featured_ids);
             $this->view->setVar('featured_set_items_as_search_result', caMakeSearchResult('ca_objects', $va_featured_ids));
     # --- no configured set/items in set so grab random objects with media
     if (sizeof($va_featured_ids) == 0) {
         $t_object = new ca_objects();
         $va_featured_ids = array_keys($t_object->getRandomItems(10, array('checkAccess' => $va_access_values, 'hasRepresentations' => 1)));
         $this->view->setVar('featured_set_item_ids', $va_featured_ids);
         $this->view->setVar('featured_set_items_as_search_result', caMakeSearchResult('ca_objects', $va_featured_ids));
     $this->view->setVar('config', $this->config);
     $o_result_context = new ResultContext($this->request, 'ca_objects', 'front');
     $this->view->setVar('result_context', $o_result_context);
     // Try to load selected page if it exists in Front/, otherwise load default Front/front_page_html.php
     $ps_function = preg_replace("![^A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+!", "", $ps_function);
     $vs_path = "Front/{$ps_function}_html.php";
     if (file_exists(__CA_THEME_DIR__ . "/views/{$vs_path}")) {
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 4
function _getChildren($pr_res, &$pa_data, $pn_level, $pn_max_levels, &$pa_seen_list)
    if ($pn_level > $pn_max_levels) {
        return false;
    while ($pr_res->nextHit()) {
        $vn_entity_id = $pr_res->get('ca_entities.entity_id');
        if ($pa_seen_list[$vn_entity_id]) {
        $va_entity = ['id' => $vn_entity_id, 'name' => $pr_res->get('ca_entities.preferred_labels.displayname'), 'children' => $va_children = []];
        $pa_seen_list[$vn_entity_id] = 1;
        if ($va_rel_ids = $pr_res->get('ca_entities.related.entity_id', ['returnAsArray' => true])) {
            $qr_children = caMakeSearchResult('ca_entities', $va_rel_ids);
            _getChildren($qr_children, $va_children, $pn_level + 1, $pn_max_levels, $pa_seen_list);
        $va_entity['children'] = $va_children;
        $pa_data[] = $va_entity;
    return true;
				<div class='col-sm-2 col-md-2 col-lg-2'>
			</div><!-- end row -->
//print caBusyIndicatorIcon($this->request).' '.addslashes(_t('Loading...'));
$va_rel_ids = $t_item->get('ca_objects_x_entities.relation_id', array('returnAsArray' => true));
$qr_rels = caMakeSearchResult('ca_objects_x_entities', $va_rel_ids, array('sort' => 'ca_objects_x_entities.date_out'));
// set all of the page object_ids
$va_page_ids = array();
while ($qr_rels->nextHit()) {
    $va_page_ids[] = $qr_rels->get("ca_objects_x_entities.see_original_link", array('idsOnly' => 1));
$qr_pages = caMakeSearchResult('ca_objects', $va_page_ids);
$va_parents = array();
while ($qr_pages->nextHit()) {
    $va_parents[$qr_pages->get('ca_objects.object_id')] = $qr_pages->get('ca_objects.parent.preferred_labels.name');
// reset the result to the beginning so we can run through it again
$vn_page_type_id = caGetListItemID('object_types', 'page');
$vn_i = 0;
while ($qr_rels->nextHit()) {
    if ($qr_rels->get('ca_objects.type_id') == $vn_page_type_id) {
    print "<div class='row ledgerRow'>";
    print "<div class='col-xs-3 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3' id='book" . $vn_i . "'>";
    if ($qr_rels->get("ca_objects.parent.preferred_labels")) {
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Render the visualization using the currently set data
  * @param string $ps_visualization Identifier of visualization to use. The identifier is the language-independent name of the visualization as specified in visualization.conf
  * @param string $ps_format Format of rendered visualization. The default, and only supported format at this time, is HTML.
  * @param array $pa_options Options to pass to visualization plugins at render-time.
  * @return string The rendered content
 public function render($ps_visualization, $ps_format = 'HTML', $pa_options = null)
     $this->opn_num_items_rendered = 0;
     if (!($vs_table = $this->getTable())) {
         return null;
     $va_viz_list = Visualizer::getAvailableVisualizations($vs_table);
     if (!isset($va_viz_list[$ps_visualization]) || !is_array($va_viz_settings = $va_viz_list[$ps_visualization])) {
         return null;
     $vs_viz_plugin = $va_viz_settings['plugin'];
     if ($o_viz = $this->getVisualizationPlugin($vs_viz_plugin)) {
         $va_ids = array();
         $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
         $t_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_table, true);
         $vs_pk = $t_instance->primaryKey();
         foreach ($this->opa_data as $o_data) {
             if (is_subclass_of($o_data, 'SearchResult')) {
                 while ($o_data->nextHit()) {
                     $va_ids[] = $o_data->get("{$vs_table}.{$vs_pk}");
             if (is_subclass_of($o_data, 'BundlableLabelableBaseModelWithAttributes')) {
                 $va_ids[] = $o_data->get("{$vs_table}.{$vs_pk}");
             $o_viz->setData(caMakeSearchResult($vs_table, $va_ids));
             $vs_html = $o_viz->render($va_viz_settings, $ps_format, array_merge($pa_options, $va_viz_settings['options']));
             $this->opn_num_items_rendered = $this->opn_num_items_rendered + $o_viz->numItemsRendered();
             return $vs_html;
     } else {
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 7
$va_access_values = $this->getVar("access_values");
$o_config = caGetFrontConfig();
# --- grab the set that has the featured
$t_set = new ca_sets();
$t_set->load(array('set_code' => $o_config->get("front_page_exhibit_set_code")));
$t_exhibition = new ca_occurrences();
if (sizeof($va_access_values) == 0 || sizeof($va_access_values) && in_array($t_set->get("access"), $va_access_values)) {
    $va_exhibition_ids = array_keys(is_array($va_tmp = $t_set->getItemRowIDs(array('checkAccess' => $va_access_values, 'shuffle' => 1))) ? $va_tmp : array());
# --- check to see if there is an image set configured
$t_set->load(array('set_code' => $o_config->get("front_page_set_code")));
if (sizeof($va_access_values) == 0 || sizeof($va_access_values) && in_array($t_set->get("access"), $va_access_values)) {
    $va_featured_ids = array_keys(is_array($va_tmp = $t_set->getItemRowIDs(array('checkAccess' => $va_access_values, 'shuffle' => 1))) ? $va_tmp : array());
    $qr_res = caMakeSearchResult('ca_objects', $va_featured_ids);
if ($qr_res && $qr_res->numHits()) {
    $qr_res = $this->getVar('featured_set_items_as_search_result');
    while ($qr_res->nextHit()) {
        if ($vs_media = $qr_res->getWithTemplate('^ca_object_representations.media.front', array("checkAccess" => $va_access_values))) {
            print "<div class='col-sm-12'><div class='frontSlide'>" . $vs_media . "</div></div>";
} else {
    if ($t_exhibition->get("occurrence_id")) {
        # --- use the featured image from the show
        $va_objects = $t_exhibition->get('ca_objects', array("checkAccess" => $va_access_values, "restrictToRelationshipTypes" => array("used_website"), "returnAsArray" => true));
        if (is_array($va_objects) && sizeof($va_objects)) {
            $va_object = array_pop($va_objects);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function getPinContent()
     $pa_ids = explode(";", $this->request->getParameter('id', pString));
     $this->view->setVar('ids', $pa_ids);
     $this->view->setVar('result', caMakeSearchResult("ca_objects", $pa_ids));
  * Saves the content of a form editing new or existing records. It returns the same form + status messages rendered into the current view, inherited from ActionController
  * @param array $pa_options Array of options passed through to _initView and saveBundlesForScreen()
 public function Save($pa_options = null)
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     list($t_subject, $t_ui, $vn_parent_id, $vn_above_id) = $this->_initView(array_merge($pa_options, array('loadSubject' => true)));
     if (!$t_subject) {
         $this->postError(1220, _t('Invalid table %1', $this->ops_table_name), "BaseInterstitalController->Edit()");
         return false;
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     // Is record of correct type?
     $va_restrict_to_types = null;
     if ($t_subject->getAppConfig()->get('perform_type_access_checking')) {
         $va_restrict_to_types = caGetTypeRestrictionsForUser($this->ops_table_name, array('access' => __CA_BUNDLE_ACCESS_EDIT__));
     if (is_array($va_restrict_to_types) && !in_array($t_subject->get('type_id'), $va_restrict_to_types)) {
         $this->response->setRedirect($this->request->config->get('error_display_url') . '/n/2560?r=' . urlencode($this->request->getFullUrlPath()));
     $pn_placement_id = $this->request->getParameter('placement_id', pInteger);
     // placement_id of bundle that launched interstitial editor
     $ps_primary_table = $this->request->getParameter('primary', pString);
     $pn_primary_id = $this->request->getParameter('primary_id', pInteger);
     // Make sure request isn't empty
     if (!sizeof($_POST)) {
         $va_response = array('status' => 20, 'id' => null, 'table' => $t_subject->tableName(), 'type_id' => null, 'display' => null, 'errors' => array(_t("Cannot save using empty request. Are you using a bookmark?") => _t("Cannot save using empty request. Are you using a bookmark?")));
         $this->view->setVar('response', $va_response);
     // Set type name for display
     if (!($vs_type_name = $t_subject->getTypeName())) {
         $vs_type_name = $t_subject->getProperty('NAME_SINGULAR');
     # trigger "BeforeSaveItem" hook
     $this->opo_app_plugin_manager->hookBeforeSaveItem(array('id' => null, 'table_num' => $t_subject->tableNum(), 'table_name' => $t_subject->tableName(), 'instance' => $t_subject, 'is_insert' => true));
     $t_placement = new ca_editor_ui_bundle_placements($pn_placement_id);
     $pa_bundle_settings = $t_placement->getSettings();
     $va_opts = array_merge($pa_options, array('ui_instance' => $t_ui));
     $vb_save_rc = $t_subject->saveBundlesForScreen($this->request->getParameter('screen', pString), $this->request, $va_opts);
     $this->view->setVar('t_ui', $t_ui);
     $vs_message = _t("Saved changes to %1", $vs_type_name);
     // Regenerate display template for bundle that launched the interstitial editor so it will reflect any changes
     $vs_related_table = $t_placement->getEditorType();
     $vs_template = caGetBundleDisplayTemplate($t_subject, $vs_related_table, $pa_bundle_settings);
     $qr_rel_items = caMakeSearchResult($t_subject->tableName(), array($t_subject->getPrimaryKey()));
     // Handle case of self relationships where we need to figure out which direction things are going in
     $va_bundle_values = array_shift(caProcessRelationshipLookupLabel($qr_rel_items, $t_subject, array('template' => $vs_template, 'primaryIDs' => array($ps_primary_table => array($pn_primary_id)))));
     if ($t_subject->hasField('type_id')) {
         if (method_exists($t_subject, "isSelfRelationship") && $t_subject->isSelfRelationship()) {
             $vn_left_id = $t_subject->get($t_subject->getLeftTableFieldName());
             $vn_right_id = $t_subject->get($t_subject->getRightTableFieldName());
             $va_bundle_values['relationship_typename'] = $t_subject->getRelationshipTypename($vn_left_id == $pn_primary_id ? 'ltol' : 'rtol');
         } else {
             $va_bundle_values['relationship_typename'] = $t_subject->getRelationshipTypename($t_subject->getLeftTableFieldName() == $vs_related_table ? 'rtol' : 'ltor');
         $va_bundle_values['relationship_type_code'] = $t_subject->getRelationshipTypeCode();
     // Report errors
     $va_errors = $this->request->getActionErrors();
     // all errors from all sources
     $va_general_errors = $this->request->getActionErrors('general');
     // just "general" errors - ones that are not attached to a specific part of the form
     if (sizeof($va_errors) - sizeof($va_general_errors) > 0) {
         $va_error_list = array();
         $vb_no_save_error = false;
         foreach ($va_errors as $o_e) {
             $va_error_list[$o_e->getErrorDescription()] = $o_e->getErrorDescription() . "\n";
             switch ($o_e->getErrorNumber()) {
                 case 1100:
                     // duplicate/invalid idno
                     if (!$vn_subject_id) {
                         // can't save new record if idno is not valid (when updating everything but idno is saved if it is invalid)
                         $vb_no_save_error = true;
     } else {
     # trigger "SaveItem" hook
     $this->opo_app_plugin_manager->hookSaveItem(array('id' => $vn_subject_id, 'table_num' => $t_subject->tableNum(), 'table_name' => $t_subject->tableName(), 'instance' => $t_subject, 'is_insert' => true));
     $vn_id = $t_subject->getPrimaryKey();
     $va_response = array('status' => sizeof($va_error_list) ? 10 : 0, 'id' => $vn_id, 'table' => $t_subject->tableName(), 'type_id' => method_exists($t_subject, "getTypeID") ? $t_subject->getTypeID() : null, 'display' => 'relation', 'bundleDisplay' => $va_bundle_values, 'errors' => $va_error_list);
     $this->view->setVar('response', $va_response);
  * Given a item_id (request parameter 'id') returns a list of direct children for use in the hierarchy browser
  * Returned data is JSON format
 public function getFacetHierarchyLevel()
     $va_access_values = caGetUserAccessValues($this->request);
     $ps_facet_name = $this->request->getParameter('facet', pString);
     if (!is_array($va_facet_info = $this->opo_browse->getInfoForFacet($ps_facet_name))) {
         return null;
     $va_facet = $this->opo_browse->getFacet($ps_facet_name, array('sort' => 'name', 'checkAccess' => $va_access_values));
     $pa_ids = explode(";", $ps_ids = $this->request->getParameter('id', pString));
     if (!sizeof($pa_ids)) {
         $pa_ids = array(null);
     $va_level_data = array();
     if (($vn_max_items_per_page = $this->request->getParameter('max', pInteger)) < 1 || $vn_max_items_per_page > 1000) {
         $vn_max_items_per_page = null;
     $t_model = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($this->ops_tablename, true);
     $o_config = Configuration::load();
     if (!is_array($va_sorts = $o_config->getList($this->ops_tablename . '_hierarchy_browser_sort_values')) || !sizeof($va_sorts)) {
         $va_sorts = array();
     foreach ($va_sorts as $vn_i => $vs_sort_fld) {
         $va_tmp = explode(".", $vs_sort_fld);
         if ($va_tmp[1] == 'preferred_labels') {
             $va_tmp[0] = $vs_label_table_name;
             if (!($va_tmp[1] = $va_tmp[2])) {
                 $va_tmp[1] = $vs_label_display_field_name;
             $va_sorts[$vn_i] = join(".", $va_tmp);
     if (!in_array($vs_sort_dir = strtolower($o_config->get($this->ops_tablename . '_hierarchy_browser_sort_direction')), array('asc', 'desc'))) {
         $vs_sort_dir = 'asc';
     $va_expanded_facet = array();
     $t_item = new ca_list_items();
     foreach ($va_facet as $vn_id => $va_facet_item) {
         $va_expanded_facet[$vn_id] = true;
         $va_ancestors = $t_item->getHierarchyAncestors($vn_id, array('idsOnly' => true));
         if (is_array($va_ancestors)) {
             foreach ($va_ancestors as $vn_ancestor_id) {
                 $va_expanded_facet[$vn_ancestor_id] = true;
     foreach ($pa_ids as $pn_id) {
         $va_json_data = array('_primaryKey' => 'item_id');
         $va_tmp = explode(":", $pn_id);
         $vn_id = $va_tmp[0];
         $vn_start = (int) $va_tmp[1];
         if ($vn_start < 0) {
             $vn_start = 0;
         switch ($va_facet_info['type']) {
             case 'attribute':
                 // is it a list attribute?
                 $t_element = new ca_metadata_elements();
                 if ($t_element->load(array('element_code' => $va_facet_info['element_code']))) {
                     if ($t_element->get('datatype') == 3) {
                         // 3=list
                         $t_list = new ca_lists();
                         if (!$vn_id) {
                             $vn_id = $t_list->getRootListItemID($t_element->get('list_id'));
                         $t_item = new ca_list_items($vn_id);
                         $va_children = $t_item->getHierarchyChildren(null, array('idsOnly' => true));
                         $va_child_counts = $t_item->getHierarchyChildCountsForIDs($va_children);
                         $qr_res = caMakeSearchResult('ca_list_items', $va_children);
                         $vs_pk = $t_model->primaryKey();
                         if ($qr_res) {
                             while ($qr_res->nextHit()) {
                                 $vn_parent_id = $qr_res->get('ca_list_items.parent_id');
                                 $vn_item_id = $qr_res->get('ca_list_items.item_id');
                                 if (!isset($va_expanded_facet[$vn_item_id])) {
                                 $va_item = array();
                                 $va_item['item_id'] = $vn_item_id;
                                 $va_item['name'] = $qr_res->get('ca_list_items.preferred_labels');
                                 $va_item['children'] = isset($va_child_counts[$vn_item_id]) && $va_child_counts[$vn_item_id] ? $va_child_counts[$vn_item_id] : 0;
                                 $va_json_data[$vn_item_id] = $va_item;
             case 'label':
                 // label facet
                 $va_facet_info['table'] = $this->ops_tablename;
                 // fall through to default case
             // fall through to default case
                 if (!$vn_id) {
                     $va_hier_ids = $this->opo_browse->getHierarchyIDsForFacet($ps_facet_name, array('checkAccess' => $va_access_values));
                     $t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($va_facet_info['table']);
                     $vn_id = $vn_root = $t_item->getHierarchyRootID();
                     $va_hierarchy_list = $t_item->getHierarchyList(true);
                     $vn_last_id = null;
                     $vn_c = 0;
                     foreach ($va_hierarchy_list as $vn_i => $va_item) {
                         if (!in_array($vn_i, $va_hier_ids)) {
                         // only show hierarchies that have items in browse result
                         if ($vn_start <= $vn_c) {
                             $va_item['item_id'] = $va_item[$t_item->primaryKey()];
                             if (!isset($va_facet[$va_item['item_id']]) && $vn_root == $va_item['item_id']) {
                             $va_json_data[$va_item['item_id']] = $va_item;
                             $vn_last_id = $va_item['item_id'];
                         if (!is_null($vn_max_items_per_page) && $vn_c >= $vn_max_items_per_page + $vn_start) {
                     if (sizeof($va_json_data) == 2) {
                         // if only one hierarchy root (root +  _primaryKey in array) then don't bother showing it
                         $vn_id = $vn_last_id;
                 if ($vn_id) {
                     $vn_c = 0;
                     foreach ($va_facet as $vn_i => $va_item) {
                         if ($va_item['parent_id'] == $vn_id) {
                             if ($vn_start <= $vn_c) {
                                 $va_item['item_id'] = $va_item['id'];
                                 $va_item['name'] = $va_item['label'];
                                 $va_item['children'] = $va_item['child_count'];
                                 $va_json_data[$va_item['item_id']] = $va_item;
                             if (!is_null($vn_max_items_per_page) && $vn_c >= $vn_max_items_per_page + $vn_start) {
         $vs_rank_fld = $t_item->getProperty('RANK');
         $va_sorted_items = array();
         foreach ($va_json_data as $vn_id => $va_node) {
             if (!is_array($va_node)) {
             $vs_key = preg_replace('![^A-Za-z0-9]!', '_', $va_node['name']);
             if (isset($va_node['sort']) && $va_node['sort']) {
                 $va_sorted_items[$va_node['sort']][$vs_key] = $va_node;
             } else {
                 if ($vs_rank_fld && ($vs_rank = (int) sprintf("%08d", $va_node[$vs_rank_fld]))) {
                     $va_sorted_items[$vs_rank][$vs_key] = $va_node;
                 } else {
                     $va_sorted_items[$vs_key][$vs_key] = $va_node;
         if ($vs_sort_dir == 'desc') {
             $va_sorted_items = array_reverse($va_sorted_items);
         $va_json_data = array();
         $va_sorted_items = array_slice($va_sorted_items, $vn_start, $vn_max_items_per_page);
         foreach ($va_sorted_items as $vs_k => $va_v) {
             if ($vs_sort_dir == 'desc') {
                 $va_v = array_reverse($va_v);
             $va_json_data = array_merge($va_json_data, $va_v);
         $va_json_data['_itemCount'] = sizeof($va_json_data);
         $va_json_data['_sortOrder'] = array_keys($va_json_data);
         $va_json_data['_primaryKey'] = $t_model->primaryKey();
         // pass the name of the primary key so the hierbrowser knows where to look for item_id's
         $va_level_data[$pn_id] = $va_json_data;
     if (!trim($this->request->getParameter('init', pString))) {
         $this->opo_result_context->setParameter($ps_facet_name . '_browse_last_id', $pn_id);
     $this->view->setVar('facet_list', $va_level_data);
     return $this->render('Browse/facet_hierarchy_level_json.php');
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * @package CollectiveAccess
 * @subpackage Core
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License version 3
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#	print $this->render("Front/featured_set_slideshow_html.php");
$va_featured_ids = array();
if ($vs_set_code = $this->request->config->get("front_page_set_code")) {
    $t_set = new ca_sets();
    $t_set->load(array('set_code' => $vs_set_code));
    # Enforce access control on set
    if (sizeof($va_access_values) == 0 || sizeof($va_access_values) && in_array($t_set->get("access"), $va_access_values)) {
        $vs_set_id = $t_set->get("set_id");
        $va_featured_ids = array_keys(is_array($va_tmp = $t_set->getItemRowIDs(array('checkAccess' => $va_access_values, 'shuffle' => 1))) ? $va_tmp : array());
        $featured_set_items_as_search_result = caMakeSearchResult('ca_occurrences', $va_featured_ids);
<div class="container">
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-sm-8">
		<h2>Selected exhibitions</h2>
if ($featured_set_items_as_search_result) {
    while ($featured_set_items_as_search_result->nextHit()) {
        $va_occurrence_id = $featured_set_items_as_search_result->get('ca_occurrences.occurrence_id');
        $va_related_objects = $featured_set_items_as_search_result->get('ca_objects.object_id', array('returnAsArray' => true));
        $vn_object_id = $va_related_objects[0];
        $t_object = new ca_objects($vn_object_id);
        $va_reps = $t_object->getPrimaryRepresentation(array('widepreview'), null, array('return_with_access' => $va_access_values));
Ejemplo n.º 12
$va_access_values = $this->getVar("access_values");
$va_featured_items = $t_item->get("ca_objects.object_id", array("returnAsArray" => true, "restrictToRelationshipTypes" => array("featured", "cover"), "checkAccess" => $va_access_values));
<div class="row">
	<div class='col-xs-1 col-sm-1 col-md-1 col-lg-1'>
		<div class="detailNavBgLeft">
		</div><!-- end detailNavBgLeft -->
	</div><!-- end col -->
	<div class='col-xs-10 col-sm-10 col-md-10 col-lg-10'>
		<div class="container">
			<div class="row">			
				<div class='col-md-6 col-lg-6'>
if (is_array($va_featured_items) && sizeof($va_featured_items)) {
    $q_featured_objects = caMakeSearchResult('ca_objects', $va_featured_items);
    $vb_item_output = 0;
    if ($q_featured_objects->numHits()) {
								<div class="jcarousel-wrapper"><div class="jcarousel" id="repViewerCarousel"><ul>
        while ($q_featured_objects->nextHit()) {
            if ($vs_media = $q_featured_objects->getWithTemplate("<div class='repViewerContCont'><div class='repViewerCont'><l>^ca_object_representations.media.mediumlarge</l></div></div>", array("checkAccess" => $va_access_values))) {
                print "<li><div class='detailSlide'>" . $vs_media;
                $vs_caption = $q_featured_objects->getWithTemplate('<l>^ca_objects.preferred_labels.name</l>');
                if ($vs_caption) {
                    print "<p>" . $vs_caption . "</p>";
                print "</div></li>";
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * get() value for attribute
  * @param array $pa_value_list
  * @param BaseModel $pt_instance
  * @param array Options
  * @return array|string
 private function _getAttributeValue($pa_value_list, $pt_instance, $pa_options)
     $va_path_components =& $pa_options['pathComponents'];
     $vs_delimiter = isset($pa_options['delimiter']) ? $pa_options['delimiter'] : ';';
     $va_return_values = array();
     $vn_id = $this->get($pt_instance->primaryKey(true));
     $vs_table_name = $pt_instance->tableName();
     if (is_array($pa_value_list) && sizeof($pa_value_list)) {
         $va_val_proc = array();
         foreach ($pa_value_list as $o_attribute) {
             $t_attr_element = $pt_instance->_getElementInstance($o_attribute->getElementID());
             $vn_attr_type = $t_attr_element->get('datatype');
             $va_acc = array();
             $va_values = $o_attribute->getValues();
             if ($pa_options['useLocaleCodes']) {
                 if (!$o_attribute->getLocaleID() || !($vm_locale_id = SearchResult::$opo_locales->localeIDToCode($o_attribute->getLocaleID()))) {
                     $vm_locale_id = __CA_DEFAULT_LOCALE__;
             } else {
                 if (!($vm_locale_id = $o_attribute->getLocaleID())) {
                     $vm_locale_id = SearchResult::$opo_locales->localeCodeToID(__CA_DEFAULT_LOCALE__);
             $vb_did_return_value = false;
             foreach ($va_values as $o_value) {
                 $vs_val_proc = null;
                 $vb_dont_return_value = false;
                 $vs_element_code = $o_value->getElementCode();
                 $va_auth_spec = null;
                 if (is_a($o_value, "AuthorityAttributeValue")) {
                     $va_auth_spec = $va_path_components['components'];
                     if ($pt_instance->hasElement($va_path_components['subfield_name'], null, true, array('dontCache' => false))) {
                     } elseif ($pt_instance->hasElement($va_path_components['field_name'], null, true, array('dontCache' => false))) {
                         $va_path_components['subfield_name'] = null;
                 if ($va_path_components['subfield_name'] && $va_path_components['subfield_name'] !== $vs_element_code && !$o_value instanceof InformationServiceAttributeValue) {
                     $vb_dont_return_value = true;
                     if (!$pa_options['filter']) {
                 if (is_a($o_value, "AuthorityAttributeValue") && sizeof($va_auth_spec) > 0) {
                     array_unshift($va_auth_spec, $vs_auth_table_name = $o_value->tableName());
                     if ($qr_res = caMakeSearchResult($vs_auth_table_name, array($o_value->getID()))) {
                         if ($qr_res->nextHit()) {
                             $va_options['returnAsArray'] = true;
                             $va_val_proc = $qr_res->get(join(".", $va_auth_spec), $pa_options);
                             if (is_array($va_val_proc)) {
                                 foreach ($va_val_proc as $vn_i => $vs_v) {
                                     $va_return_values[(int) $vn_id][$vm_locale_id][(int) $o_attribute->getAttributeID() . "_{$vn_i}"][$vs_element_code] = $vs_v;
                 if (is_null($vs_val_proc)) {
                     switch ($o_value->getType()) {
                         case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LIST__:
                             $t_element = $pt_instance->_getElementInstance($o_value->getElementID());
                             $vn_list_id = $t_element->get('list_id');
                             $vs_val_proc = $o_value->getDisplayValue(array_merge($pa_options, array('output' => $pa_options['output'], 'list_id' => $vn_list_id)));
                         case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INFORMATIONSERVICE__:
                             // support subfield notations like ca_objects.wikipedia.abstract, but only if we're not already at subfield-level, e.g. ca_objects.container.wikipedia
                             if ($va_path_components['subfield_name'] && $vs_element_code != $va_path_components['subfield_name'] && $vs_element_code == $va_path_components['field_name']) {
                                 $vs_val_proc = $o_value->getExtraInfo($va_path_components['subfield_name']);
                                 $vb_dont_return_value = false;
                             // support ca_objects.container.wikipedia.abstract
                             if ($vs_element_code == $va_path_components['subfield_name'] && $va_path_components['num_components'] == 4) {
                                 $vs_val_proc = $o_value->getExtraInfo($va_path_components['components'][3]);
                                 $vb_dont_return_value = false;
                             // support ca_objects.wikipedia or ca_objects.container.wikipedia (Eg. no "extra" value specified)
                             if ($vs_element_code == $va_path_components['field_name'] || $vs_element_code == $va_path_components['subfield_name']) {
                                 $vs_val_proc = $o_value->getDisplayValue(array_merge($pa_options, array('output' => $pa_options['output'])));
                                 $vb_dont_return_value = false;
                             continue 2;
                             $vs_val_proc = $o_value->getDisplayValue(array_merge($pa_options, array('output' => $pa_options['output'])));
                 if ($vn_attr_type == __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_CONTAINER__ && !$va_path_components['subfield_name'] && !$pa_options['returnWithStructure']) {
                     if (strlen($vs_val_proc) > 0) {
                         $va_val_proc[] = $vs_val_proc;
                     $vs_val_proc = join($vs_delimiter, $va_val_proc);
                 $va_spec = $va_path_components['components'];
                 $va_acc[join('.', $va_spec) . '.' . $vs_element_code] = $o_value->getDisplayValue(array_merge($pa_options, array('output' => 'idno')));
                 if (!$vb_dont_return_value) {
                     $vb_did_return_value = true;
                     if ($pa_options['makeLink']) {
                         $vs_val_proc = array_shift(caCreateLinksFromText(array($vs_val_proc), $vs_table_name, array($vn_id)));
                     if ($pa_options['returnWithStructure']) {
                         $va_return_values[(int) $vn_id][$vm_locale_id][(int) $o_attribute->getAttributeID()][$vs_element_code] = $vs_val_proc;
                     } else {
                         $va_return_values[(int) $vn_id][$vm_locale_id][(int) $o_attribute->getAttributeID()] = $vs_val_proc;
             if ($va_path_components['subfield_name'] && $pa_options['returnBlankValues'] && !$vb_did_return_value) {
                 // value is missing so insert blank
                 if ($pa_options['returnWithStructure']) {
                     $va_return_values[(int) $vn_id][$vm_locale_id][(int) $o_attribute->getAttributeID()][$va_path_components['subfield_name']] = '';
                 } else {
                     $va_return_values[(int) $vn_id][$vm_locale_id][(int) $o_attribute->getAttributeID()] = '';
             if ($pa_options['filter']) {
                 $va_tags = caGetTemplateTags($pa_options['filter']);
                 $va_vars = array();
                 foreach ($va_tags as $vs_tag) {
                     if (isset($va_acc[$vs_tag])) {
                         $va_vars[$vs_tag] = $va_acc[$vs_tag];
                     } else {
                         $va_vars[$vs_tag] = $this->get($vs_tag, array('convertCodesToIdno' => true));
                 if (ExpressionParser::evaluate($pa_options['filter'], $va_vars)) {
                     unset($va_return_values[(int) $vn_id][$vm_locale_id][(int) $o_attribute->getAttributeID()]);
     } else {
         // is blank
         if ($pa_options['returnWithStructure'] && $pa_options['returnBlankValues']) {
             $va_return_values[(int) $vn_id][null][null][$va_path_components['subfield_name'] ? $va_path_components['subfield_name'] : $va_path_components['field_name']] = '';
     if (!$pa_options['returnAllLocales']) {
         $va_return_values = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_return_values);
     if ($pa_options['returnWithStructure']) {
         return is_array($va_return_values) ? $va_return_values : array();
     // Flatten array for return as string or simple array value
     $va_flattened_values = $this->_flattenArray($va_return_values, $pa_options);
     if ($pa_options['returnAsArray']) {
         return $va_flattened_values;
     } else {
         return sizeof($va_flattened_values) > 0 ? join($pa_options['delimiter'], $va_flattened_values) : null;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Return array with list of significant events in object life cycle as configured for 
  * a ca_objects_history editor bundle.
  * @param array $pa_bundle_settings The settings for a ca_objects_history editing BUNDLES
  * @param array $pa_options Array of options. Options include:
  *		noCache = Don't use any cached history data. [Default is false]
  *		currentOnly = Only return history entries dates before or on the current date. [Default is false]
  *		limit = Only return a maximum number of history entries. [Default is null; no limit]
  * @return array A list of life cycle events, indexed by historic timestamp for date of occurrrence. Each list value is an array of history entries.
