Ejemplo n.º 1
function sch_summary($fixfor, $unfixed_thres, $fixed_thres)
    global $bug_h;
    if ($unfixed_thres == "") {
        $unfixed_thres = 6;
    if ($fixed_thres == "") {
        $fixed_thres = 2;
    $ret = "";
    $ff = addslashes($fixfor);
    $allpeople = array();
    $result = mysql_query("select distinct sPerson from schedulator.Task " . "  where fValid=1 and fDone=0 " . "    and sPerson not like '-%-'" . "  order by sPerson ", $bug_h);
    while ($result && ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))) {
        $person = $row[0];
        $schedname = strtoupper(substr($person, 0, 1)) . substr($person, 1) . "Schedule";
        $allpeople[$person] = "<a href='index.php?{$schedname}' title=\"{$person}'s schedulator\">" . "{$person}</a>";
    $query = "select dtDue, sPerson, sTask, sSubTask, " . "    fResolved, ixPriority, hrsCurrEst " . "  from schedulator.Task " . "  where fValid=1 and sFixFor='{$ff}' and fDone=0 " . "  order by dtDue, ixPriority, sTask, sSubTask ";
    $result = mysql_query($query, $bug_h);
    $dates = array();
    $bugs = array();
    $skipped = array();
    $total_skipped = $total_unfixed = $total_fixed = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        $due = $row[0];
        $person = $row[1];
        $task = $row[2];
        $subtask = $row[3];
        $resolved = $row[4];
        $priority = $row[5];
        $currest = $row[6];
        # $nicedue = ereg_replace("-", " ", $due);
        $nicedue = ereg_replace("(....)-(..)-(..)", "\\3", $due);
        $important_unfixed = !$resolved && $priority <= $unfixed_thres;
        $important_fixed = $resolved && $priority <= $fixed_thres;
        if ($important_unfixed || $important_fixed) {
            if ($important_unfixed) {
            if ($important_fixed) {
            $last_date = $due;
        } else {
        $dates[$due] = $nicedue;
        $bugs[$person][$due][] = array("task" => $task, "subtask" => $subtask, "resolved" => $resolved, "priority" => $priority, "currest" => $currest);
    $nextbounce = sch_next_milestone($fixfor);
    if ($nextbounce) {
        $next_str = " (Scheduled for {$nextbounce})";
        $daystobounce = (strtotime($nextbounce) - time()) / 24 / 60 / 60;
    } else {
        $next_str = " (No bounces scheduled)";
        $daystobounce = 365;
    $ret .= "<h1>Schedulator Summary for '{$fixfor}'</h1>\n";
    $ret .= "<p>Predicted Bounce: {$last_date}{$next_str}<br>\n";
    $ret .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;(Bounce goals: " . "fix {$total_unfixed} bugs up to priority {$unfixed_thres}; " . "verify {$total_fixed} bugs up to priority {$fixed_thres}; " . "+{$total_skipped} more bugs not shown.)</p>\n";
    $ret .= <<<EOF

<style type='text/css'>
    /* headings */
    table.schedsum th {
\tfont-weight:normal; margin:0pt; text-align:left;

    /* headings except topleft corner */
    table.schedsum th.year,th.day,th.person {
\tbackground: lightgray

    /* typical font size */
    table.schedsum th.day,td.bugs {
\tfont-size: 8pt;

    /* cell backgrounds */
    table.schedsum td.superlate {
\tbackground: #ee9999;
    table.schedsum td.late {
\tbackground: #f0f0c0

    /* normal vs. late vs. super-late bugs */
    table.schedsum a {
\ttext-decoration: none;
    table.schedsum span.superlate,a.superlate:link,a.superlate:visited {
\tcolor: yellow; background: #aa0000
    table.schedsum span.late,a.late:link,a.late:visited {
\tcolor: red; background: yellow

    /* resolved vs. unresolved bugs */
    table.schedsum a.resolved:link,a.resolved:visited {
\tfont-style: italic;
    table.schedsum a.unresolved:link,a.unresolved:visited {
\tborder-style: solid; border-width: 1px;

    /* bug priorities */
    table.schedsum a.pri1,a.pri2 {
\tfont-size: 150%;
    table.schedsum a.pri3 {
\tfont-size: 125%;
    table.schedsum a.pri6,a.pri7 {
\tfont-size: 80%;

