 * Display a list of users to delete in bulk.
 * Also used to show the search by domain results
// Are we performing a search
$limit = get_input('limit', 30);
$offset = get_input('offset', 0);
$domain = get_input('domain');
$banned = get_input('banned');
$include_enqueued = get_input('include_enqueued');
$db_prefix = elgg_get_config("dbprefix");
$options = array('type' => 'user', 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'full_view' => false, 'only_banned' => $banned, 'domain' => $domain, 'enqueued' => $include_enqueued ? 'include' : 'exclude');
$users = bulk_user_admin_get_users($options);
$options['count'] = true;
$count = bulk_user_admin_get_users($options);
$pagination = elgg_view('navigation/pagination', array('base_url' => current_page_url(), 'offset' => $offset, 'count' => $count, 'limit' => $limit));
$form_vars = ['users' => $users, 'banned' => $banned, 'domain' => $domain, 'include_enqueued' => $include_enqueued, 'options' => $options];
$form_filter = elgg_view('bulk_user_admin/form_filter', array_merge($vars, $form_vars));
$form = elgg_view_form('bulk_user_admin/delete', array('class' => 'pvl'), $form_vars);
$domain_form = '';
if ($domain) {
    $delete_button = elgg_view('input/submit', array('value' => elgg_echo('bulk_user_admin:delete:domainall', [$domain]), 'class' => 'mtm elgg-button elgg-button-submit', 'data-confirm' => elgg_echo('bulk_user_admin:delete:domainall?', [$domain])));
    $hidden = elgg_view('input/hidden', array('name' => 'domain', 'value' => $domain));
    $form_body = $delete_button . $hidden;
    $domain_form = elgg_view('input/form', array('action' => elgg_get_site_url() . 'action/bulk_user_admin/delete_by_domain', 'body' => $form_body));
echo <<<HTML
Ejemplo n.º 2
$filter_body = '<p><label>' . elgg_view('input/checkbox', $banned_input_options) . elgg_echo('bulk_user_admin:banned_only', [$banned_count]) . '</label></p>';
$enqueued_input_options = array('name' => 'include_enqueued', 'value' => 1);
if ($include_enqueued) {
    $enqueued_input_options['checked'] = 'checked';
    $enqueued_count = '0';
} else {
    $enqueued_count = bulk_user_admin_get_users(array_merge($options, ['enqueued' => 'only']));
$filter_body .= '<p><label>' . elgg_view('input/checkbox', $enqueued_input_options) . elgg_echo('bulk_user_admin:include_enqueued', [$enqueued_count]) . '</label></p>';
$domain_input_options = array('name' => 'domain', 'value' => $domain, 'class' => 'elgg-input-thin');
$input = elgg_view('input/text', $domain_input_options);
$label = elgg_echo('bulk_user_admin:domain');
$help = elgg_echo('bulk_user_admin:domain:help');
$domain_count = '';
if ($domain) {
    $domain_count = bulk_user_admin_get_users(array_merge($options, ['domain' => $domain]));
    $domain_count_txt = elgg_echo('bulk_user_admin:domain_count', [$domain_count]);
$filter_body .= <<<HTML
\t<span class='elgg-text-help'>{$help}</span>
$filter_body .= elgg_view('input/submit', array('value' => elgg_echo('update'), 'class' => 'elgg-button elgg-button-action mhm'));
$filter_body .= elgg_view('output/url', array('text' => elgg_echo('bulk_user_admin:clear'), 'class' => 'elgg-button elgg-button-action mhm', 'href' => '/admin/users/bulk_user_admin'));
$filter_form = elgg_view('input/form', array('body' => $filter_body, 'action' => 'admin/users/bulk_user_admin', 'method' => 'get', 'disable_security' => true));