  * @used-by ca_objects::getObjectHistoryHTMLFormBundle
 public function getObjectHistory($pa_bundle_settings = null, $pa_options = null)
     global $g_ui_locale;
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     if (!is_array($pa_bundle_settings)) {
         $pa_bundle_settings = array();
     $vs_cache_key = caMakeCacheKeyFromOptions(array_merge($pa_bundle_settings, $pa_options, array('object_id' => $this->getPrimaryKey())));
     $pb_no_cache = caGetOption('noCache', $pa_options, false);
     if (!$pb_no_cache && isset(ca_objects::$s_object_use_cache[$vs_cache_key])) {
         return ca_objects::$s_object_use_cache[$vs_cache_key];
     $pb_display_label_only = caGetOption('displayLabelOnly', $pa_options, false);
     $pb_get_current_only = caGetOption('currentOnly', $pa_options, false);
     $pn_limit = caGetOption('limit', $pa_options, null);
     $vs_display_template = caGetOption('display_template', $pa_bundle_settings, _t('No template defined'));
     $vs_history_template = caGetOption('history_template', $pa_bundle_settings, $vs_display_template);
     $vn_current_date = caDateToHistoricTimestamp(_t('now'));
     $o_media_coder = new MediaInfoCoder();
     // Get history
     $va_history = array();
     // Lots
     if (is_array($va_lot_types = caGetOption('ca_object_lots_showTypes', $pa_bundle_settings, null)) && ($vn_lot_id = $this->get('lot_id'))) {
         $t_lot = new ca_object_lots($vn_lot_id);
         if (!$t_lot->get('deleted')) {
             $va_lot_type_info = $t_lot->getTypeList();
             $vn_type_id = $t_lot->get('type_id');
             $vs_color = $va_lot_type_info[$vn_type_id]['color'];
             if (!$vs_color || $vs_color == '000000') {
                 $vs_color = caGetOption("ca_object_lots_{$va_lot_type_info[$vn_type_id]['idno']}_color", $pa_bundle_settings, 'ffffff');
             $va_dates = array();
             $va_date_elements = caGetOption("ca_object_lots_{$va_lot_type_info[$vn_type_id]['idno']}_dateElement", $pa_bundle_settings, null);
             if (!is_array($va_date_elements) && $va_date_elements) {
                 $va_date_elements = array($va_date_elements);
             if (is_array($va_date_elements) && sizeof($va_date_elements)) {
                 foreach ($va_date_elements as $vs_date_element) {
                     $va_dates[] = array('sortable' => $t_lot->get($vs_date_element, array('getDirectDate' => true)), 'display' => $t_lot->get($vs_date_element));
             if (!sizeof($va_dates)) {
                 $va_dates[] = array('sortable' => $vn_date = caUnixTimestampToHistoricTimestamps($t_lot->getCreationTimestamp(null, array('timestampOnly' => true))), 'display' => caGetLocalizedDate($vn_date));
             foreach ($va_dates as $va_date) {
                 if (!$va_date['sortable']) {
                 if (!in_array($vn_type_id, $va_lot_types)) {
                 if ($pb_get_current_only && $va_date['sortable'] > $vn_current_date) {
                 $vs_default_display_template = '^ca_object_lots.preferred_labels.name (^ca_object_lots.idno_stub)';
                 $vs_display_template = $pb_display_label_only ? "" : caGetOption("ca_object_lots_{$va_lot_type_info[$vn_type_id]['idno']}_displayTemplate", $pa_bundle_settings, $vs_default_display_template);
                 $va_history[$va_date['sortable']][] = array('type' => 'ca_object_lots', 'id' => $vn_lot_id, 'display' => $t_lot->getWithTemplate($vs_display_template), 'color' => $vs_color, 'icon_url' => $vs_icon_url = $o_media_coder->getMediaTag($va_lot_type_info[$vn_type_id]['icon'], 'icon'), 'typename_singular' => $vs_typename = $va_lot_type_info[$vn_type_id]['name_singular'], 'typename_plural' => $va_lot_type_info[$vn_type_id]['name_plural'], 'type_id' => $vn_type_id, 'icon' => '<div class="caUseHistoryIconContainer" style="background-color: #' . $vs_color . '"><div class="caUseHistoryIcon">' . ($vs_icon_url ? $vs_icon_url : '<div class="caUseHistoryIconText">' . $vs_typename . '</div>') . '</div></div>', 'date' => $va_date['display']);
     // Loans
     $va_loans = $this->get('ca_loans.loan_id', array('returnAsArray' => true));
     if (is_array($va_loan_types = caGetOption('ca_loans_showTypes', $pa_bundle_settings, null)) && is_array($va_loans) && sizeof($va_loans)) {
         $qr_loans = caMakeSearchResult('ca_loans', $va_loans);
         $t_loan = new ca_loans();
         $va_loan_type_info = $t_loan->getTypeList();
         $va_date_elements_by_type = array();
         foreach ($va_loan_types as $vn_type_id) {
             if (!is_array($va_date_elements = caGetOption("ca_loans_{$va_loan_type_info[$vn_type_id]['idno']}_dateElement", $pa_bundle_settings, null)) && $va_date_elements) {
                 $va_date_elements = array($va_date_elements);
             if (!$va_date_elements) {
             $va_date_elements_by_type[$vn_type_id] = $va_date_elements;
         while ($qr_loans->nextHit()) {
             $vn_loan_id = $qr_loans->get('loan_id');
             if ((string) $qr_loans->get('ca_loans.deleted') !== '0') {
             // filter out deleted
             $vn_type_id = $qr_loans->get('type_id');
             $va_dates = array();
             if (is_array($va_date_elements_by_type[$vn_type_id]) && sizeof($va_date_elements_by_type[$vn_type_id])) {
                 foreach ($va_date_elements_by_type[$vn_type_id] as $vs_date_element) {
                     $va_dates[] = array('sortable' => $qr_loans->get("ca_loans.{$vs_date_element}", array('getDirectDate' => true)), 'display' => $qr_loans->get("ca_loans.{$vs_date_element}"));
             if (!sizeof($va_dates)) {
                 $va_dates[] = array('sortable' => $vn_date = caUnixTimestampToHistoricTimestamps($qr_loans->get('lastModified')), 'display' => caGetLocalizedDate($vn_date));
             $vs_default_display_template = '^ca_loans.preferred_labels.name (^ca_loans.idno)';
             $vs_display_template = $pb_display_label_only ? $vs_default_display_template : caGetOption("ca_loans_{$va_loan_type_info[$vn_type_id]['idno']}_displayTemplate", $pa_bundle_settings, $vs_default_display_template);
             foreach ($va_dates as $va_date) {
                 if (!$va_date['sortable']) {
                 if (!in_array($vn_type_id, $va_loan_types)) {
                 if ($pb_get_current_only && $va_date['sortable'] > $vn_current_date) {
                 $vs_color = $va_loan_type_info[$vn_type_id]['color'];
                 if (!$vs_color || $vs_color == '000000') {
                     $vs_color = caGetOption("ca_loans_{$va_loan_type_info[$vn_type_id]['idno']}_color", $pa_bundle_settings, 'ffffff');
                 $va_history[$va_date['sortable']][] = array('type' => 'ca_loans', 'id' => $vn_loan_id, 'display' => $qr_loans->getWithTemplate($vs_display_template), 'color' => $vs_color, 'icon_url' => $vs_icon_url = $o_media_coder->getMediaTag($va_loan_type_info[$vn_type_id]['icon'], 'icon'), 'typename_singular' => $vs_typename = $va_loan_type_info[$vn_type_id]['name_singular'], 'typename_plural' => $va_loan_type_info[$vn_type_id]['name_plural'], 'type_id' => $vn_type_id, 'icon' => '<div class="caUseHistoryIconContainer" style="background-color: #' . $vs_color . '"><div class="caUseHistoryIcon">' . ($vs_icon_url ? $vs_icon_url : '<div class="caUseHistoryIconText">' . $vs_typename . '</div>') . '</div></div>', 'date' => $va_date['display']);
     // Movements
     $va_movements = $this->get('ca_movements.movement_id', array('returnAsArray' => true));
     if (is_array($va_movement_types = caGetOption('ca_movements_showTypes', $pa_bundle_settings, null)) && is_array($va_movements) && sizeof($va_movements)) {
         $qr_movements = caMakeSearchResult('ca_movements', $va_movements);
         $t_movement = new ca_movements();
         $va_movement_type_info = $t_movement->getTypeList();
         $va_date_elements_by_type = array();
         foreach ($va_movement_types as $vn_type_id) {
             if (!is_array($va_date_elements = caGetOption("ca_movements_{$va_movement_type_info[$vn_type_id]['idno']}_dateElement", $pa_bundle_settings, null)) && $va_date_elements) {
                 $va_date_elements = array($va_date_elements);
             if (!$va_date_elements) {
             $va_date_elements_by_type[$vn_type_id] = $va_date_elements;
         while ($qr_movements->nextHit()) {
             $vn_movement_id = $qr_movements->get('movement_id');
             if ((string) $qr_movements->get('ca_movements.deleted') !== '0') {
             // filter out deleted
             $vn_type_id = $qr_movements->get('type_id');
             $va_dates = array();
             if (is_array($va_date_elements_by_type[$vn_type_id]) && sizeof($va_date_elements_by_type[$vn_type_id])) {
                 foreach ($va_date_elements_by_type[$vn_type_id] as $vs_date_element) {
                     $va_dates[] = array('sortable' => $qr_movements->get("ca_movements.{$vs_date_element}", array('getDirectDate' => true)), 'display' => $qr_movements->get("ca_movements.{$vs_date_element}"));
             if (!sizeof($va_dates)) {
                 $va_dates[] = array('sortable' => $vn_date = caUnixTimestampToHistoricTimestamps($qr_movements->get('lastModified')), 'display' => caGetLocalizedDate($vn_date));
             $vs_default_display_template = '^ca_movements.preferred_labels.name (^ca_movements.idno)';
             $vs_display_template = $pb_display_label_only ? $vs_default_display_template : caGetOption("ca_movements_{$va_movement_type_info[$vn_type_id]['idno']}_displayTemplate", $pa_bundle_settings, $vs_default_display_template);
             foreach ($va_dates as $va_date) {
                 if (!$va_date['sortable']) {
                 if (!in_array($vn_type_id, $va_movement_types)) {
                 if ($pb_get_current_only && $va_date['sortable'] > $vn_current_date) {
                 $vs_color = $va_movement_type_info[$vn_type_id]['color'];
                 if (!$vs_color || $vs_color == '000000') {
                     $vs_color = caGetOption("ca_movements_{$va_movement_type_info[$vn_type_id]['idno']}_color", $pa_bundle_settings, 'ffffff');
                 $va_history[$va_date['sortable']][] = array('type' => 'ca_movements', 'id' => $vn_movement_id, 'display' => $qr_movements->getWithTemplate($vs_display_template), 'color' => $vs_color, 'icon_url' => $vs_icon_url = $o_media_coder->getMediaTag($va_movement_type_info[$vn_type_id]['icon'], 'icon'), 'typename_singular' => $vs_typename = $va_movement_type_info[$vn_type_id]['name_singular'], 'typename_plural' => $va_movement_type_info[$vn_type_id]['name_plural'], 'type_id' => $vn_type_id, 'icon' => '<div class="caUseHistoryIconContainer" style="background-color: #' . $vs_color . '"><div class="caUseHistoryIcon">' . ($vs_icon_url ? $vs_icon_url : '<div class="caUseHistoryIconText">' . $vs_typename . '</div>') . '</div></div>', 'date' => $va_date['display']);
     // Occurrences
     $va_occurrences = $this->get('ca_occurrences.occurrence_id', array('returnAsArray' => true));
     if (is_array($va_occurrence_types = caGetOption('ca_occurrences_showTypes', $pa_bundle_settings, null)) && is_array($va_occurrences) && sizeof($va_occurrences)) {
         $qr_occurrences = caMakeSearchResult('ca_occurrences', $va_occurrences);
         $t_occurrence = new ca_occurrences();
         $va_occurrence_type_info = $t_occurrence->getTypeList();
         $va_date_elements_by_type = array();
         foreach ($va_occurrence_types as $vn_type_id) {
             if (!is_array($va_date_elements = caGetOption("ca_occurrences_{$va_occurrence_type_info[$vn_type_id]['idno']}_dateElement", $pa_bundle_settings, null)) && $va_date_elements) {
                 $va_date_elements = array($va_date_elements);
             if (!$va_date_elements) {
             $va_date_elements_by_type[$vn_type_id] = $va_date_elements;
         while ($qr_occurrences->nextHit()) {
             $vn_occurrence_id = $qr_occurrences->get('occurrence_id');
             if ((string) $qr_occurrences->get('ca_occurrences.deleted') !== '0') {
             // filter out deleted
             $vn_type_id = $qr_occurrences->get('type_id');
             $va_dates = array();
             if (is_array($va_date_elements_by_type[$vn_type_id]) && sizeof($va_date_elements_by_type[$vn_type_id])) {
                 foreach ($va_date_elements_by_type[$vn_type_id] as $vs_date_element) {
                     $va_dates[] = array('sortable' => $qr_occurrences->get("ca_occurrences.{$vs_date_element}", array('getDirectDate' => true)), 'display' => $qr_occurrences->get("ca_occurrences.{$vs_date_element}"));
             if (!sizeof($va_dates)) {
                 $va_dates[] = array('sortable' => $vn_date = caUnixTimestampToHistoricTimestamps($qr_occurrences->get('lastModified')), 'display' => caGetLocalizedDate($vn_date));
             $vs_default_display_template = '^ca_occurrences.preferred_labels.name (^ca_occurrences.idno)';
             $vs_display_template = $pb_display_label_only ? $vs_default_display_template : caGetOption("ca_occurrences_{$va_occurrence_type_info[$vn_type_id]['idno']}_displayTemplate", $pa_bundle_settings, $vs_default_display_template);
             foreach ($va_dates as $va_date) {
                 if (!$va_date['sortable']) {
                 if (!in_array($vn_type_id, $va_occurrence_types)) {
                 if ($pb_get_current_only && $va_date['sortable'] > $vn_current_date) {
                 $vs_color = $va_occurrence_type_info[$vn_type_id]['color'];
                 if (!$vs_color || $vs_color == '000000') {
                     $vs_color = caGetOption("ca_occurrences_{$va_occurrence_type_info[$vn_type_id]['idno']}_color", $pa_bundle_settings, 'ffffff');
                 $va_history[$va_date['sortable']][] = array('type' => 'ca_occurrences', 'id' => $vn_occurrence_id, 'display' => $qr_occurrences->getWithTemplate($vs_display_template), 'color' => $vs_color, 'icon_url' => $vs_icon_url = $o_media_coder->getMediaTag($va_occurrence_type_info[$vn_type_id]['icon'], 'icon'), 'typename_singular' => $vs_typename = $va_occurrence_type_info[$vn_type_id]['name_singular'], 'typename_plural' => $va_occurrence_type_info[$vn_type_id]['name_plural'], 'type_id' => $vn_type_id, 'icon' => '<div class="caUseHistoryIconContainer" style="background-color: #' . $vs_color . '"><div class="caUseHistoryIcon">' . ($vs_icon_url ? $vs_icon_url : '<div class="caUseHistoryIconText">' . $vs_typename . '</div>') . '</div></div>', 'date' => $va_date['display']);
     // Storage locations
     $va_locations = $this->get('ca_objects_x_storage_locations.relation_id', array('returnAsArray' => true));
     if (is_array($va_location_types = caGetOption('ca_storage_locations_showRelationshipTypes', $pa_bundle_settings, null)) && is_array($va_locations) && sizeof($va_locations)) {
         $t_location = new ca_storage_locations();
         $va_location_type_info = $t_location->getTypeList();
         $vs_name_singular = $t_location->getProperty('NAME_SINGULAR');
         $vs_name_plural = $t_location->getProperty('NAME_PLURAL');
         $qr_locations = caMakeSearchResult('ca_objects_x_storage_locations', $va_locations);
         $vs_default_display_template = '^ca_storage_locations.parent.preferred_labels.name ➜ ^ca_storage_locations.preferred_labels.name (^ca_storage_locations.idno)';
         $vs_display_template = $pb_display_label_only ? $vs_default_display_template : caGetOption('ca_storage_locations_displayTemplate', $pa_bundle_settings, $vs_default_display_template);
         while ($qr_locations->nextHit()) {
             $vn_location_id = $qr_locations->get('ca_objects_x_storage_locations.location_id');
             if ((string) $qr_locations->get('ca_storage_locations.deleted') !== '0') {
             // filter out deleted
             $va_date = array('sortable' => $qr_locations->get("ca_objects_x_storage_locations.effective_date", array('getDirectDate' => true)), 'display' => $qr_locations->get("ca_objects_x_storage_locations.effective_date"));
             if (!$va_date['sortable']) {
             if (!in_array($vn_rel_type_id = $qr_locations->get('ca_objects_x_storage_locations.type_id'), $va_location_types)) {
             $vn_type_id = $qr_locations->get('ca_storage_locations.type_id');
             if ($pb_get_current_only && $va_date['sortable'] > $vn_current_date) {
             $vs_color = $va_location_type_info[$vn_type_id]['color'];
             if (!$vs_color || $vs_color == '000000') {
                 $vs_color = caGetOption("ca_storage_locations_color", $pa_bundle_settings, 'ffffff');
             $va_history[$va_date['sortable']][] = array('type' => 'ca_storage_locations', 'id' => $vn_location_id, 'relation_id' => $qr_locations->get('relation_id'), 'display' => $qr_locations->getWithTemplate("<unit relativeTo='ca_storage_locations'>{$vs_display_template}</unit>"), 'color' => $vs_color, 'icon_url' => $vs_icon_url = $o_media_coder->getMediaTag($va_location_type_info[$vn_type_id]['icon'], 'icon'), 'typename_singular' => $vs_name_singular, 'typename_plural' => $vs_name_plural, 'type_id' => $vn_type_id, 'rel_type_id' => $vn_rel_type_id, 'icon' => '<div class="caUseHistoryIconContainer" style="background-color: #' . $vs_color . '"><div class="caUseHistoryIcon">' . ($vs_icon_url ? $vs_icon_url : '<div class="caUseHistoryIconText">' . $vs_name_singular . '</div>') . '</div></div>', 'date' => $va_date['display']);
     // Deaccession
     if ($this->get('is_deaccessioned') && caGetOption('showDeaccessionInformation', $pa_bundle_settings, false)) {
         $vs_color = caGetOption('deaccession_color', $pa_bundle_settings, 'cccccc');
         $vn_date = $this->get('deaccession_date', array('getDirectDate' => true));
         $vs_default_display_template = '^ca_objects.deaccession_notes';
         $vs_display_template = $pb_display_label_only ? $vs_default_display_template : caGetOption('deaccession_displayTemplate', $pa_bundle_settings, $vs_default_display_template);
         if (!($pb_get_current_only && $vn_date > $vn_current_date)) {
             $va_history[$vn_date][] = array('type' => 'ca_objects_deaccession', 'id' => $this->getPrimaryKey(), 'display' => $this->getWithTemplate("<unit>{$vs_display_template}</unit>"), 'color' => $vs_color, 'icon_url' => '', 'typename_singular' => $vs_name_singular = _t('deaccession'), 'typename_plural' => $vs_name_plural = _t('deaccessions'), 'type_id' => null, 'icon' => '<div class="caUseHistoryIconContainer" style="background-color: #' . $vs_color . '"><div class="caUseHistoryIcon"><div class="caUseHistoryIconText">' . $vs_name_singular . '</div>' . '</div></div>', 'date' => $this->get('deaccession_date'));
     $va_history = array_reverse($va_history);
     if ($pn_limit > 0) {
         $va_history = array_slice($va_history, 0, $pn_limit);
     if (sizeof(ca_objects::$s_object_use_cache[$vs_cache_key]) > 100) {
         ca_objects::$s_object_use_cache[$vs_cache_key] = array_slice(ca_objects::$s_object_use_cache[$vs_cache_key], 0, 50);
     return ca_objects::$s_object_use_cache[$vs_cache_key] = $va_history;
  * Returns list of items in the specified table related to the currently loaded row or rows specified in options.
  * @param $pm_rel_table_name_or_num - the table name or table number of the item type you want to get a list of (eg. if you are calling this on an ca_objects instance passing 'ca_entities' here will get you a list of entities related to the object)
  * @param $pa_options - array of options. Supported options are:
  *		[Options controlling rows for which data is returned]
  *			row_ids = Array of primary key values to use when fetching related items. If omitted or set to a null value the 'row_id' option will be used. [Default is null]
  *			row_id = Primary key value to use when fetching related items. If omitted or set to a false value (null, false, 0) then the primary key value of the currently loaded row is used. [Default is currently loaded row]
  *			start = Zero-based index to begin return set at. [Default is 0]
  *			limit = Maximum number of related items to return. [Default is 1000]
  *			showDeleted = Return related items that have been deleted. [Default is false]
  *			primaryIDs = array of primary keys in related table to exclude from returned list of items. Array is keyed on table name for compatibility with the parameter as used in the caProcessTemplateForIDs() helper [Default is null - nothing is excluded].
  *			restrictToBundleValues = Restrict returned items to those with specified bundle values. Specify an associative array with keys set to bundle names and key values set to arrays of values to filter on (eg. [bundle_name1 => [value1, value2, ...]]). [Default is null]
  *			where = Restrict returned items to specified field values. The fields must be intrinsic and in the related table. This option can be useful when you want to efficiently fetch specific rows from a related table. Note that multiple fields/values are logically AND'ed together – all must match for a row to be returned - and that only equivalence is supported. [Default is null]			
  *			criteria = Restrict returned items using SQL criteria appended directly onto the query. Criteria is used as-is and must be compatible with the generated SQL query. [Default is null]
  *			showCurrentOnly = Returns only relationships with the latest effective date for their row_id that is not greater than the current date. Note that effective dates are treated as point dates, not ranges, when analyzed for "current-ness". That is, the more recent dates in the past, even if the "end" date is in the past are treated as current. This option is only supported for standard many-many non-self relations and is ignored for all other kinds of relationships. [Default is false]
  *			currentOnly = Synonym for showCurrentOnly
  *		[Options controlling scope of data in return value]
  *			restrictToTypes = Restrict returned items to those of the specified types. An array of list item idnos and/or item_ids may be specified. [Default is null]
  *			restrictToRelationshipTypes =  Restrict returned items to those related using the specified relationship types. An array of relationship type idnos and/or type_ids may be specified. [Default is null]
  *			excludeTypes = Restrict returned items to those *not* of the specified types. An array of list item idnos and/or item_ids may be specified. [Default is null]
  *			excludeRelationshipTypes = Restrict returned items to those *not* related using the specified relationship types. An array of relationship type idnos and/or type_ids may be specified. [Default is null]
  *			restrictToType = Synonym for restrictToTypes. [Default is null]
  *			restrictToRelationshipType = Synonym for restrictToRelationshipTypes. [Default is null]
  *			excludeType = Synonym for excludeTypes. [Default is null]
  *			excludeRelationshipType = Synonym for excludeRelationshipTypes. [Default is null]
  *			restrictToLists = Restrict returned items to those that are in one or more specified lists. This option is only relevant when fetching related ca_list_items. An array of list list_codes or list_ids may be specified. [Default is null]
  * 			fields = array of fields (in table.fieldname format) to include in returned data. [Default is null]
  *			returnNonPreferredLabels = Return non-preferred labels in returned data. [Default is false]
  *			returnLabelsAsArray = Return all labels associated with row in an array, rather than as a text value in the current locale. [Default is false]
  *			dontReturnLabels = Don't include labels in returned data. [Default is false]
  *			idsOnly = Return one-dimensional array of related primary key values only. [Default is false]
  *		[Options controlling format of data in return value]
  *			useLocaleCodes = Return locale values as codes (Ex. en_US) rather than numeric database-specific locale_ids. [Default is false]
  *			sort = Array list of bundles to sort returned values on. The sortable bundle specifiers are fields with or without tablename. Only those fields returned for the related table (intrinsics, attributes and label fields) are sortable. [Default is null]
  *			sortDirection = Direction of sort. Use "asc" (ascending) or "desc" (descending). [Default is asc]
  *			groupFields = Groups together fields in an arrangement that is easier for import to another system. Used by the ItemInfo web service when in "import" mode. [Default is false]
  *		[Front-end access control]	
  *			checkAccess = Array of access values to filter returned values on. Available for any related table with an "access" field (ca_objects, ca_entities, etc.). If omitted no filtering is performed. [Default is null]
  *			user_id = Perform item level access control relative to specified user_id rather than currently logged in user. [Default is user_id for currently logged in user]
  *		[Options controlling format of data in return value]
  *			returnAs = format of return value; possible values are:
  *				data					= return array of data about each related item [default]
  *				searchResult			= a search result instance (aka. a subclass of BaseSearchResult) 
  *				ids						= an array of ids (aka. primary keys); same as setting the 'idsOnly' option
  *				modelInstances			= an array of instances, one for each match. Each instance is the  class of the related item, a subclass of BaseModel 
  *				firstId					= the id (primary key) of the first match. This is the same as the first item in the array returned by 'ids'
  *				firstModelInstance		= the instance of the first match. This is the same as the first instance in the array returned by 'modelInstances'
  *				count					= the number of related items
  *					Default is "data" - returns a list of arrays with data about each related item
  * @return array List of related items
 public function getRelatedItems($pm_rel_table_name_or_num, $pa_options = null)
     global $AUTH_CURRENT_USER_ID;
     $vn_user_id = isset($pa_options['user_id']) && $pa_options['user_id'] ? $pa_options['user_id'] : (int) $AUTH_CURRENT_USER_ID;
     $vb_show_if_no_acl = (bool) ($this->getAppConfig()->get('default_item_access_level') > __CA_ACL_NO_ACCESS__);
     if (caGetOption('idsOnly', $pa_options, false)) {
         $pa_options['returnAs'] = 'ids';
     // 'idsOnly' is synonym for returnAs => 'ids'
     $ps_return_as = caGetOption('returnAs', $pa_options, 'data', array('forceLowercase' => true, 'validValues' => array('data', 'searchResult', 'ids', 'modelInstances', 'firstId', 'firstModelInstance', 'count')));
     // convert options
     if (($pa_options['restrictToTypes'] = caGetOption(array('restrictToTypes', 'restrict_to_types', 'restrictToType', 'restrict_to_type'), $pa_options, null)) && !is_array($pa_options['restrictToTypes'])) {
         $pa_options['restrictToTypes'] = array($pa_options['restrictToTypes']);
     if (($pa_options['restrictToRelationshipTypes'] = caGetOption(array('restrictToRelationshipTypes', 'restrict_to_relationship_types', 'restrictToRelationshipType', 'restrict_to_relationship_type'), $pa_options, null)) && !is_array($pa_options['restrictToRelationshipTypes'])) {
         $pa_options['restrictToRelationshipTypes'] = array($pa_options['restrictToRelationshipTypes']);
     if (($pa_options['excludeTypes'] = caGetOption(array('excludeTypes', 'exclude_types', 'excludeType', 'exclude_type'), $pa_options, null)) && !is_array($pa_options['excludeTypes'])) {
         $pa_options['excludeTypes'] = array($pa_options['excludeTypes']);
     if (($pa_options['excludeRelationshipTypes'] = caGetOption(array('excludeRelationshipTypes', 'exclude_relationship_types', 'excludeRelationshipType', 'exclude_relationship_type'), $pa_options, null)) && !is_array($pa_options['excludeRelationshipTypes'])) {
         $pa_options['excludeRelationshipTypes'] = array($pa_options['excludeRelationshipTypes']);
     if (!isset($pa_options['dontIncludeSubtypesInTypeRestriction']) && (isset($pa_options['dont_include_subtypes_in_type_restriction']) && $pa_options['dont_include_subtypes_in_type_restriction'])) {
         $pa_options['dontIncludeSubtypesInTypeRestriction'] = $pa_options['dont_include_subtypes_in_type_restriction'];
     if (!isset($pa_options['returnNonPreferredLabels']) && (isset($pa_options['restrict_to_type']) && $pa_options['restrict_to_type'])) {
         $pa_options['returnNonPreferredLabels'] = $pa_options['restrict_to_type'];
     if (!isset($pa_options['returnLabelsAsArray']) && (isset($pa_options['return_labels_as_array']) && $pa_options['return_labels_as_array'])) {
         $pa_options['returnLabelsAsArray'] = $pa_options['return_labels_as_array'];
     if (!isset($pa_options['restrictToLists']) && (isset($pa_options['restrict_to_lists']) && $pa_options['restrict_to_lists'])) {
         $pa_options['restrictToLists'] = $pa_options['restrict_to_lists'];
     $pb_group_fields = isset($pa_options['groupFields']) ? $pa_options['groupFields'] : false;
     $pa_primary_ids = isset($pa_options['primaryIDs']) && is_array($pa_options['primaryIDs']) ? $pa_options['primaryIDs'] : null;
     $pb_show_current_only = caGetOption('showCurrentOnly', $pa_options, caGetOption('currentOnly', $pa_options, false));
     if (!isset($pa_options['useLocaleCodes']) && (isset($pa_options['returnLocaleCodes']) && $pa_options['returnLocaleCodes'])) {
         $pa_options['useLocaleCodes'] = $pa_options['returnLocaleCodes'];
     $pb_use_locale_codes = isset($pa_options['useLocaleCodes']) ? $pa_options['useLocaleCodes'] : false;
     $pa_get_where = isset($pa_options['where']) && is_array($pa_options['where']) && sizeof($pa_options['where']) ? $pa_options['where'] : null;
     $pa_row_ids = isset($pa_options['row_ids']) && is_array($pa_options['row_ids']) ? $pa_options['row_ids'] : null;
     $pn_row_id = isset($pa_options['row_id']) && $pa_options['row_id'] ? $pa_options['row_id'] : $this->getPrimaryKey();
     $o_db = $this->getDb();
     $t_locale = $this->getLocaleInstance();
     $o_tep = $this->getTimeExpressionParser();
     $vb_uses_effective_dates = false;
     if (isset($pa_options['sort']) && !is_array($pa_options['sort'])) {
         $pa_options['sort'] = array($pa_options['sort']);
     $pa_sort_fields = isset($pa_options['sort']) && is_array($pa_options['sort']) ? array_filter($pa_options['sort'], "strlen") : null;
     $ps_sort_direction = isset($pa_options['sortDirection']) && $pa_options['sortDirection'] ? $pa_options['sortDirection'] : null;
     if (!$pa_row_ids && $pn_row_id > 0) {
         $pa_row_ids = array($pn_row_id);
     if (!$pa_row_ids || !is_array($pa_row_ids) || !sizeof($pa_row_ids)) {
         return array();
     $pb_return_labels_as_array = isset($pa_options['returnLabelsAsArray']) && $pa_options['returnLabelsAsArray'] ? true : false;
     $pn_limit = isset($pa_options['limit']) && (int) $pa_options['limit'] > 0 ? (int) $pa_options['limit'] : 1000;
     $pn_start = isset($pa_options['start']) && (int) $pa_options['start'] > 0 ? (int) $pa_options['start'] : 0;
     if (is_numeric($pm_rel_table_name_or_num)) {
         if (!($vs_related_table_name = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getTableName($pm_rel_table_name_or_num))) {
             return null;
     } else {
         if (sizeof($va_tmp = explode(".", $pm_rel_table_name_or_num)) > 1) {
             $pm_rel_table_name_or_num = array_shift($va_tmp);
         if (!($o_instance = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableName($pm_rel_table_name_or_num, true))) {
             return null;
         $vs_related_table_name = $pm_rel_table_name_or_num;
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     $vb_is_combo_key_relation = false;
     // indicates relation is via table_num/row_id combination key
     $vs_subject_table_name = $this->tableName();
     $vs_item_rel_table_name = $vs_rel_item_table_name = null;
     switch (sizeof($va_path = array_keys($this->getAppDatamodel()->getPath($vs_subject_table_name, $vs_related_table_name)))) {
         case 3:
             $t_item_rel = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getTableInstance($va_path[1]);
             $vs_item_rel_table_name = $t_item_rel->tableName();
             $t_rel_item = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getTableInstance($va_path[2]);
             $vs_rel_item_table_name = $t_rel_item->tableName();
             $vs_key = $t_item_rel->primaryKey();
         case 2:
             $t_item_rel = $this->isRelationship() ? $this : null;
             $vs_item_rel_table_name = $t_item_rel ? $t_item_rel->tableName() : null;
             $t_rel_item = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getTableInstance($va_path[1]);
             $vs_rel_item_table_name = $t_rel_item->tableName();
             $vs_key = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
             // is this related with row_id/table_num combo?
             if (($t_rel_item = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getTableInstance($vs_related_table_name)) && $t_rel_item->hasField('table_num') && $t_rel_item->hasField('row_id')) {
                 $vs_key = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
                 $vs_rel_item_table_name = $t_rel_item->tableName();
                 $vb_is_combo_key_relation = true;
                 $va_path = array($vs_subject_table_name, $vs_rel_item_table_name);
             } else {
                 // bad related table
                 return null;
     // check for self relationship
     $vb_self_relationship = false;
     if ($vs_subject_table_name == $vs_related_table_name) {
         $vb_self_relationship = true;
         $t_item_rel = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getTableInstance($va_path[1]);
         $vs_item_rel_table_name = $t_item_rel->tableName();
         $t_rel_item = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getTableInstance($va_path[0]);
         $vs_rel_item_table_name = $t_rel_item->tableName();
     $va_wheres = array();
     $va_selects = array();
     $va_joins_post_add = array();
     $vs_related_table = $vs_rel_item_table_name;
     if ($t_rel_item->hasField('type_id')) {
         $va_selects[] = "{$vs_related_table}.type_id item_type_id";
     if ($t_rel_item->hasField('source_id')) {
         $va_selects[] = "{$vs_related_table}.source_id item_source_id";
     // TODO: get these field names from models
     if (($t_tmp = $t_item_rel) || $t_rel_item->isRelationship() && ($t_tmp = $t_rel_item)) {
         //define table names
         $vs_linking_table = $t_tmp->tableName();
         $va_selects[] = "{$vs_related_table}." . $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
         // include dates in returned data
         if ($t_tmp->hasField('effective_date')) {
             $va_selects[] = $vs_linking_table . '.sdatetime';
             $va_selects[] = $vs_linking_table . '.edatetime';
             $vb_uses_effective_dates = true;
         if ($t_rel_item->hasField('is_enabled')) {
             $va_selects[] = "{$vs_related_table}.is_enabled";
         if ($t_tmp->hasField('type_id')) {
             $va_selects[] = $vs_linking_table . '.type_id relationship_type_id';
             require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_relationship_types.php';
             $t_rel = new ca_relationship_types();
             $vb_uses_relationship_types = true;
         // limit related items to a specific type
         if ($vb_uses_relationship_types && isset($pa_options['restrictToRelationshipTypes']) && $pa_options['restrictToRelationshipTypes']) {
             if (!is_array($pa_options['restrictToRelationshipTypes'])) {
                 $pa_options['restrictToRelationshipTypes'] = array($pa_options['restrictToRelationshipTypes']);
             if (sizeof($pa_options['restrictToRelationshipTypes'])) {
                 $va_rel_types = array();
                 foreach ($pa_options['restrictToRelationshipTypes'] as $vm_type) {
                     if (!$vm_type) {
                     if (!($vn_type_id = $t_rel->getRelationshipTypeID($vs_linking_table, $vm_type))) {
                         $vn_type_id = (int) $vm_type;
                     if ($vn_type_id > 0) {
                         $va_rel_types[] = $vn_type_id;
                         if (is_array($va_children = $t_rel->getHierarchyChildren($vn_type_id, array('idsOnly' => true)))) {
                             $va_rel_types = array_merge($va_rel_types, $va_children);
                 if (sizeof($va_rel_types)) {
                     $va_wheres[] = '(' . $vs_linking_table . '.type_id IN (' . join(',', $va_rel_types) . '))';
         if ($vb_uses_relationship_types && isset($pa_options['excludeRelationshipTypes']) && $pa_options['excludeRelationshipTypes']) {
             if (!is_array($pa_options['excludeRelationshipTypes'])) {
                 $pa_options['excludeRelationshipTypes'] = array($pa_options['excludeRelationshipTypes']);
             if (sizeof($pa_options['excludeRelationshipTypes'])) {
                 $va_rel_types = array();
                 foreach ($pa_options['excludeRelationshipTypes'] as $vm_type) {
                     if ($vn_type_id = $t_rel->getRelationshipTypeID($vs_linking_table, $vm_type)) {
                         $va_rel_types[] = $vn_type_id;
                         if (is_array($va_children = $t_rel->getHierarchyChildren($vn_type_id, array('idsOnly' => true)))) {
                             $va_rel_types = array_merge($va_rel_types, $va_children);
                 if (sizeof($va_rel_types)) {
                     $va_wheres[] = '(' . $vs_linking_table . '.type_id NOT IN (' . join(',', $va_rel_types) . '))';
     // limit related items to a specific type
     $va_type_ids = caMergeTypeRestrictionLists($t_rel_item, $pa_options);
     if (is_array($va_type_ids) && sizeof($va_type_ids) > 0) {
         $va_wheres[] = "({$vs_related_table}.type_id IN (" . join(',', $va_type_ids) . ')' . ($t_rel_item->getFieldInfo('type_id', 'IS_NULL') ? " OR ({$vs_related_table}.type_id IS NULL)" : '') . ')';
     $va_source_ids = caMergeSourceRestrictionLists($t_rel_item, $pa_options);
     if (method_exists($t_rel_item, "getSourceFieldName") && ($vs_source_id_fld = $t_rel_item->getSourceFieldName()) && is_array($va_source_ids) && sizeof($va_source_ids) > 0) {
         $va_wheres[] = "({$vs_related_table}.{$vs_source_id_fld} IN (" . join(',', $va_source_ids) . "))";
     if (isset($pa_options['excludeType']) && $pa_options['excludeType']) {
         if (!isset($pa_options['excludeTypes']) || !is_array($pa_options['excludeTypes'])) {
             $pa_options['excludeTypes'] = array();
         $pa_options['excludeTypes'][] = $pa_options['excludeType'];
     if (isset($pa_options['excludeTypes']) && is_array($pa_options['excludeTypes'])) {
         $va_type_ids = caMakeTypeIDList($vs_related_table, $pa_options['excludeTypes']);
         if (is_array($va_type_ids) && sizeof($va_type_ids) > 0) {
             $va_wheres[] = "({$vs_related_table}.type_id NOT IN (" . join(',', $va_type_ids) . "))";
     if ($this->getAppConfig()->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
         $t_user = new ca_users($vn_user_id, true);
         if (is_array($va_groups = $t_user->getUserGroups()) && sizeof($va_groups)) {
             $va_group_ids = array_keys($va_groups);
         } else {
             $va_group_ids = array();
         // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
         $va_joins_post_add[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_related_table_name . '.' . $t_rel_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_rel_item->tableNum() . "\n";
         $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t)";
     if (is_array($pa_get_where)) {
         foreach ($pa_get_where as $vs_fld => $vm_val) {
             if ($t_rel_item->hasField($vs_fld)) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "({$vs_related_table_name}.{$vs_fld} = " . (!is_numeric($vm_val) ? "'" . $this->getDb()->escape($vm_val) . "'" : $vm_val) . ")";
     if ($vs_idno_fld = $t_rel_item->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD')) {
         $va_selects[] = "{$vs_related_table}.{$vs_idno_fld}";
     if ($vs_idno_sort_fld = $t_rel_item->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_SORT_FIELD')) {
         $va_selects[] = "{$vs_related_table}.{$vs_idno_sort_fld}";
     $va_selects[] = $va_path[1] . '.' . $vs_key;
     if (isset($pa_options['fields']) && is_array($pa_options['fields'])) {
         $va_selects = array_merge($va_selects, $pa_options['fields']);
     // if related item is labelable then include the label table in the query as well
     $vs_label_display_field = null;
     if (method_exists($t_rel_item, "getLabelTableName") && (!isset($pa_options['dontReturnLabels']) || !$pa_options['dontReturnLabels'])) {
         if ($vs_label_table_name = $t_rel_item->getLabelTableName()) {
             // make sure it actually has a label table...
