Ejemplo n.º 1
function send_response($input_raw)
    include 'dbAccess.php';
    $swears = array('fuckoff', 'f**k', 'hutto', 'ponnaya', 'pakaya', 'paka', 'fuckyou', 'redda', 'm**********r', 'pimpiya', 'huththa', 'hukahan');
    $sequence_commands = array('/farming', '/addmetofarm', '/removemefromfarm', '/deletefarm', '/setfarmlocation', '/setfarmtime', '/addfarmer', '/removefarmer', '/getfarmlocation', '/icametofarm');
    //This array is used to store the questions to be asked when a user sends a message which would require secondary processing for farm selection.
    //[0] - Farm selection question - this is used in later processing to identify which message the bot should reply to
    // [1] - How many segments should there be other than the request message - this is used for validation.
    // [2] - Response to send if validation on message segments fails.
    $selection_questions = array('/farming' => array('Which farm do you want the details of?', 0), '/addmetofarm' => array('Which farm do you want to be added to?', 0), '/removemefromfarm' => array('Which farm do you want to be removed from?', 0), '/deletefarm' => array('Which farm do you want to delete?', 0), '/setfarmlocation' => array('Which farm do you want to set the location for?', 1, 'You need to specify a location. Use /setfarmlocation LOCATION.'), '/setfarmtime' => array('Which farm do you want to set the time for?', 2, 'You need to specify a date and time. Use /setfarmtime DATE TIME.'), '/addfarmer' => array('Which farm do you want to add to?', 1, 'You need to specify who you need to add. Use /addfarmer FARMER_NAME.'), '/removefarmer' => array('Which farm do you want to remove from?', 1, 'You need to specify who you need to remove. Use /removefarmer FARMER_NAME.'), '/getfarmlocation' => array('Which farm do you want the location of?', 0), '/icametofarm' => array('Which farm did you come to?', 0));
    $db = dbAccess::getInstance();
    //$response = send_curl('https://api.telegram.org/bot112493740:AAHBuoGVyX2_T-qOzl8LgcH-xoFyYUjIsdg/getUpdates');
    /*$input_raw = '{
        "update_id": 89023643,
        "message": {
          "message_id": 9370,
          "from": {
            "id": 387220855,
            "first_name": "Nisal",
            "last_name": "Chandrasekara [LK]",
            "username": "******"
          "chat": {
            "title": "Bot Devs & BAs"
          "date": 1440704429,
          "reply_to_message": {
            "message_id": 9369,
            "from": {
              "id": 112493740,
              "first_name": "SL ENL Farm Bot",
              "username": "******"
            "chat": {
              "id": -27924249,
              "title": "Bot Devs & BAs"
            "date": 1440704423,
            "text": "@Nisal, Which farm do you want the details of?"
          "text": "/users"
    // let's log the raw JSON message first
    if (DEBUGLVL) {
        $log = new stdClass();
        $log->message_text = $input_raw;
        $db->insertObject('message_log', $log);
    $messageobj = json_decode($input_raw, true);
    $chat_id = $messageobj['message']['chat']['id'];
    $user_id = $messageobj['message']['from']['id'];
    $message_id = $messageobj['message']['message_id'];
    $farmer_name = '@' . $messageobj['message']['from']['username'];
    $reply = '';
    if (array_key_exists('new_chat_participant', $messageobj['message']) & $chat_id == '-111936746' & strpos($messageobj['message']['new_chat_participant']['user_name'], "bot") == false) {
        $newcomer = $messageobj['message']['new_chat_participant']['first_name'] . " " . $messageobj['message']['new_chat_participant']['last_name'];
        $reply = urlencode('Hello ' . $newcomer . ',	
Welcome to SL-ENL L8+ Group.

I can help you to set up farming sessions.
use /farming to check for current farming sessions.