    /* mouseovers on bugs */
    table.schedsum a:hover:link,a:hover:visited {
\tcolor: white; background: green;
    $date_list = array_keys($dates);
    $person_list = array_keys($bugs);
    $rowcount = 2 + count($person_list);
    $ret .= "<table class='schedsum'>\n";
    $ret .= "<tr class='schedsum'><th></th>";
    $lastyear = 0;
    $yearcount = 0;
    foreach ($date_list as $due) {
        $year = ereg_replace("(....)-(..)-(..)", "\\1", $due);
        if (!$lastyear) {
            $lastyear = $year;
        if ($year != $lastyear) {
            $ret .= "<th class='year' colspan={$yearcount}>{$lastyear}</th>";
            $lastyear = $year;
            $yearcount = 0;
    $ret .= "<th class='year' colspan={$yearcount}>{$lastyear}</th>";
    $ret .= "</tr>\n";
    $ret .= "<tr class='schedsum'><th></th>";
    $lastmonth = 0;
    $monthcount = 0;
    foreach ($date_list as $due) {
        $month = ereg_replace("(....)-(..)-(..)", "\\1 \\2", $due);
        if (!$lastmonth) {
            $lastmonth = $month;
        if ($month != $lastmonth) {
            $ret .= sch_month_out($lastmonth, $monthcount);
            $lastmonth = $month;
            $monthcount = 0;
    $ret .= sch_month_out($lastmonth, $monthcount);
    $ret .= "</tr>\n";
    $ret .= "<tr><th></th>";
    foreach ($date_list as $due) {
        $day = ereg_replace("(....)-(..)-(..)", "\\3", $due);
        $colclass = sch_dateclass($due, $daystobounce);
        $ret .= "<th class='day {$colclass}'>" . $day . "</th>\n";
    $ret .= "</tr>\n";
    foreach ($person_list as $person) {
        $schedname = strtoupper(substr($person, 0, 1)) . substr($person, 1) . "Schedule";
        $skippy = "";
        if ($skipped[$person]) {
            $skippy = " (+{$skipped[$person]})";
        $ret .= "<tr><th class='person'>" . "<a href='index.php?{$schedname}' title=\"{$person}'s schedulator\">" . "{$person}</a>{$skippy}</th>";
        foreach ($date_list as $due) {
            $dateclass = sch_dateclass($due, $daystobounce);
            $n = 0;
            $num_important = 0;
            $v = "";
            if (is_array($bugs[$person][$due])) {
                foreach ($bugs[$person][$due] as $bug) {
                    $task = $bug["task"];
                    $subtask = $bug["subtask"];
                    $pri = $bug["priority"];
                    $priclass = "pri{$pri}";
                    $isbug = $task + 0 . "" == $task;
                    $resolved = $bug["resolved"] || !$isbug;
                    $resclass = $resolved ? "resolved" : "unresolved";
                    $important = $resolved && $pri <= $fixed_thres || !$resolved && $pri <= $unfixed_thres;
                    if ($important) {
                        $dateclass2 = $dateclass;
                    } else {
                        $dateclass2 = "";
                    if ($resolved) {
                        $bugclass = "resolved {$priclass} {$dateclass2}";
                    } else {
                        $bugclass = "unresolved {$priclass} {$dateclass2}";
                    if ($isbug) {
                        $v .= "<a class='{$bugclass}' " . "href='http://fogbugz/?{$task}' " . "title='Bug {$task}: {$subtask}'>{$pri}</a>";
                    } else {
                        $v .= "<span class='bugclass' " . "title=\"{$task}: {$subtask}\">{$pri}</span>";
                    if ($bug["currest"] < 0.05) {
                        $v .= "<sup>?</sup>";
                    $v .= " ";
            if ($v == "" || $num_important == 0) {
                $colclass = "";
            } else {
                $colclass = $dateclass;
            $ret .= "<td class='bugs {$colclass}'>{$v}</td>";
        $ret .= "</tr>\n";
    $ret .= "</table>\n";
    $allpeople_annotate = array();
    foreach ($allpeople as $person => $htmlperson) {
        if ($skipped[$person]) {
            $allpeople_annotate[$person] = "{$htmlperson} (+{$skipped[$person]})";
        } else {
            $allpeople_annotate[$person] = "{$htmlperson}";
    $ret .= "<p><b>Done for this bounce:</b> " . join(", ", array_values($allpeople_annotate)) . "</p>\n";
    return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function parse($args, $page)
     $this->page = $page;
     global $bug_h;
     $this->bug_h = $bug_h;
     $userix = $_REQUEST["filter-user"];
     $fixforix = $_REQUEST["filter-fixfor"];
     $this->db = new FogTables($userix, $fixforix);
     if (!preg_match_all('/"[^"]*"|[^ \\t]+/', $args, $words)) {
         return "regmatch failed!\n";
     $words = $words[0];
     // don't know why I have to do this, exactly...
     foreach ($words as $key => $value) {
         if (preg_match('/^"(.*)"$/', $value, $result)) {
             $words[$key] = $result[1];
     $this->outdata = "";
     $this->out("TaskMaster {$words['0']}");
     if ($words[0] == "ESTIMATE") {
     } else {
         if ($words[0] == "CREATE") {
             if ($_REQUEST["cmdCreate"] || $_REQUEST["cmdTestPlans"]) {
             } else {
         } else {
             if ($words[0] == "ASSIGN") {
                 if ($_REQUEST["cmd"] == "Assign") {
                     $this->db = new FogTables($userix, $fixforix);
                 if ($_REQUEST["cmd"] == "Retarget") {
                     $this->db = new FogTables($userix, $fixforix);
     return $this->outdata;