             $va_path[] = $vs_label_table_name;
             $t_rel_item_label = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getTableInstance($vs_label_table_name);
             $vs_label_display_field = $t_rel_item_label->getDisplayField();
             if ($pb_return_labels_as_array || is_array($pa_sort_fields) && sizeof($pa_sort_fields)) {
                 $va_selects[] = $vs_label_table_name . '.*';
             } else {
                 $va_selects[] = $vs_label_table_name . '.' . $vs_label_display_field;
                 $va_selects[] = $vs_label_table_name . '.locale_id';
                 if ($t_rel_item_label->hasField('surname')) {
                     // hack to include fields we need to sort entity labels properly
                     $va_selects[] = $vs_label_table_name . '.surname';
                     $va_selects[] = $vs_label_table_name . '.forename';
             if ($t_rel_item_label->hasField('is_preferred') && (!isset($pa_options['returnNonPreferredLabels']) || !$pa_options['returnNonPreferredLabels'])) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_label_table_name . '.is_preferred = 1)';
     // return source info in returned data
     if ($t_item_rel && $t_item_rel->hasField('source_info')) {
         $va_selects[] = $vs_linking_table . '.source_info';
     if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_rel_item->hasField('access')) {
         $va_wheres[] = "({$vs_related_table}.access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
     if ((!isset($pa_options['showDeleted']) || !$pa_options['showDeleted']) && $t_rel_item->hasField('deleted')) {
         $va_wheres[] = "({$vs_related_table}.deleted = 0)";
     if (($va_criteria = isset($pa_options['criteria']) ? $pa_options['criteria'] : null) && is_array($va_criteria) && sizeof($va_criteria)) {
         $va_wheres[] = "(" . join(" AND ", $va_criteria) . ")";
     if ($vb_self_relationship) {
         // START - traverse self relation
         $va_rel_info = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getRelationships($va_path[0], $va_path[1]);
         if ($vs_label_table_name) {
             $va_label_rel_info = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getRelationships($va_path[0], $vs_label_table_name);
         $va_rels = array();
         $vn_i = 0;
         foreach ($va_rel_info[$va_path[0]][$va_path[1]] as $va_possible_keys) {
             $va_joins = array();
             $va_joins[] = "INNER JOIN " . $va_path[1] . " ON " . $va_path[1] . '.' . $va_possible_keys[1] . ' = ' . $va_path[0] . '.' . $va_possible_keys[0] . "\n";
             if ($vs_label_table_name) {
                 $va_joins[] = "INNER JOIN " . $vs_label_table_name . " ON " . $vs_label_table_name . '.' . $va_label_rel_info[$va_path[0]][$vs_label_table_name][0][1] . ' = ' . $va_path[0] . '.' . $va_label_rel_info[$va_path[0]][$vs_label_table_name][0][0] . "\n";
             $vs_other_field = $vn_i == 0 ? $va_rel_info[$va_path[0]][$va_path[1]][1][1] : $va_rel_info[$va_path[0]][$va_path[1]][0][1];
             $vs_direction = preg_match('!left!', $vs_other_field) ? 'ltor' : 'rtol';
             $va_selects['row_id'] = $va_path[1] . '.' . $vs_other_field . ' AS row_id';
             $vs_order_by = '';
             $vs_sort_fld = '';
             if ($t_item_rel && $t_item_rel->hasField('rank')) {
                 $vs_order_by = " ORDER BY {$vs_item_rel_table_name}.rank";
                 $vs_sort_fld = 'rank';
                 $va_selects[] = "{$vs_item_rel_table_name}.rank";
             } else {
                 if ($t_rel_item && ($vs_sort = $t_rel_item->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_SORT_FIELD'))) {
                     $vs_order_by = " ORDER BY {$vs_related_table}.{$vs_sort}";
                     $vs_sort_fld = $vs_sort;
                     $va_selects[] = "{$vs_related_table}.{$vs_sort}";
             $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT " . join(', ', $va_selects) . "\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $va_path[0] . "\n\t\t\t\t\t" . join("\n", array_merge($va_joins, $va_joins_post_add)) . "\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . join(' AND ', array_merge($va_wheres, array('(' . $va_path[1] . '.' . $vs_other_field . ' IN (' . join(',', $pa_row_ids) . '))'))) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_order_by}";
             $qr_res = $o_db->query($vs_sql);
             if ($vb_uses_relationship_types) {
                 $va_rel_types = $t_rel->getRelationshipInfo($va_path[1]);
             $vn_c = 0;
             if ($pn_start > 0) {
             while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                 if ($vn_c >= $pn_limit) {
                 if (is_array($pa_primary_ids) && is_array($pa_primary_ids[$vs_related_table])) {
                     if (in_array($qr_res->get($vs_key), $pa_primary_ids[$vs_related_table])) {
                 if ($ps_return_as !== 'data') {
                     $va_rels[] = $qr_res->get($t_rel_item->primaryKey());
                 $va_row = $qr_res->getRow();
                 $vn_id = $va_row[$vs_key] . '/' . $va_row['row_id'];
                 $vs_sort_key = $qr_res->get($vs_sort_fld);
                 $vs_display_label = $va_row[$vs_label_display_field];
                 if (!$va_rels[$vs_sort_key][$vn_id]) {
                     $va_rels[$vs_sort_key][$vn_id] = $qr_res->getRow();
                 if ($vb_uses_effective_dates) {
                     // return effective dates as display/parse-able text
                     if ($va_rels[$vs_sort_key][$vn_id]['sdatetime'] || $va_rels[$vs_sort_key][$vn_id]['edatetime']) {
                         $o_tep->setHistoricTimestamps($va_rels[$vs_sort_key][$vn_id]['sdatetime'], $va_rels[$vs_sort_key][$vn_id]['edatetime']);
                         $va_rels[$vs_sort_key][$vn_id]['effective_date'] = $o_tep->getText();
                 $vn_locale_id = $qr_res->get('locale_id');
                 if ($pb_use_locale_codes) {
                     $va_rels[$vs_v]['locale_id'] = $vn_locale_id = $t_locale->localeIDToCode($vn_locale_id);
                 $va_rels[$vs_sort_key][$vn_id]['labels'][$vn_locale_id] = $pb_return_labels_as_array ? $va_row : $vs_display_label;
                 $va_rels[$vs_sort_key][$vn_id]['_key'] = $vs_key;
                 $va_rels[$vs_sort_key][$vn_id]['direction'] = $vs_direction;
                 if ($vb_uses_relationship_types) {
                     $va_rels[$vs_sort_key][$vn_id]['relationship_typename'] = $vs_direction == 'ltor' ? $va_rel_types[$va_row['relationship_type_id']]['typename'] : $va_rel_types[$va_row['relationship_type_id']]['typename_reverse'];
                     $va_rels[$vs_sort_key][$vn_id]['relationship_type_code'] = $va_rel_types[$va_row['relationship_type_id']]['type_code'];
                 // Return data in an arrangement more convenient for the data importer
                 if ($pb_group_fields) {
                     $vs_rel_pk = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
                     if ($t_rel_item_label) {
                         foreach ($t_rel_item_label->getFormFields() as $vs_field => $va_field_info) {
                             if (!isset($va_rels[$vs_v][$vs_field]) || $vs_field == $vs_rel_pk) {
                             $va_rels[$vs_v]['preferred_labels'][$vs_field] = $va_rels[$vs_v][$vs_field];
                     foreach ($t_rel_item->getFormFields() as $vs_field => $va_field_info) {
                         if (!isset($va_rels[$vs_v][$vs_field]) || $vs_field == $vs_rel_pk) {
                         $va_rels[$vs_v]['intrinsic'][$vs_field] = $va_rels[$vs_v][$vs_field];
         // sort by sort key... we'll remove the sort key in the next loop while we add the labels
         // Set 'label' entry - display label in current user's locale
         $va_sorted_rels = array();
         foreach ($va_rels as $vs_sort_key => $va_rels_by_sort_key) {
             foreach ($va_rels_by_sort_key as $vn_id => $va_rel) {
                 $va_tmp = array(0 => $va_rel['labels']);
                 $va_sorted_rels[$vn_id] = $va_rel;
                 $va_values_filtered_by_locale = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_tmp);
                 $va_sorted_rels[$vn_id]['label'] = array_shift($va_values_filtered_by_locale);
         $va_rels = $va_sorted_rels;
         // END - traverse self relation
     } else {
         if (method_exists($this, 'isSelfRelationship') && $this->isSelfRelationship()) {
             // START - from self relation itself (Eg. get related ca_objects from ca_objects_x_objects); in this case there are two possible paths (keys) to check, "left" and "right"
             $va_wheres[] = "({$vs_subject_table_name}." . $this->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(",", $pa_row_ids) . "))";
             $vs_cur_table = array_shift($va_path);
             $vs_rel_table = array_shift($va_path);
             $va_rel_info = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getRelationships($vs_cur_table, $vs_rel_table);
             $va_rels = array();
             foreach ($va_rel_info[$vs_cur_table][$vs_rel_table] as $vn_i => $va_rel) {
                 $va_joins = array('INNER JOIN ' . $vs_rel_table . ' ON ' . $vs_cur_table . '.' . $va_rel[0] . ' = ' . $vs_rel_table . '.' . $va_rel[1] . "\n");
                 $vs_base_table = $vs_rel_table;
                 foreach ($va_path as $vs_join_table) {
                     $va_label_rel_info = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getRelationships($vs_base_table, $vs_join_table);
                     $va_joins[] = 'INNER JOIN ' . $vs_join_table . ' ON ' . $vs_base_table . '.' . $va_label_rel_info[$vs_base_table][$vs_join_table][0][0] . ' = ' . $vs_join_table . '.' . $va_label_rel_info[$vs_base_table][$vs_join_table][0][1] . "\n";
                     $vs_base_table = $vs_join_table;
                 $va_selects[] = $vs_subject_table_name . '.' . $this->primaryKey() . ' AS row_id';
                 $vs_order_by = '';
                 if ($t_item_rel && $t_item_rel->hasField('rank')) {
                     $vs_order_by = " ORDER BY {$vs_item_rel_table_name}.rank";
                     $va_selects[] = $t_item_rel->tableName() . '.rank';
                 } else {
                     if ($t_rel_item && ($vs_sort = $t_rel_item->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_SORT_FIELD'))) {
                         $vs_order_by = " ORDER BY {$vs_related_table}.{$vs_sort}";
                         $va_selects[] = "{$vs_related_table}.{$vs_sort}";
                 $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT " . join(', ', $va_selects) . "\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_subject_table_name}\n\t\t\t\t\t" . join("\n", array_merge($va_joins, $va_joins_post_add)) . "\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . join(' AND ', $va_wheres) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_order_by}\n\t\t\t\t";
                 //print "<pre>$vs_sql</pre>\n";
                 $qr_res = $o_db->query($vs_sql);
                 if ($vb_uses_relationship_types) {
                     $va_rel_types = $t_rel->getRelationshipInfo($vs_item_rel_table_name);
                     $vs_left_table = $t_item_rel->getLeftTableName();
                     $vs_direction = $vs_left_table == $vs_subject_table_name ? 'ltor' : 'rtol';
                 $vn_c = 0;
                 if ($pn_start > 0) {
                 while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                     if ($vn_c >= $pn_limit) {
                     if (is_array($pa_primary_ids) && is_array($pa_primary_ids[$vs_related_table])) {
                         if (in_array($qr_res->get($vs_key), $pa_primary_ids[$vs_related_table])) {
                     if ($ps_return_as !== 'data') {
                         $va_rels[] = $qr_res->get($t_rel_item->primaryKey());
                     $va_row = $qr_res->getRow();
                     $vs_v = $va_row['row_id'] . '/' . $va_row[$vs_key];
                     $vs_display_label = $va_row[$vs_label_display_field];
                     if (!isset($va_rels[$vs_v]) || !$va_rels[$vs_v]) {
                         $va_rels[$vs_v] = $va_row;
                     if ($vb_uses_effective_dates) {
                         // return effective dates as display/parse-able text
                         if ($va_rels[$vs_v]['sdatetime'] || $va_rels[$vs_v]['edatetime']) {
                             $o_tep->setHistoricTimestamps($va_rels[$vs_v]['sdatetime'], $va_rels[$vs_v]['edatetime']);
                             $va_rels[$vs_v]['effective_date'] = $o_tep->getText();
                     $vn_locale_id = $qr_res->get('locale_id');
                     if ($pb_use_locale_codes) {
                         $va_rels[$vs_v]['locale_id'] = $vn_locale_id = $t_locale->localeIDToCode($vn_locale_id);
                     $va_rels[$vs_v]['labels'][$vn_locale_id] = $pb_return_labels_as_array ? $va_row : $vs_display_label;
                     $va_rels[$vs_v]['_key'] = $vs_key;
                     $va_rels[$vs_v]['direction'] = $vs_direction;
                     if ($vb_uses_relationship_types) {
                         $va_rels[$vs_v]['relationship_typename'] = $vs_direction == 'ltor' ? $va_rel_types[$va_row['relationship_type_id']]['typename'] : $va_rel_types[$va_row['relationship_type_id']]['typename_reverse'];
                         $va_rels[$vs_v]['relationship_type_code'] = $va_rel_types[$va_row['relationship_type_id']]['type_code'];
                     if ($pb_group_fields) {
                         $vs_rel_pk = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
                         if ($t_rel_item_label) {
                             foreach ($t_rel_item_label->getFormFields() as $vs_field => $va_field_info) {
                                 if (!isset($va_rels[$vs_v][$vs_field]) || $vs_field == $vs_rel_pk) {
                                 $va_rels[$vs_v]['preferred_labels'][$vs_field] = $va_rels[$vs_v][$vs_field];
                         foreach ($t_rel_item->getFormFields() as $vs_field => $va_field_info) {
                             if (!isset($va_rels[$vs_v][$vs_field]) || $vs_field == $vs_rel_pk) {
                             $va_rels[$vs_v]['intrinsic'][$vs_field] = $va_rels[$vs_v][$vs_field];
                 //if (!isset($pa_options['idsOnly']) || !$pa_options['idsOnly']) {
                 if ($ps_return_as === 'data') {
                     // Set 'label' entry - display label in current user's locale
                     foreach ($va_rels as $vs_v => $va_rel) {
                         $va_tmp = array(0 => $va_rel['labels']);
                         $va_tmp2 = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_tmp);
                         $va_rels[$vs_v]['label'] = array_shift($va_tmp2);
             // END - from self relation itself
         } else {
             // BEGIN - non-self relation
             $va_wheres[] = "({$vs_subject_table_name}." . $this->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(",", $pa_row_ids) . "))";
             $vs_cur_table = array_shift($va_path);
             $va_joins = array();
             // Enforce restrict_to_lists for related list items
             if ($vs_related_table_name == 'ca_list_items' && is_array($pa_options['restrictToLists'])) {
                 $va_list_ids = array();
                 foreach ($pa_options['restrictToLists'] as $vm_list) {
                     if ($vn_list_id = ca_lists::getListID($vm_list)) {
                         $va_list_ids[] = $vn_list_id;
                 if (sizeof($va_list_ids)) {
                     $va_wheres[] = "(ca_list_items.list_id IN (" . join(",", $va_list_ids) . "))";
             if ($vb_is_combo_key_relation) {
                 $va_joins = array("INNER JOIN {$vs_related_table_name} ON {$vs_related_table_name}.row_id = " . $this->primaryKey(true) . " AND {$vs_related_table_name}.table_num = " . $this->tableNum());
             } else {
                 foreach ($va_path as $vs_join_table) {
                     $va_rel_info = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getRelationships($vs_cur_table, $vs_join_table);
                     $vs_join = 'INNER JOIN ' . $vs_join_table . ' ON ';
                     $va_tmp = array();
                     foreach ($va_rel_info[$vs_cur_table][$vs_join_table] as $vn_i => $va_rel) {
                         $va_tmp[] = $vs_cur_table . "." . $va_rel_info[$vs_cur_table][$vs_join_table][$vn_i][0] . ' = ' . $vs_join_table . '.' . $va_rel_info[$vs_cur_table][$vs_join_table][$vn_i][1] . "\n";
                     $va_joins[] = $vs_join . join(' OR ', $va_tmp);
                     $vs_cur_table = $vs_join_table;
             // If we're getting ca_set_items, we have to rename the intrinsic row_id field because the pk is named row_id below. Hence, this hack.
             if ($vs_related_table_name == 'ca_set_items') {
                 $va_selects[] = 'ca_set_items.row_id AS record_id';
             $va_selects[] = $vs_subject_table_name . '.' . $this->primaryKey() . ' AS row_id';
             // Filter to only current relationships
             if ($pb_show_current_only && $vb_uses_effective_dates) {
                 // _filter_current.edatetime IS NULL criteria allows undated relationships to be considered "current"; if current filtering is done it
                 // is assumed that all relationships are dated and that undated relations are legacy and therefore should be considered potentially current
                 $vs_filter_to_current_join = "\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT {$vs_item_rel_table_name}." . $this->primaryKey() . ", max({$vs_item_rel_table_name}.edatetime) edatetime\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_subject_table_name}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . join("\n", array_merge($va_joins, $va_joins_post_add)) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(" . join(' AND ', array_merge($va_wheres, array("({$vs_item_rel_table_name}.sdatetime <= " . TimeExpressionParser::now() . ")"))) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR ({$vs_item_rel_table_name}.sdatetime IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_item_rel_table_name}." . $this->primaryKey() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t) AS _filter_current ON _filter_current." . $this->primaryKey() . " = {$vs_item_rel_table_name}." . $this->primaryKey() . " AND (_filter_current.edatetime = {$vs_item_rel_table_name}.edatetime OR _filter_current.edatetime IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t";
                 $va_joins[] = $vs_filter_to_current_join;
             $vs_order_by = '';
             if ($t_item_rel && $t_item_rel->hasField('rank')) {
                 $vs_order_by = " ORDER BY {$vs_item_rel_table_name}.rank";
                 $va_selects[] = $t_item_rel->tableName() . '.rank';
             } else {
                 if ($t_rel_item && ($vs_sort = $t_rel_item->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_SORT_FIELD'))) {
                     $vs_order_by = " ORDER BY {$vs_related_table}.{$vs_sort}";
                     $va_selects[] = "{$vs_related_table}.{$vs_sort}";
             $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT " . join(', ', $va_selects) . "\n\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_subject_table_name}\n\t\t\t\t" . join("\n", array_merge($va_joins, $va_joins_post_add)) . "\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t" . join(' AND ', $va_wheres) . "\n\t\t\t\t{$vs_order_by}\n\t\t\t";
             $qr_res = $o_db->query($vs_sql);
             if ($vb_uses_relationship_types) {
                 $va_rel_types = $t_rel->getRelationshipInfo($t_tmp->tableName());
                 if (method_exists($t_tmp, 'getLeftTableName')) {
                     $vs_left_table = $t_tmp->getLeftTableName();
                     $vs_direction = $vs_left_table == $vs_subject_table_name ? 'ltor' : 'rtol';
             $va_rels = array();
             $vn_c = 0;
             if ($pn_start > 0) {
             $va_seen_row_ids = array();
             while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                 if ($vn_c >= $pn_limit) {
                 if (is_array($pa_primary_ids) && is_array($pa_primary_ids[$vs_related_table])) {
                     if (in_array($qr_res->get($vs_key), $pa_primary_ids[$vs_related_table])) {
                 //if (isset($pa_options['idsOnly']) && $pa_options['idsOnly']) {
                 if ($ps_return_as !== 'data') {
                     $va_rels[] = $qr_res->get($t_rel_item->primaryKey());
                 $va_row = $qr_res->getRow();
                 $vs_v = sizeof($va_path) <= 2 ? $va_row['row_id'] . '/' . $va_row[$vs_key] : $va_row[$vs_key];
                 $vs_display_label = $va_row[$vs_label_display_field];
                 if (!isset($va_rels[$vs_v]) || !$va_rels[$vs_v]) {
                     $va_rels[$vs_v] = $va_row;
                 if ($vb_uses_effective_dates) {
                     // return effective dates as display/parse-able text
                     if ($va_rels[$vs_v]['sdatetime'] || $va_rels[$vs_v]['edatetime']) {
                         $o_tep->setHistoricTimestamps($va_rels[$vs_v]['sdatetime'], $va_rels[$vs_v]['edatetime']);
                         $va_rels[$vs_v]['effective_date'] = $o_tep->getText();
                     // Only allow one current item per row_id
                     //if ($pb_show_current_only && isset($va_seen_row_ids[$va_row['row_id']])) {
                     //	unset($va_rels[$vs_v]);
                     //	continue;
                 $vn_locale_id = $qr_res->get('locale_id');
                 if ($pb_use_locale_codes) {
                     $va_rels[$vs_v]['locale_id'] = $vn_locale_id = $t_locale->localeIDToCode($vn_locale_id);
                 $va_rels[$vs_v]['labels'][$vn_locale_id] = $pb_return_labels_as_array ? $va_row : $vs_display_label;
                 $va_rels[$vs_v]['_key'] = $vs_key;
                 $va_rels[$vs_v]['direction'] = $vs_direction;
                 if ($vb_uses_relationship_types) {
                     $va_rels[$vs_v]['relationship_typename'] = $vs_direction == 'ltor' ? $va_rel_types[$va_row['relationship_type_id']]['typename'] : $va_rel_types[$va_row['relationship_type_id']]['typename_reverse'];
                     $va_rels[$vs_v]['relationship_type_code'] = $va_rel_types[$va_row['relationship_type_id']]['type_code'];
                 if ($pb_group_fields) {
                     $vs_rel_pk = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
                     if ($t_rel_item_label) {
                         foreach ($t_rel_item_label->getFormFields() as $vs_field => $va_field_info) {
                             if (!isset($va_rels[$vs_v][$vs_field]) || $vs_field == $vs_rel_pk) {
                             $va_rels[$vs_v]['preferred_labels'][$vs_field] = $va_rels[$vs_v][$vs_field];
                     foreach ($t_rel_item->getFormFields() as $vs_field => $va_field_info) {
                         if (!isset($va_rels[$vs_v][$vs_field]) || $vs_field == $vs_rel_pk) {
                         $va_rels[$vs_v]['intrinsic'][$vs_field] = $va_rels[$vs_v][$vs_field];
                 $va_seen_row_ids[$va_row['row_id']] = true;
             //if (!isset($pa_options['idsOnly']) || !$pa_options['idsOnly']) {
             if ($ps_return_as === 'data') {
                 // Set 'label' entry - display label in current user's locale
                 foreach ($va_rels as $vs_v => $va_rel) {
                     $va_tmp = array(0 => $va_rel['labels']);
                     $va_tmp2 = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_tmp);
                     $va_rels[$vs_v]['label'] = array_shift($va_tmp2);
             // END - non-self relation
     // Apply restrictToBundleValues
     $va_filters = isset($pa_options['restrictToBundleValues']) ? $pa_options['restrictToBundleValues'] : null;
     if (is_array($va_filters) && sizeof($va_filters) > 0) {
         foreach ($va_rels as $vn_pk => $va_related_item) {
             foreach ($va_filters as $vs_filter => $va_filter_vals) {
                 if (!$vs_filter) {
                 if (!is_array($va_filter_vals)) {
                     $va_filter_vals = array($va_filter_vals);
                 foreach ($va_filter_vals as $vn_index => $vs_filter_val) {
                     // is value a list attribute idno?
                     $va_tmp = explode('.', $vs_filter);
                     $vs_element = array_pop($va_tmp);
                     if (!is_numeric($vs_filter_val) && (($t_element = $t_rel_item->_getElementInstance($vs_element)) && $t_element->get('datatype') == 3)) {
                         $va_filter_vals[$vn_index] = caGetListItemID($t_element->get('list_id'), $vs_filter_val);
                 $va_filter_values = $t_rel_item->get($vs_filter, array('returnAsArray' => true, 'alwaysReturnItemID' => true));
                 $vb_keep = false;
                 if (is_array($va_filter_values)) {
                     foreach ($va_filter_values as $vm_filtered_val) {
                         if (!is_array($vm_filtered_val)) {
                             $vm_filtered_val = array($vm_filtered_val);
                         foreach ($vm_filtered_val as $vs_val) {
                             if (in_array($vs_val, $va_filter_vals)) {
                                 // one match is enough to keep it
                                 $vb_keep = true;
                 if (!$vb_keep) {
     // Sort on fields if specified
     if (is_array($pa_sort_fields) && sizeof($pa_sort_fields) && sizeof($va_rels)) {
         $va_ids = $va_ids_to_rel_ids = array();
         $vs_rel_pk = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
         foreach ($va_rels as $vn_i => $va_rel) {
             $va_ids[$vn_i] = $va_rel[$vs_rel_pk];
             $va_ids_to_rel_ids[$va_rel[$vs_rel_pk]][] = $vn_i;
         if (sizeof($va_ids) > 0) {
             $qr_sort = caMakeSearchResult($vs_related_table_name, array_values($va_ids), array('sort' => $pa_sort_fields, 'sortDirection' => $ps_sort_direction));
             $va_rels_sorted = array();
             $vs_rel_pk_full = $t_rel_item->primaryKey(true);
             while ($qr_sort->nextHit()) {
                 foreach ($va_ids_to_rel_ids[$qr_sort->get($vs_rel_pk_full)] as $vn_rel_id) {
                     $va_rels_sorted[$vn_rel_id] = $va_rels[$vn_rel_id];
             $va_rels = $va_rels_sorted;
     switch ($ps_return_as) {
         case 'firstmodelinstance':
             foreach ($va_rels as $vn_id) {
                 $o_instance = new $vs_related_table_name();
                 if ($o_instance->load($vn_id)) {
                     return $o_instance;
             return null;
         case 'modelinstances':
             $va_instances = array();
             foreach ($va_rels as $vn_id) {
                 $o_instance = new $vs_related_table_name();
                 if ($o_instance->load($vn_id)) {
                     $va_instances[] = $o_instance;
             return $va_instances;
         case 'firstid':
             if (sizeof($va_rels)) {
                 return array_shift($va_rels);
             return null;
         case 'count':
             return sizeof($va_rels);
         case 'searchresult':
             if (sizeof($va_rels) > 0) {
                 return caMakeSearchResult($vs_related_table_name, $va_rels);
             return null;
         case 'ids':
             return $va_rels;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 function setDetail()
     if (!$this->request->isLoggedIn()) {
         $this->response->setRedirect(caNavUrl($this->request, '', 'LoginReg', 'loginForm'));
     $ps_view = $this->request->getParameter('view', pString);
     if (!in_array($ps_view, array('thumbnail', 'timeline', 'timelineData', 'pdf'))) {
         $ps_view = 'thumbnail';
     $this->view->setVar('view', $ps_view);
     $this->view->setVar('views', $this->opo_config->getAssoc("views"));
     if (!($t_set = $this->_getSet(__CA_SET_READ_ACCESS__))) {
     $va_set_items = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($t_set->getItems(array("user_id" => $this->request->getUserID(), "thumbnailVersions" => array("medium"), "checkAccess" => $this->opa_access_values)));
     $this->view->setVar("set", $t_set);
     $this->view->setVar("set_items", $va_set_items);
     $va_comments = $t_set->getComments();
     $this->view->setVar("comments", $va_comments);
     $o_context = new ResultContext($this->request, 'ca_objects', 'sets');
     $o_context->setResultList($va_set_ids = $t_set->getItems(array('idsOnly' => true)));
     MetaTagManager::setWindowTitle($this->request->config->get("app_display_name") . ": " . _t("Lightbox") . ": " . $t_set->getLabelForDisplay());
     switch ($ps_view) {
         case 'pdf':
             $qr_res = caMakeSearchResult('ca_objects', $va_set_ids);
             $this->view->setVar('result', $qr_res);
             $this->_genExport($qr_res, '_pdf_checklist', $vs_label = $t_set->get('ca_sets.preferred_labels'), $vs_label);
         case 'timelineData':
             $this->view->setVar('view', 'timeline');
  * Get value(s) for specified attribute. $ps_field specifies the value to fetch in <table_name>.<element_code> or <table_name>.<element_code>.<subelement_code>
  * Will return a string containing the retrieved value or values (since attributes can repeat). The values will
  * be formatted using the 'template' option with values separated by a delimiter as set in the 'delimiter'
  * option (default is a space). 
  * If the 'returnAsArray' option is set the an array containing all values will be returned.
  * The array will be keyed on the current row primary key, and then attribute_id, with each attribute_id value containing an array keyed on element code and having
  * values set to attribute values (this is a bit more complicated than one might hope since not only can
  * values repeat, but they can be composed of many sub-values... the final array key'ed on element_code may have several values if the attribute is complex). 
  * If the 'returnAllLocales' option is set *and* 'returnAsArray' is set then the returned array will include an extra dimension (or key if that's what you prefer to call it)
  * that separates values by numeric locale_id. Thus the returned array will have several layers of keys: current row primary key, then locale_id, then attribute_id and then
  * finally, element codes. This format is, incidentally, compatible with the caExtractValuesByUserLocale() helper function, which would strip all values not needed for
  * display in the current locale.
  * @param $pa_options array - array of options for get; in addition to the standard get() options, will also pass through options to attribute value handlers
  *		Supported options include:
  *			locale = 
  *			returnAsArray = if true, return an array, otherwise return a string (default is false)
  *			returnAllLocales = 
  *			template = 
  *			delimiter = 
  *			convertCodesToDisplayText =
  *			returnAsLink = if true and $ps_field is a URL attribute and returnAllLocales is not set, then returned values will be links. Default is false.
  *			returnAsLinkText = *For URL attributes only* Text to use a content of HTML link. If omitted the url itself is used as the link content. 	 	 
  *			returnAsLinkAttributes = array of attributes to include in link <a> tag. Use this to set class, alt and any other link attributes.
  * @return mixed - 
 public function get($ps_field, $pa_options = null)
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     $vs_template = isset($pa_options['template']) ? $pa_options['template'] : null;
     $vs_delimiter = isset($pa_options['delimiter']) ? $pa_options['delimiter'] : ' ';
     $vb_return_as_array = isset($pa_options['returnAsArray']) ? (bool) $pa_options['returnAsArray'] : false;
     $vb_return_all_locales = isset($pa_options['returnAllLocales']) ? (bool) $pa_options['returnAllLocales'] : false;
     $vb_return_as_link = isset($pa_options['returnAsLink']) ? (bool) $pa_options['returnAsLink'] : false;
     $vs_return_as_link_text = isset($pa_options['returnAsLinkText']) ? (string) $pa_options['returnAsLinkText'] : '';
     $vs_return_as_link_attributes = isset($pa_options['returnAsLinkAttributes']) ? (string) $pa_options['returnAsLinkAttributes'] : array();
     if ($vb_return_all_locales && !$vb_return_as_array) {
         $vb_return_as_array = true;
     if (!isset($pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText'])) {
         $pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText'] = false;
     // does get refer to an attribute?
     $va_tmp = explode('.', $ps_field);
     $pa_options = array_merge($pa_options, array('indexByRowID' => true));
     // force arrays to be indexed by current row_id
     $t_instance = $this;
     if (sizeof($va_tmp) >= 2 && !$this->hasField($va_tmp[2])) {
         if ($va_tmp[1] == 'parent' && $this->isHierarchical() && ($vn_parent_id = $this->get($this->getProperty('HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD')))) {
             $t_instance = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableNum($this->tableNum());
             if (!$t_instance->load($vn_parent_id)) {
                 $t_instance = $this;
             } else {
                 $va_tmp = array_values($va_tmp);
         } else {
             if ($va_tmp[1] == 'children' && $this->isHierarchical()) {
                 // remove 'children' from field path
                 $va_tmp = array_values($va_tmp);
                 $vs_childless_path = join('.', $va_tmp);
                 $va_data = array();
                 $va_children_ids = $this->getHierarchyChildren(null, array('idsOnly' => true));
                 $t_instance = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableNum($this->tableNum());
                 foreach ($va_children_ids as $vn_child_id) {
                     if ($t_instance->load($vn_child_id)) {
                         $vm_val = $t_instance->get($vs_childless_path, $pa_options);
                         $va_data = array_merge($va_data, is_array($vm_val) ? $vm_val : array($vm_val));
                 if ($vb_return_as_array) {
                     return $va_data;
                 } else {
                     return join($vs_delimiter, $va_data);
     switch (sizeof($va_tmp)) {
         # -------------------------------------
         case 1:
             // simple name
             if (!$t_instance->hasField($va_tmp[0])) {
                 // is it intrinsic?