if you are an Android user please install MyTeams App and join our team
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    $message_txt_parts = explode(' ', $messageobj['message']['text']);
    $complete_message = $messageobj['message']['text'];
    $request_message = $message_txt_parts[0];
    $request_message = explode('@', $request_message);
    $request_message = $request_message[0];
    //check for swear words
    foreach ($swears as $swear) {
        if (strpos($complete_message, $swear) !== false) {
            $reply = urlencode('යකෝ මේක හදල තියෙන්නෙ ගොන් ආතල් ගන්න නෙවේ. ගොන් ආතල් ගන්න ඕන නම් මෑඩ් හව්ස් එකට පලයන්.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if ($chat_id == $user_id) {
        $reply = urlencode('This is not a Group Please add me to a Group to set up your farming session.
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if ($request_message == 'Cancel') {
        $markup['hide_keyboard'] = true;
        send_curl('https://api.telegram.org/bot112493740:AAGW9ZOjyfJZh-DJZ-HYW2aJDLuVs2_wwBE/sendMessage?chat_id=' . $chat_id . '&text=👍&reply_markup=' . json_encode($markup));
    if ($chat_id == '-27924249') {
        if ($request_message == '/activefarms') {
            $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current = 1 ');
            $farms = $db->loadAssocList();
            $reply = urlencode('Active Farms
            foreach ($farms as $farm) {
                $reply .= urlencode($farm['id'] . '. ' . $farm['location'] . ' ' . $farm['date_and_time'] . '  by ' . $farm['creator'] . '
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if ($request_message == '/users') {
            $db->setQuery("SELECT count( distinct REPLACE(farmer_name,'(Upgraded)','') ) as COUNT FROM farmers");
            $count = $db->loadAssoc();
            $reply = urlencode('@SLEnlFarmbot users 👥 - ' . $count['COUNT']);
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if (in_array($request_message, $sequence_commands)) {
        // This is an initial message in the chain, generate the farm list and send
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current=1 and farm_group=' . $chat_id);
        $currentfarms = $db->loadAssocList();
        if (empty($currentfarms)) {
            $reply = urlencode('There are no current farms set up. Use /createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME to set up a new farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        // validate if the message is ready for multifarms
        if (count($message_txt_parts) - 1 < $selection_questions[$request_message][1]) {
            $reply = urlencode($farmer_name . ", " . $selection_questions[$request_message][2]);
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $farmer_name = '@' . $messageobj['message']['from']['username'];
        $keyboard = array('keyboard' => array());
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($currentfarms); $i++) {
            $keyboard['keyboard'][$i][0] = $currentfarms[$i]['id'] . '. ' . $currentfarms[$i]['location'] . ' ' . $currentfarms[$i]['date_and_time'];
        $keyboard['keyboard'][count($currentfarms)][0] = "Cancel";
        if ($request_message == '/setfarmtime') {
            $reply = urlencode($farmer_name . ", " . $selection_questions[$request_message][0] . ' |' . $message_txt_parts[1] . ' ' . $message_txt_parts[2]);
        } else {
            if ($request_message == '/setfarmlocation' || $request_message == '/addfarmer' || $request_message == '/removefarmer') {
                $reply = urlencode($farmer_name . ", " . $selection_questions[$request_message][0] . ' |' . $message_txt_parts[1]);
            } else {
                $reply = urlencode($farmer_name . ", " . $selection_questions[$request_message][0]);
        send_curl(build_response_keyboard($chat_id, $reply, $message_id, $keyboard));
    if ($request_message == '/createfarm') {
        $time = $location = '';
        $farmer_name = '@' . $messageobj['message']['from']['username'];
        $reply .= easter_eggs($farmer_name);
        if (!empty($message_txt_parts[1])) {
            $location = $message_txt_parts[1];
        } else {
            $reply = urlencode('You cannot set up a farm without specifying a location. Use /createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME.
