Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Returns a trimmed reply content string.
 * Works for replies as well as topics.
 * Must be used while inside the loop
function buddyboss_global_search_reply_intro($character_limit = 50)
    $content = '';
    switch (get_post_type(get_the_ID())) {
        case 'topic':
            $reply_content = bbp_get_topic_content(get_the_ID());
        case 'reply':
            $reply_content = bbp_get_reply_content(get_the_ID());
            $reply_content = get_the_content();
    if ($reply_content) {
        $content = wp_strip_all_tags($reply_content, true);
        $search_term = buddyboss_global_search()->search->get_search_term();
        $search_term_position = strpos($content, $search_term);
        if ($search_term_position !== false) {
            $shortened_content = '...' . substr($content, $search_term_position, $character_limit);
            //highlight search keyword
            $shortened_content = str_replace($search_term, "<strong>" . $search_term . "</strong>", $shortened_content);
        } else {
            $shortened_content = substr($content, 0, $character_limit);
        if (strlen($content) > $character_limit) {
            $shortened_content .= '...';
        $content = $shortened_content;
    return apply_filters('buddyboss_global_search_reply_intro', $content);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Load search helpers for each searchable acf group.
 * @param array $helpers
 * @return array
 * @since 1.0.0
function bboss_global_search_helpers_acf($helpers)
     * Check which acfs we need to search.
     * And create one helper class object for each.
    $searchable_types = buddyboss_global_search()->option('items-to-search');
    foreach ($searchable_types as $searchable_type) {
        //if name starts with acf-
        $pos = strpos($searchable_type, 'acf-');
        if ($pos === 0) {
            $acf_field_group = str_replace('acf-', '', $searchable_type);
            require_once BUDDYBOSS_GLOBAL_SEARCH_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/plugins/search-acf/class.BBoss_Global_Search_ACF.php';
            $helpers[$searchable_type] = new BBoss_Global_Search_ACF($acf_field_group);
    return $helpers;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function invite_anyone_add_js()
     global $bp;
     if ($bp->current_action == BP_INVITE_ANYONE_SLUG || isset($bp->action_variables[1]) && $bp->action_variables[1] == BP_INVITE_ANYONE_SLUG) {
         $min = '-min';
         if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG) {
             $min = '';
         wp_enqueue_script('invite-anyone-autocomplete-js', buddyboss_global_search()->assets_url . "/js/invite-anyone/jquery.autocomplete{$min}.js", array('jquery'));
         wp_register_script('invite-anyone-js', buddyboss_global_search()->assets_url . '/js/invite-anyone/group-invites-js.js', array('invite-anyone-autocomplete-js'));
         // Add words that we need to use in JS to the end of the page
         // so they can be translated and still used.
         $params = apply_filters('ia_get_js_strings', array('unsent_invites' => __('Click &ldquo;Send Invites&rdquo; to finish sending your new invitations.', 'invite-anyone')));
         wp_localize_script('invite-anyone-js', 'IA_js_strings', $params);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Load search helpers for each searchable custom post type.
 * @param array $helpers
 * @return array
 * @since 1.0.0
function bboss_global_search_helpers_cpts($helpers)
     * Check which cpts we need to search.
     * And create one helper class object for each.
    $searchable_types = buddyboss_global_search()->option('items-to-search');
    foreach ($searchable_types as $searchable_type) {
        //if name starts with cpt-
        $pos = strpos($searchable_type, 'cpt-');
        if ($pos === 0) {
            $cpt_name = str_replace('cpt-', '', $searchable_type);
            $cpt_obj = get_post_type_object($cpt_name);
            //is cpt still valid?
            if ($cpt_obj && !is_wp_error($cpt_obj)) {
                require_once BUDDYBOSS_GLOBAL_SEARCH_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/plugins/search-cpt/class.BBoss_Global_Search_CPT.php';
                $helpers[$searchable_type] = new BBoss_Global_Search_CPT($cpt_name, $searchable_type);
    return $helpers;
  * Generates sql for members search.