                 // nope... so try it as an attribute
                 if (!$vb_return_as_array) {
                     return $t_instance->getAttributesForDisplay($va_tmp[0], $vs_template, $pa_options);
                 } else {
                     $va_values = $t_instance->getAttributeDisplayValues($va_tmp[0], $t_instance->getPrimaryKey(), $pa_options);
                     if (!$vb_return_all_locales) {
                         $va_values = array_shift($va_values);
                     return $va_values;
             # -------------------------------------
         # -------------------------------------
         case 2:
             // table_name.field_name
             if ($va_tmp[0] === $t_instance->tableName()) {
                 if (!$t_instance->hasField($va_tmp[1]) && $va_tmp[1] != 'created' && $va_tmp[1] != 'lastModified') {
                     // try it as an attribute
                     if (!$vb_return_as_array) {
                         return $t_instance->getAttributesForDisplay($va_tmp[1], $vs_template, $pa_options);
                     } else {
                         $va_values = $t_instance->getAttributeDisplayValues($va_tmp[1], $vn_row_id = $t_instance->getPrimaryKey(), $pa_options);
                         if (!$vb_return_all_locales) {
                             $va_values = array_shift($va_values);
                             if ($vs_template) {
                                 $va_values_tmp = array();
                                 foreach ($va_values as $vn_i => $va_value_list) {
                                     $va_values_tmp[] = caProcessTemplateForIDs($vs_template, $va_tmp[0], array($vn_row_id), array_merge($pa_options, array('returnAsArray' => false, 'placeholderPrefix' => $va_tmp[1])));
                                 $va_values = $va_values_tmp;
                         return $va_values;
             # -------------------------------------
         # -------------------------------------
         case 3:
             // table_name.field_name.sub_element / table_name.field_name.hierarchy
         // table_name.field_name.sub_element / table_name.field_name.hierarchy
         case 4:
             // table_name.field_name.sub_element.hierarchy
             if (!$this->hasField($va_tmp[2]) || $va_tmp[2] === 'hierarchy') {
                 if ($va_tmp[0] === $t_instance->tableName()) {
                     $vb_is_in_container = false;
                     if (!$this->hasField($va_tmp[1])) {
                         if ($va_tmp[2] === 'hierarchy' || $va_tmp[3] === 'hierarchy') {
                             if ($va_tmp[3] === 'hierarchy') {
                                 $vb_is_in_container = true;
                             if (in_array($this->_getElementDatatype($vb_is_in_container ? $va_tmp[2] : $va_tmp[1]), array(__CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LIST__))) {
                                 $va_items = $this->get(join('.', $vb_is_in_container ? array($va_tmp[0], $va_tmp[1], $va_tmp[2]) : array($va_tmp[0], $va_tmp[1])), array('returnAsArray' => true));
                                 $va_item_ids = $va_item_ids = caExtractValuesFromArrayList($va_items, $vb_is_in_container ? $va_tmp[2] : $va_tmp[1], array('preserveKeys' => false));
                                 $qr_items = caMakeSearchResult('ca_list_items', $va_item_ids);
                                 if (!$va_item_ids || !is_array($va_item_ids) || !sizeof($va_item_ids)) {
                                     return $vb_return_as_array ? array() : null;
                                 $va_get_spec = $va_tmp;
                                 if ($vb_is_in_container) {
                                 array_unshift($va_get_spec, 'ca_list_items');
                                 $vs_get_spec = join('.', $va_get_spec);
                                 $va_vals = array();
                                 while ($qr_items->nextHit()) {
                                     $va_hier = $qr_items->get($vs_get_spec, array('returnAsArray' => true));
                                     // get rid of root
                                     $va_vals[] = $vb_return_as_array ? $va_hier : join($vs_delimiter, $va_hier);
                                 return $va_vals;
                     if (!$t_instance->hasField($va_tmp[1])) {
                         // try it as an attribute
                         if (!$vb_return_as_array) {
                             if (!$vs_template) {
                                 $vs_template = '^' . $va_tmp[2];
                             return $t_instance->getAttributesForDisplay($va_tmp[1], $vs_template, $pa_options);
                         } else {
                             $va_values = $t_instance->getAttributeDisplayValues($va_tmp[1], $vn_row_id = $t_instance->getPrimaryKey(), $pa_options);
                             $va_subvalues = array();
                             if ($vb_return_all_locales) {
                                 foreach ($va_values as $vn_attribute_id => $va_attributes_by_locale) {
                                     foreach ($va_attributes_by_locale as $vn_locale_id => $va_attribute_values) {
                                         foreach ($va_attribute_values as $vn_attribute_id => $va_data) {
                                             if (isset($va_data[$va_tmp[2]])) {
                                                 $va_subvalues[$vn_attribute_id][(int) $vn_locale_id][$vn_attribute_id] = $va_data[$va_tmp[2]];
                             } else {
                                 foreach ($va_values as $vn_id => $va_attribute_values) {
                                     foreach ($va_attribute_values as $vn_attribute_id => $va_data) {
                                         if (isset($va_data[$va_tmp[2]])) {
                                             if ($vs_template) {
                                                 $va_subvalues[$vn_attribute_id] = caProcessTemplateForIDs($vs_template, $va_tmp[0], array($vn_row_id), array_merge($pa_options, array('requireLinkTags' => true, 'returnAsArray' => false, 'placeholderPrefix' => $va_tmp[1])));
                                             } else {
                                                 $va_subvalues[$vn_attribute_id] = $va_data[$va_tmp[2]];
                             return $va_subvalues;
             # -------------------------------------
     return parent::get($ps_field, $pa_options);
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Return list of items from the specified table that are related to the current browse set. This is the method that actually
  * pulls the facet content, regardless of whether the facet is cached yet or not. If you want to use the facet cache, call
  * BrowseEngine::getFacet()
  * @see BrowseEngine::getFacet()
  * Options:
  *		checkAccess = array of access values to filter facets that have an 'access' field by
  *		checkAvailabilityOnly = if true then content is not actually fetch - only the availablility of content is verified
  *		user_id = If set item level access control is performed relative to specified user_id, otherwise defaults to logged in user
 public function getFacetContent($ps_facet_name, $pa_options = null)
     global $AUTH_CURRENT_USER_ID;
     $vs_browse_table_name = $this->ops_browse_table_name;
     $vs_browse_table_num = $this->opn_browse_table_num;
     $vn_user_id = isset($pa_options['user_id']) && (int) $pa_options['user_id'] ? (int) $pa_options['user_id'] : (int) $AUTH_CURRENT_USER_ID;
     $vb_show_if_no_acl = (bool) ($this->opo_config->get('default_item_access_level') > __CA_ACL_NO_ACCESS__);
     $t_user = new ca_users($vn_user_id);
     if (is_array($va_groups = $t_user->getUserGroups()) && sizeof($va_groups)) {
         $va_group_ids = array_keys($va_groups);
     } else {
         $va_group_ids = array();
     if (!is_array($this->opa_browse_settings)) {
         return null;
     if (!isset($this->opa_browse_settings['facets'][$ps_facet_name])) {
         return null;
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     $vb_check_availability_only = isset($pa_options['checkAvailabilityOnly']) ? (bool) $pa_options['checkAvailabilityOnly'] : false;
     $va_all_criteria = $this->getCriteria();
     $va_criteria = $this->getCriteria($ps_facet_name);
     $va_facet_info = $this->opa_browse_settings['facets'][$ps_facet_name];
     $t_subject = $this->getSubjectInstance();
     if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
         $vs_browse_table_name = $va_facet_info['relative_to'];
         $vs_browse_table_num = $this->opo_datamodel->getTableNum($vs_browse_table_name);
     $vs_browse_type_limit_sql = '';
     if (($va_browse_type_ids = $this->getTypeRestrictionList()) && sizeof($va_browse_type_ids)) {
         // type restrictions
         $vs_browse_type_limit_sql = '(' . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->getTypeFieldName() . ' IN (' . join(', ', $va_browse_type_ids) . ')' . ($t_subject->getFieldInfo('type_id', 'IS_NULL') ? " OR (" . $this->ops_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_subject->getTypeFieldName() . " IS NULL)" : '') . ')';
         if (is_array($va_facet_info['type_restrictions'])) {
             // facet type restrictions bind a facet to specific types; we check them here
             $va_restrict_to_types = $this->_convertTypeCodesToIDs($va_facet_info['type_restrictions']);
             $vb_is_ok_to_browse = false;
             foreach ($va_browse_type_ids as $vn_type_id) {
                 if (in_array($vn_type_id, $va_restrict_to_types)) {
                     $vb_is_ok_to_browse = true;
             if (!$vb_is_ok_to_browse) {
                 return array();
     // Values to exclude from list attributes and authorities; can be idnos or ids
     $va_exclude_values = caGetOption('exclude_values', $va_facet_info, array(), array('castTo' => 'array'));
     $va_results = $this->opo_ca_browse_cache->getResults();
     $vb_single_value_is_present = false;
     $vs_single_value = isset($va_facet_info['single_value']) ? $va_facet_info['single_value'] : null;
     $va_wheres = array();
     switch ($va_facet_info['type']) {
         # -----------------------------------------------------
         case 'has':
             $vn_state = null;
             if (isset($va_all_criteria[$ps_facet_name])) {
             // only one instance of this facet allowed per browse
             if (!($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true))) {
             $vs_yes_text = isset($va_facet_info['label_yes']) && $va_facet_info['label_yes'] ? $va_facet_info['label_yes'] : _t('Yes');
             $vs_no_text = isset($va_facet_info['label_no']) && $va_facet_info['label_no'] ? $va_facet_info['label_no'] : _t('No');
             $va_facet_values = array('yes' => array('id' => 1, 'label' => $vs_yes_text), 'no' => array('id' => 0, 'label' => $vs_no_text));
             // Actually check that both yes and no values will result in something
             if ($va_facet_info['element_code']) {
                 $t_element = new ca_metadata_elements();
                 if (!$t_element->load(array('element_code' => $va_facet_info['element_code']))) {
                 $vs_element_code = $va_facet_info['element_code'];
                 $va_facet = array();
                 $va_counts = array();
                 foreach ($va_facet_values as $vs_state_name => $va_state_info) {
                     $va_wheres = array();
                     $va_joins = array();
                     if (!(bool) $va_state_info['id']) {
                         // no option
                         $va_wheres[] = $this->ops_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . " NOT IN (select row_id from ca_attributes where table_num = " . $t_item->tableNum() . " AND element_id = " . $t_element->getPrimaryKey() . ")";
                     } else {
                         // yes option
                         $va_joins[] = "LEFT JOIN ca_attributes AS caa ON  " . $this->ops_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . " = caa.row_id AND " . $t_item->tableNum() . " = caa.table_num";
                         $va_wheres[] = "caa.element_id = " . $t_element->getPrimaryKey();
                     if ($t_item->hasField('deleted')) {
                         $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_item->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                     if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_item->hasField('access')) {
                         $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
                     if (sizeof($va_results)) {
                         $va_wheres[] = $vs_browse_table_name . "." . $t_item->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(",", $va_results) . ")";
                     if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
                         if ($t_subject->hasField('deleted')) {
                             $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                         if ($va_relative_sql_data = $this->_getRelativeFacetSQLData($va_facet_info['relative_to'], $pa_options)) {
                             $va_joins = array_merge($va_joins, $va_relative_sql_data['joins']);
                             $va_wheres = array_merge($va_wheres, $va_relative_sql_data['wheres']);
                     if ($this->opo_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                         if ($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true)) {
                             // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
                             $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                             $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
                     $vs_join_sql = join("\n", $va_joins);
                     $vs_where_sql = '';
                     if (sizeof($va_wheres) > 0) {
                         $vs_where_sql = ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $va_wheres);
                     if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                         $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $vs_browse_table_name . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 2\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                         //print "$vs_sql<hr>";
                         $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                         if ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                             $va_counts[$vs_state_name] = (int) $qr_res->numRows();
                     } else {
                         $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT " . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $vs_browse_table_name . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                         //print "$vs_sql<hr>";
                         $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                         if ($qr_res->numRows() > 0) {
                             $va_facet[$vs_state_name] = $va_state_info;
                         } else {
                             return array();
                             // if either option in a "has" facet fails then don't show the facet
             } else {
                 $vs_rel_table_name = $va_facet_info['table'];
                 if (!is_array($va_restrict_to_relationship_types = $va_facet_info['restrict_to_relationship_types'])) {
                     $va_restrict_to_relationship_types = array();
                 $va_restrict_to_relationship_types = $this->_getRelationshipTypeIDs($va_restrict_to_relationship_types, $va_facet_info['relationship_table']);
                 if (!is_array($va_exclude_relationship_types = $va_facet_info['exclude_relationship_types'])) {
                     $va_exclude_relationship_types = array();
                 $va_exclude_relationship_types = $this->_getRelationshipTypeIDs($va_exclude_relationship_types, $va_facet_info['relationship_table']);
                 $vn_table_num = $this->opo_datamodel->getTableNum($vs_rel_table_name);
                 $vs_rel_table_pk = $this->opo_datamodel->getTablePrimaryKeyName($vn_table_num);
                 switch (sizeof($va_path = array_keys($this->opo_datamodel->getPath($vs_browse_table_name, $vs_rel_table_name)))) {
                     case 3:
                         $t_item_rel = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($va_path[1], true);
                         $t_rel_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($va_path[2], true);
                         $vs_key = 'relation_id';
                     case 2:
                         $t_item_rel = null;
                         $t_rel_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($va_path[1], true);
                         $vs_key = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
                         // bad related table
                         return null;
                 $vs_cur_table = array_shift($va_path);
                 $va_joins_init = array();
                 foreach ($va_path as $vs_join_table) {
                     $va_rel_info = $this->opo_datamodel->getRelationships($vs_cur_table, $vs_join_table);
                     $va_joins_init[] = ($vn_state ? 'INNER' : 'LEFT') . ' JOIN ' . $vs_join_table . ' ON ' . $vs_cur_table . '.' . $va_rel_info[$vs_cur_table][$vs_join_table][0][0] . ' = ' . $vs_join_table . '.' . $va_rel_info[$vs_cur_table][$vs_join_table][0][1] . "\n";
                     $vs_cur_table = $vs_join_table;
                 $va_facet = array();
                 $va_counts = array();
                 foreach ($va_facet_values as $vs_state_name => $va_state_info) {
                     $va_wheres = array();
                     $va_joins = $va_joins_init;
                     if (!(bool) $va_state_info['id']) {
                         // no option
                         $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_rel_item->tableName() . "." . $t_rel_item->primaryKey() . " IS NULL)";
                         if ($t_rel_item->hasField('deleted')) {
                             $va_wheres[] = "((" . $t_rel_item->tableName() . ".deleted = 0) OR (" . $t_rel_item->tableName() . ".deleted IS NULL))";
                         if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_rel_item->hasField('access')) {
                             $va_wheres[] = "((" . $t_rel_item->tableName() . ".access NOT IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . ")) OR (" . $t_rel_item->tableName() . ".access IS NULL))";
                         if (sizeof($va_restrict_to_relationship_types) > 0 && is_object($t_item_rel)) {
                             $va_wheres[] = "((" . $t_item_rel->tableName() . ".type_id NOT IN (" . join(',', $va_restrict_to_relationship_types) . ")) OR (" . $t_item_rel->tableName() . ".type_id IS NULL))";
                         if (sizeof($va_exclude_relationship_types) > 0 && is_object($t_item_rel)) {
                             $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_item_rel->tableName() . ".type_id IN (" . join(',', $va_exclude_relationship_types) . "))";
                     } else {
                         // yes option
                         $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_rel_item->tableName() . "." . $t_rel_item->primaryKey() . " IS NOT NULL)";
                         if ($t_rel_item->hasField('deleted')) {
                             $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_rel_item->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                         if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_rel_item->hasField('access')) {
                             $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_rel_item->tableName() . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
                         if (sizeof($va_restrict_to_relationship_types) > 0 && is_object($t_item_rel)) {
                             $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_item_rel->tableName() . ".type_id IN (" . join(',', $va_restrict_to_relationship_types) . "))";
                         if (sizeof($va_exclude_relationship_types) > 0 && is_object($t_item_rel)) {
                             $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_item_rel->tableName() . ".type_id NOT IN (" . join(',', $va_exclude_relationship_types) . "))";
                     if ($t_item->hasField('deleted')) {
                         $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_item->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                     if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_item->hasField('access')) {
                         $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
                     if (sizeof($va_results)) {
                         $va_wheres[] = $vs_browse_table_name . "." . $t_item->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(",", $va_results) . ")";
                     if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
                         if ($t_subject->hasField('deleted')) {
                             $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                         if ($va_relative_sql_data = $this->_getRelativeFacetSQLData($va_facet_info['relative_to'], $pa_options)) {
                             $va_joins = array_merge($va_joins, $va_relative_sql_data['joins']);
                             $va_wheres = array_merge($va_wheres, $va_relative_sql_data['wheres']);
                     if ($this->opo_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                         if ($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true)) {
                             // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
                             $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                             $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
                     $vs_join_sql = join("\n", $va_joins);
                     $vs_where_sql = '';
                     if (sizeof($va_wheres) > 0) {
                         $vs_where_sql = ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $va_wheres);
                     if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                         $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $vs_browse_table_name . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 2\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                         //print "$vs_sql<hr>";
                         $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                         if ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                             $va_counts[$vs_state_name] = (int) $qr_res->numRows();
                     } else {
                         $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT " . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $vs_browse_table_name . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                         //print "$vs_sql<hr>";
                         $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                         if ($qr_res->numRows() > 0) {
                             $va_facet[$vs_state_name] = $va_state_info;
                         } else {
                             return array();
                             // if either option in a "has" facet fails then don't show the facet
             if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                 return sizeof($va_counts) > 1 ? true : false;
             return $va_facet;
             # -----------------------------------------------------
         # -----------------------------------------------------
         case 'label':
             if (!($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true))) {
             if (!($t_label = $t_item->getLabelTableInstance())) {
             if (!is_array($va_restrict_to_types = $va_facet_info['restrict_to_types'])) {
                 $va_restrict_to_types = array();
             $vs_item_pk = $t_item->primaryKey();
             $vs_label_table_name = $t_label->tableName();
             $vs_label_pk = $t_label->primaryKey();
             $vs_label_display_field = $t_item->getLabelDisplayField();
             $vs_label_sort_field = $t_item->getLabelSortField();
             $vs_where_sql = $vs_join_sql = '';
             $vb_needs_join = false;
             $va_where_sql = array();
             $va_joins = array();
             if ($vs_browse_type_limit_sql) {
                 $va_where_sql[] = $vs_browse_type_limit_sql;
             if (isset($va_facet_info['preferred_labels_only']) && $va_facet_info['preferred_labels_only'] && $t_label->hasField('is_preferred')) {
                 $va_where_sql[] = "l.is_preferred = 1";
             if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_item->hasField('access')) {
                 $va_where_sql[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
             if ($t_item->hasField('deleted')) {
                 $va_where_sql[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".deleted = 0)";
                 $vb_needs_join = true;
             if (sizeof($va_restrict_to_types)) {
                 $va_restrict_to_type_ids = caMakeTypeIDList($vs_browse_table_name, $va_restrict_to_types, array('dont_include_subtypes_in_type_restriction' => true));
                 if (sizeof($va_restrict_to_type_ids)) {
                     $va_where_sql[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . "." . $t_item->getTypeFieldName() . " IN (" . join(", ", $va_restrict_to_type_ids) . ")" . ($t_item->getFieldInfo('type_id', 'IS_NULL') ? " OR (" . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->getTypeFieldName() . " IS NULL)" : '') . ")";
                     $vb_needs_join = true;
             if (sizeof($va_exclude_types)) {
                 $va_exclude_type_ids = caMakeTypeIDList($vs_browse_table_name, $va_exclude_types, array('dont_include_subtypes_in_type_restriction' => true));
                 if (sizeof($va_exclude_type_ids)) {
                     $va_where_sql[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . "." . $t_item->getTypeFieldName() . " NOT IN (" . join(", ", $va_exclude_type_ids) . ")" . ($t_item->getFieldInfo('type_id', 'IS_NULL') ? " OR (" . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->getTypeFieldName() . " IS NULL)" : '') . ")";
                     $vb_needs_join = true;
             if ($vb_needs_join) {
                 $va_joins[] = "INNER JOIN " . $vs_browse_table_name . " ON " . $vs_browse_table_name . "." . $t_item->primaryKey() . " = l." . $t_item->primaryKey();
             if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
                 if ($t_subject->hasField('deleted')) {
                     $va_where_sql[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                 if ($va_relative_sql_data = $this->_getRelativeFacetSQLData($va_facet_info['relative_to'], $pa_options)) {
                     $va_joins = array_merge($va_joins, $va_relative_sql_data['joins']);
                     $va_where_sql = array_merge($va_where_sql, $va_relative_sql_data['wheres']);
             if (sizeof($va_results)) {
                 if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
                     $va_where_sql[] = $this->ops_browse_table_name . "." . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(",", $va_results) . ")";
                 } else {
                     $va_where_sql[] = "l.{$vs_item_pk} IN (" . join(",", $va_results) . ")";
             if ($this->opo_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                 if ($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true)) {
                     // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
                     $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                     $va_where_sql[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
             $vs_join_sql = join("\n", $va_joins);
             if (sizeof($va_where_sql)) {
                 $vs_where_sql = "WHERE " . join(" AND ", $va_where_sql);
             if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                 $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_label_table_name} l\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                 return (int) $qr_res->numRows() > 0 ? true : false;
             } else {
                 $vs_parent_fld = $t_item->getProperty('HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD');
                 $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT  l.* " . ($vs_parent_fld ? ", " . $vs_browse_table_name . "." . $vs_parent_fld : '') . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_label_table_name} l\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                 $va_values = array();
                 $va_child_counts = array();
                 $vn_parent_id = null;
                 while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                     $vn_id = $qr_res->get($t_item->primaryKey());
                     if ($vs_parent_fld) {
                         $vn_parent_id = $qr_res->get($vs_parent_fld);
                         if ($vn_parent_id) {
                     $va_values[$vn_id][$qr_res->get('locale_id')] = array_merge($qr_res->getRow(), array('id' => $vn_id, 'parent_id' => $vn_parent_id, 'label' => $qr_res->get($vs_label_display_field)));
                     if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && $vn_id == $vs_single_value) {
                         $vb_single_value_is_present = true;
                 if ($vs_parent_fld) {
                     foreach ($va_values as $vn_id => $va_values_by_locale) {
                         foreach ($va_values_by_locale as $vn_locale_id => $va_value) {
                             $va_values[$vn_id][$vn_locale_id]['child_count'] = (int) $va_child_counts[$vn_id];
                 if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && !$vb_single_value_is_present) {
                     return array();
                 $va_values = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_values);
                 return $va_values;
             # -----------------------------------------------------
         # -----------------------------------------------------
         case 'attribute':
             $t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true);
             $t_element = new ca_metadata_elements();
             if (!$t_element->load(array('element_code' => $va_facet_info['element_code']))) {
                 return array();
             $vn_element_type = $t_element->get('datatype');
             $vn_element_id = $t_element->getPrimaryKey();
             $va_joins = array('INNER JOIN ca_attribute_values ON ca_attributes.attribute_id = ca_attribute_values.attribute_id', 'INNER JOIN ' . $vs_browse_table_name . ' ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_attributes.row_id AND ca_attributes.table_num = ' . intval($vs_browse_table_num));
             $va_wheres = array();
             if (sizeof($va_results) && $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(',', $va_results) . "))";
             if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_item->hasField('access')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
             if ($vs_browse_type_limit_sql) {
                 $va_wheres[] = $vs_browse_type_limit_sql;
             if ($t_item->hasField('deleted')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".deleted = 0)";
             if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
                 if ($t_subject->hasField('deleted')) {
                     $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                 if ($va_relative_sql_data = $this->_getRelativeFacetSQLData($va_facet_info['relative_to'], $pa_options)) {
                     $va_joins = array_merge($va_joins, $va_relative_sql_data['joins']);
                     $va_wheres = array_merge($va_wheres, $va_relative_sql_data['wheres']);
             if ($this->opo_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                 if ($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true)) {
                     // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
                     $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                     $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
             $vs_join_sql = join("\n", $va_joins);
             if (is_array($va_wheres) && sizeof($va_wheres) && ($vs_where_sql = join(' AND ', $va_wheres))) {
                 $vs_where_sql = ' AND (' . $vs_where_sql . ')';
             if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                 // exclude criteria values
                 $vs_criteria_exclude_sql = '';
                 if (is_array($va_criteria) && sizeof($va_criteria)) {
                     $vs_criteria_exclude_sql = ' AND (ca_attribute_values.value_longtext1 NOT IN (' . join(", ", caQuoteList(array_keys($va_criteria))) . ')) ';
                 $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_attributes\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_attribute_values.element_id = ?) {$vs_criteria_exclude_sql} {$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 2";
                 //print $vs_sql;
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql, $vn_element_id);
                 return (int) $qr_res->numRows() > 1 ? true : false;
             } else {
                 $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT value_longtext1, value_decimal1, value_longtext2, value_integer1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_attributes\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tca_attribute_values.element_id = ? {$vs_where_sql}";
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql, $vn_element_id);
                 $va_values = array();
                 $va_list_items = null;
                 $va_suppress_values = null;
                 if ($va_facet_info['suppress'] && !is_array($va_facet_info['suppress'])) {
                     $va_facet_info['suppress'] = array($va_facet_info['suppress']);
                 if (!is_array($va_suppress_values = caGetOption('suppress', $va_facet_info, null))) {
                     $va_suppress_values = caGetOption('exclude_values', $va_facet_info, null);
                 switch ($vn_element_type) {
                     case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LIST__:
                         $va_values = $qr_res->getAllFieldValues('value_longtext1');
                         $t_list_item = new ca_list_items();
                         $va_list_item_cache = $t_list_item->getFieldValuesForIDs($va_values, array('idno', 'item_value', 'parent_id', 'access'));
                         $va_list_child_count_cache = array();
                         if (is_array($va_list_item_cache)) {
                             foreach ($va_list_item_cache as $vn_id => $va_item) {
                                 if (!($vn_parent_id = $va_item['parent_id'])) {
                                 if (is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && !in_array($va_item['access'], $pa_options['checkAccess'])) {
                         $va_list_label_cache = $t_list_item->getPreferredDisplayLabelsForIDs($va_values);
                         // Translate value idnos to ids
                         if (is_array($va_suppress_values)) {
                             $va_suppress_values = ca_lists::getItemIDsFromList($t_element->get('list_id'), $va_suppress_values);
                         $va_facet_list = array();
                         foreach ($va_values as $vn_val) {
                             if (!$vn_val) {
                             if (is_array($va_suppress_values) && in_array($vn_val, $va_suppress_values)) {
                             if (is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && !in_array($va_item['access'], $pa_options['checkAccess'])) {
                             if ($va_criteria[$vn_val]) {
                             // skip items that are used as browse critera - don't want to browse on something you're already browsing on
                             $vn_child_count = isset($va_list_child_count_cache[$vn_val]) ? $va_list_child_count_cache[$vn_val] : 0;
                             $va_facet_list[$vn_val] = array('id' => $vn_val, 'label' => html_entity_decode($va_list_label_cache[$vn_val]), 'parent_id' => isset($va_list_item_cache[$vn_val]['parent_id']) ? $va_list_item_cache[$vn_val]['parent_id'] : null, 'child_count' => $vn_child_count);
                         // preserve order of list
                         $va_values_sorted_by_list_order = array();
                         if (is_array($va_list_item_cache)) {
                             foreach ($va_list_item_cache as $vn_item_id => $va_item) {
                                 if (isset($va_facet_list[$vn_item_id])) {
                                     $va_values_sorted_by_list_order[$vn_item_id] = $va_facet_list[$vn_item_id];
                         return caSortArrayByKeyInValue($va_values_sorted_by_list_order, array('label'));
                     case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_OBJECTS__:
                     case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_ENTITIES__:
                     case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_PLACES__:
                     case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_OCCURRENCES__:
                     case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_COLLECTIONS__:
                     case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LOANS__:
                     case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_MOVEMENTS__:
                     case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STORAGELOCATIONS__:
                     case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_OBJECTLOTS__:
                         if ($t_rel_item = AuthorityAttributeValue::elementTypeToInstance($vn_element_type)) {
                             $va_ids = $qr_res->getAllFieldValues('value_integer1');
                             $va_auth_items = $t_rel_item->getPreferredDisplayLabelsForIDs($va_ids);
                         if (isset($va_facet_info['suppress']) && is_array($va_facet_info['suppress'])) {
                             $va_suppress_values = $va_facet_info['suppress'];
                 while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                     $o_attr = Attribute::getValueInstance($vn_element_type, $qr_res->getRow(), true);
                     if (!($vs_val = trim($o_attr->getDisplayValue()))) {
                     if (is_array($va_suppress_values) && in_array($vs_val, $va_suppress_values)) {
                     if ($va_criteria[$vs_val]) {
                     // skip items that are used as browse critera - don't want to browse on something you're already browsing on
                     switch ($vn_element_type) {
                         case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LIST__:
                             $vn_child_count = 0;
                             if ($va_list_parent_ids[$vs_val]) {
                             $va_values[$vs_val] = array('id' => str_replace('/', '&#47;', $vs_val), 'label' => html_entity_decode($va_list_items[$vs_val]['name_plural'] ? $va_list_items[$vs_val]['name_plural'] : $va_list_items[$vs_val]['item_value']), 'parent_id' => $va_list_items[$vs_val]['parent_id'], 'child_count' => $vn_child_count);
                         case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_OBJECTS__:
                         case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_ENTITIES__:
                         case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_PLACES__:
                         case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_OCCURRENCES__:
                         case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_COLLECTIONS__:
                         case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LOANS__:
                         case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_MOVEMENTS__:
                         case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STORAGELOCATIONS__:
                         case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_OBJECTLOTS__:
                             $va_values[$vs_val] = array('id' => $vn_id, 'label' => html_entity_decode($va_auth_items[$vn_id] ? $va_auth_items[$vn_id] : $vs_val));
                         case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_CURRENCY__:
                             $va_values[sprintf("%014.2f", preg_replace("![\\D]+!", "", $vs_val))] = array('id' => str_replace('/', '&#47;', $vs_val), 'label' => $vs_val);
                             $va_values[$vs_val] = array('id' => str_replace('/', '&#47;', $vs_val), 'label' => $vs_val);
                     if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && $vs_val == $vs_single_value) {
                         $vb_single_value_is_present = true;
                 if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && !$vb_single_value_is_present) {
                     return array();
                 return $va_values;
             # -----------------------------------------------------
         # -----------------------------------------------------
         case 'location':
             $t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true);
             $vs_sort_field = null;
             if ($t_item->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD') == $vs_field_name) {
                 $vs_sort_field = $t_item->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_SORT_FIELD');
             $va_joins = array();
             $va_wheres = array();
             $vs_where_sql = '';
             $va_wheres[] = "({$vs_browse_table_name}.current_loc_class IS NOT NULL)";
             if (sizeof($va_results) && $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(',', $va_results) . "))";
             if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_item->hasField('access')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
             if ($vs_browse_type_limit_sql) {
                 $va_wheres[] = $vs_browse_type_limit_sql;
             if ($t_item->hasField('deleted')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".deleted = 0)";
             if ($this->opo_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                 if ($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true)) {
                     // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
                     $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                     $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
             $vs_join_sql = join("\n", $va_joins);
             if (is_array($va_wheres) && sizeof($va_wheres) && ($vs_where_sql = join(' AND ', $va_wheres))) {
                 $vs_where_sql = '(' . $vs_where_sql . ')';
             if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                 if (sizeof($va_criteria) > 0) {
                     return false;
                 // only one current location criteria allowed
                 $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_browse_table_name}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 2";
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                 if ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                     return (int) $qr_res->numRows() > 0 ? true : false;
                 return false;
             } else {
                 if (sizeof($va_criteria) > 0) {
                     return array();
                 // only one current location criteria allowed
                 $vs_pk = $t_item->primaryKey();
                 $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT {$vs_browse_table_name}.current_loc_class, {$vs_browse_table_name}.current_loc_subclass, {$vs_browse_table_name}.current_loc_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_browse_table_name}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}";
                 if ($vs_sort_field) {
                     $vs_sql .= " ORDER BY {$vs_sort_field}";
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                 $va_collapse_map = $this->getCollapseMapForLocationFacet($va_facet_info);
                 $va_values = $va_values_by_table = array();
                 while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                     if (!($vs_loc_class = trim($qr_res->get('current_loc_class')))) {
                     if (!($vs_loc_subclass = trim($qr_res->get('current_loc_subclass')))) {
                     if (!($vs_loc_id = trim($qr_res->get('current_loc_id')))) {
                     $vs_val = "{$vs_loc_class}:{$vs_loc_subclass}:{$vs_loc_id}";
                     if ($va_criteria[$vs_val]) {
                     // skip items that are used as browse critera - don't want to browse on something you're already browsing on
                     $va_values_by_table[$vs_loc_class][$vs_loc_subclass][$vs_loc_id] = true;
                 foreach ($va_values_by_table as $vs_loc_class => $va_loc_id_by_subclass) {
                     foreach ($va_loc_id_by_subclass as $vs_loc_subclass => $va_loc_ids) {
                         if (sizeof($va_tmp = array_keys($va_loc_ids))) {
                             $vs_loc_table_name = $this->opo_datamodel->getTableName($vs_loc_class);
                             if (($vs_table_name = $vs_loc_table_name) == 'ca_objects_x_storage_locations') {
                                 $vs_table_name = 'ca_storage_locations';
                             $qr_res = caMakeSearchResult($vs_table_name, $va_tmp);
                             if (isset($va_collapse_map[$vs_table_name]) && isset($va_collapse_map[$vs_table_name]['*']) && $va_collapse_map[$vs_table_name]['*']) {
                                 $va_values[$vs_id = "{$vs_loc_class}"] = array('id' => $vs_id, 'label' => $va_collapse_map[$vs_table_name]['*']);
                             while ($qr_res->nextHit()) {
                                 $vn_id = $qr_res->getPrimaryKey();
                                 $va_config = ca_objects::getConfigurationForCurrentLocationType($vs_table_name, $vs_loc_subclass, array('facet' => isset($va_facet_info['display']) ? $va_facet_info['display'] : null));
                                 $vs_template = isset($va_config['template']) ? $va_config['template'] : "^{$vs_table_name}.preferred_labels";
                                 if (isset($va_collapse_map[$vs_table_name]) && isset($va_collapse_map[$vs_table_name][$vs_loc_subclass]) && $va_collapse_map[$vs_table_name][$vs_loc_subclass]) {
                                     $va_values[$vs_id = "{$vs_loc_class}:{$vs_loc_subclass}"] = array('id' => $vs_id, 'label' => $va_collapse_map[$vs_table_name][$vs_loc_subclass]);
                                 $va_values[$vs_id = "{$vs_loc_class}:{$vs_loc_subclass}:{$vn_id}"] = array('id' => $vs_id, 'label' => $qr_res->getWithTemplate($vs_template));
                 if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && !$vb_single_value_is_present) {
                     return array();
                 return caSortArrayByKeyInValue($va_values, array('label'));
             return array();
             # -----------------------------------------------------
         # -----------------------------------------------------
         case 'fieldList':