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if (!empty($message_txt_parts[2]) && !empty($message_txt_parts[3])) {
            $time = $message_txt_parts[2] . ' ' . $message_txt_parts[3];
        } else {
            $reply = urlencode('You cannot set up a farm without specifying a date and time for it. Use /createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME.
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $farm = new stdClass();
        $farm->date_and_time = $time;
        $farm->location = $location;
        $farm->creator = $farmer_name;
        $farm->farm_group = $chat_id;
        $farm->current = 1;
        $db->insertObject('farms', $farm);
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current=1 order by id desc limit 1');
        $currentfarm = $db->loadAssoc();
        $reply .= urlencode($farmer_name . ' created a farm - ' . $currentfarm['location'] . '_' . $currentfarm['date_and_time'] . '
1. ' . $farmer_name);
        $farmer = new stdClass();
        $farmer->farm_id = $currentfarm['id'];
        $farmer->farmer_name = $farmer_name;
        $db->insertObject('farmers', $farmer);
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if (array_key_exists('reply_to_message', $messageobj['message'])) {
        // This is a secondary message on the chain - process it
        $secondary_parts = explode('.', $complete_message);
        $selected_farm_id = $secondary_parts[0];
        $reply_to_message = $messageobj['message']['reply_to_message']['text'];
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where id=' . $selected_farm_id);
        $currentfarm = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (strpos($reply_to_message, 'details') !== false) {
            // Earlier message was /farming
            $reply .= build_farm_message($currentfarm['id']);
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if (strpos($reply_to_message, 'added') !== false) {
            $db->setQuery("select * from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id']);
            $farmeravailable = $db->loadAssoc();
            if (!empty($farmeravailable)) {
                $reply = urlencode('You have already been added to this farm, ' . $farmer_name);
                send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
            if ($farmer_name == '@Cyan017') {
                $reply .= urlencode('Yeah right, like that lazy bugger is going to come for a farm. Pigs will fly!');
            $reply .= easter_eggs($farmer_name);
            $farmer = new stdClass();
            $farmer->farm_id = $currentfarm['id'];
            $farmer->farmer_name = $farmer_name;
            $db->insertObject('farmers', $farmer);
            $reply .= build_farm_message($currentfarm['id']);
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if (strpos($reply_to_message, 'removed') !== false) {
            $db->setQuery("select * from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id']);
            $farmeravailable = $db->loadAssoc();
            if (empty($farmeravailable)) {
                $reply = urlencode('You were not in this farm anyway, ' . $farmer_name);
                send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
            if ($farmer_name == '@Cyan017') {
                $reply .= urlencode('Hahaha I knew that lazy ass @Cyan017 would never come for a farm!');
            $db->setQuery("delete from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id'])->loadResult();
            $reply .= build_farm_message($currentfarm['id']);
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if (strpos($reply_to_message, 'delete') !== false) {
            $deleter_name = '@' . $messageobj['message']['from']['username'];
            if ($deleter_name != $currentfarm['creator'] && $deleter_name != '@RamdeshLota' && $deleter_name != '@Nisal') {
                $reply = urlencode($deleter_name . ', you are not my Creator or my Uncle, nor are you my Father. You cannot delete me.');
                send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
            $farm = new stdClass();
            $farm->id = $currentfarm['id'];
            $farm->current = 0;
            $db->updateObject('farms', $farm, 'id');
            $reply = urlencode('Deleted ' . $currentfarm['location'] . ' farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if (strpos($reply_to_message, 'location for') !== false) {
            $location = explode('|', $reply_to_message);
            $location = $location[1];
            $farm = new stdClass();
            $farm->id = $currentfarm['id'];
            $farm->location = $location;
            $db->updateObject('farms', $farm, 'id');
            $reply .= urlencode('Set farm location to ' . $location . '
            $reply .= build_farm_message($currentfarm['id']);
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if (strpos($reply_to_message, 'time') !== false) {
            $date_and_time = explode('|', $reply_to_message);
            $date_and_time = $date_and_time[1];
            $farm = new stdClass();
            $farm->id = $currentfarm['id'];
            $farm->date_and_time = $date_and_time;
            $db->updateObject('farms', $farm, 'id');
            $reply .= urlencode('Set farm date and time to ' . $date_and_time . '
            $reply .= build_farm_message($currentfarm['id']);
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if (strpos($reply_to_message, 'add to') !== false) {
            $farmer_name = explode('|', $reply_to_message);
            $farmer_name = $farmer_name[1];
            if ($farmer_name == '@Cyan017') {
                $reply .= urlencode('Yeah right, like that lazy bugger is going to come for a farm. Pigs will fly!