  * @todo: if Mr.X has set privacy of xprofile field 'location' data as 'private'
  * then, location of Mr.X shouldn't be checked in searched.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @param string $search_term
  * @param boolean $only_totalrow_count
  * @return string sql query
 public function sql($search_term, $only_totalrow_count = false)
     global $wpdb, $bp;
     $query_placeholder = array();
     $items_to_search = buddyboss_global_search()->option('items-to-search');
     $COLUMNS = " SELECT ";
     if ($only_totalrow_count) {
         $COLUMNS .= " COUNT( DISTINCT u.id ) ";
     } else {
         $COLUMNS .= " DISTINCT u.id, 'members' as type, u.display_name LIKE '%%%s%%' AS relevance, a.date_recorded as entry_date ";
         $query_placeholder[] = $search_term;
     $FROM = " {$wpdb->users} u JOIN {$bp->members->table_name_last_activity} a ON a.user_id=u.id ";
     $WHERE = array();
     $WHERE[] = "1=1";
     $where_fields = array();
     /* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     		 * wp_users table fields
     		 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
     $user_fields = array();
     foreach ($items_to_search as $item) {
         //should start with member_field_ prefix
         //see print_search_options
         if (strpos($item, 'member_field_') === 0) {
             $user_fields[] = str_replace('member_field_', '', $item);
     if (!empty($user_fields)) {
         $conditions_wp_user_table = array();
         foreach ($user_fields as $user_field) {
             $conditions_wp_user_table[] = $user_field . " LIKE '%%%s%%' ";
             $query_placeholder[] = $search_term;
         $clause_wp_user_table = "u.id IN ( SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users}  WHERE ( ";
         $clause_wp_user_table .= implode(' OR ', $conditions_wp_user_table);
         $clause_wp_user_table .= " ) ) ";
         $where_fields[] = $clause_wp_user_table;
     /* _____________________________ */
     /* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     		 * xprofile fields
     		 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
     //get all selected xprofile fields
     if (function_exists('bp_is_active') && bp_is_active('xprofile')) {
         $groups = bp_xprofile_get_groups(array('fetch_fields' => true));
         if (!empty($groups)) {
             $selected_xprofile_fields = array();
             foreach ($groups as $group) {
                 if (!empty($group->fields)) {
                     foreach ($group->fields as $field) {
                         $item = 'xprofile_field_' . $field->id;
                         if (!empty($items_to_search) && in_array($item, $items_to_search)) {
                             $selected_xprofile_fields[] = $field->id;
             if (!empty($selected_xprofile_fields)) {
                 //u.id IN ( SELECT user_id FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_data} WHERE value LIKE '%%%s%%' )
                 $clause_xprofile_table = "u.id IN ( SELECT user_id FROM {$bp->profile->table_name_data} WHERE value LIKE '%%%s%%' AND field_id IN ( ";
                 $clause_xprofile_table .= implode(',', $selected_xprofile_fields);
                 $clause_xprofile_table .= " ) ) ";
                 $where_fields[] = $clause_xprofile_table;
                 $query_placeholder[] = $search_term;
     /* _____________________________ */
     if (!empty($where_fields)) {
         $WHERE[] = implode(' OR ', $where_fields);
     // other conditions
     $WHERE[] = " a.component = 'members' ";
     $WHERE[] = " a.type = 'last_activity' ";
     $sql = $COLUMNS . ' FROM ' . $FROM . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $WHERE);
     if (!$only_totalrow_count) {
         $sql .= " GROUP BY u.id ";
     return $wpdb->prepare($sql, $query_placeholder);
  * Perform search and generate search results
  * @param mixed $args
  * @since 1.0.0
 public function do_search($args = '')
     global $wpdb;
     $defaults = array('search_term' => '', 'search_subset' => 'all', 'searchable_items' => buddyboss_global_search()->option('items-to-search'), 'per_page' => 10, 'current_page' => 1, 'count_total' => true, 'template_type' => '');
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
     $this->search_args = $args;
     //save it for using in other methods
     //bail out if nothing to search for
     if (!$args['search_term']) {
     if ('all' == $args['search_subset']) {
          * 1. Generate a 'UNION' sql query for all searchable items with only ID, RANK, TYPE(posts|members|..) as columns, order by RANK DESC.