             $t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true);
             $vs_field_name = $va_facet_info['field'];
             $va_field_info = $t_item->getFieldInfo($vs_field_name);
             $t_list = new ca_lists();
             $t_list_item = new ca_list_items();
             $va_joins = array();
             $va_wheres = array();
             $vs_where_sql = '';
             if (isset($va_field_info['LIST_CODE']) && ($vs_list_name = $va_field_info['LIST_CODE'])) {
                 // Handle fields containing ca_list_item.item_id's
                 $va_joins = array('INNER JOIN ' . $vs_browse_table_name . ' ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $vs_field_name . ' = li.item_id', 'INNER JOIN ca_lists ON ca_lists.list_id = li.list_id');
                 if (sizeof($va_results) && $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                     $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(',', $va_results) . "))";
                 if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_item->hasField('access')) {
                     $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
                     $va_wheres[] = "(li.access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
                 if ($vs_browse_type_limit_sql) {
                     $va_wheres[] = $vs_browse_type_limit_sql;
                 if ($t_subject->hasField('deleted')) {
                     $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                 if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
                     if ($va_relative_sql_data = $this->_getRelativeFacetSQLData($va_facet_info['relative_to'], $pa_options)) {
                         $va_joins = array_merge($va_joins, $va_relative_sql_data['joins']);
                         $va_wheres = array_merge($va_wheres, $va_relative_sql_data['wheres']);
                 if (is_array($va_criteria) && sizeof($va_criteria)) {
                     $va_wheres[] = "(li.item_id NOT IN (" . join(",", array_keys($va_criteria)) . "))";
                 if ($this->opo_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                     if ($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true)) {
                         // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
                         $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                         $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
                 $vs_join_sql = join("\n", $va_joins);
                 if (is_array($va_wheres) && sizeof($va_wheres) && ($vs_where_sql = join(' AND ', $va_wheres))) {
                     $vs_where_sql = ' AND (' . $vs_where_sql . ')';
                 if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                     $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_list_items li\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tca_lists.list_code = ? {$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 2";
                     $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql, $vs_list_name);
                     return (int) $qr_res->numRows() > 1 ? true : false;
                 } else {
                     // Get label ordering fields
                     $va_ordering_fields_to_fetch = isset($va_facet_info['order_by_label_fields']) && is_array($va_facet_info['order_by_label_fields']) ? $va_facet_info['order_by_label_fields'] : array();
                     $va_orderbys = array();
                     $t_rel_item_label = new ca_list_item_labels();
                     foreach ($va_ordering_fields_to_fetch as $vs_sort_by_field) {
                         if (!$t_rel_item_label->hasField($vs_sort_by_field)) {
                         $va_orderbys[] = $va_label_selects[] = 'lil.' . $vs_sort_by_field;
                     $vs_order_by = sizeof($va_orderbys) ? "ORDER BY " . join(', ', $va_orderbys) : '';
                     $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT lil.item_id, lil.name_singular, lil.name_plural, lil.locale_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_list_items li\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_list_item_labels AS lil ON lil.item_id = li.item_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tca_lists.list_code = ?  AND lil.is_preferred = 1 {$vs_where_sql} {$vs_order_by}";
                     //print $vs_sql." [$vs_list_name]";
                     $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql, $vs_list_name);
                     $va_values = array();
                     while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                         $vn_id = $qr_res->get('item_id');
                         if ($va_criteria[$vn_id]) {
                         // skip items that are used as browse critera - don't want to browse on something you're already browsing on
                         $va_values[$vn_id][$qr_res->get('locale_id')] = array('id' => $vn_id, 'label' => $qr_res->get('name_plural'));
                         if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && $vn_id == $vs_single_value) {
                             $vb_single_value_is_present = true;
                     if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && !$vb_single_value_is_present) {
                         return array();
                     return caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_values);
             } else {
                 if ($vs_list_name = $va_field_info['LIST']) {
                     $va_list_items_by_value = array();
                     // fields with values set according to ca_list_items (not a foreign key ref)
                     if ($va_list_items = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($t_list->getItemsForList($vs_list_name))) {
                         foreach ($va_list_items as $vn_id => $va_list_item) {
                             $va_list_items_by_value[$va_list_item['item_value']] = $va_list_item['name_plural'];
                     } else {
                         foreach ($va_field_info['BOUNDS_CHOICE_LIST'] as $vs_val => $vn_id) {
                             $va_list_items_by_value[$vn_id] = $vs_val;
                     if (sizeof($va_results) && $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                         $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(',', $va_results) . "))";
                     if ($vs_browse_type_limit_sql) {
                         $va_wheres[] = $vs_browse_type_limit_sql;
                     if ($t_subject->hasField('deleted')) {
                         $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                     if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
                         if ($va_relative_sql_data = $this->_getRelativeFacetSQLData($va_facet_info['relative_to'], $pa_options)) {
                             $va_joins = array_merge($va_joins, $va_relative_sql_data['joins']);
                             $va_wheres = array_merge($va_wheres, $va_relative_sql_data['wheres']);
                     if ($this->opo_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                         if ($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true)) {
                             // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
                             $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                             $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
                     if (is_array($va_wheres) && sizeof($va_wheres) && ($vs_where_sql = join(' AND ', $va_wheres))) {
                         $vs_where_sql = '(' . $vs_where_sql . ')';
                     $vs_join_sql = join("\n", $va_joins);
                     if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                         $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $vs_browse_table_name . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vs_where_sql ? 'WHERE' : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 2";
                         $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                         return (int) $qr_res->numRows() > 1 ? true : false;
                     } else {
                         $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT " . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $vs_field_name . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $vs_browse_table_name . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vs_where_sql ? 'WHERE' : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}";
                         //print $vs_sql." [$vs_list_name]";
                         $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                         $va_values = array();
                         while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                             $vn_id = $qr_res->get($vs_field_name);
                             if ($va_criteria[$vn_id]) {
                             // skip items that are used as browse critera - don't want to browse on something you're already browsing on
                             if (isset($va_list_items_by_value[$vn_id])) {
                                 $va_values[$vn_id] = array('id' => $vn_id, 'label' => $va_list_items_by_value[$vn_id]);
                                 if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && $vn_id == $vs_single_value) {
                                     $vb_single_value_is_present = true;
                         if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && !$vb_single_value_is_present) {
                             return array();
                         return $va_values;
                 } else {
                     if ($t_browse_table = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_facet_table = $va_facet_info['table'], true)) {
                         // Handle fields containing ca_list_item.item_id's
                         $va_joins = array('INNER JOIN ' . $vs_browse_table_name . ' ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $vs_field_name . ' = ' . $vs_facet_table . '.' . $t_browse_table->primaryKey());
                         $vs_display_field_name = null;
                         if (method_exists($t_browse_table, 'getLabelTableInstance')) {
                             $t_label_instance = $t_browse_table->getLabelTableInstance();
                             $vs_display_field_name = isset($va_facet_info['display']) && $va_facet_info['display'] ? $va_facet_info['display'] : $t_label_instance->getDisplayField();
                             $va_joins[] = 'INNER JOIN ' . $t_label_instance->tableName() . " AS lab ON lab." . $t_browse_table->primaryKey() . ' = ' . $t_browse_table->tableName() . '.' . $t_browse_table->primaryKey();
                         if (sizeof($va_results) && $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                             $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(',', $va_results) . "))";
                         if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_item->hasField('access')) {
                             $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
                         if ($vs_browse_type_limit_sql) {
                             $va_wheres[] = $vs_browse_type_limit_sql;
                         if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
                             if ($t_subject->hasField('deleted')) {
                                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                             if ($va_relative_sql_data = $this->_getRelativeFacetSQLData($va_facet_info['relative_to'], $pa_options)) {
                                 $va_joins = array_merge($va_joins, $va_relative_sql_data['joins']);
                                 $va_wheres = array_merge($va_wheres, $va_relative_sql_data['wheres']);
                         if ($this->opo_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                             if ($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true)) {
                                 // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
                                 $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                                 $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
                         $vs_join_sql = join("\n", $va_joins);
                         if (is_array($va_wheres) && sizeof($va_wheres) && ($vs_where_sql = join(' AND ', $va_wheres))) {
                             $vs_where_sql = 'WHERE (' . $vs_where_sql . ')';
                         if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                             $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_facet_table}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1";
                             $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                             return (int) $qr_res->numRows() > 0 ? true : false;
                         } else {
                             $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT *\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_facet_table}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}";
                             //print $vs_sql;
                             $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                             $va_values = array();
                             $vs_pk = $t_browse_table->primaryKey();
                             while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                                 $vn_id = $qr_res->get($vs_pk);
                                 if ($va_criteria[$vn_id]) {
                                 // skip items that are used as browse critera - don't want to browse on something you're already browsing on
                                 $va_values[$vn_id][$qr_res->get('locale_id')] = array('id' => $vn_id, 'label' => $qr_res->get($vs_display_field_name));
                                 if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && $vn_id == $vs_single_value) {
                                     $vb_single_value_is_present = true;
                             if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && !$vb_single_value_is_present) {
                                 return array();
                             return caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_values);
             return array();
             # -----------------------------------------------------
         # -----------------------------------------------------
         case 'field':
             $t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true);
             if (!is_array($va_restrict_to_types = $va_facet_info['restrict_to_types'])) {
                 $va_restrict_to_types = array();
             if (!is_array($va_restrict_to_types = $this->_convertTypeCodesToIDs($va_restrict_to_types, array('instance' => $t_item, 'dontExpandHierarchically' => true)))) {
                 $va_restrict_to_types = array();
             $va_restrict_to_types_expanded = $this->_convertTypeCodesToIDs($va_restrict_to_types, array('instance' => $t_item));
             $vs_field_name = $va_facet_info['field'];
             $va_field_info = $t_item->getFieldInfo($vs_field_name);
             $vs_sort_field = null;
             if ($t_item->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD') == $vs_field_name) {
                 $vs_sort_field = $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_SORT_FIELD');
             $t_list = new ca_lists();
             $t_list_item = new ca_list_items();
             $va_joins = array();
             $va_wheres = array();
             $vs_where_sql = '';
             $va_facet_values = null;
             if ($vb_is_bit = $va_field_info['FIELD_TYPE'] == FT_BIT) {
                 $vs_yes_text = caGetOption('label_yes', $va_facet_info, _t('Yes'));
                 $vs_no_text = caGetOption('label_no', $va_facet_info, _t('No'));
                 $va_facet_values = array(1 => array('id' => 1, 'label' => $vs_yes_text), 0 => array('id' => 0, 'label' => $vs_no_text));
             if (is_array($va_restrict_to_types) && sizeof($va_restrict_to_types) > 0 && method_exists($t_rel_item, "getTypeList")) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "{$va_restrict_to_types_expanded}.type_id IN (" . join(',', caGetOption('dont_include_subtypes', $va_facet_info, false) ? $va_restrict_to_types : $va_restrict_to_types_expanded) . ")";
                 $va_selects[] = "{$va_restrict_to_types_expanded}.type_id";
             if (sizeof($va_results) && $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(',', $va_results) . "))";
             if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_item->hasField('access')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
             if ($vs_browse_type_limit_sql) {
                 $va_wheres[] = $vs_browse_type_limit_sql;
             if ($t_item->hasField('deleted')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".deleted = 0)";
             if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
                 if ($t_subject->hasField('deleted')) {
                     $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                 if ($va_relative_sql_data = $this->_getRelativeFacetSQLData($va_facet_info['relative_to'], $pa_options)) {
                     $va_joins = array_merge($va_joins, $va_relative_sql_data['joins']);
                     $va_wheres = array_merge($va_wheres, $va_relative_sql_data['wheres']);
             if ($this->opo_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                 if ($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true)) {
                     // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
                     $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                     $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
             $vs_join_sql = join("\n", $va_joins);
             if (is_array($va_wheres) && sizeof($va_wheres) && ($vs_where_sql = join(' AND ', $va_wheres))) {
                 $vs_where_sql = '(' . $vs_where_sql . ')';
             if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                 $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT {$vs_browse_table_name}.{$vs_field_name}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_browse_table_name}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 2";
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                 if ($qr_res->numRows() > 1) {
                     return true;
                 return false;
             } else {
                 $vs_pk = $t_item->primaryKey();
                 $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT {$vs_browse_table_name}.{$vs_field_name}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_browse_table_name}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}";
                 if ($vs_sort_field) {
                     $vs_sql .= " ORDER BY {$vs_sort_field}";
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                 $va_values = array();
                 while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                     if (!($vs_val = trim($qr_res->get($vs_field_name))) && !$vb_is_bit) {
                     if ($va_criteria[$vs_val]) {
                     // skip items that are used as browse critera - don't want to browse on something you're already browsing on
                     if ($vb_is_bit && isset($va_facet_values[$vs_val])) {
                         $va_values[$vs_val] = $va_facet_values[$vs_val];
                     } else {
                         $va_values[$vs_val] = array('id' => str_replace('/', '&#47;', $vs_val), 'label' => $vs_val);
                     if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && $vs_val == $vs_single_value) {
                         $vb_single_value_is_present = true;
                 if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && !$vb_single_value_is_present) {
                     return array();
                 return $va_values;
             return array();
             # -----------------------------------------------------
         # -----------------------------------------------------
         case 'violations':
             $t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true);
             $vs_field_name = $va_facet_info['field'];
             $va_field_info = $t_item->getFieldInfo($vs_field_name);
             $va_joins = array();
             $va_wheres = array();
             $vs_where_sql = '';
             $va_facet_values = null;
             if (sizeof($va_results) && $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(',', $va_results) . "))";
             if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_item->hasField('access')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
             if ($vs_browse_type_limit_sql) {
                 $va_wheres[] = $vs_browse_type_limit_sql;
             if ($t_item->hasField('deleted')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".deleted = 0)";
             if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
                 if ($t_subject->hasField('deleted')) {
                     $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                 if ($va_relative_sql_data = $this->_getRelativeFacetSQLData($va_facet_info['relative_to'], $pa_options)) {
                     $va_joins = array_merge($va_joins, $va_relative_sql_data['joins']);
                     $va_wheres = array_merge($va_wheres, $va_relative_sql_data['wheres']);
             if ($this->opo_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                 if ($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true)) {
                     // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
                     $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                     $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
             $vs_join_sql = join("\n", $va_joins);
             if (is_array($va_wheres) && sizeof($va_wheres) && ($vs_where_sql = join(' AND ', $va_wheres))) {
                 $vs_where_sql = '(' . $vs_where_sql . ')';
             if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                 $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_browse_table_name}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_metadata_dictionary_rule_violations ON ca_metadata_dictionary_rule_violations.row_id = {$vs_browse_table_name}." . $t_item->primaryKey() . " AND ca_metadata_dictionary_rule_violations.table_num = {$vs_browse_table_num}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 2";
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                 if ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                     return (int) $qr_res->numRows() > 0 ? true : false;
                 return false;
             } else {
                 $vs_pk = $t_item->primaryKey();
                 $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT ca_metadata_dictionary_rules.rule_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_browse_table_name}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_metadata_dictionary_rule_violations ON ca_metadata_dictionary_rule_violations.row_id = {$vs_browse_table_name}." . $t_item->primaryKey() . " AND ca_metadata_dictionary_rule_violations.table_num = {$vs_browse_table_num}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_metadata_dictionary_rules ON ca_metadata_dictionary_rules.rule_id = ca_metadata_dictionary_rule_violations.rule_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}";
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                 $va_values = array();
                 $t_rule = new ca_metadata_dictionary_rules();
                 while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                     if ($t_rule->load($qr_res->get('rule_id'))) {
                         if (!($vs_val = trim($t_rule->getSetting('label')))) {
                         $vs_code = $t_rule->get('rule_code');
                         if ($va_criteria[$vs_val]) {
                         // skip items that are used as browse critera - don't want to browse on something you're already browsing on
                         if (isset($va_facet_values[$vs_code])) {
                             $va_values[$vs_code] = $va_facet_values[$vs_code];
                         } else {
                             $va_values[$vs_code] = array('id' => $vs_code, 'label' => $vs_val);
                         if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && $vs_code == $vs_single_value) {
                             $vb_single_value_is_present = true;
                 if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && !$vb_single_value_is_present) {
                     return array();
                 return $va_values;
             return array();
             # -----------------------------------------------------
         # -----------------------------------------------------
         case 'checkouts':
             if ($vs_browse_table_name != 'ca_objects') {
                 return array();
             $t_item = new ca_objects();
             $va_joins = array();
             $va_wheres = array();
             $vs_where_sql = '';
             $va_facet_values = null;
             if (sizeof($va_results) && $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(',', $va_results) . "))";
             if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_item->hasField('access')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
             if ($vs_browse_type_limit_sql) {
                 $va_wheres[] = $vs_browse_type_limit_sql;
             if ($t_item->hasField('deleted')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".deleted = 0)";
             if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
                 if ($t_subject->hasField('deleted')) {
                     $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                 if ($va_relative_sql_data = $this->_getRelativeFacetSQLData($va_facet_info['relative_to'], $pa_options)) {
                     $va_joins = array_merge($va_joins, $va_relative_sql_data['joins']);
                     $va_wheres = array_merge($va_wheres, $va_relative_sql_data['wheres']);
             $vs_checkout_join_sql = "INNER JOIN ca_object_checkouts ON ca_object_checkouts.object_id = ca_objects.object_id";
             $vn_current_time = time();
             switch ($va_facet_info['status']) {
                 case 'overdue':
                     $va_wheres[] = "((ca_object_checkouts.checkout_date <= {$vn_current_time}) AND (ca_object_checkouts.return_date IS NULL) AND (ca_object_checkouts.due_date <= {$vn_current_time}))";
                 case 'reserved':
                     $va_wheres[] = "((ca_object_checkouts.checkout_date IS NULL) AND (ca_object_checkouts.return_date IS NULL))";
                 case 'available':
                     $vs_checkout_join_sql = '';
                     $va_wheres[] = "(ca_objects.object_id NOT IN (SELECT object_id FROM ca_object_checkouts WHERE (ca_object_checkouts.checkout_date <= {$vn_current_time}) AND (ca_object_checkouts.return_date IS NULL)))";
                 case 'out':
                     $va_wheres[] = "((ca_object_checkouts.checkout_date <= {$vn_current_time}) AND (ca_object_checkouts.return_date IS NULL))";
             if ($vs_checkout_join_sql) {
                 $va_joins[] = $vs_checkout_join_sql;
                 $va_joins[] = "INNER JOIN ca_users ON ca_object_checkouts.user_id = ca_users.user_id";
             if ($this->opo_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                 if ($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true)) {
                     // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
                     $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                     $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
             $vs_join_sql = join("\n", $va_joins);
             if (is_array($va_wheres) && sizeof($va_wheres) && ($vs_where_sql = join(' AND ', $va_wheres))) {
                 $vs_where_sql = '(' . $vs_where_sql . ')';
             if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                 switch ($va_facet_info['mode']) {
                     case 'user':
                         $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_objects\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql} AND ca_objects.deleted = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 2";
                     case 'all':
                         $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_objects\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tca_objects.deleted = 0 " . (sizeof($va_results) ? "AND (" . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(',', $va_results) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 2";
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                 if ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                     return (int) $qr_res->numRows() > 0 ? true : false;
                 return false;
             } else {
                 $va_values = array();
                 $vs_pk = $t_item->primaryKey();
                 switch ($va_facet_info['mode']) {
                     case 'user':
                         $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT ca_object_checkouts.user_id, ca_users.fname, ca_users.lname, ca_users.email\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_objects\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql} " . (sizeof($va_results) ? " AND (" . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(',', $va_results) . "))" : "");
                         $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                         while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                             $vn_user_id = $qr_res->get('user_id');
                             $vs_val = $qr_res->get('fname') . ' ' . $qr_res->get('lname') . (($vs_email = $qr_res->get('email')) ? "({$vs_email})" : '');
                             if ($va_criteria[$vs_val]) {
                             // skip items that are used as browse critera - don't want to browse on something you're already browsing on
                             if (isset($va_facet_values[$vn_user_id])) {
                                 $va_values[$vn_user_id] = $va_facet_values[$vn_user_id];
                             } else {
                                 $va_values[$vn_user_id] = array('id' => $vn_user_id, 'label' => $vs_val);
                             if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && $vn_user_id == $vs_single_value) {
                                 $vb_single_value_is_present = true;
                     case 'all':
                         foreach (array(_t('Available') => 'available', _t('Out') => 'out', _t('Reserved') => 'reserved', _t('Overdue') => 'overdue') as $vs_status_text => $vs_status) {
                             $vs_join_sql = "INNER JOIN ca_object_checkouts ON ca_object_checkouts.object_id = ca_objects.object_id";
                             switch ($vs_status) {
                                 case 'overdue':
                                     $vs_where = "((ca_object_checkouts.checkout_date <= {$vn_current_time}) AND (ca_object_checkouts.return_date IS NULL) AND (ca_object_checkouts.due_date <= {$vn_current_time}))";
                                 case 'reserved':
                                     $vs_where = "((ca_object_checkouts.checkout_date IS NULL) AND (ca_object_checkouts.return_date IS NULL))";
                                 case 'available':
                                     $vs_join_sql = '';
                                     $vs_where = "(ca_objects.object_id NOT IN (SELECT object_id FROM ca_object_checkouts WHERE (ca_object_checkouts.checkout_date <= {$vn_current_time}) AND (ca_object_checkouts.return_date IS NULL)))";
                                 case 'out':
                                     $vs_where = "((ca_object_checkouts.checkout_date <= {$vn_current_time}) AND (ca_object_checkouts.return_date IS NULL))";
                             if (sizeof($va_results) && $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                                 $vs_where .= " AND (" . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(',', $va_results) . "))";
                             $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT count(*) c\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_objects\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                             $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                             if (!$qr_res->get('c')) {
                             $va_values[$vs_status] = array('id' => $vs_status, 'label' => $vs_status_text);
                             if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && $vs_status == $vs_single_value) {
                                 $vb_single_value_is_present = true;
                 if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && !$vb_single_value_is_present) {
                     return array();
                 return $va_values;
             return array();
             # -----------------------------------------------------
         # -----------------------------------------------------
         case 'normalizedDates':
             $t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true);
             $t_element = new ca_metadata_elements();
             $vb_is_element = $vb_is_field = false;
             if (!($vb_is_element = $t_element->load(array('element_code' => $va_facet_info['element_code']))) && !($vb_is_field = $t_item->hasField($va_facet_info['element_code']) && $t_item->getFieldInfo($va_facet_info['element_code'], 'FIELD_TYPE') === FT_HISTORIC_DATERANGE)) {
                 return array();
             if ($vb_is_element) {
                 $va_joins = array('INNER JOIN ca_attribute_values ON ca_attributes.attribute_id = ca_attribute_values.attribute_id', 'INNER JOIN ' . $vs_browse_table_name . ' ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_attributes.row_id AND ca_attributes.table_num = ' . intval($vs_browse_table_num));
             } else {
                 $va_joins = array();
             $va_wheres = array();
             $vs_normalization = $va_facet_info['normalization'];
             // how do we construct the date ranges presented to uses. In other words - how do we want to allow users to browse dates? By year, decade, century?
             if (sizeof($va_results) && $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(',', $va_results) . "))";
             if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_item->hasField('access')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
             if ($vs_browse_type_limit_sql) {
                 $va_wheres[] = $vs_browse_type_limit_sql;
             if ($t_item->hasField('deleted')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".deleted = 0)";
             if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
                 if ($t_subject->hasField('deleted')) {
                     $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                 if ($va_relative_sql_data = $this->_getRelativeFacetSQLData($va_facet_info['relative_to'], $pa_options)) {
                     $va_joins = array_merge($va_joins, $va_relative_sql_data['joins']);
                     $va_wheres = array_merge($va_wheres, $va_relative_sql_data['wheres']);
             if ($this->opo_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                 if ($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true)) {
                     // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
                     $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                     $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
             $vs_where_sql = '';
             if (is_array($va_wheres) && sizeof($va_wheres) && ($vs_where_sql = join(' AND ', $va_wheres))) {
                 $vs_where_sql = ' AND (' . $vs_where_sql . ')';
             $vs_join_sql = join("\n", $va_joins);
             if ($vb_is_element) {
                 $vn_element_id = $t_element->getPrimaryKey();
                 $vs_dir = strtoupper($va_facet_info['sort']) === 'DESC' ? "DESC" : "ASC";
                 $o_tep = new TimeExpressionParser();
                 $vn_min_date = $vn_max_date = null;
                 $vs_min_sql = $vs_max_sql = '';
                 if (isset($va_facet_info['minimum_date'])) {
                     if ($o_tep->parse($va_facet_info['minimum_date'])) {
                         $va_tmp = $o_tep->getHistoricTimestamps();
                         $vn_min_date = (double) $va_tmp['start'];
                         $vs_min_sql = " AND (ca_attribute_values.value_decimal1 >= {$vn_min_date})";
                 if (isset($va_facet_info['maximum_date'])) {
                     if ($o_tep->parse($va_facet_info['maximum_date'])) {
                         $va_tmp = $o_tep->getHistoricTimestamps();
                         $vn_max_date = (double) $va_tmp['end'];
                         $vs_max_sql = " AND (ca_attribute_values.value_decimal2 <= {$vn_max_date})";
                 if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                     $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_attributes\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tca_attribute_values.element_id = ? \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_min_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_max_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1";
                     //print $vs_sql;
                     $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql, $vn_element_id);
                     return (int) $qr_res->numRows() > 0 ? true : false;
                 } else {
                     $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT ca_attribute_values.value_decimal1, ca_attribute_values.value_decimal2\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_attributes\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tca_attribute_values.element_id = ? \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_min_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_max_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                     //print $vs_sql;
                     $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql, $vn_element_id);
                     $vn_current_year = (int) date("Y");
                     $va_values = array();
                     $vb_include_unknown = (bool) caGetOption('include_unknown', $va_facet_info, false);
                     $vb_unknown_is_set = false;
                     while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                         $vn_start = $qr_res->get('value_decimal1');
                         $vn_end = $qr_res->get('value_decimal2');
                         if (!($vn_start && $vn_end)) {
                             if ($vb_include_unknown) {
                                 $vb_unknown_is_set = true;
                         if ($vn_end > $vn_current_year + 50) {
                         // bad years can make for large facets that cause timeouts so cut it off 50 years into the future
                         $va_normalized_values = $o_tep->normalizeDateRange($vn_start, $vn_end, $vs_normalization);
                         foreach ($va_normalized_values as $vn_sort_value => $vs_normalized_value) {
                             if ($va_criteria[$vs_normalized_value]) {
                             // skip items that are used as browse critera - don't want to browse on something you're already browsing on
                             if (is_numeric($vs_normalized_value) && (int) $vs_normalized_value === 0) {
                             // don't include year=0
                             $va_values[$vn_sort_value][$vs_normalized_value] = array('id' => $vs_normalized_value, 'label' => $vs_normalized_value);
                             if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && $vs_normalized_value == $vs_single_value) {
                                 $vb_single_value_is_present = true;
                     if ($vb_include_unknown && !$vb_unknown_is_set) {
                         // Check for rows where no data is set at all as opposed to null dates
                         $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT ca_attributes.row_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_attributes\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tca_attribute_values.element_id = ? \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_min_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_max_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                         //print $vs_sql;
                         $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql, $vn_element_id);
                         if ($qr_res->numRows() < sizeof($va_results)) {
                             $vb_unknown_is_set = true;
                     if ($vb_unknown_is_set && sizeof($va_values) > 0) {
                         $va_values['999999999'][_t('Date unknown')] = array('id' => 'null', 'label' => _t('Date unknown'));
                     if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && !$vb_single_value_is_present) {
                         return array();
                     if ($vs_dir == 'DESC') {
                         $va_values = array_reverse($va_values);
                     $va_sorted_values = array();
                     foreach ($va_values as $vn_sort_value => $va_values_for_sort_value) {
                         $va_sorted_values = array_merge($va_sorted_values, $va_values_for_sort_value);
                     return $va_sorted_values;
             } else {
                 // is intrinsic
                 $vs_dir = strtoupper($va_facet_info['sort']) === 'DESC' ? "DESC" : "ASC";
                 $vs_browse_start_fld = $t_item->getFieldInfo($va_facet_info['element_code'], 'START');
                 $vs_browse_end_fld = $t_item->getFieldInfo($va_facet_info['element_code'], 'END');
                 $o_tep = new TimeExpressionParser();
                 $vn_min_date = $vn_max_date = null;
                 $vs_min_sql = $vs_max_sql = '';
                 if (isset($va_facet_info['minimum_date'])) {
                     if ($o_tep->parse($va_facet_info['minimum_date'])) {
                         $va_tmp = $o_tep->getHistoricTimestamps();
                         $vn_min_date = (double) $va_tmp['start'];
                         $vs_min_sql = " AND ({$vs_browse_table_name}.{$vs_browse_start_fld} >= {$vn_min_date})";
                 if (isset($va_facet_info['maximum_date'])) {
                     if ($o_tep->parse($va_facet_info['maximum_date'])) {
                         $va_tmp = $o_tep->getHistoricTimestamps();
                         $vn_max_date = (double) $va_tmp['end'];
                         $vs_max_sql = " AND ({$vs_browse_table_name}.{$vs_browse_end_fld} <= {$vn_max_date})";
                 if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                     $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_browse_table_name}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t1 = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_min_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_max_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1";
                     //print $vs_sql;
                     $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                     return (int) $qr_res->numRows() > 0 ? true : false;
                 } else {
                     $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT {$vs_browse_table_name}.{$vs_browse_start_fld}, {$vs_browse_table_name}.{$vs_browse_end_fld}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_browse_table_name}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t1 = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_min_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_max_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                     //print $vs_sql;
                     $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                     $va_values = array();
                     while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                         $vn_start = $qr_res->get($vs_browse_start_fld);
                         $vn_end = $qr_res->get($vs_browse_end_fld);
                         if (!($vn_start && $vn_end)) {
                         $va_normalized_values = $o_tep->normalizeDateRange($vn_start, $vn_end, $vs_normalization);
                         foreach ($va_normalized_values as $vn_sort_value => $vs_normalized_value) {
                             if ($va_criteria[$vs_normalized_value]) {
                             // skip items that are used as browse critera - don't want to browse on something you're already browsing on
                             if (is_numeric($vs_normalized_value) && (int) $vs_normalized_value === 0) {
                             // don't include year=0
                             $va_values[$vn_sort_value][$vs_normalized_value] = array('id' => $vs_normalized_value, 'label' => $vs_normalized_value);
                             if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && $vs_normalized_value == $vs_single_value) {
                                 $vb_single_value_is_present = true;
                     if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && !$vb_single_value_is_present) {
                         return array();
                     if ($vs_dir == 'DESC') {
                         $va_values = array_reverse($va_values);
                     $va_sorted_values = array();
                     foreach ($va_values as $vn_sort_value => $va_values_for_sort_value) {
                         $va_sorted_values = array_merge($va_sorted_values, $va_values_for_sort_value);
                     return $va_sorted_values;
             # -----------------------------------------------------
         # -----------------------------------------------------
         case 'normalizedLength':
             $t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true);
             $t_element = new ca_metadata_elements();
             $vb_is_element = $vb_is_field = false;
             if (!($vb_is_element = $t_element->load(array('element_code' => $va_facet_info['element_code']))) && !($vb_is_field = $t_item->hasField($va_facet_info['element_code']) && $t_item->getFieldInfo($va_facet_info['element_code'], 'FIELD_TYPE') === FT_HISTORIC_DATERANGE)) {
                 return array();
             if ($vb_is_element) {
                 $va_joins = array('INNER JOIN ca_attribute_values ON ca_attributes.attribute_id = ca_attribute_values.attribute_id', 'INNER JOIN ' . $vs_browse_table_name . ' ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_attributes.row_id AND ca_attributes.table_num = ' . intval($vs_browse_table_num));
             } else {
                 $va_joins = array();
             $va_wheres = array();
             $vs_normalization = $va_facet_info['normalization'];
             // how do we construct the dimensions ranges presented to users. In other words - what increments do we can to use to  browse measurments?