            $db->setQuery("select * from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id']);
            $farmeravailable = $db->loadAssoc();
            if (!empty($farmeravailable)) {
                $reply = urlencode($farmer_name . ' has already been added to this farm.');
                send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
            $reply .= easter_eggs($farmer_name);
            $farmer = new stdClass();
            $farmer->farm_id = $currentfarm['id'];
            $farmer->farmer_name = $farmer_name;
            $db->insertObject('farmers', $farmer);
            $reply .= build_farm_message($currentfarm['id']);
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if (strpos($reply_to_message, 'remove from') !== false) {
            $farmer_name = explode('|', $reply_to_message);
            $farmer_name = $farmer_name[1];
            if ($farmer_name == '@Cyan017') {
                $reply .= urlencode('Hahaha I knew that lazy ass @Cyan017 would never come for a farm!');
            $db->setQuery("select * from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id']);
            $farmeravailable = $db->loadAssoc();
            if (empty($farmeravailable)) {
                $reply = urlencode($farmer_name . ' is not on this farm anyway.');
                send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
            $db->setQuery("delete from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id'])->loadResult();
            $reply .= build_farm_message($currentfarm['id']);
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if (strpos($reply_to_message, 'location of') !== false) {
            $farmlocation = $currentfarm['location'];
            if (strripos($farmlocation, 'indi') !== false || strripos($farmlocation, 'inde') !== false) {
                $locationobj = array('longitude' => 79.867644, 'latitude' => 6.904088);
            } else {
                if (strripos($farmlocation, 'dewram') !== false || strripos($farmlocation, 'devram') !== false) {
                    $locationobj = array('longitude' => 79.942516, 'latitude' => 6.853475);
                } else {
                    if (strripos($farmlocation, 'rajagiri') !== false) {
                        $locationobj = array('longitude' => 79.895746, 'latitude' => 6.908751);
                    } else {
                        $reply = $farmlocation . ' farm location is not recognized.';
                        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
            // $location = json_encode($locationobj);
            send_curl(build_location_response($chat_id, $locationobj));
        if (strpos($reply_to_message, 'come to?') !== false) {
            $upgraded_farmer_name = '@' . $messageobj['message']['from']['username'] . ' (Upgraded)';
            $db->setQuery("select * from farmers where farmer_name='{$upgraded_farmer_name}' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id']);
            $upgradedfarmeravailable = $db->loadAssoc();
            if (!empty($upgradedfarmeravailable)) {
                $reply = urlencode('You have already Upgraded this farm,' . $farmer_name);
                send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
            $db->setQuery("select * from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id']);
            $farmeravailable = $db->loadAssoc();
            if (empty($farmeravailable)) {
                $farmer = new stdClass();
                $farmer->farm_id = $currentfarm['id'];
                $farmer->farmer_name = $upgraded_farmer_name;
                $db->insertObject('farmers', $farmer);
                $reply = urlencode($farmer_name . ' Upgraded ' . $currentfarm['location'] . ' Farm.');
                send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
            $db->setQuery("select * from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id']);
            $currentfarmer = $db->loadAssoc();
            $farmer = new stdClass();
            $farmer->id = $currentfarmer['id'];
            $farmer->farm_id = $currentfarm['id'];
            $farmer->farmer_name = $upgraded_farmer_name;
            $db->updateObject('farmers', $farmer, 'id');
            //$db->insertObject('farmers', $farmer);
            $reply = urlencode($farmer_name . ' Upgraded ' . $currentfarm['location'] . ' Farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if ($request_message == '/changerequest' || $request_message == '/changerequest@SLEnlFarmBot') {
        $message = strtolower(substr($messageobj['message']['text'], 14));
        if ($message == '' || $message == null) {
            $reply = urlencode('Dear Enlightened LK member,
Bloody say something!
