Ejemplo n.º 1
function copyFolderStructure($structure, $dest)
    // Ordner/Dateien kopieren
    foreach ($structure as $path => $content) {
        // Zielordnerstruktur anlegen
        $temp_path = '';
        foreach (explode('/', $dest . '/' . $path) as $pathdir) {
            if (!is_dir($temp_path . $pathdir . '/')) {
                mkdir($temp_path . $pathdir . '/');
            $temp_path .= $pathdir . '/';
        // Dateien kopieren/Ordner anlegen
        foreach ($content as $dir) {
            if (is_file($path . '/' . $dir)) {
                copy($path . '/' . $dir, $dest . '/' . $path . '/' . $dir);
                if (substr($dir, -5) == '.lang' && substr($dir, -9) != 'utf8.lang') {
                    echo '> convert file ' . $path . '/' . $dir . ' to utf-8' . "\n";
                    buildUtf8LangFile($dest . '/' . $path . '/' . $dir, $dir);
            } elseif (is_dir($path . '/' . $dir)) {
                mkdir($dest . '/' . $path . '/' . $dir);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function buildRelease($name = null, $version = null)
    // Ordner in dem das release gespeichert wird
    // ohne "/" am Ende!
    $cfg_path = 'release';
    $path = $cfg_path;
    if (!$name) {
        $name = 'guestbook';
        if (!$version) {
            $name .= date('ymd');
        } else {
            $name .= str_replace('.', '_', $version);
    if ($version) {
        $version = explode('.', $version);
    if (substr($path, -1) != '/') {
        $path .= '/';
    if (!is_dir($path)) {
    $dest = $path . $name;
    if (is_dir($dest)) {
        trigger_error('release folder already exists!', E_USER_ERROR);
    } else {
    echo '>>> Build Guestbook release..' . "\n";
    echo '> read files' . "\n";
    // Ordner und Dateien auslesen
    $structure = readFolderStructure('.', array('.git', '.project', '.settings', '.cache', 'CVS', 'update_rc6_to_rc7.sql', 'install.sql', $cfg_path));
    echo '> copy files' . "\n";
    // Ordner/Dateien kopieren
    foreach ($structure as $path => $content) {
        // Zielordnerstruktur anlegen
        $temp_path = '';
        foreach (explode('/', $dest . '/' . $path) as $pathdir) {
            if (!is_dir($temp_path . $pathdir . '/')) {
                mkdir($temp_path . $pathdir . '/');
            $temp_path .= $pathdir . '/';
        // Dateien kopieren/Ordner anlegen
        foreach ($content as $dir) {
            if (is_file($path . '/' . $dir)) {
                copy($path . '/' . $dir, $dest . '/' . $path . '/' . $dir);
                if (substr($dir, -5) == '.lang' && substr($dir, -9) != 'utf8.lang') {
                    echo '> convert file ' . $dir . ' to utf-8' . "\n";
                    buildUtf8LangFile($dest . '/' . $path . '/' . $dir);
            } elseif (is_dir($path . '/' . $dir)) {
                mkdir($dest . '/' . $path . '/' . $dir);
    $h = fopen($addons, 'w+');
    if (fwrite($h, $cont, strlen($cont)) > 0) {
    // Das kopierte Release-Script aus dem neu erstellten Release l�schen
    unlink($dest . '/release.php');
    echo '>>> FINISHED' . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 3
function buildRelease($name = null, $version = null)
    // Ordner in dem das release gespeichert wird
    // ohne "/" am Ende!
    $cfg_path = 'release';
    $path = $cfg_path;
    if (!$name) {
        $name = 'redaxo';
        if (!$version) {
            $name .= date('ymd');
        } else {
            $name .= str_replace('.', '_', $version);
    if ($version) {
        $version = explode('.', $version);
    if (substr($path, -1) != '/') {
        $path .= '/';
    if (!is_dir($path)) {
    $dest = $path . $name;
    if (is_dir($dest)) {
        trigger_error('release folder already exists!', E_USER_ERROR);
    } else {
    echo '>>> Build REDAXO release..' . "\n";
    echo '> read files' . "\n";
    // Ordner und Dateien auslesen
    $structure = readFolderStructure('.', array('.cvsignore', '.settings', '.project', '.DS_Store', 'CVS', 'db-schema.xml', 'db-schema.png', 'generated', $cfg_path));
    echo '> copy files' . "\n";
    // Ordner/Dateien kopieren
    foreach ($structure as $path => $content) {
        // Zielordnerstruktur anlegen
        $temp_path = '';
        foreach (explode('/', $dest . '/' . $path) as $pathdir) {
            if (!is_dir($temp_path . $pathdir . '/')) {
                mkdir($temp_path . $pathdir . '/');
            $temp_path .= $pathdir . '/';
        // Dateien kopieren/Ordner anlegen
        foreach ($content as $dir) {
            if (is_file($path . '/' . $dir)) {
                copy($path . '/' . $dir, $dest . '/' . $path . '/' . $dir);
                if (substr($dir, -5) == '.lang' && substr($dir, -9) != 'utf8.lang') {
                    echo '> convert file ' . $dir . ' to utf-8' . "\n";
                    buildUtf8LangFile($dest . '/' . $path . '/' . $dir);
            } elseif (is_dir($path . '/' . $dir)) {
                mkdir($dest . '/' . $path . '/' . $dir);
    echo '> delete generated folder content' . "\n";
    // Ordner die wir nicht mitkopiert haben anlegen
    // Der generated Ordner enthält sehr viele Daten,
    // das kopieren würde sehr lange dauern und ist unnötig
    mkdir($dest . '/redaxo/include/generated');
    mkdir($dest . '/redaxo/include/generated/articles');
    mkdir($dest . '/redaxo/include/generated/templates');
    mkdir($dest . '/redaxo/include/generated/files');
    echo '> fix master.inc.php' . "\n";
    // master.inc.php anpassen
    $master = $dest . '/redaxo/include/master.inc.php';