             if (sizeof($va_results) && $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(',', $va_results) . "))";
             if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_item->hasField('access')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
             if ($vs_browse_type_limit_sql) {
                 $va_wheres[] = $vs_browse_type_limit_sql;
             if ($t_item->hasField('deleted')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".deleted = 0)";
             if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
                 if ($t_subject->hasField('deleted')) {
                     $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                 if ($va_relative_sql_data = $this->_getRelativeFacetSQLData($va_facet_info['relative_to'], $pa_options)) {
                     $va_joins = array_merge($va_joins, $va_relative_sql_data['joins']);
                     $va_wheres = array_merge($va_wheres, $va_relative_sql_data['wheres']);
             if ($this->opo_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                 if ($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true)) {
                     // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
                     $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                     $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
             $vs_where_sql = '';
             if (is_array($va_wheres) && sizeof($va_wheres) && ($vs_where_sql = join(' AND ', $va_wheres))) {
                 $vs_where_sql = ' AND (' . $vs_where_sql . ')';
             $vs_join_sql = join("\n", $va_joins);
             $vn_element_id = $t_element->getPrimaryKey();
             $vs_dir = strtoupper($va_facet_info['sort']) === 'DESC' ? "DESC" : "ASC";
             $vs_min_sql = $vs_max_sql = '';
             $vo_minimum_dimension = caParseLengthDimension(caGetOption('minimum_dimension', $va_facet_info, "0 in"));
             $vo_maximum_dimension = caParseLengthDimension(caGetOption('maximum_dimension', $va_facet_info, "0 in"));
             if ($vo_minimum_dimension) {
                 $vn_tmp = (double) $vo_minimum_dimension->convertTo('METER', 6, 'en_US');
                 $vs_min_sql = " AND (ca_attribute_values.value_decimal1 >= {$vn_tmp})";
             if (caGetOption('maximum_dimension', $va_facet_info, null) && $vo_maximum_dimension) {
                 $vn_tmp = (double) $vo_maximum_dimension->convertTo('METER', 6, 'en_US');
                 $vs_max_sql = " AND (ca_attribute_values.value_decimal1 <= {$vn_tmp})";
             if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                 $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_attributes\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tca_attribute_values.element_id = ? \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_min_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_max_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1";
                 //print $vs_sql;
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql, $vn_element_id);
                 return (int) $qr_res->numRows() > 0 ? true : false;
             } else {
                 $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT ca_attribute_values.value_decimal1, ca_attribute_values.value_decimal2, ca_attribute_values.value_longtext1, ca_attribute_values.value_longtext2\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_attributes\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tca_attribute_values.element_id = ? \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_min_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_max_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_where_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t";
                 //print $vs_sql;
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql, $vn_element_id);
                 $va_values = array();
                 if (!($vs_output_units = caGetLengthUnitType($vs_units = caGetOption('units', $va_facet_info, 'm')))) {
                     $vs_output_units = Zend_Measure_Length::METER;
                 $vs_increment = caGetOption('increment', $va_facet_info, '1 m');
                 $vo_increment = caParseLengthDimension($vs_increment);
                 $vn_increment_in_current_units = (double) $vo_increment->convertTo($vs_output_units, 6, 'en_US');
                 while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                     $vn_meters = $qr_res->get('value_decimal1');
                     // measurement in meters
                     // convert to target dimensions
                     // normalize
                     $vo_dim = new Zend_Measure_Length($vn_meters, Zend_Measure_Length::METER, 'en_US');
                     $vs_dim = $vo_dim->convertTo($vs_output_units, 6, 'en_US');
                     $vn_dim = (double) $vs_dim;
                     $vn_normalized = floor($vn_dim / $vn_increment_in_current_units) * $vn_increment_in_current_units;
                     if (isset($va_criteria[$vn_normalized])) {
                     $vs_normalized_range_with_units = "{$vn_normalized} {$vs_units} - " . ($vn_normalized + $vn_increment_in_current_units) . " {$vs_units}";
                     $va_values[$vn_normalized][$vn_normalized] = array('id' => $vn_normalized, 'label' => $vs_normalized_range_with_units);
                     if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && $vn_normalized == $vs_single_value) {
                         $vb_single_value_is_present = true;
                 if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && !$vb_single_value_is_present) {
                     return array();
                 if ($vs_dir == 'DESC') {
                     $va_values = array_reverse($va_values);
                 $va_sorted_values = array();
                 foreach ($va_values as $vn_sort_value => $va_values_for_sort_value) {
                     $va_sorted_values = array_merge($va_sorted_values, $va_values_for_sort_value);
                 return $va_sorted_values;
             # -----------------------------------------------------
         # -----------------------------------------------------
         case 'authority':
             $vs_rel_table_name = $va_facet_info['table'];
             $va_params = $this->opo_ca_browse_cache->getParameters();
             // Make sure we honor type restrictions for the related authority
             $va_user_type_restrictions = caGetTypeRestrictionsForUser($vs_rel_table_name);
             $va_restrict_to_types = $va_facet_info['restrict_to_types'];
             if (is_array($va_user_type_restrictions)) {
                 if (!is_array($va_restrict_to_types)) {
                     $va_restrict_to_types = $va_user_type_restrictions;
                 } else {
                     $va_restrict_to_types = array_intersect($va_restrict_to_types, $va_user_type_restrictions);
             if (!is_array($va_exclude_types = $va_facet_info['exclude_types'])) {
                 $va_exclude_types = array();
             if (!is_array($va_restrict_to_relationship_types = $va_facet_info['restrict_to_relationship_types'])) {
                 $va_restrict_to_relationship_types = array();
             if (!is_array($va_exclude_relationship_types = $va_facet_info['exclude_relationship_types'])) {
                 $va_exclude_relationship_types = array();
             $t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true);
             if ($vs_browse_table_name == $vs_rel_table_name) {
                 // browsing on self-relations not supported
             } else {
                 switch (sizeof($va_path = array_keys($this->opo_datamodel->getPath($vs_browse_table_name, $vs_rel_table_name)))) {
                     case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LIST__:
                         $t_item_rel = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($va_path[1], true);
                         $t_rel_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($va_path[2], true);
                         $vs_key = 'relation_id';
                     case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DATERANGE__:
                         $t_item_rel = null;
                         $t_rel_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($va_path[1], true);
                         $vs_key = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
                         // bad related table
                         return null;
             $vb_rel_is_hierarchical = (bool) $t_rel_item->isHierarchical();
             // Convert related item type_code specs in restrict_to_types and exclude_types lists to numeric type_ids we need for the query
             if (!is_array($va_restrict_to_types = $this->_convertTypeCodesToIDs($va_restrict_to_types, array('instance' => $t_rel_item, 'dontExpandHierarchically' => true)))) {
                 $va_restrict_to_types = array();
             if (!is_array($va_exclude_types = $this->_convertTypeCodesToIDs($va_exclude_types, array('instance' => $t_rel_item, 'dontExpandHierarchically' => true)))) {
                 $va_exclude_types = array();
             $va_restrict_to_types_expanded = $this->_convertTypeCodesToIDs($va_restrict_to_types, array('instance' => $t_rel_item));
             $va_exclude_types_expanded = $this->_convertTypeCodesToIDs($va_exclude_types, array('instance' => $t_rel_item));
             // look up relationship type restrictions
             $va_restrict_to_relationship_types = $this->_getRelationshipTypeIDs($va_restrict_to_relationship_types, $va_facet_info['relationship_table']);
             $va_exclude_relationship_types = $this->_getRelationshipTypeIDs($va_exclude_relationship_types, $va_facet_info['relationship_table']);
             $va_joins = array();
             $va_selects = array();
             $va_wheres = array();
             $va_orderbys = array();
             if (!$va_facet_info['show_all_when_first_facet'] || $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                 $vs_cur_table = array_shift($va_path);
                 foreach ($va_path as $vs_join_table) {
                     $va_rel_info = $this->opo_datamodel->getRelationships($vs_cur_table, $vs_join_table);
                     $va_joins[] = 'INNER JOIN ' . $vs_join_table . ' ON ' . $vs_cur_table . '.' . $va_rel_info[$vs_cur_table][$vs_join_table][0][0] . ' = ' . $vs_join_table . '.' . $va_rel_info[$vs_cur_table][$vs_join_table][0][1] . "\n";
                     $vs_cur_table = $vs_join_table;
             } else {
                 if ($va_facet_info['show_all_when_first_facet']) {
                     $va_path = array_reverse($va_path);
                     // in "show_all" mode we turn the browse on it's head and grab records by the "subject" table, rather than the browse table
                     $vs_cur_table = array_shift($va_path);
                     $vs_join_table = $va_path[0];
                     $va_rel_info = $this->opo_datamodel->getRelationships($vs_cur_table, $vs_join_table);
                     $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $vs_join_table . ' ON ' . $vs_cur_table . '.' . $va_rel_info[$vs_cur_table][$vs_join_table][0][0] . ' = ' . $vs_join_table . '.' . $va_rel_info[$vs_cur_table][$vs_join_table][0][1] . "\n";
             if (sizeof($va_results) && $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . '.' . $t_subject->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(',', $va_results) . "))";
             if (!is_array($va_restrict_to_lists = $va_facet_info['restrict_to_lists'])) {
                 $va_restrict_to_lists = array();
             if (is_array($va_restrict_to_lists) && sizeof($va_restrict_to_lists) > 0 && $t_rel_item->tableName() == 'ca_list_items') {
                 $va_list_ids = array();
                 foreach ($va_restrict_to_lists as $vm_list) {
                     if (is_numeric($vm_list)) {
                         $vn_list_id = (int) $vm_list;
                     } else {
                         $vn_list_id = (int) ca_lists::getListID($vm_list);
                     if ($vn_list_id) {
                         $va_list_ids[] = $vn_list_id;
                 if (sizeof($va_list_ids) > 0) {
                     $va_wheres[] = "{$vs_rel_table_name}.list_id IN (" . join(',', $va_list_ids) . ")";
             if (is_array($va_restrict_to_types) && sizeof($va_restrict_to_types) > 0 && method_exists($t_rel_item, "getTypeList")) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "{$vs_rel_table_name}.type_id IN (" . join(',', caGetOption('dont_include_subtypes', $va_facet_info, false) ? $va_restrict_to_types : $va_restrict_to_types_expanded) . ")" . ($t_rel_item->getFieldInfo('type_id', 'IS_NULL') ? " OR ({$vs_rel_table_name}.type_id IS NULL)" : '');
                 $va_selects[] = "{$vs_rel_table_name}.type_id";
             if (is_array($va_exclude_types) && sizeof($va_exclude_types) > 0 && method_exists($t_rel_item, "getTypeList")) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "{$vs_rel_table_name}.type_id NOT IN (" . join(',', caGetOption('dont_include_subtypes', $va_facet_info, false) ? $va_exclude_types : $va_exclude_types_expanded) . ")";
             if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_rel_item->hasField('access')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_rel_item->tableName() . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
                 // exclude non-accessible authority items
                 if (!$va_facet_info['show_all_when_first_facet'] || $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                     $va_wheres[] = "(" . $vs_browse_table_name . ".access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
                     // exclude non-accessible browse items
             if ($t_item->hasField('deleted') && !$va_facet_info['show_all_when_first_facet']) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_item->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
             if ($t_rel_item->hasField('deleted')) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_rel_item->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
             $vs_rel_pk = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
             $va_rel_attr_elements = $t_rel_item->getApplicableElementCodes(null, true, false);
             $va_attrs_to_fetch = array();
             if (!$va_facet_info['show_all_when_first_facet'] || $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                 //$va_selects[] = $t_item->tableName().'.'.$t_item->primaryKey();			// get primary key of subject
             $va_selects[] = $t_rel_item->tableName() . '.' . $vs_rel_pk;
             // get primary key of related
             $vs_hier_parent_id_fld = $vs_hier_id_fld = null;
             if ($vb_rel_is_hierarchical) {
                 $vs_hier_parent_id_fld = $t_rel_item->getProperty('HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD');
                 $va_selects[] = $t_rel_item->tableName() . '.' . $vs_hier_parent_id_fld;
                 if ($vs_hier_id_fld = $t_rel_item->getProperty('HIERARCHY_ID_FLD')) {
                     $va_selects[] = $t_rel_item->tableName() . '.' . $vs_hier_id_fld;
             // analyze group_fields (if defined) and add them to the query
             $va_groupings_to_fetch = array();
             if (isset($va_facet_info['groupings']) && is_array($va_facet_info['groupings']) && sizeof($va_facet_info['groupings'])) {
                 foreach ($va_facet_info['groupings'] as $vs_grouping => $vs_grouping_name) {
                     // is grouping type_id?
                     if ($vs_grouping === 'type' && $t_rel_item->hasField('type_id')) {
                         $va_selects[] = $t_rel_item->tableName() . '.type_id';
                         $va_groupings_to_fetch[] = 'type_id';
                     // is group field a relationship type?
                     if ($vs_grouping === 'relationship_types') {
                         $va_selects[] = $va_facet_info['relationship_table'] . '.type_id rel_type_id';
                         $va_groupings_to_fetch[] = 'rel_type_id';
                     // is group field an attribute?
                     if (preg_match('!^ca_attribute_([^:]*)!', $vs_grouping, $va_matches)) {
                         if ($vn_element_id = array_search($va_matches[1], $va_rel_attr_elements)) {
                             $va_attrs_to_fetch[] = $vn_element_id;
             if ($va_facet_info['relative_to']) {
                 // TODO: do this everywhere
                 $va_restrict_to_relationship_types = array();
                 $vs_browse_type_limit_sql = '';
                 if ($t_subject->hasField('deleted')) {
                     $va_wheres[] = "(" . $t_subject->tableName() . ".deleted = 0)";
                 if ($va_relative_sql_data = $this->_getRelativeFacetSQLData($va_facet_info['relative_to'], $pa_options)) {
                     $va_joins = array_merge($va_joins, $va_relative_sql_data['joins']);
                     $va_wheres = array_merge($va_wheres, $va_relative_sql_data['wheres']);
             if (sizeof($va_restrict_to_relationship_types) > 0 && is_object($t_item_rel)) {
                 $va_wheres[] = $t_item_rel->tableName() . ".type_id IN (" . join(',', $va_restrict_to_relationship_types) . ")";
             if (sizeof($va_exclude_relationship_types) > 0 && is_object($t_item_rel)) {
                 $va_wheres[] = $t_item_rel->tableName() . ".type_id NOT IN (" . join(',', $va_exclude_relationship_types) . ")";
             if ($vs_browse_type_limit_sql) {
                 $va_wheres[] = $vs_browse_type_limit_sql;
             if ($this->opo_config->get('perform_item_level_access_checking')) {
                 if ($t_item = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_browse_table_name, true)) {
                     // Join to limit what browse table items are used to generate facet
                     $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl ON ' . $vs_browse_table_name . '.' . $t_item->primaryKey() . ' = ca_acl.row_id AND ca_acl.table_num = ' . $t_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                     $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ca_acl.user_id IS NULL and ca_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND ca_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR ca_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
                     // Join to limit what related items are used to generate facet
                     $va_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ca_acl AS rel_acl ON ' . $t_rel_item->tableName() . '.' . $t_rel_item->primaryKey() . ' = rel_acl.row_id AND rel_acl.table_num = ' . $t_rel_item->tableNum() . "\n";
                     $va_wheres[] = "(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t((\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(rel_acl.user_id = " . (int) $vn_user_id . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_group_ids) > 0 ? "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(rel_acl.group_id IN (" . join(",", $va_group_ids) . "))" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(rel_acl.user_id IS NULL and rel_acl.group_id IS NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AND rel_acl.access >= " . __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__ . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . ($vb_show_if_no_acl ? "OR rel_acl.acl_id IS NULL" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
             $vs_join_sql = join("\n", $va_joins);
             if ($vb_check_availability_only) {
                 if (!$va_facet_info['show_all_when_first_facet'] || $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                     $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $vs_browse_table_name . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_wheres) ? ' WHERE ' : '') . join(" AND ", $va_wheres) . " LIMIT 1";
                 } else {
                     $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $t_rel_item->tableName() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_wheres) ? ' WHERE ' : '') . join(" AND ", $va_wheres) . " LIMIT 1";
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                 //print "<hr>$vs_sql<hr>\n";
                 return (int) $qr_res->numRows() > 0 ? true : false;
             } else {
                 if (!$va_facet_info['show_all_when_first_facet'] || $this->numCriteria() > 0) {
                     $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT " . join(', ', $va_selects) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $vs_browse_table_name . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_wheres) ? ' WHERE ' : '') . join(" AND ", $va_wheres) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_orderbys) ? "ORDER BY " . join(', ', $va_orderbys) : '');
                 } else {
                     $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT " . join(', ', $va_selects) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $t_rel_item->tableName() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$vs_join_sql}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_wheres) ? ' WHERE ' : '') . join(" AND ", $va_wheres) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_orderbys) ? "ORDER BY " . join(', ', $va_orderbys) : '');
                 //print "<hr>$vs_sql<hr>\n";
                 $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                 $va_facet = $va_facet_items = array();
                 $vs_rel_pk = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
                 // First get related ids with type and relationship type values
                 // (You could get all of the data we need for the facet in a single query but it turns out to be faster for very large facets to
                 // do it in separate queries, one for the primary ids and another for the labels; a third is done if attributes need to be fetched.
                 // There appears to be a significant [~10%] performance for smaller facets and a larger one [~20-25%] for very large facets)
                 $vn_max_level = caGetOption('maximum_levels', $va_facet_info, null);
                 while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                     $va_fetched_row = $qr_res->getRow();
                     $vn_id = $va_fetched_row[$vs_rel_pk];
                     //if (isset($va_facet_items[$vn_id])) { continue; } --- we can't do this as then we don't detect items that have multiple rel_type_ids... argh.
                     if (isset($va_criteria[$vn_id])) {
                     // skip items that are used as browse critera - don't want to browse on something you're already browsing on
                     if (!$va_facet_items[$va_fetched_row[$vs_rel_pk]]) {
                         // if(!is_null($vn_max_level)) {
                         // 									if (sizeof($va_ancestors) + 1 > $vn_max_level) {
                         // 										if ($va_tmp = $va_ancestors[sizeof($va_ancestors) - $vn_max_level]) {
                         // 											$va_ancestors = array();
                         // 											$va_fetched_row = $va_tmp['NODE'];
                         // 										}
                         // 									}
                         // 								}
                         if (is_array($va_restrict_to_types) && sizeof($va_restrict_to_types) && $va_fetched_row['type_id'] && !in_array($va_fetched_row['type_id'], $va_restrict_to_types)) {
                         $va_facet_items[$va_fetched_row[$vs_rel_pk]] = array('id' => $va_fetched_row[$vs_rel_pk], 'type_id' => array(), 'parent_id' => $vb_rel_is_hierarchical ? $va_fetched_row[$vs_hier_parent_id_fld] : null, 'hierarchy_id' => $vb_rel_is_hierarchical ? $va_fetched_row[$vs_hier_id_fld] : null, 'rel_type_id' => array(), 'child_count' => 0);
                         if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && $va_fetched_row[$vs_rel_pk] == $vs_single_value) {
                             $vb_single_value_is_present = true;
                     if ($va_fetched_row['type_id']) {
                         $va_facet_items[$va_fetched_row[$vs_rel_pk]]['type_id'][] = $va_fetched_row['type_id'];
                     if ($va_fetched_row['rel_type_id']) {
                         $va_facet_items[$va_fetched_row[$vs_rel_pk]]['rel_type_id'][] = $va_fetched_row['rel_type_id'];
                 if (!isset($va_facet_info['dont_expand_hierarchically']) || !$va_facet_info['dont_expand_hierarchically']) {
                     $va_ids = $qr_res->getAllFieldValues($vs_rel_pk);
                     $qr_ancestors = call_user_func($t_rel_item->tableName() . '::getHierarchyAncestorsForIDs', $va_ids, array('returnAs' => 'SearchResult'));
                     $vs_rel_table = $t_rel_item->tableName();
                     $vs_rel_pk = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
                     $vb_check_ancestor_access = (bool) (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_rel_item->hasField('access'));
                     if ($qr_ancestors) {
                         while ($qr_ancestors->nextHit()) {
                             $vn_parent_type_id = $qr_ancestors->get('type_id');
                             if (sizeof($va_exclude_types) > 0 && in_array($vn_parent_type_id, $va_exclude_types)) {
                             if (sizeof($va_restrict_to_types) > 0 && !in_array($vn_parent_type_id, $va_restrict_to_types)) {
                             if ($vb_check_ancestor_access && !in_array($qr_ancestors->get('access'), $pa_options['checkAccess'])) {
                             $va_facet_items[$vn_ancestor_id = (int) $qr_ancestors->get("{$vs_rel_pk}")] = array('id' => $vn_ancestor_id, 'type_id' => array(), 'parent_id' => $vb_rel_is_hierarchical ? $qr_ancestors->get("{$vs_hier_parent_id_fld}") : null, 'hierarchy_id' => $vb_rel_is_hierarchical && $vs_hier_id_fld ? $qr_ancestors->get($vs_hier_id_fld) : null, 'rel_type_id' => array(), 'child_count' => 0);
                 // Set child counts
                 foreach ($va_facet_items as $vn_i => $va_item) {
                     if ($va_item['parent_id'] && isset($va_facet_items[$va_item['parent_id']])) {
                 // Get labels for facet items
                 if (sizeof($va_row_ids = array_keys($va_facet_items))) {
                     if ($vs_label_table_name = $t_rel_item->getLabelTableName()) {
                         $t_rel_item_label = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_label_table_name, true);
                         $vs_label_display_field = $t_rel_item_label->getDisplayField();
                         $vs_rel_pk = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
                         $va_label_wheres = array();
                         if ($t_rel_item_label->hasField('is_preferred')) {
                             $va_label_wheres[] = "({$vs_label_table_name}.is_preferred = 1)";
                         $va_label_wheres[] = "({$vs_label_table_name}.{$vs_rel_pk} IN (" . join(",", $va_row_ids) . "))";
                         $va_label_selects[] = "{$vs_label_table_name}.{$vs_rel_pk}";
                         $va_label_selects[] = "{$vs_label_table_name}.locale_id";
                         $va_label_fields = $t_rel_item->getLabelUIFields();
                         foreach ($va_label_fields as $vs_label_field) {
                             $va_label_selects[] = "{$vs_label_table_name}.{$vs_label_field}";
                         // Get label ordering fields
                         $va_ordering_fields_to_fetch = isset($va_facet_info['order_by_label_fields']) && is_array($va_facet_info['order_by_label_fields']) ? $va_facet_info['order_by_label_fields'] : array();
                         $va_orderbys = array();
                         foreach ($va_ordering_fields_to_fetch as $vs_sort_by_field) {
                             if (!$t_rel_item_label->hasField($vs_sort_by_field)) {
                             $va_orderbys[] = $va_label_selects[] = $vs_label_table_name . '.' . $vs_sort_by_field;
                         // get labels
                         $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT " . join(', ', $va_label_selects) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $vs_label_table_name . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_label_wheres) ? ' WHERE ' : '') . join(" AND ", $va_label_wheres) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . (sizeof($va_orderbys) ? "ORDER BY " . join(', ', $va_orderbys) : '') . "";
                         //print $vs_sql;
                         $qr_labels = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql);
                         while ($qr_labels->nextRow()) {
                             $va_fetched_row = $qr_labels->getRow();
                             $va_facet_item = array_merge($va_facet_items[$va_fetched_row[$vs_rel_pk]], array('label' => $va_fetched_row[$vs_label_display_field]));
                             foreach ($va_ordering_fields_to_fetch as $vs_to_fetch) {
                                 $va_facet_item[$vs_to_fetch] = $va_fetched_row[$vs_to_fetch];
                             $va_facet[$va_fetched_row[$vs_rel_pk]][$va_fetched_row['locale_id']] = $va_facet_item;
                     // get attributes for facet items
                     if (sizeof($va_attrs_to_fetch)) {
                         $qr_attrs = $this->opo_db->query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT c_av.*, c_a.locale_id, c_a.row_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_attributes c_a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_attribute_values c_av ON c_a.attribute_id = c_av.attribute_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tc_av.element_id IN (" . join(',', $va_attrs_to_fetch) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tc_a.table_num = ? \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tc_a.row_id IN (" . join(',', $va_row_ids) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", $t_rel_item->tableNum());
                         while ($qr_attrs->nextRow()) {
                             $va_fetched_row = $qr_attrs->getRow();
                             $vn_id = $va_fetched_row['row_id'];
                             // if no locale is set for the attribute default it to whatever the locale for the item is
                             if (!($vn_locale_id = $va_fetched_row['locale_id'])) {
                                 $va_tmp = array_keys($va_facet[$vn_id]);
                                 $vn_locale_id = $va_tmp[0];
                             $va_facet[$vn_id][$vn_locale_id]['ca_attribute_' . $va_fetched_row['element_id']][] = $va_fetched_row;
                 if (!is_null($vs_single_value) && !$vb_single_value_is_present) {
                     return array();
                 return caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_facet);
             # -----------------------------------------------------
         # -----------------------------------------------------
             return null;
             # -----------------------------------------------------
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Search handler (returns search form and results, if any)
  * Most logic is contained in the BaseSearchController->Index() method; all you usually
  * need to do here is instantiate a new subject-appropriate subclass of BaseSearch
  * (eg. ObjectSearch for objects, EntitySearch for entities) and pass it to BaseSearchController->Index()
 public function Index($pa_options = null)
     $pa_options['search'] = $this->opo_browse;
     // get request data
     $va_relation_ids = explode(';', $this->getRequest()->getParameter('ids', pString));
     $vs_rel_table = $this->getRequest()->getParameter('relTable', pString);
     $vs_interstitial_prefix = $this->getRequest()->getParameter('interstitialPrefix', pString);
     $vs_primary_table = $this->getRequest()->getParameter('primaryTable', pString);
     $vn_primary_id = $this->getRequest()->getParameter('primaryID', pInteger);
     $va_access_values = caGetUserAccessValues($this->getRequest());
     if (!($vs_sort = $this->opo_result_context->getCurrentSort())) {
         $va_tmp = array_keys($this->opa_sorts);
         $vs_sort = array_shift($va_tmp);
     // we need the rel table to translate the incoming relation_ids to object ids for the list search result
     $o_interstitial_res = caMakeSearchResult($vs_rel_table, $va_relation_ids);
     $va_ids = array();
     $va_relation_id_map = array();
     while ($o_interstitial_res->nextHit()) {
         $va_ids[$o_interstitial_res->get('relation_id')] = $o_interstitial_res->get('ca_objects.object_id');
         $va_relation_id_map[$o_interstitial_res->get('ca_objects.object_id')] = array('relation_id' => $o_interstitial_res->get('relation_id'), 'relationship_typename' => $o_interstitial_res->getWithTemplate('^relationship_typename'));
     $this->getView()->setVar('relationIdMap', $va_relation_id_map);
     $this->getView()->setVar('interstitialPrefix', $vs_interstitial_prefix);
     $this->getView()->setVar('relTable', $vs_rel_table);
     $this->getView()->setVar('primaryTable', $vs_primary_table);
     $this->getView()->setVar('primaryID', $vn_primary_id);
     $vs_sort_direction = $this->opo_result_context->getCurrentSortDirection();
     $va_search_opts = array('sort' => $vs_sort, 'sortDirection' => $vs_sort_direction, 'checkAccess' => $va_access_values, 'no_cache' => true, 'resolveLinksUsing' => $vs_primary_table, 'primaryIDs' => array($vs_primary_table => array($vn_primary_id)));
     $o_res = caMakeSearchResult('ca_objects', array_values($va_ids), $va_search_opts);
     $pa_options['result'] = $o_res;
     $pa_options['view'] = 'Search/ca_objects_table_html.php';
     // override render
     $this->getView()->setVar('noRefine', true);
     return parent::Index($pa_options);
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Generate search/browse results visualization
 public function Viz()
     $ps_viz = $this->request->getParameter('viz', pString);
     $pb_render_data = (bool) $this->request->getParameter('renderData', pInteger);
     $o_viz = new Visualizer($this->ops_tablename);
     $vo_result = caMakeSearchResult($this->ops_tablename, $this->opo_result_context->getResultList());
     if ($vo_result) {
         $this->view->setVar('num_items_total', (int) $vo_result->numHits());
     $this->view->setVar("viz_html", $o_viz->render($ps_viz, "HTML", array('classname' => 'vizFullScreen', 'request' => $this->request)));
     $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
     $this->view->setVar('t_item', $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($this->ops_tablename, true));
     $this->view->setVar('num_items_rendered', (int) $o_viz->numItemsRendered());
     if ($pb_render_data) {
         $this->response->addContent($o_viz->getDataForVisualization($ps_viz, array('request' => $this->request)));
Ejemplo n.º 21
             print "<div class='exImageSingle'>" . caNavLink($this->request, array_shift(array_values($va_object_reps)), '', '', 'Detail', 'Occurrences/' . $va_occurrence['occurrence_id']) . "</div>";
         print "<div class='exTitle'>" . caNavLink($this->request, $va_occurrence['name'], '', '', 'Detail', 'Occurrences/' . $va_occurrence['occurrence_id']) . "</div>";
         print "<div class='exDate'>" . $t_occurrence->get('ca_occurrences.event_dates') . "</div>";
         print "</div><!-- end occurrenceResult -->";
     print "</div></div>";
     print "</div><!-- end blockResults -->";
     print "</div><!-- end entitiesBlock -->";
 # Related Objects Block
 if (sizeof($va_objects) > 0) {
     foreach ($va_objects as $va_object_id => $va_object) {
         $vn_object_ids[] = $va_object['object_id'];
     $qr_res = caMakeSearchResult('ca_objects', $vn_object_ids);
     print "<div id='objectsBlock'>";
     print "<div class='blockTitle related'>" . _t('Related Materials') . "</div>";
     print "<div class='blockResults exhibitions scrollBlock'>";
     print "<div class='scrollingDiv'><div class='scrollingDivContent'>";
     while ($qr_res->nextHit()) {
         print "<div class='objectsResult'>";
         print "<div class='objImage'>" . caNavLink($this->request, $qr_res->get('ca_object_representations.media.resultthumb'), '', '', 'Detail', 'Objects/' . $qr_res->get('ca_objects.object_id')) . "</div>";
         if ($qr_res->get('ca_objects.nonpreferred_labels.type_id') == '515') {
             print "<h2>" . $qr_res->get('ca_objects.nonpreferred_labels.name', array('returnAsLink' => true)) . "</h2>";
         } else {
             print "<h2>" . $qr_res->get('ca_objects.preferred_labels.name', array('returnAsLink' => true)) . "</h2>";
         print "</div>";
     print "</div></div>";
Ejemplo n.º 22
    if (sizeof($va_access_values) == 0 || sizeof($va_access_values) && in_array($t_set->get("access"), $va_access_values)) {
        $featured_set_id = $t_set->get("set_id");
        $va_featured_ids = array_keys(is_array($va_tmp = $t_set->getItemRowIDs(array('checkAccess' => $va_access_values, 'shuffle' => 0))) ? $va_tmp : array());
        $qr_res = caMakeSearchResult('ca_entities', $va_featured_ids);
#Featured Works
$va_featured_work_ids = array();
if ($vs_set_code_work = $this->request->config->get("featured_works_set_code")) {
    $t_work = new ca_sets();
    $t_work->load(array('set_code' => $vs_set_code_work));
    # Enforce access control on set
    if (sizeof($va_access_values) == 0 || sizeof($va_access_values) && in_array($t_work->get("access"), $va_access_values)) {
        $featured_set_id = $t_work->get("set_id");
        $va_featured_work_ids = array_keys(is_array($va_tmp = $t_work->getItemRowIDs(array('checkAccess' => $va_access_values, 'shuffle' => 0))) ? $va_tmp : array());
        $qr_works = caMakeSearchResult('ca_objects', $va_featured_work_ids);
<div class="container">
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-sm-4 ">
			<div class="homesection left">
				<h1>Browse Our Archive</h1>
include_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . '/ca/Browse/BrowseEngine.php';
$o_browse = new BrowseEngine('ca_objects');
$o_browse->setTypeRestrictions(array("music", "religous", "spoken_word", "unclassified"));
$o_browse->execute(array('checkAccess' => $va_access_values));
foreach (array('music_category', 'spoken_word_category', 'religious_category', 'language') as $vs_facet) {
		</div> <!--end col-sm-4-->	
	</div><!--end row-->
	<div class='row'>
		<div class="col-sm-12">
			<h1>Artists by Last Name</h1>  
//$o_artist_search = new ObjectSearch();
//$qr_artists = $o_artist_search->search("ca_entities.preferred_labels.displayname/artist:*");
$o_db = new Db();
$qr_res = $o_db->query("\n\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT e.entity_id FROM ca_entities e\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_entity_labels AS el ON el.entity_id = e.entity_id\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_objects_x_entities AS oxe ON e.entity_id = oxe.entity_id\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\toxe.type_id = 103 AND e.deleted = 0 AND el.is_preferred = 1\n\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\tel.surname, el.forename\n\t\t");
$qr_artists = caMakeSearchResult('ca_entities', $qr_res->getAllFieldValues('entity_id'));
$va_artists = array();
while ($qr_artists->nextHit()) {
    $va_has_artwork = false;
    if ($qr_artists->get('ca_objects', array('restrictToRelationshipTypes' => 'artist', 'checkAccess' => $va_access_values))) {
        $va_artworks = $qr_artists->get('ca_objects', array('restrictToRelationshipTypes' => 'artist', 'checkAccess' => $va_access_values, 'returnAsArray' => true));
        foreach ($va_artworks as $vn_artwork_key => $va_artwork) {
            $vn_artwork_id = $va_artwork['object_id'];
            $t_object = new ca_objects($vn_artwork_id);
            if ($t_object->get('ca_objects.type_id') == 28) {
                $va_has_artwork = true;
        if ($va_has_artwork == true) {
            $va_first_letter = substr($qr_artists->get('ca_entities.preferred_labels.surname'), 0, 1);
            $va_artists[$va_first_letter][] = $qr_artists->get('ca_entities.preferred_labels.displayname', array('returnAsLink' => true));
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * get() value for related table
  * @param array $pa_value_list
  * @param array Options 
  * @return array|string
 private function _getRelatedValue($pa_value_list, $pa_options = null)
     $vb_return_as_link = $pa_options['returnAsLink'];
     $va_path_components =& $pa_options['pathComponents'];
     $pa_check_access = $pa_options['checkAccess'];
     if (!($t_rel_instance = SearchResult::$s_instance_cache[$va_path_components['table_name']])) {
         $t_rel_instance = SearchResult::$s_instance_cache[$va_path_components['table_name']] = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($va_path_components['table_name'], true);
     if (!$t_rel_instance instanceof BaseModel) {
         return null;
     // Handle table-only case...
     if (!$va_path_components['field_name']) {
         if ($pa_options['returnWithStructure']) {
             return $pa_value_list;
         } else {
             // ... by returning a list of preferred label values
             $va_path_components['field_name'] = 'preferred_labels';
             $va_path_components['subfield_name'] = $t_rel_instance->getLabelDisplayField();
     if (in_array($va_path_components['field_name'], array('preferred_labels', 'nonpreferred_labels')) && !$va_path_components['subfield_name']) {
         $va_path_components['subfield_name'] = $va_path_components['components'][2] = $t_rel_instance->getLabelDisplayField();
     $vs_pk = $t_rel_instance->primaryKey();
     $va_ids = array();
     foreach ($pa_value_list as $vn_i => $va_rel_item) {
         $va_ids[] = $va_rel_item[$vs_pk];
     if (!sizeof($va_ids)) {
         return $pa_options['returnAsArray'] ? array() : null;
     if (!($qr_rel = caMakeSearchResult($va_path_components['table_name'], $va_ids))) {
         return null;
     $va_return_values = array();
     $va_spec = array();
     foreach (array('table_name', 'field_name', 'subfield_name') as $vs_f) {
         if ($va_path_components[$vs_f]) {
             $va_spec[] = $va_path_components[$vs_f];
     while ($qr_rel->nextHit()) {
         $vm_val = $qr_rel->get(join(".", $va_spec), $pa_options);
         if (is_array($pa_check_access) && sizeof($pa_check_access) && !in_array($qr_rel->get($va_path_components['table_name'] . ".access"), $pa_check_access)) {
         if (is_null($vm_val)) {
         // Skip null values; indicates that there was no related value
         if ($pa_options['returnWithStructure']) {
             $va_return_values = array_merge($va_return_values, $vm_val);
         } elseif ($pa_options['returnAsArray']) {
             foreach ($vm_val as $vn_i => $vs_val) {
                 // We include blanks in arrays so various get() calls on different fields in the same record set align
                 $va_return_values[] = $vs_val;
         } else {
             $va_return_values[] = $vm_val;
     if ($pa_options['unserialize'] && !$pa_options['returnAsArray']) {
         return array_shift($va_return_values);
     if ($pa_options['returnAsArray']) {
         return is_array($va_return_values) ? $va_return_values : array();
     if ($vb_return_as_link) {
         $va_return_values = caCreateLinksFromText($va_return_values, $t_rel_instance->tableName(), array($va_relation_info[$vs_pk]));
     return sizeof($va_return_values) > 0 ? join($pa_options['delimiter'], $va_return_values) : null;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * Determines if the specified item (and optionally a specific bundle in that item) are readable by the user
 * @param int $pn_user_id
 * @param mixed $pm_table A table name or number
 * @param mixed $pm_id A primary key value of the row, or an array of values to check. If a single integer value is provided then a boolean result will be returned; if an array of values is provided then an array will be returned with all ids that are readable
 * @param string $ps_bundle_name An optional bundle to check access for
 * @return If $pm_id is an integer return true if user has read access, otherwise false if the user does not have access; if $pm_id is an array of ids, returns an array with all ids the are readable; returns null if one or more parameters are invalid
function caCanRead($pn_user_id, $pm_table, $pm_id, $ps_bundle_name = null, $pa_options = null)
    $pb_return_as_array = caGetOption('returnAsArray', $pa_options, false);
    $t_user = new ca_users($pn_user_id, true);
    if (!$t_user->getPrimaryKey()) {
        return null;
    $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
    $ps_table_name = is_numeric($pm_table) ? $o_dm->getTableName($pm_table) : $pm_table;
    if (!is_array($pm_id)) {
        $pm_id = array($pm_id);
    if ($ps_bundle_name) {
        if ($t_user->getBundleAccessLevel($ps_table_name, $ps_bundle_name) < __CA_BUNDLE_ACCESS_READONLY__) {
            return sizeof($pm_id) == 1 && !$pb_return_as_array ? false : array();
    if (!($t_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($ps_table_name, true))) {
        return null;
    $vb_do_type_access_check = (bool) $t_instance->getAppConfig()->get('perform_type_access_checking');
    $vb_do_item_access_check = (bool) $t_instance->getAppConfig()->get('perform_item_level_access_checking');
    list($ps_table_name, $ps_bundle_name) = caTranslateBundlesForAccessChecking($ps_table_name, $ps_bundle_name);
    if (!($qr_res = caMakeSearchResult($ps_table_name, $pm_id))) {
        return null;
    $va_return_values = array();
    while ($qr_res->nextHit()) {
        $vn_id = $qr_res->getPrimaryKey();
        // Check type restrictions
        if ($vb_do_type_access_check) {
            $vn_type_access = $t_user->getTypeAccessLevel($ps_table_name, $qr_res->get("{$ps_table_name}.type_id"));
            if ($vn_type_access < __CA_BUNDLE_ACCESS_READONLY__) {
        // Check item level restrictions
        if ($vb_do_item_access_check) {
            $vn_item_access = $t_instance->checkACLAccessForUser($t_user, $vn_id);
            if ($vn_item_access < __CA_ACL_READONLY_ACCESS__) {
        $va_return_values[] = $vn_id;
    if (sizeof($pm_id) == 1 && !$pb_return_as_array) {
        return sizeof($va_return_values) > 0 ? true : false;
    return $va_return_values;
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Replace "^" prefixed tags (eg. ^forename) in a template with values from an array
  * @param string $ps_template String with embedded tags. Tags are just alphanumeric strings prefixed with a caret ("^")
  * @param string $pm_tablename_or_num Table name or number of table from which values are being formatted
  * @param string $pa_row_ids An array of primary key values in the specified table to be pulled into the template
  * @param array $pa_options Supported options are:
  *		returnAsArray = if true an array of processed template values is returned, otherwise the template values are returned as a string joined together with a delimiter. Default is false.