Thank you!');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if (strpos($message, 'please') == false) {
            $reply = urlencode('Dear Enlightened LK member,
Say please. I am programmed to not accommodate rude people.			
Thank you!');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $reply = urlencode('Dear Enlightened LK member,
Your suggestion for improvement has been received and will be processed in the distant future (although this is unlikely). 
In the meantime, please be sure to obtain approval from the SL ENL Security Experts Incompetency Group (SESEIG™), 
as there may be unforeseen and unfathomable dangers associated with your change request. 
Thank you!');
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $reply = urlencode('New #ChangeRequest
from - @' . $messageobj['message']['from']['username'] . '
' . substr($messageobj['message']['text'], 14));
        send_curl(build_response(-27924249, $reply));
    if ($request_message == '/help' || $request_message == '/help@SLEnlFarmBot' || $request_message == '/start@SLEnlFarmBot') {
        $reply = urlencode('This is the SL ENL Farming Bot created by @RamdeshLota. Commands:
/createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME - Creates a new farm.
/addmetofarm - Adds you to the current farm.
/removemefromfarm - Removes you from the current farm.
/addfarmer USERNAME - Adds the given username to the farm.
/removefarmer USERNAME - Removes the given username from the farm.
/setfarmlocation LOCATION - Sets the location for the current farm.
/getfarmlocation - Get the location of the current farm.
/setfarmtime DATE TIME - Sets the date and  time for the current farm.(e.g. "Today 6pm")
/deletefarm - Deletes the current farm.
/changerequest - Suggest a change to the bot.        		
/help - Display this help text.');
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
Ejemplo n.º 2
function send_response($input_raw)
    include 'dbAccess.php';
    $swears = array('fuckoff', 'f**k', 'hutto', 'ponnaya', 'pakaya', 'paka', 'fuckyou', 'redda', 'm**********r', 'pimpiya', 'huththa', 'hukahan');
    $verified = array(-34025370, -15987932, -39583346);
    $db = dbAccess::getInstance();
    //$response = send_curl('https://api.telegram.org/bot112493740:AAHBuoGVyX2_T-qOzl8LgcH-xoFyYUjIsdg/getUpdates');
    /*$input_raw = '{
        "update_id": 89018516,
        "message": {
          "message_id": 62,
          "from": {
            "id": 63477295,
            "first_name": "Ramindu \"RamdeshLota\"",
            "last_name": "Deshapriya",
            "username": "******"
          "chat": {
            "title": "Bottest"
          "date": 1435508622,
          "text": "/getfarmlocation"
      }'; */
    // let's log the raw JSON message first
    $log = new stdClass();
    $log->message_text = $input_raw;
    $db->insertObject('message_log', $log);
    $messageobj = json_decode($input_raw, true);
    $message_txt_parts = explode(' ', $messageobj['message']['text']);
    $request_message = $message_txt_parts[0];
    $chat_id = $messageobj['message']['chat']['id'];
    $reply = '';
    //check for swear words
    foreach ($swears as $swear) {
        if (strpos($messageobj['message']['text'], $swear) !== false) {
            $reply = urlencode('යකෝ මේක හදල තියෙන්නෙ ගොන් ආතල් ගන්න නෙවේ. ගොන් ආතල් ගන්න ඕන නම් මෑඩ් හව්ස් එකට පලයන්.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if (!in_array($chat_id, $verified)) {
        $reply = urlencode('As requested by the SL ENL Security Experts Incompetency Group (SESEIG™), this bot can no longer be used in unverified groups. If you need to have a particular group added to the verified list, talk to @RamdeshLota.');
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if ($request_message == '/farming' || $request_message == '/farming@SLEnlFarmBot') {
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current=1');
        $currentfarm = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (empty($currentfarm)) {
            $reply = urlencode('There are no current farms set up. Use /createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME to set up a new farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $reply .= build_farm_message();
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if ($request_message == '/createfarm') {
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current=1');
        $currentfarm = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (!empty($currentfarm)) {
            $reply = urlencode('There is already an active farming session set up. Send /deletefarm to delete that session and create a new one using /createfarm after that. ');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $time = $location = '';
        $farmer_name = '@' . $messageobj['message']['from']['username'];
        $reply .= easter_eggs($farmer_name);
        if (!empty($message_txt_parts[1])) {
            $location = $message_txt_parts[1];
        } else {
            $reply .= urlencode('You might want to set a location for the farm using /setfarmlocation LOCATION_NAME.