    $h = fopen($master, 'r');
    $cont = fread($h, filesize($master));
    $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['SETUP'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\1true', $cont);
    $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['SERVER'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\1"redaxo.de"', $cont);
    $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['SERVERNAME'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\1"REDAXO"', $cont);
    $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['ERROR_EMAIL'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\1"*****@*****.**"', $cont);
    $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['INSTNAME'\\].?\\=.?\")[^\"]*", "\\1" . "rex" . date("Ymd") . "000000", $cont);
    $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['LANG'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\1"de_de"', $cont);
    $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['START_ARTICLE_ID'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\11', $cont);
    $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['NOTFOUND_ARTICLE_ID'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\11', $cont);
    $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['MOD_REWRITE'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\1false', $cont);
    $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['DB'\\]\\['1'\\]\\['HOST'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\1"localhost"', $cont);
    $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['DB'\\]\\['1'\\]\\['LOGIN'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\1"root"', $cont);
    $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['DB'\\]\\['1'\\]\\['PSW'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\1""', $cont);
    if ($version) {
        if (empty($version[1])) {
            $version[1] = "0";
        if (empty($version[2])) {
            $version[2] = "0";
        $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['DB'\\]\\['1'\\]\\['NAME'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\1"redaxo_' . implode('_', $version) . '"', $cont);
        $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['VERSION'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\1"' . $version[0] . '"', $cont);
        $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['SUBVERSION'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\1"' . $version[1] . '"', $cont);
        $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['MINORVERSION'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\1"' . $version[2] . '"', $cont);
    } else {
        $cont = ereg_replace("(REX\\['DB'\\]\\['1'\\]\\['NAME'\\].?\\=.?)[^;]*", '\\1"redaxo"', $cont);
    $h = fopen($master, 'w+');
    if (fwrite($h, $cont, strlen($cont)) > 0) {
    echo '> fix functions.inc.php' . "\n";
    // functions.inc.php anpassen
    $functions = $dest . '/redaxo/include/functions.inc.php';
    $h = fopen($functions, 'r');
    $cont = fread($h, filesize($functions));
    echo '>> activate compatibility API' . "\n";
    // compat klasse aktivieren
    $cont = str_replace("// include_once \$REX['INCLUDE_PATH'].'/classes/class.compat.inc.php';", "include_once \$REX['INCLUDE_PATH'].'/classes/class.compat.inc.php';", $cont);
    $h = fopen($functions, 'w+');
    if (fwrite($h, $cont, strlen($cont)) > 0) {
    echo '> fix addons.inc.php' . "\n";
    // addons.inc.php anpassen
    $addons = $dest . '/redaxo/include/addons.inc.php';
    $h = fopen($addons, 'r');
    $cont = fread($h, filesize($addons));
    // Addons installieren
    // $cont = ereg_replace("(\/\/.---.DYN.*\/\/.---.\/DYN)", "// --- DYN\n\n// --- /DYN", $cont);
    $h = fopen($addons, 'w+');
    if (fwrite($h, $cont, strlen($cont)) > 0) {
    // Das kopierte Release-Script aus dem neu erstellten Release löschen
    unlink($dest . '/release.php');
    echo '>>> FINISHED' . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 4
function copyFolderStructure($structure, $dest)
    // Ordner/Dateien kopieren
    foreach ($structure as $path => $content) {
        // Zielordnerstruktur anlegen
        $temp_path = '';
        foreach (explode('/', $dest . '/' . $path) as $pathdir) {
            if (!is_dir($temp_path . $pathdir . '/')) {
                mkdir($temp_path . $pathdir . '/');
            $temp_path .= $pathdir . '/';
        // Dateien kopieren/Ordner anlegen
        foreach ($content as $dir) {
            if (is_file($path . '/' . $dir)) {
                copy($path . '/' . $dir, $dest . '/' . $path . '/' . $dir);
                // create iso lang from utf8 if required
                if (substr($dir, -10) == '_utf8.lang') {
                    $isoLang = substr($dir, 0, -10) . '.lang';
                    if (!file_exists($isoLang)) {
                        echo '> convert file ' . $path . '/' . $dir . ' to iso' . "\n";
                        buildIsoLangFile($dest . '/' . $path . '/' . $dir, $dir);
                } else {
                    if (substr($dir, -5) == '.lang') {
                        $utfLang = substr($dir, 0, -5) . '_utf8.lang';
                        if (!file_exists($utfLang)) {
                            echo '> convert file ' . $path . '/' . $dir . ' to utf-8' . "\n";
                            buildUtf8LangFile($dest . '/' . $path . '/' . $dir, $dir);
            } elseif (is_dir($path . '/' . $dir)) {
                mkdir($dest . '/' . $path . '/' . $dir);