  *		delimiter = value to string together template values with when returnAsArray is false. Default is ';' (semicolon)
  *		placeholderPrefix = attribute container to implicitly place primary record fields into. Ex. if the table is "ca_entities" and the placeholder is "address" then tags like ^city will resolve to ca_entities.address.city
  *		requireLinkTags = if set then links are only added when explicitly defined with <l> tags. [Default is true]
  *		primaryIDs = row_ids for primary rows in related table, keyed by table name; when resolving ambiguous relationships the row_ids will be excluded from consideration. This option is rarely used and exists primarily to take care of a single
  *						edge case: you are processing a template relative to a self-relationship such as ca_entities_x_entities that includes references to the subject table (ca_entities, in the case of ca_entities_x_entities). There are
  *						two possible paths to take in this situations; primaryIDs lets you specify which ones you *don't* want to take by row_id. For interstitial editors, the ids will be set to a single id: that of the subject (Eg. ca_entities) row
  *						from which the interstitial was launched.
  *		sort = optional list of tag values to sort repeating values within a row template on. The tag must appear in the template. You can specify more than one tag by separating the tags with semicolons.
  *		sortDirection = The direction of the sort of repeating values within a row template. May be either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). [Default is ASC]
  *		linkTarget = Optional target to use when generating <l> tag-based links. By default links point to standard detail pages, but plugins may define linkTargets that point elsewhere.
  * 		skipIfExpression = skip the elements in $pa_row_ids for which the given expression does not evaluate true
  *		includeBlankValuesInArray = include blank template values in primary template and all <unit>s in returned array when returnAsArray is set. If you need the returned array of values to line up with the row_ids in $pa_row_ids this should be set. [Default is false]
  *		includeBlankValuesInTopLevelForPrefetch = include blank template values in *primary template* (not <unit>s) in returned array when returnAsArray is set. Used by template prefetcher to ensure returned values align with id indices. [Default is false]
  *		forceValues = Optional array of values indexed by placeholder without caret (eg. ca_objects.idno) and row_id. When present these values will be used in place of the placeholders, rather than whatever value normal processing would result in. [Default is null]
  *		aggregateUnique = Remove duplicate values. If set then array of evaluated templates may not correspond one-to-one with the original list of row_ids set in $pa_row_ids. [Default is false]
  * @return mixed Output of processed templates
  * TODO: sort and sortDirection are not currently supported! They are ignored for the time being
 public static function process($ps_template, $pm_tablename_or_num, array $pa_row_ids, array $pa_options = null)
     // Set up options
     foreach (array('request', 'template', 'restrict_to_relationship_types', 'restrictToRelationshipTypes', 'excludeRelationshipTypes', 'useLocaleCodes') as $vs_k) {
     if (!isset($pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText'])) {
         $pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText'] = true;
     $pb_return_as_array = (bool) caGetOption('returnAsArray', $pa_options, false);
     if (($pa_sort = caGetOption('sort', $pa_options, null)) && !is_array($pa_sort)) {
         $pa_sort = explode(";", $pa_sort);
     $ps_sort_direction = caGetOption('sortDirection', $pa_options, null, array('forceUppercase' => true));
     if (!in_array($ps_sort_direction, array('ASC', 'DESC'))) {
         $ps_sort_direction = 'ASC';
     $ps_delimiter = caGetOption('delimiter', $pa_options, '; ');
     $pb_include_blanks = caGetOption('includeBlankValuesInArray', $pa_options, false);
     $pb_include_blanks_for_prefetch = caGetOption('includeBlankValuesInTopLevelForPrefetch', $pa_options, false);
     // Bail if no rows or template are set
     if (!is_array($pa_row_ids) || !sizeof($pa_row_ids) || !$ps_template) {
         return $pb_return_as_array ? array() : "";
     // Parse template
     if (!is_array($va_template = DisplayTemplateParser::parse($ps_template, $pa_options))) {
         return null;
     $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
     $ps_tablename = is_numeric($pm_tablename_or_num) ? $o_dm->getTableName($pm_tablename_or_num) : $pm_tablename_or_num;
     $t_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($ps_tablename, true);
     $vs_pk = $t_instance->primaryKey();
     // Prefetch related items for <units>
     if (!$pa_options['isUnit'] && !caGetOption('dontPrefetchRelated', $pa_options, false)) {
         DisplayTemplateParser::prefetchAllRelatedIDs($va_template['tree']->children, $ps_tablename, $pa_row_ids, $pa_options);
     $qr_res = caMakeSearchResult($ps_tablename, $pa_row_ids);
     if (!$qr_res) {
         return $pb_return_as_array ? array() : "";
     $pa_check_access = $t_instance->hasField('access') ? caGetOption('checkAccess', $pa_options, null) : null;
     if (!is_array($pa_check_access) || !sizeof($pa_check_access)) {
         $pa_check_access = null;
     $ps_skip_if_expression = caGetOption('skipIfExpression', $pa_options, false);
     $va_skip_if_expression_tags = caGetTemplateTags($ps_skip_if_expression);
     $va_proc_templates = [];
     while ($qr_res->nextHit()) {
         // check access
         if ($pa_check_access && !in_array($qr_res->get("{$ps_tablename}.access"), $pa_check_access)) {
         // check if we skip this row because of skipIfExpression
         if (strlen($ps_skip_if_expression) > 0) {
             $va_expression_vars = [];
             foreach ($va_skip_if_expression_tags as $vs_expression_tag) {
                 if (!isset($va_expression_vars[$vs_expression_tag])) {
                     $va_expression_vars[$vs_expression_tag] = $qr_res->get($vs_expression_tag, ['assumeDisplayField' => true, 'returnIdno' => true, 'delimiter' => $ps_delimiter]);
             if (ExpressionParser::evaluate($ps_skip_if_expression, $va_expression_vars)) {
         if ($pa_options['relativeToContainer']) {
             $va_vals = DisplayTemplateParser::_getValues($qr_res, $va_template['tags'], $pa_options);
             if (isset($pa_options['sort']) && is_array($pa_options['sort'])) {
                 $va_vals = caSortArrayByKeyInValue($va_vals, array('__sort__'), $pa_options['sortDirection'], array('dontRemoveKeyPrefixes' => true));
             foreach ($va_vals as $vn_index => $va_val_list) {
                 $va_proc_templates[] = is_array($va_val_list) ? DisplayTemplateParser::_processChildren($qr_res, $va_template['tree']->children, $va_val_list, array_merge($pa_options, ['index' => $vn_index, 'returnAsArray' => $pa_options['aggregateUnique']])) : '';
         } else {
             $va_proc_templates[] = DisplayTemplateParser::_processChildren($qr_res, $va_template['tree']->children, DisplayTemplateParser::_getValues($qr_res, $va_template['tags'], $pa_options), array_merge($pa_options, ['returnAsArray' => $pa_options['aggregateUnique']]));
     if ($pa_options['aggregateUnique']) {
         $va_acc = [];
         foreach ($va_proc_templates as $va_val_list) {
             if (is_array($va_val_list)) {
                 $va_acc = array_merge($va_acc, $va_val_list);
             } else {
                 $va_acc[] = $va_val_list;
         $va_proc_templates = array_unique($va_acc);
     if (!$pb_include_blanks && !$pb_include_blanks_for_prefetch) {
         $va_proc_templates = array_filter($va_proc_templates, 'strlen');
     // Transform links
     $va_proc_templates = caCreateLinksFromText($va_proc_templates, $ps_tablename, $pa_row_ids, null, caGetOption('linkTarget', $pa_options, null), array_merge(['addRelParameter' => true, 'requireLinkTags' => true], $pa_options));
     if (!$pb_include_blanks && !$pb_include_blanks_for_prefetch) {
         $va_proc_templates = array_filter($va_proc_templates, 'strlen');
     if (!$pb_return_as_array) {
         return join($ps_delimiter, $va_proc_templates);
     return $va_proc_templates;
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Returns list of items in the specified table related to the currently loaded row or rows specified in options. This is a simplified version of
  * BundlableLabelableBaseModelWithAttributes::getRelatedItems() for models derived directly from BaseModel.
  * @param $pm_rel_table_name_or_num - the table name or table number of the item type you want to get a list of (eg. if you are calling this on an ca_item_comments instance passing 'ca_users' here will get you a list of users related to the comment)
  * @param $pa_options - array of options. Supported options are:
  *		[Options controlling rows for which data is returned]
  *			row_ids = Array of primary key values to use when fetching related items. If omitted or set to a null value the 'row_id' option will be used. [Default is null]
  *			row_id = Primary key value to use when fetching related items. If omitted or set to a false value (null, false, 0) then the primary key value of the currently loaded row is used. [Default is currently loaded row]
  *			start = Zero-based index to begin return set at. [Default is 0]
  *			limit = Maximum number of related items to return. [Default is 1000]
  *			showDeleted = Return related items that have been deleted. [Default is false]
  *			primaryIDs = array of primary keys in related table to exclude from returned list of items. Array is keyed on table name for compatibility with the parameter as used in the caProcessTemplateForIDs() helper [Default is null - nothing is excluded].
  *			where = Restrict returned items to specified field values. The fields must be intrinsic and in the related table. This option can be useful when you want to efficiently fetch specific rows from a related table. Note that multiple fields/values are logically AND'ed together – all must match for a row to be returned - and that only equivalence is supported. [Default is null]			
  *			criteria = Restrict returned items using SQL criteria appended directly onto the query. Criteria is used as-is and must be compatible with the generated SQL query. [Default is null]
  *		[Options controlling scope of data in return value]
  *			restrictToLists = Restrict returned items to those that are in one or more specified lists. This option is only relevant when fetching related ca_list_items. An array of list list_codes or list_ids may be specified. [Default is null]
  * 			fields = array of fields (in table.fieldname format) to include in returned data. [Default is null]
  *			idsOnly = Return one-dimensional array of related primary key values only. [Default is false]
  *		[Options controlling format of data in return value]
  *			sort = Array list of bundles to sort returned values on. The sortable bundle specifiers are fields with or without tablename. Only those fields returned for the related tables (intrinsics) are sortable. [Default is null]
  *			sortDirection = Direction of sort. Use "asc" (ascending) or "desc" (descending). [Default is asc]
  *		[Front-end access control]	
  *			checkAccess = Array of access values to filter returned values on. Available for any related table with an "access" field (ca_objects, ca_entities, etc.). If omitted no filtering is performed. [Default is null]
  *			user_id = Perform item level access control relative to specified user_id rather than currently logged in user. [Default is user_id for currently logged in user]
  * @return array List of related items
 public function getRelatedItems($pm_rel_table_name_or_num, $pa_options = null)
     global $AUTH_CURRENT_USER_ID;
     $vn_user_id = isset($pa_options['user_id']) && $pa_options['user_id'] ? $pa_options['user_id'] : (int) $AUTH_CURRENT_USER_ID;
     $vb_show_if_no_acl = (bool) ($this->getAppConfig()->get('default_item_access_level') > __CA_ACL_NO_ACCESS__);
     $va_primary_ids = isset($pa_options['primaryIDs']) && is_array($pa_options['primaryIDs']) ? $pa_options['primaryIDs'] : null;
     $va_get_where = isset($pa_options['where']) && is_array($pa_options['where']) && sizeof($pa_options['where']) ? $pa_options['where'] : null;
     $va_row_ids = isset($pa_options['row_ids']) && is_array($pa_options['row_ids']) ? $pa_options['row_ids'] : null;
     $vn_row_id = isset($pa_options['row_id']) && $pa_options['row_id'] ? $pa_options['row_id'] : $this->getPrimaryKey();
     $o_db = $this->getDb();
     $o_tep = new TimeExpressionParser();
     $vb_uses_effective_dates = false;
     if (isset($pa_options['sort']) && !is_array($pa_options['sort'])) {
         $pa_options['sort'] = array($pa_options['sort']);
     $va_sort_fields = isset($pa_options['sort']) && is_array($pa_options['sort']) ? $pa_options['sort'] : null;
     $vs_sort_direction = isset($pa_options['sortDirection']) && $pa_options['sortDirection'] ? $pa_options['sortDirection'] : null;
     if (!$va_row_ids && $vn_row_id > 0) {
         $va_row_ids = array($vn_row_id);
     if (!$va_row_ids || !is_array($va_row_ids) || !sizeof($va_row_ids)) {
         return array();
     $vn_limit = isset($pa_options['limit']) && (int) $pa_options['limit'] > 0 ? (int) $pa_options['limit'] : 1000;
     $vn_start = isset($pa_options['start']) && (int) $pa_options['start'] > 0 ? (int) $pa_options['start'] : 0;
     if (is_numeric($pm_rel_table_name_or_num)) {
         if (!($vs_related_table_name = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getTableName($pm_rel_table_name_or_num))) {
             return null;
     } else {
         if (sizeof($va_tmp = explode(".", $pm_rel_table_name_or_num)) > 1) {
             $pm_rel_table_name_or_num = array_shift($va_tmp);
         if (!($o_instance = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableName($pm_rel_table_name_or_num, true))) {
             return null;
         $vs_related_table_name = $pm_rel_table_name_or_num;
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     switch (sizeof($va_path = array_keys($this->getAppDatamodel()->getPath($this->tableName(), $vs_related_table_name)))) {
         case 3:
             $t_item_rel = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getTableInstance($va_path[1]);
             $t_rel_item = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getTableInstance($va_path[2]);
             $vs_key = $t_item_rel->primaryKey();
         case 2:
             $t_item_rel = null;
             $t_rel_item = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getTableInstance($va_path[1]);
             $vs_key = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
             // bad related table
             return null;
     $va_wheres = array();
     $va_selects = array();
     $va_joins_post_add = array();
     $vs_related_table = $t_rel_item->tableName();
     if ($t_item_rel) {
         //define table names
         $vs_linking_table = $t_item_rel->tableName();
         $va_selects[] = "{$vs_related_table}." . $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
         if ($t_rel_item->hasField('is_enabled')) {
             $va_selects[] = "{$vs_related_table}.is_enabled";
     if (is_array($va_get_where)) {
         foreach ($va_get_where as $vs_fld => $vm_val) {
             if ($t_rel_item->hasField($vs_fld)) {
                 $va_wheres[] = "({$vs_related_table_name}.{$vs_fld} = " . (!is_numeric($vm_val) ? "'" . $this->getDb()->escape($vm_val) . "'" : $vm_val) . ")";
     if ($vs_idno_fld = $t_rel_item->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD')) {
         $va_selects[] = "{$vs_related_table}.{$vs_idno_fld}";
     if ($vs_idno_sort_fld = $t_rel_item->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_SORT_FIELD')) {
         $va_selects[] = "{$vs_related_table}.{$vs_idno_sort_fld}";
     $va_selects[] = $va_path[1] . '.' . $vs_key;
     if (isset($pa_options['fields']) && is_array($pa_options['fields'])) {
         $va_selects = array_merge($va_selects, $pa_options['fields']);
     if (isset($pa_options['checkAccess']) && is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && sizeof($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $t_rel_item->hasField('access')) {
         $va_wheres[] = "({$vs_related_table}.access IN (" . join(',', $pa_options['checkAccess']) . "))";
     if ((!isset($pa_options['showDeleted']) || !$pa_options['showDeleted']) && $t_rel_item->hasField('deleted')) {
         $va_wheres[] = "({$vs_related_table}.deleted = 0)";
     if (($va_criteria = isset($pa_options['criteria']) ? $pa_options['criteria'] : null) && is_array($va_criteria) && sizeof($va_criteria)) {
         $va_wheres[] = "(" . join(" AND ", $va_criteria) . ")";
     $va_wheres[] = "(" . $this->tableName() . '.' . $this->primaryKey() . " IN (" . join(",", $va_row_ids) . "))";
     $va_selects[] = $t_rel_item->tableName() . ".*";
     $vs_cur_table = array_shift($va_path);
     $va_joins = array();
     // Enforce restrict_to_lists for related list items
     if ($vs_related_table_name == 'ca_list_items' && is_array($pa_options['restrictToLists'])) {
         $va_list_ids = array();
         foreach ($pa_options['restrictToLists'] as $vm_list) {
             if ($vn_list_id = ca_lists::getListID($vm_list)) {
                 $va_list_ids[] = $vn_list_id;
         if (sizeof($va_list_ids)) {
             $va_wheres[] = "(ca_list_items.list_id IN (" . join(",", $va_list_ids) . "))";
     foreach ($va_path as $vs_join_table) {
         $va_rel_info = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getRelationships($vs_cur_table, $vs_join_table);
         $va_joins[] = 'INNER JOIN ' . $vs_join_table . ' ON ' . $vs_cur_table . '.' . $va_rel_info[$vs_cur_table][$vs_join_table][0][0] . ' = ' . $vs_join_table . '.' . $va_rel_info[$vs_cur_table][$vs_join_table][0][1] . "\n";
         $vs_cur_table = $vs_join_table;
     // If we're getting ca_set_items, we have to rename the intrinsic row_id field because the pk is named row_id below. Hence, this hack.
     if ($vs_related_table_name == 'ca_set_items') {
         $va_selects[] = 'ca_set_items.row_id AS record_id';
     $va_selects[] = $this->tableName() . '.' . $this->primaryKey() . ' AS row_id';
     $vs_order_by = '';
     if ($t_item_rel && $t_item_rel->hasField('rank')) {
         $vs_order_by = ' ORDER BY ' . $t_item_rel->tableName() . '.rank';
     } else {
         if ($t_rel_item && ($vs_sort = $t_rel_item->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_SORT_FIELD'))) {
             $vs_order_by = " ORDER BY {$vs_related_table}.{$vs_sort}";
     $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT DISTINCT " . join(', ', $va_selects) . "\n\t\t\tFROM " . $this->tableName() . "\n\t\t\t" . join("\n", array_merge($va_joins, $va_joins_post_add)) . "\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t" . join(' AND ', $va_wheres) . "\n\t\t\t{$vs_order_by}\n\t\t";
     $qr_res = $o_db->query($vs_sql);
     $va_rels = array();
     $vn_c = 0;
     if ($vn_start > 0) {
     while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
         if ($vn_c >= $vn_limit) {
         if (is_array($va_primary_ids) && is_array($va_primary_ids[$vs_related_table])) {
             if (in_array($qr_res->get($vs_key), $va_primary_ids[$vs_related_table])) {
         if (isset($pa_options['idsOnly']) && $pa_options['idsOnly']) {
             $va_rels[] = $qr_res->get($t_rel_item->primaryKey());
         $va_row = $qr_res->getRow();
         $vs_v = sizeof($va_path) <= 2 ? $va_row['row_id'] . '/' . $va_row[$vs_key] : $va_row[$vs_key];
         $vs_display_label = $va_row[$vs_label_display_field];
         if (!isset($va_rels[$vs_v]) || !$va_rels[$vs_v]) {
             $va_rels[$vs_v] = $va_row;
         $va_rels[$vs_v]['_key'] = $vs_key;
         $va_rels[$vs_v]['direction'] = $vs_direction;
     // Sort on fields if specified
     if (is_array($va_sort_fields) && sizeof($va_rels)) {
         $va_ids = array();
         $vs_rel_pk = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
         foreach ($va_rels as $vn_i => $va_rel) {
             $va_ids[] = $va_rel[$vs_rel_pk];
         $vs_rel_pk = $t_rel_item->primaryKey();
         foreach ($va_sort_fields as $vn_x => $vs_sort_field) {
             if ($vs_sort_field == 'relation_id') {
                 // sort by relationship primary key
                 if ($t_item_rel) {
                     $va_sort_fields[$vn_x] = $vs_sort_field = $t_item_rel->tableName() . '.' . $t_item_rel->primaryKey();
             $va_tmp = explode('.', $vs_sort_field);
             if ($va_tmp[0] == $vs_related_table_name) {
                 if (!($qr_rel = caMakeSearchResult($va_tmp[0], $va_ids))) {
                 $vs_table = array_shift($va_tmp);
                 $vs_key = join(".", $va_tmp);
                 while ($qr_rel->nextHit()) {
                     $vn_pk_val = $qr_rel->get($vs_table . "." . $vs_rel_pk);
                     foreach ($va_rels as $vn_rel_id => $va_rel) {
                         if ($va_rel[$vs_rel_pk] == $vn_pk_val) {
                             $va_rels[$vn_rel_id][$vs_key] = $qr_rel->get($vs_sort_field, array("delimiter" => ";", 'sortable' => 1));
         // Perform sort
         $va_rels = caSortArrayByKeyInValue($va_rels, $va_sort_fields, $vs_sort_direction);
     return $va_rels;
    foreach ($va_content_array as $id => $content) {
        print "<li style='margin-left: {$vn_indent}px;'>" . caNavLink($this->request, $content, '', '', 'Detail', 'collections/' . $id) . "</li>";
        $vn_indent += 10;
    print "</ul><div style='width:100%;clear:both;height:1px;'></div>";
if (is_array($va_collection_children_ids = $t_item->get('ca_collections.children.collection_id', array('returnAsArray' => true))) && sizeof($va_collection_children_ids)) {
    print "<h6>Content</h6>";
    $qr_children = caMakeSearchResult('ca_collections', $va_collection_children_ids);
    while ($qr_children->nextHit()) {
        $vn_collection_id = $qr_children->get('collection_id');
        print "<div>" . caNavLink($this->request, $qr_children->get('ca_collections.preferred_labels'), '', '', 'Detail', 'collections/' . $vn_collection_id) . "</div>";
        if (in_array($t_item->get('ca_collections.type_id'), caMakeTypeIDList('ca_collections', array('series', 'subseries', 'subsubseries')))) {
            //if (in_array($t_item->get('ca_collections.type_id'), caMakeTypeIDList('ca_collections', array('subseries')))) {
            if ($va_object_levels = $qr_children->get('ca_objects.object_id', array('returnAsArray' => true))) {
                $qr_objects = caMakeSearchResult('ca_objects', $va_object_levels);
                print "<table class='objectContents'>";
                while ($qr_objects->nextHit()) {
                    $vn_object_id = $qr_objects->get('ca_objects.object_id');
                    //$t_object = new ca_objects($va_object_level);
                    print "<tr>";
                    print "<td style='width:20px;'></td><td>Box: " . $qr_objects->get('ca_objects.location.box') . " </td><td>Folder: " . $qr_objects->get('ca_objects.location.folder') . "</td><td style='width:400px;'>" . caNavLink($this->request, $qr_objects->get('ca_objects.preferred_labels.name'), '', '', 'Detail', 'objects/' . $vn_object_id) . " (" . $qr_objects->get('ca_objects.description_public') . ($qr_objects->get('ca_objects.dimensions_as_text') ? ", " . $qr_objects->get('ca_objects.dimensions_as_text') : "") . ")</td>";
                    if ($qr_objects->get('ca_objects.dates.dates_value')) {
                        print "<td>" . $qr_objects->get('ca_objects.dates.dates_value') . "</td>";
                    } else {
                        print "<td>" . $qr_objects->get('ca_objects.dates.date_as_text') . "</td>";
                    print "</tr>";
                print "</table>";
Ejemplo n.º 29
 * Replace "^" prefixed tags (eg. ^forename) in a template with values from an array
 * @param string $ps_template String with embedded tags. Tags are just alphanumeric strings prefixed with a caret ("^")
 * @param string $pm_tablename_or_num Table name or number of table from which values are being formatted
 * @param string $pa_row_ids An array of primary key values in the specified table to be pulled into the template
 * @param array $pa_options Supported options are:
 *		returnAsArray = if true an array of processed template values is returned, otherwise the template values are returned as a string joined together with a delimiter. Default is false.
 *		delimiter = value to string together template values with when returnAsArray is false. Default is ';' (semicolon)
 *		relatedValues = array of field values to return in template when directly referenced. Array should be indexed numerically in parallel with $pa_row_ids
 *		relationshipValues = array of field values to return in template for relationship when directly referenced. Should be indexed by row_id and then by relation_id
 *		placeholderPrefix = attribute container to implicitly place primary record fields into. Ex. if the table is "ca_entities" and the placeholder is "address" then tags like ^city will resolve to ca_entities.address.city
 *		requireLinkTags = if set then links are only added when explicitly defined with <l> tags. Default is to make the entire text a link in the absence of <l> tags.
 *		resolveLinksUsing = 
 *		primaryIDs = row_ids for primary rows in related table, keyed by table name; when resolving ambiguous relationships the row_ids will be excluded from consideration. This option is rarely used and exists primarily to take care of a single
 *						edge case: you are processing a template relative to a self-relationship such as ca_entities_x_entities that includes references to the subject table (ca_entities, in the case of ca_entities_x_entities). There are
 *						two possible paths to take in this situations; primaryIDs lets you specify which ones you *don't* want to take by row_id. For interstitial editors, the ids will be set to a single id: that of the subject (Eg. ca_entities) row
 *						from which the interstitial was launched.
 *		sort = optional list of tag values to sort repeating values within a row template on. The tag must appear in the template. You can specify more than one tag by separating the tags with semicolons.
 *		sortDirection = The direction of the sort of repeating values within a row template. May be either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). [Default is ASC]
 *		linkTarget = Optional target to use when generating <l> tag-based links. By default links point to standard detail pages, but plugins may define linkTargets that point elsewhere.