        if (!empty($message_txt_parts[2]) && !empty($message_txt_parts[3])) {
            $time = $message_txt_parts[2] . ' ' . $message_txt_parts[3];
        } else {
            $reply .= urlencode('You might want to set a date and time for the farm using /setfarmtime DATE TIME.
        $farm = new stdClass();
        $farm->date_and_time = $time;
        $farm->location = $location;
        $farm->creator = $farmer_name;
        $farm->current = 1;
        $db->insertObject('farms', $farm);
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current=1');
        $currentfarm = $db->loadAssoc();
        $reply .= urlencode('Current farm - ' . $currentfarm['location'] . ' ' . $currentfarm['date_and_time'] . '
1. ' . $farmer_name);
        $farmer = new stdClass();
        $farmer->farm_id = $currentfarm['id'];
        $farmer->farmer_name = $farmer_name;
        $db->insertObject('farmers', $farmer);
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if ($request_message == '/addmetofarm' || $request_message == '/addmetofarm@SLEnlFarmBot') {
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current=1');
        $currentfarm = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (empty($currentfarm)) {
            $reply = urlencode('There are no current farms set up. Use /createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME to set up a new farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $farmer_name = '@' . $messageobj['message']['from']['username'];
        $db->setQuery("select * from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id']);
        $farmeravailable = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (!empty($farmeravailable)) {
            $reply = urlencode('You have already been added to this farm, ' . $farmer_name);
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if ($farmer_name == '@Cyan017') {
            $reply .= urlencode('Yeah right, like that lazy bugger is going to come for a farm. Pigs will fly!');
        $reply .= easter_eggs($farmer_name);
        $farmer = new stdClass();
        $farmer->farm_id = $currentfarm['id'];
        $farmer->farmer_name = $farmer_name;
        $db->insertObject('farmers', $farmer);
        $reply .= build_farm_message();
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if ($request_message == '/removemefromfarm' || $request_message == '/removemefromfarm@SLEnlFarmBot') {
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current=1');
        $currentfarm = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (empty($currentfarm)) {
            $reply = urlencode('There are no current farms set up. Use /createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME to set up a new farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $farmer_name = '@' . $messageobj['message']['from']['username'];
        $db->setQuery("select * from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id']);
        $farmeravailable = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (empty($farmeravailable)) {
            $reply = urlencode('You were not in this farm anyway, ' . $farmer_name);
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if ($farmer_name == '@Cyan017') {
            $reply .= urlencode('Hahaha I knew that lazy ass @Cyan017 would never come for a farm!');
        $db->setQuery("delete from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id'])->loadResult();
        $reply .= build_farm_message();
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if ($request_message == '/deletefarm' || $request_message == '/deletefarm@SLEnlFarmBot') {
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current=1');
        $currentfarm = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (empty($currentfarm)) {
            $reply = urlencode('There are no current farms set up to delete. Use /createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME to set up a new farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $deleter_name = '@' . $messageobj['message']['from']['username'];
        if ($deleter_name != $currentfarm['creator'] && $deleter_name != '@RamdeshLota' && $deleter_name != '@CMNisal') {
            $reply = urlencode($deleter_name . ', you are not my Creator or my Uncle, nor are you my Father. You cannot delete me.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $farm = new stdClass();
        $farm->id = $currentfarm['id'];
        $farm->current = 0;
        $db->updateObject('farms', $farm, 'id');
        $reply = urlencode('Deleted current farm.');
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if ($request_message == '/setfarmlocation') {