          * 3. Generate html for each of them
         /* an example UNION query :- 
         					wp_posts.id , 'posts' as type, wp_posts.post_title LIKE '%ho%' AS relevance, wp_posts.post_date as entry_date 
         						AND (
         										(wp_posts.post_title LIKE '%ho%') 
         									OR 	(wp_posts.post_content LIKE '%ho%')
         						AND wp_posts.post_type IN ('post', 'page', 'attachment') 
         						AND (
         							wp_posts.post_status = 'publish' 
         							OR wp_posts.post_author = 1 
         							AND wp_posts.post_status = 'private'
         						DISTINCT g.id, 'groups' as type, g.name LIKE '%ho%' AS relevance, gm2.meta_value as entry_date 
         						wp_bp_groups_groupmeta gm1, wp_bp_groups_groupmeta gm2, wp_bp_groups g 
         						AND g.id = gm1.group_id 
         						AND g.id = gm2.group_id 
         						AND gm2.meta_key = 'last_activity' 
         						AND gm1.meta_key = 'total_member_count' 
         						AND ( g.name LIKE '%ho%' OR g.description LIKE '%ho%' )
         				ORDER BY 
         					relevance DESC, entry_date DESC LIMIT 0, 10
         $sql_queries = array();
         foreach ($args['searchable_items'] as $search_type) {
             if (!isset($this->search_helpers[$search_type])) {
              * the following variable will be an object of current search type helper class
              * e.g: an object of BBoss_Global_Search_Groups or BBoss_Global_Search_Posts etc.
              * so we can safely call the public methods defined in those classes.
              * This also means that all such classes must have a common set of methods.
             $obj = $this->search_helpers[$search_type];
             $sql_queries[] = "( " . $obj->union_sql($args['search_term']) . " ) ";
         if (empty($sql_queries)) {
             //thigs will get messy if program reaches here!!
         $pre_search_query = implode(' UNION ', $sql_queries) . " ORDER BY relevance DESC, entry_date DESC ";
         if ($args['per_page'] > 0) {
             $offset = $args['current_page'] * $args['per_page'] - $args['per_page'];
             $pre_search_query .= " LIMIT {$offset}, {$args['per_page']} ";
         $results = $wpdb->get_results($pre_search_query);
         /* $results will have a structure like below */
         id | type | relevance | entry_date
         45 | groups | 1 | 2014-10-28 17:05:18
         40 | posts | 1 | 2014-10-26 13:52:06
         4 | groups | 0 | 2014-10-21 15:15:36
         if (!empty($results)) {
             $this->search_results['all'] = array('total_match_count' => 0, 'items' => array(), 'items_title' => array());
             //segregate items of a type together and pass it to corresponsing search handler, so that an aggregate query can be done
             //e.g one single wordpress loop can be done for all posts
             foreach ($results as $item) {
                 $obj = $this->search_helpers[$item->type];
             //now get html for each item
             foreach ($results as $item) {
                 $obj = $this->search_helpers[$item->type];
                 $result = array('id' => $item->id, 'type' => $item->type, 'html' => $obj->get_html($item->id, $args['template_type']), 'title' => $obj->get_title($item->id));
                 $this->search_results['all']['items'][$item->id] = $result;
             //now we've html saved for search results
             if (!empty($this->search_results['all']['items']) && $args['template_type'] != 'ajax') {
                 /* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                 			group items of same type together
                 			++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
                 //create another copy, of items, this time, items of same type grouped together
                 $ordered_items_group = array();
                 foreach ($this->search_results['all']['items'] as $item_id => $item) {
                     $type = $item['type'];
                     if (!isset($ordered_items_group[$type])) {
                         $ordered_items_group[$type] = array();
                     $ordered_items_group[$type][$item_id] = $item;
                 foreach ($ordered_items_group as $type => &$items) {
                     //now prepend html (opening tags) to first item of each type
                     $first_item = reset($items);
                     $start_html = "<div class='results-group results-group-{$type}'>" . "<h2 class='results-group-title'><span>" . apply_filters('bboss_global_search_label_search_type', $type) . "</span></h2>" . "<ul id='{$type}-stream' class='item-list {$type}-list'>";
                     $group_start_html = apply_filters("bboss_global_search_results_group_start_html", $start_html, $type);
                     $first_item['html'] = $group_start_html . $first_item['html'];
                     $items[$first_item['id']] = $first_item;
                     //and append html (closing tags) to last item of each type
                     $last_item = end($items);
                     $end_html = "</ul></div>";
                     $group_end_html = apply_filters("bboss_global_search_results_group_end_html", $end_html, $type);
                     $last_item['html'] = $last_item['html'] . $group_end_html;
                     $items[$last_item['id']] = $last_item;
                 //replace orginal items with this new, grouped set of items
                 $this->search_results['all']['items'] = array();
                 foreach ($ordered_items_group as $type => $grouped_items) {
                     foreach ($grouped_items as $item_id => $item) {
                         $this->search_results['all']['items'][$item_id] = $item;
                 /* ________________________________ */
     } else {
         //if subset not in searchable items, bail out.