 * 		skipIfExpression = skip the elements in $pa_row_ids for which the given expression does not evaluate true
 *		includeBlankValuesInArray = include blank template values in returned array when returnAsArray is set. If you need the returned array of values to line up with the row_ids in $pa_row_ids this should be set. [Default is false]
 * @return mixed Output of processed templates
function caProcessTemplateForIDs($ps_template, $pm_tablename_or_num, $pa_row_ids, $pa_options = null)
    foreach (array('request', 'template', 'restrictToTypes', 'restrict_to_types', 'restrict_to_relationship_types', 'restrictToRelationshipTypes', 'useLocaleCodes') as $vs_k) {
    if (!isset($pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText'])) {
        $pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText'] = true;
    $pb_return_as_array = (bool) caGetOption('returnAsArray', $pa_options, false);
    if (($pa_sort = caGetOption('sort', $pa_options, null)) && !is_array($pa_sort)) {
        $pa_sort = explode(";", $pa_sort);
    $ps_sort_direction = caGetOption('sortDirection', $pa_options, null, array('forceUppercase' => true));
    if (!in_array($ps_sort_direction, array('ASC', 'DESC'))) {
        $ps_sort_direction = 'ASC';
    $pa_check_access = caGetOption('checkAccess', $pa_options, null);
    if (!is_array($pa_row_ids) || !sizeof($pa_row_ids) || !$ps_template) {
        return $pb_return_as_array ? array() : "";
    if (!isset($pa_options['requireLinkTags'])) {
        $pa_options['requireLinkTags'] = true;
    $ps_skip_if_expression = caGetOption('skipIfExpression', $pa_options, false);
    $va_primary_ids = caGetOption("primaryIDs", $pa_options, null);
    $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
    $ps_tablename = is_numeric($pm_tablename_or_num) ? $o_dm->getTableName($pm_tablename_or_num) : $pm_tablename_or_num;
    $ps_resolve_links_using = caGetOption('resolveLinksUsing', $pa_options, $ps_tablename);
    $t_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($ps_tablename, true);
    if ($ps_resolve_links_using != $ps_tablename) {
        $t_resolve_links_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($ps_resolve_links_using, true);
        $vs_resolve_links_using_pk = $t_resolve_links_instance->primaryKey();
    $vs_pk = $t_instance->primaryKey();
    $vs_delimiter = isset($pa_options['delimiter']) ? $pa_options['delimiter'] : '; ';
    $ps_template = str_replace("^_parent", "^{$ps_resolve_links_using}.parent.preferred_labels", $ps_template);
    $ps_template = str_replace("^_hierarchy", "^{$ps_resolve_links_using}._hierarchyName", $ps_template);
    $va_related_values = isset($pa_options['relatedValues']) && is_array($pa_options['relatedValues']) ? $pa_options['relatedValues'] : array();
    $va_relationship_values = isset($pa_options['relationshipValues']) && is_array($pa_options['relationshipValues']) ? $pa_options['relationshipValues'] : array();
    $o_doc = str_get_dom($ps_template);
    // parse template
    $ps_template = str_replace("<~root~>", "", str_replace("</~root~>", "", $o_doc->html()));
    // replace template with parsed version; this allows us to do text find/replace later
    // Parse units from template
    $o_units = $o_doc('unit');
    // only process non-nested <unit> tags
    $va_units = array();
    $vn_unit_id = 1;
    foreach ($o_units as $o_unit) {
        if (!$o_unit) {
        $vs_html = str_replace("<~root~>", "", str_replace("</~root~>", "", $o_unit->html()));
        $vs_content = $o_unit->getInnerText();
        // is this nested in another unit? We skip these
        foreach ($va_units as $va_tmp) {
            if (strpos($va_tmp['directive'], $vs_html) !== false) {
                continue 2;
        $va_units[] = $va_unit = array('tag' => $vs_unit_tag = "[[#{$vn_unit_id}]]", 'directive' => $vs_html, 'content' => $vs_content, 'relativeTo' => (string) $o_unit->getAttribute("relativeto"), 'delimiter' => ($vs_d = (string) $o_unit->getAttribute("delimiter")) ? $vs_d : null, 'restrictToTypes' => (string) $o_unit->getAttribute("restricttotypes"), 'restrictToRelationshipTypes' => (string) $o_unit->getAttribute("restricttorelationshiptypes"), 'sort' => explode(";", $o_unit->getAttribute("sort")), 'sortDirection' => (string) $o_unit->getAttribute("sortDirection"), 'skipIfExpression' => (string) $o_unit->getAttribute("skipIfExpression"));
        $ps_template = str_ireplace($va_unit['directive'], $vs_unit_tag, $ps_template);
    $o_doc = str_get_dom($ps_template);
    // parse template again with units replaced by unit tags in the format [[#X]]
    $ps_template = str_replace("<~root~>", "", str_replace("</~root~>", "", $o_doc->html()));
    // replace template with parsed version; this allows us to do text find/replace later
    $va_tags = array();
    if (preg_match_all(__CA_BUNDLE_DISPLAY_TEMPLATE_TAG_REGEX__, $ps_template, $va_matches)) {
        $va_tags = $va_matches[1];
    $va_directive_tags = array();
    $va_directive_tag_vals = array();
    $qr_res = caMakeSearchResult($ps_tablename, $pa_row_ids);
    if (!$qr_res) {
        return '';
    $va_proc_templates = array();
    $vn_i = 0;
    $o_ifs = $o_doc("if");
    // if
    $o_ifdefs = $o_doc("ifdef");
    // if defined
    $o_ifnotdefs = $o_doc("ifnotdef");
    // if not defined
    $o_mores = $o_doc("more");
    // more tags - content suppressed if there are no defined values following the tag pair
    $o_betweens = $o_doc("between");
    // between tags - content suppressed if there are not defined values on both sides of the tag pair
    $va_if = array();
    foreach ($o_ifs as $o_if) {
        if (!$o_if) {
        $vs_html = $o_if->html();
        $vs_content = $o_if->getInnerText();
        $va_if[] = array('directive' => $vs_html, 'content' => $vs_content, 'rule' => $vs_rule = (string) $o_if->getAttribute('rule'));
    foreach ($o_ifdefs as $o_ifdef) {
        if (!$o_ifdef) {
        $vs_code = (string) $o_ifdef->getAttribute('code');
        $vs_code_proc = preg_replace("!%(.*)\$!", '', $vs_code);
        $va_directive_tags = array_merge($va_directive_tags, preg_split('![,\\|]{1}!', $vs_code_proc));
    foreach ($o_ifnotdefs as $o_ifnotdef) {
        if (!$o_ifnotdef) {
        $vs_code = (string) $o_ifnotdef->getAttribute('code');
        $vs_code_proc = preg_replace("!%(.*)\$!", '', $vs_code);
        $va_directive_tags = array_merge($va_directive_tags, preg_split('![,\\|]{1}!', $vs_code_proc));
    $va_mores = array();
    foreach ($o_mores as $o_more) {
        if (!$o_more) {
        $vs_html = str_replace("<~root~>", "", str_replace("</~root~>", "", $o_more->html()));
        $vs_content = $o_more->getInnerText();
        $va_mores[] = array('directive' => $vs_html, 'content' => $vs_content);
    $va_betweens = array();
    foreach ($o_betweens as $o_between) {
        if (!$o_between) {
        $vs_html = str_replace("<~root~>", "", str_replace("</~root~>", "", $o_between->html()));
        $vs_content = $o_between->getInnerText();
        $va_betweens[] = array('directive' => $vs_html, 'content' => $vs_content);
    $va_resolve_links_using_row_ids = array();
    $va_tag_val_list = $va_defined_tag_list = array();
    $va_expression_vars = array();
    /** @var $qr_res SearchResult */
    while ($qr_res->nextHit()) {
        $vs_pk_val = $qr_res->get($vs_pk, array('checkAccess' => $pa_check_access));
        if (is_array($pa_check_access) && sizeof($pa_check_access) && !in_array($qr_res->get("{$ps_tablename}.access"), $pa_check_access)) {
        $vs_template = $ps_template;
        // check if we skip this row because of skipIfExpression
        if (strlen($ps_skip_if_expression) > 0) {
            $va_expression_tags = caGetTemplateTags($ps_skip_if_expression);
            foreach ($va_expression_tags as $vs_expression_tag) {
                if (!isset($va_expression_vars[$vs_expression_tag])) {
                    $va_expression_vars[$vs_expression_tag] = $qr_res->get($vs_expression_tag, array('assumeDisplayField' => true, 'returnIdno' => true, 'delimiter' => ';'));
            if (ExpressionParser::evaluate($ps_skip_if_expression, $va_expression_vars)) {
        // Grab values for codes used in ifdef and ifnotdef directives
        $va_directive_tag_vals = array();
        foreach ($va_directive_tags as $vs_directive_tag) {
            $va_directive_tag_vals[$vs_directive_tag] = $qr_res->get($vs_directive_tag, array('assumeDisplayField' => true, 'convertCodesToDisplayText' => true, 'dontUseElementTemplate' => true));
        $o_parsed_template = str_get_dom($vs_template);
        while (sizeof($vo_templates = $o_parsed_template('ifcount:not(:has(ifdef,ifndef,ifcount)),ifdef:not(:has(ifdef,ifndef,ifcount)),ifndef:not(:has(ifdef,ifndef,ifcount))')) > 0) {
            foreach ($vo_templates as $vn_index => $vo_element) {
                $vs_code = $vo_element->code;
                switch ($vo_element->tag) {
                    case 'ifdef':
                        if (strpos($vs_code, "|") !== false) {
                            $vs_bool = 'OR';
                            $va_tag_list = explode("|", $vs_code);
                            $vb_output = false;
                        } else {
                            $vs_bool = 'AND';
                            $va_tag_list = explode(",", $vs_code);
                            $vb_output = true;
                        foreach ($va_tag_list as $vs_tag_to_test) {
                            $vs_tag_to_test = preg_replace("!%.*\$!", "", $vs_tag_to_test);
                            $vb_value_is_set = isset($va_directive_tag_vals[$vs_tag_to_test]) && strlen($va_directive_tag_vals[$vs_tag_to_test]) > 1;
                            switch ($vs_bool) {
                                case 'OR':
                                    if ($vb_value_is_set) {
                                        $vb_output = true;
                                        break 2;
                                    // any must be defined; if any is defined output
                                case 'AND':
                                    if (!$vb_value_is_set) {
                                        $vb_output = false;
                                        break 2;
                                    // all must be defined; if any is not defined don't output
                        if ($vb_output) {
                            $vs_template = str_replace($vo_element->html(), $vo_element->getInnerText(), $vs_template);
                        } else {
                            $vs_template = str_replace($vo_element->html(), '', $vs_template);
                    case 'ifndef':
                        if (strpos($vs_code, "|") !== false) {
                            $vs_bool = 'OR';
                            $va_tag_list = explode("|", $vs_code);
                            $vb_output = false;
                        } else {
                            $vs_bool = 'AND';
                            $va_tag_list = explode(",", $vs_code);
                            $vb_output = true;
                        $vb_output = true;
                        foreach ($va_tag_list as $vs_tag_to_test) {
                            $vb_value_is_set = (bool) (isset($va_directive_tag_vals[$vs_tag_to_test]) && strlen($va_directive_tag_vals[$vs_tag_to_test]) > 0);
                            switch ($vs_bool) {
                                case 'OR':
                                    if (!$vb_value_is_set) {
                                        $vb_output = true;
                                        break 2;
                                    // any must be not defined; if anything is not set output
                                case 'AND':
                                    if ($vb_value_is_set) {
                                        $vb_output = false;
                                        break 2;
                                    // all must be not defined; if anything is set don't output
                        if ($vb_output) {
                            $vs_template = str_replace($vo_element->html(), $vo_element->getInnerText(), $vs_template);
                        } else {
                            $vs_template = str_replace($vo_element->html(), '', $vs_template);
                    case 'ifcount':
                        if (is_array($va_if_codes = preg_split("![\\|,;]+!", $vs_code))) {
                            $vn_min = (int) $vo_element->min;
                            $vn_max = (int) $vo_element->max;
                            $va_restrict_to_types = preg_split("![,; ]+!", $vo_element->restrictToTypes);
                            $va_restrict_to_relationship_types = preg_split("![,; ]+!", $vo_element->restrictToRelationshipTypes);
                            $vn_count = 0;
                            foreach ($va_if_codes as $vs_if_code) {
                                if ($t_table = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_if_code, true)) {
                                    $va_count_vals = $qr_res->get($vs_if_code . "." . $t_table->primaryKey(), array('restrictToTypes' => $va_restrict_to_types, 'restrictToRelationshipTypes' => $va_restrict_to_relationship_types, 'returnAsArray' => true, 'checkAccess' => $pa_check_access));
                                } else {
                                    $va_count_vals = $qr_res->get($vs_if_code, array('returnAsArray' => true, 'restrictToTypes' => $va_restrict_to_types, 'restrictToRelationshipTypes' => $va_restrict_to_relationship_types, 'checkAccess' => $pa_check_access));
                                if (is_array($va_count_vals)) {
                                    $va_bits = explode(".", $vs_if_code);
                                    $vs_fld = array_pop($va_bits);
                                    foreach ($va_count_vals as $vs_count_val) {
                                        if (is_array($vs_count_val)) {
                                            if (isset($vs_count_val[$vs_fld]) && !trim($vs_count_val[$vs_fld])) {
                                            $vb_is_set = false;
                                            foreach ($vs_count_val as $vs_f => $vs_v) {
                                                if (trim($vs_v)) {
                                                    $vb_is_set = true;
                                            if (!$vb_is_set) {
                                        } else {
                                            if (!trim($vs_count_val)) {
                            if ($vn_min <= $vn_count && ($vn_max >= $vn_count || !$vn_max)) {
                                $vs_template = str_replace($vo_element->html(), $vo_element->getInnerText(), $vs_template);
                            } else {
                                $vs_template = str_replace($vo_element->html(), '', $vs_template);
            $o_parsed_template = str_get_dom($vs_template);
            // reparse
        $va_proc_templates[$vn_i] = $vs_template;
        foreach ($va_units as $k => $va_unit) {
            if (!$va_unit['content']) {
            $va_relative_to_tmp = $va_unit['relativeTo'] ? explode(".", $va_unit['relativeTo']) : array($ps_tablename);
            if (!($t_rel_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($va_relative_to_tmp[0], true))) {
            $vs_unit_delimiter = caGetOption('delimiter', $va_unit, $vs_delimiter);
            $vs_unit_skip_if_expression = caGetOption('skipIfExpression', $va_unit, false);
            // additional get options for pulling related records
            $va_get_options = array('returnAsArray' => true, 'checkAccess' => $pa_check_access);
            if ($va_unit['restrictToTypes'] && strlen($va_unit['restrictToTypes']) > 0) {
                $va_get_options['restrictToTypes'] = preg_split('![\\|,;]+!', $va_unit['restrictToTypes']);
            if ($va_unit['restrictToRelationshipTypes'] && strlen($va_unit['restrictToRelationshipTypes']) > 0) {
                $va_get_options['restrictToRelationshipTypes'] = preg_split('![\\|,;]+!', $va_unit['restrictToRelationshipTypes']);
            if ($va_unit['sort'] && is_array($va_unit['sort'])) {
                $va_get_options['sort'] = $va_unit['sort'];
                $va_get_options['sortDirection'] = $va_unit['sortDirection'];
            if (sizeof($va_relative_to_tmp) == 1 && $va_relative_to_tmp[0] == $ps_tablename || sizeof($va_relative_to_tmp) >= 1 && $va_relative_to_tmp[0] == $ps_tablename && $va_relative_to_tmp[1] != 'related') {
                switch (strtolower($va_relative_to_tmp[1])) {
                    case 'hierarchy':
                        $va_relative_ids = $qr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".hierarchy." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                        $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                    case 'parent':
                        $va_relative_ids = $qr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".parent." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                        $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                    case 'children':
                        $va_relative_ids = $qr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".children." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                        $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                        $va_relative_ids = array($vs_pk_val);
                // process template for all records selected by unit tag
                $va_tmpl_val = caProcessTemplateForIDs($va_unit['content'], $va_relative_to_tmp[0], $va_relative_ids, array_merge($pa_options, array('sort' => $va_get_options['sort'], 'sortDirection' => $va_get_options['sortDirection'], 'returnAsArray' => true, 'delimiter' => $vs_unit_delimiter, 'resolveLinksUsing' => null, 'skipIfExpression' => $vs_unit_skip_if_expression)));
                $va_proc_templates[$vn_i] = str_ireplace($va_unit['tag'], join($vs_unit_delimiter, $va_tmpl_val), $va_proc_templates[$vn_i]);
            } else {
                switch (strtolower($va_relative_to_tmp[1])) {
                    case 'hierarchy':
                        $va_relative_ids = $qr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".hierarchy." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                        $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                    case 'parent':
                        $va_relative_ids = $qr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".parent." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                        $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                    case 'children':
                        $va_relative_ids = $qr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".children." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                        $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                    case 'related':
                        $va_relative_ids = $qr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . ".related." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options);
                        $va_relative_ids = array_values($va_relative_ids);
                        if (method_exists($t_instance, 'isSelfRelationship') && $t_instance->isSelfRelationship()) {
                            $va_relative_ids = array_values($t_instance->getRelatedIDsForSelfRelationship($va_primary_ids[$t_rel_instance->tableName()], array($vs_pk_val)));
                        } else {
                            $va_relative_ids = array_values($qr_res->get($t_rel_instance->tableName() . "." . $t_rel_instance->primaryKey(), $va_get_options));
                $vs_tmpl_val = caProcessTemplateForIDs($va_unit['content'], $va_relative_to_tmp[0], $va_relative_ids, array_merge($pa_options, array('sort' => $va_unit['sort'], 'sortDirection' => $va_unit['sortDirection'], 'delimiter' => $vs_unit_delimiter, 'resolveLinksUsing' => null, 'skipIfExpression' => $vs_unit_skip_if_expression)));
                $va_proc_templates[$vn_i] = str_ireplace($va_unit['tag'], $vs_tmpl_val, $va_proc_templates[$vn_i]);
        if (!strlen(trim($va_proc_templates[$vn_i]))) {
            $va_proc_templates[$vn_i] = null;
        if (!sizeof($va_tags)) {
        // if there are no tags in the template then we don't need to process further
        if ($ps_resolve_links_using !== $ps_tablename) {
            $va_resolve_links_using_row_ids += $qr_res->get("{$ps_resolve_links_using}.{$vs_resolve_links_using_pk}", array('returnAsArray' => true, 'checkAccess' => $pa_check_access));
            // we need to remove "primary_ids" from the list, since for self-relations these will be the side(s) of the relations we're viewing *from*
            if (is_array($va_primary_ids[$ps_resolve_links_using]) && sizeof($va_primary_ids[$ps_resolve_links_using])) {
                $va_resolve_links_using_row_ids = array_values(array_diff($va_resolve_links_using_row_ids, $va_primary_ids[$ps_resolve_links_using]));
        $va_tag_val_list[$vn_i] = array();
        $va_defined_tag_list[$vn_i] = array();
        $va_tag_opts = $va_tag_filters = array();
        foreach ($va_tags as $vs_tag) {
            $va_tmp = explode('.', $vs_tag);
            $vs_last_element = $va_tmp[sizeof($va_tmp) - 1];
            $va_tag_opt_tmp = explode("%", $vs_last_element);
            if (sizeof($va_tag_opt_tmp) > 1) {
                $vs_tag_bit = array_shift($va_tag_opt_tmp);
                // get rid of getspec
                foreach ($va_tag_opt_tmp as $vs_tag_opt_raw) {
                    if (preg_match("!^\\[([^\\]]+)\\]\$!", $vs_tag_opt_raw, $va_matches)) {
                        if (sizeof($va_filter = explode("=", $va_matches[1])) == 2) {
                            $va_tag_filters[$va_filter[0]] = $va_filter[1];
                    $va_tag_tmp = explode("=", $vs_tag_opt_raw);
                    $va_tag_tmp[0] = trim($va_tag_tmp[0]);
                    $va_tag_tmp[1] = trim($va_tag_tmp[1]);
                    if (in_array($va_tag_tmp[0], array('delimiter', 'hierarchicalDelimiter'))) {
                        $va_tag_tmp[1] = str_replace("_", " ", $va_tag_tmp[1]);
                    if (sizeof($va_tag_line_tmp = explode("|", $va_tag_tmp[1])) > 1) {
                        $va_tag_opts[trim($va_tag_tmp[0])] = $va_tag_line_tmp;
                    } else {
                        $va_tag_opts[trim($va_tag_tmp[0])] = $va_tag_tmp[1];
                $va_tmp[sizeof($va_tmp) - 1] = $vs_tag_bit;
                // remove option from tag-part array
                $vs_tag_proc = join(".", $va_tmp);
                $va_proc_templates[$vn_i] = str_replace($vs_tag, $vs_tag_proc, $va_proc_templates[$vn_i]);
                $vs_tag = $vs_tag_proc;
            switch ($vs_tag) {
                case 'DATE':
                    $vs_format = urldecode(caGetOption('format', $va_tag_opts, 'd M Y'));
                    $va_proc_templates[$vn_i] = str_replace("^{$vs_tag}", date($vs_format), $va_proc_templates[$vn_i]);
                    continue 2;
            $pa_options = array_merge($pa_options, $va_tag_opts);
            // Default label tag to hierarchies
            if (isset($pa_options['showHierarchicalLabels']) && $pa_options['showHierarchicalLabels'] && $vs_tag == 'label') {
                $va_tmp = array($ps_tablename, 'hierarchy', 'preferred_labels');
            if (!isset($va_relationship_values[$vs_pk_val])) {
                $va_relationship_values[$vs_pk_val] = array(0 => null);
            foreach ($va_relationship_values[$vs_pk_val] as $vn_relation_id => $va_relationship_value_array) {
                $vb_is_related = false;
                $va_val = null;
                if (isset($va_relationship_value_array[$vs_tag]) && !(isset($pa_options['showHierarchicalLabels']) && $pa_options['showHierarchicalLabels'] && $vs_tag == 'label')) {
                    $va_val = array($vs_val = $va_relationship_value_array[$vs_tag]);
                } elseif (isset($va_relationship_value_array[$vs_tag])) {
                    $va_val = array($vs_val = $va_relationship_value_array[$vs_tag]);
                } else {
                    if (isset($va_related_values[$vs_pk_val][$vs_tag])) {
                        $va_val = array($vs_val = $va_related_values[$vs_pk_val][$vs_tag]);
                    } else {
                        // see if this is a reference to a related table
                        if (in_array($vs_tag, array("relationship_typename", "relationship_type_id", "relationship_typecode", "relationship_type_code"))) {
                            $vb_is_related = true;
                            switch ($vs_tag) {
                                case 'relationship_typename':
                                    $vs_spec = 'preferred_labels.' . (caGetOption('orientation', $pa_options, 'LTOR') == 'LTOR' ? 'typename' : 'typename_reverse');
                                case 'relationship_type_id':
                                    $vs_spec = 'type_id';
                                case 'relationship_typecode':
                                case 'relationship_type_code':
                                    $vs_spec = 'type_code';
                            $vs_rel = $qr_res->get("ca_relationship_types.{$vs_spec}", array_merge($pa_options, $va_tag_opts, array('returnAsArray' => false)));
                            $va_val = array($vs_rel);
                        } elseif ($ps_tablename != $va_tmp[0] && ($t_tmp = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($va_tmp[0], true))) {
                            // if the part of the tag before a "." (or the tag itself if there are no periods) is a related table then try to fetch it as related to the current record
                            if (isset($pa_options['placeholderPrefix']) && $pa_options['placeholderPrefix'] && $va_tmp[0] != $pa_options['placeholderPrefix'] && sizeof($va_tmp) == 1) {
                                $vs_get_spec = array_shift($va_tmp) . "." . $pa_options['placeholderPrefix'];
                                if (sizeof($va_tmp) > 0) {
                                    $vs_get_spec .= "." . join(".", $va_tmp);
                            } else {
                                $vs_get_spec = $vs_tag;
                            $va_spec_bits = explode(".", $vs_get_spec);
                            if (sizeof($va_spec_bits) == 1 && $o_dm->getTableNum($va_spec_bits[0])) {
                                $vs_get_spec .= ".preferred_labels";
                            $va_additional_options = array('returnAsArray' => true, 'checkAccess' => $pa_check_access);
                            $vs_hierarchy_name = null;
                            $vb_is_hierarchy = false;
                            if (in_array($va_spec_bits[1], array('hierarchy', '_hierarchyName'))) {
                                $t_rel = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($va_spec_bits[0], true);
                                switch ($t_rel->getProperty('HIERARCHY_TYPE')) {
                                    case __CA_HIER_TYPE_SIMPLE_MONO__:
                                        $va_additional_options['removeFirstItems'] = 1;
                                    case __CA_HIER_TYPE_MULTI_MONO__:
                                        $vs_hierarchy_name = $t_rel->getHierarchyName($qr_res->get($t_rel->tableName() . "." . $t_rel->primaryKey(), array('checkAccess' => $pa_check_access)));
                                        $va_additional_options['removeFirstItems'] = 1;
                            if ($va_spec_bits[1] != '_hierarchyName') {
                                $va_val = $qr_res->get($vs_get_spec, array_merge($pa_options, $va_additional_options, array('returnWithStructure' => true, 'returnBlankValues' => true, 'returnAllLocales' => true, 'useLocaleCodes' => false, 'filters' => $va_tag_filters, 'primaryIDs' => $va_primary_ids)));
                            } else {
                                $va_val = array();
                            if (is_array($va_primary_ids) && isset($va_primary_ids[$va_spec_bits[0]]) && is_array($va_primary_ids[$va_spec_bits[0]])) {
                                foreach ($va_primary_ids[$va_spec_bits[0]] as $vn_primary_id) {
                            if ($va_spec_bits[1] !== 'hierarchy') {
                                $va_val = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_val);
                                $va_val_tmp = array();
                                foreach ($va_val as $vn_d => $va_vals) {
                                    if (is_array($va_vals)) {
                                        $va_val_tmp = array_merge($va_val_tmp, array_values($va_vals));
                                    } else {
                                        $va_val_tmp[] = $va_vals;
                                $va_val = $va_val_tmp;
                            $va_val_proc = array();
                            switch ($va_spec_bits[1]) {
                                case '_hierarchyName':
                                    if ($vs_hierarchy_name) {
                                        $va_val_proc[] = $vs_hierarchy_name;
                                case 'hierarchy':
                                    if (is_array($va_val) && sizeof($va_val) > 0) {
                                        $va_hier_list = array();
                                        if ($vs_hierarchy_name) {
                                            array_unshift($va_hier_list, $vs_hierarchy_name);
                                        $vs_name = end($va_spec_bits);
                                        foreach ($va_val as $va_hier) {
                                            $va_hier = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_hier);
                                            foreach ($va_hier as $va_hier_item) {
                                                foreach ($va_hier_item as $va_hier_value) {
                                                    $va_hier_list[] = $va_hier_value[$vs_name] ? $va_hier_value[$vs_name] : array_shift($va_hier_value);
                                        $va_val_proc[] = join(caGetOption("delimiter", $va_tag_opts, $vs_delimiter), $va_hier_list);
                                case 'parent':
                                    if (is_array($va_val)) {
                                        foreach ($va_val as $vm_label) {
                                            if (is_array($vm_label)) {
                                                $t_rel = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($va_spec_bits[0], true);
                                                if (!$t_rel || !method_exists($t_rel, "getLabelDisplayField")) {
                                                    $va_val_proc[] = join("; ", $vm_label);
                                                } else {
                                                    $va_val_proc[] = $vm_label[$t_rel->getLabelDisplayField()];
                                            } else {
                                                $va_val_proc[] = $vm_label;
                                    $vs_terminal = end($va_spec_bits);
                                    foreach ($va_val as $va_val_container) {
                                        if (!is_array($va_val_container)) {
                                            if ($va_val_container) {
                                                $va_val_proc[] = $va_val_container;
                                        // Add display field to *_labels terminals
                                        if (in_array($vs_terminal, array('preferred_labels', 'nonpreferred_labels')) && !$va_val_container[$vs_terminal]) {
                                            $t_rel = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($va_spec_bits[0], true);
                                            $vs_terminal = $t_rel->getLabelDisplayField();
                                        $va_val_proc[] = $va_val_container[$vs_terminal];
                            $va_val = $va_val_proc;
                            $vb_is_related = true;
                        } else {
                            // Handle non-related gets
                            // Default specifiers that end with a modifier to preferred labels
                            if (sizeof($va_tmp) == 2 && in_array($va_tmp[1], array('hierarchy', 'children', 'parent', 'related'))) {
                                array_push($va_tmp, 'preferred_labels');
                            $vs_hierarchy_name = null;
                            if (in_array($va_tmp[1], array('hierarchy', '_hierarchyName'))) {
                                switch ($t_instance->getProperty('HIERARCHY_TYPE')) {
                                    case __CA_HIER_TYPE_SIMPLE_MONO__:
                                        $va_additional_options['removeFirstItems'] = 1;
                                    case __CA_HIER_TYPE_MULTI_MONO__:
                                        $vs_hierarchy_name = $t_instance->getHierarchyName($qr_res->get($t_instance->tableName() . "." . $t_instance->primaryKey(), array('checkAccess' => $pa_check_access)));
                                        $va_additional_options['removeFirstItems'] = 1;
                            if ($va_tmp[0] == $ps_tablename) {
                            // get rid of primary table if it's in the field spec
                            if (!sizeof($va_tmp) && $t_instance->getProperty('LABEL_TABLE_NAME')) {
                                $va_tmp[] = "preferred_labels";
                            if (isset($pa_options['showHierarchicalLabels']) && $pa_options['showHierarchicalLabels']) {
                                if (!in_array($va_tmp[0], array('hierarchy', 'children', 'parent', 'related')) && $va_tmp[1] == 'preferred_labels') {
                                    array_unshift($va_tmp, 'hierarchy');
                            if (isset($pa_options['placeholderPrefix']) && $pa_options['placeholderPrefix'] && $va_tmp[0] != $pa_options['placeholderPrefix']) {
                                array_splice($va_tmp, -1, 0, $pa_options['placeholderPrefix']);
                            $vs_get_spec = "{$ps_tablename}." . join(".", $va_tmp);
                            if (in_array($va_tmp[0], array('parent'))) {
                                $va_val[] = $qr_res->get($vs_get_spec, array_merge($pa_options, $va_tag_opts, array('returnAsArray' => false)));
                            } elseif ($va_tmp[0] == '_hierarchyName') {
                                $va_val[] = $vs_hierarchy_name;
                            } else {
                                $va_val_tmp = $qr_res->get($vs_get_spec, array_merge($pa_options, $va_tag_opts, array('returnAsArray' => true, 'returnBlankValues' => true, 'assumeDisplayField' => true, 'filters' => $va_tag_filters, 'checkAccess' => $pa_check_access)));
                                $va_val = array();
                                if (is_array($va_val_tmp)) {
                                    //$va_val_tmp = array_reverse($va_val_tmp);
                                    if ($va_tmp[0] == 'hierarchy') {
                                        if ($vs_hierarchy_name) {
                                            // remove root
                                            array_unshift($va_val_tmp, $vs_hierarchy_name);
                                            // replace with hierarchy name
                                        if ($vs_delimiter_tmp = caGetOption('hierarchicalDelimiter', $va_tag_opts)) {
                                            $vs_tag_val_delimiter = $vs_delimiter_tmp;
                                        } elseif ($vs_delimiter_tmp = caGetOption('hierarchicalDelimiter', $pa_options)) {
                                            $vs_tag_val_delimiter = $vs_delimiter_tmp;
                                        } elseif ($vs_delimiter_tmp = caGetOption('delimiter', $va_tag_opts, $vs_delimiter)) {
                                            $vs_tag_val_delimiter = $vs_delimiter_tmp;
                                        } else {
                                            $vs_tag_val_delimiter = $vs_delimiter;
                                    } else {
                                        $vs_tag_val_delimiter = caGetOption('delimiter', $va_tag_opts, $vs_delimiter);
                                    foreach ($va_val_tmp as $vn_attr_id => $vm_attr_val) {
                                        if (is_array($vm_attr_val)) {
                                            $va_val[] = join($vs_tag_val_delimiter, $vm_attr_val);
                                        } else {
                                            $va_val[] = $vm_attr_val;
                                if (sizeof($va_val) > 1 && $va_tmp[0] == 'hierarchy') {
                                    $vs_tag_val_delimiter = caGetOption('delimiter', $va_tag_opts, $vs_delimiter);
                                    $va_val = array(join($vs_tag_val_delimiter, $va_val));
                if (is_array($va_val)) {
                    if (sizeof($va_val) > 0) {
                        foreach ($va_val as $vn_j => $vs_val) {
                            if (!is_array($va_tag_val_list[$vn_i][$vn_j][$vs_tag]) || !in_array($vs_val, $va_tag_val_list[$vn_i][$vn_j][$vs_tag])) {
                                $va_tag_val_list[$vn_i][$vn_j][$vs_tag][] = $vs_val;
                                if (is_array($vs_val) && sizeof($vs_val) || strlen($vs_val) > 0) {
                                    $va_defined_tag_list[$vn_i][$vn_j][$vs_tag] = true;
                    } else {
                        $va_tag_val_list[$vn_i][0][$vs_tag] = null;
                        $va_defined_tag_list[$vn_i][0][$vs_tag] = false;
    foreach ($va_tag_val_list as $vn_i => $va_tags_list) {
        // do sorting?
        if (is_array($pa_sort)) {
            $va_sorted_values = $va_sorted_values_tmp = array();
            foreach ($va_tags_list as $vn_j => $va_values_by_field) {
                $vs_key = '';
                foreach ($pa_sort as $vn_k => $vs_sort) {
                    if (!isset($va_values_by_field[$vs_sort])) {
                    $vs_subkey = null;
                    foreach ($va_values_by_field[$vs_sort] as $vn_x => $vs_sort_subval) {
                        if ($va_date = caDateToHistoricTimestamps($vs_sort_subval)) {
                            // try to treat it as a date
                            if ($ps_sort_direction == 'DESC' && ($va_date[0] < $vs_subkey || is_null($vs_subkey))) {
                                $vs_subkey = $va_date[0];
                            } elseif ($va_date[0] > $vs_subkey || is_null($vs_subkey)) {
                                $vs_subkey = $va_date[0];
                        } else {
                            $vs_sort_subval = str_pad($vs_sort_subval, 20, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                            if ($ps_sort_direction == 'DESC' && ($vs_sort_subval < $vs_subkey || is_null($vs_subkey))) {
                                $vs_subkey = $vs_sort_subval;
                            } elseif ($vs_sort_subval > $vs_subkey || is_null($vs_subkey)) {
                                $vs_subkey = $vs_sort_subval;
                    $vs_key .= $vs_subkey;
                    $va_sorted_values_tmp[$vs_key][] = $va_values_by_field;
            foreach ($va_sorted_values_tmp as $vs_key => $va_value_list) {
                foreach ($va_value_list as $vn_x => $va_val) {
                    $va_sorted_values[$vs_key . $vn_x] = $va_val;
            if ($ps_sort_direction == 'DESC') {
                $va_sorted_values = array_reverse($va_sorted_values);
            if (sizeof($va_sorted_values) > 0) {
                $va_tag_val_list[$vn_i] = $va_tags_list = $va_sorted_values;
        $va_acc = array();
        foreach ($va_tags_list as $vn_j => $va_tags) {
            $va_tag_list = array();
            $va_pt_vals = array();
            $vs_template = $va_proc_templates[$vn_i];
            // Process <if>
            foreach ($va_if as $va_def_con) {
                if (ExpressionParser::evaluate($va_def_con['rule'], $va_tags)) {
                    $vs_template = str_replace($va_def_con['directive'], $va_def_con['content'], $vs_template);
                } else {
                    $vs_template = str_replace($va_def_con['directive'], '', $vs_template);
            // Process <more> tags
            foreach ($va_mores as $vn_more_index => $va_more) {
                if (($vn_pos = strpos($vs_template, $va_more['directive'])) !== false) {
                    if (isset($va_mores[$vn_more_index + 1]) && ($vn_next_more_pos = strpos(substr($vs_template, $vn_pos + strlen($va_more['directive'])), $va_mores[$vn_more_index + 1]['directive'])) !== false) {
                        $vn_next_more_pos += $vn_pos;
                        $vs_partial_template = substr($vs_template, $vn_pos + strlen($va_more['directive']), $vn_next_more_pos - $vn_pos);
                    } else {
                        $vs_partial_template = substr($vs_template, $vn_pos + strlen($va_more['directive']));
                    $vb_output = false;
                    foreach (array_keys($va_defined_tag_list[$vn_i][$vn_j]) as $vs_defined_tag) {
                        if (strpos($vs_partial_template, $vs_defined_tag) !== false) {
                            // content is defined
                            $vb_output = true;
                    if ($vb_output) {
                        $vs_template = preg_replace('!' . $va_more['directive'] . '!', $va_more['content'], $vs_template, 1);
                    } else {
                        $vs_template = preg_replace('!' . $va_more['directive'] . '!', '', $vs_template, 1);
            // Process <between> tags - text to be output if it is between two defined values
            $va_between_positions = array();
            foreach ($va_betweens as $vn_between_index => $va_between) {
                $vb_output_before = $vb_output_after = false;
                if (($vn_cur_pos = strpos($vs_template, $va_between['directive'])) !== false) {
                    $va_between_positions[$vn_between_index] = $vn_cur_pos;
                    // Get parts of template before tag and after tag
                    $vs_partial_template_before = substr($vs_template, 0, $vn_cur_pos);
                    $vs_partial_template_after = substr($vs_template, $vn_cur_pos + strlen($va_between['directive']));
                    // Only get the template between our current position and the next <between> tag
                    if (isset($va_betweens[$vn_between_index + 1]) && ($vn_after_pos_relative = strpos($vs_partial_template_after, $va_betweens[$vn_between_index + 1]['directive'])) !== false) {
                        $vs_partial_template_after = substr($vs_partial_template_after, 0, $vn_after_pos_relative);
                    // Check for defined value before and after tag
                    foreach (array_keys($va_defined_tag_list[$vn_i][$vn_j]) as $vs_defined_tag) {
                        if (strpos($vs_partial_template_before, $vs_defined_tag) !== false) {
                            // content is defined
                            $vb_output_after = true;
                        if (strpos($vs_partial_template_after, $vs_defined_tag) !== false) {
                            // content is defined
                            $vb_output_before = true;
                        if ($vb_output_before && $vb_output_after) {
                if ($vb_output_before && $vb_output_after) {
                    $vs_template = preg_replace('!' . $va_between['directive'] . '!', $va_between['content'], $vs_template, 1);
                } else {
                    $vs_template = preg_replace('!' . $va_between['directive'] . '!', '', $vs_template, 1);
            // Need to sort tags by length descending (longest first)
            // so that when we go to substitute and you have a tag followed by itself with a suffix
            // (ex. ^measurements and ^measurements2) we don't substitute both for the stub (ex. ^measurements)
            $va_tags_tmp = array_keys($va_tags);
            usort($va_tags_tmp, function ($a, $b) {
                return strlen($b) - strlen($a);
            $vs_pt = $vs_template;
            foreach ($va_tags_tmp as $vs_tag) {
                $vs_pt = str_replace('^' . $vs_tag, is_array($va_tags[$vs_tag]) ? join(" | ", $va_tags[$vs_tag]) : $va_tags[$vs_tag], $vs_pt);
            if ($vs_pt) {
                $va_pt_vals[] = $vs_pt;
            if ($vs_acc_val = join(isset($pa_options['delimiter']) ? $pa_options['delimiter'] : $vs_delimiter, $va_pt_vals)) {
                $va_acc[] = $vs_acc_val;
        $va_proc_templates[$vn_i] = join($vs_delimiter, $va_acc);
    if ($pb_return_as_array && !caGetOption('includeBlankValuesInArray', $pa_options, false)) {
        foreach ($va_proc_templates as $vn_i => $vs_template) {
            if (!strlen(trim($vs_template))) {
    // Transform links
    $va_proc_templates = caCreateLinksFromText($va_proc_templates, $ps_resolve_links_using, $ps_resolve_links_using != $ps_tablename ? $va_resolve_links_using_row_ids : $pa_row_ids, null, caGetOption('linkTarget', $pa_options, null), array_merge(array('addRelParameter' => true), $pa_options));
    // Kill any lingering tags (just in case)
    foreach ($va_proc_templates as $vn_i => $vs_proc_template) {
        $va_proc_templates[$vn_i] = preg_replace("!\\^([A-Za-z0-9_\\.]+[%]{1}[^ \\^\t\r\n\"\\'<>\\(\\)\\{\\}\\/\\[\\]]*|[A-Za-z0-9_\\.]+)!", "", $vs_proc_template);
        $va_proc_templates[$vn_i] = str_replace("<![CDATA[", "", $va_proc_templates[$vn_i]);
        $va_proc_templates[$vn_i] = str_replace("]]>", "", $va_proc_templates[$vn_i]);
    if ($pb_return_as_array) {
        return $va_proc_templates;
    return join($vs_delimiter, $va_proc_templates);
if (!$ps_view) {
    $ps_view = "info";
# --- object id/representation of related image to cue slideshow to
$pn_object_rep_id = $this->request->getParameter("id", pInteger);
# --- array of images to display
$va_images = array();
# --- get related object_ids in array
$va_objects = $t_item->get("ca_objects", array("returnAsArray" => true, "checkAccess" => $va_access_values, "restrictToRelationshipTypes" => array("used_website", "used")));
$va_object_ids = array();
if (is_array($va_objects) && sizeof($va_objects)) {
    foreach ($va_objects as $va_object) {
        $va_object_ids[] = $va_object["object_id"];
    if (in_array($ps_view, array("images", "thumbnails"))) {
        $q_objects = caMakeSearchResult('ca_objects', $va_object_ids);
        if ($q_objects->numHits()) {
            while ($q_objects->nextHit()) {
                $va_images[$q_objects->get("object_id")] = array("image" => $q_objects->get("ca_object_representations.media.mediumlarge"), "thumbnail" => $q_objects->get("ca_object_representations.media.thumbnail300square"), "id" => $q_objects->get("object_id"), "label" => sefaFormatCaption($this->request, $q_objects));
# --- representations are installation shots
$o_representations = $t_item->getRepresentationsAsSearchResult(array("checkAccess" => $va_access_values));
if (in_array($ps_view, array("installations", "installationThumbnails"))) {
    if (is_object($o_representations) && $o_representations->numHits()) {
        while ($o_representations->nextHit()) {
            $va_images[$o_representations->get("representation_id")] = array("image" => $o_representations->get("ca_object_representations.media.mediumlarge"), "thumbnail" => $o_representations->get("ca_object_representations.media.thumbnail300square"), "id" => $o_representations->get("representation_id"), "label" => $o_representations->get("ca_object_representations.preferred_labels.name"));