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current=1');
        $currentfarm = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (empty($currentfarm)) {
            $reply = urlencode('There are no current farms set up to set location. Use /createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME to set up a new farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $location = $message_txt_parts[1];
        $farm = new stdClass();
        $farm->id = $currentfarm['id'];
        $farm->location = $location;
        $db->updateObject('farms', $farm, 'id');
        $reply .= urlencode('Set farm location to ' . $location . '
        $reply .= build_farm_message();
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if ($request_message == '/setfarmtime') {
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current=1');
        $currentfarm = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (empty($currentfarm)) {
            $reply = urlencode('There are no current farms set up to set time. Use /createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME to set up a new farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $date_and_time = $message_txt_parts[1] . ' ' . $message_txt_parts[2];
        $farm = new stdClass();
        $farm->id = $currentfarm['id'];
        $farm->date_and_time = $date_and_time;
        $db->updateObject('farms', $farm, 'id');
        $reply .= urlencode('Set farm date and time to ' . $date_and_time . '
        $reply .= build_farm_message();
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if ($request_message == '/addfarmer') {
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current=1');
        $currentfarm = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (empty($currentfarm)) {
            $reply = urlencode('There are no current farms set up. Use /createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME to set up a new farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $farmer_name = $message_txt_parts[1];
        if (empty($farmer_name)) {
            $reply = urlencode('You have not specified a username to add to the farm. Use /addfarmer USERNAME to add a user.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if ($farmer_name == '@Cyan017') {
            $reply .= urlencode('Yeah right, like that lazy bugger is going to come for a farm. Pigs will fly!
        $db->setQuery("select * from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id']);
        $farmeravailable = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (!empty($farmeravailable)) {
            $reply = urlencode($farmer_name . ' has already been added to this farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $reply .= easter_eggs($farmer_name);
        $farmer = new stdClass();
        $farmer->farm_id = $currentfarm['id'];
        $farmer->farmer_name = $farmer_name;
        $db->insertObject('farmers', $farmer);
        $reply .= build_farm_message();
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if ($request_message == '/removefarmer') {
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current=1');
        $currentfarm = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (empty($currentfarm)) {
            $reply = urlencode('There are no current farms set up. Use /createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME to set up a new farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $farmer_name = $message_txt_parts[1];
        if (empty($farmer_name)) {
            $reply = urlencode('You have not specified a username to remove from the farm. Use /removefarmer USERNAME to remove a user.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        if ($farmer_name == '@Cyan017') {
            $reply .= urlencode('Hahaha I knew that lazy ass @Cyan017 would never come for a farm!');
        $db->setQuery("select * from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id']);
        $farmeravailable = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (empty($farmeravailable)) {
            $reply = urlencode($farmer_name . ' is not on this farm anyway.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $db->setQuery("delete from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id'])->loadResult();
        $reply .= build_farm_message();
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if ($request_message == '/changerequest' || $request_message == '/changerequest@SLEnlFarmBot') {
        $reply = urlencode('Dear Enlightened LK member,
Your suggestion for improvement has been received and will be processed in the distant future (although this is unlikely). 