         if (!in_array($args['search_subset'], $args['searchable_items'])) {
         if (!isset($this->search_helpers[$args['search_subset']])) {
          * 1. Search top top 20( $args['per_page'] ) item( posts|members|..)
          * 2. Generate html for each of them
         $obj = $this->search_helpers[$args['search_subset']];
         $pre_search_query = $obj->union_sql($args['search_term']) . " ORDER BY relevance DESC, entry_date DESC ";
         if ($args['per_page'] > 0) {
             $offset = $args['current_page'] * $args['per_page'] - $args['per_page'];
             $pre_search_query .= " LIMIT {$offset}, {$args['per_page']} ";
         $results = $wpdb->get_results($pre_search_query);
         /* $results will have a structure like below */
         id | type | relevance | entry_date
         45 | groups | 1 | 2014-10-28 17:05:18
         40 | posts | 1 | 2014-10-26 13:52:06
         4 | groups | 0 | 2014-10-21 15:15:36
         if (!empty($results)) {
             $obj = $this->search_helpers[$args['search_subset']];
             $this->search_results[$args['search_subset']] = array('total_match_count' => 0, 'items' => array());
             //segregate items of a type together and pass it to corresponsing search handler, so that an aggregate query can be done
             //e.g one single wordpress loop can be done for all posts
             foreach ($results as $item) {
             //now get html for each item
             foreach ($results as $item) {
                 $html = $obj->get_html($item->id, $args['template_type']);
                 $result = array('id' => $item->id, 'type' => $args['search_subset'], 'html' => $obj->get_html($item->id, $args['template_type']), 'title' => $obj->get_title($item->id));
                 $this->search_results[$args['search_subset']]['items'][$item->id] = $result;
             //now prepend html (opening tags) to first item of each type
             $first_item = reset($this->search_results[$args['search_subset']]['items']);
             $start_html = "<div class='results-group results-group-{$args['search_subset']}'>" . "<ul id='{$args['search_subset']}-stream' class='item-list {$args['search_subset']}-list'>";
             $group_start_html = apply_filters("bboss_global_search_results_group_start_html", $start_html, $args['search_subset']);
             $first_item['html'] = $group_start_html . $first_item['html'];
             $this->search_results[$args['search_subset']]['items'][$first_item['id']] = $first_item;
             //and append html (closing tags) to last item of each type
             $last_item = end($this->search_results[$args['search_subset']]['items']);
             $end_html = "</ul></div>";
             $group_end_html = apply_filters("bboss_global_search_results_group_end_html", $end_html, $args['search_subset']);
             $last_item['html'] = $last_item['html'] . $group_end_html;
             $this->search_results[$args['search_subset']]['items'][$last_item['id']] = $last_item;
     //html for search results is generated.
     //now, lets calculate the total number of search results, for all different types
     if ($args['count_total']) {
         $all_items_count = 0;
         foreach ($args['searchable_items'] as $search_type) {
             if (!isset($this->search_helpers[$search_type])) {
             $obj = $this->search_helpers[$search_type];
             $total_match_count = $obj->get_total_match_count($this->search_args['search_term']);
             $this->search_results[$search_type]['total_match_count'] = $total_match_count;
             $all_items_count += $total_match_count;
         $this->search_results['all']['total_match_count'] = $all_items_count;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Get option
  * @since BuddyPress Global Search (1.0.0)
  * @param  string $key Option key
  * @uses BuddyBoss_Global_Search_Plugin::option() Get option
  * @return mixed      Option value
 public function option($key)
     $value = buddyboss_global_search()->option($key);
     return $value;
Ejemplo n.º 8
function buddyboss_global_search_results()