In the meantime, please be sure to obtain approval from the SL ENL Security Experts Incompetency Group (SESEIG™), 
as there may be unforeseen and unfathomable dangers associated with your change request. 
Thank you!');
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $reply = urlencode('New Change Request from - @' . $messageobj['message']['from']['username'] . '
        ' . substr($messageobj['message']['text'], 14));
        send_curl(build_response(-34025370, $reply));
    if ($request_message == '/getfarmlocation' || $request_message == '/getfarmlocation@SLEnlFarmBot') {
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current=1');
        $currentfarm = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (empty($currentfarm)) {
            $reply = urlencode('There are no current farms set up. Use /createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME to set up a new farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $farmlocation = $currentfarm['location'];
        if (strpos($farmlocation, 'indi') !== false || strpos($farmlocation, 'inde') !== false) {
            $locationobj = array('longitude' => 79.867644, 'latitude' => 6.904088);
        } else {
            if (strpos($farmlocation, 'dewram') !== false || strpos($farmlocation, 'devram') !== false) {
                $locationobj = array('longitude' => 79.942516, 'latitude' => 6.853475);
            } else {
                $reply = $farmlocation . ' farm location is not recognized.';
                send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        // $location = json_encode($locationobj);
        send_curl(build_location_response($chat_id, $reply, $locationobj));
    if ($request_message == '/icametofarm' || $request_message == '/icametofarm@SLEnlFarmBot') {
        $db->setQuery('select * from farms where current=1');
        $currentfarm = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (empty($currentfarm)) {
            $reply = urlencode('There are no current farms set up. Use /createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME to set up a new farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $farmer_name = '@' . $messageobj['message']['from']['username'];
        $upgraded_farmer_name = '@' . $messageobj['message']['from']['username'] . ' (Upgraded)';
        $db->setQuery("select * from farmers where farmer_name='{$upgraded_farmer_name}' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id']);
        $upgradedfarmeravailable = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (!empty($upgradedfarmeravailable)) {
            $reply = urlencode('You have already Upgraded this farm,' . $farmer_name);
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $db->setQuery("select * from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id']);
        $farmeravailable = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (empty($farmeravailable)) {
            $farmer = new stdClass();
            $farmer->farm_id = $currentfarm['id'];
            $farmer->farmer_name = $upgraded_farmer_name;
            $db->insertObject('farmers', $farmer);
            $reply = urlencode($farmer_name . ' Upgraded ' . $currentfarm['location'] . ' Farm.');
            send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
        $db->setQuery("select * from farmers where farmer_name like '{$farmer_name}%' and farm_id=" . $currentfarm['id']);
        $currentfarmer = $db->loadAssoc();
        $farmer = new stdClass();
        $farmer->id = $currentfarmer['id'];
        $farmer->farm_id = $currentfarm['id'];
        $farmer->farmer_name = $upgraded_farmer_name;
        $db->updateObject('farmers', $farmer, 'id');
        //$db->insertObject('farmers', $farmer);
        $reply = urlencode($farmer_name . ' Upgraded ' . $currentfarm['location'] . ' Farm.');
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));
    if ($request_message == '/help' || $request_message == '/help@SLEnlFarmBot') {
        $reply = urlencode('This is the SL ENL Farming Bot created by @RamdeshLota. Commands:
/createfarm LOCATION DATE TIME - Creates a new farm.
/addmetofarm - Adds you to the current farm.
/removemefromfarm - Removes you from the current farm.
/addfarmer USERNAME - Adds the given username to the farm.
/removefarmer USERNAME - Removes the given username from the farm.
/setfarmlocation LOCATION - Sets the location for the current farm.
/getfarmlocation - Get the location of the current farm.
/setfarmtime DATE TIME - Sets the date and time for the current farm.(e.g. "Today 6pm")
/deletefarm - Deletes the current farm.
/changerequest - Suggest a change to the bot.        		
/help - Display this help text.');
        send_curl(build_response($chat_id, $reply));